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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 12, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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no missiles shot, no research happening, sites closing. " >> and also got along great with kim jong-un wants to see wonderful things for his country anyone can make war only korea can just make peace. melissa: well that was a very busy day that does it for us here is the evening edit. liz: breaking news we'll get right to that $85 billion merger between at&t and time-warner, a federal judge ruling that yes, he will give it the green light. at&t can acquire time-warner those stocks have been rising in trading. it's a decision that will have a lasting effect on the media. let's get right to ed lawrence with the latest at the u.s. district court with the breaking details, edward? >> yeah, this is a huge ruling for at&t. the judge in this case broke down the government's case almost line by line, saying that they did not meet the burden of proof with a number of theories they were trying to put forward
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one being that limit competitive ness in the marketplace and the department of justice just released a statement i just got it, i'll read it to you. it says we're disappointed with the courts decision today we continue to believe that the pay tv market will be less competitive and less innovative as a result of the pro moused merger between at&t and time-warner and it's interesting the judge went further saying he did not believe the government's witnesses of the economists they put forward saying there were holes they relied on speculative information. in fact saying at one point that the government witnesses contradicted the evidence of the government was putting into place. this going forward the judge took an extraordinary step sort of at the end of this briefing to read why the government should not go forward in seeking appeal in this case and basically said both sides have their day in court. government made their case, at&t defended the case well and then admonished the government saying that going forward with a stay
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of this decision in order to meet forward for an appeal would be unjust, against at&t and he said that it would be unfair and burden some. the judge pointed to the fact that its cost tens of millions of dollars for both at&t and government to defend and prosecute this case and said there's just simply no need to go forward. he believes in his ruling that government would not succeed on appeal which is the reason the judge went forward with 170-page detailed ruling to try and sort of anticipate the appeal that's possibly coming back to you, liz liz: okay, well, this -- >> the testament to the wisdom of this combination of these two great companies and how it will benefit consumers for generations to come. we're disappointed that it took 18 months to get here, but we are relieved that it's finally
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behind us and we look forward to closing this transaction in the upcoming days. i've been asked by many people what is the significance of this transaction on many other deals that are pending in the marketplace. you know, my answer to that is that each and every one of these transactions stands on its own, as this one did. the court's summary made clear that its decision was grounded firmly in the facts and evidence that were presented at trial. the government asserted various theories. we heard the court summarize those theories but the reality is after a massive investigation that spanned over a year after an intensive pre-trial discovery process and after a grueling six week trial, the government could present no credible proof in
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support of any of its theories. this decision was a sound and proper rejection of all of the government's arguments to stop this merger. >> what did you think of the judges admonition to the government not to see a stay? >> i think the court recognized that the defendants have been subjected to this delay that has i think we're up to 600 days since the merger was announced back in october of 2016 and that it's unfair to the defendants, to the hundreds of thousands of employees of their companies whose lives have been hanging in the balance and to all the shareholders and all the other constituencies of these two great companies. it's time to complete this transaction and move on. excuse me one at a time, please. >> negative evaluation on
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time-warner after 18 months, a different annie man all it was 18 months ago, will it be divest ed with cnn? >> there will be no divestment of any of the assets. the government sought to block the merger in its entirety and that request was denied in its entirety. >> were you surprised thad the entirety of the win? he came down for you guys on every point. >> for all of the lawyers and the people who worked on this trial came and again, i'm up here talking to you but i'm just one of many people who contributed to this effort, it was clear to all of us what the evidence was, each and every day of the trial, and the government simply had no credible proof to support any of these contentions and from the beginning of this process to the end of this process, as we indicated in our closing arguments, the case shrunk and shrunk and shrunk until there was nothing there by the end of the day so the judges
