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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  June 14, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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lou: i'm not sure what they are fighting for. it's a shame to watch their conduct. thanks so much. that's it for us tonight. thank you for being with us. good night from new york. kennedy: political bias, errors in judgment and insubordinate behaif high year going to the top of america's justice system. the question is, will they get away with it? the inspector general releasing its report detailing how the feds botched protocol in the runups to the 2016 election. the report does not conclude fbi favored hillary clinton over donald trump, but that jim comey went rogue and abandon the rule
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book when he announced hillary clinton would not be charged. and peter strzok texted his fbi mistress lisa page saying he would do anything to stop trump from winning. so what is is in this report? there was more at fox business, the one and only edward lawrence. reporter: it's a harsh inspector general report. it lays out why former fbi director james comey let bias grow in his ranges. he diverted resources away from the hillary clinton investigation towards the russia probe. the current director of the fbi christopher wray says he welcomes the oversight. >> we need to hold ourselves
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accountable for the choices me make and the work we do. we are doing that fairly and without delay. reporter: he adds this report shows there is no overall bias in the fbi. he said this was about one investigation with a small number of employees, still the white house has seen justification. >> the president was briefed on the report and it reaffirms suspicions about comey's conduct in the fbi. reporter: the report calls james comey's conduct insubordinate. comey said i was confident even if it disagreed with our decision, it would find the fbi team made it without regard for political favor or partisanship. the debate, kennedy, is far from over. kennedy: it will be fascinating
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in the coming days to see how each side uses this report to their advantage. we are still going through it and trying to glean the overall meaning from the details. the report shows there was a ton of bias in the investigation. it seems everybody had it in for president trump which raises an interesting question. how will the finding affect the mueller investigation? corey lewandowski is here. and he's a senior strategist at vice president parens' pac. within the report -- bias is interesting. everybody has some level of bias. the difficult thing is showing that that bias affected your work and also affected the outcome. although the inspector general says bias did not affect the conclusion. do you feel that it did?
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>> well, look, kim strasselle was just treating about this and she understands how the deep state really existed. the permanent structure of bureaucrats and unelected officials who are trying to doarg they can to stop this president. what this report is showing, while donald trump was a candidate, there were individual who were part of that deep state structure who wanted to divert resources away from the hillary clinton investigation and get it towards a russia hoax investigation. the most of important thing in writing is hillary clinton's email server was breached by a foreign entity and we know unequivocally she had classified information on an unsecured server. that is a breach of protocol. and believe that to be illegal. i don't know why we don't see criminal referrals based on the
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information in this i.g. report. kennedy: the inspector general cataloged all the challenges the team was facing and agreed there was not enough proof on the part of hillary clinton or the people working for her. but there were a lot of questions about how those people being questioned were in her inner circle and the kind of immunity they were given. what people want from this is accountability. james comey is no longer the head of the fbi. it's clear his back to was rushed out before the i.g. report so he could make a bunch of money and go on a speaking tour. loretta lynch is no longer the attorney general and andrew mccabe has been fired.
