tv The Evening Edit FOX Business June 21, 2018 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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houses minors who enter the country illegally. she had a lot of great questions about her wardrobe. david: well her visit comes one day after president trump signed an executive order to stop the practice of separating families at the border. well time well done first lady. president trump: unless the democrats are serious and they want to come along and they want to get immigration work done we can do something that's going to be historic. we can do something that will be historic and we can get it done. i am ready. i'm here. all of these people, these are very talented people, they're all ready. we're all here. we need votes from the democrats or something can pass thank you all very much. liz: immigration showdown, the house delaying a vote until tomorrow on a compromised bill to keep immigrant families together and here is the thing. will republicans get their act together and get it donald will democrats go for it? we're going to bring you the fiery debate coming up.
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and a sweeping supreme court ruling that will change internet shopping forever the decision now faces online retailers to charge and collect their state sales taxes from consumers out of state. we're going to bring you the winners and losers and what it means for your pocketbook. money, politics we deliver tomorrow's headlines i'm elizabeth macdonald the evening edit, it starts right now. first to your money the dow dropping nearly 200 points ending the day at 24, 461, trade worries, online retailers all dropped a lot of them dropping on the supreme court's sales tax ruling. now the dow has extended its losing streak to eight days, more on your money in just a moment but first to the immigration fight in the house, it is now still in discussion. it's underway, the house defeated the first of the two
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immigration bills, it was a conservative plan. they're going to vote on a compromised bill tomorrow so here is what's in that bill. lets children be detained with their parents by dhs, not just the justice department, creates a new merit-based green card system and lets those qualified for daca meaning the dreamers apply for a six-year indefinite renewable legal status and also appropriates $25 billion for the border wall and the access and roads. edward lawrence is in washington with the very latest. edward? >> well liz yeah you said it. 41 republicans voted against that first of the two immigration bills in front of the house, there were no democrats that voted for that bill. now again, that's more of the conservative bill. on the compromised side of the bill they're trying to get that done tomorrow. republicans sort of whipping that vote over the next 24 hours or so, trying to get that vote done tomorrow. now, that compromised bill as you said, one of the big things in it is that funding for the
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border security that includes $25 billion for a border wall, and that's something the president wants to see in there, paul ryan and the democrats on the other side of the aisle differ on how to get to this immigration final key. take a listen. >> the last thing we want to do is have an incentive for illegal immigration and open borders. we want to keep families intact and enforce our laws and secure our border. >> we're not talking about immigration here. we're talking about children. children who are dreamers, children who are in cages. children who are separated from pair parents. >> still the democrats have not put forth their plan in a bill form that the republicans can see and they're not on board with the republican sort of compromise about this. this is going to be a long debate and now the customs and borders protection today says they are immediately implement ing the president's executive order trying to keep families together as they go through this immigration process
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this is something that really concerned the first lady, as you said earlier. the first lady went down to texas and she visited a non- profit there to see the problem for herself and going back to the bill if this compromise does pass in the house tomorrow, it's going to have an up hill battle in the senate. liz? liz: edward thank you so much for your reporting really appreciate it, sir. the republicans they are fighting to hammer out a bill that stops the separation of families at the border and meets all of president trump's priorities, this as a finger wag ging fight erupted on the house floor between freedom caucus leader mark meadows and paul ryan over certain provision s left out of the bill including actual appropriations for the border wall. this is the appropriations language that conservatives wanted. let's bring in the host of the hit tv show he is former republican governor mike huckabee and you can catch his show saturday and sunday at 8:00 p.m. eastern time with president trump coming on as a guest this week great to see you governor. >> liz, great to be here. what a fight this is turning out