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sweeping rejection of the government's case does not surprise us at all. it's totally consistent with the absence of any credible facts or evidence to support the case. >> excuse me. >> because of the design of this being so sweeping what do you think is behind this? why did he bring it? >> what's the motivation? >> was it political? >> we attempted to investigate that issue, i think as you folks know, the court decided it was not going to go in that direction in this case. we can't fault the court for that. the court wanted to try the case on the merit so we had to try the case on the merit. we were not able to ascertain what the decision-making process was. we were surprised when this case was brought and as i said in closing argument it's the case that never should have been brought. >> was the admonition against seeking a stay at all a political reference to political pressure? >> i think the judge was just
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commenting on how long we've been subjected. >> is president trump the reason you had to wait 18 months >> we have no insight into that >> one at a time, please. >> [indiscernible] >> well, as the evidence in the trial showed , this will only serve to benefit consumers. just as we seen from all of the other vertically integrated companies that are providing so many wonderful new offerings and innovations that the consumers as they're watching television in so many new and different ways and this is just an iteration of that process. >> one more question, please. >> [indiscernible] >> this transaction is going to close no later than june 20 under the court's order and the timeline that the parties agreed to thank you very much. >> was there political motivation behind the challenge, sir? liz: okay, let's bring in
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jonathan hoenig on this sweeping rejection of the government's lawsuit trying to block the at&t and time-warner $85 billion merger. jonathan, the question-and-answers with the lawyer for the at&t side of the case, jonathan, he was saying no divestment of cnn, so at&t gets to own game of thrones, directv and more. your reaction. >> and this is a resounding win for at&t liz and hopefully, for the media industry and the industry at large. anti-trust which is what the government is about here, is regulation and specifically regulation of companies whose efforts really simply to merge to become more productive, so this is obviously bullish for the stocks but if it gets also bullish for the industry and also for the bull market and now these big companies are going to be able to get to scale they really need to compete. liz: because amazon and netflix with streaming, jonas, what about the little guys wallet .
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what about their pocketbooks because the real back story is there are only four or five telecom giants in this country. they dominate the market. they're the ones dictating what your cable bill and phone bill is. people don't like how expensive it's getting go ahead. >> yeah, but the actual why the service is getting cheaper and it's expensive for a lot of complicated reasons that include paying for content, the slow way not buying a company that owns content. it's not really, look there was a day where this merger shouldn't have gone through no this wouldn't have been great for consumers but its i a cash cow busine, thas why the dividend is so high and they're not in a powerful position like google or netflix or amazon and it's a little desperate they possibly overpaid, certainly like with directv but at the end of the day people are moving away from the $200 directv bundle to the $40 directv now bundle and the margins are slowly going down and investors
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don't think it has a lot of cash flow potential down the road even though right now its very high margin is very low cost business in its existing customers but they need to have the free hbo deal to make you pay for the phones down the road >> jonathan we're popping up comcast and 21st century for a reason now it's comcast versus disney jonathan you could expect nor m & a deals because comcast goes after 21st century fox's assets. >> and what it ultimately looks like, e-mac, we really have no idea. it wasn't too long ago we were debating whether or not netflix would survive having given up the dvd business. that really wasn't too long ago they've gone into reshape the entertainment as we know it and that process continues so what at&t, what this content from time-warner ultimately looks like how it's delivered liz we don't know. we do know that now these major american companies will be able to compete internationally because they're not going to be held back by the government. liz: well that's a good point. jonathan just raised an
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important point because overseas , people get their streaming on the cheap, for like a buck a month in some countries we're seeing. and jonas, that's the real back story it's the guys with the balance sheets in the united states who are going to survive netflix is all in balance sheet debt, including the shareholder equity so netflix could get bought out. i mean we're seeing a whole up hear all going on and landscape of streaming content right now j onas. >> the government has all these companies are here all the biggest of media telecom companies all the internet companies so i don't know how they've been held back in fact they haven't been regulated much especially the internet area, part of the reason they've grown so much our internet is crappy compared to other countries partially because of the size of our country but also issues where the government didn't develop one standard and competing with each other and then you still get dsl accounts that are offering like a dial-up speed in rural areas paying $50 a month it's not a terrific system in america for the
