tv FBN AM FOX Business April 2, 2018 5:00am-6:00am EDT
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>> lou: charmy, thank you for being with us. tonight. good night from new york. >> inflation is moving higher, but not that scary away. markets in good shape. tranthree despite the optimism, the new quarter in the new month in the red as china imposes the retaliatory tariffs on fruit, wine, nuts and other products. cheryl: taking a look at features right now. dow lower by 89 points. an s&p i-9, nasdaq down by 45. lauren: in asia, japan stock fell 23%. and china's shanghai composite down two tenths of 1%. and then,
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>> sitting here in my tiny corner of nowhere. there is nowhere left to go. nowhere. except the races. trying to steven spielberg's ready player one blue with box office numbers. we've got the numbers. "fbn:am" starts right now. lauren: 5:01 a.m. in new york. monday, april 2nd. we have had a wonderful easter and passover. i lauren simonetti. cheryl: i'm cheryl casone. thanks for the viewers to spend the last 10 minutes of this on facebook live and instagram. we love your actions. someone if you never went to sleep from last night. we love that you joined us this morning. tranthree you can see how we are waking up as well. the whole 15 minutes ago.
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china is striking back against the trump administration's tariffs on steel and aluminum. starting today, china raising tariffs on pork and seven other products and slapping a 15% tariff on 120 u.s. commodities including fruit. regime hiking tariffs online. cheryl: former federal reserve vice chairman calendar of liz claman that president trump missed the boat by not using the transpacific governorship against china. >> a lot of the cpp was about intellectual property. a lot of it the united states wanted to get done on that front. proof, he disappeared on the first day of the trump administration. that was the way to attack the intellectual property. cheryl: alan blinder talking to liz claman. imposing sanctions as part of a way to crack down on theft of intellectual property from u.s. companies. something going on for decades.
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lauren: the president treated over the weekend. streamers coming young immigrants brought to the country legally his didn't deal instead. he spoke to reporters as he was heading into church for easter sunday services. >> democrats had a great, great chance. lauren: tribe says the u.s. will walk away from math deck of the north american free trade agreement unless mexico takes additional steps to stop immigrants from the country. also calling for a wall along the mexico border. tranthree president trump attacking amazon again over the weekend over how it does business. investor concerns about possible regulatory -- thursday the president treated saturday that amazon is not paid the post office its fair share for
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package fees saying, quote, while we are in the subject it's reported the u.s. costs country post office will lose $1.50 for each package and amount to billions of dollars. tranthree senator bernie sanders agreed with the president that amazon size is a problem. >> we are seeing this incredibly large company getting involved in almost every area of commerce and i think it is important to take a look at the power of influence amazon has. lauren: policy experts say going after amazon using antitrust grounds can be very difficult to do. cheryl: to major retailers have been hit by a new data breach that puts the credit card information of thousands of shoppers at risk. lauren: i shop for both of these stores. tracee carrasco does too. she joins us at the headlines. >> thank you on the good morning.
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i do shop at these and hackers have reached the payment systems and saks fifth avenue and lauren taylor. stolen information for millions of hackers. they claim they have stolen numbers from the stores and releasing them for sale in the dark web. the group behind the hack appears to have gotten the retailers into the point-of-sale system started last may. 125,000 cars that had been used have been released for sale by the hackers. a spokesperson for the two stores owned by hudson bay company says the breach is under investigation social security numbers and driver's license numbers were not believed to be stolen. customers will be offered free identity protection services, including credit monitoring. the parent company of both down 20% this year. cheryl: obviously i don't know about you all could have had my credit card stolen three times.
