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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 15, 2018 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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morning but now, here's lou dobbs. lou: good evening, everybody. our top stories tonight, the long awaited, much anticipated and long delayed inspector general's report turns out to be little more than a deep state coverup. more than 500 pages detailing outof control political corruption and subversive anti-trump activities. and then the department of justice watchdog concluded there was no bias at the justice department or fbi. we'll take up this fictional sham of an investigation with an all-star lineup of guests here tonight. congressman jim jordan and congressman matt gates join us
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and legal analyst gregg jarrett also to tight, rhyne's political end game becoming more obvious to those pays attention at the end of the day. the latest draft 06 the daca amnesty deal reads like a love letter to the koch brothers and wall street. it can mean only that the speaker has sold out the republican party for good and will be running for president if he is not already. we'll talk about the disturbing prospect with the dean himself, political strategist ed rollins. and the fake news losing its collected mind. today turning the white house briefing room into a shameful spectacle of gran grandstandingd childish temper tantrums. >> these people have nothing, come to the border with nothing. you're a parent of young children. don't you have any empathy for
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what they go through? lou: you would think someone would be assigned to slap the hell out of somebody. we'll talk to our panel tonight about whether it's time the bar some of the so-called journalists from the white house briefing room tournamently. the deep state circles its wawagons and trieds to cover up rampant at the fbi and doj with the inspector general's report claiming to have in evidence in the handling of the clinton e-mail investigation and the relentless pursuit of president trump over phony charges of russia collusion. it is a remarkable document. and just hours after that report was released, fbi districter christopher wray held a news conference to continue the whitewash. >> this report did not find any evidence of political bias or improper consideration actually impacting the investigation under review.
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we're going to train every single fbi employee, both new hires and veterans alike on what went wrong so these mistakes will never be repeated. lou: but it wasn't the rank and file making the mistakes, mr. director. it was you, your good friends and colleagues, whether their name is mueller or comey or strzok or page. well, in spite of the coordinated effort to play down the most damaging details of that ig inspection and investigation, the report nevertheless reveals jaw-dropping misconduct at the department of justice. and fox news correspondent catherine herridge joins us tonight with much much more. i'd like to just start with a question. >> sorry, go ahead. lou: i would like to start with a question, if i may. >> i'm so eager to talk to you lou: what is your takeaway about what the report says about james comey first? >> the bottom line with the
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former fbi director is that he was found to have been insubordinate when he made that very public statement about the findings of the fbi-clinton e-mails investigation and that he was recommending against criminal charges. the inspector general said that comey took deliberate act tots keep his boss, attorney general loretta limpleg and her deputy sally yates in the dark about his public comments. where he also went out the boundaries of his authority and he made a decision that would typically and traditionally fall to the justice department. so insubordination so no small thing to associate with a former fbi director and then also one who has written and spoken so publicly about these issues of leadership, lou. lou: it is small, though. it is so incredibly tiny compared to the evidence against
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james comey and what the inspector general chose to interpret. >> i don't hear anything. i've lost him. lou: i'm sorry, catherine. can you hear me? we apparently have lost 0 lost owour linkwith catherine herrid. joining me to discuss the bias that escaped the general eabz his conclusions, congressman jim jordan, serving as a house judiciary member and the cofounder of the house freedom caucus. good to have you with us. first, your reaction to the conclusions here? >> director wray is just not accurate. in the report itself it says we do not have confidence that strzok's decision was free from bias. they're referring to peter strzok at the end of the clinton investigation saying let's focus on russia and not looking at anthony weiner's laptop and stuff that relates to the
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clinton investigation. the one text message that was so explosive in this report is the one where peter strzok says we'll stop president trump from being president. we'll stop him. that to me is a -- so that's the context -- for director wray to say that there was -- this was free from bias, that is just not accurate. mr. horowitz himself said we do not have confidence that strzok's decision from free from bias. that's like saying this guy had an agenda and it's obvious to anyone who looks at in in the right way. lou: do you think the inspector general looked at any of in in the right way? because i think his conclusions are nonsectors. i mean he writes this report in much the same way james comey announced the predicate for his conclusion in terms of prosecuting hillary clinton. it sounded like he was going to charge her and then suddenly said no charges. >> i think it's a thorough report.
