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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 12, 2018 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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for a more peace fill world and for north korea to have a better life, that is something we should be working very hard toward. charles: we are, no doubt, folks thank you, here is lou. lou: good evening, our top story, president trump is done what dems, left wing national media, and the establishment said could never be done. the president forging real progress toward denuclearization of the korean peninsula during his historic summit with kim jong-un. >> my meeting with chairman kim was honest, direct and productive. we got to to know each other wel in a very confined period of time, under very strong, strong circumstance. lou: we'll talk about the impact the singapore summit on north korea and south korea, japan, asia region, and the left wing,
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and the global elites efforts to deny this president credit for his foreign policy success. joining us tonight. one of president's great supporters, and hardest working u.s. congressmen. ron desantos. another deadline has passed while corrupt leadership at department of justice stonewalls congress and ignores hou intelligence committee chairman befordevin nunes' spygate documt demands. we take up the deep state's effort to cover-up the largest political scandal in american history. kim strasel of "wall street journal" will join us. and paul ryan, hell bent on awards amnesty to illegal immigrants, stopping president trump's border wall, selling out american workers and middle class families for the chamber of commerce, business round
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table, koch brothers, and wall street. it is tonight's make -- make or break deadline for the daca in the house. we talk about the midterm implication and the dean ed rollins with us, top story, president trump returning from singapore, after he secured a propromise from kim jong-un to k toward denuclearization. president trump accomplished what no other american president had vision or courage to attempt, and yet, other presidents and prime ministers are the g7, who conspired against u.s. trade plant policy and rebuked by president trump. those same leaders struggles to understand his success with the trump dom trick in fore --
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doctrine in foreign policy and frayed. the dems and their left wing national media lap dogs are spiralling deeper into ivian lunasoirrelevant. they are bleeding and babbling did deny and diminish the president's historically successful summit. >> the president circumstance it when he negotiates is so erratic and so given to impulse, he alays fails. e worried that the same is happening in north korea. >> he does not realize this dictator does not want beach 1 window -- condos. >> by releasing details of menu
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this legitimizes kim jong-un, putting him on equal footing with other world leaders. >> this probably weakest communique i have seen. come out of an equipmen engagemh north korea. >> just because something has not happened before, does not mean it is historic. lou: how stupid can these people act? we have not i believen yet the full potentialf just how b absurd the phonies really are. joining me to talk about the president's continued success. in his every undertaking. president trump's standing tan of or world stage after the lil -- bray at the moon.
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congressman ron desantos joining us tonight. also, leading republican candidate to be governor of the great state of florida. good to have you with us. i have to ask, what was your reaction, you heard most of those folks. chuck schumer, he looked like he would rather be anywhere than in front of the cameras and microphones spewing that nonsense, not even he could pretend was relevant or true. >> well if trump decided to start walking on top of potomac river, and cross it they would say, trump can't swim, tt is just their instinct to be again anything he is doing. and if this was obama, dealing with iran, obviously iran did not do anything to put pressure on them, they just gave confessions, they all justified that foreign policy elite in
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washington, justified obama's actions they are lining up against trump because they don't like them. the fact is that summit was historic, brought to bear by the leadership of donald trump. and the pressure campaign that they economy -- eckerted for over a year. lou: i didn't hear from mitch mcconnell about how great the president success was in singapore, not the house speaker acknowledge applaud or anyway acknowledge the success. i have not heard as a matter of fact from chamber of commerce, business round table, not heard from, leadership, not heard from the council on foreign relations, the quiist i quiet ih sides, it and i am sure, knowing this president, he is getting great fuel from it but it is embarrassing to every one of
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these people that i mentioned, leadership of both parties they are not applauding the president's accomplishments, you are not ember assed for the republican party. >> youe people that have been a part of washington, the groups, some individuals, they are part of a permanent class. and we had 25 years of failure with respect to north korea. presidents of multiple administrations, various parties, and that was kind of them following the beltway conventional wisdom, it has not worked. have you trump who is breaking that mold, not captive to what people inside of bill way think, he -- beltway think. he is charting new ground, and getting more results, i think there is some what was a recepmenresentment because he it listenining to a lot of the peoe who think they are so wise about these things. lou: well thank god. and at the same time, that is
