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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  March 12, 2018 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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>> lou: good evening, everybody. growing calls for the justice department to appoint a second special counsel to investigate clinton and obama corruption. attorney general jeff sessions will consider the request after two powerful house chairman agreed there is enough evidence of bias and abuse to warrant a special counsel. and the trump administration suing the state of california over the dangerous policy. the doj said california made is impossible for federal officials to deport criminal illegal
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immigrants. and the white house moving forward with a roll out of steel and imported steel tariffs despite clubbing and clawing from rinno republicans and assigning ceremony at the white house. that is right. it is america first. they will be driven out of the swamp sooner than later. our special guest is a leading republican who is instrumental of exposing corruption. we are joining by congressman devin nunez. and without him and the hard work of the house intelligence committee we would know little about the rampant corruption we
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would know little with it. and congressman desantos one of the first congressman to call for a second special counsel. the first guest is described by president trump as a great american hero regarding the role and spearheading to replace the republican memorandum. dram cram devon nunez, the chairman of the intelligence committee and as the president put it, the hero in the entire investigation of the intelligence community and the department of justice and the fbi and fisa court and it goes on and on. and mr. chairman, great to have you with us. you are focused right now on questionnaires from former heads of the fbi. the dni. and head of the fbi, james
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comey. and how is that going and have they met the deadlines you set. >> first of all thank you for having me on the job. and thank you for the continued coverage on this. i have been watching throughout. the members on my committee, the republicans they have gone through and taken a lot of the heat just like i have from the mainstream media and they deserve a lot of praise, too. and we sent out a questionary and asking the top officials from the obama administration and the current administration what they know about the dossier and when they knew it. the deadline was last friday and we got back quite a few of those and a few people asked for
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extension and if they don't respond biept end much this week they will be subpeona to do a deposition. >> lou: the information is critical of national security and part of you in oversight of the intelligence community itself. any destruction or delay would be unconstitutional? >> we are way past delay. it took us nearly a year to find all of that information now. and we learned that the fbi and department of justice knew that the democrats and the hillary clinton paid for the dossier. why is that dossier so important? it is it at the center of all of this. and the dossier was the dirt that was dug up on president trump and paid for by the democrats and using a former
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british spy that supposedly got this from the russians. that's what president trump and his campaign was accuse of we have no evidence of that and but we have clear evidence on this side. and the dossier was used to spy on the trump associating it is on the campaign. we put the memo out and why we have thought to get the truth out and the second step of this is looking at who knew about the dossier and not just the fbi but other agencies and when they knew about it. >> lou: including the intelligence community, including the fbi. and one would think the white house itself and the national security apparatus of the country. and as you move forward in this
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phase two of the state department and clinton state department and some call it still the clinton state department. so many much her long- time associate and cronies in the minds of some remain there and remain in powerful positions and had it appears a role in some of the activity that amounts to political corruption of executive branch departments including the state department. >> what is so fascinating about the state department, actually the first interview i had done in many, many months and the day the memo came out. i was on another fox show bret baier's special report and in that long interview, i talked about we were moving on to the state department. it didn't take less or little over 24 hour and people at the
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state department who were coming out and spilling their guts on national television and telling the american public that everything that we knew or at least we thought we knew and now the public learned by the people who came out and admitted. they are saying they didn't do anything wrong. sidney bloomingthal and corey shear, a long- time clinton confidentant were handling dirty information and funneling it in to the state department and the state department was working with christopher steele and there is a second dossier out there that was passed over to the appropriate authorities. we are still tracking this down and a long way tol go in the investigation upon. i think people get the gist of it. and problematic if close hillary confident afrnts were communicating with steele and getting information from russian
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and all ends up to be false and feeding it into our intelligence agencies. >> lou: the work your committee had to do to get to this levelful revelation and give americans knowledge of what the government has been up to and bad actors in that government and in some of the critical and vulnerable and sensitive areas including the justice committee and state department. could you have anticipated the reach of the corruption that is in large measure thanks to you and your committees are diligent work before the american people? >> you know, it is a great question. and i would say that we had a pretty good idea that the dossier was somehow connected to the clinton campaign.