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to be. not only between republicans and democrats but between republican s themselves, but at some point, somethings got to get resolved and republicans need to come together because emotionally, a lot of the people in the country are seeing this immigration battle but they're not getting the full facts and it's being driven far more by emotion than by facts. liz: yeah, here is the deal. we've had former first ladies including laura bush saying it's immoral to separate families at the border. the president is moving to stop that practice, that his administration started a couple months ago in may it was enacted your point is well taken. when will republicans stop acting like they're in the shot gun marriage of unified republican government? both democrats and republicans act like immigration was just dropped into their laps yesterday. i mean to your point the wall street says trump needs to state publicly and clearly get it done or otherwise it's a mid-term election issue. go ahead. >> well one of the things that
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this has done is completely obscure what's going on in terms of the inspector general's report. i don't think the timing is accidental. i think democrats and the media but then i repeat myself, have jumped on this because it has given them an excuse to deal with this highly-charged emotional issue but here is what they're not telling us. of the 12,000 kids that supposedly are separated from their parents 10,000 were separated from their parents when their parents put them in the hands of someone to carry them across-the-boarder hundreds or thousands of miles away. this idea that the parents show ed up at the border, babies in arms, somebody snatched the babies out of their arms that is just not happening. there are only -- liz: dhs said something like 2,400 children have been removed from their parents that's what's at issue that's what's being called inhumane and the white house is trying to stop their practice as they enacted and
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roll that back and get immigration done. the question is will immigration reform get done by the mid-terms are they going to do it? >> well if they don't they're going to have a real problem in the mid-terms and again this is an issue that the optics are horrible. nobody likes the pictures that we're seeing, but the fact is those pictures were there when obama was president and when bush was president and when clinton was president. the pictures aren't that new, but they're just getting wall to wall 24 hour attention, and that's where the president has got to stop in and get this resolved. the republicans in congress have got to help him because helping him is helping themselves, and if they don't do it and they're not going to get a bit of help from the democrats. democrats don't care about those kids. they honestly don't. if they did they'd be saying let's do whatever we have to do. that's not what they're saying. liz: i think they care about the kids they just want to keep it an election issue. here is federal health officials asking the pentagon, governor to house as many as 20,000 un
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accompanied migrant children and military bases. to your point about the democrat s, president trump did tweet out a video of democrats who flip flopped on the immigration issue. now these democrats including former presidents, they never have the policy of separating parents from children but they certainly have talked tough on border security and now they're not. let's watch. >> our immigration system is wrong. >> illegal immigration is wrong plain and simple. >> all americans not only in the states most heavily affected but in every place in this country are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. >> those come legally. we have to send a clear message just because your child gets across-the-boarder that doesn't mean the child gets to stay. liz: governor, your reaction to that? >> well, liz, every governor in america separates children from their parents every single day. maybe because the mother is a crack head. maybe because the parents are
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making meth in a bathtub and you take the child out and put them in protective custody until you can figure out what's best for the child. what's happening to kids across-the-boarder, if the parents have committed a crime in making an illegal entry, then it's going to happen. i know we say we want to keep them together and yes we do. we're really basically saying we're going to do more for illegal immigrants than we do for american citizens who have to be separated. liz: yeah, the president i hear what you're saying. the president did an executive action to rollback that policy of separating. i mean not all those parents are criminals. they just cross the border illegally and that's when the separation began. we want to move on to this a month ago the economy was front and center and now because of separating children and families at the border it is about immigration to your point, governor. republican control of the house could be threatened. we now have acting immigration and customs enforcement director saying he thinks members in congress, they want the border to remain a political issue.