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it's a process you have to go through. let's talk about tesla. they disclose details of the fatal crash in california. but there's some controversy here. like the national transportation safety board are not happy with tesla's disclosure of the semi-timely starting system is that they did before the fatal crash last month in california, which is currently under investigation. ntsb says it's unhappy, got the information and also at the suggestion that the driver had time to put his hands on the wheel and react. tesla has not commented about the ntsb statement. tesla is trading lower in the premarket this morning. there it is on your screen. lauren: they had an awful month of march, but it's rare tesla fighting with it co. and the government. steven spielberg making his marks at the box office. cheryl: we do have a new box
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office winner after this holiday weekend. >> i only came into estate was something much bigger than just myself. are you willing to fight? how do you see the oasis. lauren: is steven spielberg's sub to top the charts with $181 million internationally. this is the largest opening weekend in 10 years. in second place, tyler. acrimony brought in $171 million in it opening weekend. "black panther" with $11.2 million, bringing the domestic total to $659 million paid right now the fifth-largest domestic release of all time but was soon likely counter acid park in titanic rounding out the top five i can only imagine pacific rim uprising. lauren: tracee, thank you very
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much. cheryl: great to have you back. amazon under scrutiny as president john suggests he may rate in the company. chief strategist is here to weigh in. david, good morning. we had to talk on her facebook live with our viewers and the pressure that is on amazon. it doesn't seem the president has a lot of avenues to pursue amazon based on regulation currently on the books. >> antitrust is likely not to do it here. it is designed for standard oil years ago. i'm not sure it's able to deal in the new internet age, but the president makes some good points. amazon gets bigger and i heard bernie sanders comments as well. five, 10 years are now a look at the united states at amazon because the companies afforded the opportunity to march across every avenue of business, much like wal-mart did decades ago knocking out mom-and-pop stores.
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cheryl: at the end of the day they bring up the sales tax issue. amazon does pay state sales taxes if you shop at amazon. what this would do to consumers of the president decides to take action. one is that the postal service is actually benefiting according to "forbes" from amazon using that appeared in the package volume. the president had another take on it. >> i disagree with the article that the president is right. even citigroup is seeing the real cost delivering those packages for that last mile is about 50% higher. in addition, the night is post office is competitive to ups and fedex, used to supply premise that they are subsidizing the company in the lane at distinct advantage. trying to all of dollars based
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on this or that based on the fear that what happened based on this or that would have been in the sun. listen to answer huckabee sanders set about the exact issue. >> the president has said many times before he's always looking to create a level playing field for all businesses in this is noted different. cheryl: level playing field, david. >> it's tough to get a level playing field anytime soon, especially the fact antitrust will not work for the president. right now it's a lot of jawboning on the side gate people miss the lawsuit amazon enjoys. they don't pay a dividend and even wal-mart very difficult to compete when you have to give the money to your shareholders. as long as wall street does that come and they have this advantage. cheryl: big ipo coming up to spot a five. the ipo market has been a little rocky for the start of technologies. think about snapchat from a year ago. >> spot a fight has been rocky because the markets have been
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rocky. this one is different in the sense that they are ignoring the banks. they are doing this on their own and they save tens of millions of dollars has been a dynamic out there for ipos could likely to be more volatile as a result of this. cheryl: interesting to see how the investors react. david nelson, thank you so much. appreciate it. tranthree tesla in the hot seat once again say that otto pilot feature would engage before a deadly suv crash. investors looking at the company can meet production market. and what was up with an april fools joke sent by tesla ceo elon musk. cheryl: bad timing. lauren: really bad timing. the space station crashing back to earth. where did it land? the second quarter of the new month of april in wall street. dow futures are down 84 points. nasdaq giving up 42. we'll be right back.
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issues of overcrowded classrooms and resources. more than 40,000 supporters have much to walk out. a chinese satellite roughly the size of a school bus burned into a fireball after reentering the atmosphere in the early hours of the morning. although the satellite could it possibly landed in the united states, experts say remains crashed to earth after the southern pacific ocean. abc already renewing "roseanne" after 18 million viewers last week aired the show had taken a 21 year hiatus before returning. the same character be in a fan of president trump. he called to congratulate her on the show successful debut. that's what's happening now. lauren: investors want to know if tesla and that is 2500 per week production goal.