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but i think he lets the facts speak for themselves. this text message, we'll stop it, we'll stop president trump from being president. remember when this comes. this is just eight days after peter strzok has opened the russia-trump investigation. they open it on july 31st. this will stop it text message happens on august 8th. and then six days later we have the text message that refers to the insurance policy. and then just a few weeks after that we have potus wants to know anything -- president obama wants to know everything we're dining. when you look at that in context, this is scary stuff and this is why it's important that we get peter strzok in for a deposition, why we get rod rosenstein and kris many fer chy under wrote e oath in our committees. that's why it's important. lou: here is why i think we've got a problem. we can't rely on congress for investigation. it's been demonstrated in ben ga citbenghazi and fast and four u.
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we have an inspector general, it's decreptful wha deceitful w. his conclusions do not comport to a causal relationship that is laid out, as you say, clearly in the report, the misconduct of five fbi agents and the injection of their personal politics. they're using devices, their personal telephones in the clear, insecure phones to carry out government business, classified business, top secret business in point of fact they were doing exactly what their mid-year investigation -- it was the hillary clinton e-mail investigation. they then dropped that and used the subterfuge mid year being duet and quaint. it's not funny to me. it is disgusting and appalling.
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>> i think one of the big takeaways is that the exact same people who ran the clinton investigation, who did all of things that are not the typical practice when you're doing an investigation, those same people took over and ran the russia investigation. we learned of a new person in the report. fbi lawyer numb tbhe number two. you had strzok and page who ran the clinton investigation, ran the russia-trump investigation and put on mueller's team. we find out that fbi lawyer number two was part of the clinton investigation, was the primary lawyer, mr. horowitz's words on the trump investigation of the fbi and then put on mueller's team. i want to know who this lawyer is. i want to know who fbi lawyer number two is. we need that person to come in and be deposed as well. clinton investigation, trump information, on mueller's team, subsequently removed from mueller's team because of the
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bias they had. lou: three top attorneys in the fbi on the same train with the three same stops and ultimately ending up on mueller's team. it is so clearly and anti-trump bias, it is so clearly a hillary clinton bias in support of her candidacy. we're not talking about abstractions here. we are not talking about philosophy. if we've got this, i would love to have these comments on bias. if we got that number seven ready to go, folks in the control room? i'm speaking to you please. i could not hear your answer. okay. we don't have it. i'll read it. >> lou, one of -- lou: and this is lisa page speaking. on march 3rd, 2016, god, trump is a loathesome human, march 3rd, 2016 in that conversation, strzok, oh my god, trump's an idiot. march 3rd, in that
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conversation, he's awful. august 15, again, 2016, strzok, i want to believe the path you through out for consideration in andy's office, that there's in way he gets elected. but i'm afraid we can't take that risk. it's like the insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you're 40. i mean, this is -- and this man, horowitz and everybody wants to treat him with kit gloves with, cannot find bias acted upon out of a political motive amongst those five? my god, congressman. what are we to do next? >> lou, remember this as well. the most explosive texas message is the one we didn't see until today. the one that says we'll stop it. the attorney general says there's 50-something thousand text messages between strzok and page. we've seen those before, the insurance policy, trump should lose 100 million to zero.
