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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  March 24, 2018 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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of that waiting for you on monday. good night from new york.nonono. join us tomorrow. breaking news tonight, president trump announcing another big staff change. in a tweet this evening, he said, quote, i am pleased to announce that effective 4/9/18 ambassador john bolton will be my new security adviser. i'm thankful for h.r. mcmaster who has done an outstanding job and will always be my friend. there will be a handover on 4/9. i'm in for kennedy. and with me now, yes, incoming white house national security adviser john ballton. ambassador bolton well koom to e show. >> it's not red eye but i'm glad
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to be here. >> thank you for not canceling. i'm going to read you a headline. the reactions are happening as we speak. john bolton, trump's ultra hawkish knew national security adviser explain. bolton has recently called for war with both iran and north korea. would you say that's accurate? >> of course it's not accurate but it's what i would expect from them. >> you recently wrote an editorial for "the wall street journal." you said some sort of strike is likely unavoidable unless china agrees to regime change in pyongyang. that's right. you describe yours as a hawk on north korea, correct? >> let me just say in the roughly hour and a half i've had to digest the news getting out about this, i've had to think about what to do about everything that i said in my public career before now. the op-eds, the books, the speeches, the interviews and so on. and as i'm sure your researchers
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have made clear to you, you probably have a list of questions that could go on for some long. i honestly think it's not appropriate for me to talk about that vast body of my commentary. it's out there, people can read it or listen to it if it's a broadcast, they can draw their own on collusions from it. but my job when i get the job on april 9th as the president has just told me, you know, then my advice needs to be private to him, unless he wants to let it go public kind of my commenting on the things i've said before i think is not fair to the president and so i want to avoid commenting on it. but i'd welcome your continued reading from any collecting works. i can't object to that. >> well i'll keep reading. i'll read it in private and after the show as well. let me get some immediate
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reaction from bernie sanders, john bolton was part of the effort to mislead the u.s. into the disastrous u.s. war. he was too exteam to be confirmed u.n. ambassador in 2005 and is absolutely the wrong person to be national security adviser now. does that reaction surprise you? >> i'm gratified by senator sanders' endorsement. i welcome it. with respect to being confirmed, of course the democrats resorted to a filibuster in 2005. and in the effort to break the filibuster, there were 57 votes in favor of my nomination, under today's circumstances of course with the filibuster for check executive branch and judicial nominees eliminated, i would have been confirmed. senator sanders i'm sor sorry yu don't get a shot at me this time. >> this position, there's no confirmation process. you're appointed by the president. >> that's right.
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>> what is it with you and confirmations. i remember when that happened. george w. bush appointed you as ambassador to the u.n. or he was going to appoint you and there was a long drawn out thing about you being confirmed. i remember the cable news, talking heads within interviews, congressman, senators, everyone talking about -- describing you as kind of a meany. you were a mean guy, you yelled at people. you were nasty. that was not the experience i had working with you on red eye, ambassador. what is with you and confirmations . >> well, you know, the confirmation process for the u.n. ambassador was not that much different than the confirmation i had to be undersecretary of state. and finned mentally this was a disagreement about policy. i remember in my confirmation hearing in 2001 for the undersecretary job, joe biden, who is always candid for sure, said, look, my disagreements with you over the years have been because you're too
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competent. i'd really wish you were rather dumb because i would have a better shot at you. you're a competent and honorable man. and i think that what has happened to the confirmation process is not just in my case but in many many others, is that it's gotten so bitterly partisan that everything you did from about third grade on up that dissatisfied somebody gets dragged into public view. and of course the media tends to take the worst case view of what it is you're accused of and positions harden and rational discussion stops. so i think that's bad for the republic. i think it discourages people from considering public service. people say why should i put myself through that process when your character is maligned, especially in confirmation, when people can say almost anything but lest you defend the senate, you can only speak at your confirmation hearing.
