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tv   FBN AM  FOX Business  June 19, 2018 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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marianne was just talking about, and that is the high cost of ill liam immigration and open borders on the american worker, the american working family and our middle class. that's >> last year $375 billion in trade deficit. we had 300 at 300 to china. over $800 billion over a period of years each year plus the $800 billion in losses on trade. not going to happen anymore. not going to happen. cheryl: breaking this morning, we are in selloff mode is trump doubles down on china and slapping a terrified $200 billion worth of chinese goods. beijing retaliate. taking a look at stock market features right now. the dow down triple digits.
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down 366. the s&p is down 34. the nasdaq is down 80 points right now. it follows on the heel of stocks in a show sharply lower to four-month lows. the nikkei down 1.7% of the shanghai down three points seven. the hang seng and kospi both down pretty dramatically this morning. >> europe react to him. same situation in europe in particular the dax index down 1.5%. the and a quarter%. this was the down half of a percent. gerri: also watching the debate in washington is the trump administration refuses to back down on zero-tolerance immigration policy that the president making this to reach an agreement. "fbn:am" starts right now.
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cheryl: 5:01 a.m. in new york on tuesday, june 18th. good morning, everybody. and cheryl casone. gerri: and gerri willis. gerri willis. just as he thought no one cared about the trade issue in a trade issue and i've written it off, they really cared. cheryl: negotiating tactic may be a trade war. how would this affect the future is that the president turning up the heat against china as a trade dispute between the world's two biggest economies continue to grow into potential trade war. the president to stop a 10% tariff on $200 billion in chinese imports and tears on another $200 billion of goods to china if beijing decides to retaliate. china: the trump administration blackmail, adding that will respond with what it calls strong countermeasures. gerri: that's right. the trade standoff between the u.s. and china. japan and china together. "the wall street journal"
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reports that beijing wants more investment from japan is chinese economy slows down. president trump reportedly telling apple did it's imported from china would not face the u.s. tariffs. china accounts for about a quarter, 25% of apple's annual revenue. cheryl: all of this of course it futures this morning. the dow down 367-point in the premarket peer will keep a close eye on these numbers. the dow lost 103 yesterday. all of this of course is on the fears of a potential trade war with china and some other countries after the president threatened to impose tariffs on $300 billion in imports. the markets under pressure. jonathan hoenig, hedge fund manager at capitalist what do you make of this selloff in the potential retaliation? beijing said on friday to make
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it our farm products, cars, crude oil is a piece of retaliation. >> use of the farm products dropped precipitously yesterday and again this morning, cheryl. the president said he wanted a trade war. it was easy to win. he's got one you see so far tremendous selling in markets across the world because we know what the net result of this tariffs are taxes on americans. we know that they raise prices that authority started to rise like items like lumber and washing machines. this is a tremendous act of self sabotage by americans, by the president when it comes to earn economy. the biggest risk in my estimation as these trade wars with china and everyone else. trade to the president put his support behind zte and yesterday the senate reinstated the ban on u.s. parts come essentially putting zte back out of
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business. for tat with the administration versus of course the senators there. is that another dangerous piece of what we see on the selloff this morning? >> yeah, obviously come up with an ad hoc basis. we are going to decide what products have tariffs, what products don't. apple would be exempt from a certain companies exempt. for investors, not to mention business people who are looking for years out, five years out. terrorists don't affect the industry in which they levied, but the follow-on industries all elements of the supply chain that comes along with goods
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cheryl: welcome back. we continue to follow what's happening with your markets on this tuesday. if you're just waking up and joining us, more worries about the growing trade war with the chinese. more terrorists imposed with a new list of a potential $200 billion. peer the dow down 358, nasdaq down 78.5. also putting pressure big-time on the markets. in particular look at the hang seng down almost 1%. down almost 4%. taking a look at all of the markets in the red good in particular the dax down 1.5%. right now, kim jong un is in china to meet with xi jinping. the north korean tater is expected to breach in singapore.