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internet and that's the commodity utility grade part that if anything needs looked at it's that. the media part is very vibrant, competitive, netflix, amazon does that area needs no government oversight at least if you want to worry about it's what if trump adminitration starts charging netflix to stream content to the at&t subscribers but not for hbo. liz: exactly that's the problem and we'll be staying on that pocketbook issue. great stuff from you, really appreciate your reaction there. really on the fly good good insights, the market reaction let's get to nicole petallides on the floor with the latest, nicole? nicole: right we're on the after-hours getting to some of the media and telecom stocks shooting to the upside. the dow did close down after four days of gains, record close for the nasdac, record close for the russel but we have the biggest story in the last half hour the breaking news that the federal judge did okay the at&t time-warner takeover the $85 billion merger with no conditions so it is approved and
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will close on june 20 that's the agreed upon date but the analysts some are saying the government might still step in on this one. here is a look at the other things what's next in media and telecom. we know so well that comcast has had a huge interest in 21st century fox and the fox business network, fox is a new high and we see comcast moving higher, disney to the downside. look at some of the others telecom-type stocks, verizon can now have an opening to buy a large content company to compete with at&t and then sprint and t-mobile right? we'll watch for any deals there so the analysts are looking closely at what's next, what they do know is that this is going to be a blockbuster summer for mergers and acquisitions if this all continues to go through a quick look at financials which was the downside, tomorrow is fed day liz and we are expecting a rate hike, 95% likelihood of that rate hike there is a look at the financials on to the down back to you. liz: great to see you nicole thank you so much. we're going to give you the
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reality check on the trump kim north korea summit. it's being hailed as historic as the reagan gorbachev summit but we're going to give you the media and democrat reaction, was there histeria involved, we're going to show you. we're also going to bring in former fighter pilot republican congresswoman martha mcsally is here to react and also the at&t and time-warner in the country we're staying on that merger what it means for your bottom line more after the break don't go away. hi, i'm joan lunden with a place for mom
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, like obama's pen and phone iran deal so let's go through the deal. president trump telling shawn hannity kim jong-un signed an agreement to quickly start dismantling his country's nuclear program. watch. president trump: we are now going to start the process of denuclearization of north korea and i believe that he's going back and will start virtually immediately and he's already indicated that and you look at what he's done, so we got our hostages back but they've blown up one of their testing sites. their primary testing site. in fact some people say their only testing site, they're getting rid of a missile which isn't in the document that was done afterwards they're getting rid of a missile testing site and doing so much now. liz: the president talking about his obstruction of a missile engine testing site, that wasn't part of the deal so the question is is the world a safer place today than it was six months ago is this the beginning of the end of more than 70 years or is it from north korea?
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let's bring in former deputy assistant to george w. bush, brad lakeman. brad, how do we verify north korea is deniking? >> we need to have people on the ground and have inspectors and we have to have access and can't be stonewalled and i think that the president will make it very clear to kim if he hasn't already that once we start on a path there's not any stopping or delay. this going to happen on this president's watch. liz: there's a lot of over reaction about the military exercises in south korea. the u.s. can reenact them at any time and also the president is saying economic sanctions will stay in place, so here is what happened after five hours of talks, here is the outcome. as you pointed out, brad, the pledge to complete denuclearization of the peninsula, he's going to start that process immediately right away that's what the president is saying, also economic sanctions stay in place, return of pow/mia remains and again,
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let's go after those joint military exercises people really getting upset about that, brad your reaction? >> they shouldn't. this is an olive branch extended to kim in good faith. it can be turned around in a dime, and by the way, if it needs to be turned around it's going to be a massive display of force and the sanctions are going to be added. the world has no sympathy for kim right now. we're giving him the opportunity to do the right thing, if he doesn't do it if he plays us, he does it at his pair el. liz: the democrats and the media are saying acting like everything should have happened in one summit. but it took reagan five summits with gorbachev, he got a treaty in a year and i think the soviet union collapsed five years later >> look they're rooting against america. they're rooting against our president. this president didn't have strategic patience which was obama's position of weakness. he had maximum strength. maximum pressure was his campaign and it worked.
