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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  March 12, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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thanks so much for watching "strange inheritance". and remember... you can't take it with you. dmink you very much. here is lou dobbs. lou: good evening, these are top stories tonight, house intelligence committee has just announced it wrapped up year long investigation in to so-called russia collusion. and committee has found no evidence what so ever of any collusion between trump campaign, administration, and russia. in fact, committee concludes it disagrees with u.s. intelligence community assessment that russians tried to boost donald trump and his presidential campaign, also, authorities in austin, texas are hunting for person or persons responsible for three package explosives work of those occur -- one of
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those occurred ten days ago, killing a 39-year-old, two today killing a teenager, we'll have a live report from austin coming up. >> republican establishment gearing up to fight president trump on tariffs, rinos doing bidding of be round table in chamber of commerce push for changes in president's tariffs. breaking tonight, president trump blockin blocking broadcom7 billion attempted takeover of qualcomm, citing national security. our special guest commerce secretary wilbur ross, president has tasked him with talks to europe raeuropean union about eg eu tariffs again u.s. product. >> and chris ferrel on house intelligence committee conclusion of no collusion. also joining us conservative
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come tate or michelle mall kin on president's push for the wall, joining us well brother of slain border patrol agent brian terry, kent terry joining us, calling on justice department to reopen its investigation of "fast and furious" department of justice lead gunrunning disan s. >> republicans today, ending investigative phase of the russia probe. 150 pain draft report, found no evidence of collusion. now coordination or conspiracy between trump campaign and the russians, respec report also demonstrating, and it addresses problem contacts between senior intelligence community officials and the left wing media in the country. congressman mike conaway, who has been leading russia probe,
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just discussed the committee's conclusions on special report. >> we have reached a point we interviewed all of the folks we need to, look at 300,000 documents, 73 interviews, answering your questions we set out to answer, yes, the russians did try to interfere with our election process, they had cyberattacks, we could find no evidence of collusion between either campaign and the russians. charles: there still two committees in senate investigating, russia's 2016 elect meddling. senate intelligence committee and judiciary committee. in texas authorities search for a possible sirial bomber -- serial bomber, texas governor greg abbott offering a $15,000 reward for information leading to suspect or suspects involved
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with 3 deadly package explosions in austin, "fox reporter" casey claire born is live in austin with latest for us. reporter: lou, you are looking at scene of third package explosion in austin in the last 10 days, 6 on sedge -- 6 one to- second one today. a box left on a front porch. days ago anthony house, opened a package, and the explosion killed him, this morning a 17 young man was killed in his home after bringing a package inside, and then 11:50 this morning police got a call about an explosion on 6700 block. police chief said that 75-year-old hispanic woman was taken to the hospital in critical but stable condition, the package exploded when she
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picked it up, she does not believe they are being delivered by postal service or a delivery company. >> these are box-type delivery that is why we say, if you receive a suspicious package, or cardboard package, i don't want to limit this, if you receive a suspicious package call us, let us come out, a device like this can be hidden in many different ways, it is time to be vigilant and pay attention, and pull together as city and community. reporter: chief is telling people of austin, if there is a suspicious package on front do not touch it, get out of the way and call 911. >> thank you very much, case i y clayborn reporting from austin.
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>> president set to visit san diego tomorrow, inspecting the 8 prototypes built for the proposed a wall with mexico. at a campaign rally saturday, president trump revealed he is sticking to his promise to have mexico pay for the border wall. >> we are building the wall. 100%. but the president of mexico calls, mr. president, we would like you to make a statement that mexico will not pay for the wall. i said, you are crazy? you think i'm going to -- i'm not making that statement, he said have you, to i said is it a deal breaker, i said yes -- he said yes, i said good-bye. >> tomorrow will be the president's first visit to california since becoming president. last week. trudgtrump administration sued e of california over its dangerous policies.
