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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  April 25, 2018 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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thank you. that's it for us tonight. congressman andy biggs, republican national committee chair ronna mcdaniel among or guests tomorrow. please join us. thanks for being with ustonight. good night from new york. kennedy: welcome to it. president trump putting iran on yoats, inotice, if you play gamh your nuclear program that's going to be hell to play. >> if they restart it they're going to have big problems. bigger than they've ever had before. mark it down. if they restart their nuclear problem, they will have bigger problems that they've ever ha had before. if iran threatens us in any way, they'll pais they i'm pay a pri. kennedy: the president made those comments during his meeting with macron. hosting macron at the white house tonight for his first state dinner.
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more on that later on. and we're going to have some live toasts. pour the bubbly now the iran nuclear deal is up for renewal on may 12. the president called it the worst deal ever. the french want a three-model. at the same press conference today reporters asked president trump about the world's other major crisis in north korea. and what denuclearization really means. >> it means they get rid of their nukes. very simple. they get rid of their nukes and nobody else would say it. would be easy for me to make a simple deal and claim victory. i don't want to do that. i want them to get rid of their nukes. kennedy: will the president's tough talk convince those regimes to get their act today. joining me now, buck sexton. welcome back. >> good to see you. kennedy: a lot to digest and take apart here. let's start with iran. because it seems as though these leaders are both coming from a
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very similar place. they're smattering butter and charm on the other's toast. and they're trying to figure out a way to get through this crisis with the iran deal. the president saying he'll pull out -- he's not signaling what he's going to do but the french want want the u.s. to abandon the project completely what should they do? >> this is a gauche quaition ne. the president is making it clear to iran if they decide to react in too strong of a way if trump pulls out of this, look, we've got to address the issues, there will be serious questions for them. eventually it would be military force. we would ba be back to that force. concerned about strikes. but there are three areas, con veng missiles and looking at what the iranian regime is going to do and then the sunset provisions. the one, two and three of the big problems in this deal. if they give us what they need on that poofor part that part o-
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kennedy: let's talk inspections. it doesn't do any good if they're under ground or in the side of a mountain just biding their time until the whole thing sunsets. >> the program has been moth balled and they didn't have to give up anything particularly painful in the early stages and we gave them a whole bunch of goodies. , showing up with pallets of cash. here you go. i think trump -- macron is with him on this trying to approach from the perspective of fixing it, now that might mean backing off of the deal initially. but they want to get a better construct of this going forward. this is obama's entire legacy. people on obama's foreign policy team were saying, you know, we're not going to do much in syria because we e don't want to upset the irans so that obama has a legacy.
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kennedy: i fill have an issue witstill have an issuewith that. in order to fulfill his legacy, he makes the world less safe. i'm the opposite of hawkish. i want to make sure that the free market with thrive all over the world and that people can make their own decisions and not by force. but when you have such bad foreign policy you're left with very few options. and at some point those problems are going to man fs. manifest. and it seems like that's what's happening now and that's why we're seeing a contrary counter reaction to the obama foreign policy. you know, i was having a conversation with my 12-year-old daughter sean he said president obama was such a nice guy and gave great speeches. qule. think about what he didn't do and that made the world more dangerous. >> he did not confront the real problem with the iranian regime and he certainly didn't confront
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the problem with north korea. it's failed foreign policy that stretched back through the bush administration as well. on the north korea issue, this is a hail mary. the north korean state is all built around the defensor of foreign invasion and the reunify reunification of the korean peninsula on their tems. to give up the apex of force for a country that has been built entirely on force, to give away their best possible weapon, that's going to be one heck of a negotiation. that said, trump seems to be getting further along in this process, much to his critics chagrin than anybody would have thought. for kim jong-un to say he would consider denukizing seem denucl. kennedy: if the talks are successful and result in that kind of action, what does that do to iran? there is a relationship between north korea and iran. >> that's one of the big
