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tv   FBN AM  FOX Business  May 14, 2018 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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americanism. >> lou: keep up the great work. we appreciate you for being here. and join us tom cheryl: breaking this morning. president trump working with the leader to save chinese jobs as telecom giant bte. drinker investors taking the news to tensions with china may be easing. u.s. stock market futures higher overnight. the dow up 85, nasdaq up 19. cheryl: all of a sudden the dow rose 91 points on friday marking the seventh straight winning session. gerri: stocks open higher on trade missions. investors also watching news that the u.s. will slap sanctions on european companies doing business in iran. those markets all lower.
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trying to stocks in china rose on easing trade sanctions at the u.s. in the hong kong hang seng up almost one and a quarter%. shanghai composite of more than a quarter%. gerri: adventures they bought poster in the u.s. and i bought a strain china appeared disney's superhero moving at the fifth biggest film ever. "fbn:am" starts right now. shrink to 50:00 a.m. in new york. monday, may 14th. i'm cheryl casone. cheryl casone. gerri: and gerri willis in for lauren simonetti. cheryl: now another film i can go see because it's going to be raining. gerri: raining every weekend this spring? cheryl: may be. a lot of breaking news. president trump throwing a lifeline to china's cte.
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president xi of china and their working together to give bte a way to get back into business fast. too many jobs in china lost. china has been instructed to get it done. after the jump administration then components to bte -- cte. gerri: the company accused of misleading regulators after settle charges of violating sanctions against north korea and iran. following the president street, china's foreign minister the country appreciates the u.s. position on zte. senate minority leader chuck schumer treating how about helping some american companies first. cheryl: kind of find out when a gate at the trump administration is putting more pressure on europe to stop dealing with a ring. white house national security adviser john bolton says the u.s. is ready to punish european
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companies that keep ties with tehran. >> the president said in a statement on tuesday that companies that continue to deal with iran can face sanctions, the effect of u.s. sanctions already because much of what they like to sell to iran involves u.s. technology for which the licenses will not be available. trade to the u.s. pulled out of the 2015 iran nuclear deal but britain, france and germany stand by the agreement. president trump treason yesterday, remember how badly iran was behaving with the iran deal in place trying to take over the middle east by whatever means necessary. now that will not happen. gerri: now to north korea through the country announcing it will hold a ceremony to dismantle its nuclear test site between may 23rd in 2050 at the north set all of the test grounds tunneled will be blown up in journalists from the u.s., china, russia, u.k. and south korea will be invited.
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president trump calling the move a very smart and gracious gesture. cheryl: secretary of state mike pompeo saying washington is fully aware the risks for the upcoming summit between the president and kim jong un. >> a great deal of work remains. eyes are wide open with respect to the risks, but it is our fervent hope that chairman kim wants to make a strategic change in the direction for his country and people and if he's prepared to do that, president trump repaired to have a successful transition. train to the u.s. will need to provide security assurances to the north of the two countries are able to reach a nuclear deal. gerri: history being made in israel today for the u.s. new embassy opens in jerusalem. the embassy loose from tel aviv is part of president trump's recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital.
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israel's ambassador to the united nations speaking to her in maria bartiromo at thinking the trump administration. >> threw away for president trump to move the embassy to jerusalem, and delivering, doing a family with celebrated with secretary mnuchin because many other countries have followed the u.s. cheryl: trent's decision has angered palestinians who want to be the capital of their future state. mass protests expect it today. a live report from jerusalem coming up. cheryl: also breaking this morning, films bring legal action sector xeroxes dropping plans to merge with the japanese company. xerox making a decision after reaching a settlement with activist investors current icon and urban decent. xerox has no legal right to terminate the deal, adding that
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may announce the damages. it would replace ceo jeff jacobson at the point new members to the board. shares off more than 3% this year. fuji film is down 5%. gerri: salmonella outbreak linked to in a great cause gotten worse. cheryl: tracee carrasco joins us of the headlines. good morning, tracee. spirit of my people sick from the salmonella outbreak that has to recall of more than 200 million aches from nine states across the country. the total number of people who have gotten sick from contaminated eggs is now 35 with 11 of them hospitalized. they have been traced to gross acre farm, specifically one of the company's farm facilities and high county, north carolina. here are all states currently effect that on your screen right now. trade to quite a few there. another week another blow for
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tesla. gerri: we continue to report on all the things happening at tesla. he tesla sedan with a semi-autonomous autopilot feature rear ended a fire department truck at 60 miles per hour apparently without breaking before impact. police are sure the autopilot was being used. this comes as two key executives have left the company. the technical contact with investigators after headed to rival way about. he is sleeping in the middle of the ntsb investigation into multiple crashes involving tesla vehicles. also engineering chief taking a personal leave of absence to spend times that this family. gerri: you have a fun new story. "avengers" a big hit in china. >> as no surprise avengers infinity where is the big winner at the third weekend in a row.
