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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  March 20, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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heading. [closing bell rings] if that impacts the market and is dovish we could see a nice rally. bells ring. that will do it for the "countdown." david asman and melissa francis take it now. "after the bell." david: ashley, thank you very much. stocks making a about face closing into the bell. all major averages closing in the green. hi, everybody, i'm david asman. melissa: i'm melissa francis. this is "after the bell." we have more on big market movers. here is what we're covering in the jam-packed hour. very busy day in washington. president trump wrapping up meeting on sanctuary cities, law enforcement and lawmakers at the white house. as one city in california has now voted to stand with the federal government and break with the state. also at the white house heir to the saudi throne sitting down with the president as tensions rise in iran. latest developments ahead of a
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key decision on the iran nuclear agreement. race against time to finally capture a serial bomber. have you been following this story? texas town is on edge as a fifth package explodes. what we now know. among our guest this is hour, former fbi investigator bill daly, arizona congressman andy biggs, american-islamic forum for democracy founder, zuhdi jasser, and james freeman of "the wall street journal." do you closing in the green and back to positive territory. nicole petallides a big winner by any day standing by at new york stock exchange. nicole, what gave stocks at a boost today. >> thank you, david asman, you melissa as well. we're looking at the dow jones industrial average. it is up 117 points. market breadth, up volume versus down volume pretty much split.
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s&p 500 gained a 1%. dow half a percent. the nasdaq gaining 20 points. when you look at the dow jones industrial average, winners included intel boeing, nike across the board. facebook is a big story. talk to some tech investors on this one. it is down 9% since the 16th. we have concerns about third party access to the 50 million users. it has taken down the entire social media group. now facebook was about 17% off its all-time highs that it hit last month. you can see that the group has come under pressure. you can see twitter, for example, down 10%. facebook and snap down 2% each. then we have gone into tech. a lot in port tells. microsoft up arrows, microsoft dealing with blackberry helping it to boost. apple did not squeeze it out, 175.24. slightly lower.
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quickly looking at oil as the president meets with the saudi prince. oil finished at the highest elves in a month. up a buck 34. 63.40 for west texas. that gave boost to energy stocks. back to you. david: amazon booming today. that was quite a jump. melissa. melissa: major averages ending the day in the green as the federal reserve kicks off the two-day meeting. let's bring in today's market panel. lenore hawkins and john from "the wall street journal." john, what do you think going on ahead of the meeting? >> i think the fed has been telegraphing for a while what it will do. the market seems comfortable with that. they will raise interest rates at this meeting tomorrow even though we have a snowstorm and rest of the government might be shut down. looks like they will be telegraphing at least go more interest rate increase, maybe a third over the course of the
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year. the real big issue, how does jay powell the fed chairman comport himself. this is the first press conference. the press will look how he holds up to questions from the media and whether he sends any signals much different than janet yellen's. melissa: len more, do you agree with that? >> we'll see if there is impact of potential talk about the trade war talk. that is one thing that could serve as a headwind to growth because powell came out just a little bit ago then said what was previously been headwinds to the economy are tailwind which made him sound a lot mover hawkish than people expected. i'm curious what he has to say about the balance sheet and the tapering. >> so is it possible that we get good news out of the tariffs? in the sense if he concerned about that being a headwind, it slows down interest rate hikes and pace they're going for, jon? what do you think?
