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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  June 20, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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president trump: i didn't know he was going to do that then he takes out a speech and reads it. i said that's pretty good. he's a great guy. he loves you and he loves this country. we are going to keep on winning. i used to say in a little jest, but i meant it. we are going to win so much. remember? we are going to win-win win. that's what we are doing. remember i said your governor or senator or pete or somebody, they will come into washington and say, mr. president, please, we are wishing too much. the people of minnesota can't stand winning so much.
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and i say no, we'll keep winning, winning, winning. so we created 3.4 million new jobs since election day. 3.4. and i said before as i would have said to you during the campaign. those very dishonest people back there, the fake news [crowd booing] president trump: they would have said he's exaggerating. [crowd chanting "cnn sucks"]
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president trump: these are very dishonest people. there are a lot of dishonest people. i just got back as you know from singapore where i met -- where i met kim jong-un. and we had a great meeting. great chemistry. we got along very well. they didn't want us to. but it's nice to do that. and very interestingly at first everybody was amazed, amazed that we had the meeting. they couldn't believe it. the first 24 hours. they said, i can't believe it. they said they are going to meet. then about a day later they said what's the big deal with the meeting. forwarder words, their bosses said you can't say that. but the beauty is this, we had a meeting and it was an incredible success. they said the president gave
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away so much. he met with them. i said what else? i met? what am i supposed to do? i have to meet, right? he met! sentence one says a total denukes jarrizatiode --a total f north korea. we got back our hostages. and i didn't pay $ the.8 bo get them back. we got back our great fallen heroes, the remains, today already 200 have been sent back. they stopped shooting missiles
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over japan. they stopped all nuclear testing. they stopped nuclear research. they stopped rocketry. they stopped everything that you would wt them to stop, and they blew up sites where they do the testing. [cheers and applause] and it was a great meeting. and kim jong-un will turn down and i will tell, he'll turn chairman kim will turn that country into a great successful country. and let me tell you. let me tell you this. a year and a half ago nobody thought that was possible. in fact, before i was elected everybody assumed we were going
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to war. in seoul you have 28 million people living 38 miles off the bored. they have thousands of ca cannos aiming at seoul. but i got along with kim jong-un. and that's a good thing. not a bad thing. and these people, you remember, i said i can't believe it. he's given away so much? you know what i gave away? a meeting. and the fact that we do get along means we are safe. up not saying things can't happen, things go wrong. mistakes are made. relationships get broken. but right now you are so safe and such a great event took place. and all over asia -- [cheers and applause]
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and all over asia they are celebrating the great achievement that we made because you are the ones that put me here. that we made. all together. really all over the world. by the way, in our country everybody knows what a great achievement this is not only for us, but for north korea within japan, china, for everybody. i have to say, you have been reading where i have been putting very large tariffs on china. very, very large. we hit the $250 billion mark. but i want to say, we have to do that. it has to be balanced and fair. china and president xi has really helped us a lot at the border of north korea. helped us a lot, and he's a
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friend of mine. so you should be very proud of yourselves for what took place. that was very close to war for many years. many years it was very, very close. now we can have something where everybody is going to live in peace for a long period of time, and there will be denuclearization. that's the real story, thank you. that's the real story. so unemployment numbers are among the best in the history of our country. african-american unemployment is at its lowest level in the history of our country. hispanic american unemployment has reached its lowest level ever recorded in the history of
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our country. and remember i go into big stadiums like this that were packed. and by the way, you are very good at real estate. did you see the thousands and thousands of people outside that will never be reported by the fake news. but the thousands of people. that couldn't get in. many thousands. they are all over. the parking lot, they are all over. and it would be great if the cameras could take a shot of the arena. [cheers and applause] usually they don't do it. and i usually go home and my wife would say, how was the crowd. but when you have many thousands
