tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business May 7, 2018 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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charles: tomorrow the west virginia vote will be critical. neil cavuto will have a special tomorrow night. lou dobbs is next and he is the man. thank you very much. lou: president trump fighting back against the mueller witch hunt, threatening to expose their many conflicts in court. devin nunes vowing to hold jeff sessions in contempt of congress for his stonewalling of congressional demand. the president set to announce tomorrow whether he'll pull the united states out of that
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disastrous iranian nuclear deal and end the policy of appeasement toward the islamic republic that began under president obama. house intelligence committee nunes pushing for congress to hold attorney general sessions in contempt of congress. nunes looking into allegations the justice department and fbi abused the foreign intelligence surveillance act in their scrutiny of the trump campaign. nunes outraged by the latest decision of the justice decision to outright ignore a subpoena to hand over documents. >> we sent a classified letter to attorney general jeff sessions. per usual, it was completely ignores. last week we sent a subpoena,
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and thursday we discovered they are not going to comply with our subpoena. the only thing left that we can do, we have to move quickly to hold the attorney general of the united states in contempt. lou: we'll play for you a few sentences attorney general sessions used respond to the nunes statement. today the agency he claimed acted appropriately but there is no point in listening to what became his irritating specious nonsense which no president should have to put up with from an attorney general who is required by the constitution to further the conscious in its oversight role. our first guest agrees with congressman nunes' attempt to hold attorney general sessions in contempt. joining us is congressman ron
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desantis. he's the leading republican candidate to be governor of the great state of florida. congressman, good to have you with us. devin nunes, he's saying straight out, he's had it with this justice department. the only question i have got is what's going to happen next. >> they have shown nothing but contempt for us and our oversight prerogatives which is getting the american people the truth. so they are going to show us this level of contempt. we should hold them in contempt. unless you are willing to attach a sanction to non-compliance you will continue to play this song and dance over and over again. he's one of the few chairmen who were putting his foot down and saying this is enough. so let's set that contempt hearing. if you do that and show you are
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willing to do it, i think they end up producing the documents. but if they think conscious is never going to put its foot down, then they will keep doing it. lou: congress pore decade left the intelligence agencies of the intelligence community get away with the most of lightest hand when it comes to oversight imaginable if not outright abdication of that oversight responsibility. would you not agree? >> certainly. what you found with this investigation with the justice department, they abused the extent to which congress has deferred to them. when we did the nunes memo the doj was saying it will be a catastrophe to national security. it come out and there was no
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damage to national security. by the was i will illuminating about the conduct of the fbi and the doj. those redactions were not to protect the public or national security. they were there to protect people like comey and other bureaucrats inside their organization. now is the time to finally bring accountability. lou: it's important to give devin nunes and his commit its due. compare him to any other chairman, any other member of leadership of the republican congress and he stand head and shoulders above them in his integrity, energy and intellect and perseverance in pursuing the truth behind this wall of frankly misinformation and
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disinformation emanating from the fbi and the justice department. >> devin has been right about a lot of this from the very beginning. where you had people in the house, even on the republican side saying mueller has an important job to do. we are not going to question he stocked his team with democrats. devin said there is something that's not smelling right about this and the more digging that's been done, the more wrongdoing has been exposed. lou: your reaction to t.s. ellis, the district court judge in virginia. smacked around mueller's attorneys. giving them two weeks to produce the memorandum. and they were condescending to that judge. i have got to tell you, this district court judge student and called them what they are,
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namely, here is and likely abusers of the mission they set upon as special counsel going beyond any imaginable scope to attack this president. he demand to see that memorandum. your thoughts. >> what he said was exactly right. how does a blank fraud case from 10 years ago directly arise from collusion during a 2016 campaign. the answer is it doesn't. the on reason they are pursuing that case is because they want manafort to do something to testify against the president. they are hell bent and getting people to undermine the president. the judge put them in their place. the next day with the russian trolls, all those companies that were indicted. mueller wanted to delay it.
