tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business May 18, 2018 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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>> thank you very much, here is lou. >> i am david asman in for lou dobbs, top story, russia probe scope memo that rod rosenstein and doj leadership have refused to provide congress is now in the hands of the judge who is providing over -- presiding over the manafort case. people are still waiting for their chance to know how far mueller is supposed to go in his quest to subvert president trump. and they enter second year, we discuss it with legal analyst greg jarrett. >> and media sides with ms-13 killers in their dishonest effort to smear the president.
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>> and rinos in congress, we'll discuss securing our borders with pennsylvania congressman. >> and globalist and free traders collide as china trade talks heat up in the beltway, gordon chang here is break down the latest. >> president trump today outraged over latest evidence of fbi corruption coinciding with somewhere counsel mueller's embarking on second year of his russia probe. tweeting out, word, seems to be coming out that obama fbi spied on trump campaign with an embedded infor informant. andrew mccarthy said probably no doubt they had at least one confidential infonl a informantn campaign. >> and a massive breakthrough in
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so-called scope memo that rod rosenstein sent to mueller outlining potential crime he's is authorized to pursue, mueller handed over a unredacted version of scope memo to judge ts ellis, ellis suggesting that special counsel attorneys lied about the scope of the investigation, and are seeking unfettered power, long await the watch dog report on fbi and doj mishandling e-mail scandal has been completed, to focus on former fbi director james comey, it is now with justice department and fbi for review to identify any classified information. now joining me for this fox
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business legal analyst gregg jarrett, author of new book, the russia hoax: th the scheme toi would like that add to that. by any means necessary. that is what we're finding out, that doj put a spy in trump campaign, it has never been done before, by any means necessary they are out to frame donald trump. >> if there was any doubt that americans had that comey and his minions at fbi were out to destroy trump, frame him for crimes he did not commit, this should convince him, not only an undercover informant a mole, trying to get people to say something incriminating to entrap them, and using these national security letters to avoid a war an from a -- warrant
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from a judge, which they likely knew they could not get. allowing them to gain records of telephone calls that were made and messages sent. >> i want to get to instrument they used, i was unaware of, i -- >> it is secret. >> i want to focus on the spy story, we heard about this, incredibly by glen simpson, founder of gps, came out with information he heard that doj had a spy in trump administration, how the heck could he find out about that, unless he was working hand in glove with the doj. >> he was working with the fbi, and christopher steel who composed the fabricated fictitiouses doior. >> to refined folks he -- remind folks he was on payroll of hillary clinton campaign, a smear merchant hired for
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millions by hillary clinton campaign. >> and glen simpson and christopher steel originate ors of the hoax, they are first who met with the fbi, and early july and immediately thereafter the investigation of president trump-russiacluding was launchrs launched. they were trying to peddle this fictitious papadopoulos story to "new york times," they are so gulgullible they have twice now tried it. >> we found out if from fusion gps, then a washington post article, then kim strasel wrote, when the spy was embedded -- if the spy was put in before papadopoulos that means it was
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the trump dossier, association with glen simpson and fusion gps that spurred this. >> fbi has become all powerful in america. and they belief they are convinced they are accountable to no one not even congress. americans, i sad to say, americans should be afraid much their government in particular. there law enforcement branch, fbi and department of justice. >> talk about this you mentioned before, national security letters, this is kind of like a is up openna, but -- subpoena, but you don't have to go to a judge, not like a fisa warrant, like fisa-l light, you can sign offing your, that gives them authority and power to go in search where they want, to demand silence on part of the
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person whose house or whatever they are searching. >> it is an unconstitutional instruction on fourth amendment, it is a violation of privacy rights, there is an illegal preceding this ises strong arm of the government -- this is the strong arm of the government doing this on its own, there is a statute, called dep ra deprivf rights under color of law, you may not abuse your position of power in government, i believe that law has been violated by comey and others at fbi. >> move on to another case we're finding out more about michael cohen case, they raid the office of the president's attorney michael cohen in a questionable move, the fbi, but then somebody hacked into his banking account and then leaked the records of his banking account, very
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private records, individuals have leaked them to attorney for the porn star. which is a crime. >> which is a crime. >> who is doing all this if not a group of people that as you say are out to frame donald trump. >> it came from an fbi official or agent, it is unclear, who is upset he didn't believe that the documents he was looking for in manafort's office or home were there, he assumed they had to be destroyed hollywood. -- he got other documents and personally leaked it, in violation of law, that is a crime, to the media, this under scores that law enforcers are now the lawbreakers, i hopeful these people will be brought to justice, first step is inspector general report, which may becoming on out. >> there are lights at end of this tunnel, one and judge its
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-- ts ellis today got his hands on that scope memo, that originally given to him by rod rosenstein, if this judge, because he is clear, he thinks that they are trying to squeeze the people too get donald trump, if this judge sees something wrong, sees that mueller has been beyond the scope of investigation, we're going to hear about it. >> we will because this is a no nonsense judge who actually knows the law, compared to other judges, i read transcript of last hearing. and he forced mueller's attorneys prosecutors to admit that the charges against manafort did not arise out of mueller's investigation, as the special counsel regulations require, as initial order demands, instead they dug up.
