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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  March 14, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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>> we'll get it done next time. lou: thanks for joining us. congressman ron desantis among or guests tomorrow. good night from new york. kennedy: tonight the house passes a bill but will it do anything. kentucky congressman thomas massey explains why he voted know. the pennsylvania senate race is tight as a latex dress. i'll talk to the libertarian candidate. and the president pushing a second phase of tax cuts. what would that look like? jump on the k train. it's time to get chugging. kennedy: millions of students pulled out of thousands of schools in a nationwide walkout demanding action after the florida high school massacre. some asking for gun control, others for school safety and the innocent voices rang through the halls of congress where the house spraining into action. kind of.
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they passed the most tepid toothless school safety bill prcalled s.t.o.p. the bill provides 55 to $75 million a year which is supposed to make a dent in the nation's schools. but will it address the black hole of violent mental illness that swallowed up that shooter taking 17 precious souls with him. no. these kids wanted a stake. they were given a rice cake. 0 worse than that, they're being fed a plate of lies that guns are the root of hatred and violence. and that somehow if you get rid of those and apply arbitrary band-aids, like raising age limit to buy weapons, you will magically change human nature. that is so wrong, such a great disservice, deeply immoral and misleading. kids are less safe in part because we've made schools not only soft targets with, they are
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baby lotion soft ea as they advertise as gun free zones. that is a problem an an injustice. this bill does nothing. and i hope the authors sleep well tonight on their bed of lies. live from new york, i'm kennedy. ♪ kennedy: today's so-called school safety bill had lots of bipartisan support. fortunately some wise lawmakers had the courage to see right through the charade and vote nay. joining me now, one of the ten congressman who voted no, kentucky congressman thomas massey. welcome back. >> thanks for having me on. yeah, there were five democrats and five republicans who voted against this bill. you know at best it's a waste of money. thbut really the worst part of e bill is that it has this money for anonymous tip lines.
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now first of all, the fbi got the mother of all tips, right, the caretaker for this deranged individual called up and told them everything web an not in an anonymous format. and they dropped the ball. kennedy: there were two fbi tips that were not followed up on. >> and both of them weren't anonymous tips. the anonymous tip line that this bill sets up is ripe for abuse. that's why the naacp came out against this bill. it lacks due process. and actually it could result in more discrimination against minorities. they recognize that. i think it's a big problem that somebody could just turn you in and now you become accused. kennedy: yeah. think about that, congressman massey. all of the sudden you're placed on a list because perhaps there's a group of kids at school who are bullying you. you know, this isn't even done on social media. this is completely anonymous and
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there could be serious repercussions. >> absolutely. the other thing that republicans are going to find out later, like a bad hangover after voting for this bill is that the $75 million every year can go to nonprofit organizations. and the bill specifically says none of that can go toward firearm training. it's slanted to go to antigun liberal left-leaning organizations for counseling and for education on this issue. of course those are going to be antigun organizations. kennedy: yeah. that's absolutely right. and so kids across the country -- it's already public schools are already a pretty socialistic enterprise if we're going to be completely honest and if we look at who's teaching when the outcomes are. i don't think think all of those socialists have bad intentions, not by a long shot, but you can see their aim pretty clearly. we're not really reenforcing critical think in this country
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which is so desperately needed right now. >> that's what the walkouts were about. they were about social pressure. now ironically if the kids walked far enough out of the school, they could have escaped the gun free school zone today and statistically would have been 50 times safer because 98% of mass public shooting happen in a gun free school zone. ironically they may have been safer because of this walkout during the walkout. but i'm pretty sure the children who are in schools where adults have already solved this problem didn't walk out today. because there are hundreds and hundreds of school districts already that allow trained teacher to voluntarily carry firearms. those students didn't have to walk out today because they knew they were safe. kennedy: and not every school district is the same. not every school district wants armed teachers. i respect that. that's fine. that's up to municipalities and superintendents and teachers themselves. but for parts of the country
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where it is more acceptable and where there is a more open dialogue about gun safety, i think that's a fair option. i was talking to my middle schooler today about school safety and i told her what a disservice it was because you have so many kids, our most precious citizens who have no one there to defend them. and i asked her where do you think someone is going to go if they're going to harm children. a place where there are people who are going to defend children or a place where there is no one there to defend them. obviously where no one is going to defend them. >> i asked my wife were any of my children involved in a walkout and she said no, not unless you count your 14-year-old daughter explaining to the other children why it was such a bad idea, you know, that was her involvement. and even though my kids go to public school, they didn't walk out today because this was
