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tv   FBN AM  FOX Business  March 2, 2018 5:00am-6:00am EST

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companies are being completely closed in. so why can't we do what we want regarding aluminum and steel. lou: >> this is about national defense, national security, economic security, manufacturing jobs. >> the tariff approach the not the best approach. best approach is the to deal directly affected than falling back on tariffs. lauren: fear of global stocks hammer stocks around the world after president trump to put steel tariffs, china, canada all warning about retaliation. >> the announcement from the president ended 420 and rocky session yesterday with the swing of the dow with over 700 points. lauren: let's take a look at futures this morning. look at dow futures down and nasdaq by 24.
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>> as for europe possible retaliation, stocks under pressure there. in the middle of the screen paris is down, the biggest declines at the bottom of the screen with determine any with dax index down nearly 2% this same morning. lauren: same in jeash, the nikkei thinking 2 and a half%, in china, best performer in asia group. >> much more to come up on all this. official now, harvey weinstein's company gets sold half a billion dollar while the statute of disgraceful goes up in hollywood. what a world? fbn:am starts right now. lauren: tgif. it is 5:01 in the morning.
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>> i'm connell mcshane. lauren: how was your week? >> i enjoyed almost every second of it. lauren: we have big news this morning. >> we are trade war correspondents, ready for that. lauren: strong international reactions are coming after the president announced that the u.s. will sharply increase tariffs on steel and aluminum, the eu and canada each saying they plan to have own countermeasures to new tariffs, formal announcement made by the u.s. by next week, commerce ministry is saying in a statement, chinese side expresses grave concern about the tariffs but we don't have an exact response just yet. take a look at the market reaction, we had a 740 point swing, down three days in a row, plunging 420 points at the closing bologna the fears of a potential trade war. we are going to go to blake berman at the white house with more. >> the white house saying this should have been no surprise as president trump talked about it
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in campaign trail but the president's sudden announcement on thursday was just that. in a meeting from executives from steel and aluminums industry and last-minute meeting that wasn't on the official schedule, president trump announcing that he would be slapping tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, 25% for steel and 10% aluminum, both higher than recommendation from commerce department. the president saying the language will be written now and he will make it official next week. >> we will probably see sometime next week, we will be signing it in and you will have protection for the first time in a long while and you have to regrow your industries, that's all i'm asking, regrow your industries. >> while the top numbers sent stock market to tumble. not even saying say countries or allies would be exempt. >> you won't be getting into
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details, should be read that there are exceptions in certain countries? >> again, i'm not going to get ahead of the final details that will be put out next week, at this point, there's no additional information to share as this is all being finalized. >> the steel and aluminum executives that met with the president praised the decision while many republicans here in washington are now urging the president to think twice, for example, a spokesperson for house speaker paul ryan saying, quote, the speaker is hoping the president will consider the unintended consequences of this idea and look at other approaches before moving forward. back to you in new york. >> all right, thanks blake, we have corporate reaction from toyota saying that new tariffs will cost the price of cars to go up in the united states, toyota the japanese automaker with the statement that reads as follows, the administration's decision to impose substantial steel and aluminum tariffs will adversely impact automakers, the automotive supply community and consumers. lauren: let's dig into this a bit more, let's bring in bill,
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ceo of granite shares, good morning, will. >> good morning. lauren: big news with severe consequences for american workers an consumers as well as manufacturers. there are unintended consequences, that blake berman spoke about, essentially a trade war, the national federation, we saw prices get hard yesterday, boeing, catepillar? >> first of all, it's great for steel producers and aluminum producers, that's why the stocks went up yesterday, the major story the overall market declining because steel and assum numb is consumed and used in industry, a lot of american industry, construction, automotive and ultimately those types of industries particularly automotive and consumer
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products, higher prices meaning ultimately consumers face that at some point down the road which is inflationary. lauren: this is coming at a time where economy is growing, we are seeing 3% gdp, we got an awesome manufacturing report yesterday, the factories are buzzing and humming and could this cancel all of that good stuff that's been happening? >> one thing to bear in mind, we just crossed into march. february was the first down market month for a long, long time. we had the volatility shock and people feared inflation coming into the market, something like, this putting tariffs on steel and aluminum only increases those fears because moves like that are inflationary so people looking to hedge themselves for inflation, looking to get exposures to commodities and inflation-based assets. lauren: we are actually
