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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  April 10, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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for him are the people egging him on. we don't want another afghanistan. so it's a tricky thing. lou: thanks for being with us. kennedy: breaking news. live on "kennedy." a marathon on capitol hill. facebook ceo mark zuckerberg just wrapping up his testimony on russia meddling and online privacy. he was grilled for five hours and he's heading back tomorrow for more. with more on today's testimony, let's go to the fox business network's deirdre bolton on capitol hill. what did you make of that grilling? dierdre: it was something else. there was even one woman dressed
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like a troll, trolling mark zuckerberg. he took a lot of heated questions from senators. some more colorful than others. here is an exchange between senator john kennedy from louisiana and mark zuckerberg. >> mr. zuckerberg i come in peace. your user agreement sucks. tell them you want it written in english in non-you wha non-non-. dierdre: he did keep his cool. senator thune asking a pointed question that was important to investors which is why should we trust you after 14 years of mark zuckerberg and facebook issuing apologies, today being a larger culmination of that. why should we trust you. mark zuckerberg's answer was we
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have tushed a page in the way our company is being set up to function. we have shifted philosophically. they are under big heat for the 87 million viewers whose data was allegedly taken. illegally taken by cambridge analytica. the fake news, hate speech, mark zuckerberg answered a lot of questions on that. in the runup to our presidential election, the 125 million americans, more than half of the adult voting population manipulated by a russian bot. kennedy: it seems like they were angry at the electric typewriter and they were trying to get mark zuckerberg to hell them what happened when their pictures of their grandkids go to the cloud.
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do they go there forever? dierdre: unfortunately the end result of that, that let mark zuckerberg go back to his talking points. the shares went up 4%, and based on how many shares he had, he made about $3 billion today. thanks for the update. great to see you. more breaking news. president trump apparently furious with the fbi raiding the office of his personal attorney michael cohen. he's having dinner with attorney alan dershowitz. edward? reporter: we are learning
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sources say to tell fox news that he is having dinner and a meeting with alan dershowitz. they are talking about the raped and the special counsel. materials winds says the special counsel has blinders on with a goal to impeach the president. >> cooperation is not going to be rewarded by mule per and i think it result may be far less cooperation. reporter: known for long tirades on twitter. today just saying attorney-client privilege is dead. white house spokesperson sarah and materials says the president believes he has the power to fire special counsel robert mueller if he wants to. republicans saying let's let the
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process play out. senators are saying we need a special bill to protect the special counsel. >> to pass legislation and head off a constitutional crisis that would be devastating to this country. reporter: no movement on a bill as of yet. kennedy: edward lawrence, thanks so much. with lawmakers lining up to warn the president not to fire the special counsel. with us here to discuss is chris stirewalt. the president is furious that the fbi raided the home and offices and hotel room his personal attorney. will this lead to muler's firing? >> he can't fire mueller
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directly. but he can fire rod rosenstein. and if rosenstein is not willing to do what the president was, you go through firing people until you get to somebody who will execute your demand. as are you charles nixon found out sometimes you have to go all the way through the justice department before you will find somebody to do your bidding. rosenstein has played this very carefully, very close to the vest. if he goes in and tries to pry rosenstein out, by the time he gets there, you will have the calvary coming from congress. kennedy: i think it would be better for the president to go through this whole process and be impeached. i think to his face he would be a folk hero. there is almost no benefit for him to fire mueller.
