tv After the Bell FOX Business April 27, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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be the physical gold. [closing bell rings] most investors buy gold with etfs like gld -- the system would collapse. liz: we have to go. we're up against the closing bell. vincent, sean, great to have you both of you. that will do it for the claman countdown. melissa: the dow ending the day down 12 points. s&p 500, aiming for the green. how did it turn out? okay. i'm melissa francis. yeah. david: two out of three ain't bad for a friday. happy friday, i'm david asman. this is "after the bell." more on the big market movers but here is what else we're covering in a very busy hour. you can bank on it. president trump affirming iran will not get a nuclear record in a wide-ranging joint news conference this afternoon with german chancellor angela merkel. the president also talking tough on trade with germany as tariffs are set to kick in next week. we're live at the white house. history on the korean peninsula.
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leaders of north and south korea shaking hands, pledging to pursue peace. details exactly what has been agreed to ahead of meeting with kim jong-un. hundreds planning to cross into the u.s. border along our southern border this weekend. a live update from tijuan mexico. among our guests, retired general thomas mcinerney, "mediabuzz" host howard kurtz, bill mcgurn of "the wall street journal," forbes media chairman, steve forbes. melissa: nice. the markets closing in negative territory, ending in the red, snapping a two-week winning streak. adam shapiro on florida of the new york stock exchange. adam. >> the dow for the week is down half a percent but the dow down about 12 points. we're still trying to settle here. s&p 500 was also up today, by the way. and for the week it is essentially flat but if you look month to date it is up a little over 1%.
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nasdaq, nasdaq was up a little bit strong before the close. but there you can see it finally closed today in the negative. it is down for the week, almost half a percent. some of the stocks that had rough day today, exxonmobil. they missed on earnings per share. came in $1.09. expect take was $1.12. revenue beat year-over-year. revenue up 62.81 billion. profit was up year-over-year 4.65 billion but still not enough to convince investors. exxonmobil, by the way despite being down today for the month up over 4%. crude hit a high last week. settled around 68 bucks. you had t-mobile and sprint, sprint especially up over 8% after hitting a low in march $4.81. month to date up 33%. on rumors according to reuters that sprint and t-mobile are finalizing a deal to get the
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merger done. they expect to announce it next week. t-mobile up slightly today. for the month it is up almost 6%. back to you guys. melissa: a lot of activity, adam, thank you. david. david: focusing on profits with more than half of the companies in the s&p 500 reporting first quarter results, 79%, almost 80% beaten profit estimates. 74% beat revenue estimates. bring in today's panel, carol roth, former investment banker and john layfield, ceo of the layfield report and fox news contributor. john, 79% reporting better-than-expected earnings. i mean that is a very big number. >> yeah, it is a big number. also look what those earnings were projected to be up 18%. up 28%, year-over-year. that is a phenomenal number. we're having a great earnings season. we're getting black clouds that were potentials out there taken away. from potential trade wars to
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potential problems in north korea. we're not trading on the president's twitter timeline. we're trading on corporate earnings. that's a good thing. david: carol, profits are huge. we had slowing gdp growth. i would like to concentrate on the huge profits but what should we be focused on? the fact that the economy is slowing a little bit are the fact that profits are continuing to boom? >> obviously earnings are backwards looking and some of the data is potentially an indicator what is happening ahead. certainly market valuations are trying to predict the future. i think they're putting way too much emphasis on things like the 10-year yield, on things like the first quarter. this is just a first read of gdp. it is going to be revised. the first quarter is always slow. i think these companies are doing the right thing. they will continue to make capital investments. i think consumer spending will continue to increase as consumers feel the goodness having more of those tax cuts coming into their paychecks.
