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tv   FBN AM  FOX Business  June 4, 2018 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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don't change direction, you main end up whether you are heading. that's it for us tonight. thanks for being with us. and see you tomorrow night. good night from nerk. >> the dens court on shade whether it's with china, nafta, europeans,, europeans come it just isn't working for the american people. >> one of the truths about terraces they drive up costs for consumers. these tariffs will hurt american workers and canadian workers. trade to trade talks ended in china without a deal as the trump administration defends disputes with its global allies. gerri: fridaafter the release of a jobs report. we'll so the economy and the markets. cheryl: looking at u.s. stock market futures right now pretty
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strong pickup to begin your week. the dow opponent in the premarket, nasdaq up three quarters. nasdaq up 32.5. >> despite the threat of a global trade work, take a look. the ftse up a 56. the dax up by 42. cheryl: stocks are moving higher with japan's nikkei up 1.37% and the hong kong hang seng index of more than 1.5%. >> facebook is a policy under again amid new reports that a case apple and samsung user data. "fbn:am" starts right now. cheryl: 5:01 a.m. here in new york. it is monday june 4th. good morning, everybody. i'm cheryl casone. >> good morning.
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tracee carrasco and for lauren simonetti. drink a good to have you for the week tught facebook wasn't getting into more of your privacy, there it is. trained to first let talk about what's going on with china. any agreements reached on trading business with the united states will be void if president trump goes ahead with tariffs and other trade measures. this is after commerce secretary wilbur ross had trade talks with chinese officials in beijing over the weekend. tracee: white house trade advisor peter navarro at the trump administration's view on this issue. >> they take our technology, brea. everybody knows they steal it but they force the transfer of it, and they come over here, the chinese state-owned enterprises coming with tanks full of money. that is a relationship with china that structurally needs to change. we would love to have a peaceful and friendly relationship with
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china, but we also are standing firm on the idea. >> secretary rice's visit to beijing came shortly after the white house decided to impose tariffs on $50 billion in chinese goods. cheryl: canadian prime minister justin trudeau strongly criticizing the trump administration state tariffs on its countries steel and aluminum. >> the idea that the canadian steel that is a military vehicles in the united state, canadian aluminum, is somehow and now a threat. the idea that we are somehow a national security threat to the united states is quite frankly unacceptable. >> responding to the canadian leaders,, larry kudlow on fox new sunday pending some assurance. >> is said very clearly that we still welcome good-faith negotiations.
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that's why this is a trade dispute if you will. solved if people work tracee: trail will host g2 leaders including president trump in québec later this week. train to welcome in his concerns about facebook privacy protections. "the new york times" is reporting that facebook form data sharing partnerships with 60 smartphone and other mobile device makers over the last decade. the companies include apple, samsung, but very common amazon, microsoft could face the again winding down partnerships after its massive deerskin below for cambridge analytic and basically they are giving access to contacts in your fellow man it was all partnerships. tracee: house intelligence committee chairman devin nunes
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issuing a strong warning against google after google search showed the word nastiest in an information box about the california republican party is ideology. >> the best thing is for their to be a new search engine that actually doesn't censor coervatives. i think there is a free-market solution here somebody can compete with google. ultimately we are looking at monopolies. i would hope they just don't get involved in politics and don't censor conservatives and republicans. if they continue to do it we have to move to hearings on the issues. >> google blames wikipedia for the wrong search results. >> i guess we can say the crisis averted for mgm messieurs. they have reached a tentative labor agreement that happened over the weekend. mgm joined caesars entertainment in approving a new five-year contract with union workers avoiding what could have been a major disruption in business as
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game five of the stanley cup finals is returning to las vegas this week. details and agreements are not close, the casino workers celebrating the news. they've been demanding wages and benefits for several weeks. tracee: druer buyer takes over the controversial pesticides manufactured this week. monsanto products will keep their brand name and become part of the brighter portfolio. it has received a mandatory approvals and expects to move forward with $63 billion due thursday. tracee: albright, a somber forecast for global airlines profit as fuel costs are continuing to rise according to the international air transport association. industry was on track to post a gain of profits this year largely driven by a surge of passengers and of course a strong economy. american airlines wanted that a
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continued rise in oil prices could result in higher ticket costs. the oil-rich 70 bucks a gallon for the first time in years t now. back enough nowhere near the $80 a barrel mark, still a strong number for oil. trinket you unmask did face first been postponed announcing flying tourists around the moon will not happen until 2019 due to technical and production challenges. must cope to launch the first test flight by the end of this year by production problems didn't have the falcon nine rocket earlier this morning. the rocket carried a communications satellite that will bring data and broadband services to asia in the middle east. this is the falcon 9/11 launched this year. >> another disappointing weekend for the "star wars" movie.