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>> run from it. destiny still arrives. >> as he said, the movie finally open in china brought in $200 billion. in total it brought in an estimated 349 million internationally this weekend, bringing its worldwide total to $126 billion in making it the fifth-largest global release of all time. how many life of the party melissa mccarthy brought in eight teen $5 million breaking in as gabrielle union is an estimated 16.5 million around at the top five, the remake of overboard and a quiet place. tree into tracee, thank you very much. a lot more coming up. investors are turning bullish on signs that the u.s. and china trade tensions may be easing. we will talk about that one.
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in the new fraser has opened up in the volcano. more concerns about an eruption at any moment. also, look in the u.s. stock futures worn in another big jump in your futures on your monday. right now the dow 39, s&p up five by five. let's take a look at oil real quick. we are still out 70 bucks, down 14 cents right now. investors watching what happens. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪ stay at laquinta.
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gerri: welcome back to "fbn:am." let's get you caught up on what's happening now. all all in the green in the green commended out 91, s&p up six, nasdaq up 21. a suspected militant family set up a deadly fun yesterday in police headquarters in indonesia. just one day after a series of church attacks in the same city come at least four police officers and six civilians are hurt at the police complex. surveillance footage showing at least one explosion after two motorcycles driving to a security check point hours after a husband-and-wife user for
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children as suicide bombers to attack churches. police say the suspect saturday night is a french citizen born in russia's republic of chechnya comes purportedly on the terror watch list. he was shot dead after killing a man and injuring four others in an attack in the popular opera district or the islamic state says it was behind the attack. president trump treating president trump treating this. so sad to see the terror attack in paris they simply countries have to open their eyes and see what is really going on. this thickness and hatred is not compatible with the loving, peaceful and successful country. in hawaii, brand-new cracks in the island shooting more magma causing more folks to pack up and leave. more than 20 open fissure spewing lava and steve and more
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could open any minute. two 2000 people forced to leave their homes and that is what is happening now. cheryl: well, there's a lot happening with trade negotiations. cte after his administration banned the company from using american part. the president treated this. president xi of china are working together to get zte into business fast. too many jobs in china last week the commerce department instructed to get it done. gary b. smith and medical leave advisory group. good morning. gary b., way to send an interesting message to your base on this one save in chinese jobs, not american jobs. the commerce department when
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after zte because there is a of sanctions against north korea appeared what you think the changes in what you think it means? >> you know, typical trump fire ready and policymaking. he seems to rattle the cages up front and then he softened his stance. i would like to think this is part of his long con if he will, but really way to get more american jobs. you have to remember in the chinese company, we are a big supplier to them. that's why they've sensibly said we are going out of business because it cut off their supplies from companies like qualcomm and video. in effect, helping them does help our jobs. i wish you that you phrased that differently. i see long term if he can't rattle the cage up front and improve trade relations going forward, it's actually good for both economies, which ends at being really good.
