tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business May 12, 2018 10:00am-11:00am EDT
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>> lou: good evening, everybody. our top stories, president trump securing the release of three americans from captivity in north korea, and at the same time securing another important foreign policy victory. those three americans held by north korea, were released and secretary of state mike pompeo is bringing them back to the united states tonight, set to land at andrews air force base late tonight where the president will greet them. kim jong-un making important gestures of goodwill as prospects of the summit are set
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to, prove. and how devin nunnes threats of citations and impeachment and justice permitting nunez and house over sight chairman trair gowdy to look at documents. john roberts is reporting the proposed summit between the president and kim jong-un will take place in singapore and early june in all likelihood. that comes as president trump celebrated the release of three americans from north korea. the men returning home with mike pompeo following his successful meeting with the korean leader, jim. and three detainees, will be greeted by the president upon their arrival in joint base andrews. the president addressing the
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break through this morning. >> it is a special time. no one thought it would happen. i appreciate kim jong-un doing this and allowing them to g. we picked a time, we picked a place for the meeting or summit as you like to call it. and i think it would be successful and as i always say, who knows what is going on happen. it is going to beap important event. again, i think this is something that no one thought would happen for years or more. >> lou: it is probably no surprise to you that the new york times was bashing secretary of state pompeo because he was missing in action and president trump tore up the nuclear deal with iran. times taking a shot at the administration as it does fre87ly. and at a key moment, trump's top diplomat is thousands of miles
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away. oh, the horror of it sul. yes, thousand says of miles away rescuing three american hostages whochl the trump presidency managed to get released. and republican voters aligned with president trump in critical senate primaries. best virginia and indiana and ohio. trump tweeted this. the republican party had a great night and tremendous voter energy and excitement and all candidates are those who have a great chance in winning in november. the economy and so strong. i may have put in couple of extra 0, and with nancy pelosi want to end the big tax cuts and raise taxes, why wouldn't we win? nunez and guyed were invited to the justice department for a classified briefing on
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thursday. that follows outright threats from nunez to hold attorney general jeff sessions in contempt. the department of the justice wants to work with law makers concerning for the latest document request that is stone walled tonight. our first guest is one of those leading the fight. joining us is congressman jim jordan, who is serving on the member of the house judiciary and also a member of the house freedom caucus, and congressman, great to have you here. it appears, you have solved part of the puzzle? the department of justice will respond to contempt and impeachment as delivered by chairman nunez. >> we'll see what happens if they get to see the documents
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that chairman nunez requested. it sounds like a step in the right direction. but it doesn't change the pattern which is delay and tike time and deredakted information. and that is frustrating. we'll wait and see and at least we are moving something in the right direction. >> and there is some reporting that the white house agreed with the department of justice in concerns about methods and sources being revealed in this one instance. but if that is the same answer? >> look, take the comey memo's. you find out there was nothing classified and this is a pattern of the doj. they told us just what we are supposed to look at and look at in the house judiciary
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committee. it is 46000 documents and to date received 9000 in seven months. we'll be in president trump's second term before we get the information that we are entitled to see. >> lou:. the scope memo among them and department of justice rejecting or sitting on and rejecting your demand to produce the rosenstein memo which was after the fact. that is justification for whatever transpired between them and the out set of the special counsel on may 15th. >> lou, this is important. mr. meadows and i sent a letter to the justice department and asked to see the addendum to the scope of the special counsel of the president of the united states. three days later, the federal
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judgments to see the same document. two branches of government testifying the justice branch that we want to see the scope document and how that expand, adapts and changes the original memo that mr. rosenstein sent to bob mueller. the american people have a right to know the perimeters of the section of the president they elected. >> lou: when you look at what the justice department is doing led by rosenstein and a slummering jeff sessions who purportedly is the attorney general still. and a crew of the most corrupt officials in the department of justice history and those are just the ones we know about, how can. at this point, have you said to the president of the united states or he to be, that this is
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the time to end this. and time for a transparency and time for sunlight and openness and hell with these corrup. >> it is time for transparency. and the american people have a right to the information. in said today on the radio, it is time for the president of the united states to tell the justice department to give congress what it is asking for. last time i checked, these folks who are at the justice department that we are entitled to see. none of these individuals were on the ballot and elected to the american people. and yet they think that nope. congress can't get answers to the questions about the president of the united states. >> lou: the stench of the department much justice, upper
