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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  May 22, 2018 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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>> i think it important we stay the course, we cannot show that there is any daylight between us and south koreans. that is key to this success. charles: colonel west thank you, you are the best, thank you for watching and here is lou dobbs. lou: good evening, our top story, obama spying scandal on widening, trump aide suggests effort to infiltrate trump campaign went further than fbi. congressman ron desantos, calling for a second special counsel, he is joining us with former assistance prosecutor andrew mccarthy, and attorneys victoria tensing and joe degeneva. and president trump standing firm on north korea.
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saying that summit could be delayed for canceled if the regime does not meet conditions for the summit. we take that up, retired four-star general jack keane joining us. imagine. fighting for amnesty, california lawmakers, want to give illegal immigrants their billions of dollars in free health care. we talk about need to protect our borders and ourself ronty. -- our sovereignty. and our top story, president trump addressing report that there were multiple government spies gathering intelligence on his 2016 presidential campaign, fbi may not have been only obama agency involved. >> if they had spies in my campaign that would be a disgrace to this country, that would be one of the biggest
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insults this anyone has seen and very illegal aside everything from else, make probably every political event ever look like small potty pa pay on potato. lou: i meeting has been set for this thursday. those in ascend dense will include, house intelligence comeitty chairman nunes, and trey gowdy, and fbi director christopher wray, director of national intelligence, dan coats and department of justice official ed o'callaghan. nearly 2 dozen house republicans, calling for a second special counsel, preliminary t purpose to investigate a proud range of allegations again the justice department. and 3 year period to include
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clinton e-mail investigation, and surveillance abuse and how and why russia investigation began at all in to the trump campaign. first guest, one of those backing the new resolution, joining us congressman ron desantos, member of several key committees. he leader republican candidate for governor of florida. congressman great to have you with us, start with call for a second special counsel. your thoughts about how likely it is that resolution will influence the out come. >> i hope it does. think about it. you have a situation whereas you suggested, doj and fbi will be under the microscope, but i want to know people like john brennan, at cia, what if any involvement that institution had with some of the individuals. i don't think it was all just cooked up in be on agency,
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having a special counsel they have authority to be able to investigate the potential criminal offenses then hold people accountable, subpoena people, whatever. and to me that means, even though it will not be sufficient for what we need. lou: and again, we will be appointing the second spoil supespecialspecial counsel? >> it should be jeff sessions, there is no reason that he should be recused about any of the stuff involving department's conduct, i think he can do it we tried to get him to do it a couple months ago, if you remember, he identified huber, he did not call him a special counsel he said huber will look into it, but the problem, i have not heart anything from huber, we sene criminal referral about
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a month and a half ago, we have no response from huber and sessions, that is why i think time to do this. lou: the attorney general is now mystery man of this administration perhaps i can't think of a historical figure who would aproximate a am am by gutf jeff sessions. >> thing is, you know, i think he should reevaluate his recusal to begin with. a lot of this stuff, there is not -- they are not serious about collusion or campaign stuff, he should not be recused from saying whether comey's firing represented obstruction of justice. rosenstein is one that should be
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recused from that, he mot wrotee momento to say fire comey. >> choosing special counsel mueller himself. >> after beating with president about potentially being fbi director again, and rod follows hem out the door, saying do you want to be special counsel. if sessions would take control get back into the game to a certain extent that could perhaps go a long way to alleviate some of the problem. lou: should we infer anything that callahan will be representing the fbi, department of justice rather, in that meeting with fbi director christopher wray and with dan coatcoats and trey gowdy and den nunes. >> anyone like rosenstein should be recused, he did sign a fisa
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warrant, some of what he knew could be at issue, having someone el look over this is good. but, you know, there will be some type of production, they don't come clean with everything. i hope this final straw, my fear that nunes will have to send a letter next week, and we're kind of at this again. lou: when do you get mad? decide have you been pushed around by department and agency over which you have oversight, and actually begin to impeach, and to site for contempt, these arrogant and politically corrupt officials who make up majority it seems of leadership of fbi and department of justice. >> oh, 6 months ago, i have been saying for 6 months,if who congress is entitled to, then
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set a deadline, then next day, set a contempt hearing they know if documents are not turned over, then we precede the next day to hold new contempt, if you are not willing to use the powers, you get trickle here and there, stonewall here and there i think we should use those, and hopefully we're at point now where we are getting the information about anybody who may have been trying to keep tabs on the president trump campaign government request. lou: keeping tabs on them, trey gowdy is a lame duck, he is leaving, not a single committee he served on accomplished anything investigatively. now he is suddenly devin nunes is in a buddy system with him. what is the point of that? when nunes has been on the point of the spear, leading the way
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investigating this rampant corruption throughout the obama agents and years? >> because if there will be just a limited number of people, and it ul one devin on his own, he comes out, and i think you need to have someone el there, there are a handful of committee chairman with any jury over this -- jurisdiction over this, this good devin is bringing someone el in there he has been leading on this stuff for months and taking a lot of daggers, you stand up, can you trying to get fact, media, the democrats, i mean boom, boom, boom they knee cap him every step. lou: why have we not heard from speaker of house, why does he not say we'll introduce a resolution supporting this president against arrogant corrupt charges and absolutely absurd special counsel witch-hunt that has gone on? why hasn't he didn't that?