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so i think that the market is putting too much emphasis on some of those macrofactors and not enough on the profits and with could be happening ahead. melissa: amazon soaring to a new record high during intraday trading after reporting that big beat on earnings and revenue yesterday during this hour. i know you remember that the company will hike the cost of the prime membership by $20 a year from 99.99 a year, to 119-point -- 119.99. the second time they hiked since they had prime. will this turn people off or create revenue. >> this will create revenue. they added nfl rights for thursday night. i think they are giving value for 9.99, essentially what they're priced at right now. amazon is one of my best
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portfolio performers. i think it is about the best company in the world if not the best company in the world and jeff bezos is a phenomenal ceo. they obliterated earnings a couple days ago. melissa: carol, i understand it will drive more revenue. like the gateway drug. you get the prime, you end up going to amazon for everything. they could just up the price of all of their product as few pennies and get more revenue. maybe they're doing that as well. what do you think of this move? >> i think that amazon is not just a triple threat, they're a quadruple threat. listen, jeff bezos is an amazing operator. if you think about what they're doing in e-commerce. when you look five or 10 years into the future, if you think about what those trends will continue be in terms of growth, cloud, ai, voice. amazon is a leader in all of those. so i think if you think about the "fang" stocks, what are the, what is the one company who is still going to be dominating five or 10 years down the road?
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i think it has to be amazon. melissa: that's true. they moved into every space and just dominated. carol, john, thank you. david? david: president trump holding a joints news conference with german chancellor angela merkel. blake burman, is the golden boy. let's go to the white house. congratulations. what did he tell you. >> i don't know if i'm the golden boy but i asked questions. appreciate it david. what happened at the dmz, the images we saw when we woke up this morning. the president earlier in the day was asked about it, he said hey, look, past u.s. administrations they have been played like a fiddle by the north koreans and that is not something that is going to happen to us. so when he was standing alongside angela merkel at the joint press conference a little while ago i asked the president essentially if he feels he needs to be the closer in this deal to see through peace on the korean peninsula?
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listen here. do you feel like it is your responsibility for this to eventually get settled between north and south korea? >> i think i have a responsibility. i think other presidents should have done it. i think the responsibility has fallen on the shoulders of the president of the united states and i think we have, i think i have a responsibility to see if i can do it. and if i can't do it, it will be a very tough time for a lot of countries and a lot of people. it's certainly something that i hope i can do for the world. reporter: meantime over the weekend at least sometime before tuesday the president has a decision to make whether or not he will continue those exemptions for steel and aluminum imports that exemptions on tariffs under which the eu currently has an exemption. he has to make that decision by tuesday. i asked the german chancellor angela merkel if she received any as shunses from president trump?
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not sure which have there. essentially said, david, that the president is going to decide. he has until tuesday to make that decision. merkel said she believes there's a pathway forward potentially for a bilateral trade deal between the eu and the united states. both the german chancellor and president trump continued to say that the wto does not work. david? david: very mat of fact they were today. wasn't like macron with the all the lovey-dovey stuff. that is a different issue. we'll deal with that later. we'll see what happens. blake, thank you. we have steve forbes, forbes media chairman. first of all steve, do you think the president will extend the exemptions? >> i think he will. good things with macron, even though with merkel they have had a frosty relationship he would want a eu deal, bilateral deal, he likes that kind of thing.
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you might see an extension with words that progress is being made that we hope to close within 30 or 60 days. david: i have to ask one question about the macron meeting. it was true, they were holding hands with the french president and donald trump. they were talking exuberantly how much they liked each other. then macron comes out with this statement before the joint congress, essentially saying well the president's wrong on paris accord. the president's wrong on iran. the president's wrong on tariffs. what was that all about? >> i think what you're seeing is a good business negotiator like our president, and that is, you try to get a good personal relationship the therefore you can have a good back and forth with negotiations without feeling one has been insulted. i think it's a positive thing. contrast that, david 15 years ago with george w. bush and terrible relationships with germany and france, this is amazing. by the way macron is great entrepreneurial president. we have a story coming up. david: two business people,
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trump and macron. art laffer and steve moore, two guys we know pretty well, steve, writing a column about a coming mass exodus over taxes, they wrote quote, millions of people, thousands of businesses and tens of billions of dollars of net income will flee high-taxed blue states for low-taxed red states. this migration has been happening for year but the trump tax i will bill cap on deduction for state and local taxes or salt, will accelerate the pace. what do you think, steve. >> it will accelerate the pace. the pace has been there, davids as the article pointed out. in recent years two million people left net california and new york. from and texas have gained two million residents. in the next three years new york and california will lose another 800,000 total. new jersey, minnesota, connecticut, another 500,000 people. and so yes, this will accelerate the trend and force states to get their act together. one little thing on new jersey, david -- david: your home state.