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>> let me give you some advice. everyone will portrayed you and you'll never be disappointed. >> i've got a really good feeling about this. cheryl: despite holding the number one spot from his solo endured a 55% drop in its second weekend. that of course -- in hollywood hopes to avoid bounced back from its lukewarm prior. it will end up making less than a $250 million that it cost to make. coming in second place, dead pool two with another $23 million. and a new movie a draft with the levin played 5 million mad at the top five, avengers and book club. tracee: apple working to fix the problem they helped create. cellphone addiction paid the company to announce a new digital health feature at its annual developer conference today that will let users track
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and set limits for the time spent on service apps. apple has been criticized in the past for the addictive nature of its devices. the company plans to introduce an ios update double six several bugs and address ways to combat slumping software sales. cheryl: well, and anonymous than forking over a lot of cash to have lunch with warren buffett. the winning bid at the charity auction hitting $3.3 million. to of course sit down and have a meal at the oracle of omaha. surprisingly, this isn't the record if one person paid 3.5 million a year ago could the auction benefiting organization that reveals an health care services to homeless and low-income people in san francisco. very famous. tracee: very cool. a volcano erupts in guatemala with at least 25 people dead. we'll have the latest on that. très toxin in china with no
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deal. how will that affect the u.s. mark in the economy? u.s. stock index futures right now. dow futures up at 111 points. s&p 500 up a nine. nasdaq up by 31. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪
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cheryl: welcome back. let's get you caught up in its happening now. u.s. stock market futures with a strong start to your monday. vidal in thererk at 115. s&p up and went back on the nasdaq up one points i. china over the weekend as we discuss trade issues with that economy. other headlines this morning, watching at least 25 people dead, 20 wounded following a volcano eruption in guatemala have been a sunday. guatemala's fuego volcano erupting for the second time was nearly six miles into the air. according to the venezuelan government of the 3000 people evacuated from their homes so far. meanwhile, the kilauea volcano in hawaii continues to rage on. three people had to be airlifted after laws affect the area they
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were in. the two men in one room in the latest group to be from hawaii's big island. the volcano erupting for the past month now. a police officer at the san diego marathon accidentally shot himself in the leg. the officer was chasing a hit-and-run aspect. police were fired at the suspect, 58-year-old woman come after she pointed her weapon back at the officers. she was not yet, but was taken into custody. and yes, he shot himself. he's okay. that's the good news. tracee: that is the good news. u.s. employers with 233,000 jobs last month. concerns continue to rise over mobile trade tensions. will this slow the economy and hurt docs? armando said was managing partner of dell fannie and then the president of vantage points off for joining us now. good morning, gentlemen. >> good morning. good morning, tracey.
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how do you think this could affect the market? >> we have seen the fears affect the market essentially since january and wll see continued volatility in the market not only because of the trade wars, but also because are latin the cycle and everything else that's going on in the economy. although the economy is very strong, the trade were concerned are really what will continue to have volatility to the market. cheryl: armando product january. your artificial intelligence software was able to project the market drop. what is it to you this time? >> were able to predict the market drop at the end of january because he takes unique approach to tactical analysis but we're not looking at a single stock towards isolation or rather the broader global perspective looking at commodity prices, interest rates, currency
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prices, international indices initiatives between this market and doing patter recognition using a.i. technology to make those forecasts. as of right now, this was just updated last night. oliver forecast in the dow, nasdaq and s&p after having analyzed of the global market data is forecasting the overall trend is expected to go. we are showing some signs of some short-term weakness and volatility that we can expect to see. the overall trend of spec to distill the web. cheryl: that is good here. armando come with practice speeds up to e.u. the e.u., canada, mexico. what is the impact that those on the market? >> we see the impact of those in the market. a lot of people -- a lot of investors are not sure what is going to happen with nafta. we have yet to see what will come out of the trade talks. canada is not very happy with what is going on. these are allies, so we will