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but the one that's the most explosive they hide from us until today. why didn't we have this before hand? that's another question i have for mr. rosenstein. why didn't we see this earlier, like all of the text messages you just read, the most explosive one that comes eight days after peter strzok opened a counter intelligence investigation into the president of the united states. think about that. and six days before the insurance policy texas message. so that's the sequence. and i think that's important and certainly worthy of some questions from mr. rosenstein in a few weeks when he's in front of the committee. lou: i think it's worthy of a number of other things too. >> may be. lou: one of them is the president of the united states now interceding and ordering absolute transparency from -- rod rosenstein is leading a deep state coverup. sit a partisan witch hunt, attacking a sitting president of the united states. the political motivation of the fbi and the justice department
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are absolutely conclusive and i don't give a damn what in inspector general so-called wants to call this report. it is nothing more than a coverup. >> ron desantis, mark meadows and i sent a letter to the president weeks ago asking the president to do that. give congress the investigation we're excited to get to get answers for you, everyone else in the press and most importantly the american people. i hope the president does that. declassify stuff, get us the information so we can get all of the answers. we don't have 0 to wait for the fbi when they decide to show us the we'll stop it text message. give us the information we're entitled to get. i'm all for that and that's why we sent the letter a few weeks ago. lou: not to break the flow with the deep state coverup and the assault on the sitting president but i want to ask you about thosanother assault on the prest emanating from the house of representatives. how long are you all going to put up to with this rhino who is leading your party and this
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country into the abyss? how dare this, this phony sit there and treat this american people this way and destroy the party but without comment from the conference. >> yeah. i mean, lou. >> other than matt gates who has stood up. >> i've said on your show and other shows. if and when there's a race for speak are i plan on being part of that discussion. i'm most focused on getting answers for the american people on the clinton investigation and more importantly on the trump-russia investigation and also doing what we told the american people we were going to do on immigration policy, welfare reform, tax policy, all of those things that we campaigned on. if we do that, then we'll have a race for speaker because we'll still be in the majority. lou: you'ryour good colleague sd everybody how to get this done and that's with what motion to vacate the chair. any one of you can stand up and
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do at at any time to see if he's got 218 votes. i'll make you a bet right now that he doesn't come close and more to the point, it's a matter of principle and preserving the party and act in the national interest. pi hope you'll consider it, congressman, because i think you'd do a hell of a job. >> thank you, lou. lou: up next, rhino ryan says he can kowtow to his masters and he's polished up a brand-new amnesty bill for illegal immigrants. it will spell absolute disaster for the republicans in the midterm and ed roll lynns with, the dean himself, hear next to take that up. stay with us.
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retail. under pressure like never before. and it's connected technology that's moving companies forward fast. e-commerce. real time inventory.
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virtual changing rooms. that's why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent network speed across multiple locations. every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. comcast business outmaneuver. rhino paul ryan is making a move for a presidential bid. he seems to be only interested in his own political fortunes and he's undercutting president trump at every turn. and now with what's heralded as the biggest amnesty deal in american history, a leaked draft of the ryan disastrous ledge daition -- yeah, it's the ryan legislation. by way, nobody was involved in this other than a few hand-picked leaders of the
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membership under ryan. this phony tried to claim and act as though it had broad popular support from the rank open file. it includes amnesty for 3.5 million daca recipients. there's no actual numerical qualification in the legislation. it fails to fully fund the president's border wall first. it doesn't end chain migration, it only sets quote unquote limits that are, well, only generally and ambiguously described. so here you go again. another ryan special. and that ryan special will be, well, will be served up to destroy the republican party in the midterms. i said last night on this broadcast the republicans stand to lose 50 seats if they put up with ryan much longer. a massive bust to have deadly drug fentanyl seized i seized io miami valley. 20 pounds to have drug is enough
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to kill an estimated 4 million people. four men, all of them from mexico were arrested on mug ling charges. mr. ryan, i would like for you to leave the border open. there are a lot of americans you apparently think deserve to die to meet addiction and to have their lives destroyed. you keep telling us how you're a big bad open borders guy. according to the border patrol, they seized nearly 6,000 pounds of narcotics on a typical day throughout the year of 2017. and yet speaker ryan is perfectly con dent to allow millions of american to die as collateral damage in their pursuit of open borders and amnesty for ill liam immigrants. the hell with the american people. joining us now, the smartest political strategist in the country, ed rollins, former reagan white house political director. >> thank you, sir. how are you? lou: i got to be honest with you. i'm so disgusted with the justice department and everyone