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echlons and want awesome hubbors and impunity deny the constitution and the congressional responsibility. not only the authority but the responsibility of congress to provide oversight is stunning. >> it sure is, it is only so hard to get information and then they attempt to hide it. why do they redakt the information in a text message between lisa page and peter strzok. and the judge that heard michael flynn's case? why did they tell congress that daniel richmond the guy that james comey, why didn't they tell us he was a special government employee in the fbi? we have to dig and hunt and persuade them to give us information and documents, why is it so difficult particularly as you point out, it is our
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constitutional role to provide over sight of the judiciary branch. >> lou: there is also a great responsibility in my judgment that belongs on the shoulder of the speaker of the house. ryan said muller and rosenstein should be allowed to do their jones. but they are not doing their jobs the american way. i can't begin why ryan and the majority leader mcconnell do not stand up for the president of the united states and say end this nonsense because every, every act of obvious in my opinion criminality, and just over arching abuse of power is on the part of the investigators and justice department and fbi and their leaders. >> yeah, the new york times saw michael cohen's personal
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documents and you are right. mr. rosenstein can do his job, but we in congress have a job to do as well. give us that information and we'll pursue every avenue we can to persuade you to give us the information. >> lou: we know the inspector general of the justice department is supposed to present a important document on the corruption. is there any whiff of the possible date or possible week in which that just might be released to the public? >> it is supposed to be april and now then and now before memorial day? i think it will happen before memorial day. but i don't know. what we have seen thus far relative to andrew mccabe was interesting and showed that mr. mccabe lied and now a criminal referral to mr. mccabe.
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i want it quickly as possible. but remember none of the folks in the department of justice were elected to a position. we are and we have the right to get information to the american people. >> lou: without a question what see ever. and congressman jordan, thank you for what you are doing. >> lou: up next, president trump issues a stern warning to iran. do not restart your nuclear program. we'll have the latest here next, stay with us. ♪ this is not just a yard. it's where memories are made. and you have the best seat in the house. the john deere x350 select series with the exclusive mulchcontrol™ system. nothing runs like a deere™ it's just a burst pipe, i could fix (laugh) no. with claim rateguard your rates won't go up just beacuase of a claim.
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>> lou: president trump issuing a stern warning to iran after he announced the united states is pulling out of the disastrous obama/iran deal. >> i would advise them not to start the nuclear program. if they do there will be severe consequence, okay. >> lou: mueller's team is scrambling after the judge ellis' harsh criticism of the case against paul manafort.
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guiliani will wait to see what happens in the manafort before deciding whether the president will sit down with the interview with the special counsel. is that a wise course under any circumstance? legal analyst greg jarret author of the "the russian hoax". we point out it is now available and urge you to avail yourself for the opportunity and free order. we get to guiliani. he want to see what happens to manafort. what bubble of ambiguity and ambiffulous can exist in guiliani's mind as to recommend sitting down with a politically
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co-rupt special counsel. >> i think he is hoping that monfort will get a dressing down. >> lou: manafort. >> mueller will get a dressing down to the manafort case. it appears that mueller didn't have authority to bring the charges against manafort. that would take the wind out of the sails of manafort. i think guiliani is hoping to exploit that if it happens. >> lou: taking the wind out of mueller's sails. he has an overwhelming camp to the entire operation. nearly all of them activist and democrats and left wingers with a history of prosecutorial abuse and extraordinary close ties in two instances is hillary clinton. >> it is legitimate to call in
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to question robert muller's judgment. >> lou: and integrity. >> he has a fine reputation. >> lou: and you are required to be impartial and you do this? 13angry democrats? >> muller saboitaged his own investigation by failing to recognize the mandatory recuesal and selecting a team of hyper partisans and going after paul manafort on old charges for which he was largely cleared. >> lou: let's talk about that for a minute. i was unaware of it until last week, and that is, that he took these closed files and cases against manafort that were investigated over ten years ago and decided to activate them and decide they were chargeable and
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that was a basis for the predawn raid on manafort and his wife's home? >> 13 years department of yesterday investigated manafort and in the end they concluded there was not sufficient charges. mueller yanks in the files and blows the dust off and discipeds to bring charges. but mueller's problem is, he can only bring charges based on evidence that arises out of his own investigation and this did not. >> lou: no matter how far from the russian probe if it results in the investigation which he took liberal advantage of. traer gowdy and devin nunez, head of the intel community and gowdy over sight.