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it just made no sense, who else would get that kind of dirt? it was so outrageous and anybody at first glance would look at that and reject it out of hand. no one is going to give any american 19 percent of the russian dpats company. and on the face of it is totally phony. but what did amaze us, was the fight that fbi and doj knew about it and they told us otherwise and the fight for them not to find the truth. we had to take fusion gps to court in order to get the bank records and we could figure out who is paying them to get the dossier. >> lou: congressman, we thank you and your committee for all you and done. without you, the american's right to know would be still
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frustrated and we know it is it a very frustrating enterprise for you but rewarding for the country. >> i will tell you one of the battles we face here is getting the media to cover it. i am thankful for fox news that is willing to get to the truth. it is not easy, most of the mainstream media is ignoring the truth. we'll continue to probe for the answers and we'll get those answers and make them public. we appreciate the work you and others are doing to get it out to the public. >> lou: thank you, and good luck. connections between the clinton and the phony russian probe. and we'll take that up next.
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♪(somber piano) ♪you may say i'm a dreamer ♪but i'm not the only one ♪i hope some day you'll join us♪ ♪and the world will live as one♪ sure. momwhat's up, son?alk? i can't be your it guy anymore. what? you guys have xfinity. you can do this. what's a good wifi password, mom?
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you still have to visit us. i will. no. make that the password: "you_stillóhave_toóvisit_us." that's a good one. seems a bit long, but okay... set a memorable wifi password with xfinity my account. one more way comcast is working to fit into your life, not the other way around. >> lou: as we reported even parts of the republican
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establishment are beginning to understand that clenton and obama corruption precipitated a constitutional crisis that worsens by the day. tray gowdy and bob goodlot joined the call on the justice department to appoint a second special counsel to investigate fisa court surveillance abuses by the obama era, fbi and justice department. both law makers say it is time to have a investigator with subpeona and prosecutorial power and something that the president and inspector general doesn't have. two days ago gowdy was reluctant to call for a special counsel. joining me now for judicial watch. chris, with your lawsuit seeking the records and find out the
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relationship with the discredited phony trump dossier and gps fusion relationship to all of this. >> the american public deserves the communication and message and text between the guys in the justice department and served as a conduept for the gps christopher steele nonsense. he was the go to guy to funnel the information to the justice department and his wife was working at fusion gps as an employee there. or as the nexus. we'll see who he was communicating with and what he was communicating. >> lou: yes, it seems to be the justice department and fbi would
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want to have those answers themselves and taking action. because on its face it is highly irregular conduct. it is highly inappropriate on its face again and yet the justice department and the fbi have done nothing more than in any case demote someone. this is deeply troubling. and there is no sign they will respond to your lawsuit. how long do you expect it to take to get resolution and get those records if you are to get them? >> we filed the request in early to middecember and we sued yesterday and bee get before a judge in the next couple of weeks and initial scheduling conference. it will be calendar for production in 60 days. >> lou: that means you will have the records or could have. >> they will start producing them in 60 days. >> lou: like the state department will they take two
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years. >> i am sure they will cry we is me and have hundred reasons why they can't do it in a expeditious manner. >> lou: this is deeply troubling to every american. not only a american or democrat issue. there are ran sid and rotten and corrupt people in the democratic party that took control of the democratic party and much. administration. now, it is undetermined what role president obama and his administration played, but it has to be a significant one. >> we know andrew mccade had meetings with lisa monaco in the white house and she was homeland security advisor to obama white house. she was the point person to take all of the mccade material. and as we know from text
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messages where she wrote that the president potus wants to know everything we are doing. where do you think it came from? >> lou: turning to the former australian diplomat and now ambassador to uk, mr. downer was the contact that the fbi credits with starting the fbi investigation, because of a conversation he had with a low- level trump "advisor", what do you make of this? >> well, the australian minister was involved in a money laundry operation because he was shovelling money to the clinton organization. that is not in dispute any
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longer and are to take that much money and shove to the clintons tis play to pay. the clintons have made a lifetime career of leveraging the public office for personal gain. you have to go to the credibility of the witness. this guy comes in and not pure as driven snow. he has a vested financial interest in the clinton -- >> lou: it is not only interesting, not only those that the fbi relied on and the dossier whether it is christopher steele or downer. this is just the people participating in the department of justice as employees and officials, and the fbi, i mean, tb is ransid from start to finish. and we know that now, and yet there are so many hurdles that have to be let in the next few
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months. it is very frustrating and at least it is it under way because of you and judicial watch. we appreciate it. up next, rinno leaders. ryan doing the business of kstriet. we take up the efforts of their effort to slow the president down if not slow him down altogether. stay with us. i'm leaving the track behind, but i'm not standing still... and with godaddy, i've made my ideas real. ♪ ♪ i made my own way, now it's time to make yours. ♪ ♪ everything is working, working, just like it should ♪
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>> lou: the rino leaders of the house and senate spend more time opposing president trump than almost anything else they do. this time on tariffs and trade. ryan doing the business. >> we want to make sure abusers are held to account and make
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sure every step doesn't create in're unintended consequences. >> lou: he doesn't understand a word he is saying. president trump said china and european union pay for unfair trade practice. ryan doesn't understand immense trading partners that take advantage of free-trade. no other country dropped tariff and barriers to trade like the united states. we stand alone as a free-trader and that make its a very expensive proposition. senate majority leader mcconnell doing the bidding of his masters on k- street as well. >> many much our members are discussing with the administration just how broad and how sweeping this might be.