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associated with their leadership. i mean i would -- i can just absolutely puke, if you want to know the truth. >> the president promised he was going to drain the swamp when he ran and the swamp keeps getting bigger. this is the epitome of it. wray the new fbi director worked for comey. how could he be investigating accurately. lou: did you hear that smug self righteous pretentious little. >> how do you investigate hillary who clearly violated a law by basically going off of official government -- taking government documents -- lou: i got an answer for that one. >> when they were all doing the same thing. lou: yeah. they were conductin conducting t business on private phone doing what he did without regard for what was classified or confidential, sensitive information or top secret. and i mean comey did the same thing. >> including grand jury testimony, all of which are
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against the law. lou: and none of the witnesses in the clinton e-mail investigation, or as they use the quaint term, the midterm investigation rather than the clinton e-mail scandal, they didn't take any one of them before a grand jury. not a one. >> the bottom line, inspector generals, every agency has one appointed by obama, it's about the overcharging somewhere, are you basically spending too much for lunch, living up to the budget. it's not meant to invest something like that. there's a big hype. and they put aside the hillary thing which is the important thing. and the evidence that came out of this is they all basically thought hillary was going to win early on and those that didn't think hillary was going to win, they were going to do everything they could to stop it. lou: they were working to make sure she won. they were political activists and organizers of a political
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effort within the fbi at the highest level engaged in straightforwardly engaged as congressman jordan put it, engaged in the clinton e-mail investigation, engaged in the russia investigation, even they knew it was pure boulder dash, and also going to three, three top agents go subtly to the mueller special counsel. what should this do to the special counsel? it should end the da dad gum thg right now. this is ridiculous. >> i had great respect for sessions when he was senator. he needs to be fired. rosenstein needs to be thrown out also. they need to fix the agency. the president is going to be attacked on legal fronts for the rest of his presidency. he needs his own people there, needs his own man there. lou: think of what this president is achieving and what in the world -- paul ryan is obviously working against this president every day that he is
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in that speaker's office, working against the republican party and willing to throw away the majority in the house to subvert this president and secure his potential path to running at some point for president. it's that straightforward. >> it's exactly right. he didn't want to be tainted by the trump agenda and what have you. lou: he didn't want to be tainted, that precious little darling. he should smear that stuff all over him. i got to tell you, at least it would kill his stench, which is that of a politically corrupt and just absolutely committed political force against the american middle class and working men and women and their families. >> even to be playing at this late date on an immigration bill, nobody is going to see the bill before they stick it up there and vote on it, it's outrageous. lou: your party. >> my party. i'm not ma happy with it. they're not happy with me either, but that's okay. lou: ed rollins, it's not okay.
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we got to get it fixed. be sure to vote in the poll tonight. do you think the ig report's claim that there's no bia bias t the doj is a coverup? we'd like the hear from you on that. cast your vote on twitter @loudobbs. follow me on instagram and facebook do you think anyone in this councountry still has the capacy to get up upset and pick up the fen or text their congressmen and senators and tell them what the hell are you people doing? up next new york's attorney general conducting a partisan hit job on the president's personal foundation. we'll take that up and the fallout from the inspector general's report. fox legal analyst gregg jarrett joins me here next. insurance that won't replace the full value of your new car? you're better off throwing your money right into the harbor. i'm gonna regret that. with new car replacement, if your brand new car gets totaled, liberty mutual
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will pay the entire value plus depreciation. liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance. cuz, um, i thought that was what i needed to do. we got our orders to go overseas and i went to baghdad, iraq. we were transporting a bomb sniffing dog to the polling stations. we rolled over two anti-tank mines, it blew my humvee up, killed my sergeant.
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after the explosion, i suffered a closed head injury, um, traumatic brain injury, loss of a limb, burns to 60% of my body. when the doctors told me i reached my plateau, i did not want to hear that because i do not believe i have a plateau. so, i had to prove 'em wrong, which i am doing to this day and i will still do until the end of my days. i've gotten to where i am at because of my family. and, the wounded warrior project has helped me more than i can ever imagine. they have really been there to support me in my endeavors. my number one goal, basically, is to get close to where i was. i am more than ready to work hard to get to that goal. i am living proof to never give up and i will never give up.