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an old, dead, buried investigation of manafort, in which no charges were brought because of insufficient evidence. and the judge was saying to them, where is your authority? this is an old case. you can only use evidence you have obtained on your own. >> book, the russia hoax. again i would say, by any means necessary -- too late for the cover, but you will get it. >> i wish i thought of 24r5. th. >> up next, sarah huckabee sanders fires back at media, we'll take that up and more with pennsylvania congressman keith that is ahead.
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>> national left wing media lying through its teeth, trying to imply that president trump's comments referring to ms-13 gang members was directed at all immigrants, sarah huckabee sanders turned table today. >> president was very clearly referring to ms-13 gang members who enter country illegally, and whose deportations are hang
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struj bstrung by the laws this f middle east vicious deadly gangs that operate by moto of rape, control and kill if media and liberals' too defend ms-13 they are more than welcome too. i don't think that the president that president used was strong enough. >> i don't think that the term that president used was strong enough. >> talking about the russia investigation but we have talks about this, i am reading, a piece from vox, a web site that a lot of newspapers, and magazines, and television stations get to talking points from, they seem to put this out saying not clear whom the president was referring to. he mentioned animals, whether picking up on sheriff mihm's reference to ms-13 or deports. i saw the entire round table discussion yesterday, it was
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clear that president was picking up on a reverend to the ms-13 members this is a smear. >> context is everything, i saw initial headline comes across, as a grandson of immigrants i would be upset with what was purported to be said, you look at context, he is clearly talking about ms-13, these are barbarians, they have been around for years, not enough attention that been pointed out from the administrations, very determined to go after ms-13. and not just ms-13, you look at cartels, and in mexico, ms-13 is comes out of el salvador, but slaughter on the southern side of the border, every week, i see stories of catholic priests or journalists murdered by the cartels, these are issues that united states needs to work on, determination, in a determined way with mexico with latin american countries to after them.
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>> what was happening yesterday, was a round table discussion with california rans sides with the president against the governor. who created a sanctuary state, because the violence that you spoke of, happening in all over central america, and now mexico, it is cascades into u.s. as a result of sanctuary state law, that is what these people were complaining about, they are desperate for help, the world i think is getting out to californians, more and more, just a town in los angeles, county, that is joining this federal la lawsuit against the sanctuary straight. >> you have to look at case of kate steinle. case after case across the country where people are victims, we have to be determined to go after the individuals. >> daca, let me ask about that. some people are complainting that rinos at work inside of
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beltway to come to a compromise on daca, what is the very latest on this? >> compromise is that bill we putting it, i am cosponsors with chairman good let and mccaul, border security tied in with a solution for daca, making sure that kids who came here as 5-year-old for example, this sanry country they -- this is only country they know, but we're going to secure bored i at same time so we don't continue to problem. >> i want to move on mueller investigation, on judiciary committee, you know a lot about. the extraordinary news there was essentially a spy set up within trump campaign itself. i have never heard of anything like that done in a presidential election, on a candidate who won the presidency. what is -- what is your thinking about this? >> well.
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fact after fact keeping trickling out it has been frustrating trying to get information out of the fbi and department of justice, they redacts things that don't need to be redacted. we had this with house intelligence committee report, there were redacting things that did not make them look too good, this is frustrating, you conduct oversight to not have agencies be as forth coming as they should be, i spoke at police academy graduation last say day, and talked about how important the rule of law circumstance i said you are subject to rule of law, that is the principle in which this country is founded. >> a lot of fbi agents law enforcement with a rely higher ups. they are often political appointees.