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organized by liberal teachers and liberal administrators. if your taxpayer dollars go to a public school like mine do and your children go there, you should be outraged at these teachers and their effort to indoctrinate your children and unseriousness about this. a lot of children in other schools were pressured to go outside. they were told it's just going to be a vigil, we're going to have a moment of silence and then it became prepared speeches written already and distributed to the schools. kennedy: absolutely. another thing i spoke with my daughter about this morning, the dangers of groups. i told her how important protest is to protect democracy. make sure if you're protesting, make sure you know why you're doing it. even if you disagree with your friends and god forbid your mother, it's okay as long as you know what your aim is. congressman, thank you so much. >. as i said earlier, thousas of students across the country
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walked out of school today. so why can't lawmakers listen and come up with sensible ideas to help fix some of these problems. let me go to my minty fresh party panel tonight from town hall. com, fox news contributor, katie pavlich is here, a washington times opinion editor, charles hurt, along with free think media partner and a podcast host, camille foster, everyone is in the house. great to see you all. so let's talk about this a little bit katie. it feels like the kids were being used as props. you didn't hear a lot of interviews with the lonely students who stayed behind. >> there were a number of students at schools across the country who held protests in favor of the second amendment, in illinois and ohio we're not hearing from them. i was at kennesaw state and a college student showed up saying i'm being pressured to walk out of my school by friends and
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liberal leftists organizing the protests and i don't know what to do the teachers are involved. that mean the kids who don't want to walk out are going to be punished. in terms of asking the question about what can lawmakers do, why aren't they listening, the government, lawmakers are part of the government. the government cannot solve all of these problems. and the truth is this is a very localized issue. it comes down to the school board, what teachers are willing or not willing to do. it's not about the federal government swooping in and fixing a problem that is solely being -- could solely be dealt with on a local level. kennedy: and that's why, charles, this is really a one size fits all feel good measure that makes it look like the house is doing something on a day with such a visible protest. >> yeah. i'm always most uncomfortable in washington when something is bipartisan because then you know that something really bad is about to happen. you know, i get the desire to do something after something like
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this. i wanted to do something. everybody wants to do something and everybody wants to make this stuff stop. but the idea that we would have -- that you would have -- politics would be so degenerated in this country today that politicians see an opportunity like this to take it and turn it into a political vehicle to advance their own personal partisan agenda. kennedy: it becomes political theater and then nothing really happens. now i don't question the sincerity of the participants of these marches and walkouts. >> no. look. people care deeply about kids. people care deeply about having there be fewer homicide in this country. what we should also care deeply about however is when hysteria abounds. and the truth is when it comes to the gun debate in this country, there's a great deal of nonsense on both sides, this bipartisan bill is evidence of that. we don't really know how to
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mitigate against what is something that happens very rarely and very infrequently and pretending as though, quite frankly encouraging the children to chip themselves into a frenzy and go out in public and talk about how their lives are at risk, how they're targets. you are safe at school. you're safe at school. it is generally not the case that students are being hunted. most of the people who die from gun violence in this country are not school students. kennedy: and they're also not the victims of ar-15s. a lot of times we're talking about suicide victims who commit violence against themselves and make that ultimate choice. and oftentimes their stories are lumped in with gun violence and murder as a whole and that's also a disservice. well, let's switch gears a little bit and go to beautiful pennsylvania where that state's special election and the results are in. and the winner is? we still don't know. but it looks thriek 18th
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district is going to go blue for the first time in 15 years. you can see how narrow the election was here. conor lamb, the democrat candidate who presented him as a pro-gun moderate leads by 627 votes. that's about 0.3%. the gop has not given up on the election just yet. positioning for a likely recount. the libertarian drew 6% of the vote, potentially enough to swing the election. i'm going to talk to him a little later on. first let's kick it back to the party panel. given that the president won this district by a whooping 20 points in 2016. should the republican party and the president be spooked? katie pavlich, i go to you first. what do you think? >> i think we always have to take special elections with a grain of salt. however, i understand the spin that is coming from the rnc. they keep arguing that conor lamb ran essentially as a republican. that may be true.
