tv Kennedy FOX Business May 22, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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lou: thank you very much. we are out of time. let me turn quickly to tomorrow, just simply ask you to join us. it will be almost as amazing as tonight. good night from new york. kennedy: president trump is speaking at the susan b. anthony campaign for life in washington, d.c. president trump: i watch him all the time, don't know him well, but i will get to know him. john rutherford. central casting. he's always defending me. most of you are always defending me. and from my neck of the woods, claudia kenny. thank you, claudia. thank you. and for those' that i left out, i'm sorry. but i say give me a totally
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complete list and i will call you tomorrow and apologize personally. but he day between now and november we must elect more lawmakers to share our values, children our heritage, and proudly stand for life. and that is a great group of people i introduced. i can tell you that. we are also glad to be joined by a beloved member of my administration, a true fighter for faith and family, and you your -- your 2018 distinguished leader, kellyanne conway. kennedy: the president speaking, introduction luminaries at the gala. we'll dip back on if there is breaking news or he stumbles upon something you need to hear
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about. there have been some major twists in the president's scheduled meeting. the president saying he no longer likes the north korean leader's attitude and casting doubt on whether the meeting will happen. >> if it doesn't happen now, maybe it will happen later. we'll see. but we are talking. the meeting is scheduled on june 12 in singapore. and whether or not it happens, you will be knowing soon, but we are talking right now. kennedy: we are being told kim jong-un may have second thoughts about giving up all his nuclear weapons. the president said the dictator would be making a huge mistake by walking away from this all-important table. vice president pence told martha maccallum if he keeps his nukes it could end badly. >> it would be a mystic for kim
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jong-un to think he can play donald trump. president trump made it clear this administration will not tolerate the regime in north korea possessing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles that threaten our people, threaten the united states of america and our allies in the region. kennedy: he went on to say north korea couldened up week libyaw if he doesn't make a deal. moammar qaddafi was murdered in the streets by rebels. edward lawrence with all the details. >> this is the first time we are hearing the president say the meeting may not go ford june 12. but the -- go forward on june 12. but the state department says they are work on that date and only that date. >> i have a real sense that he
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would find american investment, american technology and know how of real value to his people if we get this right, and we get denuclearization right. america wouldn't be quite capable of delivering them with lots of things that would make life better for the north korean people. >> president trump says he personally guarantees the safety of kim jong-un at the meeting. he recognizes kim jong-un would be the person to lead his people into the future. president trump: i would say we are looking at two koreas, two successful koreas. you can have a very successful north korea and a successful and you already do, south korea. reporter: all of this is predicated and denuclearization. there is a group of journalists from the united states, china, russia and the united kingdom that are expected to witness the
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north koreans taking down, demolishing one of their nuclear sites. weather in the area delayed that trip. it's expected to happen tomorrow their time. kennedy: can kim jong-un be trusted to keep his word? and is china throwing a monkey wrench into it. mike baker, welcome back to the show. >> thank you very much, kennedy. kennedy: the president says kim jong-un's attitude needs an adjustedment since his most of recent chat with president xi jinping. what do you think about china meddling in a situationer in not necessarily a part of. >> the last part of your sentence is important to note. china wants to insure they are relevant in these conversations. they made that fairly clear over
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the past couple months. nobody is surprised by the posturing taking place on both side leading into this. this is an historic potentially defining moment. even if the summit occurs and nothing happens after that and we can't get through the lengthy negotiations to get some type of deal signed. almost being at the table is an historic moment given how many years we spent kicking the can down the road with a feckless foreign policy towards north korea. i think it administration has been pretty clear in stating they understand this could be problematic and saying they are going to walk away from the table. it's interesting to note. aside from the fact you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a north korea expert these days. you have members of the resistance and some members of the media who seem to almost
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hoping for this thing to fall apart. if you find yourself rooting against peace on the peninsula because you don't like president trump, then you might want to rethink your priorities. kennedy: i agree with you about that. i think there is a time and place for resistance. there are instances where you have to hold the president accountable for the things he says and does. but here i think this is an area where we have to be as supportive as possible because a peaceful ending to this situation is critical. it's paramount. what's interesting, it's something that you pointed out. obviously there are issues with the iran deal. you noted that part of the issue is because president trump was so impatient, and he was so dead set on landing that deal that he really exroam mietsed our position there. would you caution this president