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continue to see volatility in the market. right now, the united states holds the better cards and has always held the better cards and any type of negotiation because we are the most powerful economy in this world. we do have a trade deficit. the current administration wants to see fair trade. we have not seen fair trade for about 20 years. until we start seeing the balancing act come together into the fallout, we will continue to see volatility and will continue to have our partners to try to convince us for a better trade deal for themselves. but i know that the current administration wants a better trade deal for our country and for people. >> i want to get your take on that. the president has been tough on talks about trade. do you think this is a negotiation tactic? market investors, what are they thinking? are they waiting for concrete
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information before they rct? >> yeah, a lot of what we see now is negotiation strategies to posture for renegotiating trade deals. but you know, this week will be veryling. it's kind of a wait and see. a lot of people have a lot of trepidation right now with uncertainty and the market certainly don't like uncertainty. i think we'll have a lot more clarity by the end of this week. i do have a lot of confidence based on the job numbers that came out on friday that the job is very strong and with analyzing all the global market data that are vantage point indicators have been analyzing, everything is still very bullish. from a technical good, everything looks very strong. cheryl: armando lane, thank you for joining us. cheryl: future's looking good at a nice kick off to her monday. coming up, a surprise guest appearance at the graduation
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ceremonies at marjory stoneman douglas school. >> congratulations to the marjory stoneman 2018 class. [cheers and applause chwe'll ha more on that celebrity appearance. heavy rain hammering the mid-atlantic in the northeast. janice dean in the forecast coming out. strong pickup. that is despite the fact we didn't get anywhere with china over the weekend. both times they dig in their heels. i was up by 122 in the premarket. nasdaq up 32. you are watching "fbn:am." these ♪ still nervous about buying a house? a little. thought i could de-stress with some zen gardening.
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>> stoneman douglas high school grs were treated to a special ceremony on sunday. the rprise commencement speaker, late-night host jimmy fallon. >> there'll be adults who facebook search each other at 2:00 in the morning. cheryl: sharing jokes and messages after the shooting of parkland that left 17 people dead sparking a national discussion on gun control and school safety. he joked that the student should feel proud of themselves but they shouldn't rest on their laurels are there johnny, which goes back to the debatable topic from two weeks ago. tracee: lets not start that again. i think you and i agreed on that one. tracee: the northeast this morning. janice dean is here with her monday forecast.
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we'll start off with some rain and cooler weather. as we head into the next few days. guesses 53 in new york. much cooler than average over a good portion of the country. the good news is that area of low pressure that brought across the northeast moving off shore. across the mid-atlantic and now moving eastward with a little bit of rain in the new york city area by the afternoon. otherwise better days ahead. we will see a severe weather outbreak. escalating health, damaging winds. he does i series is where heat is across.
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they are going to be dealing with excessive hea warnin in effect for the average high of 99 up to 107, 109. that is is significant. there is your forecast highs again. much of the heat across the south remains across the south with the next couple days although a bold move northward on tuesday. 80 degrees by the end of this week. to be cynical here in the northeast. >> we can't wait for that, janice. cheryl: we've got a lot are coming out. how the trade dispute with china affects the summit meeting with the north koreans. l talk about that with our political panel. good news for cancer patients as doctors take a less is more approach to their treatments. the rest are studies we'll tell you about it. u.s. stock market futures on your monday and should have higher. the dow up 132. s&p up 11, nasdaq up 34 points
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and i heard that my cousin's so, wife's sister's husband was a lawyer, so i called him. but he never called me back! if your cousin's wife's sister's husband isn't a lawyer, call legalzoom and we'll connect you with an attorney. legalzoom. where life meets legal. >> the status quo on trade whether it's with china, nafta, europeans it just isn't working for the american people. >> one of the truths of the tariffs as they drive up cost for consumers. these would be hurting american workers and canadian workers. >> trade talks and in china without a deal. account administration defenders trade disputes as several of its global allies. cheryl: after the release of the jobs report, with the trade fair slow the economy and the market?
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cheryl: soap bar busters are worried about what happens or what didn't happen in china over the weekend. details 148, russia moving higher interest last five, six minutes here. nasdaq up 35 points five. >> in europe despite the threat of a global trade work on the stocks open higher over there. take a look at that. a 52. cac and 24, dax up 45. >> now taking a look at asia. green across the screen. the kf more than a quarter of a percent. more than 1.5%. >> told the u.s. trade dispute with china affect president trump summit meeting with north korea? we'll take a look at that. "fbn:am" continues right now. 5:30 on the nose.