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>> i think he could talk about it as a risk to the outlook but you know i think he will say what a lot of economists say. it depend on whether we get retaliation from the europeans from the chinese or escalation from the u.s. the u.s. is looking adding tariffs, 30 billion or more to the chinese products later this year. i think the headwinds, tailwinds argument that lenore mentions is an important one. we do know what fiscal policy looks like. i think powell will talk about the combination of tax cuts and spending increases, really pushing this economy forward in 2018. that is something that they didn't fully see in the last time they met and started making projections. so that i think adds to a bullish out look for the fed. david: the research firm embroiled in a data scandal with facebook suspended its ceo. the cambridge analytica board released a statement about an hour ago, saying mr. nix's
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comments, secretly recorded by channel 4 and other allegations do not represent the values or operations of the firm and his suspension reflects the seriousness we view this violation. the firm is accused of exploiting facebook user data. that sent facebook tanking yesterday, dipping even further today though it did come back quite a bit at the end of the day. ceo mark zuckerberg lost almost $5 billion in net worth on the trading day yesterday. uk law make remembers summoning zuckerberg to appear before parliament. gerri willis is live in the new york newsroom with more. hi, gerri. >> david, you're right. nix is nixed, ceo of cambridge analytica. here is what he was in trouble for saying. he basically boasted of dirty tricks to swing elections in an interview with channel 4 television reporter who was you know cover at the time. the other piece of news i want to share quickly, senator dianne
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feinstein is saying hey, we need zuckerberg in front of the senate judiciary committee. so she is demanding that. as a result, facebook shares down 2 1/2% today as the company held a meeting with employees to discuss the cambridge analytica privacy scandal. that lead by the company's general counsel, paul gruel. the federal trade commission said by multiple source to be investigating in facebook. in 2011 facebook settled complaints brought by the ftc that it failed to protect user privacy. the ftc is investigating whether facebook broke the terms of that decree. facebook tells fox business that contrary to reports chief security officer alex stamos is not leaving the company. here is their quote. alex stamos continues to be the chief security officer at facebook. he held the position nearly three years. he leads our security efforts especially around emerging security risks. he is a valued member of the
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team. we are greatful for all he does each and every day. the company confirms that its effort to launch an audit of cambridge operations was estimate -- stymied by uk commissioners office and issue ad warrant to conduct a globe. there is #leave facebook gaining momentum as customers delete their accounts. david: it not as easy to delete your account. my daughter tried to do it. it is tough to get out when you try to do it. melissa: like the mob. david: they pull you back. lenore and jon are back with us. lenore, first of all this story about the way facebook was sharing information, apparently selling information about some of their users without all of their users consent because people were linked in, that is the basis of social media, it has gone on before and it went on in fact in 2012 in the election of 2012.
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a lot of people bragged about it. "time" magazine was reporting on it, without any problem. there was a different person running for president. a guy named barack obama who the media were in love with. in fact one of president obama's re-election campaign officials wrote about it. she said facebook were surprised we were able to suck out the whole social grab, but they didn't stop us once they realized what it was we were doing. facebook office were very candid they allowed us to do the things they wouldn't have allowed someone else to do because they were on our side. melissa: ha. david: the point is, if you were doing with the party facebook likes it is okay f you're with the trumps it is not. >> interesting how the very creative innovators at one point is now the demons at another point but i think this actually
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just speaks many ways to much bigger picture in the way we consume content, the way we get information, the way we communicate with each other has been really changing over time and the laws around that, just socially-accepted norms have to catch up. and now we're seeing things get used more and more in the way people are not comfortable with, how we are handling that? that is open question. david: the question what happens to social media? if social media even though there is hypocrisy, if they're not allowed to sell data of their users, that could lead to some users who didn't get permission for that data to be used they could lose a very big stream of their revenue. >> well you know, maybe i've been in washington too long, i've been here eight or nine years now, maybe i've become cynical of the whole world but i assumed all this data is being used and shared and sold and
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bought as it is. i can't, i don't find myself terribly surprise what happened during the obama election of 2012. david: i have to agree with you. buyer beware. if you get into that sort of thing you have to expect your information to be used, but, john, do you think it will hurt the whole social media stocks? >> i look at my own children and how attached they are to their instagram accounts and their facebook accounts. i think it only hurts their stocks if people stop using it. and the fact that we assume all this data is being used and it hasn't stopped anyone from using it suggests to me, no, answer is no. david: i think you might be right. quickly, lenore. >> they do face regulatory risk though because this becoming a very big problem for them in the, people looking at saying, you guys are up to no good. we trusted you and you're not honoring that trust. so i do think they face risks there.