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joining us tonight, michelle malkin. best selling author. good too have you with us. >> good to be with you. lou: president on his way to california, looking at prototypes asserting that speech in pennsylvania, saturday night, that it is going to be built. your thoughts? >> well, president trump always runs to the fire. you know jerry brown blamed president trump for starts a war on california. but the fact is that california has waged a war. particularly on federal immigration laws, and on american sovereignty for a long time, i started out my newspaper career in los angeles, i saw at ground zero in 1990s, so many american citizens and law abiding citizens and residents
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of california being crushed under the weight of costs of illegal immigration. and it was not just an economic security issue much it was a public safety and national security issue. and finally, finally, through so many other open borders, administration, democrat and republicans, we finally have a president who serious about the most fundamental duty of government, which is to protect its citizens, this wall cannot happen soon enough, lou. lou: it cannot happen soon enough, and president made it clear that sanctuary cities, ordered justice department to move against them, they are doing so. sanctuary city, state of california is a sanctuary state. how soon do you think we'll see a real response from california. and do you think that president will prevail? >> i hope that president does prevail. the fact that he is headed there
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shows he is keeping this most fundamental campaign promise of his. i think that we're going to see the craziness of the resistance, they have been quiet. there have been a lot of security measures in place at the site where these 8 prototypes have been built, there has not been any civil disohdisoh, bead yens -- disao i have said that lawsuit like one this jeff sessions announced last we think are only the start, not until we see, many of these racketeers, colluders, among government officials, i am talking sheriffs, police chief, mayors like libby schaaf in
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oakland, and yes attorney general zavier becerra and the mayor himself, they need to see criminal prosecution. lou: michelle always great to see you, thank you. >> thank you. lou: we're coming right back, more straight ahead, stay with us. >> america has not had a trade surplus in 43 years, president trump now touting his america first trade agenda as congress trying to oppose his tariffs. >> a lot of steel mills are opening up because of what i did. and -- [applause] not all of my friends on woot wl street love it, but we love it, we know what it does. lou: commerce secretary wilbur ross takes up trump tariffs and making trade fair for america. >> president trump calling for mere pressure against sanctuary cities as he heads too
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california, more on battle over illegal immigration, and border copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night.
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officials, speaking of pennsylvania over week, president talked about european poor treatment of american farmers and manufacturers. >> i said, open up your countries, that is countries, they band together, why to screw the united states on trade, that is okay. they are allowed, you know. actually it would be called a monopoly here and not allowed. lou: joining us tonight, the man on his way to eu to straighten their trade practices and policy, commerce secretary wilbur ross great to have you with us mr. secretary. >> good to be on lou. lou: start with tariffs that president and your administration putting forward, 25% against dumping of imported style, 10% against aluminum imports. a hugh and a cry in large measure in, press as well as
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political, screaming because they think that somehow the united states should be permanent victim of every unfair trading partner that we've got. whether germany or china or japan you name it. it is most ignore a ignore ignoi have seen. >> i think, lou, people have gotten into a state of mind, and change regard as being threatened. but reaction from the global community, it has been negative. it also has served as a wake-up call, now i think for the first time, there is a good chance we'll have concerted international action dealing with over product, and subsidized dumping and over capacity. but i have to correct one thing, you said i'm on the way to europe, i am not.
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ambassador and i are coordinating that activity, i am here in washington. lou: my apologies, i did not mean to goose you for a trend you didn't' to take. >> i have a million miles anyway. lou: you will get a million mo more. most people are be on live -- oblivious to the trading relationships, germans they beat us like a drum, and expect us to take it, build a couple of plants and say that is fine, it is not fine, it not free trade. and other expression, business round table. chamber of commerce and intelligencia. they say it is free trade, there
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is nothing free. if any doubt just ask middle class of this country who have seen their jobs wiped out because of the so-called free trade, we've not had a trade surplus since 1975. you can't stret e straighten tht soon enough on suit me. >> we're going to try very hard, i think that tragedy is we got into this mess due to the activities of former administration, right after world war ii. there was a probably correct policy to build up europe and build up asia after the war. but they forgot to time denominate it, so concessions that were perfectly logical to make to germany in 1951 are no longer at all appropriate. lou: to be fair. the leadership until donald trump was elected president of united states, leadership of republican and democratic party,