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why hasn't conference stood up for this president, said enough is enough? >> well here is the thing, you had a handful of us, but, you said, speaker ryan is a lame duck, others who want that job, i would recommend for them, if you want to be speaker after ryan, you need to be heard now, you need to stand up, and be clear. put up or shut up on the collusion, if not move on, as a country, if they are willing to say, that guess what, that is person that our grassroots will want to be speaker of the house. lou: freedom caucus chairman mark meadows has been outspoken in moving ahead on this issue. jim jordan as well, yourself of course. from the summer on. but why i is -- isn't there a clear statement about who
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freedom caucus wantings as speaker and why isn't there paul paulert -- from arizona. >> there is a movement, across grassroots for jim jordan who i mean, jim is a tough as they come. there are people who are trying to push for that and in terms of timing of how it works, i hear a lot of different rumblings about you can't wait for the end, i don't know how that will play out, there are rumbling across conference just about you know situation that we find ourselveses in now. lou: one of the rumbling is 25 republicans ready to vote if the dems -- vote with the dems for discharge petition, we're told that already, the goodlot bill watered-down getting ready, i
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hear every sorry, sick, pathetic rumor about what conference is doing toward itself before they get to a debate, let alone a vote, they are all talking like rinos if not dems. >> lou, i think that political situation is looking better for the republicans because the economy is strong, and president having success. biggest problem we have not following through with the president. for key things to help end illegal immigration and improve the borders if we moved on, that i think you would see generic battal tick -- bale ballot tickp further, and gain senate seats, but congress as a whole have not backed him up.
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lou: those 25 people, we'll identify them here later in the broadcast, i will say it right now. those damn fools could cost the republican party control of the house in got senate as well -- always good to talk with you, thank you. >> thank you, lou. lou: congressman ron desansanto, one of the leaders. coming up next, president trump not playing games with kim jong-un. or the national left wing media, or as he said, the fake news. plan summit between two leaders could be in jeopardy, general jack keane will join us next, we'll be right back. you totanobody's hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do?
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lou: president trump today saying his summit with kim jong-un may be delayed, perhaps canceled if north korea does not meet u.s. demands for the meeting, president trump sitting down with south korea president moon jae-in at the white house today. they talked about the negotiations intended to lead up to that summit. >> if it doesn't happen, maybe it will happen later, at a different time. but we will see. but we are talking.