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having $137 billion per share. peer $5.3 billion. the world health organization confirming there is apparent everywhere. the agency says video games including gaming disorder is a mental health condition. classification will help them be more vigilant. the mental health experts however say it could cause unnecessary concern among parents because parents don't have enough to worry about. >> in the u.s. airline could soon take off. good morning, tracee. >> chasing them and preparing to
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launch a low-cost u.s.-based air carrier to raise $100 million to start the airline, which will reportedly be named moxie. it is due to debut in 2020. got to compete with its former airline jetblue and southwest. gerri: amazon being warned away from facial recognition technology. how so? >> facing pressure from the aclu to stop selling its recognition technology to governments and get out of the surveillance business. both groups are worried about privacy. amazon founder and ceo jeff bezos is now worth almost $142 billion, making him the richest man in the world, surpassing warren buffett and bill gates. if amazon shares continue to hit record highs in the days those only get richer. cheryl: one of the richest man
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and one of the most fake name. kind of a frightening new skill for everybody. >> i'm with you. i don't know if i'd want to know, but the new artificial intelligence system can predict whether hospital patients will die 24 hours after admission. it processes data about patients like her age, ethnicity and gender. the information is combined with information like diagnosis, her vital signs and lab results. >> i've got a pushback on this. they're looking at an average person like you, how well they do. you may be a different kind of person. you may fight back. you may be more upbeat. there's something about you that makes you survive. i just have to say that because of my own personal experience. reporter: you definitely have
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this experience. i thought they were saying they would dig into.his notes, things like that, to combine that information. that might be a little bit -- cheryl: we have a lot more coming out. the trump administration doubling down, immigration laws already on the books. >> the obama administration and the bush administration all separated families. the rate was less than nice, but they absolutely did do this. this was not new. a new bipartisan way to fix it. we will have a bye panel -- bipartisan panel. a selloff in your markets on this tuesday. worries about a trade with china. dow down 58, nasdaq down 81. you're watching "fbn:am."
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♪ and now for the rings. (♪) i'm a four-year-old ring bearer with a bad habit of swallowing stuff. still won't eat my broccoli, though. and if you don't have the right overage, you could be paying for that pricey love band yourself. so get an allstate agent, and be better protected from mayhem. like me. can a ring bearer get a snack around here?
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tried to once again, the futures market looking pretty rough. reacting to fears of a trade war on the new possible terrorist being imposed on china's 200 billion. dow down 352 in the premarket. nasdaq down 78 and three quarters. taken a look at a share. look at asia appeared big they get to asian markets as well. look at the shanghai and the hang seng markets. both of those down almost three, almost 4% respectively in europe. red arrows as well. all of this in reaction to a possible trade war between the u.s. and china. >> the immigration debate continues this data families at
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the border and the effects of america's so-called zero tolerance policy. the white house going on the offensive. >> it is very strongly that democrats fault. they were obstruction, really obstructionists. it will not be a migrant camp. >> george w. bush administration policy advisor in law and policy manager. let's get started here, guys. despite a wave of criticism from some of it coming from their own party, the administration standing behind the policy of separating families saying it's nothing new. but here is a g jeff sessions last night defending the policy. listen. >> we are doing the right thing, taking care of these children. they are now being abused. the health and human services holds them in good conditions.
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they worked hard at it. we spent a billion dollars last year, health and human services did in taking care of children who've been in the country unlawfully. gerri: your reaction. >> what makes america exceptional is the fact that we believe in humanity, that we have shared interest in what the president administration is doing is discussing and it undermines everything america represents. this is a policy by this administration. train at gerri: that has been debated. the dhs secretary followed by obama and george w. bush. let's get back to the political issues here among the republicans breaking away from the president. ted cruz introduces legislation to keep families together doubled the number of judges hearing these cases. what's next for the immigration, can the plan for two other republican bills get traction. let's take a look at the
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statement. he says all americans are rightly horrified by the images we were seeing on the news. this must stop now. you see what's going on in the party here. michael barnes, to you, can the party keep it together and can we get any legislation through on this topic? >> this must stop now. the people at ted cruz onboard commands greater likelihood that it will compel congress to take action. but we will see some conservatives, a lot of moderate republicans and democrats coming together. there may be republican holdouts that want to push for greater provisions on their side of this debate. if they do that to do with the disastrous consequences that will be to the impeachment by democratic houses and the president. the president should be involved politically to make sure it gets fixed soon. cheryl: microstar hopkins to you. you have been criticizing this policy.