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david: particularly in europe where they can sue more easily over there. lenore, jon, thank you very much. >> thanks a lot. melissa: a major storm taking aim on the east coast carrying heavy snow and strong winds as part of the south recovering from widespread damage. we're live from the weather center with the latest. david: news from the white house, president trump making waves this afternoon, when he said he is planning to meet with vladmir putin soon and has congratulating him on his latest election win. more on his comments and the reaction now pouring in. melissa: the serial bomber still at large in texas. what we know now of a fifth explosion and reports on another suspicious package? a live update from austin and former fbi investigator bill daly will join us next. >> if you didn't order something, if you are not expecting a package, if it is something that doesn't have an official label on it, or really not just a package itself, if there is anything out of the ordinary, we are asking the
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david: domestic terrorism. investigators are working tirelessly to get to the source or sources responsible for the string of bombings in the texas area. the latest explosion was from a package at a fedex distribution center today leaving a workwer minor injuries. president trump responding to the attacks this afternoon, take a listen. >> what is going on in austin, a great place, tremendous place, is absolutely disgraceful. so we have a lot of power over there. we're looking, it is not easy to find but these are sick people and we have to find them as soon as possible. david: casey stegall is live in austin, texas with the very
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latest. casey? reporter: yeah, david, this is the proverbial needle in a haystack search but it's a fluid situation one that seems to change by the hour on the ground but the headline, multiple fedex facilities in central texas under investigation including this big one right back here. this is just on the outskirts of the austin international airport and a suspicious package police say was found at this location this morning but there was no explosion. since we've been here we have seen atf and fbi going out but it is important to note they have not confirmed whether this is linked, but a package did explode at a different fedex location in schertz, texas, a suburb of san antonio. it is a distribution center. the authorities say it went off as it traveled down a conveyor belt. no one was seriously hit. fbi agents seen at a fedex store in sunset valley, texas, that is
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two miles where sunday night's bomb went off. you remember one was activated by a trip wire and hurt two guys in a residential neighborhood? that is only go miles from the sunset valley location. the police department says the fbi looking into whether the exploded package in schertz was possibly dropped off there at that local fedex store. so now we have got multiple scenes, multiple explosions, multiple victims. so nearly every law enforcement resource as you heard president trump being thrown at this. >> we have agents from across the country. we have our national response team here. we got k-9 explosive detection k-9s here. we have intel research specialists. we're working hand in hand with our fbi partners, state and local partners. we have, we've been working round-the-clock again the public safety is our number one priority and we are providing
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all the resources that we can to finally find some, the person or individual responsible for this. reporter: get this austin police say they have responded to 420 suspicious package calls within the last 24 hours or so because they're asking the public to remain vigilant. if you see something, say something. all of those have to be checked out but 425 calls just in 24 hours time. you can see how this is taxing local law enforcement but that is why so many are being diverted here to the case. >> casey stegall. thank you very much. melissa. melissa: all right, here now to react bill daly a former fbi investigator who worked for several deadly bombings while with the fbi. what sticks out to you? >> whoever this is raising the gauntlet up to law enforcement. they continued this despite the massive law enforcement effort. we've seen the bombs go off with
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tremendous media coverage and all the assets poured into the area. a concern this will continue. the person see this is as challenge perhaps, how he can outsmart or out wit continue to thwart the law enforcement efforts. melissa: do you think, some are hypothesizing that we're seeing it step up the past couple days and idea they're sitting on a porch, they put a trip wire. they're not going through the mail, and all of sudden it was going through the mail. the person was trying to respond quickly pause maybe law enforcement was closing in. that is one theory i heard earlier. what do you think? >> i'm more inclined my initial statement and he is trying to outwit them and feels he is creative. certainly suggests somebody, it is all linked together, we haven't had 100% confirmation that the ones at fedex facility are linked, but a, suggests somebody has a bit of sophistication. people putting together the devices can't build too many
