tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business May 1, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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i'm jamie colby. thanks so much for watching "strange inheritance". and remember, you can't take it with you. ♪ oh, yeah. hose waters. charles: thanks for watching. here's lou. lou: good evening. our top story. house republicans have tired of deputy attorney general rod rosenstein and his stonewalling. members of the conservative freedom caucus drafting impeachment articles against the deputy attorney general focusing on his role in the doj efforts to stonewall their efforts and empower power mueller despite conflict of interests and lack
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of supervision by the justice department. we talk about the fight to drain the doj swamp with former congressman jason chaffetz. the border patrol standing firm against that caravan of illegal immigrants trying to cross from central america. we'll have the latest from the border coming up tonight. the disastrous iran deal on death watch. president trump expected to kill the agreement within the next two weeks. we'll join former secretary of state condoleezza rice. and she has co-written a terrific timely book entitled, political risks. our top story, frustration building in the house of representatives. many conservatives deeply disturbed by the justice department's rank stonewalling
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of congress, it's failure to recognize congressional responsibility to have oversight over the justice department and fbi. if necessary they will remove top doj officials. impeachment articles have been drafted against rosenstein in supporting the mueller special counsel and stonewall congress. freedom caucus careman mark meadows says the articles quote a last resort option if the justice department fails to respond to their request for documents. among the reasons given to impeach rosenstein, he failed his oath of office by refusing to remove corrupt doj personnel half obtaining evidence of
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conflicts of evidence and rosenstein misleading congress when he testified before congress he was unaware of bruce ohr's role in the investigation and ohr's wife nellie worked for gps. rosenstein reacted to the threat of impeachment at an event in washington. >> i don't have anything to say about documents like that that no one has the courage to put their names on. but i can tell you there are people making threats privately and publicly against me for quite some time. i think they should understand by now the department of justice is not going to be extorted. lou: many in congress, and rosenstein knows their names, strongly believe it's rosenstein and mueller are the ones doing the extortion. congress and the president have been caught up in two years of
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investigation with no statement of crime whatsoever. rosenstein could be impeached by a simple majority. the trial of the charges and rosenstein would take place in the senate. sit would require a 2/3 majority. as long as attorney general jeff sessions, rosenstein will continue to be the man in charge. joining me now, former republican congressman from utah, jason chaffetz. good to have you with me. it's quite a statement by rosenstein. that these people are fameless when it's clear he knows exactly who they are and he understands what stonewalling means and what it means to be under constitutionally the responsibility for oversight of doj. >> mark meadows but the this name out there. the freedom caucus is 0 or so members of congress.
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for him to use the word extortion, congress is trying to do his job, they are a coequal branch of government. i personally witnessed this. i saw it myself up close and personal. they will not provide the documents even though they are under a seen a. the department of justice will put up their hands and stonewall that action and i think -- look, there is already somebody doing something somewhere in government. and there is a tool that is rarely used, the constitution to impeach civil officers. i tried to do it stop john koskinen at the irs. it should be done more frequently it's a coequal branch of government. congress can have a say on pulling somebody out of government. lou: the junction at which we find ourselves. a special counsel going on for almost a year it was preceded
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and picked up the investigation of the fbi that went almost a year. now we are looking at two years of investigation by the special counsel and the fbi of this president, looking for collusion without any enunciation of a crime as is required by law, i may remind everyone. and get it goes on and no one has the guts and leadership of the republican party. and somehow the president's attorneys have not found a reason to take this to court. it makes no sense, and it's got to end. as the president says, it seems almost weekly. >> there was no probable cause to appoint a special prosecutor. it was rod rosenstein who authored a memo to donald trump suggesting they should fire director comb yoiy. he did fire him based on the recommendation of rod rosenstein, and now mueller is
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looking for obstruction of justice on truck over something rod rosenstein put into place. lou: the president tweeted. it is awfully hard to cover up a crime that wasn't committed. this is the level of farce that we have entered with this special counsel. then the release by someone in that special counsel's office of 40 questions that he wants to ask the president of the united states. this is ignorance, it is absolutely irresponsible. it is infuriating to see what this joke of a special counsel has become. >> one thing congress can do is call up rod rosenstein and director mueller and have them testify in congress. ask them about the conflicts of interest. these people are so conflicted in who they hire and what they are overseeing and what they are
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doing, they should answer that question before congress. >> i don't even know if they need to ask the question. we know the members of this band of acolites are dem grats who supported hillary clinton and barack obama. not one person has denated a dime to the republican party. these are absolutely bad actors within the law. some of them have been overturned because of their extraordinary i will call it prosecutorial zeal unstead of venomous conduct as attorneys. >> they should call up mueller and rosenstein. whos being paid to be on the pegs prosecutor's team and have them testify about why they believe they are not conflict. why isn't robert mueller
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conflicted with james comey? lou: you would think there would be a minor conflict between rod rosenstein and mueller since mueller reports to rosenstein and rosenstein recommended the firing of james comey. it's just extraordinary. as i said, it's farcical, it's infuriating. >> but it's real. lou: jason chaffetz, good to see you. mitt romney is running for office again. so he's doing what just about he republican should do. he's linking up with president trump. wow! we'll take that up with ed rollins next. former secretary of state condoleezza rice joins us? the studio. stay with us.