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of people like we have tonight. i was at an event three weeks ago where a person from the "new york times" said, there was only a thousand people. and the people -- the many thousands that were there protested. i didn't even have to do it. they wrote a slight correction. they were off by many thousands of people. it's fake news, i'm telling you, so fake. but usually they don't show the arena, they just show my face. people would say did you have many people there? no, no, they only showed your face. we all have ego. but i don't want to show my face. i want to show the crowds. it's much prettier. because you people are incredible. unemployment among women reached the lowest level as of today in 65 years! [cheers and applause]
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and most of importantly of all, america is respected again. we are respected. we are fighting to protect american iron, aluminum and steel, and to protect our incredible and very brave miners. but i'll tell you to keep this incredible momentum, i think neighbor the most of successful that the country has ever had. i think we are at the most of successful level that the country has ever seen. that's how we are doing it. let me just tell you. because i hear a couple of the fakeers say i think it many
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obama's economy. [crowd booing] >> they would have put on more tions. they want to take back your tax cuts and raise the hell out of your taxes and the whole thing will go boom. so we need more republicans. we have to get out there in the mid-term. a vote for a democrat for congress is really a vote for nancy pelosi. and her radical agenda. democrats want to raise your taxes, increase your regulations, shut down american energy, take over american healthcare which has been a disaster with obamacare, and ship away american jobs and that's what they will do if
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anything bad happens to this country it will be a disaster for all of you. but we are not going to let it happen. we worked too hard to get here. and the greatest phrase i think in the history of politics is with all of those red and white hats i see out there, make america great again, and that's exactly what we are doing. [cheers and applause] make america great again. and you know what our new phrase is in 2 1/2 years. you know what it is. keep america great! that's what it is. that's where we are. so the democrats want open borders, let everybody come in. let everybody pour in, we don't
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care, let them come in from the middle east, let them come in from all over the place. we don't care. we are not going to let it happen. and today i signed an executive order. we are going to keep families together, but the border is going to be just as tough as it's been. [cheers and applause] democrats don't care about the impact of uncontrolled migration on your communities, your schools, your hospitals. your jobs or your safety. democrats put illegal immigrants before they put american citizens. what the hell is going on? illegal immigration cost our country hundreds of billions of dollars. so imagine if we can spend that money to help bring opportunity to our inner cities and our rural communities and our roads
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and highways and our schools. [crowd chants "build that wall"] so we already started the wall. we got $1.6 billion. san diego and lots of different places. but it's tough. they want to do anything they can to obstruct and make sure it doesn't happen. but it's happening. we have a single protester. good-bye, darling. good-bye, darling. we have a single protester.
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he's going home to his mom. say hello to mommy. and tomorrow the fake news will say tomorrow massive protests at the trump rally. one person. massive protests. so we are going to make it great for americans. we'll take care of people and we do want people coming across our border going through our ports of entry. but we want people to come in through merit. not just through luck or happenstance. we want them to come in through merit. and we need people. because we have so many companies now, and you know very well in minnesota what's happening. they just gave me a run-through.
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what's happening in minnesota is incredible. we have so many companies moving back into our country, we need people to help. but we want them to come in through the merit system. not a system where we get ms-13 and everybody else other countries don't want. the democrats' open border policies also allowed ms-13 to break into our country and drugs to pour into our streets and we are stopping it. we have taken out of our country, and can you believe, i have to say there is. we have liberated towns. like it was captured by a foreign country. we have liberated towns out on long island. ms-13 gangs. we have taken them out of our country by the thousands. [cheers and applause]
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and these countries that send them back, we are putting in legislation. we are not giving them any more aid. remember the original speech, right? my original speech. they are sending you remember those words, everyone said oh how terrible. let me tell you, they are sending, and their they are not sending their finest. that i can tell you. and we are sending them the hell back. what we areoing, what we are doing, we give hundreds of millions of dollars of aid to countries. we have a horrible deal as an example with nafta and mexico. horrible deal. they make over $100 billion on that horrible trade deal where factories were emptied. so many bad things have happened. and we'll make it a part of nafta. you have to mark up thousands of
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miles coming through mexico, you come up thousands of miles coming through mexico, and we are going to stop it. get them out of here. get them out of here. go home to your mom, darling. go home. get them out of here. out. [crowd chants "usa"!]