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note a rational nation for petty arcade leadership of clowns that make up republican party on capitol hill. >> i think that is something that as an american, just a unbelievable sight to see, we should be pulling for the president. to continue to bring good results. i have not been following what everyone has said. said. >> they have not said anything, you don't have to worry about following it. port of american middle class, and working family, it is opeembarrassing to watch, we're told that the meetings are still going on in speaker was on the, a discharge petition ready to burp upon the 6 scene with rinod
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dems driving away at behest of the speaker who sold out, are we going to see another midnight massacre at hands of that more bibandwidth -- morbid, lame duck speaker? >> building to authorize and fund the border wall, doing things like ending chain migration, going a skills base immigration system. killing disverity lottery, we have not voted on, that had we didn't, that i think you would see more americans rally to cause, you would not be in this situation, where you are all of a sudden facing a dischange. lou: congressman how can your -- we have talked about it, how you can tolerate stench of that man
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in speaker's office he is about to consign your party to most dramatic defeat in mid term, snatching victory from the jaws i mean, i thinkut this, this is disgusting to me, this is a president who is doing everything right. he is achieving more than any president since fdr, and he has a republican conference in particular house and leadership in house and senate who are so politically upside down, and working against the interest of the country, and the middle class, working men and women, the family, you are selling them out, your congress, not you. >> i think, policy you are right, politically you are doubling right, if you do amnesty wu take away from momentum that we have built, 6 months ago everyone said there
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would be a blue wave, people are not saying that any policies have been focused on working americans, and folks in middle class now keeping more of what they earned, seeing wages and sal this would blublunt that. i agree with, this is political malpractice and creates a greater likelihood you have nancy pelosi as speaker. lou: it is political cowardice and ignorance, a travesty and tragedy for country, without the republican party, disaster awaits, and by the way that is not sufficient to frankly create some sort of a catharsis for working men and women to country who this president has supported. it will be a bloodath. s a shame. cowardice will design its own destiny, i am afraid conference
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has chosen to stay with us this speaker. as we wrap up, why is she still in the office? why can't the republican conference muster guts to save both party and themselves get him the humanitaria hell out. >> part circumstance i don't kno-- part is,i don't know that8 votes, have you a number of people like jim jordan who put themselves forward, and not clear to me anyone has votes. lou: you don't get votes if you don't go after him, they have all been silent, there is word jordan wanted to be speaker then disappeared. are people being bought offer they scared, they should stay hudd but if they are that frightened to take on an corrupt and sold out leadership, what in the hell, why should the american people bother with your
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party? >> i would give jim, you know, i think jim is serious, he is looking at it saying not a race right now, he can't just force a race, can't bust -- lou: sure he, can just sit up and stand up, and on the floor of the congress, and call for a motion to vacate, one congressman can demand that. >> you you are right but would the vote succeed. lou: it darwinian. if everyone who thinks about replacing this corrupt speaker, this ineffectiveaker ship, if they vul lac -- if they all k guts, courage and desire to raise those votes and have them when they stand up for that motion to vacate, then, it is over. but, there is not even a contest, that is how weak and anemic the republican party is
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right now, if that case it deserves defeat in november. >> we do what we said we would do and advance our agenda, i think we'll keep the congress. i don't think that say question. >> i think it will is a question, because, your speaker would not give him a dollar to build a wall, not only did not give him money, that he campaigned oand took money are away from immigration and cust m enforce. my god. >> no doubt that will hurt, had we had votes on building and authorizing wall, house could pass it, the senate you are making democrats -- lou: i think tha i -- i think td trump taught us one thing as president. certainly, clearly. among many others, this is no time for excuses, and excuses are no longer acceptable for
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from anyone in washington weather part of corrupt deep state or the establishment. or sell out who happen to be be running congress and senate, good to talk with you, we had a lot to con convery vague -- conversation about. i hope you will come ban could back soon. >> thank you. lou: federal judge approved at&t acquisition of time warner. after a 6 week-long trial, judge rejecting justice department arg that merger would harm consumers, his ruling sets up a potential bidding war for 20 sentry fox -- 21st century fox, the parent company of fox, we will have a full report later. >> and president trump taking aim as a never trump rino running for reelection, we take up that in midterm primary races, we talk with the chair of republican national committee,
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here next.
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lou: five states holding midterm primary elections tonight.