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the attorneys said we want discovery. they are not ready to try the case. they bring an indictment. and they are not ready to try the case. lou: everyone knew when he did that, i would think mueller would be embarrassed at the transparency of his motivation and the realization that he would not be able to reach to russian soil in any way touch any one of those individual it's a farce inner sense of the word. and judge ellis is calling them out on it. do you believe we are a long way from a ruling, about two weeks away, but mueller will be in at least part of this re bring handed by this judge. >> and rosenstein. rosenstein did this appointing order and it was a disaster and
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people called him on it. and he blacked out a lot of the stuff. i hope the judge puts them that their place and says this is outside the special counsel's -- lou: with all this before the congress of the united states and senate, why in the world will not mitch mcconnell and paul ryan, the leadership of both houses stand with the president and say end your ignorant nonsense. you are farcical, bob mueller. it's emtbiergs watch your partisan witch hunt and end it now. why don't they have the guts and integrity to do so. >> if they are not willing to do it after all this. the wheels are coming off this thing. we saw the questions mueller wants to ask the president. they want to ask him what did you think of comey during the
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transition. who cares? you know what? if they did do that republican voters in particular would respond favorably and view both of those leaders more favorably than they do now. lou: as we wrap up, i have got to ask you. what is it going to take to wrap this thing up in your judgment because you know by if history is any guide to future performance. ryan doesn't have the guts to cross the street, neither does mcconnell. they have other patriots to serve mainly on k street. >> i would like to see people like nunes or our other committees. let's bring in rosenstein and make him justify this thing. i think people like rudy that's joining the president's team, rudy has the right idea, put up or shut up. we have big issues the president is dealing with. kim jong-un has a lot of
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economic negotiation. why would we want to burden the country with this given we have so many opportunities. lou: the answer is quite clear. the left within national media have decided they are going to be an alternative government to the one the people put in office. and until the dems, the left, the deep state are sufficiently, sufficiently punished for their conduct, i think we'll see it go on, don't you? >> lou, look, there is no collusion. that's clear. the obstruction is a joke at this point. why are we doing this. it's not good for the country. you are right about the press, this is their baby. i don't think anything is happening for them. we want this to go where he keeps digging where he find something to justify the existence. lou: as i say thanks as always to you, congressman.
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it's a simple list. the crimes after two years of investigation by the fbi and the special counsel all reside in the democratic party. they all reside with the deep state, the department of justice, the fbi. the corruption, the political corruption. all is on one side. and that's the dnc, the democratic party, and all that flows from there whether it be the obama justice department as far as hillary clinton, her email server and investigation. but that is not a subject of interest to the obstructionists and those who would subvert this administration. up next. president trump fighting back against the mueller witch hunt. we take up the evident to end the witch -- we take up the effort to end the witch hunt.
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[ whirring sound ] you want a cookie? it's a drone! i know. find your phone easily with the xfinity voice remote. one more way comcast is working to fit into your life, not the other way around. i'm 85 years old in a job where. i have to wear a giant hot dog suit. what? where's that coming from? i don't know. i started my 401k early, i diversified... i'm not a big spender. sounds like you're doing a lot. but i still feel like i'm not gonna have enough for retirement. like there's something else i should be doing. with the right conversation, you might find you're doing okay. so, no hot dog suit? not unless you want to. no. schedule a complimentary goal planning session today with td ameritrade®. lou: the "new yorker" magazine reporting four women are accusing new york southern general eric schneiderman of physical assault.
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two women alleging schneiderman hit hem often after drinking frequently in bed and never with their consent. the article written by rowan farrell who wrote the harvey weinstein story. donald trump wrote this, the 13 angry democrats in charge of the russian witch hunt are starting to find out that there is a court system in place that actually protects people from injustice. let's start with the president's tweet. he laid it out. it seems clear the president is in possession or would seem to be of some evidence of conflicts that we don't even know about with bob mueller and his band of
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left-wing ideologues. >> the ones we do know about ought to be concerning enough. mr. mueller who interviewed for the fbi jobs, he's conflicted. the number two andrew weissmann we found was sending supportive email to sally yates as she sought to thwart the president's travel ban. and one attending hillary clinton's election night party. that's three. you have these people on mueller's team. not one registered republican as far as we can tell. on top of that you have got the fundamental you be you of the lack of authority of mr. mueller. he's a rogue prosecutor.