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wanted to go along with it, as if we were wealthiest nation there is, we could spend whatever trillions of dollars we want, that is 43 years, 43 years of trade deficit. consecutively costing trillions of dollars in economic growth. we have just squandered that money, it absurd, if not for election of donald trump and this administration of which you are such a key member. i can't imagine what would be a debtor nation. >> remember, economic security is military security. without a strong economy, without improving our relative balance sheet, without improving our cash flow, it will be hard to defend ours in a - ourselvesn a world filled with actual and potential enemies. lou: with that secretary ross we appreciate you being with us,
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how soon do you think you will be able to reason with the europeans and successful reduce their trade barriers, that have been their since the '60s. >> they really have we'll do it as quickly as we can. the decision-making process in europe is more complicated than year. because they have all of separate counties they can't literally negotiate for themselves, they have to go through european commission shark is in worse bureaucracy than anything you can imagine in washington. lou: last answer we should take from europe is, it is complicated, they make it complicated, and willfully so, as you know. >> absolutely. lou: secretary ross, good luck. thank you. >> thank you, lou. lou: great to see you, show the vote in our poll, do you have any confidence that republican capitol hill leadership will support president trump's
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tariffs and his efforts too run down all barriers to u.s. exports with the eu could, china and japan? cast your vote on twitter at lou dobbs, follow he on twitter, like my on facebook. on wall street today stocks closing mixed dow down 1 perch, s&p down 4, and nasdaq up 28 closing at a new record high, volume 3.2 billion shares, qualcomm shares plunging in extended trading after president trump blocked qualcomm's takeover. citing national security. >> gasoline prices we're told could reach a tipping point this spring according to triple a consumer say hav survey. it was 4 bucks a few years ago. i think people are getting early
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-- excited about gas prices, what do you think? listen to my reports 3 times a day, coast-to-coast on sale elf radisalemvideo network, up next. no evidence of collusion between trump campaign and the russians. when will robert mueller end his wasteful witch-hunt? we take it up with christopher ill of judicial watch, here next. at crowne plaza, we know business travel isn't just business. there's this. a bit of this. why not? your hotel should make it easy to do all the things you do. which is what we do. crowne plaza. we're all business, mostly.
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♪ dropping sick beats, they call me dj nana ♪ ♪ 85 and i wanna go don't get mad. get e trade, kiddo. lou: the justice department failing to charge former intelligence chief james clapper. the statute of limitations running out today. the issue his testimony five years ago that even clapper admit was erroneous. >> does the nsa collect any data
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at all on hundreds of millions of america? >> no, sir. in the wittingly. there are cases where they could inadvertently collect, but not wittingly. lou: pretty straightforward, isn't it. joining us, chris farrell. we just listened to the former dni, james clapper, lie to congress straight up. >> and he takes a walk which is the ever frustrating point of the disparity of treatment and prosecutorial indiscretion the american people are so fed up with. lou: in this two-tier system of justice is enough to leave all of us news yows. it -- all of us nauseaous.
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>> i saw a published report that indicates clapper was leak together news media about the phoney dossier. so now there is another round of clap her related selective leak and lying. he's a national security problem on two feet. lou: you can add a couple other pair, james comey, the fired director of the fbi and john brennan at the cia. the three them look like they were a dog and pony show organized to go on the road against president trump and say whatever the hell they wanted. >> they are three self-anointed operatives of the worst examples of the deep state. they know better. they selectively leak.
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they attempt to steal elections and manipulate the public. they cozy up with fredly news media to plant story. they are in the worst sense political operatives. lou: why isn't there consequence for people who run the most of important agencies in dni arguably. why isn't there a consequence for their conduct. why isn't there a standard of conduct for those who have access to the country's most important secrets and intelligence operations. >> if you were a gs-13 intel analyst in one of the alphabet soup agencies, they would cut your head off. it is impossible to rationalize or explain. the consequences for the little
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people who have to pay attention to laws is quite dire. but for this -- this anointed class, they walk away. and in six months you will probably see a book. let's turn to special counsel robert mueller as it seems we always must. house intel committee says no evidence whatsoever of collusion between the trump campaign, the trump administration, and the russians. end of story, but they persist in the senate. and mueller persists of course as special counsel. it's ludicrous what we are witnessing. your thoughts about how this resolves. >> mueller is a prosecutor. and prosecutors are built to get scalps.
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they want indictments and convictions. that's how they are arranged, that's how they are built. that's what they do. they have picked up a couple along the way, but they are minor league that don't touch in any way directly upon the president or his campaign. lou: especially when the effect of that prosecutorial zeal is to subvert the policies and the administration of president trump. >> they spent a lot of time work on manafort but scrupulously avoid look at pe -- podesta. take a long hard look at the or 10 mostly democrat consultants. >> flating ukraine. there isn't even the pretense of being even handed.