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>> there's so much at stake with her trade negotiations with china. right now each side is still threatening the other with billions of dollars in sanctions. using this as is part of the negotiation? you make a perfect example of what her and gave his here. for the u.s. and u.s. companies. i believe that peace talks with north korea are a direct result of our trust trade talks. they put pressure to come to the table. pressure like they've never seen before as a direct result. president trump putting trade pressure on china. we're the freest and fairest traitors of the world and the goal of what we are trying to do is approve terms for u.s. companies, not necessarily put others out of business unless we absolutely have to. cheryl: oil is a big story last week in the big story this week. borges reported five-year high last week is certainly this will affect gasoline prices as concerns the economy may take a
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hit on all of this and we don't know what opec is going to do with the iranian deal now on the scrapping table if you will. what do you make of all this? >> cheryl, i don't get the low concern over gas prices to be honest with you. i come out from a different day. the reason we've seen in large gas price and you have to remember they been right since sadly steadily for over a year. gases if you will the fuel that kind of drives all this economic spirit lifting. i see it as an effect, not a cause of any concern. the other thing you realize is they keep talking about gas prices in nominal terms. inflation adjusted about half of what the all-time high was. certainly gas prices other than a couple of lips we've seen have come steadily down since the
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20s. i don't really -- i'm not worried about it. cheryl: one less thing to worry about is always good for the markets. real quick before we go, a story in the journal this morning talking about kkr and the fact that they are getting into an wall street is now getting into house for three months. i interest short-term loans from a bonanza for a bank if you want to get into that. but you make of the fact they are now targeting this sect or to make his next big flip if you live in the cash at the same time? >> it's really interesting in that you now have kkr getting into private equity shops. they are financing the companies that actually finance the underlying months. it is a good sign that our economy is coming back. a lot of these house clippings are happening in the harder hit areas that are finally making the turn.
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it's all in all a positive sign for the economy in a good time for the country. >> not a bad return if you're in the game and wall street skidding to that game. jerry, michael, thank you very much. >> find a way to make money. that's for sure. coming up, if he's going to chili's grill and bar, your credit card info may have been exposed to hackers. with the weather week i had come in has the forecast. the u.s. stock market futures all in the green this morning. the dow up 96. s&p up six, nasdaq up 22. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪ ♪ you said you're not like me, ♪
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cheryl: a cold and wet weekend in the northeast. helen is doing going to stay with us? truth or facts meteorologist dean monday forecast did give us some good news. >> we could all go to arizona because the east coast including florida is going to remain in this west weather pattern because we have sort of a tropical disturbance off the coast of florida. hurricane season doesn't begin until june 1st, but a lot of tropical moisture streaming into florida. we could do this develop over the next couple days regardless if he gets the name or not. we are going to be dealing with potential for very heavy rainfall and flooding. not only florida, but all up and down the east coast and mid-atlantic towards the northeast and that's not the
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only area of concern. a frontal boundary will bring potential for hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes from texas across the great lakes and into his mid-atlantic. not dealing with a lot of tornadoes, but large hill, damaging winds and flooding rain falls. you see the boundary separating the warm unstable air mass in the cooler air mass north of it. kansas city 86, a lot of golf moisture here that could break the showers and thunderstorms that we watched the potential disturbance across florida. phoenix 94 in sunny. back to you. >> love it, got it. thank you for that. coming up, nature news overseas to tell you about. the u.s. open at embassy in jerusalem. growing tensions in the middle east. a live report straight ahead. and a metallic fire prepared draggable burst into flames during the parade.
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wait until you hear how the crowd reacts. taking a look at stock market futures on your monday. looking pretty good. talk 96 in the premarket. nasdaq up 22.5. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪ allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities... with a level of protection in down markets. so you can be less concerned about your retirement savings. talk with your advisor about shield annuities from brighthouse financial- established by metlife. i needthat's whenvice foi remembered that my ex-ex- ex-boyfriend actually went to law school, so i called him. he didn't call me back! if your ex-ex- ex-boyfriend isn't a lawyer, call legalzoom and we'll connect you with an attorney. legalzoom. where life meets legal. [fbi agent] you're a brave man, your testimony will save lives. mr. stevens? this is your new name.
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open. s&p up 655, nasdaq up 2.5. gerri: that comes after the dow rose 91 points on friday. >> europe stocks open higher in evening trade tensions. investors watching news that the u.s. will stop sanctions on european companies that do business with iran. gerri: asia stocks in china rose sometime of using trade tensions in hong kong hang seng up 1.1% in shanghai unfairly. a robot dragon with fire and smoke during a parade now part of the show. "fbn:am" continues right now. almost 5:30 a.m. in new york on monday, may 14. and gerri willis.