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it's very one-sided. and i think, as i said, harmful to our system of government that discourages people from putting their names forward for public service. >> i imagine you're going to be -- there's a transition period. are you going to be meeting with h.r. mcmaster and working things out? >> i certainly hope so. i knew h.r. before he took this position. i have read his excellent study, i would recommend it to anybody who is interested in vietnam or civil military relations. it will be an honor to work with him in the transition, with him and his team and i look guard to that. >forwardto that. >> if you flip the channels on cable news, people talk about aggressive, you know, that you're more hawkish. probably more so than h.r. mcmaster, that's the way they're describing it. is the president making a change in direction? >> you know, again, i'm not sure
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that's for me to comment on. i think the president had some very nice and appropriately very nice words for h.r. tonight. said he would always be a friend. i think the president is not afraid of people with strong views. i think it benefits the decision-making process in the executive branch when people are able to lay their views out in a polite civil fashion, which i hope to do, as i believe i've done in the past. some people find it difficult to deal with opinions they disagree with. and unfortunately they tend to take it personally. but that's not how i see it. i think the clash of views is the clash of views. and hopefully you get closer to the right decision as a result of it. >> 50eu78 going to read a tweet from the vice president, mike pence just tweeted, i will always be grateful to my friend, general h.r. mcmaster for his service as potus national security adviser.
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congratulate him on a job well done. he departs with our highest respects for his service to this administration and his heroic service on and off the battlefield. thank you, h.r., and god bless. the vice president followed up with a congrats to you, his tweet, do we have the tweet here? congratulation to new national security adviser john bolton. ambassador bolton is a highly respected american pay tree yait whpay tree yat.potus will contip america strong and secure. agreed? >> well i appreciate vice president pence's kind words about me and i endorse 100% what he said about h.r. >> now i was looking at tape. just after this big announcement, i think martha was playing it or maybe it was on special report. they had videotape of when he announced h.r. mcmaster as his national security adviser and then he had some good words for
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you. he said we're also going to be talking in an advisory capacity with ambassador john bolton, a great guy with a lot of great ideas. were you considered for this back then in. >> yes. i think it was pretty well known. i remember seeing h.r. down at mar-a-lago, he was coming in for his interview as i was leaving. so we go back a long way on that. >> now in those tweets i just read, the word congratulate came up twice, this was a big scandal this week, the memo, the russian memo that said do not congratulate putin for his victory and the president did congratulate him. first of all, is there a scandal there? you're going to be national security adviser. your job is going to be to advise the president. is there any scandal in the president ignoring the advice he gets and doing what he wants to do? >> no. that's why he got elected. it's not the function of the political officials, the president or his nominees across the executive branch to do what
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their subordinates tell them to do. if that were the rule, then you could just have a bunch of gs-15s running the entire government. the president is entitled to do what he wants to do. that's what the constitution says. the executive power resides in the president. and if he wants to say congratulations to vladimir putin -- number one, i don't see anything particularly significant about it one way or another. it's a courtesy. he had other subjects he wanted to bring up. the election had just taken place. american presidents congratulate monarchs when they take the throne. we don't use that as a form of government we admire. you say things to be courteous and diplomatic. what i think was outrageous was the leak of the notes and i just think that this is the kind of disservice that some people think they're called upon to do. i think it undercuts faith in our system of government. i think it discourages foreign leaders from being open and
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candidatcandid with the presidet because they're afraid their conversation will appear in the press and it discourages advisers from offering their advice if they think spb for their own motives is going to leak it. we've got to find a way, democrat or republican, we've got to find a way to stop this kind of leaking >> are you going to be able to do anything about leak as national security adviser? is that going to be in your purview? >> it will be in the national security staff. and i think the president, khiev of staff kelly and many others in the executive branch have made it clear they don't like this. honestly president obama didn't like leaks from his administration either. it really, it interferes with the president's ability to come to conclusions after discussing all of the options in private. and it really -- the leakers taking on himself or herself a kind of moral authority that they don't have. it's not for them to put in jeopardy the other 300-plus
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million american citizens just because they thir their morality is better than everybody elses. >> you've been harsh on russia. are you going to press the president to go harder on russia? i think we had another comment this week when he said what's wrong with getting along with russia. she'russia. are we going to go harsher? >> i've said what i said about russia. quote another interview if you would like. i would love to hear it again. that's what i said in any capacity as a private citizen and in a capacity as a government official advising the president, it really -- i can't be commenting on what i said before because what i said before really doesn't matter going forward. it's what the president decides based on what all of his advisers recommend and what he decides. >> you're a fox news contributor right now. i think you are still a contributor as we speak, right? you're going to have to give that up pretty soon. >> i think i'll have to resign.