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it would have never ever gotten kim to the table if the president did not do what he did in the lead up to this meeting so he gets tremendous credit. it is going to take a process but if kim thinks he's going to wait donald trump out he's surely mistaking. liz: brad i want you to take on the media their reaction about the stopping of the joint exercises. it was an idea that president trump offered let's have brad take on what the media is saying let's watch first. >> by the joint exercises, >> i was very surprised. >> how many rounds of our exercises is he going to suspend >> being like cheap about our forces. >> do you think you've heard an american president call american military president war games and what does that say for our military drones everywhere else around the world? liz: well they are war games. the overall point is you stop the war games, the contention is that it reduces readiness and they're making the leap that there's no need for nearly
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30,000 u.s. troops to stay in south korea. take that on, blake. >> look this is nonsense this is again rooting against america , rooting against progress. this is part of the trump resistance movement. they can't bring themselves to give the credit to the president that he deserves. i can guarantee you, if kim tries to play donald trump, he will sorely be mistaking there's going to be tremendous consequences and the world is not going to have any sympathy. these are the same people who complain that donald trump is leading us into war that his rhetoric is something that is so dangerous that he must be removed from office. this is the kind of nonsense we heard. donald trump leads from principle. he leads from the front, and do you know what? so far its been very successful. liz: i called you blake i meant to call you brad. let's just stay on your point about the president's initial rhetoric that i was going to ratchet up into the threat of war. but the world is actually a safer place today than it was six months ago so brad do you think that rhetoric worked or do we just kick the can down a longer not shorter stretch of road with north korea?
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>> well, rhetoric got them to the table. now we need results we need actions and the president is going to have bars of success that they're going to have to meet and there's a timetable and there's going to be deliverables and if they don't meet it then there's consequences but the ball is in kim's court and the clock is running. liz: and do you know what? here is the fact. in april of this year, north korea's leader gave a speech to his communist regime in north korea and he said we've made our nuke now we need economic prosperity. we're going to stay on that story brad we want you to come back soon. we love having you on. >> pleasure. liz: good to see you brad. >> thank you. liz: big day for at&t and time-warner a judge ruling in favor of the $85 billion merger so what does it mean for your bottom line? we'll give you that story after the break. won a j.d.power dependability award for its midsize car-the chevy malibu. i forgot. chevy also won a j.d. power dependability award
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time-warner, judge green lining it blocking the government's lawsuit to stop the deal. let's take a check of the stocks , and of course they're acting like m & a stocks usually do, at&t the acquirer is trading down, time-warner is moving higher by more than 4%. let's get to hillary vaughn outside the u.s. district court with the latest, hillary? reporter: hey, liz well the critics of this merger have said from the very beginning that they think at&t and time-warner are going to use their partnership and the special popular content that time-warner brings to the table as leverage to drive up cable bills for customers, but judge leon not buying that argument today saying he's greenlighting the merger and he doesn't think that any of the savings that they may get from this merger would actually then be pocketed and manipulated to drive up cost for consumers but there is a larger picture here. we're seeing a ripple effect of
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what happened as a bell weather for what could happen in other media deals down the road. people have been following this trial for a very long time say this is going to set a precedent for everyone else, when you have streaming giants like netflix, lulu, amazon prime video on the scene this is opening up a new era of competition for them and that's one of the arguments that at&t and time-warner made. they need to merge for survival because streaming is king and it's nessary for them to be able to stay competitive and get in the game. at some point in the trial when i was sitting in the room one of the arguments that they also made was that netflix and amazon are actually their biggest competitors because where the future of how we engage and how we enjoy content is changing they're more and more cord cutters so this they made the appeal to the judge that this is really a decision of survival for these two companies, and the judge bought it. so, we're seeing that this could
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have an impact. we have our own parent company 21st century fox with disney for some of the fox's entertainment content but you're also going to see this effect the healthcare industry because this is a vertical merger so you'll see companies like cvs trying to buy aetna someone not their direct competitor this could be a big game changer for them so we'll have to wait and see how this plays out but right now, consumers, the argument coming from the judge today, is that he does not believe that consumers are going to have higher costs at the end of the day. liz: thank you, hillary really appreciate that. good stuff good reporting there hillary and great point made about health companies come back soon we love having you on the show let's get back to the money pros. okay you heard what hillary just reported that our pocketbooks aren't going to get socked that's what the judge decided of course we have facebook, apple, amazon, netflix and google all getting into streaming. jonathan viewers out there ain't going to buy it will they see