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democratic leader pelosi, listen. >> they understand the damage that is done when stress is expected on children by separating them from their families. and so this is not an immigration issue. this is humanitarian issue. >> my question to you is will they ever come to the table to exploit. microstar hopkins. >> democrats have brought forth multiple immigration bills. the presidents refuse to sign any of them. blaming democrats is a copout. republicans and democrats come together in rebuke the president. in november this is very dangerous territory for the president, but good territory for america. gerri: the president going to the hill today with two bills. ill be interesting to see if they have traction. the dhs secretary kirstjen
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nielsen saying they are facing an onslaught of children. things have changed here. michael barnes, what you said about? >> the situation in central america is bad. when you are dealing with potentially your outcomes. one is to release them as which creates an incentive to bring their kids. the other is the current situation where you celebrate the kids from their parents and that the front to american values. all are waiting for a political fix, you have to go with the one that is not so offensive to american values and american children for their family members. gerri: obviously hotly contested issue. the administration saying this policy was the same under the president and congress needs to take action privilege they would have been spared michael barnes, michael starr hawkins, thank you for coming out today.
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cheryl: well, president trump turning up the heat on china as he threatens the terrorists on beijing. are we in the brink of a trade war? as you can see, features and selloff mode. down 359 the premarket, s&p down three quarters. nasdaq down 80. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪ i'm a small business, but i have...
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♪music ♪yea, you can be the greatest ♪you can be the best ♪you can be the king kong ♪bangin on your chest ♪you can beat the world you can beat the war♪ ♪you can talk to god while bangin on his door♪ ♪you can throw your hands up you can beat the clock♪ ♪you can move a mountain you can break rocks♪ ♪you can be a master don't wait for luck♪ ♪dedicate yourself and you can find yourself♪ ♪standin in the hall of fame ♪yea
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♪and the world's gonna know your name, yea♪ ♪and you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame♪ ♪you can be a champion ♪be a champion ♪in the walls of the hall of fame♪ ♪be students, be teachers be politicians, be preachers♪ ♪yea, yea ♪be believers, be leaders, be astronauts, be champions♪ ♪standin in the hall of fame cheryl: breaking this morning, we're looking at a selloff as president trump is double down threatening to stop a 10% terrifying another 200 billion worth of chinese goods if beijing retaliates. the dow was down 329 in the premarket. nasdaq down 76 and a quarter. gerri: asia heading for a month
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lows. taking a look at the story. you've got red across the board in the dax in particular under pressure down more than one and a quarter%. if this trade were worries are getting down, we will tell you how to score some free chick-fil-a "fbn:am" continues right now. 5:34 a.m. in new york. tuesday, june 19th. i'm cheryl casone. gerri: good morning. i'm gerri willis. the market is a little better than it was. cheryl: what more could you ask for. gerri: u.s. stock market futures love market futures low this morning following president trump's right to impose new tariffs on $200 billion in chinese imports. dow futures down 358. earlier they were down nearly
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400. this is a bit of an improvement as we see the target down 33, the nasdaq down almost 79. michael lee and investment advisory group joins us now. things are coming on the show. this is all about trade tensions. the market's been willing to ignore this for a while. it is suddenly taking it more seriously and why. >> it is more in your face right now. what'll have to know is you had a great site off earlier this is the beginning the markets actually are. and because this is the umpteenth time we've had a selloff. there may be terrorists which are usually not a good thing to come along.
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>> michael, hang on a second. are we already in the trade war? >> we are in some economic war with china. we have been for a long time. maybe the actions the u.s. are taking are now coming to light. -- i would just say that you can't fight a war with the u.s. militarily and you can't frighted trade war because they are so much larger than the export. we are an import-based economy. we have much more tools in our belt. >> i've got a let's do this because we don't have a ton of time here. what should i buy it an individual investor? >> they've been on such a run. the big banks.
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obviously the big money center banks for the value is. every single selloff we've had over the last three of four months. this has been a great opportunity. this will be the same. gerri: michael, thank you so much. tech and bank, bank intact. cheryl: your market watching what is happening with tesla. elon musk alerting employees to an attempted sabotage. gerri: tracee carrasco joins us with more on that another headlines. >> at a late-night e-mail to his entire company, they told employees they have been caught participating damaging sabotage to our operation. they allegedly made direct code changes and sent amounts of highly sensitive data to third parties.