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the meeting scheduled as you know on june 12 in singapore. and whether or not it happens you will be knowing soon. but we're talking right now. lou: joining us, retired four-star general jack keane. fox business senior straij strac analyst, president saying, throughout, the talks were acknowledged publicly we'll see, we has no unrealistic expectations about that summit materializing. your thoughts about prospects. >> i think there is some possibility that the summit will take place. i think is happening, there has to be a explanation for kim jong-un's behavior last 90 days, he was rushing head long to denike -- denuclearizing his
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program, and talking with everyone from that. and then after he sees xi last time, all of a sudden, he breaks off communication can south korea, puts summit in doubt. in question. i think that president is right to question what happened here, it likely president xi as opposedded to kim is playing the president. second thing that shaping, we're now talking to diplomats about summit not just about how the chairs will be and room. but, what is the agenda, and conditions how will we move toward denuclearization, we may get feedback from north korea counterparts this does not have feel to it now in terms of actual object of program that we were lead to believe, which
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also, could sprinkle doubts whether it is worth the president going. lou: president saying straight out, he is not happy that there is a prospect that xi, was operating below the table, if you will, with kim on may 8. got new marching orders from china. everyone wants to forget, no matter what north korea says or what kim jong-un or rocket man says, he is the pu puppet to xis power and influence over that hermit kingdom. >> as president said today, president xi is a poke are poke, some of that is likely going on, xi may recent you know some of the favorable world media coverage that president was getting almost frenzy about you know, making this major turn,
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potential nobel peace award, that indication that there were great expecting made, than maybe reality. lou: the fact that we'll have to see an alignment among inlevel of china, north korea and united states, all our allies in region, in particular. otherwise nothing will happen at that summit, we know that. but now, critically it seems clear, is possibility at-this-point that xi decided china will let it roll and see what it can akomp blu koch -- ah with a stubborn kim jong-un rather than one who was headed toward a sum wit president that could have resulted in a very prosperous and peaceful future
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for what now looks to be a country that once again whose future is in question. >> yeah. i don't think that this is over yet. but, i think what is helpful is the way that president is responding. if there was obama like he did with iran he folded as soon as iran put tough conditions on table and let them take it off, president trump saying publicly, we're going to that summit on my terms. and that is the right position to be taking. lou: general jack keane, great to have you here. >> good talking to you. lou: vote in our poll, question, is an obama administration that is now well former head of intelligence now openly claiming that spying on political campaigns is standard procedure? far bigger threat to the republic than bogus claims that russian collusion. cast your vote on twitter @loudobbs, follow leo twitter,
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like my on facebook, and instagram, up next, rino, paul ryan, losing his grip and perhaps association with the republican party. certainly its values, now publicly to call for his dismissal, we'll tell you who, next. stay with us. there's little rest for a single dad.
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on hanging on to a job he said he didn't want. he called the leadership toxic and his failure to stop rino republicans from trying to force a daca discharge petition on to the floor. our next guest suing to end that daca program. joining us tonight, texas attorney general ken paxton. you want to end daca, and i think a lot of people in the country are watching the republican conference trying to figure out what in the world the house of representatives wants to do with it. >> i have no idea. the reason we sued, president obama did this unconstitutionally, outside of his authority. it's up to congress to deal with it. it's not within the purview or power of a president to change immigration law.
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that's why we sued. lou: the supreme court supports your view and the states have every right to end ways an unconstitutional executive order, it would seem to me. it seems to be an open and shut case. but one thing i learned watching you attorneys general, judges and justices, is nothing is ever a sure deal. >> this is a pretty sure deal. we have the same constitutional issue with dapa. i would be shocked if we are not successful. it's clearly unconstitutional. legal scholars settled on this and have seen what we have done in the past and we'll be successful. lou: can you rationalize the district court decisions that basically have impeded the trump administration for acting. >> you are asking for a heroic
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effort on my part to explain these federal judges. you have a president who thinks that's unconstitutional. how can a judge step into that role and say a president can't undo an executive order. these judges don't have the power or authority to do that. lou: we'll see that play out in court. we wish you luck. sanctuary cities. texas also moving against sanctuary cities. where do wow efforts stand and what do you expect to be the final resolution? >> we had our own sanctuary city bill, and we were sued by many of our cities. our law allowed law enforcement to ask about immigration status and it did a crazy thing and said if you were an elected official you have to turn over illegals who committed crimes. and that's all it required.
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we were sued. we lots in district court, the fifth circuit reverses and we have been successful so far in fulfilling that resolution. we have our law in place and we are enforcing it through my office. lou: let's turn to the issue of immigration. i want to get your thoughts about what the house of representatives represent with a discharge petition. the people of texas versus a speaker of the house who is a lame duck who will not be running for -- for reelection but wants to stay speaker and keep his hand in all the coffers of k street and the chambers of commerce and wall street. >> i don't know what congress should or shouldn't do.
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it really is an issue of constitutional power. it is up to congress to do something. but they are not required to. this was an action by a president that overstepped his bounds. all we are doing as law enforcement officers and legal people saying you can't violate the constitution. now we have a current president who is ready to rescind it. whether congress does something isn't in my power to decide. but it is my power to enforce the constitution. lou: i wish more attorneys general did that across the country. attorney general of the great state of texas. a member of the obama deep state making ridiculous claims about spying on the trump presidential
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campaign. he says it's all business as usual. usual. we'll take mccarthy right after this. stay with us. ories you love while doing the things you love, outside. everyone's doing it she's binging... they're binging... and... so is he. so put on your headphones, turn on audible and binge better. ♪ with expedia you could book a flight, hotel, car and activity all in one place. ♪ if thifor under you think a $34,000 looks like... ...think again...