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go ahead. >> my home state. the democrat leaders in the legislature are in a battle with the governor. the governor murphy wants to raise taxes, more spending. democrats are saying you can't do it. cut spending. we can't raise taxes. amazing. david: this is something you will not hear from nancy pelosi by the way. top 20% of tax payers in 2018 will pay 87% of all income tax. that means that the top taxpayers are going to run as fast as they can to state has don't have a big income tax. >> that's true. now the only little downside on this, david, it will hurt republicans running for congress if they don't get their act together to come up with a great new tax bill. david: which is what you propose in the most recent edition of "forbes." the "forbes" tax plan includes payroll tax cuts, sharply lower income tax rates and reduced capital-gains tax. talk about the middle one first, sharply lower income tax rates. why is that so important? >> because it gives all the incentives to do more work, achieve more success.
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that way you pay more taxes, get more prosperity. investment is the key, david. they got rid of the deductions but didn't cut the tax rates. you have to do both. david: not everybody pays income tax but everybody who works pay as payroll tax. if you cut that everybody get as tax cut immediately. >> that's the thing. he have one will see it immediately in the paychecks. it is good for the economy. good for the country and good for the republican party would wake up, one day, i hope they do soon. david: finally, quickly, a capital gains tax reduction. even bill clinton did that the late '90s. >> that is no-brainer. immediate revenue right away. you don't have to wait two or three years. you don't wait overnight. more pros russ economy. should have done it first round. hope they do it this time. david: simple as a, b, c. good to see you, steve forbes, appreciate it, my friend. melissa: nbc news veteran tom brokaw fighting back against
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allegations of sexual harrassment by a former colleague. meed yaw buzz howard kurtz what he has been accused of and timing of all of it. david: despite warnings from homeland security, a update where they are right now. melissa: historic moment on korean peninsula. north korean leader kim jong-un watching across the border into south korea. the two leaders announcing a plan to end the korean war and rid the peninsula of nuclear weapons. but can north korea be trusted? we'll ask retired lieutenant-general thomas mcinerney next. >> the united states has been played beautifully like a fiddle because you had a different kind of a leader. we're not going to be played, okay? ♪ brad's about to find out
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david: well at least the appearance of progress towards peace. north korean leader kim jong-un and president moon of south korea meeting in what is truly a historic moment, at least the meeting is. the two leaders agreed to put an official end to the korean conflict and working towards denuclearization of the korean peninsula, but, is everybody using the same dictionary here? here with more in washington is edward lawrence. that is really the problem, how you define these issues, edward. reporter: exactly. that is one thing folks will look at very closely. stunning images where the north korea leader embracing the south korean president. the two agreed there would be end to war, two north korean and south korean leaders said there would be complete denuclearization of peninsula. there were no measures how that would happen within the year. that has many folks watching this very nervous and the president saying he will not be played. >> we will not repeat the mistake of past at --
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administrations. maximum pressure will continue to denuclearization occurs. i look forward to our meeting. reporter: like the president, the japanese prime minister says that he wants to see action behind these word. now u.s. lawmakers also want to see action but they say what got us here were the sanctions and the olympics. >> i think during the olympics when they went to south korea saw what life could be like if you're not under a totalitarian regime, not sanctioned, not shooting off nukes, life is pretty good. reporter: the u.s. will likely ask for denuclearization pretty quickly and pretty substantial steps we can see documented to get that to happen. a big hiccup could be china. they're basically north korea's only trading partner. the chinese may ask for in a deal with the united states we remove all u.s. troops from the peninsula. that could be a sticking point. david: verify and don't trust. those are the key words.