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punishing allies, who is getting our steel and all the trade relationships in the world, this seems to hurt canada more than it does china? >> that's right, china although the biggest producer of steel and aluminum, the majority of that gets consumed internally because they have so much demand for their growth within their own economy, so in terms of the actual importers of the products into the united states, you've got canada, you have countries like brazil, countries like korea being big and obviously those countries are allies of the united states. lauren: the wall street editorial board will and this is a, quote, saying, biggest policy blunder of the trump administration. will, thank you so much, we will discuss this further in a bit. >> thank you. >> we will see if any of the countries are exempt of any of this which is another big question, we just don't know, the president decided to go out on his own and surprised everybody in staff on doing so. youtube facing backlash over
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accusations relate today hiring discrimination. lauren: let's say good morning and happy friday to tracee carrasco, bright and yellow this morning. tracee: yes. lauren: rainy day. tracee: youtube stopped hiring white and asian males for technical positions because it didn't help with diversity, the former employee alleges google set quotas to hire minorities and youtube to cancel interviews that were not black, hispanic. a google spokesperson said, quote, we have a clear policy to hire candidates based on merit, not their identity. lauren: the weinstein company may not file for bankruptcy after all s there a deal? >> no, this was a quick turnaround, a last-minute deal would help with bankruptcy and
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settle misconduct lawsuits, the wall street journal report that is the buyers would assume the company's $225 million debt and invest $275 million to launch a new company. a spokesperson for the weinstein company says the deal provide clear path for compensation of victims and protects the jobs of our employees, we consider this to be a positive outcome under what have been incredibly difficult circumstances. >> you could say that. tracee: i would agree. >> i mentioned at the top of the show, the statute, the weinstein statute, what's this about? >> this is odd, los angeles base street artist named plastic jesus yesterday unveiled the statute called casting couch, depicting a life-size harvey weinstein wearing bathroom and holding oscar, it was installed near where the academy awards ceremony will be held, the artist said that in light of recent allegations against many leading figures in hollywood, he
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hopes the industry will clean up act and speaking of cleaning up its act, remember when they announced the wrong winner for best picture last year, they are getting a second chance, they will take the stage to present the same award, hopefully they will get it right. >> hopefully they get it wrong again. lauren: so we have more to talk about. >> the time steve harvey gave the woman the wrong crown. and the winner is -- tracee: we love it, maybe they didn't. lauren: what's the reaction in hollywood? >> i would imagine it's drawing attention there by people walking by, i haven't heard nickel bringties really react to go it, though. >> what are people going to say? tracee thanks. >> thank you. lauren: when we come back, president trump obviously keeping campaign promise on trade and tariffs. >> any country that devalues currency in order to take
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advantage of the united states and its workers will be met very, very sharply and that includes tariffs and taxes for their goods coming into the country. lauren: that was june of 2016 and this is now. we will discus the global fall-out of possible trade war with political panel in just a bit and scathing report is expected to rip former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe for leaks to the press about confidential investigations. you're watching fbn:am. s [birds chirping, drum stomps] force the world has ever seen.
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but what does it take to bridge the distance and keep them connected to family, home and country? what does it take to strengthen our service members so they can be the greatest force for good in the world? it takes a force . be a force behind the forces. give today at force dot uso dot org lauren: happy friday, house intelligence committee devin nunes demanding the department of justice investigate the fbi for possible crimes alleging that surveillance of the trump presidential campaign was granted under false pre-- pretense. repeating claims that the fbi kept evidence from the fisa
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court in its application for a warrant. meanwhile the justice department inspector general is expected to criticize former fbi director andrew mccabe for leaking information about the hillary clinton investigation to the wall street journal, the new york times recording that mccabe will be and there will be private service held at billy graham library in charlotte, north carolina, millions of other people are expected to watch, the noontime service when it happens, they are also putting that online, connell. >> all right, lauren, 15 past the hour. president trump slamming tariffs on aluminum and steel, certainly receiving plenty of backlash from many within its own party even though it keeps one campaign promise, listen. >> he's had very bad advice from
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somebody down there, the people are going to have to pay the tariffs, the american citizens and frankly we don't -- we don't win by assessing tariffs that basically come back to bite us. >> this is leftist economic policy and we have tried it a whole bunch of times over the last centuries and every time american families have suffered. it's bad policy. >> fairly traded products can backfire, they can hurt american jobs and workers. that's where, i think, we are all urging the president -- >> let's get to winners and losers on this. former democratic ohio state senate minority leader capri as well as retired u.s. marine core jesse duff. >> good morning. >> republicans act to go republican president yesterday. capri, let me start with you, if the president is getting any praise -- >> my congressman.