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i think the president told me i'm starting on april 9th and if that's the case, i suppose i'll resign from fox on april 8th. i could here after this show. who knows, tom. >> ambassador, i want to ask about -- you had the meeting at the white house today. does the president want -- does he want a little -- it seems like he wants a little challenge from you. he's about to hire somebody he doesn't agree with on a lot of issues. without quoting some of your past positions, did he express to you he's looking for a different view? >> well, i think he's a man comfortable in his own skin in debating these issues and i think that others who advise on the national security council will have their views as well. you know, it's a fundamental tentative belief and system of freedom of expression for the country as a whole. but also in governments the
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clash offedies brings you closer to the truth. that's obviously what the president wants. he hears the pros and cons. he hears people argue it out. i'm a litigator by trade myself and that's what we believe the trial process does as well. i don't think there's anything, should be anything surprising in saying he wants to hear advisers who can articulate different positions to allow him to help facilitate him making his final decision. >> a ambassador, word on the street is the president is not a huge fan of facial hair. what if the stache has to go. what do you think? >> it did not come up. that i will refeel. >> thanks for taking the heat and thanks for being here. >> just remember, i was the president of red eye once. keep that in mind. >> once and always, ambassador. thank you coming up, we're going to get reaction to the newest shakeup in the white house with the panel. plus chris stirewalt on the
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massive spending bill just passed in the house. and the war of words between president trump and joe biden. it's a packed show. it's a packed show. we'll be right back. pssst. what? i switched to geico and got more. more savings on car insurance? a-ha. and an award-winning mobile app. that is more. oh, there's more. mobile id cards, emergency roadside service... more technology. i can even add a new driver...
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john bolton moments ago. the president named ambassador boll o fon tob to remays h.r. mcmaster. but just last thursday sarah huckabee sanders tweeted just spoke topo tus, contrary to reports, they have a good working relationship and there where no changes at nsc. there you go. my solid gold party panel joins me right now to react. republican strategist noel, jimmy faye da and michael malice. i used your dweet i tweet in qug the ambassador. did you see that? >> i was sitting right here. i had a shi sieve in a shif in . >> it wasn't like let's bomb them now. >> but it was like if china doesn't agree to the regime change, he said a strike is
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option. we're going to hit north korea and then have them decimate seoul but it's fine. the president ran against the iraq war. i remember clearly during the debates where he blames bush for 9/11 and everyone booed him to jeb bush's face. one good thing about the nomination besides the fact that we all know him, we get to see him fired in a few weeks on twitter while he's in the bathroom or in the most humiliating fashion possible. >> jimmy, you think he would be fired short term? ambassador bolton? >> let me tell you something. i love this hire. there's an old saying in sports that you have to play the teams on the schedule. and what that means is you've got to concentrate on whatever is in front of you. if you look at the schedule right now when it comes to national security, you've got north korea, a volatile situation, russia, things going on in syria. i like someone who is a little
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hawkish right now. when trump was hawkish about north korea, when he had his rhetoric about bigger buttons and everybody said that talk was going to lead us off the ledge but it doesn't. these people understand strength and force. i like the hire. >> he knows his way around the power. he's been in the white house before. so he's got his act together. that at the very least i think should make people happy. >> and i think he's a good hire. and i like the fact that he has different views and i like the fact that these views are going to incorporate -- they're going to find their way to the white house. just like i like the fact that larry kudlow, look at how his views on trade were o opposite f the president. i like the fact that trump is changing out people that are not working for him. because finally he's going to get it right. you've got to remember. this is a day in the private
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sector. he is not used to government. he's used to changing out teams. he's out with the old, in with the new. help me, guys. >> there's a lot of churn at the white house. but it looks like this is a controversial approach. the president is changing his lawyers, fighting back at mueller. now he's going confrontational on international affairs. >> secretary of education. you're talking about this like it's a different hiring. this guy is behind the iraq war, hundreds of thousands of corpse. to have him in the white house. >> there are a lot of republicans, though. >> the iraq war devastated the republican party and gave us barack obama. it was a strategic point of view. no one is defending it except for people like jeb and bill crystal. >> i was going to say, if you want to staff the white house with people who are against the iraq war, it's a very small
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pool. >> boohoo. >> what the problem is. i'm sorry. if i want to staff the white house with people who are antiwar twhab's a good starting point. and trump has been -- he's got a short bench to deal with, that's true. but if you're talking about draining the swamp, it's the biggest swamp wall rus there is. >> i made michael hire. >> we love the hire. let me get this in. the rhetoric and the blurs, blu, where has it gotten us? to the negotiating table. we're talking about sitting down with them. they have responded favorably to the threat of force. you don't like the threat of force. >> he's not threatening. this guy did it. this guy had blood on his hands. >> but again, you're living -- not the say but almost a false reality where trump isn't the actual national security adviser. the last word is always trump.