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he has been looking at it as we speak, scope memo that rod rosenstein wrote for mr. mueller that defines what he is to do, this judge thinks he has gone beyond that scope, when are we going to see scope memo. >> this is an issue a year ago as they launched this investigation, i want curious to what the scope all be, looking at all of russia attempted to interfere or talking with folks affiliated with clinton campaign, we know about steel dossier, but, every week see have a new sit of facts, and you take a look at different players, this is a -- the whole lisa page, and peter strzok affair, exchanging tens of thousands of texts is mind boggling. >> we're going have to a inspect or general report released soon,
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we're hearing there may be criminal referrals or notice of criminal violations, i think that ig can refer a criminal case but he can suggest there have been criminal violations, we have not been able to confirm at that fox business or fox news, do you know anything about that? whether there will be criminal investigation in ig report. >> i have no information at this time, we look at the ig report on andy mccabe. and how he was found not to have been forth coming and truthful, they are troubling allegations made or statements that were made in ig report w regarding mccabe. >> congressman thank you for being with us, vote in tonight's poll, do you believe department of justice much immediately launch a full investigation of obama administration obama administratio-- spying
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on trump administration. follow lou on twitter, and like him on facebook, coming up next, partisan, mueller witch-hunt inters second year, president trump's legal team launches a new effort to try to shut it down, we take with up with ed rollins after this. man: i got scar tissue there. same thing with any dent or dings on this truck. they all got a story about what happened to 'em. man 2: it was raining, there was only one way out. i could feel the barb wire was just digging into the paint. man: two bulls were fighting, (thud) bam hit the truck. try explaining that to your insurance company. woman: another ding, another scratch. it'll just be another chapter in the story. every scar tells a story, and you can tell a lot more stories when your truck is a chevy silverado. the most dependable, longest-lasting, full-size pickups on the road.
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cuz, um, i thought that was what i needed to do. we got our orders to go overseas and i went to baghdad, iraq. we were transporting a bomb sniffing dog to the polling stations. we rolled over two anti-tank mines, it blew my humvee up, killed my sergeant. after the explosion, i suffered a closed head injury, um, traumatic brain injury, loss of a limb, burns to 60% of my body. when the doctors told me i reached my plateau, i did not want to hear that because i do not believe i have a plateau. so, i had to prove 'em wrong, which i am doing to this day and i will still do until the end of my days.
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i've gotten to where i am at because of my family. and, the wounded warrior project has helped me more than i can ever imagine. they have really been there to support me in my endeavors. my number one goal, basically, is to get close to where i was. i am more than ready to work hard to get to that goal. i am living proof to never give up and i will never give up.
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rollins. good to see you. when americans see this thing drag on and on and on, and they see the fbi and the doj use any means necessary, no matter how illegal that might be to get this president, than is no crime, no collusion. doesn't this come back to bite democrats in november? ed: certainly it can and should if the rep kawns make a case against them. the president is the loud voice everyone has heard for two, two and a half years. but members running have to make the same case. the tragedy of all this is he has accomplished a great deal but he probably could have accomplished a lot more if he didn't have to be distracted. when you think of all the people dragged before these committees.
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the ideas that there are thousands of pages released on this 20-minute meeting in the trump towers shows how absurd this is. david: i'll give you one example of what he could have done. despite the tremendous success of the deregulation program. practically every person i speak to says that's why the economy is doing so well. he wanted to do the same thing with medicare and social security. they need to be reined in dramatically. they waste millions of dollars. you could change the way they spend money and streamline it. edrsh this is a president who is up and awake 20 hours a day. but this stuff is a distraction.
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every single tv show has it on 24 hours a day and it consumes everything. the other thing that bothers me, the institutions much government is getting tainted. even the news media is a -- attacks on them on fake news. but it's a detriment to legitimate news organizations. david: he tried to make the point he wasn't going after law enforcement. he brought together that wonderful meeting of law enforcement officers who have been killed in action with the families. nancy pelosi wants to pull back from the impeachment route. where people like keith ellison
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and tom perez, the head of the dnc want to use that as a message for the november campaign. i get the sense pelosi wants to focus on their message with regard to their policy. how is that going to end up? >> she is the leader so obviously they will have a lot to do with what the members say. the animal comment she made that is misleading. she could have -- he could have called it anything he wanted. but she steps on it sometimes. her district as i said earlier today. she has an 80-% plus district. she is safe in her san francisco district. so to a certain extent she gets distorted when she goes back home and talks to the money people.
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if democrats want to be viable they will have to go out and talk about taking back the country. david: you have a lame duck leader in the house, paul ryan. he's going away so he's not capable of doing that much in the months he has left. could paul ryan be hurting the gop? could he be holding them back? >> i don't think paul is strong enough. when you don't want to be speaker any more, he should have stepped aside and left. we have 20 members of the republican party who signed a discharge memo on daca. and the likelihood that something will pass with democrat support and not our support. so he's weak. any other speaker would have said knock that down. you stay on that list. and he's not there.