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the employee was reported by tesla and is continuing to investigate whether the employee was working with others. >> what about road crew, trying to go after amazon. >> planning to launch a marketplace for a video subscription services in the coming month, which will let you sign up for an watch subscription services without having to download separate apps on roku devices. it will be similar to amazon channels, which is an à la carte offerings available on fire to the devices. gerri: with god talk about chicken. chick-fil-a, what's going on? >> cow appreciation day at chick-fil-a is on tuesday, july july 10th. for the 14th year in a row, chick-fil-a is giving away to anyone wearing a cow costume or any sort of cow apparel from
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store openings. they also get a free kids meal as well. you've got a little time as well. cheryl: according to the pictures, it's a family affair. >> it really is. >> it's all about the milkshakes. july 10th. thank you, tracee. >> the man behind the investigation in the e-mail scandal feeling the heat on capitol hill yesterday. >> we found the inappropriate political messages we uncovered to the cloud. the >> what did we learn from his testimony and boldly going where no man has gone before. why president trump wants to dominate the moon and mars. add paper stocks today. the dow to open 347 points through the s&p 500 down almost
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32. the nasdaq down almost 76. we'll be watching this all day for you and you are watching "fbn:am." ♪ benjamin franklin captured lightening in a bottle. over 260 years later, with a little resourcefulness, ingenuity, and grit, we're not only capturing energy from the sun and wind, we're storing it. as the nation's leader in energy storage, we're ensuring americans have the energy they need, whenever they need it. this is our era. this is america's energy era. nextera energy.
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prediabetes?! i don't have time to eat right or exercise. i'm a busy mom! oh, you're a busy mom? yeah. this is great news! busy moms never get prediabetes. wait, what? let me just...yeah! this is all the people at risk for prediabetes, and way over here-- busy moms. no? whew. >> welcome back. check in the u.s. features we've been watching them all morning. the dow opened 353 points lower. s&p down 32.
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the nasdaq down 79. as we chew over the trade negotiations. shanghai down three points% of hang seng as asian markets have four-month lows overnight. in europe, we are looking at another down day in the markets down for the ftse. cac down 61, dax down 171. we will keep an eye on that. french president emanuel macron is meeting with german chancellor angela merkel today. the two plan to discuss reports for the european union where mark was facing in tense scrutiny over her country's immigration policy. the chancellor has agreed to a two-week deadline with leaders that would allow germany to turn away asylum-seekers at the border. president trump signing off on an idea that is out of this world. he's calling for u.s. base for says the six branch of the u.s.
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military. it would be the biggest revamp of the u.s. armed forces in more than 70 years. still needs congressional approval. house approved the air force, but it was blocked by the senate. no idea how much this will cost. there's going to be more intense questioning into the handling of the hillary craig neuville investigation. fbi director christopher wray will have house members at 10:00 a.m. today and will be split over the findings. yesterday the parents are tough questions from the senators. >> the inappropriate political messages we uncovered cast a cloud over the investigation, so doubt about the credibility of the fbi handling of it. statement the court did identify errors of judgment and decisions of the benefit of hindsight were
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certainly not the best choices. >> or it's confirmed the possible mishandling of classified information. let's bring in misty merits to give us some color in all of this. they really stepped up his script yesterday, both of them, but they never talked about bias. christopher wray continued to defend the bureau. how can they possibly say that after we've all now read that report. >> absolutely. they very specifically said there is no documentary evidence to confirm that there was bias. that means they didn't have something in writing, e-mail, text message that would cooperate by us. i read this text messages. how can it be possible that this investigation was not somehow influenced by the bias in the fbi. that's an absolute stretch.
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>> with intuit senator kennedy had to say when questioning michael horvitz. >> do you believe in the tooth? >> nope. >> do you believe in the easter bunny? >> nope. >> do you honestly believe that the american people are going to look at this report and look at those e-mails do not believe that there was bias? cheryl: okay ms. d., while i still believe the easter bunny. that was a good point kennedy made. the report was maybe missing something. >> that is the issue that all of these come in the easter bunny, tooth, santa claus, obviously something here. those text messages read very clearly they don't need any interpretation. another great point was made by orin hatch when he said we are looking at this one investigation, what else is out there in the context of the
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other investigations the fbi is conduct being. >> james comey really continues to find himself more controversy each day plays out. this into a christopher ray has to say about rummy. >> i cannot imagine a situation in which i would unilaterally assumed for myself as the fbi direct their and then announce it at conference. >> the more richer richer report, the more i begin to focus the ad hoc decision-making based on his personal views. >> they are now looking. and by the way, e-mail is going to president barack obama at the time. >> has said that so many times. i believe the fact that comey leaked his own communication, his internal memos to the press. we know that's the subject of an investigation is illegal. that was the property of the