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president trump: was that a man or woman? he needs a haircut more than i do. i couldn't tell. he needs a haircut. but the media never talks about the american victims of illegal immigration. what's happened to their children. what's happened to their husbands. what's happened to their wives. the media doesn't talk about the american families permanently separated from their loved ones because democrat policies release violent criminals into
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our communities. we need safety. we need safety. they don't bring cameras to interview the angel moms whose children were killed by criminal aliens who should have never been here in the first place, not even close. they don't want to talk to the angel mom. but as your president, i will always fight to protect american families. always. i will fight for an immigration system that defends the borders and takes care of our sovereignty as a nation. i will never sacrifice the safety and security of the american people. and i will never be silent in the face of vicious smears and attacks and the heroic agents and offices of i.c.e. and the
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border patrol who save millions. the jobs they do. save thousands and thousands of lives and are so brave and are so tough. if you want to create a humane, lawful system of immigration, then you need to retire the democrats and elect republicans to finally secure our borders. because we need democrat votes. we have a majority of one in the senate. we need democrat votes in the senate. we need additional votes in the house. we'll have the greatest borders, the greatest walls. we already started. but it's a lot tougher than it
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needs to be. we need republicans to get out and put republicans in. in case you don't know in the senate, we need unfortunately 60 votes. we have 51 votes. we need democrats. they will do anything to obstruct. anything to make it as uncomfortable as possible because they think it's good politics. i think it's bad politics. we'll see very soon. we are building it. we are building the wall. that wall is happening. under the previous administration, america's rich natural resources of which your state has a lot, were put under lock and key, including thousands of acres in superior national forest. you know what that is, right?
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tonight i'm proudly announcing we'll soon be taking the first steps to rescind the federal withdrawal in superior national forest and restore literal exploration for our amazing people and miners and workers and for the people of minnesota. one of the great natural reserves of the world. and we'll do it carefully and maybe if it doesn't pass muster, we won't do it at all. but it is going to happen. it's going to happen, and it's happening fast. we have already taken it as you know a long way down the road. it's going to make things better. it's going to make it from an environmental standpoint better. as a result of our massive tax cuts millions of americans are receiving much bigger paychecks. we eliminated record numbers of
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job-killing regulations. by the way, a few days ago it was 500 days. so now it's like 511. we cut more regulations than any other president in the history our country whether it's four years, 8 years or one year. in pu -- in one case 16 years, e cut more regulations in 500 days than any president. even our 16-year president. we opened up energy exploration in anwar in alaska. they have been trying to do that from before the days of ronald reagan. we repealed the core of obamacare. the individual mandate is gone. so unpopular.
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the individual mandate where you pay a fortune for the privilege of not paying for understand for healthcare. let me tell you. we just repealed it. you don't have to pay anymore. so big. so big. and we would have repealed and replaced obamacare. because we had a gentleman late into the morning hours go thumbs down. that was not a good thing he did. that was not a good thing for our people or our country, whether you are democrat or republican. everybody said good, we have his vote, we have everybody's vote. we'll go in for a routine repeal and replace, and he went thumbs down. that was not nice. we are bringing back our jobs
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from other countries. we are bringing back our companies from other countries. chrysler is coming back. chrysler just announced they are coming back. many, many companies are coming back to our country. they know where the action is. this is where they want to be. and as far as trade is concerned with other countries, we want fair and reciprocal trade. we don't want stupid trade like we had for so long. remember the word reciprocal? remember the word reciprocal. we have been ripped off by almost every country on earth. tour friends and our enemies. i hate to say it. our friends do a bigger and
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better job than the enemies. but those days are over. those days are over. and even before we finish off with the trade deals, and we'll finish off with the trade deals. people don't realize we have the card. we are the piggy bank everybody was robbing for 30 years. we are like the piggy bank. let's go get some more. you look at the european union. they put up barriers so we can't sell our farm products. but they sell bmw's and mercedes by the mills and we hardly tax them at all. they don't take our cars, and if they do the tariff is massive. it's not going to work that way anymore. it's not going to work that way.
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we'll not be taken advantage of anymore. we are a great country. we are going to be an even greater country. hopefully greater than we have ever been before. we have such potential. we just secured a record $700 billion in funding to rebuild our military which was in very sad shape. [cheers and applause] and we have approval for next year $716 billion. we are ordering new planes. we make the best in the world. we are ordering new ships. we are ordering new military equipment. and we even gave our great warriors a raise.
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for the veterans we passed the largest va reforms in half a century. a landmark va accountability law. you know what that is. you couldn't fire anybody that worked in the va. they were sadistic in some cases, they were lazy. you could never fire anybody. the accountability, you can forget it. we passed a bill they have been trying to pass for almost 40 years. it's called va accountability. you bring the person into the office and you say kim, i'm sorry to tell you, you are fired. get out of here. go! [cheers and applause] even more important and i didn't think i would be saying this so
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soon. because i would campaign on this. i used to go out during the campaigns, you know base was in minnesota a lot. y one more trip. that won't happen again. but one that's really important to me. i used to say to myself, i wonder why doctors don't care care of our great vets. we just passed veterans choice legislation. that gives veterans the care they deserve. look, so our veterans were waiting in line for 9 days, 12 days, three weeks. someone in line with a minor problem, they ended up having a terminal disease. i said during the campaign before i knew too much about it.