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magazine, there is no evidence the money has been massively poured back into the american work. actually more than 500 businesses announced tax cuts, bonuses and expansions thanks to the tax cuts. shocking remarks from rino senate delegate mitt company. he now says if he had won the presidency would have been very similar to president trump's romney even gave president trump think praise, you would expect not' more saying quote the things he's actually done have been better than i expected in quote. a dash of humility and modesty on the part of romney. engage in revisionist history. in 2012 you may remember romney ran as a free trader, he wanted to build a fence, not a wall. his romney care was the
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precursor of obamacare and he didn't like protecting american workers and industries. but apparently he has gotten over that. i recommended two weeks ago that he republican running for office in this country should sign a contract, the contract to make america great again. joining us tonight is ed rollins great america pack chairman. fox news political analyst. let me see a close-up of the contract to make america great again. can i see that full screen, please? there it is, yeah. do you love it? it's taking on life here. all we need is to get it going. >> the candidates my pac are endorsing have to be committed to the president. the money came from the people who supported trump it was the largest pac in the trump
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campaign. as far as romney -- lou: before we get to romney. i know you love romney and you can discuss romney. >> i think you have gotten confused between the 44th and 45th president. we wish him well. we need seats but i think he'll have a contest in utah. lou: i think that's always good. a competitive race. i want to turn to the idea that the republican party has an establishment that wants to tell all republicans, particularly in the house, how to run. they are telling the president we don't want to hear from you about illegal immigration, we don't want to hear from you about trade. we don't want to hear from you about the industry you rejuvenated. manufacturing you restored. the manufacturing jobs coming back. the markets that soared under this president from the day of his election. they want to talk about
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something really funny called tax cuts. do the koch brothers and chamber of commerce and business round table, are they determined to destroy the republican party in this election? ed: they are certainly going to try. donald trump got elected to being a change agent. it meant he would not do what the chamber of commerce and the business round table and what those people wanted. they have gotten a big, big tax cut already. that will benefit people long term and short term. but the reality is other issues like immigration the country wants changes on and the president is out front. this president in a short period of time has taken charge and made americans take notice. even people that are detract tores are saying to me, there is a lot of stuff there he need to do. he's making these countries redo deals. he's standing up to the iranians. he'll dump that plan in a couple
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of weeks. and he certainly, 3, 4 months ago we were discussing the potential of a real war. it's his action, nobody else's action that's done that. lou: it's interesting for people to think about this. north korea, iran, russia, china, look what this president is contending with every day. he's managing foreign policy across that broad canvas. it's almost half the world. doing things that no one thought even possible under president trump and suddenly under his president in 15 months. all seems possible. >> and rebuilt our military. the struggling for a long period of time by the cuts that took place under obama. lou: rebuilding it certainly. it will be a project. ed: it's taken the first steps and the reality is you can
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project power which he does and you have to be able to back it up. lou: the special counsel continues the madness. leaking 40 questions to the "new york times." one couldn't argue with their ideological alignment. they made a good choice. but the fact of the matter is, it's a despicable act on the part of a special counsel that is now more notorious than won could have imagines a special counsel could be. ed: i have seen things that have shocked me in my 50 years in washington. but picking up the "new york times" and reading the 50 questions that don't lead to collusion. to sit down with mueller, he's out to get him. i don't think he's going to do that. lou: it would be so compelling to it down with mueller and try
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could constrain your first reflex which would not be very kind to him. i think probably it's better to keep the two men separated. >> one got elected, one didn't. >> one is a great american leader and the other is a damn fool. thanks so much. be sure to vote in our poll tonight. do you think the impeachment of rod rosenstein might dismantle the corrupt department of justice and end the witch hunt? up next, comey, clapper and brennan all exposed as agents of the deep state, yet they are all, all in possession of their security clearances despite threatening the president of the united states. we are joined by attorneys victoria toensing and joe