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before they main themselves or or something goes wry. this has some technical capability, which suggests that they had the bombs available from the past and deploying them. if it is connected to the fed exfacility, there will be treasure trove of information in the exploded and unexploded packages. fedex has tracking systems and surveillance on their equipment and processes it will help law enforcement immensely. melissa: you raised questions others said during the, if these are connected. what if they are not? people watching in the audience feels like they're all connected. experts say that is not foregone conclusion? >> it is not foregone. we could have copycats. melissa: so quickly? >> in and around the same location doesn't ring for me. my gut tells me there is some connectivity here whether a person or persons involved we don't know. we also don't know the motive at this point. the big thing is to stop them before anything further happens
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and before they side to take it to much broader audience to do something that affects more people in more locations. melissa: you talked a bit about the tracking on fedex and i kind of heard conflicting reports. some people say they are very secure and there is a lot of different detection devices in there and it sort of thing. what is your opinion of how secure you think the fedex facilities in yen are, and what that means for what we're looking at here? >> first of all i do believe they have without any particular knowledge they do have sophisticated detection devices. where this was in the process, how it got into their system, whether dropped off in person, whether in a drop box all those things are very important. but they do obviously very concerned about hazardous materials going through their system for things just for general commercial purposes don't contaminate or in any way pollute their process. i suggest to you, that the interesting point of this investigation is that it is a combination now of people looking for forsenically what
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happened. so the bits and pieces of what occurred with the explosions, where the wires came from, what type of explosive material was used, how it was put together are all leads being followed up on. melissa: yeah. >> cameras, things out there in pathways that led this person in and out of areas where the bomb set off are extremely important. are they traffic cameras or cameras on buildings. melissa: a lot of people cam rao as on front doors. thanks for coming on. so much knowledge. we appreciate it. david. david: we have breaking news as all that is going on with fedex in texas they're out with the third quarter results. let's go back to nicole with the numbers. good results, nicole. >> that's right, beating on both top and bottom line for earnings per share and revenue earnings per share adjusted 3.72. revenue 16 1/2 billion. beats the estimate of 16.15 billion. the stock is up two or 3%. that is tacks on to the last 52
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weeks. they came out with statements saying they expect to see strong operating performance in the transportation sections in the fourth quarter. they remain raising operating income at fedex express. third quarter ground average daily package volume was up 6%. they recently re-upped with and expanded their partnership with walmart which will continue to give them a broad-based footprint. we'll listen to hear anything about all the news from texas today. we heard from the president saying that the bombings in texas were terrible and carried out by sick people, but some of the people from the fedex facility. we'll see if they say anything about that. strong numbers and back to you. david: nicole, thank you very much. we will monitor the conference call. go ahead, melissa. melissa: we'll watch it to see if they say anything about today's package explosions. we'll certainly bring that to you. another budget deadline as we pass $21 trillion in debt.
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can congress come up with a bill to avoid another government shutdown without busting the budget again? david: cracking down on sanctuary cities. a roundtable wrapping up with the president, homeland security, law enforcement and lawmakers as well. reaction from arizona congressman andy biggs. he is right on the line, right on the border. he will be joining us next. >> democrats priority is to protect criminals. my priorities and priorities in my administration is presearch, protect the citizens of the united states. they appear out of nowhere.
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what plots they unfold, but only in my mind. over 50% of people with parkinson's will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. if your loved one is experiencing these symptoms, talk to your parkinson's specialist. there are treatment options that can help. my visitors should be the ones i want to see. melissa: cracking down on illegal immigration. president trump hosting a law enforcement roundtable on dangers of sanctuary cities. adam shapiro live from the white house. adam. >> upholding federal law. that is one of the big issues they talked about with law enforcement officials and
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president, regarding topic of sanctuary cities. there were stories about people came to the united states illegally, who sub subsequently broke the law, deported, come back in break the law again, different individuals who has done this countless times. here is what the president said when he kicked off this discussion as it is so important to the entire nation. >> sanctuary cities and states like california put innocent americans at mercy of hardened criminals, hardened murders. in many cases, yet house and senate democrats voted nearly unanimously in favor of sanctuary cities. explain that. reporter: that was one of the issues grabbing headlines here at the white house today. melissa, the other issue is that president trump also called vladmir putin to congratulate him on his victory in the russian elections and then the president talked about the fact that those two world leaders plan to get together in the near future. here is what the president said.