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no matter how many cya memos rosenstein writes months after the fact, it's not going to change it. lou: the district court judge in virginia, in reading the transcript of the hearing with the attorneys for the defendant manafort and for the special counsel, his being to toes special counsel attorneys, even from the transcript, the condescending tone they took with the judge who then finally had to point out as they tried to hide behind secret decoder rings, he did point out he's currently handling three espionage trials involving highly sensitive top secret material. when he says produce the scope memorandum and he'll judge whether or not it pertains to the case before him, your
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thoughts about how he is likely to rule if you can judge that at all. >> i don't know how he's going to rule. but he'll hold the government accountable. they have run right smack dab into the rule of law. we sued for any scoping memos they had. just the other day, a few hours after this hearing they gave us the scope memo that's been redacted. the august memorandum written months after mueller was appointed after the raid of manafort. and the justice department said we'll look at this to see if there is anything else we can release from the memo. the justice department will be put back on its heels in having to explain itself here. i heard and i saw that rudy giuliani said the white house counsel's office didn't get a copy of this memo.
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despite what his lawyers with telling us who are afraid of this issue. he's the prosecutor-in-chief, the justice department reports to him and he should demand full transparency of what this agency is up to. robert mueller up until friday was king of the justice department. lou: i think there is room for the president to be concerned about bringing congress along with him. the fact that paul ryan and mitch mcconnell have been feckless, gutless and unprincipled in defending this president and the nation of laws, the united states of america ought to get he american considerable pause. i get the feeling. i have not spoke to the president about this. he has not said anything to me. but i have the feeling that he is correct to try to bring along
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congress. i think the american people should be bringing along mitch mcconnell and paul ryan. they should be letting them know it's time to stop this. the ignorance is palpable on he perspective when you look at what's happening with this special counsel. it's politically and ideologically rigged. they are far worse than that. these are left-wing activists on the payroll of the special counsel attacking and trying to undermine the president of the united states. all of the crimes i can find as i said earlier on this broadcast. the dnc, the fusion gps, the phoney fraudulent dossier. the roll of james comey, bob mueller and all of this. you just go through it, and the crimes are all in the shadows of
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the united states government rather than demand they are trying to subvert president trump. >> i think it's quietest the president is frustrated. he's the only one trying to protect the rule of law from mueller's even kroavment. you have maybe four members on the-hill. lou: the freedom caucus is standing up, ron desantis. this is the moment in our history where people who stand up will be remembered. they are going to be revered by future generations. those who do that, and there are -- those who do not. >> imagine if they had a hearing if mueller had to come in and
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explain what their scope is. lou: they are going to lie. i agree with devin nunes and ron desantis saying citation of contempt and move toward impeachment. jeff sessions is an embarrassment to the nation. rod rosenstein is an embarrassment to the nation. the leaders of the republican house and senate. this is a time for men and women to stand up and serve the nation. the president should shut the mueller operation down. if rosenstein or sessions won't step up, the president should take care that the laws be faithfully executed. mueller is undermining the rule of law with this investigation. he needs to provide the oversight and shut it down. lou: thank you, tom -- fall -- m
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fitton. do you believe jeff sessions and rod rosenstein should be cited for contempt of congress? up next here, president trump firing back at former secretary of state john kerry fear engaging in -- for engage in what appears to be obama-led shadow foreign policy. still be. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™,
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illegal shadow diplomacy on the badly negotiated iran deal. he was the one that created this mess in the first place. first lady melania trump rolling out the be best initiative this afternoon. her campaign aimed at teaching children about the importance of their social, emotional and physical health. listen. >> if we truly listen to what our kids have to say, whether it be their concerns or ideas, adults can provide them the support and tools they need to grow up to be happy and productive adults who contribute positively to society and their global communities. lou: the first lady beginning that initiative is going to be broad based, as you could tell, on the welfare of the children much needed 37 joining us now, ed rollins, he served in three presidential administrations, fox business political analyst