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there is a lot of common sense. instead of one of our great veterans waiting for two, three, four, five weeks, why don't we let them see a doctor and pay the bill. that's veterans choice. and you know, i went to people. i think i'm such a genius. i thought this was like the greatest idea. we have been trying to get that passed for 30 years. i didn't know that. what i did know is i knew how to get it passed, and we got it passed. two weeks ago. by the way, we passed another one called right to try. you know what right to try is? i'm proud of it. right to try. these are people who are terminally ill. it's sad. they travel all over the world if they have the money.
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if they don't, they don't know what to do. if we have drugs that haven't been approved yet but showing tremendous promise, it didn't matter how sick you were, where you were, you couldn't get it. and the reason was, they didn't want to do anything that's going to hurt you. you are not going to be around for five weeks. in five weeks. i said why can't we do something? if people had the money they would travel to africa, asia, europe, trying to find the cure. it's called hope. they wanted hope. and they couldn't get it. this is all he like veterans choice. fear many years people have tried to pass it. and kevin was a great help. kevin mccarthy who just left the stage was a great help. so were your congressmen a great help. and we got right to try passed
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and four weeks ago i signed final legislation. i'm very proud of that. many people are going to be saved. many, many people are going to be saved. you would think it would be easy. but it wasn't. between the insurance companies and healthcare companies and pharmaceutical companies. now we are bringing down the prices for prescription drugs. way down. so we made this incredible progress together with your help. with the help of the millions and millions of people that some polls got it right. but not all polls got it right. but they showed up. the beginning of that night, people are saying this could be a big problem for the democrats. they were not liking what they were seeing. they were seeing too many of those hats, they were seeing too
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many people. that was one of the most of incredible evenings. that was a movement the likes of which this country has never seen before. we talk about the forgotten men and women. they are the smartest people, they work the hardest, they pay taxes, yet they were the forgotten people. believe me, our people are the smartest and hardest working. smarter and anybody and the hardest working. a little thing i was talking about today, do you ever notice they always call the other side the elite. the elite. why are they elite? i have a much better apartment than they do. i am smarter than they are. i am richer than they are.
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i became president and they didn't. and i'm representing the greatest, smartest, most of loyal, best people oirnt. deplorables. remember that? the deplorables. [crowd chants "usa"!] >> i was watching when crooked hillary made -- have you been watching what's been going on with the inspector general's report? what a scam this whole thing is? how guilty is she?
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[crowd chants "lock her up"!] >> with peter strzok and his lover lisa page. i don't think the wife and husband are too happy about that. what do you think? i don't think so. have you seen this whole scam? do you believe what you are seeing in no matter what she did. no matter how many crimes she committed which were numerous. they wanted her to be innocent. with me, nothing. no collusion, no nothing. and they just wanted to take all of us, they wanted to put us in trouble. and it's not working too well, i'll tell you.
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disgusting. phoney witch hunt. but you look at the corruption. did you ever see anything like it? today -- that's why they are building up immigration so you can't see what's going on in congress. they are building up immigration. they don't want to show what's happening in congress where this whole scam has been revealed. so they want to say on immigration where obama has bigger problems than anybody. where bush had problems. they want to stay on immigration because they don't want to go into the halls of congress which is totally revealed the russian scam going on. what a group. what a group. i'll tell you something. we want to get along with russia. but russia is looking out saying, man, i wish she won. between our military, our oil. she wanted to have wind mills.
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we want to compete with all the things we have done. all the things we have done, including sanctions, so many things. they are saying i wish crooked hillary won that election. it would have been and lot better for russia. what we want to do is elect more republicans so that we can deliver on all of the things i am talking about, and we'll deliver anyway. we'll deliver anyway. we are going to lift millions of americans from welfare to work, dependence to independence, and poverty to prosperity. we are going to lift them. one of the greatest things about all the jobs we created, to me the greatest, people now don't
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get snuck one job, and they hate. they don't want to get up in the morning. they have many, many options. wages are rising. they can get something -- i always said, when i make speeches on how to be successful. i say you have got to love it. you have got to love your job. these people now that didn't have any options. they were hang on to one job they hated. they have many, many choices. they get the job they want. and for the first time in 20 years wages are rising. we are going to build new airports, and we are going to build railways and highways and waterways all across this magnificent land. we have spent because of horrible decision making $7 trillion in the middle east. think it, $7 trillion.