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concerns about leaving north korea as is. nonproliferation efforts are one of the reasons people look at north korea and say this is a big problem. north korea can give missile technology as well as nuclear technology and a whole bunch of careciry stuff to the worst rogue regimes on the planet. there are concerns to be sure about how that would go forward. taking these two problems simultaneously is, i think, an appropriate way to go and not allowing this to be the problem for the next administration. kennedy: and you see the macrons and the trumps walking into the state dinner side by side, hand in hand. of course those issues have weighed heavweighed heavily on s throughout the day in the press conference. and now they're going to the first state dinner of this president's administration. he's signaling to the world the close alliance with france. >> i think they served pasta earlier today. no french food? feels weird to me. kennedy: that's not bonjour at
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all. >> unacceptable. kennedy: we've got more big news on the controversial sur surroug the nomination of ronnie jackson to head the va. he's the president's doctor and fox news reporting that jackson is not withdrawing his allegatiohisapplication. they postponed his confirmation hearing indefendant f definitelo investigate. >> i told admiral jackson just a little while ago, i said, what do you need this for? this is a vicious group of people that malign and they do -- i lived through it, we all lived through it. you people are getting record ratings because of it. congratulations. kennedy: jackson's character didn't raise any flags with former president obama who wrote in an evaluation, quote,
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ronnie's clinical excellence and common sense define his continued success as my trusted personal physician. i kept my doctor. president obama also oversaw jackson's promotion to rear admiral. but with president trump's quest to promote him be successful or is it time for a second opinion. let me ask my party panel tonight, michael hopkins is back in action, along with advisory board member harlan hill and robbery suave. indeed. so welcome, everyone. let's talk about this. ronnie jackson, here is someone who has charmed presidents, examined them, knows their inner most secrets physically and emotionally. is he capable of heading this giant government bureaucracy? >> this is kind of an interesting dilemma. you have a democrat and a republican president who both are in favor of him but the va
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has a lot of problems. so having someone who had a problem running, you know, his shop in the house now going over to the va and running that, i mean, that's dangerous territory kterritory. kennedy: i don't know. i don't necessarily want a burr cat running a bureaucracy. we've seen enough of that in washington and that's what career burr cat bureaucrats do. they scurry around like rats in the kitchen in the middle of the night. is this a good old-fashioned smear job is there something to it? >> safe picks have gotten us a va that's totally neglected our veterans. and it's a national disgrace that we continue to let this happen. if the president wants to try something new and trust the fen with whom we've truste trusted e health of our presidents, that's a risk worth taking. so i trust the president's judgment. the worst case scenario is that we replace him. ultimately in all of these
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agencies there's an entire bureaucracy beneath them that supports them and guides them toward the best decisions. i don't the downside is that significant here. kennedy: robbie, are you up for the job? >> privatize the whole thing. kennedy: that's absolutely right. it would benefit the veterans immensely, giving them that competitive choice. >> absolutely. kennedy: what is your take? >> having a libertarian charge i think would be great. but no, i'm not sure -- i don't any if this guy is the right guy for the job. i think it was smart to go outside the traditional kind of bureaucracy. that doesn't mean these past problems are illegitimate. i think we should look into them. it sounds to me like there might be something there. i don't know. we need to learn more. kennedy: i can write down robby soave opposed to day drinking. >> whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. >> that's not so bad. kennedy: is that the worst of the a allegations . >> that's the thing. it's a weird thing to leak and kind of slander someone over
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drinking on travel. >> he's a doctor, though, right? sowngdz worse fosounds worse fo. kennedy: but in the good old days they would prescribe ether to their patients. >> that's an important distinction. kennedy: when have you not had a bloody mary on a flight. i think there's a resounding support for dr. rear admiral ronnie jackson. the panel is going to return to later. we've got a lot to toast to, including joy behar. "the view's" loudest harpy getting nostalgic on bush's 41 and 434. singing a different tune a few years ago and she's not the only one off key. and we've got a life look at president trump's very first state dinner. quite fancy and delicious. please don't go away.