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against doing the same thing with north korea? >> right. again they have been clear in saying over the past many weeks they would be willing to get up from the table and walk away. but as you get closer and closer to that meeting on the 12th of june, you feel so invested in this, and you are so keen to get this going. you have to step back, take a breath and understand, as you said, the previous obama administration, they had their knickers in such a twist over the desire to get a deal, any deal, that they were willing to overlook the problems on the deal and willing to accept all the requests and concessions and demand the iranian regime put into that deal. with anything that takes place this world of weapons agreements, whether you are talking about conventional, nuclear or biological and chemical weapons. at the end of the day what
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matters is verify case. if you can't verify, because it was in the deal. we were not allowed to inspect military sites. were they complying as people who were supporting that the deal say? they were complying with what was written in the deal. but we had no verification capability. that's like saying you are a serial killer. you allow the police to come in and search it, but you can't go into the basement and look around. if we get to that point where we are trying to pen a deal. we can't get verification locked down with this, we have to walk away. kennedy: john kerry said they said they got rid of their nuclear weapons. and he says we are fine in iran because he read the deal and
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it's super solid and they have no desire to manufacture any fissile material. >> that was their investment. they were so keen to get that deal. so we have to be careful. the trump administration has to be able to say no, we are not going to sit down if the north koreans are making demand and concessions we can't accept. everybody understands this is an incredibly complex issue between us, north korea, china, japan. but again it's worth pursuing. as you point out. everybody regardless of your political position should be willing to root for police on the peninsula or an effort to get there. kennedy: pretend the u.s. is in the world cup. everyone wants team u.s.a. to win.
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>> the world cup is what? kennedy: come on, man, it's a beautiful game. former president jimmy carter says he thinks the president would deserve the nobel prize if he manages to get the north koreans to give up their nukes. is the president thinking about the north koreans canceling the meeting? kate are you pavlich is here. and. buck sexton. and michael malice, the author of "dear reader."
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i wanted to read you jimmy carter's quote. i want to get your feeling on this. he's talking about if they are under constant belief the united states wants to attack them even using nuclear weapons and we are destroying their economy and they know they are starving to death primarily because the united states withholds food aid. just giving them surplus food we can never use, i understand how they feel. >> jimmy carter went there in 1994 and tried to broker a deal. and five years ago today i feeftd quote and this is what they said jimmy carter said. president kim i wil sun is thoms
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jefferson and george washington put together. it's not true that they would be willing to accept food. if they did accept food, they would claim it's coming from the leader it's true they think we are going to invade at any minute. you see people all over the news saying either south korea is against it. we have the unilateral right to strike. when president bush said the axis of reefl, iran, iraq, and north korea. this is a kill list. if people don't give up their guns and trust the federal government, why would they trust. kennedy: you don't build a multi-billion dollar nuclear program unless you have money.
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the more loyal you are to the government the more likely you are to receive food. kennedy: we heard a lot about the libya model. it's something john bolton said with regards to denuclearizing north korea. there was a sad ending for libya or north korea it wasn't just something john bolton said offhandedly. it's now something vice president pence has legitimized by using the same term. do you think we are on a march to war if the meeting doesn't take place? >> i don't think we are on a march to war. but i'm stunned pence would he can cove what bolton said. there is still a sense of distrust with the north korean regime. trying to step away from their guns being their wmds.
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they are like the cultists in waco, you can't threaten them in this way. their guns are the only thing that make them feel secure. kennedy: i was talking to gordon chang and he said they still have a conventional military which is a practical threat to the region. and it's easier for them to bomb south korea. they don't have to use nukes to inflict a lot of damage. even if you take their nuclear program away, they still have the ability to defend themselves. >> this conversation you just had goes back to why this never worked out and every administration has had a failure when it comes to reining in north korea's program. the last couple months we have seen things come together on the surface. when it comes to what north
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koreans are trying to do which is not giving up their nuclear arms. what the united states requires which is complete denuclearization of the peninsula. and of course there is china which is playing a role. they should be flimentd their capacity. and we don't want fallout when it comes to the regime. kennedy: china wants as much influence as possible on the korean peninsula. would south korea rather work with the united states in resolving this situation? >> i think ultimately yes. the united states is an ally. the united states repeatedly said we are not taking military exercises off the table in exchange for denuclearization. >> katie gets it perfectly.
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kennedy: very good, michael malice. the panel return a little bit later. how could they not. the plot thickens in the white house. republican lawmakers calling for a second special counsel to investigate thed feds in putting an informant into the trump campaign. it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better.