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>> i had a call with president putin and congratulated him on the victory, his electoral victory. the call had to do also with the fact that we will probably get together in the not-too-distant future, so that we can discuss arms, we can discuss the arms race. reporter: so no date for that meeting but as you heard the president say, not so distant future but there are critics who say this is not the right action. senator john mccain issued a statement which he said an american president does not lead the free world by congratulating dictators winning sham elections. president trump insulted every russian citizen who was denied the right to vote in a free and fair election. melissa, david, back to you. melissa: right. by picking up the phone and using this as opportunity to call and say let's sit down talk about the arms race we have going on he insulted russian
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people saying congrats. i get it. adam shapiro. that was sarcastic. david? david: go back to the sanctuary city talk. we have congressman andy biggs, member of the border security caucus. a member of the house judiciary committee. congressman, one thing great about america is that, every state and every little neighborhood is kind of a mini america. we get to experiment with different programs. one of those, we have had enough experimentation with sanctuary cities. you guys have in arizona to find out they don't work out very well. phoenix was a sanctuary city for quite a while. they dropped it. when they did the crime rate dropped dramatically, did it not? >> that's exactly right, david, and that is one of the things we learned when you welcome people to come into your city, down, your county, if they're prone to commit crimes, they have a ends is they are not going to be prosecuted because they know they will not be turned over and be sent out of the country.
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when you're as close to the border as arizona since we're on the border, phoenix is 2 1/2, three hours from the border you know that you have on bad people coming in, committing crimes. and they have represented a disproportionate part of our prison population in arizona, as a matter of fact. we needed to stop that. i'm glad phoenix stopped that. it did reduce crime. grant was killed by someone let lose. marion mend doze is a's son -- mendoza's son killed by someone let lose. this has to stop. i hope every municipality in arizona avoids the sanctuary city problem. david: congressman, you now know, you have mayors and governors doing the best they can to alert some of these criminals, some of the violent criminals that they are about to be arrested by federal agents. what do you do with these people? do you actually arrest them or what? >> well, my opinion is they have, at bare minimum obstructed
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justice. they also may have aided and abetted a felony flight and there are laws on the books both federal and state that probably cover that. and so like oakland mayor situation, i think she should be prosecuted myself. you had very serious violent criminals able to avoid detention by i.c.e. they had already been released by bay area police authorities. then she warned them to boot. this is really major problem for her community. david: let's switch to another major problem for the nation which is the budget. maybe filed as early, the omnibus budget may be filed tomorrow. you have a big snowstorm coming in washington. i don't know how that will affect things but you wrote about this yesterday. you wrote about the budget, we passed 21 trillion-dollar mark in terms of the oh all federal debt. what happened to our commitment of fiscal restraint? where is our concern for the future of the nation we have been entrusted with?