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and one of the country's very smartest -- nay, the smartest political strategist. we're going to the presen presee of them on the show tonight, ron desantis, congressman from florida running for governor of that sate, devin nunes, the chairman of the house intelligence committee, the freedom caucus, mark meadows the chair of that, jim jordans with others. but beyond that, paul ryan and mitch mcconnell refuse to stand up for this president. >> well not only that, i think they hinder him every day by not driving the message home that this is an improper hearing. the former attorney general basically said on maria's show yesterday that the rules of the justice department -- you have
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to have a crime before you appoint a special counsel. lou: who said this? >> mukasey. lou: former attorney general. >> he basically said the rules to have a special counsel is you have to have a crime identified. lou: we've got that established. this has been out in the public forever. >> i'm just repeating. lou: here's what i want to get to. the politics of this thing. why in the world are we putting up with the leadership. this has been out there, i don't know fb for other a year, this thing is a complete disaster, the special counsel, the appointment memorandum, the make good backdated memo. unpresence dense of an unprecedented level. >> the only way to stop it is for the president to stop it. the president to fire the special counsel and go to the country saying why he's been
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distracted over a year about this witch hunt and talk about the things that are important to the country, the foreign trips, the korean relationship relatio, driving the economy, those are the things the american public care about. this is a giant soap opera every day that nobody cares about. lou: andrew mccarthy was on here last night, writing in the national review again today. some of the best legal minds in the country are saying point blank, this special counsel is rogue, operating beyond its mandate. judge t.s. ellis in virginia, as i noted here several times tonight, has stood up and basically said to that special counsel team, you're an embarrassment to the idea of youjustice. >> well i think he basically broke -- not new ground. it's old ground. but he stated it effectively. the key thing, it's not going to stop in the justice department and you're not going to get rhynryanand the majority leaderp
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forked. lou: why in the hell would anyone vote for a republican in november. >> they have to make their case. and if they don't -- lou: who has to make the case? >> the individuals runs. you're not going to get elected on paul ryan's plan. lou: don't tell me. tell the koch brothers, to tom donahue at the chamber of commerce. >> i don't care about those individuals. i care about the candidates and the president. i want to support the president's programs and get the country moving. lou: john mccain deciding he didn't want the president at his funeral. he wanted instead obama and bush. obama who sent him on a mission to take -- to urge president cici. your reaction to this? >> my reaction is that the mccain republican party that he dreamt about and tried to
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invent never came about. he lost bodily in a presidential election. he had every opportunity to be a viable senator. he broke the back of the president's repeal of obamacare and i wish he has a peaceful whatever but he's totally irrelevant today. lou: anti-trump fbi agent lisa page has been fired apparently but her coconspirator peter truck remains at thstrzok remai. more on the fight to clean it up. andy biggs joins us here next. ig jim, he's got you covered ♪ ♪ great big jim, there ain't no other ♪
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lou: two prominent members of the deep state have left the fbi, resigned. attorney lisa page and comey confident james baker. but president trump says more must be done to rid the bureau of corruption. the president tweet thd, lisa page who may hold the record for the most e-mails in the shortest period of time to her lover peter s. strzok and attorney baker are out at the fbi as part of the probers getting caught. why is peter s. still there? what a total mess. our country has got to get back to business. joining us tonight, republican congressman andy biggs of arizona, member of the house judiciary committee and freedom caucus. good to see you. let's start with what is going
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on at the fbi and the justice department. this has become, in my opinion, a horrible tragedy but it is also an infuriating level of corruption that is being allowed to stand at the fbi, the top leadership of the fbi, and at the department of justice. one has no idea in the world why jeff sessions is still attorney general, rod rosenstein, obviously so corrupt and conflicted, along with the man he put in the job, bob mueller, also severely conflicted. >> yeah. you've got the extension from the swamp that just kind of is wofted up and sitting there. let's look at peter strzok. here is a guy who flaunted every rule of the fbi and then he somehow is -- he's in the hr department. i guess that's because they figure if he knows how to get around all of the rules, he's the guy to have there. this is a travesty and it