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it's wednesday, june 4th. i'm cheryl casone. >> and tracee carrasco went for lauren simonetti. cheryl: a lot of news to cover. >> secretary of defense james mattis back in the u.s. after talking north korea's denuclearization with world leaders. not a snake in his own trip to singapore ahead of the june 12th on a cereal to get in on the action. cheryl: garrett tenney is life to see the strangest bedfellows. >> absolutely. it was separate from the upcoming summit. north korea was what everyone was talking about. despite the progress that's been made with north korea, one in its counterparts from across the globe that negotiations will continue to be a bumpy road. officials from south korea and japan now say that the u.s. and its allies need to keep the pressure on and maintained a strong defensive stance
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throughout negotiations of diplomats can negotiate from a position of strength. >> we will continue to implement the security council resolutions with north korea. north korea will receive relief only when it demonstrates verifiable and irreversible steps of denuclearization. >> week before the senate, the white house tamped down to expectations as well and suggested readings would be much longer discussion with north korea. >> everything is on the table during negotiations, but she can expect he will change roman a day and that's a very realistic attitude. we can't do it. the president says hang on a second. we may be able to do it. >> is in trump isn't the only world leader. syrian president bashar al-assad is with the pyongyang's
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state-run media. no date has been set for the meeting but it is notable of those two countries have been accused of cooperating. >> that's a very good point. thank you for your life report. decr strategt michae starr hawkins and former colorado republican state senator and chairman of the committee to defend the president, and harvey. >> going to start with what's with china. market does seem concerned about it right now. the dow up triple digits. at the same time, nothing was accomplished over the weekend between ourselves and with china. are you worried this is a rough row to hoe? >> it's a pretty complicated situation and it's going to be a rough road going forward. the president will be negotiated for america first in china will do the same.
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this is not something that will happen overnight and discussions will continue. the market is saying they are giving the president the benefit of the doubt and they are looking forward to seeing what will happen with trade negotiations. >> michael, 50 billion on tariffs and good. going into discussions is that the white house put out a statement and put the chinese on their heels. giving great concerns when it comes to the north korean summit. on friday we found out it was a go. singapore is a go. do you think the chinese could actually hamper those negotiations with kim jong un? >> absolely. china wants to be a player in these discussions. they want stability in the region, but they don't want to be left out. as one of the signatories of the armistice, china has an interest in wanting to know what happened and whether there is unification of north korea. >> when he heard the rhetoric that comes out of chinese state media, the difference story did
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what you see in american media. concrete progress was made on agriculture and energy. we don't have any positive news. it doesn't seem like they came to an agreement on much of anything. agriculture is where the chinese may dig in their heels and kind of hurt the united states, especially u.s. farmers. >> i think china is always going to make the best impression for their people to say they are negotiating with their number one trading partner, the united states. i think the american people understand that this is going to be a complicated issue moving forward and they will be a give-and-take from both sides. >> i give-and-take of late to a trade were because there's not a lot of give and take right now. two steps forward, one step back when it comes to the trade were between united dates in china. the concern again is north korea. >> absolutely. americans should worry the most affected a the most affected and trade were back and forth with
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china that we are both going to feel the pain and not. the trade war we are talking about with canada, britain, talking about aluminum. those will hurt american workers as well. cheryl: we just heard from justin trudeau saying american workers will be hurt by this. then after negotiations with chart going well, let's be clear here. the deadline already thought. really quick, i want to ask you about the issue of the news that syrian president bashar al-assad is planning to go to north korea. i bashar al-assad to someone reading at a face-to-face whatever it's going to be. these two gentlemen are still considered dictators. should we be concerned about that? >> these are two of the most brutal but traders in the world. bashar al-assad and kim jong un
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have also previously, the north korean government allowed the syrian government to build a nuclear heard using north korean technology which is what israel bombed. did they not only chemical weapons but nuclear weapons. this is a really big problem for not only our government, but governments all over the world. cheryl: have a feeling the administration in the white house in particular is concerned about this. hopefully it is after the summit with president trump. thank you very much. appreciate you getting up with us on this monday. >> thanks. have a great monday. tracee: can a president pardon himself? good question. the latest on the russia investigation. good news for cancer patients. a doctor suggests a less is more response to treatment. u.s. features decline. dow futures up by 145.