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>> your district says it's long overdue and help protect good-paying jobs in ohio and across the country. >> right. >> what do you say, can you make economic argument in favor of the tariffs? >> well, certainly in a place like ohio, michigan, pennsylvania and the industrial midwest, this is something, these voters, this is why they chose to vote for donald trump in 2016 because they believed that he was going to deliver on a promise to make sure that their jobs were going to be secure. now, this is certainly great for the steel industry, we do have, for example, u.s. steel has had facilities in the state of ohio, but, you know, conversely we have general motors and my home county and tim ryan's home county, this is a mixed bag, there's no question about it. i don't think -- >> it's not equally mixed. >> no. >> the people that work in the steel industry, the journal points this out this morning, that's 140,000 people, okay,
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which sounds like a lot of people but the people who work in industries -- >> and everything else. and aluminum. we have bottling companies also. >> 6 and a half million versus 140,000 and many of those maybe trump voters, what do you say to this, are you for or against? >> you know, i'm supporting the president right now, first of all, we don't know the outcome of this. hasn't been signed yet. >> or completely change his mind, by the way. >> exactly. with president trump i don't think the final deal is on the table with the first offer. what he's essentially calling out the world that we've had dumping practice that is have come upon the united states with prices have been a reversal -- you cannot compete with people who are dumping production upon your country that has essentially lowered the price in value. we cannot compete with this, however, china has been one of the names that has come up and they are only providing 2% of steel to the united states.
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>> exactly. >> a lot of negotiation that is we expect that will be coming bonn -- down the pike. >> look at canada, the biggest one, they have threatened retaliation, go down, south korea, capri, as an example, méxico. you talk about south korea, the president used -- >> i think -- >> but if you think about it from a national security standpoint, we need the south koreans, right, in our negotiations over north korea? >> i think the issue here in regards to national security to be quite honest is the best tool that president trump had in the tool box, section 232 of the trade expansion act of 1962 basically enables the department of commerce, used to be treasury, now commerce since 1980 to look at this issue of steel dumping and trade and the context of national security, he directed president trump
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directed wilbur ross as commerce secretary to do this and last year, commerce came out and, i guess, it was january with their, you know, memo on this. the president had 90 days to act. i think this was more of a tool to be able to fulfill a campaign promise. >> national security argument here. >> i agree 100%. >> with the president? >> yes. >> because -- what if other countries do as well, you set precedence, china says it's in our interest to retaliate, we don't have much of a history, i think, the history is not good, 1930's, everybody has read about it, the history is not good, that's the fear here that this leaves us down the road of unintended consequences.
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>> well, it can help with interest rates because tariffs caused interest rates to drop. the markets don't like stability but president trump didn't get elected by the markets but got elected by the american people. everything is still subject to negotiation. all these people are making threats but nobody has put the blanket tariffs upon them. we have to look forward and look at national security from perspective if we cannot defend our nation adequately with our own steel application, then where are we when it comes to a situation of national crisis, that's one of the imperative reasons he's making the call because we depend on china for national security means, we are in trouble. >> we have to run, i'm sorry, capri. >> no worries. >> good discussion, we will continue it. lauren: big story, we can talk about it for hours, coming up, asteroid believe it or not is expected to come very close to planet earth today. >> my fellow americans the national observatory discovered
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that a number of asteroids now pose significant risk to our planet. [laughter] lauren: but real stuff and happening today, plus this is also happening especially if you live in northeast, claiming the entire east coast, wind, high rains and snow, you might have seen all of it already. i did my morning commute, middle of the night commute. >> it's all janice's fault. lauren: you can blame her in just a bit. oh, manatees. aka "the sea cow"" oh! there's one.