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>> quick question, do you think the meeting is going to happen? >> absolutely. and i'm sure it was clear behind the scenes before hand. the house passed a $1.3 trillion spending bill and members of congress bolted out of town. the senate takes it up next. what ever happened to fiscal responsibility? chris stirewalt is live in washington with reaction. how do you win at business? stay at laquinta. where we're changing with contemporary make-overs. then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. who has the upper hand now? start winning today. book now at
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house today voting to pass a massive 1.3 trillion dollar spending bill to fund government through the end of september, the bill is now in hands of senate, some members out the towft itout itacetamoniphen a massive compromise not everyone is happy about it. >> the worth bill our leadership has allowed to come to floor. >> paul ryan loves the bill. >> jim has never voted for one of these bills, this trump, basketbalbudget for military, ts wall, fixing military, fights opioid.
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for more connell mcshane in dc with latest. reporter: they are trying to set up a vote for tonight, the rules work, you always have one senator that is hold things up even if it is just to make a point. everyone has been wra washingtog rand so watching rand paul. he is at it again, reading the bill and then posting his observations it has been going on for hours, it started, here it is, budget busting pages, house already started votes, senate it expected to soon, no one has read it, congress is broken, the house did pass the bill. lbill, he wrote, pain 281 of crumb ni bus, retirement
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funding. -- he continued a bunch of other tweets about what is in the bill, he added, eyes getting tired but someone should read the beast. that is rand paul. on senate floor, other republicans been saying they will reluctantly vote for the bill. >> i can find things that are not there that i would like to see, i can find things that are in the bill, i would prefer got to be in the bill. that is the process of democracy, the process of legislating. reporter: for the republican bill, increase in military spending, they love, democrats happy with pick up in spending for any number of domestic program. president vowed to sign it, largely it funds some of his priorities. so, we're watching and waiting. assuming we don't get a vote
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tonight, very well may stretch past midnight tomorrow, maybe 1 a.m. saturday, we'll see, one of about 20 breaking stories we're watching in washington. and market today took a hit after president trump hit china with tariffs, what is latest? >> they came out, chinese with what looks like their response. to president. they are threatening their own tariffs, 3 billion in measures again number of u.s. products, imports, commerce ministry in china put out a list of 128 u.s. products, that they say could be targeted if the two country don't come to an agreement on trade issues, that looks like china's response could be big for the market. >> time to negotiate. >> with more on spending bill, fox news politic editor chris stirewalt. what do you think --
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[ laughter ] -- are we headed for a shut down. >> no, democrats don't want to take focus off trump. they found out with daca shut down, it shifted focus on them, not good for their thans to retake the house this year, they will rope a dope it, they can't complain too much. for their base letting wall funding go through is bad, and midtary -- military funding is bad, hard to complain too loudly, if they pass it, speak out of town thig they get to fos back to where they want it. >> don't republicans care about spending any more? >> buddy, i have seen campaign promises and platforms in my career, i have never seen anything as robust as republicans in a good economy. in a good economy, running up a
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trillion dollars second -- obama did it in 6 months, donald trump last week, hit trillion dollar deficit, we'll probably get next trillion in less than a year, and if interests go up 3 trillion. pretty quickly, that is just crazy cakes for republicans, who spent the entire obama presidency lecturing us about problems with spending and problems with debt and deficit. it is a jeepers creepers moment. >> who has pour into this weekend? the big power players? >> shut down or -- >> in you know getting this thing passed. >> well, senator from kentucky will drag it out, he will make it slower and. and get himself some shut down. hold the floor, do something like that. but what happened here, is that
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leaders of both parties in both houses agreed, that this is the way it is, neither party thinks it is in their political interest to have a shut down, lean will be heavy. i just spoke with ambassador johjohn bolton. >> you did, i saw that. he shied away from some toughy questions, but what do you think? >> i think this is the kind of cabinet that donald trump wanted, he just hired larry kudlow, larry kudlow's economic views are different from those of donald trump, he is not a protectist, he is say free trader, i am sure he is aghast at what china is about to do. so, that does not mean that trump is softening on trade, i guess that means he wants a different point of view, i would say, it is probably a healthy seen that this president doesn't people around him to take a
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different view. so he can hear different points of view and a different tool box to go into. when it like okay what do hawks say, hawks say blow them up, and doves say chill out, it may be a better setting for a variety of options. i heard chill out, thank you, chris. >> chill out. >> coming up, in the one corner, 71 years old, champion dapper donald trump, the other corner 75 years old, scranton crapper joe biden, they are good at verbal jabs but who would win if they laced up some gloves? ♪ for all the noses that stuff up around daisies. for all the eyes that get itchy and watery near pugs. for all the people who sneeze around dust. there's flonase sensimist allergy relief. it relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't.