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if there is no collusion. he should just let the process play out even if it means in a democratically controlled house. he is impeached. >> impeaching a president didn't do anything for the republicans in 1997-1998. your point. i think the challenge for trump right now is what the justice department and what a federal magistrate aloud as it related to his personal attorney was astonishing. and the people who authorized it were trump appointees working through three or four different people appointed by this president into posts of serious responsibility. kennedy: what does that tell you? >> something big. that smells like big fish in that pot. it may not, and we have no reason to think it has anything to do thick with the russia investigation. mueller kicked it out of his
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camp. whatever they came across, they kicked it out of their cam and it went to the regular channels. you have all of these senior officials say we are allowing this extraordinary step of executing these multiple warrants on a lawyer. that's pretty crazy stuff. >> it's crazy and sets an insane precedence. you think what would happen if this were happening on the other side. and what would happen if they did the same thing with a psychiatrist's office it is chilling for civil libertarians keeping score it's a big "l" for our column. brand-new information right now. the "new york times" just this minute reporting president trump thought to fire robert mueller in early december. joining me, lisa booth and jehmu
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green and "reason" magazine editor-in-chief katherine mangu-ward. it's scary that the fbi can snatch communications between an attorney and his client. and there is executive privilege. >> i think what happens between a man and his lawyer should be privileged. i wish republicans would care a little bit more about protecting the privacy of people's legal transactions when it wasn't just when their guy is president. kennedy: the selective just rage and surprise. >> whether 17,000 justice department officials and everybody else going after the president or some guyq with a
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joint in higgs underwear drawer. kennedy: if the fbi raided cheryl miss' room, i think you wouldn't be okay with this. >> it is a trump appointee who signed off on this. the reason this is not scary is because for this to have happened there is a clear indication of serious criminal activity. i know this president and this lawyer, they have been slippery when it comes to our legal system. but in this case they met their match. kennedy: more slippery than the podesta brothers? it's a different level of slipperiness. but people are so politicized. you say if these were obama
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appointees it might be problematic. but because they are trump appointees everything is okay because they are in the tank for the president. >> i wish it weren't the case. but the fact that it is the case is even more convincing there is something illicit going on. for all the pundits defending the president -- >> i think people are making a lot of assumptions we don't know at this point. i think we have seen when the shoe is on the other foot and what happens with it. congressman ron desantis laid out on lou dobbs. concerns over campaign finance violations. you don't see people kicking count doors of individuals involved in that. business insider had a piece that mueller is looking into a
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$150,000 donation from a pro-russian oligarch to the trump foundation, but the same gay gave $150 million to the clinton foundation. in regards to trump, there seems to be call tracks being run now. one involved cohen's business aif fairs. kennedy: a political operative enriching themselves at the hand of a foreign government, it's never okay. these people are bought and paid for it's filthy and slimy and disgusting. and we shouldn't accept it. we'll see the panel later when my nerves calm down. it appears we are on the swrernlg with more in syria. now an announcement from president trump that an attack
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is i a -- is imminent. the u.k. and france are on board, but there are major problems. russia says they will retaliate harshly. they blocked a security council resolution. are we marching into another middle east bloodbath with no clear mission, no end in sight. joining me now, kfi radio host and the veteran of two wars in iraq. bryan suits. >> thank you for having me. you have been in the region fighting two different battles. what does it say to you that the more drums are getting beaten even louder every day?
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>> i would like to hear that any strike is going to be limited in scope. it will be larger than last year. if the point is to send a message we are more serious than we were last year about chemical weapons that could involve hitting a significant target. the problem is the russians preposition their own people as targets. so we don't want to kill russians. how do you send a significant message to bashar al-assad to continue killing 5-year-olds with cluster bombs, just don't use chemical weapons. a coalition is going to announce any minute missiles are on the way. i hope we don't abandon the kurd. i hope someone has an idea what targets we are going to hit.
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kennedy: russia gave us a commitment that they would clean up and decimate their chemical weapons supply. and they obviously haven't done that. so it's on russia just as much as syria. >> they guaranteed. that was our friend. he vomited in your car. we promise it won't happen again. the sad part is, it worked. the militias they were fighting in douma surrendered. assad, if he had just not done anything. trump said we were getting out of syria fast. if he just sat down for one month who knows we might have gone the out. but now he put the united states into the position where we feel like we have to act like there are certain lines we'll cross and others we won't. kennedy: what is the end game?
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>> i can't tell you what national interest we would have in overthrowing assad. i don't want to see another sunni chaos-ocracy. i am disgusted at chemical weapons being used to kill civilians. but i have been saying this for 7 years. there have been ample opportunity to overthrow assad. having tried three times in my life to fix the ottoman empire's mistakes, i don't want anybody who looks like me or from my country to go back. kennedy: i'm worried if we go there, we are not getting out anytime soon. if there is not an imminent
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threat to the united states, the president needs congressional support to go over there. >> i'm disgusted by chemical weapons, that's why the world band them. i get it. but we ought to be pointing our sanctions and ire at moscow. this is putin's leg humper. kennedy: with that i bid you good night. thanks so much, my friend. we have more on mark zuckerberg's testimony. he promised to protect your data. so why is congress suddenly pretending to be concerned about your privacy?