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president trumpg thi today. mark has been very unhelpful to me and my campaign. he is mia, nothing but trouble, he is better off in argentina. i endorse katyerring ton for congress in south carolina a state i love, she is tough on crime, will continue our fight to lower taxes, polls closing in sout-- south carolina, virginia moments ago. we'll bring you results. joining us in my opinion, the best leader of the republican national committee, in my career. is rona mcdaniels, smart, and effective and she has got guts. it is great to have you with us. i have to ask you, what happened
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to your party? congress you can see strength ebbing from their life less conference. >> well, thank you for that wonderful introduction. i feel the same about you, i will say our party is strong, it is vibrant but fueled by people who elected president trump, i see it every day. i will tell you, just with three congressmen on capitol, they said to a person when we hear on ground, are you going to support the president, we want to make sure you are supporting president trump, that is what our voters want, they will stay home if they don't see congressmen and people running in our party that will support this president, his agenda. lou: do you get a sense, i'll ask you the same question about both mcconnell and ryan.
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speaker ryan is sitting there. he is like "the walking dead." in the speakers office, you can watch him kill the party. you know what is going to happen in midterms because he has a strangle hold over the money, there is a fiction he is a great fund-raiser, speakers are always a great fund-raiser. what me is doing is selling out to rinos, k-street, this is pathetic stain on the republican party in the house. >> i will say, i think president trump is going to be our biggest champion in winning the midterms, we will have rallies, out there on the campaign trail, he will be one taking message to the voters you -- we need to have a republican majority in house, otherwise it will be nancy pelosi. who will bring impeachment proceedings and do all she can to shut down the trump agenda, we'll put those people out
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there, to help us win the elections, number one is president trump, and second is vice president mike p lou: i could notee with our triage of priorities any more. but why does it have to be despite a guy who sold out to wall street, to koch brothers, to, round table, chamber of commerce, not one of them is a friend of the working man and woman in the country, middle class family. and one thing president has demonstrated, this is an administration for forgotten man and women, until 2016 did not have a chance in hell. because middle class was shrinking, now prosperity is for all americans, not just an expression or if you will a dog whistle, it is a president doing all that, while you have got a speaker who is tking about raising retirement age to 70,
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and reducing social security, and willing to cutback to medicare for 65 and older, he is tearing up the soul of the republican party at a time when this president is leading republicans toward certain victory in november despite the historic comparatives that suggest it should be a time of defeat for party in power. paul ryan insists on meeting that historical scan toward rather than -- standard. >> there was a shift with president trump. and i will say proudly that the republican party is the trump party. we recognize the forgot en men and women, we understand that wages were stagnant and that jobs were not coming back, and president trump has delivered every turn. but there has been a shift in party, we brought in democrat voters and union voters, we brought in those forgotten men
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and women, that will be new coalition, that propels our party to success. and every candidate up for offers, this november -- office this november has to recognize that is why we won the white house, that is how we will keep our majority. and president trump is leading that charge. lou: and speaker ryan with his own agenda, shrinking entients. has he heard anything you said. >> i know that president talks with speaker often, house has delivered really good legislation this year, we have got a lot more to do, we cannot risk the lowing that in the midterms -- losing that in midterm, complacency will be our enemy, anyone that does not embrace the trump agenda and recognize the issues that propelled to us victory in white house will make a missing take. we have to talk about jobs and the economy, about fair trade. that is important part of our
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success. and talk about immigration and the wall and our borders, they be things our voters will expect to hear from all candidates. hefully speaker, if he is not too busy. heard you and will take the lesson. otherwise amnesty for illegal immigrants, we could begin tonight if the speaker has his way. that is the chamber o chamber oe and, round table way, rona mcdaniel thank you. >> thank you. lou: up next republican may have dodged a bullet as rino effort to give amnesty to illegal aliens, facing a critical deadline, will they meet it, we take up with with ed rollins right here , what is ryan up to? we'll take up that next.
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lou: you heard mcdaniel who i think is terrific. ed: she isng a good job. lou: i wish she would be speaker. she gets it. e is working very hard for the republican party. and you have in the house speaker ryan who is working against everybody president trump stand for and what most of people in the caucus stand for. ed: ryan should step aside. it doesn't do good to tell the american public we need to elect republicans to bring the ball ford.