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manatees in novelty ts? surprising. what's "come at me bro?" it's something you say to a friend. what's not surprising? how much money matt saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. ♪yea, you can be the greatest ♪you can be the best ♪you can be the king kong ♪bangin on your chest ♪you can beat the world you can beat the war♪ ♪you can talk to god while bangin on his door♪ ♪you can throw your hands up you can beat the clock♪
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con con check this out, i told you we had the wrap the last interview in a hurry and it is
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because we have an asteroid on the way. the size of the bus, it's close but safe. so it's going to be okay. the asteroid approaching our planet or this is just like a 1970's video game. i have in idea. flyby, 170,000 miles from earth. on march second. we have two asteroids. lauren: look up, tinny dot in the sky, maybe janice dean can help you out. me too. janice, do you have a powerful north eastern bearing down our coast overnight. janice: you're right. connell, i will see you on the long island railroad. is it going the break down? connell: the the long island railroad hit by asteroid. lauren: which is the size of the bus. janice: we have to concentrate, okay, here we go. we have two big storms.
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one storm on the west coast bringing the potential for flooding for southern california, we will watch for that, this is our big north eastern, you will hear a lot of new yorkers complaining today because we have this storm, the problem with this one it's not a quick-mover, it's going to be slow and powerful, strengthening throughout the day today, already heavy rain along the coast, flood warnings in effect, behind it, we have the cold air where we are going the see feet of snow over places like the poka nose and big concern throughout the day and into tomorrow, the wind gusts are also a big gust, hurricane wind gusts along the coast. big storm and cause a lot of problems, flood warnings along the coast, winter storm warnings along the interior northeast and wind advisories, in some cases we can be dealing with 70, 80-miles-per-hour winds so travel, a lot of cancellations, if you're traveling across the
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northeast, look at airports. as we overnight we will see wind gusts, 60, even 70 miles per hour. it's a big deal. don't travel if you don't have to. check with airlines, connell i will see you at 3:00 p.m. on long island railroad. connell: we will be back with more asteroids and trade wars, don't go away. "wow, maybe i'll glow too if i book direct at". who glows? just say, badda book. badda boom. nobody glows. he gets it. always the lowest price, guaranteed. book now at today, smart planning is helping the new new york rise higher than ever.
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>> this was about national defense, national security, economic security, manufacturing jobs. >> the tariff approach is not the best approach. best approach is to deal directly with the people that are affected rather than falling back on tariffs. lauren: breaking news this morning, fears after president trump announced a plan to impose steep tariffs on steel import, aluminum too, china, europe and canada all warning of possible retaliation. connell: dow tumbled more than a
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hundred points, ended at 420, rocky session, a swing for the dow over 700 points. lauren: dow is now down for the fourth day in a row. futures down 127 points. nasdaq futures down by 26. connell: if we flip that over to europe, you mentioned the possibility of retaliation, european markets are down, paris by 1.7% and in germany by nearly 2% on the dax index. lauren: it was uglier in asia, japanese stocks sinking 2 and a half percent in china composite down more than 2 and a half percent, obviously the best group there. connell: delta airlines pay the price from separating from the nra, lawmakers in georgia following through passing a bill without tax breaks for the airline, fbn:am continues right now. ♪
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♪ lauren: 5:32 in the morning in new york, friday march second, good morning, everybody, i'm lauren simonetti. connell: we have to stop saying it's a busy morning because it's like that every single morning. lauren: between the shifts in the white house and what's going on in wall street, i feel like it's busier. he agrees with me. connell: busy morning, i'm connell mcshane filling in for cheryl casone, good to be with you. lauren: let's begin with the busy morning, president trump reeling the financial markets announcing administration plans to impose 25% tariff on imported steel, 10% tariff on imported aluminum. >> people have no idea how badly our country has been treated by other countries, by people representing us that didn't have a clue or if they did, then they should be ashamed of themselves because they destroyed the steel industry, they destroyed the aluminum industry and other industries. lauren: plan rattling investors who are fearing potential trade war, we saw the dow fall more