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if we want to fix a window it's like a big deal. $7 trillion. it's all coming back. remember during the debates i talk about growth. we need growth. nobody has ever seen growth like we are having right now. when i go around and meet foreign leaders they all congratulate me. mr. president, congratulations on the growth of the united states, congratulations. every one of them. first thing they say. [crowd chants "usa"!] >> by the way, there is anything more fun than a trump rally?
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and we break every attendance record every single time just about. we are going to put new steel into the backbone of our country. and we are going to make that steel right here in the united states. we are going to breathe new hope into our communities and our workers are already so proud again. we'll do it all with american hands and american heart and american pride. and everything we do we'll stand up for our citizens. we'll fight for our country, we'll stand up for america and we are going to stand up for the great state of minnesota. and you are seeing that. your great state was pioneered by men and women who braved the
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wilderness and winters to build a better life for themselves and their incredible families. they were really tough and they were really smart and strong. they didn't have a lot of money. they didn't have a lot of luxury. but they had grit. and they had faith. and they had courage. and they had each other. right? they were miners and ministers and fishermen and farmers and ship builders and shopkeepers. but they all had one thing in common. they loved their families, they loved their country, and they loved their god. [cheers and applause]
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we are renewing the miracle of the great american midwest. do you remember not so long ago, we were producing those cars and we were producing all of this stuff, and since then so many companies went to mexico and went to other places. as i said before, they are coming back and they are coming back faster than anybody could ever believe. [cheers and applause] >> we are standing on the shoulders of great american patriots who put down the railroads, built up the highways, and dug out the most of amazing panama canal, losing
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thousands of lives in doing it. they crossed the oceans, trekked the deserts, scaled the mountains, created the most of incredible republic the world has ever seen. you know what? our rub today is prouder and greater than it ever was before. our beautiful ancestors won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism, and put a man on the face of the moon. and i think you saw the other day we are reopening nasa. we are going to space.
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space force. so we have the army, the naive yib the air force, the marines, the coast guard. but we have the air force, now we'll have the space force. because it's a whole -- we need it! we need it. as long as we are proud of who we are, what we are fighting for, we'll never ever fail. there is no place like our place. there is no place. with your help and with your voice and with your vote. the republicans will win and keep on winning. we'll keep on winning. we are great people, and pete is a great guy. you have got to get him a victory.
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great guy. got to get peta victory. you got to get him a victory. we need him. we'll achieve victory for our magnificent country and our magnificent land, the land we love. because we are americans and our hearts bleed red, white and blue. [cheers and applause] president trump: we'll never give in, we'll never give up, and we'll never ever stop fighting for our country or for our flag, or for tour freedom. [cheers and applause] we are one people, one family, and one glorious nation under god. and together we'll make america wealthy again. we'll make america strong again.
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we'll make america safe again. and we'll make america great again. thank you. thank you. thank you, minnesota. thank you, minnesota. [♪] lou: joining us now dr. sebastian gorka. defense attorneyy rebecca rose woodland and to assess -- i have to tell you, i love watching every one of these speeches, those rallies by this president. he enjoys them so much, the crowds fill the arenas to capacity. and are sitting there mesmerized for an hour, hour 15 minutes and having a great time. i love when the president says,
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no one has more fun than those folks at a trump rally. he's a heck of a marketeer for what he's selling and a heck of a salesman as well. >> he's selling america, values, democracy, the constitution. we have very low unemployment rates. we have the gang violence -- down. these are great points when there is so much divisiveness, let's come together and recognize the country is doing well. lou: to do so in duluth, minnesota. it's not the first choice i would have thought of for the president. but he thought it was a terrific ideas and as i looked at the numbers from 2016 it's easy to forget he didn't win minnesota.
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but he only missed by 1.5 points. that was the best performance by any republican president in 25 years. this president could pull off an historic electoral feat in the mid-terms and 2020. >> they are not just fun to watch on the tv screen. you should try being on the floor. i was in steel valley with the president. we flew on air force one to youngstown. lou: do i hear you bragging about being at the president at a rally? i don't get to fly -- >> it's incredible. steel valley is blue collar. it's democrat. and when he came up on the stage, and melania came on to the stable, it's electrifying.