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and trapsing over to the doy and lives at take as the justice department depends every time congress wants to assert the responsibility and authority of oversight. nrosenstein is restraining congress' constitutional duty of oversight and it was not until the threat of impeaching rosenstein did he finally capitulate as classified unredacted information. rosenstein had no basis to object to nunez seeing this because nunez has security clearness to see it. it is a sad day in the department of justice when you have to threaten somebody to with impeachment to get them to do their duty. >> lou: these are not only sad day, but anger.
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these doy should be flushed out of that corrupt department and that is now. there is no excuse for the acts. can you think of an excuse for the way rosenstein acted and jeff sessions and in the case of sessions not acted? the entire group of people demoted and resigned. it is awful. when people we trust to uphold the law and end pup breaking the law. and obstructing congress. it is time to clean house. it would mean rosenstein and sessions, if that means fired or impeached see be it. >> lou: the president right now, i am sure he is resisting it, the reality it is a level of
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corruption in his justice department and fbi and i don't want to hear a word about independent justice department and independent fbis. they are executive law enforcement and national security agencies and it is the way the constitution is written. which you remind us every day. thank you, greg. >> thank you, lou. >> lou: we'll look at the unredacted rosenstein scope memo. no judicial watch christopherle has led the charge to liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe.
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notifying the department that it may provide the august scope memo written by rod rosenstein. chris farrell is joining us. director of investigation and research for judicial watch. chris, first, congratulations. this looks like possibly this would be a big deal? >> we have a pressed and pressed to get the memo released to the public. it will unlock, a lot of this muller special counsel operation. the public is owed an answer to what his mission statement was. when we first asked for it, the justice department denied it existed and we had to sue in october and they begrudging it admitted. we have judicial watch in the
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courts and members of the congress. people like mr. nunez and mr. santos and members of the freedom caucus and now judge ellis and three different prongs to the attack and hope that our efforts will finally get the scope document released and so the people can see what mr. muller is up to. >> and the judge who dismissed special counsel's efforts to delay arraignment in the case of the russians -- i mean, >> right. >> lou: it is a mess created by the special counsel that is deeply conflicted and they are partisan and politically corrupted by what the president called 13 angry democrats many of whom who have had prosecutions overturned and who
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have wronged individuals and their families. it is really a disturbing, disturbing set of circumstances that surround bob muller's special counsel group. >> remember, lou, muller was running around three months without a mission statement and scope. he was appointed in midmay and it was not until august that rosenstein generated a document describing what he is supposed to be doing. and he was an unguided missile with no accountability or unaccounted authority and doing whatever he dam well pleased. >> lou: when will be the first indication that you will have at least some of that language that's been redacted on the august 2nd. >> i hope it is a matter of week.
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they love to drag and slow walk. they say they are evaluating it for consideration for release. they could not have put more conditional clauses in that sentence. we are confident there is sufficient presence. and also from the judiciary and judges involved in these cases that they can't stall. it is much like the nunez memo, you recall the release of that memo was supposed to bring back the down fall of the republic and surprise, everyone read the three- page memo and confirmed what people suspected all along and we are still a live and breathing. >> lou: we are. but there is air waves are constricted by a justice department and fbi. and so. >> it is corrupt. >> lou: it extraordinary. >> they will want to strangle it, believe me.
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>> lou: i want to turn again to the muller legal team. district court judge ellis condescended to by michael dreadman, the special counsel attorney present at this hearing and not recognizing that the judge is handling espionage case and has the highest clearance as do most district judges. and the judge with great humor and patience reminded that he has available to him secure lines and handles classified material all of the time yet he tried to run that same game against a district clerk judge hearing that important case against paul manafort and acting like -- i mean, i have to ask
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you, how can a special counsel persist in acting like some sort of element of a national secret police force as does the muller special counsel? >> yeah, this invocation of classified information is an attempt to browbeat both the press and public officials. look, it is the last are you finaling of scoundrels and cowards. when it all fails you say it is classified and you can't see it. it is garbage. you recall that five fbi subject matter experts tried to threaten the president and general kelly and saying they could not possibly release the nunez memo and it would be the end of the world. and the same phony classification line and when you saw the nunez memo there was nothing in jeopardy.