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government. finally someone looking into the fact that comey did not follow sba protocols in any stretch of the imagination. cheryl: republican senators are saying we want to know who these employees were. you put them in the report. time to name them in the issue of transparency. we shall see what horvitz does. misty merits, thank you very much. gerri: coming up, the washington capitals. a major member of the scene is opting for free agency. terrell owens but the legendary scene. got to get back to markets. the dow jones industrial average down 360 points. s&p 500 down 33. the nasdaq down 82. we are watching your money coming your markets, your wallet and you are watching the "fbn:am." ♪
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comcast business outmaneuver. >> welcome back. again looking to markets reacting to a potential trade war with china's new tariffs possibly been opposed by the trump administration paid the dow was down 365 can s&p down 33, nasdaq down 83. asia's same story, same fears that the hang seng in shanghai markets have the biggest sellout down 3% and 4% nearly respectively. europe's same story. that market down more than one and a quarter%. gerri: now something more to be. two weeks after winning the stanley cup, washington capitals head coach has resigned. reportedly wanted more than $1.8 million. they are going to pay him to coach next season. the capital is releasing this statement, we're obviously
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disappointed by the decision and would like to thank gary for his efforts to pass for years and helping bring the stanley cup to washington. he now has the open market to find a better deal. the new york islanders are the only team in the mh with the vacancy besides the capitals. thank you very much and out the door. cheryl: risky move. the teams played a three and a makeup game earlier that day. the nationals won not one. they catch on the warning track in game two. yankees win four to two. the nationals making a big acquisition by the way. they had trade for kevin herrera. three games back to the braves for the lead in the national league east. >> former nfl receiver terrell owens can still move. the 44-year-old posting this video of himself completing a 40-yard dash in four-point for
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three seconds. look at that. look at him go. owens recently turned down an invitation to the ceremony at the football hall of fame after being made. >> he's busy branding. cheryl: i love that video. we are watching the market selloff this morning. the dow down 362. staying on these levels. not a lot of movement right now. this is it. s&p down 32 and three quarters. we will go to london for more market reaction on the selloff. ♪ or is it? this farmer's morning starts in outer space. where satellites feed infrared images of his land into a system built with ai. he uses watson to analyze his data with millions of weather forecasts from the cloud, and iot sensors down here, for precise monitoring of irrigation.
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it's a smart way to help increase yields, all before the rest of us get out of bed.
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gerri: u.s. stock futures down 355 points at the open. if after president trump threatens to spot where tariffs on china. joshua mawhinney, market analyst at ag in london joins us now. good morning. markets on edge obviously. do you think a trade war could break out or are we already there? >> yeah, good morning. ultimately the way we have been recently as a little bit of a tit-for-tat between the u.s. and china. by and large we thought there is going to be a positive resolution. we've now heard from donald trump in terms of him directing u.s. trade representative to find another $200 million worth
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of chinese goods for them to apply a 10% tax. that takes things a step further. by and large donald trump comes to the idea we are going to see really did getting things because we have the big trade deficit for the u.s. frankly, dick cheney says said they would return and it is bringing it closer to the sixth of july deadline where we could see the tears kicking. >> they are not backing off. we are watching oil this morning on friday. do you think producers will agree when they meet? >> in terms of the saudi's and the russians of course, they have the standing within opec. driving this idea they would see a rise in terms of production. iraq, venezuela all going to
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veto and plan to do so. whether we see 1 million euros raised in terms of production. anything less than that, markets would take as being underwhelming. >> thank you for the news. appreciate it. cheryl: time for mourning says maria. right over to maria bartiromo on this busy morning. >> good morning to you. i maria bartiromo and it is tuesday june 18th. top stories right now. 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. raising stakes in a possible trade for china appear threatening another round of tariffs against china. $200 billion worth of goods could escalate from there and that is what you see behind the selloff this morning. features syndicate a sharp sell off a percent at the start of trading down 125% pay 357 points lower right now. markets in the red for the year and missed by the way is also the lowest of the night. crimes across the board
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yesterday lower for a fifth day in a row. almost one half of a percent. done a quarter of a percent yesterday. six is lower but the nasdaq managed its fractional gains on yesterday's trading session. there is a trade were ripping through this morning in addition to the u.s. to clients across the board in europe. down half a percent of the worst performer in germany appeared to be in germany paid the dax down one and a 3%. 170 points lower. sharp selloff there as well. the shanghai composite or worse down 4% on the session overnight. that certainly set the tone for markets. securing the southern border. the tribe administration standing firm enforcing its zero-tolerance policy. jeff sessions calling out the obama administration promised them in the polls and this is done. >> we have watched what happened with the obama policies and over the


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