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s&p up by 11. nasdaq up by 34 despite other trade talks in china. you are watching "fbn:am liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. hold on dad... liberty did what? yeah, liberty mutual 24-hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. don't worry - i know what a lug wrench is, dad. is this a lug wrench? maybe? you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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>> welcome back. let's get you caught up on what's happening now. u.s. features right now take a look at the board. dow futures up at 147, s&p 500 up by 11, ndaq up by 34. looking good thisonday morning. first lady melania trump will not join president trump at the g-7 summit in québec later this week. there are also no plans for her to travel to singapore for the proposed summit between the president and north korean leader kim jong un later this month. she has not been seen in public after receiving treatment for a kidney condition last month. ticket by a still offline after a massive data breach that saw hackers to the data of more than 26 million customers. their breach apparently occurred last wednesday. they have not paid the hackers ransom and confirmed some customer data was exposed, the credit card numbers and passwords were not.
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a new study suggests less maybe more when it comes to chemotherapy treatment. a federally funded study suggested many women with early-stage breast cancer could safely skip commonly used chemotherapy after surgery. new findings could scare patients from difficult side effects. that is what is happening now >> really great news for women suffering from breast can well, more news crossing president trump's legal team now vowing to fight back a special counsel robert mueller subpoenas the president as part of the russia probe. rudy giuliani going as far as to say the president can pardon himself if he needed to. >> he probably does. he has no intention of pardoning himself. nothing to say you can't. another thing. can the president pardon
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himself. it would be an opening question. i think it would get answered by the constitution says. if you want to change it, change it. cheryl: just how broad the power does the president have? or to weigh in as attorney and prosecutor david bruno. good morning. >> is the question is the president above the law? >> here's how this develops. a recent letter that was leaked by someone written in january. cheryl: in "the new york times." >> 20 page letter. one time the word pardon is used. brilliant advocacy and the attorneys viewing positions on. different point of topics of interrogation, can't do to shimon powers. is it a constitutional right that he has? yes. is he going to use that? no. a lot of constitutional issues coming up in this is like a
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civics lesson in jurisprudence. >> want to update our viewers. "the new york times" publishes this confintial menu written in january from trump's attorney at the time all are talking about the idea of the president, whether he would or would not testify at before the inquiry. a couple quotes i want to bring up. first off, and this is from the track team. every action the president has taken with full constitutional authorities pursuant to article ii of the united states constitution. as such, these actions do not constitute questions whether viewed separately or as a totality. this sounds to me like they are saying it's in the constitution and maybe you agree here that the president is protected. >> yes, this is the context of the firing of james comey and also the comment that he hopes he can let it go. i was made february 14th. so yes, i do agree that he has
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the second article to constitutional powers to make these decisions. however, there is an argument to be made that if it is for a corrupt reason, it could be an obstruction of justice. another reissue the two sides are going to disagree on. >> there is another quote i want to ask you about because without talks about the power of the president. the chief executive ought not be hampered for request i interview. it demeans the office of the president before the world that it remains sacred of shifting political winds and gamesmanship is of critical importance. what about the president on twitter? they've already used, remember the travel ban. they use the president's tweets as evidence. couldn't they use president trumps twitter account statements against him? >> again, that is the attorneys making their argument.
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the united states versus nixon has shown that a president can be subpoenaed. that wasn't an interview. dallas for documents but the supreme court said yes, the president is not above the law. so the advocacys fair, arguments either. that's what the letters are for. in the end the subpoena will reach. >> not saying it's going to come up with the code. still a real possibility. >> the attorney taken a different position with arguments to be made for both sides and we don't have a decision when it comes to an interview. cheryl: glad we have people like you who are lawyers to help us through all of this. thank you for the context. appreciate it. tracee: coming up in sports, south korea and the golden state warriors dominate lebron james and the cleveland cavaliers. jared max has the highlights and discovery networks making a big on international networks. index futures now take a look at
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this. dow futures up by 140. s&p 500 up by 10. nasdaq up by 32. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪ and that's why small business owners need more. like internet that's up to the challenge. the gig-speed network from comcast business gives you more. with speeds up to 20 times faster than the average. that means powering more devices, more video conferencing, and more downloads in seconds, not minutes. get fast internet and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more per month. comcast is building america's largest gig-speed network to give small businesses more. call 1-800-501-6000 today. we always came through for our customers. from day one, it's how we earned your trust. until... we lost it.