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we had two countries before the start of this thing that had in nuclear weapons. pakistan is not going to play. but iran which was a bad deal on obama's part. and this deal in north korea is a thread. lou: there is no question president trump is the leader of the free world. he's the strongest player in all of international politics, geopolitics. he is the and he's the guy driving trade policy, balanced trade policy for the entire globe. rebalancing world trade is a critical issue. he has taken on -- he's doing as president what he did as a candidate. he's defining the agenda for the entire world. and it's having an immense impact. ed: i can't tell you, you obviously know, what he
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accomplished last night and every single network bashing the heck out of him except for fox. lou: those idiots. these are the same people who said he couldn't win. go through the list of things they have wrong. they bring on people to criticize the president's st of of them nearly all of them are the product of 30 years of failures. ed: 31 years ago today a president, ronald reagan, stood in front of the wall in germany andold gorbachev to tear down the wall. he was tiled he couldn't put those words in there because he would offend the russians. lou: you brought up the issue of standing up with a motion to vacate. why in the world do the republicans lack anyone of
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courage to stand up and do that's and to challenge the speaker? ed: the speaker couldn't debt one member challenges it, a vote takes place. it will make the change. then they can go behind closed doors and speak who they want next as speaker. lou: it was congressman mark meadows who chased boehner out. we know that after listen together nonsense about amnesty. we were watching the polls drop past 10 days. it's a clear signal. it's one k street isn't underred in paul ryan and mitch mcconnell following. ed: the country is interested in the trump message. lou: desperate for trump leadership. up next, deputy attorney general
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rosenstein's chilling threat to congress. threatening to subpoena documents from lawmakers. we take it up with kimberly strassel next. coppertone sport.
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records from staffers of the house intelligence committee that was conducting oversight over the doj investigation. watching the deputy attorney general conduct an attack against and staffer for vigorous oversight is tea stop i shaling and disheartening. a law enforcement officer threatened to subpoena your calls and emails was down right chilling. the reporting on the deep state and the department of justice by kimberly stossel has been great. first your reaction to rosenstein's outright threat, attempted intimidation of a committee with oversight,
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authority and responsibility over doj. >> we are moving into gravely seris territory here. by this account in this january meeting by at l two staffers. in the midland of a discussion about their oversight duties, this is when deputy attorney general rosenstein launched into this teat, which does sounds like he was saying back off. if you continue to engage in oversight way you are, i will retaliate and i have the full force of the government behind me. i should hasten to say the department of justice is pushing back. they say this was mr. rosenstein responding to the news that he might have a contempt allegation. but the staffers agree. this is a department of justice that seems no no longer know its
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boundaries. lou: rosenstein, whether it be fisa authorizations, whether it be expeditions to london, he is playing a heavy hand here in what seems to be obvious political corruption at the highest levels of the justice department. >> here is what you would hope to see from a trump justice department. these are people put in just li they were in other agencies. they were supposed to go in and be reformers. but not only have we seen this allegation of threats, but you have a department of justice and fbi that lawsuited subpoenas after subpoenas. they appear to be lawsuiting one tonight. there was a news headline from devin nunes to hand over the details and let them see the details related to this spy who
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was monitoring and look into the trump campaign. it would appear, we have blown past normal business hours that they are not going to comply. they have done that. there is the reactions where they continue to hide information. we new lette from senator ron johnson showing how they deliberately hid names from the people involved in the investigations so the congress couldn't investigate. lou: we are told the i.g. report coming out thursday is half live redacted. if it's redacted as heavily as is being suggested, we are spiraling t a constitutional crisis. the only solution i see, kimberly, is for the president himself to step in and say this ends now. turn over all the documents. it's a direct order from the president of the united states
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to an executive branch and its leaders to do so forth with. your thoughts. >> i absolutely agree. declassify. put out there the documents related to this informant. put out the fisa application that was put ford so americans can see for themselves how the fbi handled itself in 2016 with regard to both the clinton investigation and the trump investigation. it's evidently clear they are hiding things and they will never willingly hand it over themselves. lou: kimberly strassel, thanks for being with us. we applaud your work. thank you so much. come back soon. kim strassel. be sure to vote in our poll tonight. do you believe president trump's america first policy has rendered the dems and the national left-wing media
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irrelevant? follow me on instagram @loudobbstonight. you won't believe who left-wing fool alec baldwin thinks he can win against in the 2020 election. stay with us. feel the clarity of
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lou: a federal judge permitting at&t to go ahead with its acquisition of time-warner. hillary vaughn joins us with district court judgemerger. leon giving the green light for the merger. this is historic and could pave the wayor a slew of deals wheretreaming giants like netflix, amazon and hulu have new rivals. the judge did not think the doj met their responsibility to
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deliver burden of proof. at&t, time-warner, c charter all higher in afterhours trading. the doj could appeal the judge's ruling. but the judge had a sharp warng for the government if they don't let his ruling stand. saying quote, to do otherwise i fear would undermine our system of justice and millions of shareholders and the business community at large. the do jrntion says they believe the market will be less competitive with this deal. lou: on wall street, stocks closed mixed and very flat. thedown down two points.