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than 400 points yesterday and deep into negative territory for the year. we also saw major reaction in europe selling off on the news with stocks in germany and paris as connell told you at the top, those down almost 2%, we are going to talk more about this reaction that we are seeing around the world with market evalone with platomic advisers, dow futures down more than a 100 right now. >> what you're seeing the markets aren't happy, they don't like volatility, they don't like uncertainty and they are getting both with trump announcement. they had that earlier in the week with fed chairman powell out there, so you have this mix of news that isn't about earnings that isn't about global growth and this news that's being insert intoed the stock market isn't what they like and that's really disappointing because the underlying fundamentals are strong because we have the president chiming in on tariffs which can start a trade war, that's not what anybody wants right now. >> not only is it -- is it news
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from washington, it shifts, it shifts from what we -- what we thought the president would say one thing and now we are hearing another and that's certainly uncertainty that wall street doesn't like so we are continuing to watch washington, i guess. i want to pull this full screen, we are talking about 25% steel tariff on imported steel, look at the jobs that are potentially at stake, these numbers come from the wall street journal, for the companies that use steel, they employ 6 and a half million workers, the steel makers, mark, just 140,000, so that's a big difference, do you think that we do start a trade war and that we just can't handle economically speaking the potential ramifications? >> you make a good point. steel jobs are not that numerous, i understand the president wants to honor campaign promise but what he might do is hurt a larger segment of economy and lead us more to slower economic growth, hopefully not recession, you saw the ten-year treasury react with that in mind yesterday, we have
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a ten-year treasury back closer to 2.8% where the fed chair was talking it was 2.9. the market is concerned that a broader swath of the economy will be negatively impacted but the well-intentioned action by the president. lauren: we can pivot here to talk about agriculture, believe it or not, because it can slap tariffs on u.s. soybeans, are you word about other sectors because of retaliation from our trading partners, from europe, from méxico, from china lashing out here? >> of course, i don't see -- especially countries that we have adversarial relationships, i can't see china saying this is fine, mr. president, i don't think that's going to happen, what could be even worse is our allies, countries like canada and great britain are upset about this because we have trading relationships with them that could be jeopardy, we hope that this is contained, that the president took opening salvo that he sometimes does, we saw
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him negotiate this way with the tax cut where he said 15% is all i'll go on corporate tax cut and maybe wound up lower, maybe this is on opening salvo and hopefully things will calm down and that's what the markets want. they want to look at the underlying fundamentals. lauren: mark, thank you so much. >> good to be here. connell: much more to come on all this. delta story very interesting, we talked the other day about how it split with nra but now cost the company in terms of big tax break. lauren: tracee carrasco joins with that and other headlines, this is mixing business and politics, essentially. tracee: georgia senate voted on tax bill that would give tax cuts to benefits but excluded a provision that would give difficulta airlines -- delta airlines after delta cut ties, delta headquartered in atlanta. one of the major employers, this will really hurt them. republican governor said he would sign the bill, just the
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other day we were talking about lieutenant governor casey kegael was not happy with the decision and wanted them to reverse decision, i reached out to delta this morning to see if they had anything to say, haven't heard back yet. lauren: mark zuckerberg is selling a bit of his facebook stock, that's a big deal. >> yes, it is, he has talked about this before, facebook ceo mark zuckerberg, sold $500 million to fund his fill philanthropic foundation which he sit up with wife priscila chang, totaling $13 billion, zuckerberg said he would vote 99% of his facebook shares to the foundation. connell: you're doing all right when you sell a bit, 500mil. facebook to twitter, this is big, there's questions about twitter and effect on society.