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edward, thanks very much appreciate it. melissa. melissa: here to break it all down retired lieutenant thomas mcinerney. thanks for joining us. i think we left general out of that, right? >> that's okay. melissa: my apologies, i should have checked that first. let me ask you about this deal. what do you think got us here first of all? i thought it was an interesting point they made. maybe it is about the olympics. was that part of it, do you think? >> i don't think so, melissa. melissa: no? >> that sound nice but what got us here the tough sanctions and we're cinching them down a little more. with chinese, contamination they might have gotten with the nuclear explosions in the yalu river valley endanking hair -- endanking their country. a combination of things. olympics mean nothing to the people. it is all power. the sanctions are having effect
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and chinese are helping on this, saying kim jong-un, let's start talking. melissa: yeah. so what do you think is the right move from here? obviously now that they said they're going to denuclear rise. they don't have to discuss that at the meeting. they can go on to how which is a big step forward but within that how, what do you need? is it a lot of our people on the ground? what do we need to hear? >> you need to trust by verify. let's use the reagan moto there but the fact i don't believe they said they are going to denuclearize. there may be a lot of words coming out and we have to make sure they agree, then you're spot on. how do you do that? that means you have got to have verification. trust by verification. david had it right, don't trust by verify. and that is what they have got to do. now the good thing is, we have never had a president, we never had a secretary of state or national security advisor or secretary of defense, this
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combination of our four top national security people is the right combination and, i've seen a lot of them but never have we gotten all four like this and they're thinking in the same way, certainly three of them are. i think secretary mattis is but he understands the war issues better. so we've got the right deal going. now we've got to see is kim jong-un serious? if he isn't, the president has got to walk but all options are on the table. now some little thing, i saw on google was, someone disclosed op plan 50-15. that is the decapitation strike they're exercising over there. i was well aware being involved with team spirit but no one publicly leaked that. of course what that means, there is not a mountain or a bunker that we can not penetrate with our 30,000-pound precision weapons off of a b-2 where two of them can be dropped.
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melissa: that is amazing. that is great insight. i don't want to run out of time without asking you about german chancellor angela merkel in d.c. with the same message, same mission, pardon me, as french president emannuel macron to salvage the iran nuclear deal although she admitted the deal is not enough to curb the islamic republic's ambitions. >> i believe obviously this agreement is anything but perfect. it will not solve all the problems with iran. it is one piece of the mosaic, one building block if you like on which we can build up the structure. melissa: is it? is it one piece? is it a building block? >> i don't think it is, melissa, but here is why i don't think it is. we fattened up the iranians. they are now using that money to continue radical islammism spread through the whole arabian peninsula, threatening israel, continuing nuclear build-up working with north korea, all that, doing icbm testing, et cetera, it is more than fraud
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for french president macron and angela merkel as chancellor, iran is a cash cow. melissa: right. >> its trade for them. that's what they're interested in. they do not have responsibility for nuclear strategy globally like we do. melissa: no. i mean they just see the money coming out. all i can think of we heard again from again from president obama, snap-back sanctions. if we do anything we can put them in place instantly. that is not true. anytime, anywhere inspections, that was also not true. those are two things we were supposed to get in exchange for all that money and that hasn't happened, right? >> you're spot-on. melissa you get it. melissa: well, thank you. general, thanks for coming on. have a wonderful weekend. >> thanks, melissa. >> snap-back, it sounded nice but never amounted to anything. melissa: it was a lie. david: credit where credit is due. if the dire situation in north korea is resolved, could president trump receive a nobel peace prize, particularly since
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president obama got one before he actually did anything? our panel weighs in on that. james comey on defense. the former fbi director denies sharing his memos is a leak. does "wall street journal" bill mcgurn buy that? that is coming next. >> we can argue what a leak is, that is a leak, isn't it? >> it's not. ♪
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>> when did you learn the dnc and hillary clinton campaign funded christopher steele's work. >> i still don't know that for a fact. >> what do you mean? >> i have only seen it in the media. i never knew exactly which democrats, i knew it was funded first by republicans. >> that is not true. david: that is not true. former fbi director james comey called out by our own bret baier his claim that the anti-trump dossier was funded by republicans which again bret said is not true. here is bill mcgurn, "wall street journal" columnist. that is extraordinary moment in