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foundation under attack by new york state's partisan attorney
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general acting ag barbara underwood filing a lawsuit today, i suppose being cute about it, being the president's birthday entered into her thinking as well, accusing him of using the donald j. trump foundation to benefit his personal, political and business interests. the president fired back earlier today on twitter. the sleazy new york democrats and their now disgraced and run out of town ag eric schneiderman are doing everything they can to sue me on a foundation that took in $18 million and gave out to charity. i won't settle this case. joining us tonight, fox business legal analyst gregg jarrett, author of the new book "the russia hoax, the illicit scheme to clear hillary clinton and frame donald trump" now available for preorder everywhere. you saw the inspector general's report before you wrote that subtitle. >> oh yeah.
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lou: that's amazing. because that's what this document is. it lays out exactly that. >> what should have been in the inspector general's report is in any book. and it's the argument about how hillary clinton clearly broke the law. lou: they have to pay for your book. not the inspector general's report. >> i notice you're a little animated on this subject today. lou: i'm a little animated when i see this country going straight to hell. we're putting up with a corrupt department of justice, a corrupt attorney general, a deputy attorney general, five, at least five corrupt fbi agents at the very top of the organization. this is disgusting. it's appalling and you have the political leadership in congress and the senate. it should be a bipartisan issue and instead it's left to the establishment rhinos to keep their mouths shut and not even say a word, even though this report makes it clear that this
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was a politically motivated attack on the president and in support of hillary clinton. >> well the key line in describindescribing what peter d is from the inspector general, it's more seriously a willingness to take official action to impact the presidential candidacy of president trump. lou: how the hell does this inspector general conclude there's no bias that's actionable? >> it's frustrating. he finds rampant bias. 560 pages of bias. and yet he concludes, well, i don't find any documentary of testimonial evidence that that bias actually influenced -- lou: look at page 395, look at page 423. i mean i can help him out. he wrote the dag gum report. >> i agree with you entirely.
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americans are smart and they know what went on here. lou: why the hell shoal smart americans have to put up with stupid corrupt government. this is ridiculous. >> that's redundant, corrupt government. and sad to say -- lou: you know, it shouldn't be. >> i know. lou: because we're talking about the federal government. it should be the gold standard! president trump ran against stupid government. he should have been running against stupid corrupt government throughout because this is really appalling. and this is putting in jeopardy an historic president and his administration who are actually solving problems and doing much to advance the national interest instead of just play the usual sickening establishment games on capitol hill. >> well i will say that this report leaves james comey in tatters, his reputation, his integrity. he clearly, according to the report, usurped power --
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lou: applauding the inspector again for this report. >> he's just happy he didn't get a criminal referral. but you're not out of the woods yet, mr. comey. there's more coming. the inspector general has two more stages of his report that focus directly on you, mr. comey. your use of a phony dossier to gain a fisa warrant and leaking of your stolen government documents including classified documents. so if comey is popping the champagne cork tonight, it's premature. lou: if anybody is depending on miking horowitz and the inspector general's office for justice in the justice department and the fbi, it's going to be a hell of a long wait. if this report demonstrates anything, in my judgment, it is that they're exactly what chris farrell said they are, the inspector general's office is where truth goes to die. that's a damn shame. but it's now up to the president
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to bring trump justice to bear. and that means clean this place out, absolute transparency and roll up these corrupt figures and do it now before they become too powerful for even the president. we used to say that we were concerned about an imperial presidency. too much power. but the truth is, we have a congress that is now inconsequential within w, we haa president who's impotent against these forces, they become the deep state, political forces among themselves and this president is being intimidated by that very force that is trying to carry out a coup against his administration. it's got to stop. it can only stop i think with a man with his historic standing and his guts and brains to contend with them. >> there's no justice in the department of justice anymore. and i agree with ed rollins. it's time to clean house.