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>> yes, twitter looking to partner with some outside experts, to measure the health of the platform to see what the conversation is like on twitter, so twitter ceo jack dorsey tweeted out yesterday, we are helping with collective help and to hold ourselves publicly accountable toward progress. now, this kind of seems that twitter is acknowledging the things that they have been doing to make things better, to get rid of the hate language that misinformation on twitter, maybe not working as well as they had hoped, they are looking to outside sources, they are collecting proposals, the due date is april 13th there. >> companies have to deal with a whole new war in terms of tech lash. see you. with the wild week we have been covering in the stock market maybe you want to think about tuning in to mornings with maria wall street tonight 8:00 p.m. on
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fox business network because she has legendary joe on and talking to maria about why volatility may be a good thing. >> you see the thousand point moves, 300-point moves up and down, feels like volatility is back. >> yeah, but i think that's a good thing. when we had over the last few years that's the abnormal part. that's before the latest volatility. stocks should be volatile, they have different fundamentals, when they all move in lock step together up and there's limited volatility, that's not actually normal, stocks have individual outlooks. connell: want to give away the whole thing but maybe should be buyer of apple, all that coming up maria bartiromo's wall street journal. lauren: late-night meeting between nra members and everybody involved in the meeting said it was a, quote, great meeting, was it? are we going to see any reversals in let's say gun
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control? plus this, wild card chase in beverly hills did not go so well. we will be right back.
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connell: welcome back with a look at what's happening. chuck schumer under fire for taking race into account by voting against the nomination for a federal judgeship, schumer
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saying the nomination of marvin, quote, speaks to overall lack of diversity in president trump's selection for the federal judiciary. senator lindsey graham criticized the comment calling it a step backward. a bombshell interview with oj simpson outlining how he would have killed his ex-wife nicole and ron goldman now being televised for the first time ever, it was recorded 12 years ago, focuses, if you remember that book, if i did it, the oj book, well, the tapes will now be aired, two-hour special on fox, march 11th, simpson acquitted of both murderers back in 1995. wild police chase in la nearly takes out a cameraman, wow, you can see up close the photographer comes to being hit, the police were chasing a stolen vehicle at the time, cameraman not injured but neither was the suspect, one person in the other
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people was taken to the hospital, minor injuries, the suspect arrested at the scene. jeez, that's what's happening now. lauren: breaking overnight, president trump meeting with the nra in the oval office, commander in chief calling the meeting great, live in washington, d.c. with those details. was it great, julian. >> senior nra executive has send with tail spin, chris cock said i had a great meeting with real at donald trump, we all want safe schools and keep guns away from dangerous people, potus support second amendment, strong due process appear don't want gun control. this coming a day after president trump stunned a group of bipartisan lawmakers at the white house during a meeting on gun safety to make america school favors even if it means, quote, take the guns first, go through due process second.
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president trump also accused senators manchin and toomey to cowarding to the nra, but the president may not be in the mood to clarify. last night he responded with a tweet of his own, he said, good, great meeting in the oval meeting office tonight with the nra. sarah sanders e plained all of this in the following way. >> this is going to be ongoing process and something that we don't expect to happen overnight. he does want congress to come together and put forward a piece of legislation that addresses the safety in schools and gun violence specifically. >> seems the president's mo to act as convener in chief to get congress to hash out a plan to one of the most politically-divided issues of america. right now honing in on one or two major options. senator rubio has a school safety plan which focuses on systematic problems.
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>> this is tragedy is the result of massive multisystematic failure, a failure involving federal agencies, state agencies, local authorities. >> this while minority schumer is working on a plan focused on gun control. the issue will get hashed out in washington over the coming weeks, next up for the president, though, a meeting with the gaming stray for next week, lauren. lauren: a lot going on, gillian, thank you for bringing that up. connell: on the issue of guns, major corporations, we have done the story looking to puttys tanses between themselves and the nra but one nascar racetrack is keeping the nra as race sponsor, we will have that and get back to trade and the president's call for tariff, sell ah in the market, live to london for some reaction to all of that as fbn:am continues, we will be right back.
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connell: back with sports, james harden with impressive crossover that we talked about yesterday that stunned the league. what's going on, jared. jared: busy morning all around, connell, lebron james, special move, he grab it is lead this morning, check out the move he made against philadelphia 76ers. scored a game high 30 points, cavaliers lost to 76ers last night. look at behind the back move, this is why they created billboards, wild. blow-out, though, and big win for 76ers, let's go to
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louisville, kfc yum center, trailed by 4, made a couple of free throws and after traveling called the game-winning shot and that was the hunter, sinks the 3-point shot that gives virginia a win. nra sponsored nascar at bristol motor speedway, the nra will continue to be part of the bass proshop nra's night race. many corporations are distanced themselves since the shooting in parkland, florida. five years ago, hall of fame jim kelly revealed he had oral cancer, he beat it. returned, kelly revealed he had been cancer-free for 18 months, yesterday the buffalo legend told us cancer was tack. the touching photograph shared by daughter erin, we will fight right along with him. jim kelly, 58 year's old.