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cheryl: monday has begun. i'm cheryl casone with a little fire and awe at disney world. they thought it was part of the show. we've got a lot of breaking news this morning includes in israel celebrating as the united states has relocated its embassy to jerusalem from tel aviv. the u.s. delegation includes ivanka, jared kushner and treasury secretary stephen mnuchin all to attend opening of the new embassy. gerri: historic day. falconer is live in jerusalem with the latest. >> alright, so this is about to happen. you can tell because they are doing all the subjects. i didn't ask for the drumbeat that they're doing one and it's great. this is the location of the u.s. embassy. they've got this stage built right next to where they will open the door for it. the excitement began yesterday as the delegation began
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arriving. you mentioned ivanka trump, jared kushner who will speak today arriving last evening and on the welcome ceremonies with the prime minister. he spoke briefly fair. let's hear from him. >> this is a momentous time. president trump is making the center people will be eternally grateful for the bold decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital and move the embassy there. >> what is so exciting today as people begin arriving in the neighborhood, a residential area, an upscale quiet place, u.s. consulate that some have about the neighborhood. they are now going to see the embassy move from tel aviv. the official dedication in unveiling a secretary -- treasury secretary steve mnuchin will do today and then you hear from kushner and the prime minister himself, and benjamin
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netanyahu. i do want to show you something. can we pop up the signs going up all over that just jerusalem, but everywhere. they love president trump here and they are saying to make this day, make jerusalem great again. signs all over the place. these are large street signs that talk about how our president is a friend to saigon. a lot of buzz today about what is happening. such a political journey to get here. president bill clinton signed the jerusalem embassy act but it never happened. they were supposed to do it in a demanding and by now it's happening with president trump and a lot of excitement today. live all day long as the ceremony kicks off in a couple hours. cheryl: thank you for that. finally now occurring for more on the u.s. embassy in jerusalem. former congresswoman and hayworth and policy analysts
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jonathan watts held. the opening of the embassy this week for fuzzy campaign promise for the president, but hayden's mideast tensions. does this mean the peace process is dead air? >> not at all. i've visited jerusalem with the congressional delegation in 2011 and i know that we spoke with the prime minister at that time. the support for the nation of israel in this country by this administration is particularly strong. in 1995 we decided to go to jerusalem and president trump is doing that much to his credit. this opens an opportunity for us to recognize eventually because we do support the two state solution. >> i want to get to god with you. i want you first hear from senator lindsey graham.
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>> the problem is that palestinians are divided. hamas controlling gaza. palestinian authority controlling the west bank. gaza is a rocket launching fact very under one flag there will never be peace. >> the big question here is two state solution dead? >> it's not dead but definitely not on track. one of the things lindsey graham was saying that is so important is you can't be recognized as a nation, certainly not as the united nations and our country can do it unless you have an entity in the case of the palestinian authority that's completely at peace with its neighbors. you do not have that is lindsey graham pointed out. in god's eye you have the leadership that is all about destroying the state of israel. so we are in a place in which
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the israelis certainly want to keep on moving on with their lives and the president of course recognized the need to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. gerri: let's give it to iran for just a second. josh bolten say the u.s. sanctions on european -- john bolton saying the u.s. will impose sanctions on european companies that their government does and t. johnston and then start dealing with iran. i want to show you listed these companies. airbus british petroleum, on and on it goes. so many of these companies. listen to what secretary of state pompeo had to say about this over the weekend. >> to withdraw was a name that europeans. i worked hard over the short time i've been secretary to try and fix the deal when he couldn't reach agreement with our partners. i am hopeful in the days and weeks ahead we can come up with
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a deal that really works, that really protects the world from iranian bad behavior. gerri: will europe were put trump? >> i think they will. we know that germany had an announcement on saturday that in fact ambassador grinnell has managed to make progress with germany. major german corporations including airbus are you just mentioned are actually going to be endeavoring to cooperate with the sanctions regime that the united states plans to institute over the next 90 to 180 days. u.s. business come the u.s. market is a much bigger market for european companies dan is the iranian market and iranian market and i think that's economics will play large in their minds. gerri have heard that from a couple of people now. thank you. appreciate your time.