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kennedy: we have a news alert. we learned the business partner of president trump's former attorney michael cone has agreed to cooperate with the government as part of a below deal. he's a russian immigrant known as the taxi king. the president said the real issue with the alleged spying on his campaign during the election. president trump: a lot of people are saying they had spies in my campaign. they had spies in my campaign that would be a disgrace to this country. that would be one of the biggest insults anyone has seed. and it would be illegal.
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it would make every political event ever look like small potatoes. kennedy: michael cohen cooperating with the government would certainly be no picnic for the government. but is he right to say the election spying is the biggest concern here. joining me, chris stirewalt back in action. let's talk about this. spies in my campaign. is that the biggest issue of all if that is true? >> the biggest issue in political history the president says, maybe ever. the fall of rome was a pretty big deal. the president says that there were spies, and this is a good narrative for him. this helps him with his base to talk about him as the victim and the deep state. and he's the victim. and especially during a mid-term where he desperately wants not to lose the house.
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that would create a whole new set of pressures on him. that he wants to keep republicans with him and a good way to do that is to say he's not the offender here. the system, that he's a victim of the system. kennedy: i believe he believes he's not the offender. he believes he has done nothing wrong. and as a negotiator does, if something doesn't succeed the first time you go by the from different angles. but is there something to this story? is it possible there were politically motivated operatives reaching out to people of on the trump campaign getting information to give back to the fbi? >> if they can put cheese in the can and have it intrai out on a cracker, anything is possible. i don't know. i do know there is an inspector general's report about the
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investigation into hillary clinton's mishandling of state secrets. we are waiting for that in the coming days. then hot on the heels of that one is a report on the investigation of the investigation into the russian meddling and trump's campaign. i'm going to wait and find out, just like i'm going to wait and find out what mueller actually has instead of the shadow dancing around this stuff. kennedy: if there was a coordinated effort between james clapper and john brennan and james comey, if that's not a politicized trifecta, i don't know from my politicized trieffect as, and i have a me naj imagine are you of -- i have a menagerie of them in the green room.
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>> we don't have evidence that the president collude with russia. the best i can do since we have hopes much of this will be concluded by the summer. all i can do as a political forecaster is say we'll have enough information to know how this will affect the mid-terms. kennedy: the deployment of these types of informant is not only possible, it's plausible given the capability of these various organizations, whether it's the nsa, characteristics a or dea to spy on americans. they have the tools. it wouldn't surprise me if there are people who would abuse that power for their own benefit. i hope that's not the case. i hope we live in a country where that kind of power is checked. so far congress keeps codifying it. bottom line and every day of the
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week young man. coming up. venezuela. the hell hole where a month's salary can't buy a cup of coffee. they are so hungry they resorted to eating zoo animals. they just re-elected their president with 70% of the vote. more examples of socialism destroying society in the monologue next. it's just a burst pipe, i could fix it. (laugh) no. with claim rateguard your rates won't go up just beacuase of a claim. i totally could've... (wife) nope! switching to allstate is worth it. pah! thano, no, no, nah.k. a bulb of light?!? aha ha ha! a flying machine? impossible! a personal' computer?! ha! smart neighborhoods running on a microgrid. a stadium powered with solar.
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kennedy: nicolas maduro was elected to eats 6-year term in swrens. and the turkish president campaigned for him so they could share in the farcical fun. leaders like erdogan and putin hate freedom because it gives people too much power over their own lives. they steal from poor people who live horrible short lives before they die in squalor. it's no surprise these liberty loathers create an a exirks s of a-holes. they need to sow discord signaling widespread discontent. president trump signed an
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executive order that bans citizens from snapping up venezuelan bargains from the fire sale. they are imprisoning the poorest among them who cannot leave the country in has been a mass exodus of doctors, lawyers, nurses. anyone who can get out has fled, but those trapped there are enduring inflation at 1,400%. mortality rates are going up. all fraudulent elections should be condemned, including those in turkey and russia. and we have to be doubly careful not to indulge social yiftds in this country.