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continues to go on. rod rosenstein, he's the guy supposed to be overseeing bob mueller's special counsel investigation and he's conflicted. he's the guy that won't -- he's slow walking everything to congress, not giving us the facts or the truth. lou: he's defying congress. >> exactly. and he needs to go. lou: he's also the guy who gave president trump the entire rationale and basis to fire and urged president trump to fire james comey, by the way, which set off a special counsel investigation in some twisted way that makes sense to attorneys at the justice department. >> that's exactly right. it's a twisted thing that goes here. but i mean, why did rosenstein do it. i got to believe he had ambition of his own. and mueller gets there and rosenstein is there when mueller is not going to get the gig there that's going to do this. and next thing you know rosenstein is promoting mr. mueller and mueller is out
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there basically abusing process everywhere. he's clearly outside the scope of his authority. and no end in sight. it goes on and on. talk about the 70 john doe subpoenas that he got approved the other day. this is ridiculous. lou: it is. alan dershowitz said that about district court judge ellis, t.s. ellis, iii in fact. this is what he said it was an excellent week for th- there it is. it was an excellent week for the constitution and for all americans because a federal judge made it clear that no one, not even the special counsel is above the law and beyond scrutiny by our system of checks and balances. i happen to think that dershowitz has that exact by right. we have yet to see how judge
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ellis will rule but he certainly gave the justice department special counsel a real reason, one would think, to assess whether or not they have abused power and to what extent. >> well, lou, you and i, as rationale beings, if we got lectured by a judge like that, we would probably reassess our actions and make course corrections. i don't think that's going to go on in the mueller investigation. i think that they -- they know already that they're beyond their scope. they know already they're abusing power. and this is the type of corruption that has got to go -- this is wide spread in the federal judiciary where they're abusing their power and now you've got the highest law enforcement and special counsel abusing their power. and thank goodness for a judge coming forth saying you're out of line an and embarrassment. i'm not sure the mueller team is going to get that. they're partisan hacks. they're there for a reason
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looking for an outcome that should not happen because there's no evidence to support the outtom they deserve and the junl finally called them on it. lou: they're working to subvert the president of the united states. congressman, good to see you. thanks so much. congressman andy biggs. up next, hawaii's kilauea volcano roaring back to life, spewing smoke and ash hundreds of feet in the air. we'll have a full report for you from hawaii when we continue. stay with us. erest.
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wreaking havoc on hawaii's big island, rivers of lava. two dozen homes have been destroyed. william lajeunesse is on the island. >> it was incredible, fuming, it was roaring, thundering, rocks were flying out of the ground. >> the kilauea vo ka volcano hat stopped. >> the eruption is progressing. >> this image shows ten separate fissures covering a portion of
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the estates. >> my house is still standing. i just theft. left. >> victor just learned that his house survived the volcano. >> my house is 200 yards from the initial eruption. i'm on the lower street. she's going to do her thing and he'll come back when she lets us. >> the eruption and two subsequent earthquake earthquakd some 2,000 to evacuate. sunday police allowed residents back in to retrieve medications, pets and appliances. pat discovered she owns two worthless lots covered in lava. >> no structure. >> this woman is also safe but homeless. >> the whole house is on fire. >> it's gone. >> gone. >> at least 26 homes destroyed, others likely will be.
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and a red cross shelter, hundreds wait to find out what's next. >> what's going to happen. what's going to happen with us if we lose our home, we don't know where we're going to go. >> when will the eruptions stop? only mother nature knows. lou: thank you very much. william lajeunesse reporting from the hawaii big island. nafta negotiations resumed in washington. the trump administration seeking new rules that would punish mexico unless it boosts wages for its car wage to at least $16 an hour. mexico has deployed a deportation force of its own to stop illegal immigration at its southern border. new mexican government figures show mexico has deported more than half a million central americans over the past four years red storm rising, two warnings china's banks are so large they dwarf u.s. and european banks. the banks sector hitting $35 trillion in assets.