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>> we still don't know everything about jfk and the assassination of john f. kennedy. you can make a state that the government, establishment and deep state is immensely successful in keeping the public from the that is in the special government. it is a tiresome and i think now, dangerous, dangerous practice on the part of the deep state controlled in the federal government. >> this is information i got just before coming to the studio, the session's justice department now decided that the recovereds we want, interview records of president obama and valerie jarret and rod emmanuel with respect to the former governor is now in jail. they don't want to turn over the
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memos from the session's justice department because of most conviction relief request. >> what? >> the evidence is good enough to put him in jail, but so frantic not to release the investigative memos of president obama and valerie jarret and rod emmanuel. they will say going to prevent that information from becoming public. >> lou: what do you do when conspiracy theories play out as if they are real? >> we keep fighting in court. we will not give up. >> lou: at least they didn't say national security. you and everybody in national security watch would be relieved they have a to be relieved they
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>> lou: two prominent members. deep state left the fbi. lisa page and baker. and the president tweeted this. lisa page who may hold the record for the most e-mails in the shortest period of time to her lover peter strzok and attorney baker are out at the fbi. why is peter s still there? what a total mess. our country has to get back to business. joining us is republican congressmachine andy biggs, congressman, good to see you. let's start with what is going on in the fbi and justice department. this has become in my opinion, a horrible tragedy.
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but it is also an infuriating level of corruption that is allowed to stand in the fbi and top leadership of the fbi and the department of justice. and one has no idea in the world why jeff sessions is still the attorney general. and rod rosenstein. obviously so corrupt can conflicted along with the man he put in the job, bob muller severely conflicted. >> you have the stench from the swamp that is wafted and sitting there. peter strzok, he flaunted every rule of the fbi and he's somehow in the hr department. they figure he knows how to get around the rules he is the guy to have there. it is a tra vesty. and rod rosenstein, he's supposed to be overseeing bob muller's special investigation and he's conflicted. he is slow walking everything to
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congress and not giving us the facts and truth. >> lou: he is defying congress. >> he needs to go. >> lou: and gave president trump the entire rationale and basis and urged the president to fire james comey and that set off a p counsel that in a twisted way made sense to the justice department. >> it is a twisted thing. why did rosenstein do it? i believe he had ambition of his own and mueller is there and when rosenstein doesn't get the gig and so next thing you know, rosenstein is promoting mr. mueller and he is out there abusing the process everywhere. he's clearly outside of the scope of his own authority and no end in sight.
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it just goes on and on. and you talk about the 70 john doe subpoenas that he got approved the other day is ridiculous. >> lou: this was said about district court judge ellis. this is what he said. put the full screen up, please. it was an excellent week. we'll wait for that. there it is. it was an excellent week for the constitution and all americans because a federal judge made it clear that no one, not even the special counsel is above the law and beyond scutny of our system of checks and balances. i have to think that dershowieshg tz has that right. we have yet to see how judge ellis will rule. but he certainly gave the justice department special counsel, a reason to assess
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whether or not they have abused power and to what extent. >> lou, if we were rsessioned by the judge like that, we would reassess. but i don't think that will go on in the mueller investigation. they know they are beyond their cope and abusing the power. this is widespread in the federal judiciary where they are abusing their power and now you have the highest law enforcement and special counsel abusing their power and thank goodness for a judge saying, you are out of line and you are an embarrassment. i am not sure the mueller team will get that. they are partisan hack and looking for an outcome that shouldn't happen because there is no evidence to support the outcome and the judge called them on that. >> lou: they are working to subvert the president of the
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united states. up next, president trump's approval numbers keep rising and he keeps yet another campaign promise. promise. more on the man: i got scar tissue there. same thing with any dent or dings on this truck. they all got a story about what happened to 'em. man 2: it was raining, there was only one way out. i could feel the barb wire was just digging into the paint. man: two bulls were fighting, (thud) bam hit the truck. try explaining that to your insurance company. woman: another ding, another scratch. it'll just be another chapter in the story. every scar tells a story, and you can tell a lot more stories when your truck is a chevy silverado. the most dependable, longest-lasting, full-size pickups on the road. pah! thano, no, no, nah.k. a bulb of light?!? aha ha ha! a flying machine? impossible! a personal' computer?! ha! smart neighborhoods running on a microgrid. a stadium powered with solar. a hospital that doesn't lose power.