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an extraordinary interview. one. best interviews, you and i were talking we've ever seen. here is a guy who used the trump dossier to get a fisa warrant to spy on a political campaign. >> right. david: he paid mr. steele, the guy and he didn't know who was behind it? >> have you ever thought of an fbi director with more unaware of what was going on around him? david: unaware or lying right now. >> doesn't have a good answer for it. i mean the idea he -- he not only said he didn't know, he didn't need to know or wasn't interested in. david: by the way, this information, that you know, it was put out by mr. comey, that in fact the republicans started the trump dossier, the "washington free beacon" which is republican group at one point paying fusion, they put out this last october, the free beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the steele dossier. did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of or provided payment
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for any work performed by christopher steele. and james combpy, the head of the fbi didn't know that. >> well, look, if you look at what happened over the last year, quite a few fbi agents have been removed from their posts, retired, reassigned so forthright? we don't know the reasons why. we do know when the inspector general investigates he shares his findings with the boss first. i think we'll find out when this new report comes out in about two weeks i think, they're planning what he did. so is mr. comey saying he had no idea what his underlings were doing? all the people he had in trusted positions? david: yes, that is what he saying, bill. the question whether you believe it. whether, maybe that inept or whether in fact he is lying? >> point to another one on that, on the warrants, when bret asked him about the warrant, what was the role in it, my understanding from the congressman that looked from the application, they led with the dossier in application
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for it and they relied heavily on it. and my understanding from mr. mccabe, when he testified before congress, is that he basically said, no dossier, no warrant, right? david: right. clearly -- >> setting mr. comey against mr. mccabe again. david: a guy so inept not to know all of this stuff he certainly deserved to be fired, which is exactly what happened to him. let's talk about leaks let's get a little bit of exchange on leaks from the interview. go ahead. >> did you leak other things through mr. richmond? >> only reason i'm smiling i don't consider what i did with mr. richmond a leak. david: doesn't consider a leak with a laugh. >> depends what the word is means, what is a leak. what he leaked was a document he wrote on a fbi computer and shared it with a professor with specific understanding it was leaked to the press with the "new york times" and it was. it is hard, i think this is not helping him his book tour. david: no. >> because he is saying
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impossible things, things that are so bad, so hard to believe they're kind of laughable. david: it is also the case that a lot of the media is not saying certain things. "the hill" came out with a very interesting piece that the russian woman who took a meeting with donald trump, jr., her name is natalia. this woman was agent for russian teleagainst from 2012 on. what "the hill" does not say, not only did she take a meeting with donald trump, jr., but before and after that meeting she met with fusion gps. so she was playing both sides. >> we still don't know the full story. when i think you step back, what we need is a full story, what happened at the fbi. what happened within the intelligence community. what happened with the russians. we, we have almost no real answers. a lot of hints. david: even with jim comey out of the director spot, which he should be out of the director spot, can we get answers to those questions? >> i think we are going to learn
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a lot from the ig report coming out. remember that is confined to the hillary matters. that came about because democrats were screaming that mr. comey had thrown the election to trump by, last minute announcement. so we'll find out a lot of information. we're finding out stuff, like pulling teeth through congress getting documents. if you look at the comey memos, it is unconscionable that was withheld from congress for so long. david: absolutely. >> it explains a lot. remember in that i think these words will come to haunt the fbi director, he said i don't do sneaky things. i don't leak. and i don't make weaselly moves. i'm not sure -- david: depend how you define weasel. >> i'm not sure it rises to perjury but -- david: thank god there is "wall street journal" editorial page which comes out with a lot of information. bill, thank you very much. >> thank you. melissa: here is another look at sprint closing higher but tumbling down 11% on potential
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merger with t-mobile that could come as early as this weekend. look at that! david: long time nbc anchor tom brokaw facing accusations of sexual harrassment. why his accusers are stepping forward. howard kurtz, fox news media analyst with his take. melissa: strength in the usa. president trump's warm welcome to our nation's olympians coming up. >> each of you at the winter olympics to represent the red, white and blue, and you did an awfully good job of doing it. i will tell you. i think she is more famous than i am. [laughter]. ♪ to their retirement savings. that's because they have a shield annuity from brighthouse financial, which allows them to take advantage of growth opportunities in up markets, while maintaining a level of protection in down markets. so they can focus on new things like exotic snacks.
