tv Kennedy FOX Business April 26, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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i'm so happy to be here in for lou. jason chaffetz is here tomorrow. you can catch me on "the intelligence report" every day right here on fox business. kennedy: that historic meeting business to take place. you are looking at pictures live of north korea and south korea. it will be the first time a north korean leader has ever stepped foot on south korean soil. bryan suits, welcome back to the show. brian: warm glance. so let's talk about this meeting.
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you have these two leaders that have an awful lot on the table. number one, denuclearizing north korea and reunifying the korean peninsula. what happens at this meeting? brian: the south korean goal line is to get south korea to sit down and sign a peace agreement and armistice. it's been a state of war since june of 1950. for president moon that's the ultimate brass ring for him. to come to the south korean people and say i got a peace treaty. for the north koreans it's to appear they are amenable to give and take. this is the warmup to the big event next week. it's extremely significant. this is the first time as you point out, whichever kim is in
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charge of north korea has ever met the south korean president. but the south koreans' expectations are very, very low. kennedy: they are low but the stakes are incredibly high. what part does south korea play in the process of denuclearizing? what kind of a warmup meeting is this for that particular question. >> they might -- the north koreans might ask the south koreans for a pledge that they will never allow nuclear weapons on the peninsula again. we are not going to renuclearize south korea. but that would be a symbolic get if they said we'll not allow anybody to nuclearize the south korean peninsula. that would be a de facto way of saying they would never become a
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nuclear power. there has been a lot of talk saying we need to be like israel. south korea can afford it. but it wouldn't probably lead to what you might call stability. >> it's interesting because president moon is much more of a hippie than some of the predecessors who have run south korea. and he has resisted some of the military fortifications the united states has offered including the anti-missile system thaad. brian: moon is a military veteran. but he's more liberal progressive than his predecessors, and he does see value in giving a lot to the north koreans. the standard south korean position is don't give them
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anything because they just take it. moon believes kim jong-un is a far different guy from his dad and grandfather. he went to high school in switzerland. he speaks english when he wants to. and they sense that kim jong-un is a guy who sees the tide of social media, cultural media -- south korea is dominating asia in culture. tv, music, movies. south korean products are dominating the chinese and japanese media market. kim jong-un sees that. he says we can have a piece that. we achieved nuclear parity. kennedy: he's like the kid with the toy. he'll go ahead and take it perhaps. no longer by force. stand by we are going to come to
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you in just a few minutes. we'll tap into that expansive brain of yours. president trump going to a war of words with former fbi director james comey, calling him a criminal. but comey is not backing down. he's in for a fight. bret baier interviewed comey on everything from the hillary clinton investigation to his firing. and the memo he spilled to a friend to get the special counsel started. bret: at what point were you made aware some of the information was classified by the fbi. >> which information? bret: in the memos. >> sometime after i was fired the fbi made aa decision there was some words in at least one or two of the memos that were diplomatically sensitive. so my lawyers returned them to the fbi.
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kennedy: but they were just your journal entries. so was that information classified? that's the important question. this morning the president on "fox and friends" made it clear what he thinks. president trump: look, comey is a leaker and he's a liar. not only on this stuff, he's been leaking for years. comey, today he did, brian was terrible. he leaked classified information in order to try to get a special counsel. he also leaked classified men owes. they were about me and they are phoney memos. this is a big mistake, this book. he is guilty of crimes. if we had a justice department doing their job -- kennedy: then maybe we would have a different attorney general. so did james comey leak classified information? and is that a criminal act? let me go to my hurricane-proof
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party panel. kate yesterday pavlich is here along with median joe devito. and kat timpf in the house. welcome, everyone. james comey, did he commit a criminal act by writing these long-winded memos he says where journal entries, conveniently changing the terms of these missives, and having his friend sprinkle them like seeds. >> he said diary entries. i thought diaries are for girls and journal entries are for boys. he reminded me of the cop from "south park." when he said he hadn't heard of the dnc funding the dossier, then he said he heard the republicans fund it.