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>> dowd's resignation comes as house intelligence committee voted to release public report to russia meddling that found no evidence of collusion 20 trump campaign and russia, and russian officials, hash tag witch-hunt. i screwed up by read, trying to get my hash tag right, it is wise for president to testify, i brokerage in my panel. he wants to get tough across the board, fight with mueller. >> i am sure any lawyer worth his salt will tell his client, stop tweeting hash tag witch-hunt. he -- trump is in a tricky position, have you counsel like this, they have to show something there are so many laws out there almost impossible not to dredge something up.
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he was the there to investigate whitewater in the 90s, when they have an opened path to whatever they want to find they have to deliver a body or that money will begun for nothing. >> they will get him on something, whether it is a technicality or financial or lying it may not be collusion, but president is betting go ahead, charge me with that, i will go to american people. >> he is is always rallies to his base in campaign mode, he loves rallies, he loves putting this on twitter, he likes sees feedback, he gets great feedback with you go trump, and winning, he likes it. it would be horrible for him to be -- be -- awsm, a awful, i think that is driving his attorneys, attorneys think one way, and trump thinks many ways, you can imagine think about you know being an parent, and having somebody so slippery as trump as
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your client. you don't know what they are going to do, wake up at 3:00 a.m. and tweet something that tt you like oh, my gosh, it must be hard to be a serious attorney defending trump. >> i think usually you take unthe checkbook, you write somebody a check. and tell them to shut up. >> that come today he wants to testify on way out, is brilliant stroke by him, he knows they are not going to let him testify this gives him credit for looking open, this is a bar scenario, it happens in bars all of the time, they guy who wants no part of fighting, but when cops show up, he acts psycho, because he looks like he is going to fight, but they are not. >> remember, i would not waste my time. they are holding back. >> who cares. >> and fact that they are
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saying, you know mueller will set perjury trap for trump if they talk, this is say round about way of saying that probe has nothing, after all this time we hope mueller is set a perjury trap, you tell us, you have been wasting everyone's time and money, hash tag, witch-hunt. >> the whole thing about russia. >> and meddling. >> donald trump and joe biden are headed to a smackdown, but unlike most fights between men their age this one did not start over a disagreement during a shuffle board match biden said this about president monday. >> a by who ended up becoming our national leader said, i can grab a woman anywhere and she likes it then said, i made -- i didn't make a mistake, they asked me what i like to debate the man. i said, no, if we were in high school i would take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of
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him. >> a strong close. president of the not scared of biden's testif tough talk, and responded, saying crazy joe biden trying toable like -- toa testify guy. he is weak. he would go down fast and hard. crying all the way, don't threaten people, joe. so. could this scranton crappe scrat the best of don? >> look. you know, these guys they fight it out, is it -- did trump bring him down to his level. >> joe biden's mentor of ted kennedy, during the eulogy he talked about how he sat next to him at 20 years in senate, if he was in men -- mentor you are good at taking people out with clean hands.