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>> peter strzok continues to show up for work every day at the fbi. this is a guy sleeping with his colleague and they demote him but put him in the human resources of the fbi. if that doesn't tell you everything that's wrong with the leadership of the fbi, how is it possible that peter strzok who is on the record with these text messages to his lover at the fbi saying we will do anything to stop him. we'll stop donald trump. how dose still have a job at the fbi and have access to top secret and classified information. and why would he be work in human resources department of all places. he should be fired, his credentials should be taken away and he should have the same criminal referral treatment andrew mccabe is going to have. someone is going to have immunity. this isn't over just yet. kennedy: i think that person
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will be mccabe. comey got the sweetheart book deal. he'll probably work for a high-end law firm. mccabe's future and his pension is have much up in the air. he has the most of gain by turning. although this is a very robust report. it seems thorough at this point. we haven't seen the end of it. how is the president taking it? >> i'm sure the president is looking forward to the inspector general going to congress and testifying in open session about not only what's in the report, but what is not in the report. congress wants to make sure they understand, was this report changed from will full neglect to something else? i haven't spoke to the president about this. but i can tell you he wants to see equal justice across the board. it should be the same set of
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rules. andrew mccabe who was fired lied under oath at least two times to the fbi and has not been charged criminally yet. if it was you or me or any other average american lying to the fbi we would have to fight for our lives. kennedy: in light of the controversy that server investigation caused, that's another one of those kind of shocking discoveries. when more with it goes to capitol hill, who will give him a harder time, democrats or republicans? >> the democrats will say they believe comey cost hillary clinton the election. she was a terrible candidate and donald trump outworked her every single day. but are real changes taking place at the fbi? we saw director wray say there
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will be significant changes at the fbi. the culture at the fbi has been a disaster. it's a premiere law enforcement agency, there are great people who work there. they deserve more consideration than comey and mccabe. kennedy: thank you so much, corey lewandowski. so the report find former fbi director james comey went outside the chain of command in the months, weeks and days before the election. he broke fbi norms when he broke protocol. that's usually the job of the department of justice to decide whether to make charges. did democrats have a case that
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comey sank the s.s. hillary? lawrence jones is back along with democratic strategist, and ned ryun. it's been problematic for james comey. the conflicting testimony he has given on his book tour and before this congress. both these things cannot be true or false in the same way at the same time. i want to talk to you about that chain of command. he says he adhere to the chain of command but he broke with that because he thought loretta lynch was so compromised he could no longer follow orders. and if that were the case he should have gone to the president. if the president was compromised, you have politicized. weaponized system of law enforcement and justice that means we are in deep yogurt in
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this country. which is it. >> we found out today that the clown show comey, i'm so glad trump fired him. he thought he was the law unto himself. that he could make these decisions by himself and do whatever he wanted to. i find it interesting. john podesta was arguing he had an impact arguing three days before the election. don't give me that argument. if any one of us tried to do what she had done using classified information on an private email server? none of us would be here. we would be in leavenworth. we have a bifurcated legal system where some people because of their names and connections get one set of treatment and
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others get another set of treatment. kennedy: there are distinct. it's open season whether it's in facebook, conversations, people lost friend, they no longer talk to family members. but one thing they can agree on is what a horrible person james comey is. if i'm hillary clinton i am thinking you are a horrible person. you are the one who screwed with democracy. >> you get no debate from me that james comey is a horrible person. but none of that changes the fact that donald trump didn't fire james comey because he was mean to hillary clinton. he went on tv and said he fired james comey to stop the russia investigation. kennedy: he said the russia
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thing. >> i said to myself, this russia thing will be seized by the democrats. and preceding that he said i was going to fire comey flips no good time to do it. i was going to fire him regardless of recommendations. kennedy: i understand that. rod rosenstein is another looming figure here who is so involved in so many areas. the fact that he has oversight of the department of justice. but he's the one who briefed the president on this massive report. and he recommended comey be fired. >> not true. he wrote the memo that was used for justification. the memo did not call for his firing. sessions came out yesterday and said that he was the one that
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recommended trump fire comey, not rosenstein. kennedy: hillary was probably in her cozy armchair screaming at the tv because she is not in power. with that incompetence, why would you -- >> whether he deserved to be fired, he went on record and said yes was fired. >> this entire investigation shouldn't be political. for years the democratic party talked about corruption in the criminal justice system. you would think somehow during this investigation that they would rally around and say this was an opportunity for the democrats and republicans to finally agree that our justice system is messed up in the rich and powerful play by different
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rules. but instead this is a tribalistic issue that you guys are oh, we like the fbi now. >> we are not talking about reining in the power. >> the thing that frightens me is the immense power our law law enforcement surveillance state has. and i'm thinking you ought to have oversight from the duly elected representatives of the american people and rosenstein thumbing his nose at them saying i'm not going to give you what you want. >> what donald trump should do as head of the executive branch. he should order sessions to turn
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over everything. >> he has oversight. kennedy: the man panel is very alluring andage state 8ed and excitable. we'll hear more from them later in the show. we'll talk about the pentagon indefinitely suspending military drills with south korea. buck sexton weighs in next. -and we welcome back gary, who's already won three cars, two motorcycles, a boat, and an r.v. i would not want to pay that insurance bill. [ ding ] -oh, i have progressive, so i just bundled everything with my home insurance. saved me a ton of money. -love you, gary! -you don't have to buzz in. it's not a question, gary.