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where else would he have heard that but the media because he himself said he didn't look into it. he doesn't come off as a very credible under view when he doesn't seem to know what he's talking about. kennedy: this is something that's been an issue for agents at the fbi. when he talks and when he weasles his way out of stuff he sound more like a lawyer than he does a cop. if a cop were doing an investigation, a cop would ask basic questions. how did you get this. why were you working with this person? thin basics. >> he seems like the least inquils tough fbi director. he is -- does not come across
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well in the interviews. it is interesting to see. the left loves a defector. as soon as someone stands up to trump, if you look at how they treated john mccain and romney. which they were -- when they were regular republicans, they were war crimes. but now that they oppose the president they are suddenly elder statesmen. kennedy: he doesn't have satisfactory answers when he talks about loretta lynch. that's what could be most of problematic. when he's talking about the hillary clinton investigation, at one point he says he knew the conclusion long before he finished writing the book. in another account he says tonight with bret baier he says that he didn't trust that the doj was going to charge hillary clinton. he said loretta lynch was
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classified or compromised and there was some classified information that would show that she was playing goalie for hillary clinton and the dnc. >> it's not the fbi's job to desired whether somebody should be classified. but there is a reason why james comey has a team of lawyers and why he's hiring new high profile lawyers. he's in trouble. when he talked about the memos with bret baier, it was interesting he would admit that he had multiple copies of the memo and he took one home to put one in his safe. he tried to argue he leaked the information as a private citizen rather than as the director of the fbi. that doesn't make any difference. it might make it worse because he was handling classified information not as the director
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of the fbi. there is a criminal investigation going on into his leaking. he says it's not leaking because he gave it to a friend. it wasn't a leak and it wasn't serious, why couldn't he do it himself. kakat: if he took it home and is a diary, that means he was writing his diary at work. kennedy: you know something you write can later become classified. hillary clinton could have changed the classification and so could james comey have changed it and it was later changed too have some sort of classification that meant it was not for prying eyes. kat: he knows that. all he can do is say it's his diary. the first page of those memos has him writing to the fbi
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agents including andrew mccabe saying i know these are probably classified. i labeled them secret. if it needs to be a different classification let me know. it shows he understands conversations with the president of the united states is sensitive class fired information. kennedy: the word parsing is so hillary is hso -- is so hillar*. the president said cohen only did a little fraction of his legal work. president trump: he represent made with this crazy stormy daniels deal. from what i see, he did absolutely nothing wrong. kennedy: president trump previously denied he knew
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anything about cohen's plan to pay stormy daniels. what should the president do about cohen now? a lot of people are playing gotcha. saying see, the president is saying he knew cohen was doing the stormy daniels work. kat: i don't really care about this story at all. i'm so sick of hearing about stormy daniels and i think a lot of people feel the same way. i think that president trump would be better off just not talking about it at all. for his sake and for michael cohen's sake. kennedy: he time he makes a slip like this, mueller is saying please please please talk to me.
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i can get you to say something that will make your life unravel. >> this was a funny filibuster by the president. but it's refreshing to hear the way he talks when you compare it to comey who says i don't know nothing about nothing and hillary clinton is still struggling to speak like a human being. the president comes out and barfs out everything. i can't wait to see what he's going to say next. what are they going to get him on with this? so he fooled around with a porn star. does this change anyone's opinion? >> i take the you fifth on that -- i take the fifth on that one. but when you are barfing information, when there are criminal investigators look at everything he is saying closely because he has a relationship with michael cohen.
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the prosecutors work in court today took the words from the "fox and friends" interview and put them into the record in court. although he should be able to speak his mind and say things honestly and let trump be trump, there are legal consequences for that so you have to balance that. kennedy: to joe's point that's what makes the whole thing so insane because you don't know how it's going to end. he could be one of the most of popular two-term presidents in the history of this country. joe: he might be. kennedy: the panel is going to return. but first up, bill cosby found guilty of sexual assault. you will not believe how he reacted in the courtroom, talking about barfing stuff out
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kennedy: we are keeping an eye on the dmz between north and south korea. that building will house an important meeting between the two presidents where they will discuss mutual interests, including bringing peace somehow to the korean peninsula. we'll bring you details of the meeting and any leaders as they arrive. bill comes by, another -- bill cosby, another news alert. he's guilty. very angry about it. he apparently went nuts in court. according to reporters in the courtroom. america's dad weren't ballistic
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when prosecutors suggested of all the things he could be a flight risk if he was released on bail, saying he owned a private plane. reporter: america's dad, bill cosby, is now a convicted felon. a jury of 7 men and five women finding cosby guilty of assault. the jury found him guilty of all three fell any charges. he faces up to 30 years in prison which means the 80-year-old icon could die behind bars. on top of all that, inside the courtroom cosby was stoic was read. but there was a big moment in which he lashed out. the d.a. asked the judge to