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the dire consequences of dying communism are deadly serious. that's the memo. how long be nicolas maduro possibly hang on to power. the murder rate is one of the highest in the world, and all indicators suggest things will only get worse. what can we do to fix this failed socialistic experiment before it turns into another somalia. the party panel is back. katie, i don't think this is the worst case scenario. i don't think this is a black swan country undergoing some bad luck. i think this is the natural ultimate end of socialism and communism. katie: people argue this isn't real socialism. in 1999 venezuela decide to go
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from a free market economy to a socialist system. maduro is on video waving to crowds that don't exist who applaud him on his reelection by 70%. the united states condemned the election results. the question is where do we go from here? there are american interests there and foreign policy implications of the regime collapsing. the venezuelans are fleeing in large numbers. the most of important people in the country, doctors, nurses are leaving. regular people are getting out because they are so desperate. it's a result of these principles, not a mistake. >> what i would like to see happen because there is only so much we can do. every politician who is a
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segregationist racist so why are michael moore and all of those who said venezuela is a great public experiment, you have people suffering. they shoot at the crowds when people try to protest. to have people in politics not be taken responsibility for this shouldn't be given a microphone. kennedy: the poor can't afford to feed their kids. they never had to treat malnutrition five years ago. so what do we do? do we do anything as the united states? >> there is limited tools in our tool kit to deal with this situation. we are not going to invade venezuela. sanctions are something we have
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to be delicate with as well. we want to target the elite who are starving their people without hurting the people who live in that country and are not able to leave. the oil industry runs the only leftover economy that's there, but it only benefits the wealthy. kennedy: they have so much oil and they were profitable when oil prices were high. but when they tanked -- >> this is -- kennedy: in atlas shrugged, the people holding up the economy, they leave. >> the poor and the weak are the first to suffer. kennedy: and suffer the longest. at home we are really suffering because house speaker paul ryan
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is facing renewed pressure to step down from his perch before his term ends. mick mulvaney reportedly said he has spoken with house majority leader kevin mccarthy about ousting him. that mulvaney says he's supportive of the speaker. and mccarthy said he never talked to mulvaney about it. should house republicans plan a mutiny? >> we always hear about plans for a mutiny whenever there is a speaker's race. paul ryan will likely finish out his term as speaker of the house. kennedy: he won't get pushed out of the way? >> i don't know.
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if you want a friend, get a dog. i doubt mccarthy will push paul ryan out. >> money talks. paul ryan brought in $11.9 million. put up or shut up. everybody else who wants that job. they won't move him out as long as they need to raise money for these mid-term elections which are going to be contentious. we need paul ryan to finish and have a le tonight mat open-run election. kennedy: is there a benefit to chaos? >> the last republican speaker. dennis hastert we can't discuss on air. so this is quite a cast of
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characters. kennedy: i love paul rino. i think he has turned his back on his principles. >> in 2020 romney needed to. kennedy: you are good friends and you are delightful people. thank you all. coming up. cops say amazon's facial recognition technology is helping them identify suspects in crime. but the privacy police are sounding alarm bells. find the remote yet? nah. honey look, your old portable cd player. my high school rethainer. oh don't... it's early 90s sitcom star dave coulier...
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kennedy: the future is now. and i don't know if i like the. amazon has fancy new facial recognize technology and they are selling it to police departments for $6 a month. what could possibly go wrong? well, a lot. that's why the aclu is asking the tech giant to stop marketing it to law enforcement. amazon respond with a statement that read in quote, amazon
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requires that customers comply with the law when they use our services. when we find aws services are being abused by a customer, we suspend that customer's right to use our services. should we be concerned about our civil liberties and privacy when a tech giant like amazon combines with government? emily, welcome back to the show. let's discuss this. what is the down side to selling facial recognition technology on the cheap to law enforcement. >> aclu and others are arguing there is a high capacity for abuse. this isn't akin to an extension of photography. this is akin to walking through mass protests and asking for identification for anyone there.
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it could be used to follow immigrants by i.c.e. or identify any person on a street corner. they argue though it's not different from other facial recognition. but what is problematic is amazon's aggressive marketing to law enforcement and the reach is so prolific. >> whether it's amazon, facebook, google, the big tech companies getting in bed with the government, whether it's military or law enforcement, the consequences can be dire. we want our law enforcement agencies to have tools and technology to keep us safe. the problem is when these things malfunction. my iphone 10 recognizes my face about half the time. it's not because i'm a supermodel. a lot of people say that.