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new york's former attorney general leftist eric schneiderman resigned after four women accused him of physical abuse. president trump back in 2014 forecasted his down faul. he tweeted this. winner is gone and next will be schneiderman. worse than spitzer or weiner and schneiderman had teamed up with muller to investigate former campaign chair paul manafort. and president trump's approval numbers are surging in spite of the left wing media. it is up six points coming in december and that chose 90 percent of the left wing coverage by the president this years negative. and up next.
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president trump's agenda includes breaking societal barriers and why does the left wing national media continue the corrupt and mean ways in turning point's usa and charlie hurt on that and much, much more. stay ♪ i just need some rest. i'm just worried about the house. and taking care of the boys. [ door slams ] he's still asleep. zach? zach?! [ dog barking ] ♪
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winning in america. this is the quote. i've always won and i am going to continue to win. and that's the way it is. the words of president trump. joining us tonight, cands an owen director of turning point usa, and great to have you. washington time opinion editor charlie hurt x. good to have you here as well. >> thank you. >> lou: let's turn candace to you. last night's primary victories with the three senateeracies all lining up with president trump and his policys. your thoughts in >> i think that is what we all expected. they talked about the blue wave. they were discouraging people from voting. but president trump is tremendous in office.
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the jobs are back and america is back. it is undeniable that the presidency is a tremennous success so far. i was happy to see the resultless. >> lou: talking with congresswoman black, charlie, this president accomplished so much. no president since fdr has done what he has done. it is hard to imagine it is only 16 months he's been in office. >> it is incredible. and what is incredible is the dirth of news chronicling all of this. he gets 0 credit. and whether it is the new york times report, out yesterday that mike pompeo was awol. a very, very rouch term to use against the military man. he was awol when it turned out
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he was in north korea rescuing three hostages, american hostages who had been there for a length of time. trump, it doesn't matter what all he accomplishes, he will never get credit for it with the media. >> lou: the national left wing media and national left wing mediocre. and the levelful intellect that is brought to bear on the news of the day is embarrassing to everyone who practices the craft. and by the way, we have explanation in the indoctorination of liberal arts colleges. they have 0, 0 conservative professors, can das. and it more than a decade or so
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since i was in a classroom. shocking, but so true. your thoughts was what is going on in acdammia and why conservatives and republicans don't take seriously of achieving the partisan diversity. >> i work for turning point usa. and we are confronting that head-on. it is mission critical. republican and democrats don't take the issue so seriously. they don't realize how bad it has gotten until i went on the campus. conservative thinkers are under attack. students against white supremacy that shout down students that are for capitalism and they are socialist. and the professors back them. and they refer to people who wear blue blazers as the symbol of white supremacy. and on a campus in minnesota.
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they said a blue blazer was a costume for white supremacy. and that is ugly and willing to fight every day at turning point usa. >> lou: that is stunning and one i hadn't heard before. but there is so much gemmedumment and watching ginsa haspel. they are some of the nasty people and hypocritical. >> it is so typical of the democrats in the last 10-15 years and them to turn something so crucial in a stupid partisan fight and at one point jack reed of rhode island, the senator from rhode island compared one.
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worst terrorist that we've ever caught, comparing that animal to cia operatives who were trying to get information. as if they were on equal footing and there was no difference between the two. god bless people like you can days for fighting that fight in college campuses. it is so important and conservatives made a mistake by ceding the college campuses to the liftist and thank god people like you are fighting the fight. >> yeah, we are seeing progress. we are largely optimistic about it. we are seeing progress and our students are ready for the battle and control the budget and they don't let them speak. black lives matter and anativa and they are teaching anti-
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americanism. >> lou: keep up the great work. we appreciate you for being here. and join us tom ♪ >> the ultimate man cave... >> underground, this was his home. >> ...dug with shovel and pick. >> he came at a time in america where if you could dream it, you could do it. >> it's a unique architectural creation. >> you can't go anywhere else in the united states to see something like this. >> but will his legacy be buried forever? >> he called my great-uncle the human mole, and that infuriated the family. [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ]
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