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revoke his bail citing cosby had a plane and could flee. he said he doesn't have a plane, you a hole. then he said i'm sick of him, in regard to the district attorney. those who accused him were watching this trial. this all about andrea constan. she accused cosby of giving her three blue pills and sexually assaulting her. did she give consent? the jury obviously believing andrea. >> 14 years later it may be easy to forget she was the first courageous person that stood up in public to go to the authorities and say that bill
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cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her. her courage and resilience in the face of horrible and unfounded attacks upon her and her family has been so inspiring to all of us. reporter: cosby is under house arrested, and incredible, bill cosby a convicted felon tonight. his attorney says he vows to fight and this is not over. kennedy: you may remember the attorney from another high-celebrity court preceding with michael jackson. thanks so much, brian. there could be a seismic shift in our political landscape. kanye west is a red hat wearing
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trump supporter. president trump: con yes looks and sees black unemployment and it's the lowest it's been in the history our country. he sees hispanic unemployment at the lowest it's went in history of our country. he sees female unemployment, women unemployment in now almost 19 years. he sees that stuff, and he's smart. and he says you know what? trump is doing a much better job than the democrats did. kennedy: kim kardashian's husband did not have kind words for the last president tweeting obama was in office for 8 years and nothing in chicago changed. according to police reports in because last year in office there were more homicides than los angeles and new york combines. let me ask the co-host of "the
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five" on the fox news channel. i agree with kanye about chicago. this is one of the president's best friends is the mayor of chicago where the former president is from. staggering numbers in 2016, the homicide rate, 762. obviously going in the wrong direction during the president's tenure. there are a lot of people in chicago within the african-american community who feel that's one area where the president failed. >> clearly violent crime is at an historic low. we are talking about black on black crime. you have young black men oftentimes gang members and it's dysfunctional anilistic behavior. i don't know that you blame the
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president of the united states for that. kanye west is looking at economic and crime figures? i don't buy it. i think kanye west is a guy who says when i was in the hospital and opioid addicted. it was president trump who had me come over to trump towers for a meeting. and he remembers obama called him a jackass after he insulted taylor swift. but folks on the right are embracing kanye west. and didn't he put down george w. bush? kennedy: oh, yeah. i think kanye knows how to push buttons. people are talking about limb. he's getting a totally different conversation going. for that i have to give him credit. it's very entertaining.
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coming down the steps now flanked by security. various government appointees vowrnding him, assuring his safety. he's looking very maoian in that black jacket. bryan suits joins me to discuss. look at that confident stride. that's a man looking future in the eyes and hoping to reshape it in his image. brian? >> this is a remarkable moment it's an extraordinary moment it's a great political victory for president moon and south korea. this is a big victory for trump. you go back to clinton sending jimmy carter and bill richardson or madeleine albright. and bush putting them on the list as the axis of evil.
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and kim speeding up the nuclear program. they across celt rated the nuclear program under obama. and accelerated it under -- and perfected it under trump. they have completion of their missile and warhead tests. now they feel like now we can talk. that's an extraordinary moment, that's an extraordinary handshake. kennedy: the leader holding hands, discussing things. and kim jong-un looks like a moon face. >> he just took him by the hand and made him step into north korea. kennedy: now they are back in the dmz. and this meeting, by the way, load with all sorts of symbolism
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and imagery. everything has been nailed down to the t. every aspect of this meeting. where they stand. what they eat. where it takes place. it's all been very, very carefully orchestrated. >> i think we just saw an you can scripted moment when kim turned him around and said let's step into north korea. i would have thought it was a kidnapping attempt. but it was a symbolic step into north korea for president moon to step into north korea. moon invited kim into south korea. kennedy: both leaders have been in beth countries as a way of symbolizing the two can become one. this is a much bigger victory for president trump and the united states, notably absent in
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all of these discussions, china. >> china and russia as well are getting the cold shoulder from north korea. china's number one foreign policy goal is not to dominate the south china sea it's to prevent a unified korea. they do not want to see a unified korea. kim jong-un knows that and president moon knows that. 20 years down the road there won't and single korea. the idea of north korea suffering for 15 years just to give up nuclear weapons when there is nothing in it for them. now that they have nose weapons they are not giving them up. even if the united states does what trump will probably do, which is assure them for the world to hear that we'll not
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initiate an attack on north korea. for kim, that puts number an odd position because they have been on a war time footing since june of 1950. the north korean people sacrifice food. they are on a war time footing because supposedly the americans are going to invade them. he seems a guy to allow the amazing industrious people in south korea. kennedy: you are seeing traditional military uniformed displayed. the confident stride of the two leaders. they look joyful and relaxed as they find common ground that has come out of very, very turbulent years. i'm sure they will both want to take credit for this meeting and what comes it.