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people aren't given any triggers. they start shouting u.s.a. and drain the swamp. that was last may. this is happening a year and a half after the inauguration. the energy level in duluth is as great as it was on election night. this makes 2020 look like a shoo-in. lou: it shows you where his political team and his own strategizing are taking him. and he means not to sit here quietly as we approach the mid-term elections, rebecca. he means to hustle and campaign every inch of the way. i thought it was interesting he had with him kevin mccarthy. and i want to talk to you about this as well. he's the speaker in waiting for a speaker who is a lame duck who is going to try america's patience and hold on to a job he has given up for another 8
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months. apparently there has been some problems tonight regarding the immigration bills and different versions. and issues that are just affecting how our government can run much more smooth if we didn't have this -- let me just say someone who is not as effective as they could be in a job they should be. lou: i like that have much. you said it with so much more elegance and class that i often use. the language i often use when it comes to speaker ryan and his immense failures in that office. we'll hear from dr. sebastian gorka next on that issue. kevin mccarthy. is he the man to replace paul ryan? what about mark meadows and jim
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jordan and a handful of others. stay with us. we are coming right back. tment , fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. proven to protect street skaters and freestylers. stops up to 97% uv. lasts through heat. through sweat.
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lou: congressman mark meadows the founder of the freedom caucus fighting on the floor with speaker ryan and guess who is with the president tonight in duluth, minnesota tending his speech? kevin mccarthy. we are back with dr. sebastian gorka and rebecca rose would win
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what is your reaction to what's going on? what is he, the speaker in wading? what is the deal? >> it's funny at the beginning of the segment i was with one of his advisers about an hour ago and i think this man understands the this choice before the g.o.p. that most people in the establishment have ignored since 2016, november the eighth. if the g.o.p. wants to survive they have to hitch their wagon to donald trump. i've said it before and i said when i was in the white house and i will say one despite the g.o.p. establishment not thanks to it and kevin is one of the few people who understand the real dynamic for november, the real dynamic for 2020 and as such he may be a wiser man than others have supposed. lou: in that respect yes but on the other hand isn't so wise as
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they mark meadows who has been extraordinary leading the freedom caucus, not so wise as jim jordan who has been saying it very clearly. republicans need to do what they say they were elected with their promises. he winds up squarely with president trump right down the line. kevin mccarthy is, if you will he has been paul ryan's little shadow for years now. >> you know i think what we have said before is accurate that paul ryan, it's time for him to step aside and allow for the consistency of the trump administration to all aspects of government. i think it's time for him to recognize that if he is consistent with the values of democracy and the people of this country the people of the country of elected him for they shouldn't be there.
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lou: we have looked at what's happening in minnesota. truly peculiar that the president chose this because of all the ultra-liberals. this looks like it should be a natural nesting place for the democrats and their ilk in minnesota yet he did so well they are and we are seeing the so-called coalition of the democrats and the left gets smashed to smithereens. you have got pelosi with open borders and you have got the democratic national committee trying to destroy bernie sanders , another 12 million votes. you have the dnc still hiding its servers from authorities. it is a mess and they are trying to perpetrate another ruse on the american people and donald trump is already his chops just
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waiting to get on the campaign trail in earnest. >> in 2016 he broke all the rules. although pollsters were wrong and they think this will continue. remember all the places he won that we had been told for months and months art democrat strongholds and he's wasting his time. he relishes the fight in this speech remember the moment where he completely destroyed the so-called elite. the elite is morally financially intellectually bankrupt and he has changed the politics in america forever. from general plan who is a great patron he nailed it when he set over a year ago what happened in the election was a peaceful political revolution. donald trump change politics in america forever and that's why there's no district that he can compete in. >> yes demonstrated that time and time again ever since the
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16th, 2016. thank you for being with us. we thank you for joining this special edition of "lou dobbs tonight". the president putting on quite a rally in duluth, minnesota. see you tomorrow night. good night from new york. kennedy: president trump wrapping up a major rally in minnesota hours after signing an executive order ending the separation of migrant families that the president says the new rules will not affect his zero-tolerance policy on illegal border crossings. tonight at the rally he hit hard on that. >> today i signed an executive order. we are going to keep families together but the border is going to be just as tough as it has been. democrats don't care about the impact of uncontrolled


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