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♪ simple. easy. awesome. come see how you could save $400 or more a year with xfinity mobile. plus ask how to keep your current phone. visit your local xfinity store today. breaking news tonight, the president is in the middle of working into that state dinner with the french president. and they're being very presidential and very
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continental. and we're going to bring you all of that as it arrives into our nest. our news nest. we're now -- we all know liberals are notorious flip-floppers but we're plumbing new departments with joy pay har and nancy pelosi. in 2007 joy called the president george w. bush a liar and a murderer. very strong words. yesterday she said she felt nostalgic for a time when the bushes were president instead of the current one. watch. >> there were statesmen running the country instead of thugs. kennedy: there were statesmen. nancy pelosi made a similar statement last night wishing john mccain ore george w. bush were in president instead of president trump. >> president lincoln, my favorite republican president by far. there have been a few good ones.
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wouldn't we pine to have george bush, either one with, or john mccain. kennedy: i campaigned for them in my stove pipe hat. flash back to 2008, leader p pelosi said mccain and bush did not have enough credibility to be president. are they singing a different tune to slam president trump or do they have liberal amnesia. let me ask guy benson. guy, sometimes a beautiful swan just flies into our arms and we have to cradle it for a moment. and i think these statements are all gifts. what do you think? >> yes, cradle the swan and the news nest together. it is a delight to be with you as always. so joy behar is really known for her nuance and unpredictability. kennedy: nuance. >> everyone watches the view wondering what she might think
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of because it's not going to be a left wing blow hard thing. i watch the view for megan mccain. joy behar is succumbing to something we see currently on the left that the current republican is always for teefl anmore eviland terrible than th. and the previous one that was hitler a few years ago, is no longer hitler. and we wished we had that hitler instead of today's hitler. when they slam every single republican oar conservative in office within eventually there's a boy who cried wolf scenario that begins to develop and the republican electorate says let's hire the wolf. and i think a lot of people tune out these words and these extreme terms and this extreme
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rhetoriccying we've heard it all before. we're bored. kennedy: and i think people are tired of it. it's exhausting. and that's why independents and libertarianians and grean party members are delighted they're not privy to a pr two-party system that's all about the stupid, hypocritical infighting. i was talking last night about how this populism, nationalism and how this backward looking -- i was going to use a bad word there and i'm not going to. >> you can't do that. >> we'll do it live and we'll do it properly. but the point is, it is so incredibly absurd to the point of being offensive. >> yes. and i'm sorry. like i do not believe nancy pelosi for one second when she's talking about her nostalgia. and she might have more credibility, might be able to make that sale if the democrats just a few years ago were not trying to sell mitt romney as
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history's greatest monster, mitt romney, right? and fast forward four years you've got donald trump. again i think the republican electorate, the voters who go through this, they're like, look, if they're going to accuse us of doing all of this stuff, let's get a dirty fighter who's going to punch back really hard and that's how you got trump. kennedy: at some point kanye west may become a republican president. >> oh my god. kennedy: and joy behar will be pining for the good old days of president trump. and i for one cannot wait for that moment. >> she's going to be like she's going to wheel into the studio. we used to have a statesman, donald j. trump. kennedy: i can't wait to see it. and bernie sanders will be pushing like, shut up snancy. nancy. thank you so much. you. >> that's an odd farewell. kennedy: you're not. i got ahead of myself.