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brrr! i have the chills! because of all those miles? and because ice is cold. what's in your wallet? melissa: icon under scrutiny. sexual harrassment allegation leveled against veteran journalist tom brokaw, by linda vester and was a fox news anchor as well. a second unnamed woman coming forward as well. brokaw vehemently denying any wrongdoing. here to react howard kurtz, "mediabuzz" host, and fox news media analyst. a letter he wrote back is scathing. my first day in my new life as accused predator in the universe of american journalism, he was ambushed and perp walked across the pages of "the washington post" and
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"variety." angry, hurt, what would be final passage of my life and career. it goes on and on. you know, he is really angry and upset. what do you think of this? >> well, i'm sure the news organizations gave him a chance to comment. sure, if the allegations are exaggerated or untrue i can understand brokaw angry. last five minutes got a note from president andrew lack saying to his colleagues, we take allegations such as these very seriously and act on them quickly and decisively when the facts dictate, very carefully worded. anybody who watch as 13 minute video linda vester did with "variety" how shaken and traumatized she was are two separate incidents in the 1990s with brokaw trying to forcibly kiss her. why would she come out saying right now. she is not suing, seeking money, seeking a job, i think it does have to be taken seriously. melissa: beyond this, taking to
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higher level of me-too conversation, i have heard a lot of complaints from people at nbc who say they have not taken that next painful step where you really dig deeper, and you hire the outside counsel to come in and dot audit, really shake the rug out to see what is going on. they kind of wanted to push matt lauer out and move on without a thorough investigation into what has gone on over there, and some of the other places. it is not, obviously this is a big problem in society, we're hearing me too from all over the prays but how does this amplify that complaint over there? >> it happened at cbs, it happened at fox, it happened at npr. nbc says it is conducting a review in the wake of firing of matt lauer, far more serious sexual allegations lodged against him but that review is being conducted by an nbc executive not outside law firm. i think that is a misstep. it is hard to restore confidence
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and morale unless you have a know holds barred look by somebody who is not on your payroll. melissa: talk about the other side of this. there are people out there who are concerned, you're accused. you're thrown under the bus. it makes all these headlines. your life is sort of ruined and you know, depending on where you are and how serious the allegations and that sort of thing but you're for sure tarnished, doesn't feel like there is due process to it. and maybe that is the case in this case. i mean that is the flip side of this coin that a lot of people are asking about as well. what do you think? >> yeah. we went through this with the bill cosby retrial but some cases are very old. obviously he had 60 plus women accusing him. melissa: right. >> there are instances accusations may go too far, something that happened many, many years ago, doesn't mean it was right, doesn't mean it was excused, there was overheated atmosphere people immediately fired, suspended, that sort of thing. there has been a backlash against that. at the same time, if women were
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treated, harassed, sexually assaulted or anything of that nature, you know, you do sort of feel like there should be some accountability even if it happened in years past. melissa: yeah. howard, thank you so much. we will be sure to watch your show on sunday. i'm sure you will be addressing all of this. give a little plug. time and place, let me have it. >> 11:00 a.m. sunday, 11:00 a.m. eastern. melissa: i will be there. howard kurtz. great job. david: you have to be there. media so much a part of what is going on in so many ways. >> i dvr it, watch it every week. david: i don't have a dvr. that is another issue. everybody is beating me up. melissa: wow. david: a caravan at the border, hundreds of migrants are expected to arrive at u.s. over the weekend, despite warnings from the white house. a live report from the u.s.-mexico border. that is coming next.
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>> here is a look at sprint recovering a little bit. getting new details on the merger with t-mobile. sources confirming to dow jones that the deal would value sprint shares close to the current price of $6.50 and could be announced by monday. david: hundreds say they are seeking asylum. a caravan of migrants reaching our so you were border, vowing to cross over into the u.s. this weekend despite warnings of arrest. fox news william la jeunesse is live in tijuana, mexico. william, the tents look pretty neatly placed there. who is doing that? >> well, you know the migrants themselves, david. as far as i know these were not here earlier. however, but you're right, there are several years of caravans. so it is possible they were provided by the advocacy group out of san diego that is arranging this caravan. we are about a mile from the port of entry where tomorrow, rather on sunday, we expect,
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probably about several hundred of the central american immigrants from here to present themselves at the border and will ask for asylum. they're attending seminars with american lawyers, learning about asylum process. are documents necessary? they could be detained weeks or months. they may be separated from their children. last year about 1/3 of the caravan elected to stay in mexico, or potentially enter the u.s. illegally after hearing that information. now the plan is on sunday, asylum, port of entry. they will be told that you know, many are saying that they are, can't return home because of the violence that they face. [speaking spanish.
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reporter: so the president has said these immigrants must be stopped. of course homeland security has said as well that, that they are likely to be detained for at least 72 hours with the children. and while the administration is adding more judges and prosecutors, unless they can ajudicate these cases quickly, the individuals will likely be released. >> if you illegally enter our country you will be referred for prosecution. if you file a false asylum claim, you will be referred for prosecution. if you aid and abet or coach someone to break our laws, you also will be referred for prosescution. reporter: but they are not entering illegally, david. as you know, they're presenting themselves for asylum at the port of entry. the administration saw this as opportunity to send a message to central america. i'm not sure that will happen. david: the group is the called, which means people without borders is -- melissa: that is subtle. david: not very subtle.