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it's because this technology isn't perfect. i don't trust that the facial recognition software wouldn't recognize the wrong person. >> which is part of the and. on the other side. law enforcement agencies are arguing we are not there yet. it's important to us the community understands way it's being used for just as crucially as what it's not. this has been used for surveillance footage from burglaries. they argue this has been used to find abducted or missing children in amusement parks. this weekend it was used at the royal wedding for what royals had attended. sky news used it. it's important they -- kennedy: i want to know the difference between david beckham and serena williams. because there were people on other networks who didn't know
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the difference. i don't want to be arrested for a crime that kate upton created because we look so similar. >> i do want to point out there is a bit of hyperbole i see in terms of the narrative the free speech firms and companies are pushing for. they cite that this can be used at airports which is a public place. we are in this climate of pro teflght and robust participation. airports are not public places for purposes of free speech. it's been long held the first, second and fourth amendment are restricted there. in terms of the conversation surrounding this, it's important that the narrative isn't subjects to that hyperbolic quality. it just increases the chasm between law enforcement and what they are trying to do and the lawful protected right to
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privacy we have. kennedy: i think there is so much more to discuss and address here. i appreciate your perspective. thank you so much, emily. "topical storm" is next. it's a good one. stay here. ♪ this is not just a yard. it's where memories are made. and you have the best seat in the house. the john deere x350 select series with the exclusive mulchcontrol™ system. nothing runs like a deere™ feeclaritin and relief fromwsy symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones.
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kennedy: the nypd is looking for a group of gunmen who robbed a walgreen's pharmacy while wearing clown masks. they were last seen fleeing one tiny car. be on the lookout. because this is the "topical storm." we begin tonight in houston, texas, where everybody knows if you are going to drive on the highway you will need plenty of horse power. the belmont stakes are for another few weeks but this fella is getting in a good workout. they are like, it's probably going out for more beer. fortunately some good samaritans were able to steer it off the road and they have been able to
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return the horse to its owner. topic number two. a florida city issued a zombie alert to its citizens. we would like to think it was an accident. but you never know in florida. a store caused a blackout that led the residents to get an alert that read, power outage and zombie alert for the rest accidents of lake worth and terminus. its inclusion in the message led cops to believe it was a prank. well done. it's unlikely someone confused the state of florida and walking dead because the two couldn't be more different.
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one is an apocalyptic wasteland of human oddities and the other is a tv show. topic number three. if you are a cop in the city of cleveland long enough you will see everything. these cops, they don't need a championship to party. the officers responded to this block party to cut the noise, and they ended up cutting a rug because not even a horse can resist it. it's so addictive. we have a staffer named courtney who does it all the time in the office. the video of the dancing cops has taken off across the country. and so is another police horse. there i go again on my own. turns out he'll be shuffling
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papers behind his desk because he has been suspended for not tying up his horse. there he is. women's soccer legend brandy chastain was inducted into the hall of fame. the women's soccer legend became famous for taking off her jersey after winning the world cup. the internet says she looks like gary busey. the hall of fame apologized and offered to make a new black.
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surprisingly brandi accepted their offer. we reached out to the plaque maker for comment but he was at the vet with his seeing eye dog. topic number five. perhaps no athlete is more disappointed than tanya harding who did not win the top prize in last night's "dancing with the stars" finale. some day historians will remember this as the end of the knee too movement. competing against tanya haring can cost you an arm and a leg. if you don't believe me, ask nancy kerrigan. the first all athlete season. it's also the first seen of all famous people. usually that show is a who's who of people who may you say who? her tv comeback may be over. but don't feel bad for tanya
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because she just joined a new dance troupe who are very familiar with her work. if on she had this much rhythm in last night's finale. we'll be right back. ts a bowl os at every meal ♪ ♪ he holds your house in the palm of his hand ♪ ♪ he's your home and auto man ♪ big jim, he's got you covered ♪ ♪ great big jim, there ain't no other ♪ -so, this is covered, right? -yes, ma'am. take care of it for you right now. giddyup! hi! this is jamie. we need some help. where we're changing withs? contemporary make-overs. then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. who has the upper hand now? start winning today. book now at
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will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. if your loved one is experiencing these symptoms, talk to your parkinson's specialist. there are treatment options that can help. my visitors should be the ones i want to see. my visitors should be the ones money managers are pretty much the same. all but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. kennedy: thank you so much for watching this show tonight. i am your tender flower. it's the best hour of your day.
9:00 pm
email tomorrow on the show, congressman ron desantis, and shannon bream. i will see you tomorrow night. model railway... >> do you have any idea what steve spent to put this together? >> i've always heard $1 million. >> ...built by a man on a mission. >> he's telling his life story in trains. >> he is. he is. yes. >> whenever he would add something to it, he said, "you want to see your inheritance again?" >> an inheritance freighted with memories. >> so tell me the truth. did y'all make out at that movie theater? >> no, not that one. [ both laugh ] >> will their plan fall apart? >> your first cut could be the end of this railroad. >> well... [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ]
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