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kennedy: today's senate hearing featuring mark zuckerberg may have you asking what the zuck is going on here. >> how do you sustain a business model in which users don't pay for your service. >> we run ads. >> is twitter the same as what you do? >> will you commit to working with congress to develop ways to
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develop constituent privacy and well-being even if that causes you to promote laws that affect our business model. >> would you be comfortable sharing what us the name of the she tell you stayed in last night? >> no. >> i think that might be what this is all about. your right to privacy. the limit to your right to privacy and how much you give away in modern america in the name of quote connecting people around the world. kennedy: you buffoons are really concerned about privacy now after sending the below thed surveillance state to the buffet by codifying spying. they are concerned about the
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terms of service at the social service. if on we could opt out of nsa spying. many of these senate carnival barkers are going easy on zuckerberg because they are hoping he'll remember their lenience and offer an elect handout. the worry is not what this digital giant does without regulation. it's what happens when it joins forces with the government to create a spying apparatus that will sense your bad thoughts long before they become dirty deeds. a lot of grandstanding lawmakers today, but the on person who really pushed zuckerberg was texas republican ted cruz. you say you have 10,000 people work on security and content review. do you know the political orientation of those 10,000
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people engaged in con taken the review. >> we don't generally ask people about their politicaller. >>ien takes when they are joining the company. kennedy: joining me, the host of "media buzz." and author of "media madness." howard kurtz is here. how did mark zuckerberg do today? >> he was monotonous and kept saying we made mistakes and regret it but we'll try not to make mistake again. the nor said you started facebook in a dorm room. and he said china has some pretty good tech companies. kennedy: granted maybe he's not as socially adept as others who normally grandstand in congress. >> it wasn't a grilling the
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exception of ted cruz. the questions were so loosely framed, they were so vague. how would you define hate speech? and they were reading it off. how about doing a little research. coming up with examples and pressing him on these serious issues. these lawmakers look so culturally clueless and digitally clueless. zuckerberg was like the technology professor. kennedy: it's hardware companies as well. and it's laughable that the government is going to impose some rules that they won't work around because they are so many steps ahead. it bill clear when the senator from new hampshire said when companies don't do the right thing, it's my experience government has to step in. and do what? a better job?
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the government is already spying on everyone. we can't trust you. you lie to our faces. now you are going to be the wolves that watch the hen house? >> zuckerberg has opened the door to government regulation by doing such a bad job on privacy. for years critics have complained. mounting evidence, russia in the campaign. he has not grappled with these issues and he's saying i am kind of sorry and i will try to do better next time. kennedy: i think that full free market press will help generate changes. a new poll says millennials are ready to rock the vote come
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november. can you imagine which party they will be voting for? lawrence jones explains next. well, like most of you, i just bought a house. -oh! -very nice. now i'm turning into my dad. i text in full sentences. i refer to every child as chief. this hat was free. what am i supposed to do, not wear it? next thing you know, i'm telling strangers defense wins championships. -well, it does. -right? why is the door open? are we trying to air condition the whole neighborhood? at least i bundled home and auto on an internet website, progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto. i mean, why would i replace this? it's not broken. i mean, why would i replace this? capdynamic lightingrs elevated comfort powerfully efficient and one more thing
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your body was made for better things than rheumatiod arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. it can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage,
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even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz xr can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate. ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz xr. kennedy: millennials are getting political and that might be bad
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news for the republican party. a new poll from harvard found 37% of americans under 30 say they will be voting in noches mid-terms. that's up from 3% in 2014. and voter enthusiasm largely comes from young democrats. only 36% of young republicans say the same. which makes me go, there are young republicans? is the gop about to be wiped out by a blue wave of young voters? lawrence jones is back in action. what do these poll numbers say to you other than these are very, very predictable numbers? >> i warned you guys to get involved to be more attractive to millennials, to focus on liberty issues. and i warned you the war would
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be on the college campuses. the same poll said over 60% of them had faith in their administrators and professors. they are getting their information off these college campuses and we don't have a response. kennedy: we don't have a response and they are not tailoring the messaging to these people in the snowflake factory. but they say they are agnostic when it comes to political party. if the republican party is doing a good job of outreach. the democrats are trying to ostracize. 51% say they are going to vote in the mid-terms. it's easy to say now, do you think the numbers will look like that? >> i think young people are