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nhl team appears strong candidate for seattle with approval for arena already under belts, one that could be used for nba team, remember the sonics, ownership group trying to bring hockey to seattle, big day yesterday dpo sits on potential season tickets came in, going like hot cakes, 10,000 season tickets in 12 minutes 25rbgs thousand commitments already and they have hasn't nhl team in seattle since 1924. lauren: wow. jared: i have a hundred big ones if you can tell me the name of the team? connell: seattle pilots, oh, that was baseball. jared: metropolans. my producer told me and i'm trusting him. lauren: fox news headline 24/7 jared. connell: thank you, jared. a good sports town.
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in a moment, london which is another goods sports town but different types of sports they have news on tariffs today and something else traders are keeping an eye on, we will tell you what it is when we come back, don't go away. so who sent you? new guy. what new guy? watson. my analysis of sensor and maintenance data indicates elevator 3 will malfunction in 2 days. there you go. you still need a pass.
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connell: back to stories, in europe negative reaction to president trump's tariff plans announced yesterday. shares in germany and paris down, you see on the screen about 2% a piece. peter dickson joins us, global economist bank. the reaction, peter, predictable in some ways in global markets to the protectionist policy put forward by the president. what's the hope over there, that it maybe doesn't go through it with or -- >> the hope is that this does not translate into an all-out trade war because obviously slap tag riff on metal but if you get retaliatory action from chinese or other asian producers on other products, that then starts to spiral to something nasty, we all remember economic history in 1930's how that played out and it wasn't pretty. that's what markets are concerned about. the hope is that things will not
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escalate further. lauren: maybe we will get a targeted tariff plan next week when we hear from the president or some exemptions that would quell market fears out there. i want us to pivot in the last final 15 seconds talking about italian parliamentary elections march fourth, new and old faces entering the ring there. >> something new and something old but ultimately nothing is really going change because it's be a coalition government. we may or may not get further progress on reforms on italian economy but treating another election, 65 over the last 70 odd years and we are pretty used to uncertainty they generate. connell: peter in london. lauren: we say good morning to maria bartiromo. maria: good morning, happy friday. [laughter] lauren: wake up. maria: tgif.
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i will see you in a little bit. good morning, happy friday, i'm maria bartiromo, thanks for joining us, friday march second, top stories right now 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. volatility slams wall street. stocks tumbling wall street for third day in a row. dow closing better than 420 points, investors spooked after president trump's decision to impose strict new tariffs on aluminum and steel. >> we haven't been treated fairly by other countries but i don't blame the other countries. steel and aluminum will see a lot of good things happen, we will have new jobs popping up, we will have much more vibrant companies and the rest is going to be up to management to make them truly great, if you could ever make u.s. steel like it used to be we will be very happy. maria: tough day yesterday this morning looks like it continues, dow industrials down 200 points. tough opening this morning. nasdaq composite 38 points, trade wars weighing on the market. european stocks also under
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pressure, take a look, sea of red, cac quarante down 3 quarters percent. dax index better than 2%. in asia overnight, steep declines to end the week, of course, asia taking cue from wall street, exactly what happened. nikkei average hardest hit, nikkei average in japan down 2 and a half percent. also majors in the red. working toward a solution. president trump touting a great meeting with the nra as the white house moves forward on gun control issues. this comes as the debate impact on business grows, this morning ll bean becoming the latest retail the other raise the timing buy a gun to 21. georgia lawmakers are retaliating against delta airlines after the airlines cut ties with the nra, more on this escalating tension with business coming up. dangerous weather slamming the northeast this morning get ready for a soggy day, strong winds, snow, rain, all set to stretch, all the way from georgia to maine, the very latest


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