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however i do think that the rnc and republicans have to be worried about the number of seats that are being retired in districts that hillary clinton won because those are very easy seats for democrats to pick up. i think that they do have to be worried about it and make sure they have good candidates. to bury your head in the sand and say it's no problem -- kennedy: and you have to pick the good candidates before they run. because when you get in the race and you realize that the party, the party's opponent is coming up right nipping on your heel. >> it's true. for me the most troubling thing about this for republicans is that it does seem to indicate that donald trump -- you know, when he's on the ticket, he pulls people across the line. he has the capacity to do that. when he's not on the ticket, he can go and campaign for you and it's not -- it does not appear to be that effective, at least in a special election. kennedy: so if he shows up in air force one and says please
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vote for this guy, he's going to take care of our agenda and not enough people listen, what does that say? >> if people think the guy is a loser, they're not going to vote for hill. the trouble for the democratic party, the rnc is exactly right. conor lamb ran as a republican but also on the trump plat foorm. kennedy: some would argue that president trump isn't really a republican. >> it's not quite clear what the trump platform is beyond donald trump and i believe various things at different times of the day. it's hard to tease out. i think it's very hard to make determinations with respect to a special election, especially a special election that's being held in a district that's about to be redistricted. kennedy: the most bizarre part of the story. >> the most interesting thing here is the enthusiasm gap that exists. the democrats were coming out to vote. and if anyone is motivated by donald trump right now, it seems to be democrats.
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there's a sample size of one when it comes to donald trump running in an election and making certain other republicans win. i don't know that there's any reason to believe, given the polling that we're seeing and the performance of this administration, which on various measures in various ways appears to be a total debacle. kennedy: but i think the worry for republicans too is the democrats are getting smarter. >> they are. you're exactly right. and they're going local in the races. chum schumer and nancy pelosi know nothing about what's going on in the middle of the country with people's kids, pocketbooks and their lives. kennedy: first up i'm going to talk to nos hated ma most hatedn america. he got about 1400 votes in the pennsylvania special election. so did libertarian drew miller really spoil it for the gop? if not, who's to blame? i'll ask him. he joins me after the break. stay right here. maria's always on the go,
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kennedy: welcome back. want to meet the most hated man in america, i got him. you are in luck. it's libertarian congressional candidate drew miller. he only got 1379 votes in last night's pennsylvania special election. but some republicans are pointing fingers at him saying
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he's the reason they lost and here's why. only 627 votes separate democratic conor lamb and republican rick saccone. miller apparently did the math and joked about it last night on twitter writing, quote, we're only a few hours away from me being the most hated man in america. miller later said the election went exactly as he planned. he predicts this could bring a new sense of purpose to the libertarian party. joining me now from pittsburgh, drew miller. welcome to the show. >> thank you. i have been a fan of yours for the longest time. this is great. kennedy: bless your bones, liberty lover. if republicans lose, did you blow it for them or did they blow it for themselves? >> you know, a lot of people called me a spoiler. and i i don't necessarily subscribe to that notion. but i'm prepared to own it. you know, kennedy, the way i
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look at this, you have a two-party system in this country that really has not offered any great candidates and i think it's two-party system that deserves to be spoiled. kennedy: i agree completely. >> i don't mind that people are calling me a spoiler. no candidate is entitled to your vote. votes have to be earned. and both of these candidates, neither of them did a good job of doing that, in my opinion. and especially, you know, rick saccone, people are upset with me. i was getting hate mail on my way here to talk to you. and i think he just did not perform well. i think that what happened is, if you're going to blame a third party and you have to silence your third-party opposition because your candidate isn't, you know, able to win otherwise, you a terrible candidate or a terrible message. kennedy: if you're losing by 0.3% in a district where your president won by 20 points, about 15 months earlier, you're
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doing something wrong. this is your fault. and i don't want to hear anyone talk about this -- also, people are sick of the two-party system. people are obviously really sick of it in your part of pennsylvania where they voted for donald trump because they wanted something different. these are a lot of union members who should have voted for some democratic hack like hillary clinton but they chose not to. what was it about your message specifically that resonated with 1300 voters who were inundated with a $20 million very high profile campaign. >> right. you know, kennedy, what's interesting, now that you mention it, i only spent about $2,000 on my campaign because that's all i was able to raise. kennedy: that's awesome. >> but the liberty message is strong. people are tired of the divisiveness taking place in this country. they're looking for an alternative option. and you realize that last night was the first time in 22 years