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lou: president trump taking to twitter today blasting the leak of questions from special counsel robert mueller's team. the president tweeted this, quote, so disgraceful that the questions concerning the russian witch hunt were leaked to the media. no questions on collusion -- oh, i see. you have a made-up phony crime collusion that never existed and investigation begun with illegally leaked classified information. nice. joining us tonight, victoria tontoensing and jo da digenova. great to have you here. i get half credit, joe. >> you're doing fine, lou. lou: thank you. good to see you. victoria, great to see you. this is so infuriating to see these questions obviously
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leaked, victoria, from the special counsel team. what in the world is going on? >> i'm not as upset about the leak of them, although it's probably better had it not been leaked as i am at the questions. let's do some legal analysis. everybody talking about it did not address the legal analysis. the president is not readily available to be interviewed in any kind of regular case. that means the information sought has took material or very important. and the evidence cannot be obtained in any other way using due diligence. if there's an automobile accident and three of them see it, one of them being the president, the president is never interviewed. that's clear open present case law. here's what's important here and so infuriating, and that is that all of these questions refer to conduct that is covered under article 2 in the constitution. this is what the president does. he can hire people and he can fire them.
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he can hire anybody on the staff and fire them and he's not to be questioned about that. or they're covered by executive privilege. silly question about what were you thinking when you were deciding to fire michael flynn. these are improper questions and i'm embarrassed that anybody practicing law for more than one year created these questions for the president. lou: well, in creating the questions for the president, leaking them against the president. and this goes on and on. joe, i've got to ask you. at what point do the attorneys for this president say we're going to engage the special counsel in court. this has got to be stopped. it's not going to be stopped out of decency or integrity of the republican party leadership in either the house or the senate. it as noit's not going to be sty the integrity of anyone on if special counsel team because they're left win wing ak ak col.
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>> this will happen when the president's lawyers tell mr. mueller that there isn't going to be an interview. and there shouldn't be. there's not only bad faith on if part of the special counsel's office but the questions are covered by article 2, executive privilege and case law. but the president's pardon power, for example, is unreviewable and if he discussed it with anybody, it's not the special counsel's business. the president can discuss pardons with anybody he wants at any time and it's unvi unreviewe by mr. mueller. here is something that the president himself or his director of national intelligence can do tomorrow. why, after these three men had leaked information to the press do they still have security clearances. james comey, james clapper and john brennon. tomorrow morning the president should order the director of
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national intelligence to revoke the security clearances of those three men so they lo longer receive classified information briefings. that would be the way to start showing people that you're not going to take it anymore. lou: and it's got to happen. i can't understand if there is a mind-set among his legal team that they don't want to further poke or prod the special counsel but it seems pretty clear that the special counsel is not reacting to any initiative on their part. he doesn't have a crime. he doesn't have any evidence. >> correct. lou: and he's still trying to subvert the presidency of the united states. >> lou, earlier you said there was a minor conflict for rod rosenstein to have written the memo to say fire comey. no, no. it's a major conflict. i have no idea how he is still overseeing bob mueller for an issue that we disagree with. we don't say there's any obstruction here, these issues
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can't be looked at, the firing of anybody. but mueller is saying look at these questions. so how can rod rosenstein be overseeing mueller for the issue of firing comey, for goodness sake. lou: how could he use the word as well, joe, extortion, referring to. >> oh, yes. lou: -- the house of representatives, specifically clairm mark meadows of the freedom foundation and its members, drafting articles of impeachment. he knows who they are. he said they're nameless. no, they're not. they're standing up telling him point blank his conduct is reprehensible and it's got to end. there will be no more stone walling. >> lou, you have hit on something very important just so your listeners know. today rod rosenstein, hen he whe heard about this letter being drafted by the freedom caucus, that they draft articles of impeachment against him for refusing to turn othe over docus that congress has a