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we just saw the olympics in south korea. and this almost seems like an olympic delegation of two. >> you could make the argument that this couldn't have happened without extending a hand to the north koreans and allowing them to send that laughable delegation of athletes to south korea. but it satisfied north korean pride. they got to participate in this great olympic event and they were treated as equals. south core rians didn't mock them. they didn't mock how horrible their down hill skiers were. they treated them like equals. you could say that maybe set this up. as odd as it seems, these little things like kim being an nba fan, kim taking trump seriously. kim not being rebuffed on the olympics, that set this up.
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kennedy: the olympics could be the impetus. something that may seem minor that could be the one thing that has a lasting impact on these talks, and peace in the future going forward. this has been one of the global hotpots. this has been one of the least stable elements in the world. north korea. and now we are seeing a legitimatization. >> this is not a communist country like we were used to in the cold war. this is a theocracy. he's a god king. this is a personality-driven country. the men in those stark uniforms, they owe their positions to him. his whim, okay we achieved
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nuclear parity with seven other nations on earth. now i want to pivot another way. either he goes backing to pyongyang and there is a coup or north korea adopts minor bits of capitalism with a religious fervor we haven't seen since east germany. kennedy: that's the national anthem of south korea we are hearing. let's draw parallels between the reunification of germany perhaps. is there a separation between east and west germany, the germany we knew in the 80s versus what we know today, and could we see something like that on the korean peninsula? >> the gap between east and west germany was far more narrow. when the russians overran and occupied east germany, they didn't make it year zero, change
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the language and install a god king. the north korean people have bind this unrelenting steady diet of mind-numbering propaganda with a security apparatus back it up that is unmatched on the face of the earth. east ever mants had mics everywhere. they were pikers compared to the north koreans. a capitalist, democratic-based country would be a major muscle movement. both side not would take a generation or two. they are still work it out in eastern germany. but politically the chinese wouldn't loan a dime to a unified korea. they would loan money to north korea that maintained a semblance of a chinese-style central committee. they will never accept another free market country full of
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koreans. kennedy: isn't that interesting that the threat that poses to china. you talk about a theocracy. if this experiment is successful, and i truly hope that it is, is there some way of shifting this paradigm to the middle east particularly in iran where we assume those thee krattic authoritarians have such a stranglehold on politic and culture and the economy that there is no way they will open up. are there some lessons we can learn from this and apply over there? >> this is part of the unspoken message to iran. what trump is dloiferg north korea is, if you deal with me wide open on a blank slate, open table, i give some, you give me some, you will be welcomed in the community of nations as a full partner and you can start playing by the rules and you can
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enrich yourselves and make cars and telephones. and we are fair brokers. we'll deal with people who are deal with us honestly. the message to iran is see how we are with the good guys? when he turned north korea into the good guys. you talk about an abc after school special. if north korea are the good guys. the iranians are supposed to be watching this. what are the iranians going to do? kennedy: we are going to listen in here for just a bit. all we antioxidant point at the pointing and say this has the potential of being quite historic. >> you notice kim jong-un is
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down there without a huge security detail. kennedy: no, he's not. it's quite out in the open, unscrubbistic. the party panel is back. katie, i want to ask you, when the president meets with kim jong-un do you think we'll see this kind of public celebration? will it be this visible? >> i think the president and the white house, they are excited about the prospect of the celebration. this is a huge massive step to see kim jong-un walk into this country to have this meeting. one of his biggest concerns is assassination. but i think the president will probably have a meeting that does not have so much fanfare for the sake of letting the
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north koreans know this is not a done deal. they talked about the maximum pressure campaign they will continue on the north koreans. there is a long way to go. i don't predict the white house will do a big event like this. but i expect them to release photos of the meeting. >> it's a series of steps taking us into the great unknown. the president's detractors when he was using inflammatory language to describe kim jong-un calling him little rocket man, and threatening fire and fury, there was a lot of hysteria saying the president was taking us to the brink of world war iii. but this is a step in the journey to peace. >> i have $10 that says kim deeffects while he's there.
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he makes a run for it. he's the on well-fed one in the country. >> as unsouth and belligerent as trump can see, it works with the rest of the world. kennedy: the contrast may show obama made the world a little bit less safe. kat: i'm a little weirded out by him calling him little rocket man, but it seems like it's working so you have to give him credit where it's due. kennedy: we'll be right back. stay right here. llar they spend at thousands of hotels. all you have to do is pay with this... at 10 miles per dollar? that is incredible. brrrrr.