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if you eat at chili's, you might want to check your bank statement. gerri: tracee carrasco joins us more without another headlines. >> good morning. chiles said a data incident may have exposed consumers names, credit and debit card information. the breach was found on friday and is believed to have happened in march through april. the company says personal information like social security numbers and birth dates were not sold because those types of details are not collected. chiles is investigating and working with forensic experts to determine the extent of the breach. cheryl: every company involved in this kind of thing. we have to talk about the malfunction at the disney parade. >> guesstimate people just went on like it was nothing. take a look at this video. the fire breathing dragon at disney world as a burst into flames during a parade. you can see the head of the
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dragon engulfed in flames with thick black smoke as they race to put it out. they don't look too worried. thankfully no one was injured. disney says it's investigating. save for the kids. cheryl: totally safe. justin timberlake is a fruit connoisseur it turns out. >> this is great. justin timberlake known for many things including the brass parry. >> is it a coincidence that a blueberry fits in the raspberry perfectly? i think not. brasberrie stuff in a blueberry and raspberry. the packaged braspberry on instagram are not sold in groceries is just yet, but they are looking into a large-scale
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rollout. there is the package. until then you'll have to create your own just like jt. gerri: i saw this this weekend. it's hysterical. timberlake can sell anything, but this really works. tim cook taking another job at facebook, this time during the commencement address. plus, almond growers in california now hit the u.s. trade dispute could take a look at stock index futures right now. great now morning. the dow up 103, s&p up seven, nasdaq up 26. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪
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it's clear. there's only one vascepa. ask your doctor about pure epa prescription vascepa. ♪ cheryl: welcome back. taking back. taken out of u.s. stock market futures. dow up one of four in the premarket. s&p up seven a quarter, nasdaq up 25 and three quarters. a young boy was trapped in inflatable bounce houses as the flu onto a california highway. the bounce house slamming into a car. the 9-year-old child suffered minor injuries. officials said high winds blew the house a few hundred feet
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above the boy was playing inside of it in his front yard. apple ceo tim cook taking a shot at facebook during the commencement speech at his alma mater duke university over the weekend. he said facebook should learn how to regulate itself. >> we reject the excuse that getting the most out of technology means your right to privacy. so we choose a different path, collected in as little of your data as possible, and being thoughtful and respectful when it's in our care because we know it belongs to you. >> surveillance footage showing an iphone exploding feet away from him and working. the iphone reportedly overheated and sparked the explosion. that way the man was not her. the world's first group to a vending machine a vending machine it's here and it's full of ice cold budweiser's. anheuser-busch teaming up with civic to build a vending machine
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that can verify a customer's age using block chain technology. the machine will be on display at a summit in new york this week. that is what is happening now. >> file, dangerous things out there. california is the world's largest exporter but that could soon change as a result of the u.s. trade war with china. hillary is on visiting an omen firm in bakersfield, california to see how growers are dealing with a drop in demand. reporter: good morning, gerri and cheryl. i talked to several almond growers here and they tell me that these terrorists are not only bad for the u.s. command they are bad for china and the verdict caused problems between chinese buyers in california suppliers. >> is not only hurts the american farmer, but the china consumer. not only will it hinder supply a little bit, but they are caused by food will go up because of
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it. >> the biggest impact under these terrorists is lack of a marketplace. we will develop new marketplaces. >> growers tommy there is one country benefiting from these terrorists are in australia. the number two almond exporters in place with the u.s. apply overseas. the country just goes to 0% tear of deal china and that's what growers here have a huge prices advantage because california nuts or 25% more expensive under these tariffs. >> almonds run were on the water when the care of why not. i think that is going to be a question, will this affect the ability to compete with other countries. >> astray again single-handedly meet demand in china without polling not that of other parts of the world which opens up opportunity for growers here to expand into untapped markets like indonesia, south america and korea.
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>> i think ultimately for the u.s. it would be a good thing. do i like to be the punching bag because of the? no, not at all. reporter: some farmers see these ads care of such a political move, not an economic strategy from beijing, but they still don't like being caught in the middle between the tug-of-war between the white house and china. gerri and cheryl. gerri: farmers getting hit in now. and further report. cheryl: tiger woods aiming for the best finish. love it. look at him. >> i should watch part of this. garrett macs without of course. the trump administration warning that is ready to punish european cup amazed they keep ties with iran. back to london for reaction on that. we have got a nice big head on the market. s&p and seven, nasdaq up 24.5.
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we will be right back. ♪ sfx: muffled whistle text alert. i'm your phone, stuck down here between your seat and your console, playing a little hide-n-seek. cold... warmer... warmer... ah boiling. jackpot. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. so get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem... me. mayhem is everywhere. are you in good hands? if you'd have told me three years ago... that we'd be downloading in seconds, what used to take... minutes. that guests would compliment our wifi. that we could video conference... and do it like that. (snaps) if you'd have told me that i could afford... a gig-speed. a gig-speed network. it's like 20 times faster than what most people have. i'd of said... i'd of said you're dreaming. dreaming! definitely dreaming. then again, dreaming is how i got this far.