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you're the best ever. thank you. bernie sanders, the oprah of washington. he's going to give everyone in america a job. i'll explain why bernie is a nut job in the monologue next and dennis miller is here with reaction. plus we're awaiting a live look inside the president's first initial state dinner. let's toast coming up. let's toast coming up. stay here. today we're out here with some big news. let's toast coming up. stay here. jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease... ...and lower your a1c. wow. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy,
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kennedy: bernie sanders is running for president. how do i know? because he brought out the miningless proposal that gairn tease the federal government will give you a job and you will get benefits and at least $15 and never be fired just like any other government job. what does a rational person ask when you hear something that's too good to be true? how do you pay for it? but all b.s. needs is some traction until 2020. other presidential hopefuls are dipping their toes into the river so they can buy other people's dumb votes with your
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smart money. gillibrand and cory booker also have jobs plans. who decides where the great free jobs come from? and who gets them? as soon as the phoney do-gooders start playing god with the job market the highway will be on the road to hell. how about not free housing, food, cars, selfie vacationsjoi. kennedy: they will make new medals for the olympics that
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will be platinum. >> this is how fractured the country is. pelosi should be the third person in a car on a sonic commercial. she looks crazy to me, yet they believe in her. they believe in sanders, sanders offering kids a full-time government job. you would think kids would turn up their nose and run. but they voted for him. the last time i saw a bar set this low it was at a dwarfs lake. kennedy: it must be so much fun being bernie sanders. all you do all day long is offer people free stuff because you know your plans will never get
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implemented. and you can spend your time being an angry old man. >> why don't they turn on him. that's what worries me. i wonder is this country that far gone that a man who made it to age 40 without a full-time job can be talking about giving jobs to young kids who should be shooting for the stars saying add you join the student nation, and you get into an ivy league college you should get out and make the same as the kid who wasn't showing up for class. i would think the country would say that's crazy, but they don't. that's a scary proposition. >> there are more people
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accepting handouts. call me a traditionalist. but those are not rights. there is no right to a government job. there is no right to a mattress flips no right to free insurance. there is no right for to you take my money for your neat project. there are ways of paying for this stuff but it's not at the hands of socialists like bernie sanders. >> i think he's smart enough to realize there is great hay to be made convincing noble young people they don't need money to be truly rich. that's why he's out there thumping the drum of subsidized self-reliance. it's an odd dichotomy. i remember when i got out of college.
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i'm not innately a go-getter. but when i got out i thought the game board is in front of me, i can go, try what i want, get smacked down. shoot for the sky. kids are getting out no saying $15 an hour government job sounds good. boy, they have broken their spirit. kennedy: it's so true and it happened in college. it's a weird sense of entitlement that you deserve something. if you are going to be entitled you should hope you are entitled to much more than an ordinary predictable life. when we talk to our kids we don't say i hope you find a 40-hour week job in a cubical and deeply resent middle management and spend two decades toiling and being unfulfilled.
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i was about to say i can't wait until you come to new york. that's where everyone fell in love with you, on "saturday night live." i hope you get to visit in person so we can have one of these discussions. your monologues make me laugh. as soon as i get into gotham, i will come over and we'll do the gin game together. kennedy: msnbc's weekend anchor joy reid is in deep yogurt over some old homophobic he blog posts. she says it was hacked and they are all forgeries. reid told me in december i whrernd an unknown external party accessed and now defungt
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blog. now that the site has been compromised i can state it does not represent the original entries. hang over everything is that liberal media organization largely ignoring the controversy. what's worse, the allegation or the excuse? the man panel is back. robby, i will start with you, own up to it. apologize. but it's the lamest excuse in the book to say your twitter was hacked and someone rejitterred your blog post. >> i'm surprised she didn't say she thinks russia did it, given her reporting on that. >> it seems like there is almost no way this could have actually been the you can't manipulate way back machine.
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so it's overwhelmingly likely she did write those things. which is fine. she can just be sorry. but the lying by the is a problem. it's huge problem for her credibility. she is an important journalist covering the news and we have to know she is going to be honest. kennedy: i think much is forgiven to someone like that who panders to the left. that's the gravy train. even jimmy kimmel got into trouble for make homophobic references masquerading as jokes. he came out and apologized when he was attacked by the lgbtqa communities. >> what's most of important is how little recourse there is for the mainstream media. they don't do any follow-up with
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people on the left side of the aisle in terms of the scandals. they just let this go. you turn on cnn, zero coverage of this. if this had been someone at fox, if this had been you, it would be wall to wall coverage. they would be calling for your firing. would have a petition. and there is zero coverage of this on cnn. i had it up all day and i didn't see anything on msnbc. why is there a double standard? >> when the story first broke she apologized. now there is this weird back peddling on the apology. it's an awkward thing. we have to look at her career. it's not like she had a history
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of saying inflammatory things about race. kennedy: she is a bomb thrower like ann coulter. the stuff she says about the president day in and day out. unfortunately we have to table this discussion because we have a very big night and a huge part of it is happening at the white house. will the republicans be able to beat back the blue wave? we'll ask stirewalt. and we are keeping anite out for that president's toast. very fancy, very necessary to watch. we'll be right back. great, another dead end. sarge, i just got a tip that'll crack this case wide open! turns out the prints at the crime scene- awwwww...did mcgruffy wuffy get a tippy wippy? i'm serious! we gotta move fast before- who's a good boy? is him a good boy? erg...i'm just gonna go.