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all of this as ceo elon musk posted an april fools to eat saying despite intense efforts to raise money including a last ditch sale at easter eggs, we are sad to report tesla has gone completely and totally bankrupt. but is there some truth to that? we ask asked chief strategy officer and head of technology research at gbc insights. good morning. >> how are you? lauren: is elon musk a little tone ear? is there truth to that april to eat? >> tone might be an understatement. this has been an agonizing. for investors as the massive headwinds not just on the production side, but the potential rate coming and also the autopilot situation. this is one of those words really been a confluence of things. i think this is definitely not the right tone to say the least. this is really got a white
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knuckle. for investors and tesla. lauren: you can see on this chart that in the month of march month of march the stock was down 22%. its worst month in seven years. investors are clearly concerned now. do you think if they actually meet production model three for the quarter and forecast solid numbers for this current quarter that investors may be more little too bearish on the stocks? >> there's a better chance of me playing in the nba. probably about 1500 a week is what we are thinking versus 2500. they will need to rip the band-aid off and that is sort of the first start. they are going to have to do a capital raise to .3 billion. investors are trying to figure out what their risk profile looks like. it will ramp up over the next
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month and do you actually start to go in the right direction after it looks like the model three, just a series of missteps. lauren: let's put these into production. 1500 model threes a week in wall street is looking for 5000 a week for this quarter. that is going to be difficult. reality check if you look at castle and compared their market value to a major company like ford, it's bigger. before it made 6 million cars last year and had a $7.5 billion profit. tesla made $100,000 cars in a $2 billion loss. so how do you convince wall street this company is worth that? >> that's really the issue here. definitely a new paradigm they've done. definitely a market market opportunity as they are clearly on another level from the next generation car is. but now the rubber meets the
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road. you need to read about production, get the capital constrained issue and rates on the horizon now. and ultimately cover they need to start walking the walk versus talking the talk in production, sales, which are realistic expectations. lauren: good luck with the nba tryout. thanks for joining us. cheryl: we've got a lot more coming out. spotted via planning to go public this week in a very unusual public offering. the risks are pretty good for this company. plus it seems like a cruel joke for residents of the northeast. adam klotz is the latest on a new source to. this is not an april fools joke you there. as you can see, another down start to your markets. the dow down by 86 in the premarket. s&p nasdaq in the rat as well. you are watching "fbn:am."
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the ♪ great, another dead end. sarge, i just got a tip that'll crack this case wide open! turns out the prints at the crime scene- awwwww...did mcgruffy wuffy get a tippy wippy? i'm serious! we gotta move fast before- who's a good boy? is him a good boy? erg...i'm just gonna go. oh, you wanna go outside? you gotta go tinky poo-poo? i already went, ok? in the bathroom! as long as people talk baby-talk to dogs, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. [fbi agent] you're a brave man, your testimony will save lives. mr. stevens? this is your new name. this is your new house. and a perfectly inconspicuous suv.
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lauren: not an april fools joke on this april 2nd, but there is a fast-moving storm dumping snow on parts of the northeast. cheryl: meteorologists adam klotz is live at their monday forecast. this makes you popular today. reporter: always here to bring the good news. talking about a snowstorm running up across the mid-atlantic and the ohio river valley, continuing to run to the east coast. if you live along the coast, you'll notice the temperatures are a bit too warm. we see a lot of rain along the coast but notice it is quite a bit cooler inland. temperatures down to 38 degrees
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currently in new york. the system currently running up on top of some of these areas with a line stretching down from d.c. at the philadelphia to new york. light snow in new york city as temperatures get closer to freezing. eventually further to the north, the snow that moved across the region. just a morning snowstorm. by the afternoon, look at temperatures falling are piling back into the lower 40s which means any snow that falls this morning, by this afternoon it will have an opportunity to melt away. temperatures in the 50s and close to 60 degrees. it tough for a lot of this unless you are further inland. inland temperatures climb up to the 40s in the afternoon. eventually it doesn't stop her from getting winter storm warnings in winter storm advisory stretching back from portions of pennsylvania all the way through philadelphia and new york heading closer to the
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boston area as the system moves through. how much snow are we actually going to get? the ground is on the warm side, but it would be surprised if we see two to three inches of snowfall. how much of this is going to stay? not a lot of it's going to stick. >> snow is just one of those years. adam klotz, thank you so much, sir. lauren: coming up, cooper's plan to compete with fedex and ups. it didn't quite work out. and more empty space in the shopping mall is the amazon effect continues its plan of brick-and-mortar. starts at the month and quarter in wall street. duff pictures down 31%. nasdaq down half a percent. you are watching "fbn:am."