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and there is a concern about interfering with what appears to be a economy that is taking off in every respect. >> lou: wow, mcconnell, first of all didn't know if he would get through the sentence. the economy appears to be taken off. where has mcconnell been? this economy was soaring ever president trump was elected. strong market're market and 7 trillion more and consumer confidence and a 18 week high and jobless claims in the lowest level in a half century and mcconnell said it appears that the economy might be taking off. where he's been in the last 13 months. the economy took off in the first week trump was elected. something that mcconnell and ryan didn't think was possible
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and they didn't want to dream of that possibility. and now they frustrate him in every way and sound like his pal. joining me fox business analyst ed rollins. >> thank you, sir. >> lou: can you believe the so called leaders of republican parties. i don't understand why they are there? they don't understand politics either, but they certainly don't understand economics unless it is taught them by the chamber of commerce and the business roundtable. >> that's what is happening. they have the tools of that group as opposed to the president's party. the president has to get it done and he's on the verge of getting it done and the congress can't stop him. but they gave those rights up many years ago and he has the authority to push trade tariffs and come to a conclusion that that is the right thing to do.
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and gary cohenwas a lifelong democrat and did the right thing. i give him credit for he lost the fight and he's leaving the white house and it's the right thing to do and he needs to keep his mouth shut and support the business. >> lou: if ryan and mcconnell can. >> they need to get republicans and i didn't want a second commission. but what should ryan do? he takes the whip and gets as many signatures and 218 republicans and send it over to the justice department and then sessions can redeem himself. call for a special counsel. my comments last night. i studied the clintons forever. >> lou: president trump taught us all something in government.
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the impossible is short of a real effort. the fact it was not possible and we are going to see comprehensive tax reform. or a booming economy or market or three percent growth in the booming economy and the dmu u new normal was here under president obama and it took president trump less than six months to demonstrate it is all possible in america. and so when you say you don't think it is possible, that is a reasonable position to take. but under this administration and leadership and this president, a lot becomes possible if ryan and mcconnell will decide to follow trump instead of donahue at the chamber of commerce. >> and if sessions doesn't appoint, the president ought to fire him. we need to go look. >> lou: i agree with you 100
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percent. how about scout pruitt. >> he would be good controversial. >> lou: to hell with being controversial. he was elected to be controversial. turn the trade surpluses. that's what he's doing and he has to tell people to go to hell and he's done it. >> he will continue to do that. bottom line, the president will be judged by the end of the 4 or 8 years and he's going to accomplish a great deal. >> lou: i think he will go down as one of the country's if not the greatest president period. snfshgs going through the toughest mire of any president in president. maybe lincoln. >> lou: tough guys in his position taking on the assault that hits him every day would be whining in the corner and sucking their thumbs. it is amazing. ed rollins one of the toughest
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guys in this country. >> i am an old man, but still going. >> lou: i know the feeling, partner. thank you so much. oscars, lowest rated ever. and i may be betrying a certain amount of glee at that. perhaps the americans are simply tired of late night comedians who fancy themselves as political savants. people tell me he was funny and i never detected it and in hollywood, the fact is, there are no stars out there as president trump pointed out. he did think that there was one bright shining star. president trump himself. >> it was a bunch of lucy movie honored by them. nwithout that we can continue. and we'll have much more stay with us. >> lou: up next, outrage over
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the abuses and that outrage is growing and even establishment republican it is are demanding a second special counsel. and we'll take up special sessions and we'll heed that call and desantos, enterprising in terms of turning over the necessary knowledge about what is happening in our corrupt department of justice and fbi leadership. and he joins us here tonight and the sky may not be the limit for this alpine snow boarder. there he went and there he goes. reaching new heights in a highly unusual way. we'll show you how he does it in the next video. stay with us.