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get rid of sessions, get rid of rosenstein, get rid of them all. lou: thanks for being here. >> paul ryan is on line twho there for you. lou: it must be for you. thanks, greg up next, the inspector general's report claims the fbi showed no bias, imagine that. we talked with congressman matt gates who's been the only one with the guts to stand up and say what he meant about the corrupt speaker of the house of representatives. he's next. stay with us. lou: joining us tonight,
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congressman matt gates. he serves op a number of key committees, including judiciary, budget and armed services. congressman, great to see you. i can't wait to hear what you think about this 586 pages, this report from the inspector general. >> well obviously, lou, this information about hillary clinton is damning and it is frustrating and it is true. but the bombshell in this report is chapter 12 that highlights the fact that the mueller investigation is built on a rotten premise. peter truck just nine days after opening the investigation on george papadopoulos was out there saying he could stop donald trump from becoming president of the united states. and you know what else? we have a new character that enters this story, attorney
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number two, the lead attorney from the fbi assigned to robert mueller and now we see circumstances where he's saying viva allah resistance, aligning himself with resistance against the trump administration while working with robert mueller. we've got to disband the mueller probe, corrupt from the beginning. lou: i think you make a terrific point. this report, just the facts, forget the -- there isn't even an attempt at logical conclusion based on the evidence because otherwise there could be people being marched forward to grand juries because this is contemptible, absolute corrupt conduct on the part of the fbi and the department of justice as well, i think. to sit there and say that five attorneys, three of them known to not, were involved here, it is just straightforward. they were working for hillary clinton, they were working as political activists. they were doing what she did,
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that is have public in the clear conversations of government business being conducted on their private cell phones in contravention of every requirement of the fbi. and this inspector general wants to give them a little slap on the wrist and say don't do that. and i think we need to change our procedures and our rules and do some really good training. and christopher wray calls a press conference to announce he's going to tell the rank and file how to conduct themselves when it's their damn leadership that's corrupt and absolutely in violation of the regulations. >> lou, foreign actors hacked into this information that was classified that was being illegally maintained by hillary clinton so that she would haven't to produce documents because she wanted to run for president while hiding information from the american people. so you had americans put at risk because of this activity and what, we're going to update the hr manual, update our guidelines
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and procedures. this is the same fbi department of justice that for a year has refused to produce the information about how this entire trump-russia narrative began in the first place but yet they're willing to gloss over the real danger to national security that hillary clinton caused. this was bias in favor of hillary against donald trump. and the real question is what are we going to do about it in congress. are we just going to watch. are we just going to criticize from the sidelines. or are we going to step up with, demand the documents and start impeaching the people that broke the law. lou: congress jordan making it clear the latter path is the one that he would like to take. in your wie w looming a big obstacle, is a lame duck rhino speak whoar ispeaker who is senr party to hell with this amnesty legislation that no one is seeing. there's been no regular order. there has been no debate. you're, handing this and being
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told to be good boys and girls and do what the republicans say which will destroy the republican base and cost you, i think, 50 seats in the midterms. what do you think? >> i have not read the leadership produced immigration legislation. but every time the republicans trade amnesty today for border security tomorrow, we never get to the border security part. and the american people know game. they know it's a bait and switch game at a bad used car lot. immigration is one of the key points of his agenda and we need to deliver for the president in kin to if goodlatte bill that cracks down on sanctuary cities. if we're doing less than that, we're not fulfilling the promises that we made to people when we asked them to trust us with this government. lou: can you imagine what paul ryan said to tom don he donahuee
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chamber, to charles and david koch, the koch brothers. he made some heartfelt promise to them for all that he's been promised he's been bought, he's sold out and there's no contract with america. it's just with american business, american banks and of course wall street and the koch brothers. and as long as he's in that office, congressman, you know you don't have a chance, right? >> well i'm going to keep fighting. and i want to know where the republican party is on this issue. we need to be taking public votes to put people on the board. i don't know the people you mentioned, but i will say there are a lot of special interests in this town that simply want cheap labor. and how criminal it would be for us to neuter the tax cuts by allowing so much illegal immigration that we depress wages. we promised people tax cuts and rises waging. lou: and congressman, there is no doubt about it, the american people will not be satisfied with anything other than the construction of that wall as a
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condition preceding to amnesty of any kind if amnesty at all. thanks for being with us. i salute you. you're the only voice sofa are to stand up straight and say it exactly like it is about the speakership of one paul ryan. thanks so much. >> thank you, lou. lou: sarah huckabee sanders now backing down because of a bunch of abuse from an white house press corps. we've got the story, much more straight ahead. straight ahead. stay with us. ♪imagine no possessions . .