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lou: president trump speaking at the annual susan b. anthony gala in washington, d.c. >> elections matter. we have seen this in this last election. that's why susan b. anthony is so effective. they get things done.
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>> we so appreciate susan b. anthony. we have a real job on our hands. we don't want to slip back, especially when we have a president who wants to work us on pro-life issues. michael avenatti, the attorney for stormy daniels ordered to cough up $10 million in a bankruptcy court after avenatti broke his promise to a previous employee of the firm to pay $2 million to the former colleague. avenatti also defaulting on over $2 million in back taxes. he blamed that on an unnamed payroll company. none of the courts seemed to be too sympathetic to his excuses or causal reasoning. james clapper reaching a new
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absurdity as he attempts to justify efforts to spy on the trump presidential campaign during the 2016 election. >> politicizing what is a legitimate activity -- allege important one -- an important one on the part of the fbi. they use informants and have strict rules of protocol. this one of many techniques you can use or bring to bear, the fbi can, in the interest of determining whether there was active efforts on the part of the russians to infiltrate the campaign. lou: we are going to put james clapper to an interesting task. my guest now has an article on the real origins of the mueller witch hunt. andrew mccarthy. contributing editor at national
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review. a national director of intelligence saying it was standard operating procedure to spy on a presidential campaign. >> once i heard him say they did it for trump's own good, i figured anything else could follow. lou: this man is delusional. >> we have a political or constitutional norm where law enforcement and intelligence services are hands off the election campaign. only time i think you can overcome that is if you had powerful evidence of serious wrongdoing. and to say that there are a few people who are connected to a campaign who are maybe bad apples or baggage or whatever, that's something to be concerned about. it's not something where you would say the trump campaign is in an espionage conspiracy with
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russia to steal the election. lou: wouldn't the analog to that be president trump had a friendship with a terrorist by the name of bill ayers, and therefore he would be disqualified from being president because obviously he supports terrorism. >> i think president obama's legitimate issues in the campaign, we are mindful it's suppose to be decided at the ballot box. you make all your arguments, but you should never forget hot sovereign is. lou: there are a lot of people who are not forgetting it, they are trying to change hot sovereign is, in this instance, the president of the united states. in that's legitimate duly elected government. it's stunning. i don't want to turn to your article, it's absolutely
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fascinating. this disputed origin of the special counsel keeps taking on new life, new iterations, new dates, certain as to when it began. let me make that dates still woefully unproven and highly ambiguous. >> when you investigate the investigators which is what we are finally doing here, it's not really different from investigating other people in this sense. when the story keeps changing, that means whatever the truth is it's not something they are comfortable about. we first heard the origination of the investigation was caused by this guy carter page's trip to moscow. that kind of collapsed because of the dossier overlay on that. lou: all but unknown figure loosely associated with the campaign at best. >> then we had origination 2.0 which is the george papadopoulos
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story. the 20-something guy who hears from some guy who claims he had russian contacts and they have hillary clinton's emails, and the next thing he's having a few drinks in an establishment with the top diplomat in australia in great britain. lou: think about that. papadopoulos is even lesser northern than carter page is suddenly talking to the highest ranking diplomat in the united kingdom. that story doesn't pass the laugh test. you keep asking, where did this all get started? to their credit, the house intelligence committee under chairman nunes has some very interesting stuff in their final report which was first caught by
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kim strassel. she noticed that on page 54 of the report they mention that in the spring of 2016, fbi director comey briefed the national security council of the obama administration on the page stuff. what was the page stuff at that point? we are talking months before this trip to moscow. so the page stuff was there had been an attempt top recruit page in 2013 by russian spies where he cooperate with the fbi and justice department. they even used his information in the arrest complaint when they went after the spies. lou: which would be highly suspect because he was highly cooperating and patriotic in his response to the investigating agency. >> well, you never know. but what happened when comey had this briefing? the main thing that happened is
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page came on to the campaign. trump announces his foreign policy advisory committee. then about 8 days later manafort comes on to the campaign. lou: as you point out, the trump campaign was under pressure to create a foreign policy cadre i think you referred to them as the c lerks recy. >> the establishment republican party was not going to cooperate with trump's campaign. lou: what is the takeaway here? that we have been lied to not once, not twice, and we don't know the honest truth about is it -- i think it might be slightly redundant. but an honest, truthful origin of this entire farce that has become the special counsel investigation. >> we need transparency about
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now this got started. if it turns out it got started because they were suspicious of these guys, i think they overreacted. but let's at least hear that. lou: i can't bring myself to say they overreacted because they were such actors, and they constructed such a fabric of lies at almost every juncture. they own yesterday up a dossier, they used a phoney dossier to get a fisa court surveillance. then they renewed it. and the process has gone on. we have seen clapper and comey lie by the, and the lies continue. most of recently today with the idea that spying on presidential candidates is normal at least under -- >> whatever they did, it's in the fisa warrant. lou: can't wait to get to it. it seems the president will have
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to make that judgment. >> i again wonder, you know, let's get on with it. let's get it out there. >> great to have you with us. be sure to vote in our poll. check out national review. read andy's article. it's fascinating. origins of the incipient point of this madness. be sure to vote in our poll, is the obama administration's claims that spying on campaigns is standard operating procedure a bigger threat than trusting collusion. california, they are such leaders. they may become the first state in america to give free healthcare for illegal immigrants. stay with us.