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so call today and start with a free health assessment to understand your best plan of action. so why didn't we do this earlier? life line screening. the power of prevention. call now to learn more. ken report pentagon announcing large-scale military exercises with south korea have been suspended indefinitely. they take place twice a year. the cancellation is not setting well with our allies. the president tweeting north korea was no longer a nuclear threat. dose know something we don't or is he spiking the football before he gets to the end zone. let me bring in buck sexton. how does japan feel about this?
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>> they are obviously a bit unnerved. it's been longstanding u.s. policy to be practicing with our south korean allies in the event north korea becomes a major problem. i would say right now it's too early to judge whether what trump has done here is giving away too much or not. if we get to the intended outcome which is denuclearization, then all of this makes sense. overtures -- some of it is too much -- but in the context of trying to get to a denuclearized korean peninsula, you can understand where it's coming from. but if it doesn't happen, you have to look at some of the propaganda victories. i don't think it's a security risk. if north korea stepped out of
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line we have a lot of ways of punching them and they still know that. kennedy: you can reengage in those joint military exercises at any time. what you can't do as we learned with the iran deal, you cannot put $1.7 billion worth toothpaste back in the tube. once you lift sanction and give a regime lots and lots of money and billions of dollars, then they have economic flexibility and they can fly the bird at you. while those sanctions are still in place, and we are work out the deals of what was agreed to in singapore, i think we are on firm ground. >> the problem with the iran deal is if the critics are correct and the sun set provisions will come into effect in a period of time, iran will have become a much wealthier
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ingrained into the international community and more powerful conventional military country by the type we try to deal with, i guess this deal is or with. north korea the sanctions are still in place. all of our counter measures are still in place. this is just an effort to try to give nothing response to what had been a freeze in north korean missile tests. there were some very bellicose actions taken by kim jong-un the last 12 months or so. we have had a period now where we haven't done that. we are trying to meet them in good faith. kennedy: it goes to show how terrified kim jong-un is of those joint military exercises. when what he calls war games. that's the thing that keeps him up at night other than dreaming of swiss cheese. the idea he's facing certain
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nuclear and military annihilation from the united states. so it's understandable he would want the united states to give that up. but, you know, it remains to be seen, not on what happens with this deal. but what happens in the future after this president's tenure. to that point, the president has to work with congress to come up withing a long-lasting treaty. >> if they are able to get a full accounting of the north korean nuclear program that's completely verifiable. this will be the greatest diplomatic coup, coup may not be the word we want to use in north korea right now. but it will be the biggest diplomatic victory since the korean war. but i don't buy this analysis we have given up much militarily. kennedy: we still have bases in
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south korea. if we vacated our bases in south korea, does south korea have the same size conventional army as the north? >> no, north korea has the third or fourth largest standing army in the world. don't quote me, it might be number five. they are actually noticeably shorter than their south korean souther parts because of malnutrition. their conventional military is still a threat to seul and south korea. the military exercises are not some huge concession. kennedy: doesn't peace feel better than war? come to the bright side. >> give peace a chance. kennedy: the inspector general report says several high-ranking officials within the doj screwed
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kennedy: one of the most of glaring declaration in the inspector general's report was there was no bias. peter strzok was largely unknown until his texts were discovered
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and leaked by the i.g.'s team. and we knew they weren't hired and kissy faced. they were nerdy leftists plotting for president hillary. lisa page asked strzok, trump's not ever going to become president, right? right? to which the white night replied no. no he's not. we'll stop it. anthony weiner's soiled devices. federal investigators tipped off the d.c. boys and strong planned the russia investigation was way more of a priority than that stinky old server search. and slow walked hillary's
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presidency right off a plank. what happened? he thought he was so qulefer and powerful. he promised his side piece the big bad wolf will never in the hen house, let alone the white house. you and your friends are probably doing the exact same thing. the only difference. your subtle chess moves couldn't have influenced the outcome a presidential election. there will be no real accountability from this report. but at least one head will probably roll, and that cool political guillotine has peter strzok's name on the blade. bret baier asked house oversight committee chairman trey gowdy and bob goodlatte about what might happen to peter strzok.