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their cable bills going up all the time and their phone bills going up all the time we heard this time and again in all the m & a deals that are going to go down they still go up not buying it. >> well liz, a lot of those bills are actually getting rid of moving into other forms of entertainment other forms of information, there's never been a better time and the judge even alluded to this never really been a better time to be a consumer of information tremendous amount available for free and that's why mergers are so important. liz: but wait a second, jonathan hang on and there's certain sections of the country where there's one telecom provider and those guys control the pipeline. we even see that in brooklyn in parts of new york state. it's not fair to the viewer out there who knows they see their bills, take that on. >> well they're not buying, that would be exactly the problem is they were like oh, we're going to buy verizon then there would be a problem but they are just buying content which is vertically integrated and there's a lot of content
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from a lot of providers. liz: that's not my question sorry forgive me you mentioned this before. i'm talking about four or five telecoms who own the pipes. that's the problem. >> the defendants answered the question, liz they said it's in their interest and it is to actually push more information to that pipe and expand their customer base, not to limit them liz: i should make myself clearer. sorry forgive me. i'm sorry. hang on. hang on. sorry. forgive me. sorry. you have four companies or five companies dominating the pipes. >> instead of one company in my parents house they have a dsl account with a 500-kilo bit internet speed at $60 a month it's a joke. no country in the world is doing that no competition, there's one company, sergio marccioneize on, so that's a whole separate issue and the government unlike the phone systems where they require you to offer a rural service at a similar rate they let it go
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and say whatever we'll figure out a way to do a blimp internet that hasn't happened but in this particular case yes the content can be expensive because there are all these different providers paying a lot of money and sports fees that get buried in the fee but young people aren't paying for it, they rare ly pay for it. they removed the value of content. liz: we've got to wrap. i love the idea about blimps being in the internet. you guys are brilliant. good going. that was a great debate come back soon we love having you on. let's go back to the trump kim north korea summit now being hailed as historic as the reagan gorbachev summit and remember that, reagan walked away, former fighter pilot republican congressman martha mcsally here to react, next. ♪ most people come to la with big dreams. ♪ we came with big appetites.
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far transformative in terms of being unlike any president we have ever seen in our lifetime the only closest parallel i would see would be ronald regan because obviously, it's peace through strength, trust but verify, strong rhetoric is being used, but if you really think about the magnitude and the possibilities here, again, being cautious, nothing is finished until it's done, once the process, the president pointed out once that process of denuclearization begins, you can't go back scientifically, so i think this is going to happen in short order and i think that the president deserves a lot of credit for being willing to talk to somebody that everybody thought would be a bad idea, but he did it from a position of strength. liz: let's bring in retired air force fighter pilot, martha mc sally good to see you congressman. and you just came back from a visit to the dmz and the peninsula over there. what's your reaction, again,
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we're not quite where reagan and gorbachev were, right? because this is just the beginning stages. we're in the first inning what's your take on what's going on? >> well i think this is a historic opportunity and thanks to president trump's leadership and the maximum pressure campaign, its created this opening for a different path forward so in that sense really the future could be amazingly different than the past and so in that sense it is similar, but look, north korea is not a near super power. they are a midevil monarchy a nearly failed state and a rogue regime and with the maximum pressure campaign they're coming from a position of weakness. president trump is extending the lifeline, and now it's up to kim whether he's going to take it or not. the reality is the threat has not changed the sanctions have not been relieved by using all elements of national power we are at a place where if kim chooses a different path forward we could see history change. liz: you've got nancy pelosi and
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chuck schumer the democrats saying trump and kim jong-un the same criticism level that obama for cuba and iran, but the point being reagan had five summits with the soviet union. the democrats act like everything is going to get done with one summit but to your point reagan kept a hard line, walked out of reykjavik, a year later got a treaty and then six years later the soviet union collapsed your reaction? >> exactly and look there's such hipocracy coming from pelosi and schumer and others. they supported the weakness of the obama administration when they gave away the farm to both cuba and iran, you know, $100 billion of cash in sanctions released 1.8 billion flown in on hard cash to them and we've got very little for it , and so look, they just can't stand this president and they want him to fail and therefore they want american security to fail. i think they should be called out for their hipocracy and the fact that they resist at all costs even if it comes to a danger to the world. liz: maybe we'll see the fall of the dmz one day just as we did the berlin wall.