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cheryl: well, discovery signed, discovery cited 12 you do with the pga tour to broadcast off overseas. expect to spend about $2 billion over the course of the partnership set to start in 20 night team marks a continuation of discoverer branching out to overseas markets for sports as they struggle to compete in sports broadcast a more happening here in the united
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states. true three game one went to overtime. came to not nearly as close. >> the warriorcame out to play. >> the cassette in the movie, happy monday. golden state for the get-go. the first set of shots shots on the cavaliers for it to nothing seriously. south korea, does your again to host a little free party. the nba finals record hits 93 pointers. good for 27 of the 33 points. seth made crumpets at the cavs. lebron james finished with 29 points. kevin durand scored 26. the warriors win 122, 103. two games to none could do serious as to cleveland game three wednesday. fans will have to be a lot more sympathetic to the cavaliers jr smith.
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after smith failed to score the regulation of chamberlain he admitted saturday he didn't know what was going on. give them a standing ovation last night when it was introduced. >> the mvp chant from the warriors fans. >> they scored five points last. minnesota twins eddie was sorry or hit three home runs yesterday. the game-winning three run shot in the ninth beats the first place indians. the best part is rosario's family was there to watch on his three party home run. the walkoff shot to beat the cleveland indians. the charlie koehler sang with the second clutch for the braves.
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national florida to lose to the brazenness devotee and a half lead over washington. jack nicklas tournament. the winner in your third playoff with this. tiger woods touched the top and struggled witetnd tied for 23rd. winning the second race at 2018. for having captured the pocono 400. in the car the detroit grand prix delayed yesterday. the pace car crashed $100,000 corvette but the executive vice president for the indycar officials. >> has been on fox business by the way. something to really talk about. >> you will get to fox business. what are you doing? what happened here? will have to reach out.
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cheryl: job really. chargeback to the company. catch for its reports on fox news headlines 21st seven sirius xm channel 115. >> coming up, trade talks end in china with the trade just you and the global economy. we will go live to london. the u.s. posted a strong jobs report on friday, but will a global trade war -- will be right back. ♪ brighthouse financial allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities... with a level of protection in down markets. so you can be less concerned about your retirement savings. talk with your advisor about shield annuities from brighthouse financial- established by metlife. where we're changing withs? contemporary make-overs. then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander
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>> the u.s. posts in a strong jobs report on friday, but will the global trade work so the economy. joining nasa's craig berlin, senior market analyst. will the trade global hurt the economy right now? >> i think it certainly could if it does escalate any further. we are now getting from china suggesting that the anger is brewing. we've seen elsewhere the comments friend justin trudeau towards the end of last week. immanuel kant and others in europe certainly suggest that they have potential to escalate further. if it does depending where you look, you'll get an idea of what type of impact it could have on
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global gdp and also depends how much it escalates as well. not ideal but at the moment the u.s. economy is still very healthy. >> escalation is a free word is speaking of this, meeting in québec of course the g7. do you think that trade is going to be the top topic of discussions? >> absolutely. it's number one in most people's agenda. there it is her actions with greg said invite now north korea as well. but i think trade has become a major issue for the economy because the last thing members want to see is protectionism. any effort that can be made to move away from that will be welcomed. tracee: all right, thank you, craig. thanks to all of you for watching "fbn:am" this morning. we now send it over to somebody who's always great to see in person every day. dagen mcdowell. >> cheryl casone giving me running advice every morning.
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good morning. great to see you. we will see sheryl and tracee later thi morning i am dagen mcdowell in for maria bartiromo. top stories at 6:00 a.m. eastern. a triple digit came on the dow futures this morning. we are looking at a rally to start this week. this after friday following the better than expected jobs report. 208 teams point on friday and global markets following those games this monday. in europe we have the biggest winner being the first 100 in england up seven tenths of 1%. asia overnight takes a look at the picture across the four major markets fair. it was buying galore. the hang seng in hong kong buying 126%. facebook under fire. in a report from "the new york times" says that the social media giant cave user data to
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device makers, including apple and samsung. this raise a new privacy surrounding the company. icahn says the industry faces scrutiny over censorship. house intelligence committee chairman has a big warning for big tech on "sunday morning futures" with maria yesterday. >> i would hope that they just don' get involved in politics and docents are conservatives and republicans. if they continue to do it, we have to move to hearings on these issues. dagen: we take a closer look straight ahead. commerce secretary wilbur ross returning from china with no deals. it comes as our allies ramp up their threats and criticism, threats of retaliation overs deal in aluminum tariffs. the rising cost of oil set to hit flyers. american airlines warning that it is going to raise airfares. we take a look at whether


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