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now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network.
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gerri: welcome back. it was a big sunday in sports. tiger woods made us watch lebron james lamotta typical game. >> i don't think lebron knew what was happening. >> tiger was fantastic. he had far and away first game this postseason for the second time down one do nothing. he goes to the nba finals of the
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boston celtics have a home-court advantage. they set the tone. boston outscored cleveland 36 to eight team. 14 straight points in one stretch as they missed their 143 pointers. but it was the defensive prowess suffocated in lebron james that made the difference. lebron scored 15 points after 20 playoff average. 6135 at halftime. the celtics dominate and win by 25. rockets begin today. is this the year of the washington capitals? the eastern finals winning sunday six to two. biggest in winnipeg. tiger was pretty good. shut seven saturday after he barely made the cut. final round sunday. tiger birdied six of his first 12 holes. on the 17th, finished with a
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double bogey. the last six starts for nearly three decades. yesterday's note different. it foreshadowed the jury shot one over for the tournament. former nfl head coach chuck nagy has died. 22 seasons in the nfl. coach three different teams in the playoffs. he was 86. back to lebron james. this photographic memory yesterday asked to describe the sequence of the game against the celtics could watch this. >> he took the ball out, and missed another shot. came down in late 94 feet, made a right-hand layup timeout.
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[laughter] >> there you go. >> of ira dakota casino with lebron james, don't tell on you when you are counting card because that memory will do us really well. >> he was exhausted last time we saw him after a game. >> u.n. on for a long time. how does he remember all of this? >> nobody paid any attention to the winner. all the announcers were talking about how great tiger was. he was way far behind. >> that he got down to second place. >> for a while. and then he lost it. garrett macs from the thank you for that. catch the sports reports of boxers have blanked whenever southern and sirius xm channel 115. >> european companies doing business in iran. going to london straightahead on
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cheryl: national security adviser john bolton or in european companies to do business in iran. they could face u.n. sanctions. jane foley added robo bank, good
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morning to you. i do think european companies will handle the possibilities? it has hurt he caused some reactions in some of the financial minutes yours, particularly the french. they had airbus selling airplanes. they're a major european companies that are french and one of the world's leading reservoirs of natural gas and iran could over the weekend there was talk that china could rise out. the e.u. is no longer iran's biggest trading partner. neil: tell us why president trump did a u-turn on cte now offering to help companies save chinese jobs. >> this is very interesting. this is around about 750,000 jobs in china that could be lost
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if they completely collapsed and was pretty close to doing that. trump did not make it clear why he's doing that, but it is profitable and he wants to get some leverage and the chinese this week for the next leg of china-u.s. trade talks. also trying to get some leverage other bad is also trying to get some points with china at this point in his visit in june with the leader of north korea. many different aspects here. we're just not quite sure which one is the real one just yet. drain to thank you for joining us. always great to have you on the show. appreciate it. gerri: we will send it over to maria berger b-bravo. one is a very starts right now. >> good morning, everybody. thanks for joining us. maria bartiromo. top stories right now 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. history in the making.
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the united states officially opening its embassy in jerusalem just a few hours from now, israel's ambassador to the united nations told me yesterday this is a time to celebrate. >> attend historic moment to celebrate. we are grateful for president trump and many than many presidents promised to go to jerusalem, delivering and doing it and we will celebrate it. maria: will take you live to jerusalem this morning. the cost of doing business with iran. they could face consequences including sanctions as the warning from the trump administration this morning. telecom giant dte treating out its response to help save the trade negotiations have trade negotiations optimistic with china. markets in rally mode. concerns over a trade war easing with the dow industrials up about 100 points right out of the gate this morning. this would be the eighth day of gains straight.
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this after modest gains on friday. major indices rose 2% with friday's dow industrials 91 points at the close. s&p up 4.5. nasdaq finishing lower in friday by two points. stocks in europe looking at a pullback. the cac and the dax all done a quarter of a percent or lower. asia overnight markets closed higher. hang seng index up one and a 3%. a tesla slams into a fire truck without breaking. the authorities investigate whether the autopilot is to blame. more executives step back from the company a tesla. justin timberlake's fruit invention now reality. one of the producers now. raspberries with blueberries in one bite. the stories coming up. pwc partner mitch roschel


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