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that this particular district had a third -party candidate for a congressional seat. it was an honor to give them the opportunity when walking into the voting boothe to be able to choose between three different options. people who listened to the message, it resonated with them. and in fact i was the most qualified person on the ballot. i was the only one of the candidates who had both a law degree and respect of the constitution and a background and experience at the legislative branch of the government. neither of those candidates have that. in a way they stole votes from me, is how i'm looking at it. kennedy: god bless you, drew miller. that's the attitude i love. i celebrate your hot freedom. do you think camille foster should run on the libertarian ticket for president in 2020. >> i think so. here's the bigger message. anyone who wants to run should run. for the longest time i used a bathroom selfie as my
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professional photo for my campaign. people like that. i'm not getting verified on twitter. kennedy: i hope you do. i hope you have millions of fans who are thirsty for your message in this political desert. drew miller, thank you so much. >> thank you so much. it was a pleasure. kennedy: very good. coming up, republican senator rand paul now leading the charge to block the president's nominees to fake the fake department and the cia. what's his beef? i'll ask buck sexton next. stay here. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity and live claritin clear.
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kennedy: it looks like president trump will have a fight on his hands over his pick for the secretary of state and the cia gina haspel. rand paul says he'll do anything to stop those nominations. >> seriously do you think you can have discussions with other countries if we are advocating for regime change? somebody needs to be advocating for diplomacy. pompeo doesn't fit the picture
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of a diplomat. having somebody lead the cia who has done something that i think is illegal is a terrible message to send the world. kennedy: joining me, buck sectio --sexton. is mike pompeo a good fit for the secretary of state job? >> i think so. he has a resume a lot of the elites will have hard time knocking down. west point, harvard law, served in the military. has been at the cia for a year. he was well liked in the hallways at langley. kennedy: will he have a harder time getting confirmed? >> i think he'll suffer through the grabbed standing that goes on for people who are close to
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trump. trump is positioning himself to try different things on north korea and iran. and he'll need somebody who is his diplomatic wing man for that. kennedy: they have a close relationship. is that enough? kennedy: i guess i should ask is that too much? the trouble for people like rand paul is this guy is hawkish on iran. >> rand paul has his right as a senator to give advice and consent on whether there should be this particular candidate going forward. but i would say that's a policy difference, not a qualification difference. to say he's too hawkish is not too say he's not good in the job. kennedy: maybe hawkish is good when usual secretary of defense.
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gina haspel. i share his reservation. what do you know about this woman, having worked in the cia? >> she is somebody who i have noticed a lot of people don't want to say have much about at this juncture. i can't say because i keep asking around and trying to find out what the real reputation is. but the real knock on her is there is alleged involvement in enhanced interrogation techniques. but she does have the back of langley institutionally. she would be the first woman to lead the agency. and we'll have to see. i think that's where rand paul had more leeway to say we should consider another pick. not just let's put this on the record that i have problem with this pick. dianne feinstein, liberal
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senator from california has defended her. we'll see where those confirmation hearings go as well. >> i don't think pompeo is settling. i think if there is enough -- i think there is enough dissention around her that they could find somebody -- i know people in the intelligence community that wouldn't come with all the baggage and would come with all the skills and political savvy for d.c. i think pompeo very good. kennedy: you need a cia director who travels carry-on. >> that bulldog photo will haunt me forever. can you libertarians point out that airlines are the last vestige of authoritarianism in
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america? kennedy: hillary clinton is quote annoying everyone and democrats are starting to worry she is going to hurt them in the mid-terms, according to patty dial said dems will have to distance themselves from her after she said this in india. >> we don't do well with married white women. part of that is an identification with the republican party and a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever believes should. kennedy: because republican women only vote the way men tell them to. hillary needed to save them. why won't the pant suit go away?