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jeff bezos likes dems except when they tax him. seattle repealed the tax against big business reportedly from pressure amazon. up next, left-wing loon robert de niro put his trump derangement on display at the tony awards. the president delivering a knockout blow. sarah always chooses to take the stairs.
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-[ sighs ] louise dustmann -- [ ding ] -brahms' "lullaby," or "wiegenlied." -when will it end? [ ding ] -not today, ron. lou: alec baldwin says he would absolutely win if he ran for presid in 2020. he says he's 1,000 pernt sure he would even defeat president trump. speaking of washed up and delusional actors, robert o blast on twitter about president trump after blasting the president at the tony award. the president said robert de niro has received too' shots to the head. i watched him last night. i truly believe he may be punch drunk. i guess he doesn't realize the economy is the best it has been
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one employment at an all-time high. it seems obvious the only fair fight would be a cage match between de niro and baldwin with the hope both would lose. i'm pretty sure they would. joining us tonight, gina loudon. and vince colonaise. how much does the president have to put up with. after the tremendous success at the singapore summit. you look at the left-wing looneys making up nonsense. saying the president should have done this, could have done that. in ignoring the historic accomplishment at singapore. >> it's pretty pathetic when people who are witnessing history in the art of the nuclear deal that we just saw
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orchestrated last night is even recognized vast fortune that has come at them as americans at this time in history and what our president has done us. i agree they have got to be punch drunk. but they announce their ilk on the coastal elites. kathy griffin who held the severed head our president and nothing was really done about it. i think alec baldwin and robert de niro should team up and running to the on a ticket and canp f-bombs all the wayo election day to when the bomb is dropped on them and they lose big. they would have no chance against our president. lou: how will the left-wing national media deal with the successes of a full-term, by the
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time we get to the elections of 20, this president will have run up a record that will suffocate the left. >> they will look under any rock they can to find a vulnerability on the part of the prent. look at the north korean summit. the president knows more about north korea than those on television commenting on it. i has been speaking about nuclear proliferation for decade and receives intel from mike pompeo. you have so many people hectoring him from the press because they he such low regard for him. they think they are so much
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smarter than he is. lou: it's no wonder the national left-wing media is spiraling into irrelevance. i want to talk about what the repu cabs are doing -- are you the republicans are doing. speaker ryan is trying to put a discharge petition which would in effect give the dems their agenda on amnesty for illegal immigrants in this country. it would be a mammoth victory for k treat, the chamber of commerce, wall street. it would be a disaster for the american people. what do you expect from this absurdist lame duck speaker. >> i see this a little bit differently.
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i think you nail it when you talk about middle america and how they are with i -- how theye witnessing all this. the people from the midwest and the south where i'm originally from. they are watching the antics in hollywood. er time illegal immigration is brought up, they are more fired up to elect this president more than they did in the first place. this only works to the favor of those out there who want to make sure trump has a majority. >> if republicans need to carry anyn ford. voters care about illegal immigration stuff. they needed to figure out a way to get control of illegal immigration. and not create incentives for people to come into our country illegally. lou: good to see you both.
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that's it for us. thanks for being with us tonight. good night from new york. ke rsht world taking a -- kennedy: theaking a step back from nuclear war, but you woulder in know that from the media who insisted the summit was a massive failure. >> a summit is not an accomplishment for this american president. the spectacle of seeing the american flag along with the dprk flag. i would say it's disgusting.


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