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democrats are also saying that bill clinton, even george w. bush did a better saying with north korea but north korea didn't fully test nukes until 2006. those guys really didn't see a nuclear power north korea, i mean again we're in a nine in ning game here. >> yeah, exactly and look the maximum pressure campaign the unprecedented sanctions have been in a position where they have to come to the table. we've had 282 days since the last nuclear test, 195 days since the last missile launch three prisoners released, this is an opportunity for a different future for sure, because we can't continue to make the mistakes of the past and so this administration has brought us to this moment, now it's up to kim whether he's going to choose a different path our military is ready to fight tonight. i visited them a few weeks ago they are ready and capable. liz: you're worried about the south korean military exercises the president is saying we'll dial that back.
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are you worried about that? >> well look our military is ready to go alongside a republican korea counterparts they are amazingly capable and innovative and strong. north korean military is extreme ly weak compared to it, so look i'm a little concerned depending on how long this might go on but this is i think an opening for if anything changes if kim chooses to play with president trump, the military is ready to go and so these exercises can continue. liz: they could be re-launched and sanctions by the way are still in place. >> in a second. liz: great to see see you thank you so much for coming in. >> absolutely. liz: let's get back to what the media reaction has been even in the immediate moments after president trump's press conference the media started spinning and criticizing the summit. we're going to bring you that and the debate, coming up. [music playing] (vo) from day one, we always came through for our customers. it's how we earned your trust. until... we lost it.
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in south korea. >> they didn't make any concessions to kim jong-un that he gave up nothing he said to kim jong-un when in fact he did give up something fairly significant. >> i think he gave up a lot in this meeting when you see those flags the american flags next to the flags of north korea that's giving up a lot. >> i found it at times in coherent, i found it giving away more than having got and i found it mostly on a wing and a prayer and wishful thinking. >> this really one page agreement. >> to me it looks like he think s he got something out of here. >> he seemed to be very pleased with himself. he's walking away thinking that he won some big achievement today. >> the president elevated kim jong-un to an incredible level here. liz: let's bring in rnc spokesperson kayleigh mcenany to react. your reaction to what you just heard? >> it's amazing they are in full-on desperation mode. they so desperately don't want the president to succeed that they want a peace deal to fail something that would be good for the world something that would be good for the united states
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but they're rooting for this president to fail, they're root ing against the united states and what you saw there was a lot of lies from a bunch of cnn -- liz: what were the lies? >> that he didn't get anything out of this. do three hostages being released matter does the destruction of a nuclear test facility matter that's something and more than every president before president trump combined. liz: here is the thing obama when hi left office said the biggest problem trump is going to be north korea and the president the democrats immediately saying oh, he was unprepared. when he heard that trump setup meetings and started to prepare for this summit not like he's unprepared so when you look at the sinicism, was there this much sinicism when president obama went to cuba? >> oh, of course not. it was a completely different story. you know, you look at president obama how much he gave cuba he was doing the wave at a baseball game there, to iran $1.8 billion in cash. this president announced the meeting in three months level leveled the harshest sanctions in history and got those
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hostages the destruction of not just the nuclear test facility the missile site as well and commitment to denuclearization in writing in three months. liz: and possible human rights work right? by the way the economic sanctions stay in place and the south korea exercises can come back on. the new york times editorial board member said on msnbc that the summit was really used as a distraction from the russia probe. let's watch. >> quite frankly, i mean you look at the polls, it's really interesting because the more we're talking about north korea, like the less we're talking about russia. the less we're talking about issues at home, and i think you see that's true for kim i'm sure as well. liz: so we just setup a big north korea summit to distract from the russia probe is that what's going on? >> it's absolutely insane. she should check her sanity. this was setup because there's a historic peace deal in the making and to suggest otherwise is absolutely terrible commentary on msnbc. liz: so well they are saying the president is going to start war
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with his rhetoric and then when he does a 180 this is about a distraion from the russia probe and we have wallace of msnbc sayinge're going to question president trump's intentions with this summit. let's watch. >> this is not just a meeting about foreign policy. this is about donald trump's political survival. he has said to friends he plans on taking a win in north korea to the voters that's their mid-term message and all they've got. >> that's what's actually so terrifying in part because i think we're going into this and if we're thinking about this realistically, we know enough about president trump to know he's not going to come home and say he failed. >> right. >> he's going to call it a win no matter what. liz: swap out the word trump and put obama in there what would msnbc's reaction been because they are saying trump is doing this for the mid-terms. >> oh, they would be saying it's praise, historical praising him non-stop stop and one of many off-base comments from
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nicole wallace lately i'm not sure what's in her drinking water but she suggested rick perry to build more nuclear weapons. liz: stay on that for a second because nicole wallace said that trump is going to send rick perry to north korea to build nukes? >> that's right. my rnc colleagues and i actually heard her say this live and we were like was that actually just said on the airwaves he's going to send someone to build more nukes when in fact he's signing the document to get rid of the nukes entirely? that kind of commentary drives people to the republicans. liz: great to see you thank you for coming in great insights there good to see you. okay we have this story for you trump's advisor peter navarro apologizing for saying canada's prime minister deserves a special place in hell. this as president trump breaks down what really happened behind closed doors at that g7 summit and what trudeau is really saying. we're bringing in former oversight committee chair jason chaffetz to react after this.