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david: you have strong candidates to replace him including mr. scalise and jim jordan who wants the job bad. ed: 149-1. paul ryan is a myself man, but he wasn't a strong leader. david: coming up next. north korea threatening liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. ♪livin in this crazy world ♪so caught up in the confusion♪ ♪nothin' is makin' sense ♪for me and you ♪we've got to give a little love♪ ♪have a little hope ♪make this world a little better♪
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david: president trump says he's confident the talks will take place with kim jong-un next week. he says negotiations are still under way. today marked the second day of trade talks between the trump administration and chinese delegation. u.s. is fighting for a $200 billion cut in the trade deficit as well as protection for intellectual property. president trump: china has become very spoiled. david: here to join me, gordon chang. but china, very different
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comments from what we heard sunday when the president tweeted out, president xi of china and i are working together to give massive chinese phone company zte back in business fast. zte is the second largest telecom company. they had severe sanctions against them because they were trading with our enemies. tens of thousands of chinese were out of work as a result of them closing their doors. but we don't want them back in business, do we? >> no, we don't. this company was busting iran and north korea sanctions. after this plea agreement they violated that agreement. so this is a serial sanctions buster. we have to do something about it.
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if we don't do anything about it, our sanctions aren't serious. you know, pulling out of the iran deal makes sense only if we can make sure european and other countries don't do business with iran. but if we allow the chinese to bust sanctions other countries will say we'll do business with iran. david: it appears the president got the message. do you think we are on the right track now? >> just in the last hour there is reporting the chinese agreed to offer a $200 billion reduction in the trade deficit. i don't know what the other terms are. but it does seem beijing is moving. just earlier today we heard the president express pessimism about coming to terms with the chinese. i don't know what to believe right now, there are so many different reports. but i know this is
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consequential. david: we know it's the president himself who is the chief negotiator. it was what closed door meeting. but i think we have a photograph of him with the chinese gore mediatorror. he's personally taking over these discussions. his trade team thanked different sides on it and there was bickering within the trade team. the fact that he's talking to the man on the right that's got to be good news. >> before the president did that web was leaving the leadership of the trade negotiations to treasury secretary steve mnuchin who i thought had a massive approach to the chinese and one that didn't work. i'm glad we have a different approach. david: someone who is not passive is john bolton.
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he said something that worried the north korean leader kim jong-un. he said what we are going to use in dealing with the north korean situation is the libyan model. people remember moammar gadhafi was killed. but we dealt with his own nuclear program by moving them out of libya. that's what john bolton was talking about but kim jong-un is worried that they are talking about him being killed. >> the north koreans used their comments two weeks ago in their statement that they want to reconsider their discussions with president trump. after the bolton comments you had the release of the three american detainees. i think the chinese are giving them some encouragement so they
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thought they could pile on. david: the president himself addressed that saying -- he did everything but throw them a lifeline. he essentially said i get it. i understand you folks are afraid you will be killed as a result of an uprising in north korea. that's not our intention. so the president was pretty up front about contradicting at least the notion that we are out to destroy the regime of kim jong-un. we are out to destroy their nuclear arsenal. >> i think when you look at president trump's comments on the libyan model and john bolton's comments. they are consistent. they are using the same phrase in a different way. it did unnerve the north koreans and the south koreans and chinese, and it got them to a point where they felt they had to come to terms with the united
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states. david: that's part of the art of the deal. you unnerve your opponent. final point, is the summit going to happen in june in. >> it may not be june 12. but it could be july 12 or august 12. it will occur because the north koreans need things from president trump. david: be sure to vote in tonight's poll. do you believe the department of justice must launch a full investigation on the obama administration spying on the trump campaign? coming up next, hawaii's mount kilauea erupts today after two weeks of volcanic activity. we'll be back with extraordinary we'll be back with extraordinary pictures.
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erupted, shooting ash into the sky. residents were told to keep their windows closed and be prepared for ash fall and small rock fragments. >> we could have additional events like this morning. we could have some more sustained ash. reporter: this comes a day after scientists found two foot-long volcanic rocks miles from the summit. >> this is the kind of event we expected might happen based on interaction of the dropping lava levels with grounds water. this exclusive -- this explosive events is what we thought might happen. as far as the big one,
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scientists say it's a waiting game. >> the amount of water or rock fall that can choke up a hole. all of these variables the are hard to predict. there may not even be a big one. reporter: there are concerns of toxic gas. first responders are in place, ready to respond in the events of a mass evacuation. david: boulders the size of refrigerators flying through the air. volume on the big board. and cbs voted to strip sherry redstone and her family of voting control. the move is meant to block a
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potential merger with viacom. while the * fights for peace on the korean peninsula. the national left-wing media the national left-wing media seems to be rooting for him to man: i got scar tissue there. same thing with any dent or dings on this truck. they all got a story about what happened to 'em. man 2: it was raining, there was only one way out. i could feel the barb wire was just digging into the paint. man: two bulls were fighting, (thud) bam hit the truck. try explaining that to your insurance company. woman: another ding, another scratch. it'll just be another chapter in the story. every scar tells a story, and you can tell a lot more stories when your truck is a chevy silverado. the most dependable, longest-lasting, full-size pickups on the road.