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will she continue to haunt her own party? i hope hillary clinton doesn't go away. she just keeps churning out these gems. >> it's likely she won't. she loves to be center of the stage and she cannot get over the fact that she lost this election. the obvious truth, you were a bad candidate and didn't run a great campaign. there is no universe where you should have lost to this non-politician who was shrouded in scandal. kennedy: the only answer is that you were a racist. if anyone should be hurt in this manner, it's al gore. but al gore didn't go gum flapping every time somebody put a microphone in front of him.
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they know how to set her off, and she falls for it every time and it is glorious. charlie: you are saying she should go a beard and go on a road trip to canada and try to be incognito. but like you, i don't want her to go away either. but the idea that this person who obviously thinks -- if i walked in on election day and instructed my wife who to vote for, i would be wearing an iron skillet. or what would probably happen, she would ignore me like she ignores anything else. kennedy: is that how women vote? >> no, they can think for themselves. hillary clinton is insufferable and ingratitude and entitlement
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have led her to this point that she cannot accept the fact that she lost. because the clinton foundation was so corrupt and no longer around doing the good works they claimed it was doing, she has nothing else to do but go to these things and wall oh in her -- wallow in her sorrows. she should know better than to insult american women and foreign soil. kennedy: the number of democrats having to distance themselves from her like claire mccaskill. kmele foster, charlie hurt, katie pavlich. thank you. president trump just returned to
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hillary vaughn is live at the white house. reporter: president trump and larry kudlow have been pals for years. he says they don't see eye to eye on everything but they have a back and forth that has built up a camaraderie. the incoming top economic advisor says while he doesn't like blanket tariffs. with it comes to china, he thinks they have earned a tough stance from the u.s. he says u.s. ask push back even harder against china. once the president put in the carve-outs for mexico and canada he had a change of heart. he says he's all for using these tariffs as a negotiating tool. he's headed to d.c. tonight
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where he'll meet with the president tomorrow. kennedy: very good. it's freezing outside on the east coast. we know that firsthand. larry kudlow. if you are going to go to a tv money guy, ask lou dobbs for advice. we love tax cuts. the president went to a boeing plants where he touted the benefit of tax cuts on businesses suggesting phase two of the tax cuts could be around the corner. president trump: we are going for a phase two that will help companies and it's going to be something very special. kennedy: let me bring in brian brenberg, associate professor of economics at the king's college. this has worked well for the administration and republicans.
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what does it mean? >> nobody knows what it means. but here is one thing it does mean. it's going to take the individual tax cuts we are supposed to phase out at end of 2025 and make them permanent. you knew they were going to be permanent anyway. why would you want to give a congress 6, 7 years down the road that victory? democrats attacked his tax bill saying you didn't make the individual tax cuts permanent. okay, come on board. they totally stepped on it. now republicans can get another tax victory in advance of the mid-terms. i think they should go for it and that should be the basis for another tax reform. kennedy: there are a lot of areas where there could be big roadblocks. but when it comes to tariffs,
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companies like boeing, they are looking at a possible trade war. the tax cuts are good on one hand but on the other what's happening? >> tariffs are creating uncertainty. this has to get resolved. i get what the president is trying to do from a negotiating standpoint. he's trying to say we want to you lower bare divorce our exports. fine. but the problem is if it drags on, then it starts to hurt the people the president has been helping with his tax cuts. he has to get to the point where potter companies are coming in saying here is what we are going to do to avoid the tax cuts. angela merkel said we want to talk about this. kennedy: does the president make deals with individual countries like germany, great britain and france? >> it depend on who comes. it will be on a country to
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country basis. you will get some countries who will want to play ball and some other countries that don't want to play ball. we'll see what happens the rest of this busy week it's only hump night. who knows if the guillotine is going to hit somebody else in the cabinet. thank you so much. coming up. move over kim kardashian. a new woman is getting famous for hang around all day. we'll tell you about a real life greek goddess. there she is. [ giggling ]