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>> lou: you are not going to believe this. i am talking about the federal government and affects all american's right to know. the justice department under this president finally decided after 13 months to provide documents to congress on the scandalous obama era fast and furious gun- running operation. attorney general eric holder had stone wall would congress and every other inquiry in to that outrageous gun- running operation. he was ultimately held in
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contempt of congress after refusing to hand over papers to congress in 2012. this end says six years of litigation with a house oversight committee. think much this. six years. border patrol agent brian terry was kill would by an illegal immigrant in fast and furruous and 200 murds took place with guns that were part of operation fast and furious and in which the justice department approved operation sent witnesses into mexico. we'll talk with his brother ken perry monday night. and joining us congressman ron desantos on those committee. over night committee and foreign affairs. congressman, great to have you with us. it is a day in which there are extraordinary developments, really and the revelation of
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a partial settlement with the house oversight committee and justice department about the truth of what went on with operation fast and furious and also the calls for a second special counsel are just getting louder and louder by the day. let's deal with first the second special counsel and your thoughts. >> well, the momentum is building. you have guys like me who are digging on this for month and months. and there is clearly a need for this with the evidence that came forward. i think when attorney general sessions assigned an inspector general to look into this, that created a lot of folks who may have been on the fence about this in the house to say wait a minute, this inspector general has no prosecutorial authority and he can't hold them accountable and can't subpeona people outside of the
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department. people like comey and clapper has no reach. and the justice department can investigate itself when you have misconduct from the highest level. people like james comey and mccabe and peter trauk and one of the fbi counter agent and people like bruceor horr. and you need someone with teeth. i was happy that congressman gowdy sent the letter to session and we have information from the shannon bream show and interview with sessions he has assigned somebody. i want to know more details. taking someone from outside of washington is a great step. but if he is a justice department employee, you can do that. i am not sure that is the best way, but the most important thing regardless someone outside of doj, will they use a grand jury and conduct a legitimate
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investigation or hillary part two where they don't subpeona anybody and use a grand jury and kind of a half measure investigation. that is not going to cut it in this case. we need an actual rigorous information. mueller is turning over anything he can find to turn up dirt. how can you do that with no evidence of collusion and not do the same thing or at least at rigorous with abuse which we have substanteated. >> lou: the mueller special counsel is an utter farce. this is a president subverted by the special counsel and his appointment last may and produced no evidence of any kind of collusion. and going after issues he could including going after the united arab emirate and seems to have forgotten the geography and the
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role of pretense. because it is nothing more than that. a if counsel has to be focused here and we are call taught that lesson by mueller and his band of left wing partisans that he calls investigators and attorneys. >> yes, and i think that mueller basically gets a sign of of this thing. there was not a crime in the appointing order and i think muler and anybody in that position, we have to justify our existence and find something. the buck stops with the deputy attorney general rob rosen stein. he can reign mueller in and he's not willing to do it and so mueller is calling the shots even though rosenstein is in charge. the investigation is not focused
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and you talk about united arab emirates in the transition and after the inauguration, what does that have to do with the so- called collusion? and i go back to the nunez memo, people didn't pick up on this piece as much, but the idea that peter strac k. he opens it after the shutting down of the hillary. he said we need an insurance policy and he gets it off a random tip that was at a bar and didn't amount to criminal offenses. this has opinion exposed to something that should have never gotten to this level and i think that mueller and all of the cases he's brought. you don't need a special counsel and assign them to the justice
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department and manafort and all of the others and bring it to a conclusion so the american people can go on with our business. >> lou: and the president fully exonerated and the efforts to subvert his administration end in a straightforwardly and fort wit. congressman, we thank you for your efforts that are significant and essential and we appreciate you being here with us tonight. >> thank you for having me. >> lou: please role the video and we'll show you a snow boarder taking flight in the french alps with a help of a kite. he catches serious air twisting and turning in the wind. wow. that is snow boarder heaven. and up next. president trump set to enact tariffs despite obstruction from rinos in his own party.
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we'll have thoughts of how the president is essential to restore the middle-class and our national interest. stay with us. i'm leaving the track behind, but i'm not standing still... and with godaddy, i've made my ideas real. ♪ ♪ i made my own way, now it's time to make yours. ♪ ♪ everything is working, working, just like it should ♪
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loupe lou president trump set to hold a signing ceremony and congressional republicans continue to fight the president. in fact, 107 house republicans, now say they can have deep concerns about the prospect of tariffs. deep concerns about tariffs. deep concern are common in the deep state. but where is their concern about our trade deficit that hit a nine-year-old and $56 billion in january. last year's trade deficit biggest since 2008 and reaching $570 billion and more than half a trillion dollars. and despite the latest evidence that wealth is squandered and the country is taken advantage of by unfair trade deals, rinos continue to fight president trump. chief with the rival rhinos speaker ryan and speaker mcconnell who are doing the best
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to fight irrespective of the impact on economic growth and jobs that were shipped overseas by u.s. multinationals and the chamber of commerce and business roundtable are among the top three spenders on lobbying the top three officials. and those opposed to the tariffs are antimiddle-class and anti- working man and women and small business and i say to you anti- american. if republicans continue to battle the president on the policy. ryan and mcconnell would be the responsible for the largest loss of seats by a party in a century and the wo 107 republicans who put their names down in opposition of the president's decision to impose tariffs on steel and on aluminum will be among the un.