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going for the democrats next time but there is an opening for republicans if they can just get out of their own way. there is a message for the rand paul conservatives libertarians of the world. but people go from issue to issue. it also happens on these campuses. the fact that these professors are making the amount of impact on the students. college used to be a place where you get both viewpoints, then you are able to decide. what they are saying is these professors are teaching courses like how to convict and impeach donald trump. so the conservatives or libertarians that may be on college campuses are deteriorating because of the messages coming from college professors as well. kennedy: even if you don't
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support the president and you think he's a clown, how much fun would it be as a pro-trump republican on a college campus if for no other reason than to just make people really angry. that's the new counter culture. lawrence jones, thanks to you. hundreds of national guard twrooms heading to the bored. they will be doing just beferg from flying helicopters and doing surveillance to maintaining roads and assisting with facility maintenance, janitors and landscapers. they will be clearing brush. we don't know how much this will cost. it's usually $100,000 per year were troop. let's go back to the party
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panel. lisa, you may be an anti-immigration-pro trump staunch invoic voyeur of freedo. >> i think compare it to last year, that was the premise of sending in the national guard which we have seen happen under the past two administrations. kennedy: was there a reason they sent the national guard there? i understand the president is frustrated and he wants funding for his wall. there are a lot of people who feel the bored is being overrun with drug-selling rapists. but the trend has been going down. but there might be a spike because of the daca confusion.
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congress can't get its act together and craft coherent policy. the national guard clearing brush and bringing light snacks doesn't do a ton. >> it picks up some of the duties of the border patrol allowing them to be more on the enforcement line. president trump is concerned about the porousness of our southern border. anyone who believes we should have security on the southern border and we shouldn't allow for these illegalities on the southern borders. >> democrats said they want deterrent as well. what are democrats doing about it? >> you know what president trump did and president bush? they got us at a place where we were at a 45-year low. the president tweeted about it
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on february 28. i'm feeling a little bit of whip lash from the administration. it's because he didn't get the money too build his wall. so now he's sending troops down there. 100,000 dollars for one person a year? that's money that could be better spent. because of the fact that president obama and president bush invested in the southern border, we have border security infrastructure and technology has greatly expand and improved. kennedy: case the rational perspective here? republicans and democrats are both incredibly emotional about this issue and libertarians seem to be politically agnostic and rational about it. >> there is a constitutional way to increase border security.
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this is not it. bringing out the national guard and say no, they won't act like they are part of the military, they are just clearing brush. we have a major problem with civil liberties at the border. kennedy: it's constitution free zone. >> adding headily armed -- they are leaving their guns at home except in case they need them for self-defense. that does not increase my confidence that people will behave at the border consistent with the constitution. kennedy: celebrities like reese witherspoon are celebrated for trying to close the pay gap. [fbi agent] you're a brave man, mr. stevens.
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your testimony will save lives. mr. stevens? this is your new name. this is your new house. and a perfectly inconspicuous suv. you must become invisible. [hero] i'll take my chances.
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don't sweat your booking. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. kennedy: it's ladies night. today represents how far the average woman would have to work to catch up to what a man made last year. according to census data, women make 80% to every dollar a man
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makes. but the reason is, you guessed it, motherhood. the independent women's form director of policy. hbo, they are looking to insert contracts to try and fix some pay disparity they have over at their network. but there is a caveat. what is it? >> the spokesperson for hbo said they were eliminating any won't appropriate disparities in pay. the implication is sometimes there are appropriate reasons why there are pay disfavorites. in this case we are talking about men and women. the wage gap statistic is interesting but it doesn't tell us about workplace discrimination. it doesn't take into account the number of hours men and women work. the different professions we enter. senior, experience, education, all these things influence how
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much men and women are paid. kennedy: what hbo is saying that maybe in the past they have engaged in pay disparity. isn't that illegal? >> it is illegal. it's 2018. there should be anyone appropriate disparities in pay. wage discrimination has been illegal since 1963 and the civil rights act. those are things we have to celebrate. we shouldn't get too worried about equal payday in the u.s. >> celebrities and high-profile people get behind this when there is huge disparity in entertainment and particularly in films. >> some of the most of high profile cases take place show business and hollywood. of course, there will be market factors that drive those
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disparities. but hollywood has a lot to answer for. they aren't really the model for equal pay. kennedy: they are not. they do make tons of money. but even hillary clinton didn't pay the women in her senate office as much as she paid the men. women need to be more assertive in asking for pay races and making sure they stand up and advocate for themselves. but as you say it's a complex issue. "topical storm" is next. it will blow your skirt up.