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i beg my colleagues to cut spending and reduce debt before we cross another trillion dollar threshold s that resonating with your colleagues or falling on deaf ears? >> a lot of my colleagues want to make required colleagues in spending. there is not enough of them. by and large we recognize we have budget imbalance problem but nobody can quite get there yet. david: how is it going to explode, congressman? it is clear nobody will do anything until it gets to that point? >> what i see happening it will grow so high we'll be teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. when you think about it, we'll be borrowing about 30% of our budget spending. in other words, we don't even make enough money by a long shot, almost, 1/3 this coming year, we have to borrow in order to fund our government. that means you have too big of a government and it is time to
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face the hard facts, make hard decisions and get after it. i'm hoping that we will. i've been hoping before i ran for congress you know. so got to keep pushing, got to keep pushing. david: we rely on you pushing but i don't know who else will be pushing with you. congressman andy biggs, good to see you, sir. >> thanks, david. melissa: here is look at markets, sea of green with all major averages high every awaiting fed announcement on interest rates tomorrow. there is a new number two. amazon closing above $268 a share, overtaking alphabet at 762, sorry for the first time ever. amazon is now the second largest u.s. company by market cap behind apple. look at that wow. david: lecture on income inequality from few very wealthy democrats is coming up. melissa: huh. talking tough on iran. how president trump meeting with the saudi crown prince could
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impact the future of the middle east. zuhdi jasser president of american islamic forum for democracy is up next. i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way
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david: president trump finding a strong ally against iran in saudi crown prince mohammed bin salman who was visiting the white house today. the iran deal will be up for renewal soon and president trump's pick as his new secretary of state is far more critical of the deal than rex tillerson ever was. so is today's meeting with the saudis the first public salvo against the iran deal? here is zuhdi jasser, president of the american-islamic forum for democracy. with rex out of the way i think the iran deal is toast. what do you think? >> it really is and it is good to see director pompeo, hopefully secretary of state soon designee pompeo will be much stronger on this and i think it is the correct context and perspective to talk about the fact that the visit of mbs, the crown prince, effectively been the leader of saudi arabia is salvo not only to iran and russians and others that we are recalibrating what used to be stability, i can't believe i'm
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saying, the stability of the 20th century is the appeasement of the obama administration had handed them billions of pallets of cash and this nuclear deal was abysmal, a surrender, finally we're resetting that, so we begin to re-establish the stability of powers between the sunnis of the saudis, egyptians and gulf states, versus the shia of the khomenis. having said that we have to get a perspective we can't get inebriated to illusion of reform mbs claims to be doing. david: that is my next question. we know the saudis hate the iranians. we understand they are from different sects in islamic tradition, a lot of people in america don't trust the saudi position good reason. they have financed in the past terrorism. do you think they turned over a new leaf? >> i think this is the same saudi arabia would reform after
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'79. that said they would reform after 9/11. here we are, the radicalized, syrian revolution. they radicalized, worked with the egyptian brotherhood sort of brought that in. he tried to marginalize princes spreading muslim brotherhood ideology. what i always said he is trying to take away the viral jihadists and just do the corporate jihadism. i would tell americans before they get drunk with the "60 minutes" sycophantic interview, look back, wait a minute, these corporate jihadists might be our short term allies, but long term real allies are revolutionaries on the ground, who really talk about human rights and women's rights. as american-muslim i'm done with words and promise of tyrants drinking petro money. it is time for action. they don't talk about human rights. there is not aspect of change. they are autocrats might better
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than the last ones we had and might be starting to change but we need to hold them accountable to universal human rights. david: zuhdi, we have 15 seconds literally, russia, the president will talk about russia, what should he say in 15 seconds to the russians about syria? >> they should not take us for granted. we will re-establish the stability of 20th century. they should look twice before causing more genocide in syria, yemen and elsewhere in the middle east. david: zuhdi jasser, you're a good man, thank you for being here. appreciate it. >> thank you. melissa: a major storm, the fourth nor'easter in less than a month is looming on the east coast. the latest on the storm's path. that's next. ♪ thank you. how many kids? my two. his three. along with two dogs and jake, our new parrot. that is quite the family. quite a lot of colleges to pay for though. a lot of colleges. you get any financial advice? yeah, but i'm pretty sure it's the same plan they sold me before.