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>> inflation is moving higher, markets are in pretty good shape. cheryl: break in this morning despite the optimism he heard friday night in the markets will start at a quarter in the rat as china has imposed new tariffs on u.s. meat, fruit and other several projects. this monday morning coming to our futures down by 79 points. cheryl: european markets closed for the easter holiday, bodacious stocks down across the board to japan in down a quarter% in china. the shanghai composite down .2%. transfer spot of pilots initial stock offering that comes with new risks. "fbn:am" will continue right
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now. lauren: 5:30 a.m. on monday, april 2nd. good morning. lauren simonetti. cheryl: her face that gladly a confusion about the day. i'm cheryl casone. we've got a few things straight this morning. president trump to to twitter standing for an immigration signaling a potential end to any hope of a daca deal. a caravan of emigrants made its way to the u.s.-mexico border. lauren: griff jenkins is in washington after what turned out to be a busy easter sunday. good to see you. good morning. reporter: it was indeed. good morning, learning cheryl. the president announced the future of daca come in the program to protect rumors was in jeopardy. border patrol agents are not allowed to properly do their job
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at the border because a ridiculous liberal democrat laws like catch and release getting more dangerous, caravans coming. republicans must go to nuclear options to pass tough laws now. no more daca deal. he refers to 1200 migrants mostly from honduras currently headed for mexico planning to illegally cross the asylum. he called for mexico to do more in helping stop the flow across the border of placing blame on the democrats for failing on daca. >> i've got to help at the border. a lot of people are coming in because they want to take it damage of daca and we have to really see that great chance. the democrats blew it. >> keith ellison said the president never intended to >> he turned out several bipartisan deals.
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it was always a game, always a trick. he was never arguing in good faith. >> as for mexico, the foreign minister defending the country's cooperation at the border claiming the point suggesting otherwise were inaccurate and that holding him not at odds with the rule of law. the president also threatened industries to pull out of nafta if it cannot be stopped. the construction of the wall. lauren and cheryl, looking not this website, it appears that they are in oaxaca, mexico and the southern part of mexico. we will see what develops in the next few days. state department acknowledging they are aware of the movement. >> rick jenkins, thank you for that. lauren: on trade cheryl: let's bring in john hayward from a conservative commentator and radio show host. also a constitutional law professor at colorado christian university.
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dan hayward the independent board of directors and independent congresswoman. great to have you both. speed by good morning, cheryl appears they might good morning, cheryl. cheryl: on the start of the legal. there's two federal judges now that have actually blocked any further movement. it seems that the judges come in the courts are the ones living daca as it is for now. should the administration leave this alone and move on? >> that's a great question and absolutely not. this is squarely on congress' shoulders because article i, section eight gives congress the authority of the constitution to make laws that touch and concern immigration issues. daca is basically the spending gap stop delta we been debated in terms of the budget in recent weeks. that is not comprehensive.
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it's not going to resolve the issue. daca act similarly in terms of immigration by giving deferred status but not really resolving the immigration problem for people here with the legal status. trump is absolutely correct to place the blame squarely on shoulders and also to say to his twitter tirades that were not accustomed to saying let's actually come to some resolution. let's actually do some sort of measurement that make sense that will genuinely set. cheryl: the courts are still hash in the south, but for now daca stays until they make further rulings. i want to redo the street from representative dunn buyer, democrat of virginia and this is the playbook they are using now. the deceptions and lies with which trump with which trump is cheryl: gaslight fell away. no more daca deal. always anti-immigrant. what do you make of that?
>> that is absolutely untrue, cheryl. it is in fact the democrats in the senate who have blocked any kind of rational deal the president laid out four pillars, which have broad public support. including democrats and independents. number one, yes. treat beneficiaries passionately to legality in citizenship. find the border wall. stop the visa lottery which makes no sense and put some controls, reasonable controls on extended family migration. all of those things are supported, yet the democrats in the senate could not see their way clear to working with the president successfully. cheryl: i need to make a point about why she just brought up about this. let me tell you what a spokesperson for house leader nancy pelosi said.