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and their answer leaves mr. strzok a little nervous. >> why is it our job to prove strzok's bias. i have a better idea. strzok, you come before congress and the american public and prove to us your manifest animus against donald trump didn't affect your decisions. >> trey is exactly right. we have been requesting he be produced as a witness for quite some time. if that agreement is not reached we'll shortly issue a subpoena for him to appear. kennedy: is he in legal trouble and could anybody else go down with him? joining me, former defense attorney emily canpagno. there are so many questions for peter strzok. i hope he appears before some legal body to answer for the texts in question. what would you ask him?
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>> i will say we definitely have more teeth and here is why. i was struck today by wray's comments. he was going to hold the group of outliers accountable. but the reality of the fbi intern discipline system is bowing to precedence. it relates to a penalty table of offenses. there is aggravating and mitigating factors. and there is also a lower standard of evidence there it's preponderance. while that likely doesn't have have much teeth, it will uncover even more information than we already know. and with that lower standard bring with it a disciplinary referral that would help if strzok were called before
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congress. and that would have more teeth than the fbi's would. and i agree with you that would be interesting. >> i want to see what he has to say and what the understand policy is. what sort of meetings were there? and how did that bias manifest if it did? i think there are more questions. i will say, the inspector general's report is comprehensive. what else is problematic and who else could be in professional jeopardy because of this report. >> comey as well. lisa page. it has to do with what category they fall into. ethical, criminal, general, et cetera. and they assess not only an entire investigative process but also a referral system. at a minimum there could be a
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non-adverse action, a minor suspension up to dismissal. it would be a postal this point. but it bode well for credibility. but it would have greater import on future potential proceedings if credibility were to be pierced and proven here. i agree with you from what we have been shown, all it does is raise more questions as to the surrounding circumstances of every single thing that we have finally been given in terms of transparency. kennedy: it puts some things to bed, and in other ways, they just woke up the baby. the president's legal woes do not end with the mueller probe. the attorney general's office filed a lawsuit against the donald trump foundation for illegal conduct to benefit personal and business interests.
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there are serious allegations. but the president said the sleazy new york democrats are now disgraced and run out of town are doing everything they can to sue me on a foundation that took in $18,800,000 and gave out to charity more money that it took in at $19 million. is the president right to call this a partisan hit job? the panel is back. lawrence jones next. lawrence, i will start with you. the president says he's not going to settle. the suit is for $2.8 million. >> i wanted to see the facts of this case. i think it's strange that this suddenly came out on this day where they knew the i.g. report
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wasn't going to come out. it's the president's birthday. and suddenly -- this is my problem with the holt justice system. we know they retaliate when they don't like if you do something. i wish the democrats would admit this was an effort to get back at the president. kennedy: what are some of the more serious charges? >> this is part after 2-year investigation where they find the charity is not a charity, it's a personal slush fund. he used the money -- he used personal lawsuit. he bought huge paintings of himself. kennedy: none of that is okay. i don't think we should be defending the president. supporters of the president have to be careful. if you take the same allegations and apply them to your political enemy they are not okay there
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either. >> i agree. the problem donald trump will face here. there are handwritten notes of him directing these illegal contributions. we have corey lewandowski his campaign manager directing the use of this foundation for personal and political use. and you compare that to the clinton foundation. kennedy: taking money from corrupt government where they still gave him questions. >> the president of the united states said -- kennedy: jobs for donors. maybe connections. >> i will say this. there are two governing bodies.
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what you are referring to is the timing of the contributions connected to political favors. kennedy: it was hiding behind phoney baloney canadian laws. >> this has been debunked. >> the new york attorney general, there is something that governs non-profits. the irs. let's do what the irs and fec have to say. kennedy: it's not okay for politicians to use charitable foundations for their own benefit and cronyism. it's wrong it's never right. and the equivalency is wrong,
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too. but i like you. >> why did it come out today? kennedy: we have to wrap up this man panel. but i want to thank you for being here on such an interesting and news heavy night. fireworks at the white house. a heated exchange with sarahh sanders. they are next. today, we're renewing our commitment to you. fixing what went wrong. and ending product sales goals for branch bankers. so we can focus on your satisfaction. it's a new day at wells fargo. but it's a lot like our first day. wells fargo. established 1852. re-established 2018.