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>> oh,. >> can eye i want to say, we should have this fight. we should put the fight on pay-per-view, and payoff national deficit, if mayweather and manny pacquiao is do a million. >> how about on kim jong-un. >> funny. >> he is way younger what 71 and 75. >> this is height difference that is impossible. >> they are supposed to be battling arthritis. trump is more athletic, he plays more golf than biden bi biden hs tremendous hand strength from giving the creepy massages in washington. >> check this out. >> if anyone can go against trump biden would have done better than hillary, he is sable to go -- he is able to. >> absolutely, if he could take on anyone, my money is on trump, if trump did not want to get his hands dirty. they need to have someone come
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in fight for him. >> no question biden can do better than hillary, she can't take a flight of stairs. >> is biden going to run. >> i hope she runs again, that would be great. >> biden will, why not. >> and sanders should run. >> thank you. >> michael, jimmy and noel. -- coming up, they say you are what you eat, a new documentary series exposed how much we don't bknow about the food we consume, i will speak with the host of the series, next.
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>> i'm going on a global journey to explore how our appetite. >> we're wasting our planet. >> fish in general. >> and diskof discoff -- discovy hidden truth. >> we're getting sicker. >> more and more valuable. >> clean eating is a growing trend. >> big corporations, are running
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animal agriculture like a machine. >> we're here to expose the system. >> a clip from a new fusion docu -series food exposed. we love to eat, but 40% of our food in u.s. is wasted, 42 million americans continue to struggle with hunger, journalist, trekked over 175 thousand miles as part of your investigation from dumpster diving in greenwich village to the arctic circle to explore hidden truth behinded food we eat. you said just call you nel? >> these. >> nel. documentary premiering tuesday march 27, 8 p.m., fusion.
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40% of food is wasted, who is wasting most, us in homes or big food companies. >> it is us. >> oh. >> it is sad to say 40% of food we buy in america, never makes it the plates or to the bodies, that is the food that makes it to us, a third of food produced for consumption that lands here in america doesn't get to us it is not even picked. i went out to guatemala to peru, i saw the farmers and how much wastage they done bother picking up -- they didn't bother picking up. we don't want a work. wonkr carrot, you think about how much energy and fuel and water is wasted just making the stuff that never gets to us, problem is compounded. >> is there anyway do correct it? you are not gets people to pick
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up the wonky grou fruit becausee don't want it. >> why wouldn't we, we have been programmed to think we like food like a magazine, there is a lot to be said for a wonky carrot, and a tomato with's blemish on it. what we want is so powerful, if we decide that we are going to accept food a little less perfect. that could make a massive impact. >> demand ugly foe -- tomato. yes, we do. we have to do more, we have demand that the people who are producing the stuff, accept responsible for their part. their part is big. >> i notice that fishing in the clip, we're over fishing the seas, right, people are just eating farmed fish is that bad?
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>> i think it is part of the solution, but imagine if everyone, china, they love their seafood, if they decided they were eating farm fish. so i think a case of whatever you are eating and your pleasure you enjoy, ask the question, is it sustain abily sourced, how can i be part of making it better. >> and i mean -- is it are reheading to a point where we don't have enough, don't you he have the lobsters. >> it going to start we can't continue this, you eat lobsters every night? >> not every night, i see them in the tank. >> yeah. >> and i like seafood, i would like it to continue, i am a conservative american, but i know, we're running up against commerce and food product and everything el, what is the percent thing we have to do,
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beside ugly tomato. >> accept food is a privilege, we get to eat three times a day whatever we want, i went to 16 countries over 12 months, i learned food we eat in quantities that we can eat, it is a pritc privilege, once you t that, then you can work to making it more -- it should cost rather than what we are expecting it to. >> thank you, nel, we'll be right back. [fbi agent] you're a brave man, mr. stevens. your testimony will save lives. mr. stevens? this is your new name. this is your new house. and a perfectly inconspicuous suv.
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>> thanks for hanging with me, for past few days it has been a lot of fun, let's see what you think. >> if you are going to have a guest host, make them wearing some from your war wardrobe. really done look like herself, all pale and thin, hope she is not coming down with something. >> shorty writes party panel is acting like there was a substitute teacher. >> thanks for watching, you can follow kennedy at twitter, instagram, and facebook.
6:00 am
you can catch me on fox news radio weekdays 3 to 6 prime minister primp.m.eastern, good . >> lou: good evening, everybody. break news tonight. president trump has announced that general hr mcmaster is out as national security advisor and will be replaced by former united advisor john bolton. the announcement comes after weeks of tension between trump and mcmaster. president trump said mcmaster will stay on until april to ensure a smooth transition. and the rinno congressional leadership told the american people to go to hell and the americas didn't like it one bit. the house was


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