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[♪] kennedy: i like my monkeys arctic. the republicans are planning on a big win in west virginia and alabama and pennsylvania the gop spending big money to back debbie leska. and the seat vacated by trent franks. he resigned after he offered an
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aide $5 million to carry his child. republicans are hoping to maintain the wide gap. democrats are hoping to make it a much closer race. joining me to explain, fox news politics editor chris tires a walt. it seems like we say this about every single race. is this a bellwether? are democrats mobilized, passionate, and ready to overtake the house? >> yes, i would say it's pretty close to the martin. but i would say if the mid-terms were held today the democrats would take the house by a couple of seats. it's pretty close. we care about races like this because we like to see how
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subgroups much voters will perform. democrats are outperformed their percentage basis since 2016 by 17 points. if they continue at this pace they will take the house. so we are going to look and see, what kind of margin is this. if a republican wins by 10 points. if it gets to 5, you say they have got a problem. kennedy: let's talk about what the democrats are doing right here. because doug jones, that race doesn't count for much except for the fact that doug jones has to act like a democrat representing the state of alabama.
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conor lamb ran essentially as a republican. how is this candidate, this cancer researcher in arizona running? she certainly doesn't seem to be running like a progressive in her ruby red district. >> the group emily's list was pressed on the question, what about these candidates who say they won't back nancy pelosi for house speaker? they said say and do whatever you need. that's what the republicans said when they took the house back in 2010. if you want to win, you have to let candidates toronto district they are in. you cannot do cookie cutter one size fits all. i would point to the gubernatorial race in virginia. the candidate that didn't have the support of the democratic
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base, did not have that heat on his side but won handily because democrats were willing to be willing and allow moderate candidates. if that keeps up they can win the house. kennedy: it creates a natural tension within the party. you have a lot of candidates who are much more moderate. they want to service the constituents they know but you have a progressive core of the democratic party at the national level. what do they do? talk out of both sides of their mouth and run kamala harris and bernie sanders in 202. >> ? >> if you look at what happened with republicans from the obama era. it sweeps a lot of debris up into the beach. that's expensive two or four
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looser later. but in this case, 2020 for democrats will be a bad one. it will be very painful for them in the same way 2016 and 2012 were for republicans. kennedy: it will be like a superhero movie you can't get a refund for. interesting races across the board through the mid terms and beyond. we'll be right back. kyle: mom! mom! kyle, we talked about this. there's no monsters. but you said they'd be watching us all the time. no, no. no, honey, we meant that progressive would be protecting us 24/7. we just bundled home and auto and saved money. that's nothing to be afraid of. -but -- -good night, kyle. [ switch clicks, door closes ] ♪
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i told you i was just checking the wiring in here, kyle. he's never like this. i think something's going on at school. -[ sighs ] -he's not engaging.
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kennedy: we got news. you are looking live at the white house where president trump is hosting french president emmanuel macron. let us go to edward lawrence live at the white house tonight. edward? reporter: we have been waiting for the toasts to happen. it seems the bromance is blossoming so much between president trump and president macron that they are taking their time getting to it. a lot happened today with the two world leaders. but one of the reasons the french president came here is because they wanted to talk
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about trade. he did try to get the president to back off some of the tariffs against the european nation. there is a trade balance between the u.s. and france. there is a trade imbalance between the european union and the u.s. tomorrow the french president has a huge day. he'll be speak to a joint session of congress. this will be the first time a world leader has spoken to a joint session of congress. they are having fun with the dinner in there. 130 people in the room.