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that dw on wall street todays closed higher, the dow up 95 points, s&p up 9, the nasdaq gained 56. volume on the big boar 3.2 billion shares and crude oil over $72 a barrel. the number of americans not in the workforce hitting a record 95 million, thanks to a growing number of baby boomers retiring a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. and congratulations to a member of the fox family, retired marine lieutenant colonel oliver north named the next president of the national rifle association. president trump on the offensive against the mueller witch hunt. we'll talk about the fight to end the witch hunt once and forall. legal analyst greg jarrett joins us here next.
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lou: tonight's quote of the evening for congressman nunes, taking the fight to the corrupt officials within the doj and fbi and of course president trump fighting to drain the whole swamp. it was andrew jackson who said, quote, there are no necessary evils in government, it' its evs exist only in its abuses.
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pretty smart fellow, that jackson. joining us tonight, fox news legal analyst greg jarrett, author of the book, "the russian hoax ." good to see you. this is getter better. judge ellis stands up, a man of courage, very few know who he was, and he tells the mueller acolytes, pick a left-wing figure but they're obama and clinton acolytes, attacking the president of the united states and he is the first one in the court to actually -- in the judiciary to stand up and say, you know, you people are lying and you are also without any question whatsoever, beyond your mandate. and i love it when he said, didn't rosenstein. >> as he recused himself. yeah. lou: and the silly lawyer for
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the special counsel was being taken literally instead of getting the joke. >> i was impressed with the judge who had the courage to call out the mueller team for their abuses of power. and to pierce the veal o veil oe charade. under your mandate, you can only investigate trump-russia collusion in the campaign and any evidence that arises from your investigation. well the manafort charges didn't arise from the investigation. mueller went into the archives and blew the dust off of an old doj investigation into manafort in which manafort had been cleared. and he commandeered those documents and brought charges against manafort. and the judge sees through this. lou: he raided manafort's home. >> oh, yeah. lou: who was a cooperating -- who was cooperating with the special counsel and agents,
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apparently with guns drawn, kick in the door in the predawn raid and frisking manafort's wife for cryin' out loud. >> this is what james comey has wrought. a lack of respect for the law, manipulating the law. lou: by the people who are supposed to be enforcing the law. >> so the law enforcers are the lawbreakers. and before it's all said and done, what we're going to find is that all of the people who were protecting hillary clinton to allow her to become president and sought to destroy donald trump will end up being criminally investigated and some may face criminal charges, comey most of all. lou: as you read everything that's gone wrong here for the special counsel, for the justice department, for the fbi, after two years after investigation by the fbi, the trump campaign on quote unquote collusion, a year
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this month on the part of the special counsel, two years. >> right. lou: all of the wrongdoing resides within the justice department, the democratic national committee, the campaign of hillary clinton, debbie wasserman schultz and the fbi. that's stunning stuff. >> it's a cautionary tale of how power corrupts. these are people who conjured out of thin air a criminal investigation of trump and his campaign -- lou: to subvert the trump presidency. >> -- without any evidence. and that is against the law. and then they were clever. we'll launch a counter intelligence investigation. turns out they did it without any intelligence. this is corruption at the highest levels of government. lou: you know, there's another point we need to re-emphasize as we wrap up here. and that is that investigation of manafort, which the special counsel used as a pretext. >> right. lou: to bring charges and to raid manafort. i think somebody ought to go to
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jail just for that. i mean, just that alone is such egregious corruption. anyway, we'll take that up the next time. >> i agree with you 100%. lou: that's what we usually do. that's it for us. thanks for being with us. kennedy: president trump putting iran on notice, tomorrow is decision day for the nuclear deal and he's also got some choice words for john kerry. but first the president has called the nuke deal terrible. one of his main campaign promises was to rip it up and insen rate it. the president announced he will be announcing the decision from the white house tomorrow at 2 p.m. the president also warning former secretary of state john kerry to quit working behind the scene to try to save obama's legacy deal. kerry was the architect of it and he's reportedly been negotiating on his own with iranian off
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