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kennedy: virginia police are looking forking a young boy who robbed an ice cream truck at gunpoint. he's believed not area. because anyone who likes ice cream that much couldn't run very far. we begin in lawrence, massachusetts where a man finished a might drink and decided to hit the drive-thru. look at that, incredibly nobody
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inside this 7-eleven was hurt when he plowed into the store at 4:00 a.m. he saved a woman from harm because she was about to order a a quito. we can confirm one man was treated for a minor leg injury after being thrown across the floor. but he's doing okay as far as what we can tell from the medical records facebook just swhairtd world. >> quleel of fortune -- a wheel of fortune contestant lost out on a $7,000 for mispronouncing
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the answer. the correct phrase was flamenco, but johnny said flamingo, the shocked tv viewers who had no idea the show was still on the air, the internet is clowning jon johnny, but the joke isn't on him. he may have lost out on a trip to spain. but he brought home $19,000 in party cash. here is a picture of him going to pick up a celebratory snack. topic number three. all you have to do is read it. mispronouncing a phrase is not the only way to lose out on a trip overseas. prince harry and meghan markle
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did not invite president trump or former president obama to the wedding because they don't want a politically charged incident. william's wedding featured 260 government officials from around the world poont way harry wears the crown is if he has a birthday party at burger king. but while the presidents are out, the lawyers are in. meghan markle's former cast members are going to attend but that could change when they hear the former spice girls are going to perform. i think we all can agree anybody who is on t snrrks the 90s needs to go away.
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a new hampshire woman went for a job interview in a prison. she didn't get the job but she wound up on a first-name basis with the inmates. she was interviewing at the valley street jail when officials found an outstanding warrant on her record. and warrant is the last thing you want to hear on your record. heaven is far away when that happens. she was arrested on the spot. let it be a lesson to women everywhere, if you break the law you will go to jail unless you happen to wear a pant suit and wear excuses on your sleeve, in which case you go on a speaking tour to blame people week russia and james comey for your election loss. finally we head down for a good
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story about a rescue dog who knows how to use his head. this little guy doesn't have a name. but luckily he does have some flentd fire department who cut him out of a tire. you can do this sort of a thing with a puppy because they will appreciate it and lick you afterwards and say thanks for getting me out. try this with a cat, the only thing getting cut is you. following the rescue the puppy was brought to a local animal shelter where he was put up for adoption, once he gets spade and neutered. at question point getting stuck in satire won't seem so bad. president trump's newly appointed secretary of state is asking hillary clinton for confirmation advice.
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kennedy: past and future secretaries of state hillary clinton and mike pompeo. he reportedly reached out to hill on advice on how to withstand the grilling during his confirmation. mrs. clinton has been reaching way back to stab him with a
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rusty knife after he made her life miserable during the benghazi decision. secretary clinton told him the best way to prep is to eat a bag of broken chicken wings and wash them down with coke and pop rock. then she told him to hold his breath for five minutes under water because that's the only way the president will ever love him. if all else fails, she told him to take handful of sleeping pills. if pompeo is trying his hand at diplomacy he already failed. the only way she'll help him with anything is to put him in a time machine. thank you very much for watching the best hour of your day. follow me on twitter and
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instagram @kennedynation. email >> a "strange inheritance" mystery... >> i thought, "what? what is going on?" >> ...a norman rockwell shocker. >> is it a fake? >> well, this was the question that was in everyone's mind. >> oh, if these walls could talk. >> i want you to put your hands like this, and we're going to pull it toward me. >> aah! >> there you go. >> oh, my goodness. >> keep going. ♪ [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ] ♪ >> i'm jamie colby in arlington, vermont, once home to norman rockwell. it was also home to a man who left his children


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