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what you make of that? >> in house to have a governing majority. in the senate we do not. about 50 votes in the senate among republican filibuster will cannot pass legislation at the democratic minority doesn't go along with it. i agree with the president if we are going to make progress, democrats will continue to abstract. unfortunately if we don't bust the filibuster with the 51 vote majority to cap legislation. cheryl: the fight continues. thank you for getting up with us. >> thank you, cheryl. lauren: uber announcement is teaching one of its delivery services. >> this is a same-day parcel in delivery package service called rush. they will stop using it can to stop running it by the end of june. they didn't give a reason why. this service is supposed to be part the urban logistics network. it never really took off another
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continuing. >> this is a trend we've been seeing for quite a while. empty space in shopping malls has reached a six-year high in the first quarter. vacancy rate increase to 8.4% up from a .3% in the fourth quarter in the highest since the fourth quarter of 2012 according to real estate race coming neighborhood and community shopping centers also saw an increase of vacancy. the recent, more people continuing to shop online. trade for just how to better sell. the lakers were 5%. that day. mr. was jampacked. but the whole store on sale, people will come. true to we've got a lot more coming up. investors picking up the new quarter. a lower kickoff. the china slapping new tariffs on u.s. goods and this is the market today. as a trade were going to hurt
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u.s. south korean joint exercises began yesterday tested the strength of a possible diplomatic opening with north koreans from the united states to the u.s. will refrain from using equipment that is outside north koreans in the past like aircraft carriers and b-1 bombers with thousands of americans and hundreds of thousands of south koreans are run through the end of old borough could the one sapping my sanctions on north korea even with tax plan between the president and kim jong good move forward. they are and that shipping companies that help north korea avoid taxation smuggling in oil and coal to the country. finally, emmy award-winning writer and producer steven bochco has died at the age of 74. created several big television shows including hill street blues, n.y.p.d. blue and doogie houser m.d. family spokesman said he died in
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his sleep after a year-long battle with leukemia. lauren: wall street opening it spoke says china cites retaliatory tariffs on many u.s. products. they are down by 75 points for the rest of the market down as well. other private director of asset allocation strategy of people's united. good morning, albert. >> good morning from a line. lauren: you worried about beijing's retaliation? >> is worried about the investor response. lauren: are you worried about a trade war erupt in word using president trump qaeda starts out casting a really wide net, threatening industries and then you have your negotiations and things get a little more in line. >> you've characterized it exactly. the president sort of starts with a punch in the face and says now that i've got your attention, let's talk.
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cheryl: i like that. april, believe it or not, this is april 2nd. historically the best month of the year for the stock market. on average. look into your crystal ball. what you see for this april? >> we are very constructive on the market for the remainder of the year in based on where we are starting, i would hope april would fall on this trend. i think by year-end we will see the market above where it is now in investors will be well served to be in that. lauren: be specific. where do you find opportunity? >> you may be surprised at the that technology is an area for opportunity. despite the fact it's had a rocky start in a rocky month for sure, we still ain't that the
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fundamentals there are strong. the amount to computing power that the world is going to need as we go through this transformation, really a wholesale transformation in so many things. blogging technology, the internet of things, cloud computing will really drive the need for technology in the tech stocks are quite favorably valued right now. >> this takes us away from facebook, amazon, netflix. >> technology is not all sang. we are most of the things.and we think that investors than the one exception is netflix. lauren: we are starting the first week of the month of april and it's a busy week. car sales tomorrow come in the march jobs report on friday, manufacturing and construction numbers today.
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what are you keening to specifically? >> we will be looking at overall gdp. we expect it to celebrate. we have been looking at consumer confidence and business confidence both that deer peak boys. the isn numbers that come out today and i'll be very curious to see how manufacturing stands there. that has been strong. we would expect it to be. i would be concerned about auto sales. auto sales have peaked and we expect them to thought. we are looking at a strong economy that will support investors throughout the remainder of the year. lauren: we appreciate you anyway. have a good day. >> thank you, lauren. you, too. cheryl: another thrilling basketball moment all thanks to the ladies. the women's college basketball championship came down to the wire and ended with a shot of a lifetime. and the mallet on tremendous
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college championship underway tonight. shared macs will have all the highlights and what to expect to make for you. the first day of the quarter for trading in the first day of the month of april for trading. right now the doubts pointed lower by 75. s&p, nasdaq as well. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪ oh good, you're awake! finally. you're still here? come on, denise. we're voya! we stay with you to and through retirement... with solutions to help provide income throughout. i get that voya is with me through retirement, i'm just surprised it means in my kitchen. oh. so, that means no breakfast? i said there might be breakfast. i was really looking forward to breakfast. i know...