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kennedy: hi, mom. she just texted me. a man connected with vladimir putin has been found dead from strangulation. as russia calls it, natural causes. in london one dog has been
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barking all week long. doctors believe it could be affected a hillary clinton-itis. the dog has a warm personality that people are drawn to. and the dog can walk down a flight of stairs on its own. i'm referring to that viral video of hillary stumbling down the steps in india. it was pretty bag, but technically it was only the second biggest collapse of her career. let's watch the pol po merks ran again. topic number two. let's head over to one of my favorite countries, grease, where one woman takes the bridge
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club way too seriously. the first rule is you don't talk about bridge club. this aerial dancer says she wanted to draw attention to greece's most of popular sights. but she decided to scale the rio-antirrio bridge. over 1 million people have seen this video which is pretty impressive. because if you google woman jumps off a bridge, the first 10 stories are about cleveland browns fans. the new york mets announced tim
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tebow --'s being sent down to the minor leagues. the news has shocks baseball fans. he was the first football player to become famous for taking a knee. but now the team wants him to take a seat after a rough spring training. he never scored once. but enough about his personal life. there you go, timmy t. we wish him the best of luck because he's a great guy and a fantastic role model for kids and we all know that. which is surprising because he played facebook at the university of florida. which is the only university to have their team photo taken from the front and the side. no one in the sports world got more upset than the owner of a greek soccer team.
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back to greece we go who hated a call by the referee so much he stormed the field with a gun. just like it says in the rule book. this took place in the greek super league where they do not give out participation trophies. the match was canceled and an arrest warrant was issued for the coach who is said to be a friend of vladimir putin. the greek police are doing exactly what's expected of them in this situation. i should probably go lay by the pool. he might surface in the swim-up bar. long day. topic number 5. the hot rumor in hollywood is george clooney could be running for president in 2020.
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democrats have been howling that we don't need another celebrity president. but george keeps making movies like his last three, chances are he won't be a celebrity by the time 2020 rolls around. clooney wrote an editorial in "foreign affairs" magazine. he praised donald trump's harsh sanctions on north korea. this may cause him he friend he has in tinseltown. but there is speculation that clooney's centrist tone may appeal to libertarians. if he does run, all we can say is good night and good luck because the last hollywood door lung to run for the white house wound up going nuts. you know? oh, god.
8:55 pm
yeah, i know what it's like. united airlines has become the unfriendly skies to pets who want to escape their planes with their lives. i'll explain in the "nightcap" next. i'll be right back. it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. taking over 7,000 maria's steps each day.o, and she does it in any shoes she wants, with lasting comfort. only dr. scholl's stylish step has insoles that are clinically proven to provide all-day comfort.
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test drive the ztrak z540r at your john deere dealer and learn why it's not how fast you mow, it's how well you mow fast. nothing runs like a deere. save 250 dollars when you test drive and buy a john deere residential z540r ztrak mower. no, please, please, oh! ♪ (shrieks in terror) (heavy breathing and snorting) no, no. the running of the bulldogs? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money aleia saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. kennedy: it appears united airlines killed another precious
8:59 pm
pet. a woman was having a difficult time putting her dog under the seat. she was told to put the dog in the overhead bin. the mom tried to resuscitate the dog. united says they are taking full responsibility. calling it a tragic accident. we are told 24 pets died on major airline last year. 18 of them were on united. i have been a united customer loyal for year. i am going to hit a million miles within the next few months. should i swim to delta? shame on you, united. and your incompetent employees. very few of them. most of of them are great. thank you for watching the show,
9:00 pm
you can follow me on twitter and instagram. email tomorrow night, your hate mail. jason chaffetz, lisa boothe and steve hill ton. a ship, sent it here. >> what? to jersey? >> new jersey, yes. >> ...stuffed with priceless antiques. >> that chandelier is spectacular. >> yes, it is. and this is my favorite piece in the house. >> wow. >> but will his d-i-y dream... >> so, you come along... >> fix-it. >> ...collapse in a money pit? >> but it's not his inheritance. it's yours. >> yes. >> you could've stopped it. >> i could've... but i didn't. ♪ [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ]


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