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kennedy: did you see the insane grandstanding at the white house press briefing today? watch this. >> come on, sarah, you are a parent. don't have you any empathy for what these people are going through? >> brian, settle down. >> these people have nothing. >> i know you wanted some more tv time. >> it's not about that. >> go ahead, jill. >> these people have nothing. they come to the board were nothing. you are a parent of young children. don't you have any people think for what they go through? kennedy: it had to do with the immigration policy of separating children from their parents when they illegally cross the bored. is the reporter interested in reporting or just acting like an
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a-hole activist. kayleigh, what did you think of the exchange? >> it was completely uncalled for. those attacks against sarah were unnecessary and rude. i fail to remember these reporters so upseptember on grilling jay carney and josh earnest the way they did sarah when the pictures emerged of president obama's policies putting children in cages in arizona. i don't remember the outrage because it wasn't there. kennedy: you may agree with the thrust of what he's saying. but this isn't the way to deal with it. this person is suppose to be a reporter. >> normally i would agree with you. but sarah huckabee sanders has
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repeatedly failed to answer important questions. i think you are seeing reporters who are tired of not getting answers. you had jeff sessions say he was citing the bible. kennedy: jeff sessions needs to be fired. i was appalled at the obama-era droning policy. i was appalled' president obama expand the droning policy. but if i had a trespass i wouldn't have stood up on my chair and had a hissy fit. they are not going to affect change. >> i remember the "new york times" and "washington post" both challenging the president on his immigration policy and fox news butt heads with
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president obama on many of his policies and he stood there and testified it. kennedy: kevin corke didn't stand up and call him a poopy head. he waited his turn and gave it top thought. is decorum dead? >> completely gone in was a level of politeness, even those who disagreed with obama. you had to tone it down and be respectful. that's what the white house deserves. it's what that podium deserves. and it's not what karah gets. -- what sarah gets. she is one of the most of admired women. kennedy: we are out of time. love you both. thank you, michael. appreciate it.
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the tulsa drillers. drillers. i don't know her. the minor league ball team is keeping fans on a short leash. this is the fourth annual bark in the park. but this fella never heard the phrase act like you have been there before. maybe he has. but all logic and impulse can fly out the window when a dog sees a ball. there is a rumor that dog may never get invited back to bark in the park. good job, buddy. topic number two. let's head out to gorgeous lax where the dodgers beat the rangers and afterwards they played a little baseball. the two exchanged words. and the next thing you know it
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turned into a real housewives episode with fistacuffs. some fans were mad at the dog ran into diamond. but it's much better than what he did to the umpire's leg afterwards. just let him finish. he wasn't talking about the dog. >> we told you a story of a cat that predicted the outcome of the world cup match. i am never paying out the money on the puppy bowl.
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he chose russia and he was right because they beat saudi arabia 5-0 today. that's soccer talk. the russian army added 30 more. he almost went shirtless. the makers of jurassic park are coming out with another sequel. democratic leadership shouldn't be the only place to see dinosaurs. but nobody is more excited than the makers of doritos. the jurassic dorito is over a food long. and if you eat one, your beach body will go extinct. we are not sure who dreamt up
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this ridiculous news. but it's not the dumbest idea. ask the ihob. the internet seems to have fallen in love with jurassic doritos. i say buy me peanuts and cracker jacks. let's hug. topic number 5. it's time to hear what my legions of adoring fans have to say about this show. this is viewer mail. david starts off with my cats are smarter than you on your best day. they are so smart. paul wonders, who are all the drunks and stoners laughing in the background of your monologue
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you can phone me on twitter and instagram, and email wherever you are, i hope the sun is kissing your face. good night. >> underground, this was his home. >> ...dug with shovel and pick. >> he came at a time in america where if you could dream it, you could do it. >> it's a unique architectural creation. >> you can't go anywhere else in the united states to see something like this. >> but will his legacy be buried forever? >> he called my great-uncle the human mole, and that infuriated the family. [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ]


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