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william la jeunesse, thank you very much, from the border. appreciate it. >> cutting through the noise of the mainstream media, a break-through for north and south korea but will the negotiator-in-chief get credit for bringing hope to the korean peninsula? ♪ brad's been looking forward to this all week, but how will his denture cope with... a steak. luckily for brad, this isn't a worry because he's discovered super poligrip. it holds his denture tight and helps give him 65% more chewing power.
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>> donald trump convincessed north korea and china he was serious about bringing about change. we're not interest yet. if this happens president trump deserves the nobel peace prize. >> i don't see them giving it to him. will president trump receive credit when it comes to north korea. we have advisory campaign advisory board member and capri cafaro, former ohio state senate minority leader. madison, can you imagine them actually giving him the nobel
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peace prize. >> no. they will never give him the nobel peace prize. if there is deal to make with north korea, donald trump can do it. people laughed at me. multiple president on both sides of the aisle attempted to deal with north korea. they lost. he will win and the world will be a better place because of it. melissa: capri, will he deserve credit if it gets done? >> he is getting credit from allies in the region. south korea, their president, foreign minister given credit to president trump for bringing the north koreans to the table in meaningful manner. japan is little more guarded in their giving some credit to president trump. i basically saying they're cautiously optimistic. i think that is where most of the world is. i think they're cautiously optimistic. certainly the united states played a part in getting things this far. but now it is down to what happens in the meeting between the president of the united states and the leader of north korea. melissa: even if they stand out
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there and just dismantle the nuclear weapons and laid them out on the tarmac or whatever it is, i think the folks at nobel, they gave the economic prize to paul krugman. i think they would choke on their own reading materials rather than give a prize like this to the president. madison? >> yeah. i'm going to have to agree with you here, however i do hope would come and around do something. if he were to accomplish this i think he will, he is worthy of the prize. would be one of the most incredible things we've seen in 50 years. melissa: yeah. capri, how long do you think the glow from this would actually last, even if it got done? >> i think its significant. i'll tell you just yesterday evening speaking with fellow democrats who are campaign veterans at both the state and federal level, saying look, if president trump pull this is off, i can write an ad shows that he has been successful and north korea and economy and that you know, if we don't have anybody good to put up against
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him in 2020, he will win re-election. there is a recognition, even from democrats, i think there is trepidation because of that, that you know, this is unprecedented. it could certainly help him in 2020. but again, it will be down to what happens up to this point. north korea does have the nuclear proliferation in their constitution. i would surprise they will have to take that out in order for the global community to take them serious. melissa: battle between words and actions, right. to be fair, president trump's tweet, when he said north korean leader kim jong-un just stated that the nuclear button is on his desk at all times. someone from his depleted, food starved regime please inform him. i have a nuclear button and mine is bigger and more powerful one than his, and my button works. maybe that is the "art of the deal," madison, the rhetoric, kim jong-un had to think the president was serious and would send a bomb his way. at the same time you kind of put that out there next to the person that would have the nobel
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peace prize, oh, by the way here is tweet from him as well. >> all about peace through strength. we've seen it work before. i think we're seeing it work right now. on top of that, back to 2016, so many people said president trump will never an successful or accomplished because he doesn't have political experience. melissa: madison, but pass the bar? did i see that. >> i did this morning. >> congrats, madison. >> thank you. david: celebrating the red, white and blue at the white house. president trump's message to team usa. this is kind of a good way to end the week. that is coming next. ♪
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like this. president trump: he was more nervous here than when he was doing the flips right? david: it's hard to be put on the spotlight like that. melissa: that was wonderful how fun. david: live mics are scary folks. melissa: risk & rewards starts right now folks have a great weekend. president trump: the chancellor and i discussed iran, the iranian regime, blood shed and chaos all across the middle east we must ensure that this regime does not even get close to a nuclear weapon and that iran ends its proliferation of dangerous missiles and its support for terrorism no matter where you go in the middle east wherever there's a problem iran is right there. liz: the markets closing the day mixed the dow down 11 points to end the day at 24, 311 the nasdac ending slightly higher tech stocks getting back gains amazon for the market high more on what all this means for you and your money
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