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constitutional right to see, he said the department would not be extorted nap is a firing offense by the way of saying that. it shows an ignorance of the constitution, that a deputy attorney general would say that congress is acting exportion exy is so outrageous and so unacceptable from a constitutional officer like that that it shows that he is unfit, unfit legally and professionally to continue in the office of deputy attorney general and he should resign. lou: at this point, joe, i find that insightful and at the same time i have to tell you, i think there is very little reason to see anyone in the upper management of the department of justice to remain at their post. it is -- their conduct is absolutely appalling. >> it's an embarrassment. lou: it is all of that. it is also great to see you both and i appreciate you both being
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with us. thank you very much. >> thank you. lou: up next, condoleezza rice joins president trump on the obama nuclear deal with iran. we'll take that up. the former skate secretary of s, our special guest her it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. metastatic breast cancer is relentless, but i'm relentless too. mbc doesn't take a day off, and neither will i. and i treat my mbc with new everyday verzenio-
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the russian su27 came been 2020 feet of a navy surveillance aiaircraft. the first confrontation since last january when a russian fighter jet bud a navy spy plane over the black sea. netanyahu praising president trump today after netanyahu revealed information about a secret nuclear weapons program. >> i'm very glad. i have to tell you, president trump has stood so clearly on this issue and he said that will not happen. something i fully back. and i think it's not only in the interest of israel and the united states, that's obvious. it's in the interest of the world. this tyrannical anti-american regime should not have nuclear weapons. lou: joining us tonight, our special guest, former secretary of state condoleezza rice, the coauthor of the new book
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entitled "political risk. how businesses and organizations can anticipate global insecurit" great to you. >> pleasure to be with you. lou: congratulations on the book. >> thank you. lou: it's the idea that organizations have got to contend with all that this world represents right now has got to be daunting to the largest and most sophisticated organizations, corporations and businesses. >> absolutely. it used to be in the '70s or the late "60s we would think political risk ope and you would think's a dictator that's going to my property. the risk is multiplying. who would thought that a great power behaving badly like the russians trying to interfere in american political space would use the platforms of social media to do it and that would become then a risk for those
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social media providers. and so the sources are just multiplying. you look at anybody with a cell phone can be a political reporter now and cause risk -- lou: or a documentary. >> just ask united airlines about that. lou: at this point, even the most sophisticated organizations, and including governments in that regard, i'm curious as to whether or not you ever imagined we would see a moment in american history in which we have a new omit contending with russia, with china, including the south sea, really the expansion policies of the chinese and the american response, north korea, iran and at the same time contending for a structure, architecture for a middle east peace plan. all simultaneously. >> and interlocking in some ways
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as well. the thing that we have to remember is that the united states has been the guardian of a political order that we helped to create after world war ii. and it was the political order that was very much dependent on the united states and american military power to protect free markets and free people. and we're seeing now a lot of challenges to that. i don't think i believed that we would see great power rivalry of the kind that we're see from china and russia. yes, things are changed dramatically in the last several years. lou: the collapse of the berlin wall, the fall of the soviet union, there seemed to be, rather than a bright initiative moving forward from government, there was more a sigh of relief and an aversion of risking both capital and initiative with the former soviet union. it was, in my opinion, a tremendous opportunity lost for what we are now paying something of a price.
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with china, this president has been the disruptive force he was elected to be. >> yes. lou: and he's enjoying extraordinary success. >> well with china you're seeing a rise in power. and the chinese are challenging in all kinds of ways. and you know, the chinese have benefited greatly from this international economic order. lou: the greatest transfer of technology and wealth in the world. >> and you have to remember that the chinese leadership, the chinese communist party gets its legitimacy from prosperity. so it has to keep trying to deliver for its people. now in doing that the chinese have not always been on the right side of the rules of the international economy. so the -- lou: they have been thieves, espionage. they've helded. helped themselvs freely. >> a lot of behavior that none of us would welcome. but they're a big part of the international economic world.