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lou: battle lines drawn on the latest front of the illegal immigration. they are pushing free healthcare for illegal immigrants. the orange county board of
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supervisors joining the trump administration suing the state over its sanctuary state policies. if this goes through, it will provide free healthcare for illegal immigrants. volume on the big board 3.3 billion shares. listen to my reports every day coast to coast on the salem network. we'll, talking with attorneys victoria toensing and her husband former u.s. attorney joe digenova. pah! that will never work.
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lou: eric holder, the first sitting member of any president's cabinet in history to be held in contempt of congress now weighing in on the obama spy scandal, the spying in the trump presidential campaign. he tweeted this. more doj norms being erode. trump, a subject of the investigation wants access related to the inquiry. his congressional supporters want evident connected to an
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ongoing investigation. time for the doj/fbi to simply say no. protect the institutions and tested norms. joining us, victoria toensing and joe digenova. your client is sam clovis, apparently is being approached by someone -- >> no, lou. not approached. targeted. professor halper targeted carter page and my client sam clovis to meet with them to try to set them up. it's very clear. i don't know who was directing him from the u.s. government. we don't have those facts yet. it's clear they were being targeted. in early july 2016 carter page was at a conference in
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cambridge. professor halper. a week after that carter page emailed sam clovis who says this professor saw on cnn and wants to meet with you. then clovis emails him and said carter page suggested i meet with you. does that sounds like a setup? sam said to me he never would have met with this guy. he didn't know him from adam. but he used carter page's name so he figured he was an all right person to meet with. lou: eric holder is talking about the norms of the department of justice being under assault. what is eric holder on. >> you set this up perfectly will the history of the only attorney general to be held in contempt of congress. his tenure was a disgrace.
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he was responsible for fast and furious. he lied to congress repeatedly. he covered up an immense number of bad cases. he covered up for hillary clinton. he set in motion the complete politicization of the department of justice and the fbi. and he has the gal to prit size -- the gall to criticize this president. this president has been acting stellar. all of those people who ran the obama doj and fbi are law enforcement disgraces. they embarrassed the department, they embarrassed the fbi, they embarrassed themselves, they set the fbi back down years and there is very little that can be done about that. if eric holder thinks that's a good norm what he did, i think he need to see a psychiatrist. lou: and james clapper protesting this is a perfectly reasonable thing to do to plant
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a spy in a presidential campaign. >> not a spy, just an informant. it depend on what is is. lou: forgive me for not parsing. joe, your wife has corrected me twice and i have to defer both times to her corrections. your thoughts about the president making the decision to demand an investigation. >> absolutely essential. the president has done what any president should do. when the justice department is being run incompetently by rod rosenstein and jeff sessions, the president brought hem over to the white house for the third time in two weeks to tell them to act like adults, run the place, get the information necessary to get this investigation over. i applaud the president. he's actually setting a good standard for holding accountable members of his cabinet who are incompetent. lou: thank you very much.
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we are out of time. let me turn quickly to tomorrow, just simply ask you to join us. it will be almost as amazing as tonight. good night from new york. kennedy: president trump is speaking at the susan b. anthony campaign for life in washington, d.c. president trump: i watch him all the time, don't know him well, but i will get to know him. john rutherford. central casting. he's always defending me. most of you are always defending me. and from my neck of the woods, claudia kenny. thank you, claudia. thank you. and for those' that i left out, i'm sorry. but i say give me a


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