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evening is for president trump who continues to fight the bogus russia investigation and the left-wing smear campaign against him. harry truman said i never did give anybody hell. i just told the truth and they thought it was hell. the white house announcing president trump will donate his 2018 salary to the department of veterans affairs. the president has donated his salary to a different department every quarter. joining me is lawrence jones and mark simone. lawrence is adjusting to an east coast life after a wonderful life in texas. so many people have never heard of the fact that the president is giving away his salary quarter by quarter.
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>> this is a campaign promise. he said he didn't want to take a salary. so he is giving the money. david: i don't remember any president in my life time giving the money. i remember the clintons taking some of what was in the white house with them. >> i don't think there is a politician who ever gave away any money. the president is a charitable guy. i personally know millions of dollars he gave to charity that never got reported. all of this stuff with the mueller probe. the rules they are breaking to indict trump. people forget where it came from. the obama administration controlled the justice department, controlled the fbi. they said there was distance. but we saw the meeting on the tarmac how much distance there
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was. they were working with the hillary clinton campaign, fusion gps was paid off by the hillary clinton campaign. they had their buddies in the department of justice. bruce ohr's wife was working for them. all of this translated into the mueller probe and now we have seen how far it has gone. >> we are finally reaching the point where undecided voters are getting frustrated. mueller had to deliver something. tell us something, put up or shut up. the american people are starting to see this is a distraction. especially after the federal judge went after the mueller team telling them they were going after the president of the united states, they were trying to squeeze manafort to go after the president. david: even the "new york times" had to come out with the
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information that the doj had a spy in the trump campaign. but what is extraordinary with they normally scream about civil liberties are violated. but in this case they were applauding it's okay because it's donald trump they are going after. >> they launched a probe in russia to find out what the hell this collusion was. if you showed up and took a look at this cold. rosenstein writes a memo thatt why comey was fired. then when he's fired he puts in a close friend of comb christmas, mueller, to investigate. the whole thing is ridiculous. david: we know there was collusion between the woman who was lawyer before russian lawyer. she admits she was a spy for two years. she was the one who baited
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donald trump, jr. into this meeting. but she met with fusion gps before that meeting and right after that meeting. the organization was paid for through millions of dollars through hillary's campaign. that's collusion. >> there is no investigation into that. there are only investigations of trump. >> the meeting proves there was no collusion. if they had anything to do with anybody significant in russia, why would they be meeting with this lawyer? david: the meeting proves collusion between the hillary clinton campaign and gps fusion. the media are rooting for the corian thing to fail.
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>> when it comes to. >> national security, typically resupport the president. first the media said the president was being too tough. that he was going to start a war. now they say he's too soft and the negotiations will be drained now. david: it's not just national security, this is world peace. after all we probably wouldn't be the first one hit by its nukes. >> denuclearizing the world and still not getting a nobel prize. new york times would talk about how many nuclear scientists he put out of work. david: and the media says the
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only reason he's interested in this is for a nobel peace prize. >> it seems like they are rooting against the president. we should be coming together. this is a big deal. no other president has been able to get this far. why can't we celebrate that and back the commander-in-chief on this issue? david: isn't the transparency that they shall rooting for him to fail, no matter how beneficial it could be for americans. people are beginning to see through it and it's beginning to hurt. >> the democrats will realize they don't have a big issue. >> got to get a message. david: you are a great team. you could have your own show.
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join me with melissa francis on "after the bell," every day at 4:00 p.m. eastern time. thanks for joining us. >> you've never seen people come over from china to work on trade deal. would that be successful, i tend to doubt it. can he recall cheryl breaking news this morning, deal or no deal. china reportedly offering $200 billion to cut the u.s. trade deficit but beijing officials are now denying those reports overnight. we have the latest. gerri: complicated. concerns of the uncertainty of trade, just not to get rewarded. cheryl: optimism fut futures higher overnight. right now we have a green start,
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