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it's a very complex relationship to manage. lou: a complex relationship and yet i have never seen an administration contend with all of the challenges, rivals, economic competitors our outright enemies, the iranians, north korea, russia trying to figure out what it wants to be and who it will be allowed to be by this administration. it seems to me that president trump has made it clear that he will be a counter vailin veiline to either the expansionist desires of china or russia. >> as someone who was national security adviser and secretary of state, it's still early. lou: isn't it always? >> the administration has a lot of work to do. they've had some real successes. i actually think on north korea the reason that we are where we are is because the president recognizing that no american president could allow the north koreans to get a nuclear weapon
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capable of reaching the united states. frankly he raised the stakes. he said to the chinese, this is not about you. do what you have to do to stop the north koreans or the regime collapses. this is about potential war on the peninsula. lou: isn't it important for us to put in context when he did that, and that was within less than a year of going into office. >> it was a very important thing to do. lou: and the fact of the matter is it was the paz passive -- te sphra teejic patience of the obama administration that permitted the advance in ballistic missiles and nuclear weaponry on the part of the koreans. >> we all have some the pay for that. look, we tried to stop the north korean regime, we did. i think i was the last secretary of state to negotiate with the north koreans in 2008, 2009. it's just a very hard problem. it's an opaque regime. you sanction it.
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what do they do if you take away food from their people. as long as it doesn't hurt the regime, they really don't care. the one thing i would say to president trump as he goes on this mission now to try to perhaps even end war on the peninsula -- lou: and nuclear weapons on the peninsula. >> never forget the character of this regime. never forget that this is a regime that murdered an american citizen just a short time ago and that this is a regime that is tough-minded and in fact very clever. so be well-prepared when you go into that room with kim jong-un. lou: so far i would say this president has been well-prepared, both by nature and direction. >> so far. and i'm just saying make sure that when you talk to kim jong-un you keep very much in mind who he is. lou: i hope he's watching you. thanks so much. connecondoleezza rice. the book is "political risk." we recommend it to you highly.
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up next, the caravan of central americans now facing consequences for trying to, again, illegally cross the u.s. border. a full report from that border is next. stay with us. we'll be right back. -♪ he's got legs of lumber and arms of steel ♪ ♪ he eats a bowl of hammers at every meal ♪ ♪ he holds your house in the palm of his hand ♪ ♪ he's your home and auto man ♪ big jim, he's got you covered ♪ ♪ great big jim, there ain't no other ♪ -so, this is covered, right? -yes, ma'am. take care of it for you right now. giddyup! hi! this is jamie. we need some help. never owned a business.e term "small business," there's nothing small about it. are your hours small? what about your reputation, is that small? when you own your own thing, it's huge. your partnerships, even bigger. with dell small business technology advisors you'll get the one-on-one partnership you need to grow your business.
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been arrested for illegally acrossing our southern border with mexico. fox correspondent william lajeunesse is in tee quan that with our report. >> translator: i have faith that i will get across and the first thing i want to do is work to give any girls a good future. >> this family can see its future less than a mile away. >> translator: he felt bad because they didn't let him through but here we have. i believe and have faith in god that we'll get address. >get across.>> monday, hearing m claims from three women, four children and an 18-year-old male. >> translator: we are happy celebrating. these are eight families who don't have to suffer anymore, who have the opportunity to reach accord. >> 150 migrants wait fir their turn to claim asylum. some will be detained and other wills be set free in the u.s.