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>> there's a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad faith diplomacy with president donald trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out the door and that's what bad faith justin trudeau did. liz: okay, peter navarro he's one of president trump's top trade advisor, he basically really harshly criticized president trudeau. he's now walking back his comments saying that his " mission" basically he said that justin trudeau, you know, deserves a special place in hell but navarro's dialing that back and apologizing for that. he's saying he intended to send a strong signal of strength. he's now saying he's sorry for what he said. president trump now explaining
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also what prime minister trudeau was saying in private and then in public at the g7 gathering let's watch. >> i loved that he was very friendly when i got on t the plane justin didn't know air force one has about 20 levisions and i see the television he's giving a news conference about how he will not be pushed around by the united states and i say push him around we just shook hands it was very friendly. liz: with me now, let's bring in former oversight committee chair and fox business contributor jason chaffetz. jason, you were on that panel when peter navarro said that what was your reaction when you heard him say, you know, special place in hell? >> yeah, he was on fox news sunday and it was a bit over-the-top. i mean, i understand the frustration from the administration but both he and larry kudlow were very saying hey look basically they put a knife in the back of the president and it was just a little bit over-the-top. we're talking about a friend in
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canada. we do have good relations in general, but i do buy into what donald trump is saying and that is we have to change the status quo, the president was elected on that platform. you can't continue in the current trajectory but the rhetoric from the president's aids was a little over top. liz: and reaction to what trudeau was saying too, he faces re-election saying one thing in private and then another thing in public, that's what the back story is here but jason to your point it's an important one we just said. the g7 communication says g7 members should reduce tariffs and barriers and do you know what jason when trump called them out and said okay make the entire g7 a tariff-free barrier- free zone you got crickets nothing on that, right? >> well exactly. look what donald trump is saying is he's going to put america first and that means an even trading playing field. i don't think that's asking too much and you get all this rhetoric from past administrations and people look
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and study this and it's not fair it's not balanced. it's not equal, and if you treat the united states with respect and understand that we are the biggest marketplace on the face of the planet, and that people have access to our market we've got to make sure that americans are able to sell their goods and their services overseas as well. liz: you know the g7 problems, jason, have been decades in the making so waiting for trump, white house frustrated bureaucrats with overtaxing, overregulating terror plots and i mean that's like britain left the eu for a reason. >> yeah, exactly. and look, i think that people get it. i think that the people in the heartland, they understand this that's why they wanted a president like donald trump. liz: jason chaffetz we love having you on come back soon great stuff. thank you. liz: we're going to be right back don't go away.
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liz: be sure to tune in tonight
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to "hannity." he sits down with president trump after the historic summit with kim jong-un thank you for having us in your home. "making money" is next. charles: i'm charles payne. a federal judge ruling in favor of at&t in their proposed merger with time-warner. hillary vaughn is outside the courthouse to break it down for us. >> the judge giving the green light for this merger with no conditions because he didn't buy the doj's case. he said they didn't meet their burden of proof. at&t, time-warner, 21th century fox all


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