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kyle, we talked about this. there's no monsters. but you said they'd be watching us all the time. no, no. no, honey, we meant that progressive would be protecting us 24/7. we just bundled home and auto and saved money. that's nothing to be afraid of. -but -- -good night, kyle. [ switch clicks, door closes ] ♪ i told you i was just checking the wiring in here, kyle. he's never like this. i think something's going on at school. -[ sighs ] -he's not engaging.
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kennedy: as much as i can't and our attorney general, he's starting to see the light on weed. he said there may be some medical benefits, but he doesn't think it will help the opioid he dij. is he willfully blind? joining us from the medical a team, dr. marc siegel. so let's talk about this. now there has been critical mass reached. in a new quinnipiac poll, 3% say they approve of marijuana being
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legal in various states. 93% approve of legal medical cannabis. there are two other studies we talked about that show opioid overdose deaths decrease in states where there is medical cannabis and also there are far fewer prescriptions written for opioid where they are the most of permissive marijuana laws. >> the studies or and over have shown that. in the 2980s with medical marijuana laws, you see the decrease in overdose stats. in medicare and medicaid data, over a decade it showed increases of 6% medicare and 9%. medical marijuana decrease on opioid prescription. clearly that's where he's suddenly starting to see the light. he sees what we have known for a
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while. medical marijuana decreases pain. >> whatever someone puts in their body, i don't care. i think the war on drugs failed. and the supply side come back has done nothing to help inner cities and rural cities decimated by opioid addiction. >> attorney general sessions is wrong about something else which is prosecuting people for opioids has not led to a decrease in the epidemic. in jail they buy and sell opioid. our prisons are not geared up for opioids. the house is looking at their version. it's not passed the senate yet. it's doing some things i like. it definitely needs more money. by the has the -- the nih
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kennedy: bernie sanders went full stalin when he revealed he's work on a plan to give everyone a guaranteed dem -- guaranteed government job. even those on the left think this is a ridiculous idea. why does bernie want to resurrect chairman mao. all these dumb ideas seem great to political adolescents. but in reality they are freedom killers. >> we are look at pictures of socialist north korea. the devastation mr. we know. we know in socialist venezuela,
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but i though you say democrats are running away from it. it's not the idea they disapprove of, it's just the cost. kennedy: bernie hasn't done the cost benefit analysis. but kirsten gillibrand and cory booker, they have similar plans. if usual a democrat and you want to be president, you will have to give a bunch of free stuff away. then what will happen is bernie sanders is going to have to make this walk of shame down the red carpet in the dmz asking for help and forgiveness once the united states failed into ruin. >> we have established the right to healthcare and house.
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the right to education. the notion of a right to a job isn't too far off. this is what's being taught in our schools today. kennedy: why stop with the right to a job? don't i have a right to a tesla? >> you know, people's needs are endless. as long as you make and set up the ideas that others' needs are a mortgage on your life, anything becomes a right. if bernie cared about creating jobs and democrats cared about people's welfare, they would be advocating for capitalism, not socialism. socialist north korea. semi capitalist south korea. where would you rather live? kennedy: i would much rather live in south korea. people claim the youth there is
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very superficial. but i applaud everything about them and their longing toward freedom. >> 40% of americans and over half of millennials prefer socialism. kennedy: thanks for being here, jonathan hoenig. we'll be right back. today, we're out here with some surprising facts about type 2 diabetes. so you have type 2 diabetes, right? yeah. yes i do. okay so you diet, you exercise, you manage your a1c? that's the plan. what about your heart?
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between north korea and south korea and bill cosby being guilty. he may spend the rest of his life in prison. sorry about the hate mail, we ran out of time. i will see you on the "outnumbered" couch at noon eastern tomorrow. and minister on a heavenly mission... >> that was my dad's dream -- to get the bibles to the moon. >> ...a parable of loads of fiches... >> a whole bible is on here? >> so the whole 1,245 pages. >> ...lunar bibles, the lost books of apollo. >> well, reverend stout and his wife,en they left nasa, just kind of vanished from the pages of history. >> until a court puts them under a microscope. >> you're saying that her intentions were sinister? >> and the value of each tiny bible -- out of this world. >> items that have gone to the moon can command six or seven figures. >> if you do the math, that's a lot, a lot of money. [ door creak]
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