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>> when i show up in immigration court, if they show up in immigration court, the junls find very few -- i think the last numbers i looked at, 30% and 40%. >> even this woman admits processing the caravan could encourage more tral americans to make the trip and claim asylum. >> translator: everything in our country is very dangerous and what they're looking for is well-being for them where they're not in danger. >> this is the nation's busy port of entry. this shows how the cases are prioritized. as of this morning, this group was next. >> translator: we met this man from mexico on friday. he too hopes to claim asylum though he is now pushed to the back of the line. disblt we've all lived the same experiences. we're all running from the same violence. i've talked to some of them and we're all the same. looking for a better life. >> 23 have cleared their
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interview. immigration officials say they will process more and staff and space allow. but simple math would tell us that clearing all 150 could take several more days. back to you. lou: thank you very much. william l lajeunesse from the border. facebook facing fallout over the davis scandal. the whatsapp coe has been clashing with mark zuckerberg over what to weaken whatsapp end to end encryption and he didn't like that uk lawmakers are threatening some summons to zuckerberg. they want him to testify before parliament on privacy whether he's willing to volunteer or be summoned. wall street, the dow down 64 points, the s&p up 7, nasdaq
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gang 64, heavy trading, 3.5 billion shares. apple earning nearly 14 billion dollars in the second quarter, beating targets. and the department of justice wrapping up the at&t and t-mobile. a decision is expected june 12th. a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio net work. and the real russian collusion, it's all about the deep state. that's where it resides. dr. sebastian gorka joins us here next. stay with
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the louisiana purchase, is complete! instant purchase notifications from capital one . technology this helpful... could make history. what's in your wallet? for rod rosenstein and we would like to reminded him of the admonishment. quote, destroy the seed of evil or it will grow up to your ruin. joining us tonight, former strategist to president trump, fox news national security strategist so bas can gorka. sebastian gorka. great to have you with us. let's start with the 40 questions being leaked by the special counsel team, a left wing activist group assembled by none other than robert mueller. >> these questions, you know, they strike you on two levels. number one, how they're clearly not written by people who are legal professionals. the amateurish nature is
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shocking on the one hand. and secondly, they describe such an obsession with the president about trying to get into his head and ascertain his intent at a certain given time. lou, it's about one thing and one thing object. it's about their trying to gather ammunition for impeachment. this isn't about russia or collusion. this is about an i'd logically driven political assassination. lou: and they persist and they do so won on thel on pantonly we constitutional law or decency, a small vestige of integrity on the part of themselves. this is the most abhorrent thing i could imagine, being perpetrated against the people of the united states by something called a special counsel. >> it's gone on for more than a
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year and it needs to stop. robert mueller, look in the mirror, admit to yourself, you have failed. you don't always have to get a scalp. if there's no crime, there's nobody to be scalped. give up. it's over. lou: it would seem to me that there this is a man who's a decorated veteran, he has had a career public service, he's had a checkered career as a prosecutor without question. >> yes. lou: but it seems to me that there ought to be enough decency in the man to understand there are larger interestings a interk here than his other personal motivation, which apparently is etiological in the first part. >> i refused for several months, when i was in the white house, to use the phrase deep state, lou but now i do. i've seen it on the inside and now i see it on the outside. lou: welcome aboard. >> look another what we know from the house committee.
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look at what we know. clapper, comey and brennon colluded together to create this office of special prosecutor. they leaked the committed felonies to attack a sitting president. and they're still doing it. a former director of the cia is threatening the president on social media almost daily. lou: it's absolutely appalling. jo digenova remindedded us all here tonight that the president has the ability to do the right thing here and that is eliminate the damn security clearances for all three of those snakes. they're contemptible. mini mean they have so absoluteo aggravating contemplating to be in positions of responsibility. in our intelligence community. it's mind-boggling to think they were there. >> mr. mcgwan, you need to get out of the way and allow the president and chief kelly to do
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exactly that. these three people are leaking to the press, have leaked to the press. one of them was awarded with a contract at cnn, james clapper. these people have no right to maintain a security clearance. they should be revoked now by the president. lou: and as we wrap up here, the prerpreparations go on for north korea. are you more hopeful today than you were a month ago? >> yes, i have to admit. at the beginning i said this is less than a snowball's chance of happening. this is dictatorship. they lie. but every post along the way, every stop has brawght brought e results whether it's the meeting there locally, pompeo's behind-the-scenes negotiations. it looks like this might happen but again, let's wait until the piece of paper is signed. lou: i promise, i will wait until the paper is signed. i will wait. >> okay.
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lou: i love it. as if the world is filled with children their expectations might get too high. but i think we're okay. dr. gorka thanks for being with us. thanks for being with us. hose waters. charles: thanks for watching. here's lou. lou: good evening. our top story. house republicans have tired of deputy attorney general rod rosenstein and his stonewalling. members of the conservative freedom caucus drafting impeachment articles against the deputy attorney general focusing on his role in the doj efforts to stonewall their efforts and empower power mueller despite conflict of interests
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