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david: wouldn't know it here in new york but today is the first day of spring in the northeast as millions embracing for another nor'easter. snow and ice are expected to pummel the region starting
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overnight. more than 1700 flights have been canceled for tomorrow. meteorologist adam klotz is tracking it all in the fox weather center for us. adam? >> first day of spring, david, a huge weather day across the entire country. part of this system, southern tier of it, that energy causing tornado watches through parts of central florida, through parts south carolina. further north, we're talking about winter aspects of this storm, in the ohio river valley, running into the mid-atlantic. temperatures continue to drop. that is why we have winter storm watches and warnings from the ohio river valley through the atlantic and new york and boston the all areas by tomorrow night early into thursday we'll talk about impressive snowfall totals. here is the hour-by-hour forecast. you can pay attention to the time stamp in the corner this turns into more of a snow event in the overnight hours. rain-snow line continues to drift. more snow is falling, falling
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from areas of d.c. stretching up to philadelphia, into new york city, all spots where we see pretty impressive snowfall totals. this eventually runs off the coast getting you into early thursday morning. how much snow do we talk about? highlighted areas are darker spots. mid-atlantic, up closer to new york city. here is one model rendering getting up to 13, 14 inches in the d.c. area. closer to half a foot in new york, david. this will be a lot of snow. it is coming over the next 18 hours or so. overnight early tomorrow. think wednesday drive home than head into work on wednesday. best idea would be stay at home entirely if you can. david: washington, d.c., they're supposed to be passing a budget tomorrow, ain't going to happen. the city shuts down with two inches, let alone 12 or 13. adam klotz, thank you very much. good stuff. >> i like that the best bet is stay home. david: arizona, or florida, watching right now, uh-oh
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yourself applause. you're doing well. melissa: true. who comes to mind when you think of people who can relate to the struggles of the lower middle class? bernie sanders and elizabeth warren? michael moore? those loaded folks? maybe not so much but the trio of millions nays lectured people on income inequality anyway. james freeman from the "wall street journal" is here next. [fbi agent] you're a brave man, mr. stevens. your testimony will save lives. mr. stevens?
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melissa: what do bernie sanders elizabeth warren and michael moore have in common? they are 3 rich people pushing for incom income equality. >> see crazy the rich right now the level of greed. >> you great the circles of poverty that just wipe out opportunity for everyone. melissa: yeah, she knows about circles of poverties making a fortune in real estate. joining us now. where do you -- the hypocrisy where to begin? >> people who talk most about inequality seem to be the one that create it the most. how could you conjure a way to
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make financial asset expand but restrain the private economy that creates jobs and wages, at least michael moore made his money honestly. for elizabeth warren to go down this road talking about how unfair the economy is, calling herself a cherokee, she achieved that wealth that most people can dream of, saying by the way there is no evidence for that claim. but isn't the economy unfair? her economy has been. melissa: most hypocritical they all gat wealthy -- got wealthy, we applaud, that whatever. warren invested in homes, she fliped and this that and the other. she worked for harvard law school, bernie sanders wrote books, michael moore wrote movies, they waited until they collected their fortune then they decide making a fortune is
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a bad thing but they are not giving away their money. >> i think it would be nice if they recognized given problems we had in last administration, such a focus on trying to reduce inequality, progress lately they might have mentioned this report 6.3 million jobs in united states most ever. there ha never been a better time to search for a job than right now in terms of number of opens and people searching, we saw wages and benefits rising last year, at a fast clip. the cure for inequality is clear, more open markets. but that is not what they are selling. melissa: they think that the cure is socialism but they are not willing to live by these standarding themselves. >> yes. melissa: that is the point and so amazing about it, i also don't see them, they are welcome to write huge checks to government and go to the street hand their money to everyone
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else, but they don't want to, they are hanging on to what they have and then say that it is bad. we gr w. >> we should point out this fetish in inequality, it is based on a ton of assumptions. i know we don't have time to go into that picketing book, but assumptions underlying that, economists will be picking that apart for years. >> james freeman thank you. david: speaking of social eu69 experience, they are moving out of california, a lot of folks in california have had enough of their politicians, details coming up.
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melissa: people in california are fed up with high housing cost and taxes, they are leaving for low income states like nevada and texas.
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david: california lost 150 thousand residents over a year, but texas net increase of more than 79 thousand people. it is so clear. melissa: that is right that does it for us, risk risk starts renew. >> traveling on the automated conveyer. >> suffered a concussion. >> we have k-9 explosive detection, intel research specialists, we're working hand in hand with our fbi partners. >> if you have a package that was not expected, if you are suspicious of a return address, if you come across any suspicious package do not touch it, do not move to, can tax contact 911. liz: serial bomber terrorizing texas with 9 bombs in 19 days,


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