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the come next year. now the quotation of the evening. this from george s patton. accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. up next, the partis an witch hunt and shocking expansion of the mueller investigation and we'll have more, stay with us. we'll be right back.
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jocelyn: sentía que la escuela no era para mí. karim: most of my family they never graduated high school or even let alone go to college so i'm trying to break that barrier. jackie: my family never stopped pushing for me to be better because they knew what i could become and who i could become as a person. karim: everyday after work i went straight to school, studied hard, and it paid off. jocelyn: sentía como que si quiero cambiar el mundo tengo que cambiara mi primero. group: surprise! surprise! surprise! angela: i could not have gotten my diploma without my family. jocelyn: mi consejera, ella fue lo máximo para mí porque me ayudó mucho con todo. jackie: i've been given an opportunity and i'm just thankful for it. angela: yeah it's hard, but keep on going and keep on trying. karim: the high school diploma has just added
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to the confidence and now i feel unstoppable. narrator: find free adult education classes near you at
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>> lou: joining us tonight byron york. byron, great to see you. tonight on the broadcast, we focused on a frustrating robert mueller special counsel that widen and expands and as he does, the whole effort is futile in terms of his original man date. and in the meantime, we are looking at hillary clinton and the obama justice department and fbi with obvious corruption. and give us your sense if we will ever -- earlier tonight i was told that we will never
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investigate hillary clinton's conduct, what do you think? >> we are seeing growing calls on capitol hill for another special counsel. and republicans have traditionally not liked the special counsels very much because of what we are seeing with the mueller case and mission creep and they go all over the place and they never end. but the feeling is that the alleged misconduct by the fib sdpib the justice department and fisa case and dossier and all of that, it is so important and the fact that the justice department cannot investigate itself, means there should be a second counsel and they are trying on that front. not sure they are going to get there. >> lou: devin nunez who has been essential to our public knowledge of what has happened and transpired in the obama
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justice department, obama fbi. whp you say alleged, i can point to a half dozen instances that are on their face criminal conduct on the part of the fbi and the department much justice, why is there this refusal to dig deeply into, why the fbi refused to investigate on its face? having a private server in her home, on its face? pay to play? corruption on the part of the clinton foundation? >> well, you are raising a question that republicans have not been able to answer even thoep they control the house and they control the senate and now control the white house. they are looking forward to, i know you are not a huge fan of inspector generals, they are looking forward to this inspector general's report that they are hoping to get and maybe in the end of this month or next
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month and i think the reason they are looking forward to is hope it might be a kick start tore get a bigger investigation. an investigation with actual teeth going. and the fact is, there is a republican attorney general and republican leader of the house and of the senate and republican president and it hasn't happened. >> lou: isn't that stunning? and now an open battle with ryan and the president on the issue of tariffs, despite the fact we have not had a trade surplus in this country since 1975 and lost trillions of dollars because of the trade deficits, i mean it is as if ryan and mcconnell mean to injure the republican party mortally as we approach the midterms. >> you have to remember, think of the investigations, they are incredibly sprnt. you talk about how much progress
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and work devin nunez is done. he is just one committee chairman. the house of representative acting as a body can do more powerful things than a single chairman has. but it has to have the support of the speaker of the house. same with the senate. if the majority leader is for something there is more to it than just a committee chairman. loupe lou perhaps they could get together and say straightforwardly and honestly this is a special counsel whose time has gone and not appropriate any more money for the man and his fool's erand. by the way fools in this instance are the american people who put up with this nonsense. byron last word? >> they are terrified of doing that. you are talking about cutting off mueller's money. they are terrified of doing that
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and think it would be a disaster if the president did it himself. >> lou: well, poor darlings. daffodils all. >> my guys came into my office and they gave me the number. because if you add the previous month, which is adjusted upward by 52,000 jobs. we are like over 360,000 jobs. and i said, let me ask you, is that a mistake? cheryl: president trump talking up the economy and jobs report over the weekend. a monster rally on wall street that could keep going today. lauren: let's take a look at dow futures up over 150 points overnight. look at the nasdaq at a record high. looking like another good day on wall


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