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28 of them are french guests. it's the first one president trump is hosting. kennedy: other notables at the continuer? >> tim cook. and the ceo of louie vuitton. the friend' president's wife is wearing a louie vuitton dress. the who's who of insiders. house speaker paul ryan has arrived here. a number of big names from the business side as well as political side in this room. kennedy: that is quite a scene to be had there. i know we are perhaps awaiting a toast. that's video from the state dinner. we are peek inside the windows and enjoying the splendor. reporter: the room remind me of a chateau room in versailles,
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france. they have 1,300 cherry blossoms leading up to that room and the smell is divine. those cherry blossoms were grown in the united states. kennedy: freedom blossoms is what we call them. >> the french influence is the wine. and you have ore wine but they are french plants. >> i will tell you, being an oregonian myself, the finest pinot noir is grown in the willamette valley. the night is complete just about. edward lawrence, thank you very
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much. president trump's controversial travel ban heads to the supreme court tomorrow. it strictly limits travel from five major muslim countries. hawaii is the lead challenger in the case arguing that trump's order violates immigration law, saying his comments on the campaign trail that the order serves as a muslim ban. will the courtside with president trump? there will be somen'ting arguments here. what do you think is going to snap. >>le travel ban, muslim ban, it will get overturned. this is due process issue. kennedy: our process includes going to the president of the united states. a toast to french president
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emmanuel macron. president trump: melania and i have profoundly honored to host you and our entire french delegation at our first official state dinner. [speaking french, voice of translator] president trump: to america's absolutely remarkable first lady, this is an evening we'll always remember. thank you, melania. [applause] [voice of translator] president trump: tonight we celebrate 2 1/2 centuries of friendship between the united states and france.
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yesterday we had a wonderful visit to mount vernon. a place that's truly special in the history of this very remarkable friendship. [voice of french translator] county require was there that general george washington met with the french general to finalize the victory at yorktown. it was there after the war that general lafayette returned to visit george washington. lafayette named his only son after washington as a tribute to respect and love for his true friend. [voice of french -- french
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translator] president trump: there at mount vernon hang on the wall for all to see is the key to the bastille. a gift from lafayette to washington. this tool imprisonment had become a symbol of liberty, a desire for freedom that burns in the heart of every patriot. [voice of french translator] president trump: this is the divine flame which victor hugo wrote that evil can never wholly
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extinguish. this is the flame that spurred american soldiers to join the french on the battlefields of world war i. this is the flame of french resistance of which charles de gaulle rallied his country in 1940. nearly a million frenchmen took up arms to defeat fascism in world war ii. we work together every day to build a future that is mere just, prosperous and free.
12:57 am
[voice of french translator] president trump: the names that link our nation are forged in battle by the timeless principles that maker us to we are. respect for life, love our neighbors and reverence bestowed on us by the glory of god. [voice of french translator]
12:58 am
president trump: so tonight i ask that we raise our glass as i offer this toast to president macron and bridget. to the french delegation and every proud citizen of france, may our friendship grow even deep, may our kinship grow even strong and may our sacred liberties never die. god bless you, god bless france, god bless our alliance and god bless america. thank you. [voice of french translator]
12:59 am
kennedy: right down the hatch. beautifully said. well received. that oregon pinot as smooth and silk. two countries linked arm in arm throughout history. you can enjoy watching every morsel of this toast. go to for all your intercontinental needs. go to you can see everything in its entirety there. we'll be streaming.
1:00 am
thank you for watching the best hour of your day. you can follow me on twitter and instagram, and email me at instagram, and email me at (announcer) you work hard to give your children something to build on. i was always trying to think "how am i gonna get her through college?" i wanna have a mechanism in place to make sure that my daughters are well taken care of. i hope to leave my children with something to help them get set up. (announcer) don't let it get eaten away by unexpected fees and legal expenses. my husband did not have a will and everything went away. when my father passed away, he did not have a will or a trust. we're not as prepared as i had hoped we would be. (announcer) every year, tens of thousands of people


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