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>> it was a phenomenal ending. shared macs is here at the highlights. cheryl: two days after notre dame junior guard drained a shot in the final second to eliminate previously undefeated uconn. ncaa finals tied at 50 against mississippi state. >> for the win. the national championship. >> wow, opened the wally gets the shot coming through partner, liz notre dame 3612 mike 58. never seen such a comeback. notre dame is down 15 in the third quarter. the irish by five and two minutes to play. tonight, the end of the men's college basketball season for all the marbles with villanova
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against michigan. unbelievable games on saturday. they took out kids in saturday night. the llanelli did. >> there's no time to celebrate. just enjoy it and be with it. >> michigan head coach john beeline has guided his team to 14 consecutive wins. six by five points against the wildcats playing for second title in three years. 9:20 a.m. eastern start. cinderella -- a 90-year-old sister jean chaplin caused some confusion. >> sister jean is leaving early. so soon? >> she was a giving up on the team. she whipped her usual spot in the tunnel where she goes to greet the players to avoid the
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madness on the court. a school official college utterly suggesting. anyone would suggest that she quit on the team. final pga tour event before the masters. and poulter at the houston open. he earns a stop at augustine national by winning the houston opening seeking the 20-foot in this power cut to win. buster starts thursday for those lucky enough to attend this popular sporting event. there's a new shop on the grounds. anything you could want. 25 versions of masters hash. 305 mannequins in the store. even a dog medicated. the monster show built on the ground for the old merchandise developers. cheryl: they will make so much money off of that. let's be honest. that's going to be a cash cow. have you ever bought off
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apparel? >> it's like going to the pga tour superstore to find something there. cheryl: happy monday to you. catch on the sports reports on fox news headlines 24/7 sirius xm channel 115. lauren: u.s. imports go into effect today. how is the global market responding? all this as investors kick off the new month of the new quarter. we'll be right back. ♪ and maybe even, unproven fish oil supplements. not all omega-3s are clinically proven or the same. discover prescription omega-3 vascepa. the one that's this pure... and fda approved. look. vascepa looks different... because it is different. it's pure epa. vascepa, along with diet, is clinically proven to lower very high triglycerides by 33% in adults,
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cheryl: let's get you caught up on what's happening global market action overnight. first take a look at asia. stocks as you can see on the red or the hang seng was closed at the kospi barely done pitching high in the nikkei in the red as well. only fractionally the trade were brewing between the united states and china. lauren: is beijing's last retaliatory tariffs on a bench at u.s. fruit, et cetera. which are you year, but those markets are closed for easter monday. u.s. features looking like this. an awful first quarter, even though thursday the final day of the workweek rose 250 points. dow futures down by 76 and nasdaq futures down by 39. cheryl: let's take a look at the
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commodities we are following this monday. oil output 65-point for teen. the good gold 13435, gave the bucks. certainly some things to watch related to how the dollar is doing as well. lauren: absolutely. thank you for joining us monday morning. cheryl: great to have you watch "fbn:am." that was very fun. we send it over to someone we are happy to see this monday morning. maria bartiromo. >> great to see you. happy monday. it is monday, april 2nd. i maria bartiromo. top stories right now 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. east coast. china striking back this morning. beijing imposing new tariffs on 128 u.s. goods following the white house move to implement strict sanctions against a limit on sale from the country. >> anyway you look at it, it is the largest deficit of any country in the history of our
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world. it's out of control. >> stocks kicked off the first trading day today previewing the quarter. future is looking lower this morning as we kick off a new quarter done 75 points on the dow jones industrial average. the nasdaq indicating down 40 points. the major indices fell across the board 3% on average in the mud of march. closed for a holiday, it is easter monday. spread across the board, hong kong was closed for holiday, but fractional losses elsewhere in asia overnight. a race against time in california. authorities searching a drainage ditch in los angeles after a 13-year-old boy reportedly fell into it a latest on the rescue efforts. capitol hill operation nearly 50 democrats including party chairman debbie wasserman schultzte
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