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they identified the target audience and they will investigate the hell out of them until they get a conviction. that's just the way it works. lou: we are coming right back. there is much, much more. stay with us. we'll be right back. president trump reversing three decade of weak presidential leadership on north korea. >> neither would bush and neither would clinton. they had their shot. clinton gave away billions and billions of dollars, as soon as they made the deal the following day they started working on more news. lou: ed rollins and michael goodwin join us next. a daring diver comes face to face with a great white shark. we'll show you the jaws dropping
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trump in 2020 in the primary. guess who he thinks will be good for that job. flake is pushing legislation to block the president's tariffs along with senator mike lee. joining us to help us figure it out. "new york post" columnist michael goodwin and ed rollins. let's start with the presidential fella if i may. ed: i couldn't have gone the in with a shotgun to let me teach. lou: nor flake and mike lee are suddenly worried about tariffs. who are these people and who do they think they are?
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ed: flake got diminished in the senate. as you said earlier, he had to get out of the race because he couldn't win. he was running second, third, depending on how many candidate were in the primary. kind of like kasich, the on way to be relevant as a republican is to be anti-trump which makes you irrelevant. lou: mike lee, whether it's cruz or flake, you know romney will have a little buddy. what is the deal with so many tariffs opposing the president. michael: why do it knowing that in the middle of these campaigns and special elections. you would think the republicans
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would draw the conclusion we are going to hang separately or hang together. lou: the middle class diminished the last quarter century, not prospered. until this president was elected we did not seat middle class prospering at all. now the business round table and the chamber of commerce decided their deficit pure politic and economics are the perfect solution again. >> the job numbers were extraordinary. people starting to get their tax refunds. and i think to a certain extent the economy is booming as trump said it would. jobs are being created at rates we haven't seen. >> a misuse of my terms. thank you for correcting that.
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lou: i'm so tired of the left wingers trying to diminish the president's accomplishments, i can't stand it. ed: i'm not a left winger. lou: i know it. michael: the divergence within the republican party, donald trump's base is not their base. so the people who would benefit from the tariffs, the working class people in the hollowed outtowns, these people have not been voting for republicans by and large. certainly in pennsylvania, ohio, michigan, wisconsin. that's who delivered the presidential victory. mike lee doesn't represent those people. jeff flake doesn't represent those people. lou: what does he represent? he doesn't want to see the middle class prosper. he wants great external debt.
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peter navarre has been -- navarro has been working on these issues for a long time. then you have the establishment, i love this. the establishment wants to say it's not a zero sum game. you tell that to the people who lost their jobs because of outsourcing. the offshoring of production. the stupid free trade agreements that are free on only one side. they crush our middle class and working men and women and families. ed: if you look back on modern history, ronald reagan took advantage of the populists, won two landslide victories and got bush in for a third. bush started running away from those issues and didn't get re-elected. the republican establishment always thought trump would go away, now he owns the party.
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lou: 14 months in office and he has done more than obama than the american middle class for hispanic workers and african-americans. we are all workers. you know. what a novel idea. that's what he said on the campaign trail. he'll bring back prosperity and it took him 13 whole months to do that. let's stop with one last question on the house intelligence committee. your thoughts about where we go now. no collusion whatsoever. that's their finding. >> that's a very big deal to the president. everybody will try to belittle the findings, the democrats haven't agreed to this. how does it compare to mueller. it's a very big event for the president. we talked about the special counsel. i have to say i still think at
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some point that issue will come around again. as thinks get settled, what about the chapters and the other people -- clapper will not be covered by the inspector general report. somebody has to be prosecuted for all the law breaking that occurred and the obama people who left government. lou: don't forget james comey. ed: they found nothing. let's move on. lou: there is no shame amongst the rino leaders in the republican party. and certainly not the democrats. where is the sense of shame or pride. ed: being compared to nancy pelosi, you look pretty darn good. lou: ed rollins, michael good win. thank you.