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♪a brotherhood of man ♪imagine all the people ♪sharing all the, ♪you may say i'm a dreamer ♪but i'm not the only one ♪i hope some day you'll join us♪ ♪and the world will live as one♪
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retail. under pressure like never before. and it's connected technology that's moving companies forward fast. e-commerce. real time inventory. virtual changing rooms. that's why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent network speed across multiple locations. every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. comcast business outmaneuver.
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closing mixed with to be dow town 26 points, s&p up 7, the nasdaq up 65, volume on the big boar 3 and a half billion shares. the president approved tariffs on $50 billion of chinese goods and a reminder listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network up next, the left wing national med y media and it aint trump pun duts hitting a bizarre low today. we'll take up their behavior next. stay with us. we'll be right back. man: i got scar tissue there. same thing with any dent or dings on this truck.
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they all got a story about what happened to 'em. man 2: it was raining, there was only one way out. i could feel the barb wire was just digging into the paint. man: two bulls were fighting, (thud) bam hit the truck. try explaining that to your insurance company. woman: another ding, another scratch. it'll just be another chapter in the story. every scar tells a story, and you can tell a lot more stories when your truck is a chevy silverado. the most dependable, longest-lasting, full-size pickups on the road.
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lou: the national left-wing media unhinged. listen to this screaming and berating of press secretary >> don't you have any empathy for what these people are going through? these people have nothing.
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>> brian, settle down. go ahead, jill. >> it's a serious question. these people have nothing. they come to the board were nothing. around parent with young children. don't you have any empathy for what they go through? lou: sarah sanders classy, stoic. and i was hoping she would unload on him. candace owens. she said to jim acosta he can barely understand short sentences. at this point she is going to boil over and appropriately so. your thoughts on that conduct. >> these aren't questions being
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asked in search of answers. they are questions being asked in search of attention. i couldn't agree more. they said we need to take live tv cameras out of these press briefings. obviously these people are doing this to go viral and they want the attention. and then i would go one step further. i would say the white house press corps gets one day. wednesdays go to the foreign press and that's it. three press briefings a week, three different press corps. that would get us more information than the grandstanding we are seeing. lou: candace, what do you think? >> i agree with that strategy.
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they are doing this to be in the story. they are hostile, bitter and unhelpful. they are unhinged because the house of cards is falling and they are part of the house of cards. they are part of the people who tried to get hillary clinton in the office. they are bitter and angry because their strategy didn't work and donald trump is sitting in the office today. >> what i personally would like to see. but if you are not mannered and respectful of the house you are in, the people's house. the white house. treating the president's press secretary with respect. throw them the heck out. there is no reason to put up with that nonsense. at some point networks will run out of white house reporters if they continue to suck up the air the way those ill mannered louts
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have been behaving. >> the first reporter you ladies a reporter for "playboy." jim acosta is from ynn. you would think cnn would step in. lou: we are told he got a big promotion because he behaves the way he does. >> right. he got a big promotion. he was applauded for screaming questions during the summit with president trump. lou: candace, you get the last word. >> you are exactly right. sarah sanders is not a babysitter. but these individual are acting liked tolars. they are adults looking for attention. if you remove the cameras they will stop fighting for it. lou: i'm not sure what they are
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fighting for. it's a shame to watch their conduct. thanks so much. that's it for us tonight. thank you for being with us. good night from new york. >> oig report makes clear we have work to do. we will hold employees accountable for any potential my conduct. nothing in this report impugns the integrity of our workforce as a whole or the fbi as an institution. cheryl: breaking this morning. the house of cards is crumbling. more fallout from the scathing ig report that found fired fbi director james comey was insubordinate with clinton investigation. >> turning up the heat on china. white house expected to turn tariff


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