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be sure to vote in our poll tonight. do you have any confidence the gop leadership will support the president's tariffs? please roll our nightly video. watch as this massive shark -- wow, lungs at a -- lungees at a free meal. the shark trying to polka diver cage, but he bravely pushes that animal away. grab the shark by the nose. rinos doing the bidding of the business establishment. taking full aim at our middle class. a full report for you on the latest from capitol hill
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establishment leadership. you are not going to be surprised by some of it unfortunately. we'll be right back. prudential asked these couples: how much money do you think you'll need in retirement? then we found out how many years that money would last them. how long do you think we'll keep -- oooooohhh! you stopped! you're gonna leave me back here at year 9? how did this happen? it turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. we have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. let's plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. prudential. bring your challenges. like you do sometimes, grandpa? and puffed... well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler
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lou: congressional obstructionists are mounting a
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challenge with the aluminum and steel tariffs. paul ryan and mitch mcconnell doing nothing to stop that evident. fox news chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel has our report. >> tariffs are awful. tariffs married to uncertainty are even worse. reporter: jeff flake is one of several senators preparing legislation to undo the president's tariffs. >> it injects uncertainty in the economy that's doing quite well. reporter: the president is acting ubilityd authority for national security reasons and dock so without congressional approval. that's assuming congress can even get a majority for blocking the president. >> i don't think that would
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pass. you would have to have committees from both houses to pass it. reporter: overriding a presidential veto would require the support of 267 senators and house members. elizabeth warren supports mr. trump's tariffs. >> i was glad to see what the president has done. we have negotiated one deal after another that has been great for big multi-national corporations and lousy for american workers. reporter: it would seem highly unlikely mitch mcconnell or paul ryan would take on the president. >> if somebody is taking advantage of us, if our markets are open and they are not maying tariffs to get into this country but we pay tariff to the get
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into their country, then sock is wrong with that. -- then something is wrong with that. reporter: the president is keeping a campaign pledge, which is another reason congress may ultimately cave. lou: a new chance for justice in an obama-era scandal.
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lou: six years of litigation coming to an end. the justice department agreed to hand over documents related to the batched obama gun running scandal. the operation led to the murder of border patrol agent brian terry in december of 2010. joining us is kent terry, the brother of brian terry. he called for the fast and furious case to be reopened. he's encouraged by the trump's justice department's announcement it's turning over documents from the former attorney general eric holder.
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this is an important case for all of us who care about those who protect our country. but to have the attorney general lie and not correct the record for 10 months. it's just appalling. you want accountability, right? >> yes, i want accountability for those that orchestrated it. that made sure the cartel members that are highly known criminals get weapons in their hands. sessions should go after these guys so it doesn't happen again. lou: you actually talked with attorney general holder. how did that conversation go? >> well, first of all, i just knew everything coming out of his mouth was a completely to me. he would look right at my mom and try to say how sorry he was.
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but we found out he was one of the master minds behind it. it was very upsetting especially coming from the justice system we were depending on to give us answers. lou: no one from the doj or atf were held accountable. there were 200 murders in mexico as a result of the guns shipped under atf justice department efforts into the cartels. this is just stunning. >> even deaths as far as kids. in january 2010 these weapons showed up at a teen's birthday party killing 16 children. they are being so hypocritical now holder and obama for pushing for stricter gun laws when they are the problem. lou: are you confident the trump justice department will move
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ahead? >> yes, i believe the trump administration will move ahead on this. i met with mr. trump. he's a very sincere man. he was very apologetic for what happened to my mother. he was even apologizing for the previous administration which he didn't have to do. i believe it will move forward and i dhoiments are not redacted. lou: that's a hope that is often not realized with niece foia requests. but with all these documents, your family, you have said you couldn't believe the language and the comments made in those emails released this past summer. which was amongst the most upsetting to you. >> here i want justice for my brother. for them to look at me and say we are going to try to get you
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justice and then call me a nuisance amongst each other, that was upsetting. they were talking about wiretapping. they were saying they need to talk to more intelligence people in the family. lou: a new direction for the country. and new attorney general who we hope and pray for all our sakes, but especially yours, you and your family who deserve justice on this horrific crime. kent terry, we appreciate you being here and wish you all the best. that's it for us tonight. we thank you for being with us. tomorrow night, congressman mark meadows and congressman matt gaetz are among our guests. we thank you for being with us tonight. good night from new york.dmdmdmk
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you very much. here is lou dobbs. lou: good evening, these are top stories tonight, house intelligence committee has just announced it wrapped up year long investigation in to so-called russia collusion. and committee has found no evidence what so ever of any collusion between trump campaign, administration, and russia. in fact, committee concludes it disagrees with u.s. intelligence community assessment that russians tried to boost donald trump and his presidential campaign, also, authorities in austin, texas are hunting for person or persons responsible for three package explosives


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