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watch. >> it's political, look i'm a career law enforcement officer but bottom line is i don't think congress wants to fix it. i think there's a certain segment those on the hill that want this to be an issue. they could easily fix it. if they really want families to stay together make one change. make a change to the act, let us detain families for several weeks until they get to see a judge. >> as a unit? >> but they don't want to fix it. they want this to be an issue. liz: your reaction to that, governor? >> he's 100% right. please elevate tom homan and listen to guys like that. in fact always the smart thing to do is to listen to the people who actually have to carry out the policies and ask him what would you do to fix it? they'll have the best answers and tom homan just gave us the best answer and he's 100% right about the politics of it. this is not about the kids. this is about winning and losing the elections at mid-term. liz: for the people in congress. it's really tough you've got the people at the border governor to your point trying to carry out
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the laws that they are charged with doing and it's really tough that what they have to deal with boots on the ground. we hear them all day long. it's really really hard. their jobs now look at this governor. the wall street dan henninger, he pointed out today that in order for the republicans to keep control of the house, the republicans need to hold on to 24 seats, but 20 of those seats are in very tight districts including places like florida, new jersey, pennsylvania. the question now is will this immigration fight what's being called this immoral inhumane treatment of separating parents from children? is that going to swamp the story of economic growth that message republicans wanted to bring into the mid-terms. >> well, it could and that's why the republicans have got to recognize no ones going to get exactly what they want, come together get a compromised bill, it won't be perfect, nobody will love it, some people will hate it, but get it done. you've got the republican votes to get that done. do it. get back to the economy, and you
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can't get back to the economy, the press won't let you but once you pass that bill, and get this taken off the table, yeah the democrats will whine about it but the issue is that point over and republicans can get back to creating the jobs and building an economy and winning the mid-terms. liz: you know, governor, you have seen this story, this subject play out for decades now what is your reaction, sir, to the fact that there's just been this inability of both democrats and republicans to come together and fix border security and that problem with common sense ideas that are already out there. >> well it largely comes down to it gets too emotional and people begin to say things that are ridiculous like that this is akin to the holocaust. that's absurd. there are no cream a for yums at the border. they're saying it's like the japanese camps. it's not like the japanese in turnment camps and there's very strong pushback on the people actually in those camps
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so its got to be removed from the emotional argument brought back to some common sense, but again, congress and only congress can pass a law. that's their job. they either need to do it or they need to just resign, go home and get out of the way and declare a monarchy and let the president do whatever he wants to do, but that's not going to happen, so congress, just don't think you're going to have a perfect answer but get a good answer. any answer right now is better than the one you've got which is nothing. liz: it's a great point you just made and do you know what, sir? moments ago republican representative mark meadows, he was asked on whether he would be house speaker he has in the past denied it and he denied he even wants to be house speaker again. let's watch. >> are you running for speaker of the house? >> i am not. i am not. >> really that's a definitive no. >> that's a definitive no. you heard it here on fox business. liz: governor, who do you like for house speaker? >> they've got a house speaker,
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paul ryan has until the end of this term and you know i think they should let him continue to do his job. i don't have that big of a problem with ryan. a lot of people do. i think he's trying. i may not agree with him on 100% of the thins but here is my point. he's the elected speaker, they elected him and as long as he's there, work with him but realize , any plan that you can come together on as republicans and get the 218 votes is better than sitting there yelling at each other getting nothing done because every day that's going on you're helping get closer and closer to nancy pelosi, god forbid, getting back in that chair and we sure can't have that happen. liz: that is the point that nancy pelosi wants to make history again and be house speaker again. you know, boy this is going to be a heck of a mid-term, sir. governor huckabee we love having you on. come back soon and please tune into governor huckabee's show he has president trump on. great to see you governor come back. >> thank you, liz. liz: sure, thank you. stocks gyrating today over the supreme court ruling requiring internet companies to collect
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sales taxes for consumers out of state. now market did close in the red today we want to get right to susan li on the floor of the new york stock exchange with the very latest. susan? >> we have the dow finishing lower for an eighth straight session but finishing off the lows of the session. we were down from 196 points at the end of it and the focus today was on department and stores and brick-and-mortar retailers after the supreme court ruling that says the states that can force online retailers to actually enforce sales taxes, the brick-and-mortar stores like macy's, kohl's, target, a big day on the market. amazon though falling in the session along with other technology names after goldman's upgraded the technology sector just yesterday which has some thinking maybe this might be the top of the market. let's take a look at fox and comcast. no deal or counterbid be announced but fox, disney, other intraday record. liz: thank you so much, susan li next up actor peter fonda
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apologying for a vulgar tweet about president trump's son, 12 year old, you'll hear his backtrack later in the show also tonight supreme court ruling that states could now force online internet retailers to charge and collect their state sales taxes from consumers out of state. it's a heck of a ruling. it's a sweeping one we're going to show you the winners and losers on this and what this means for your wallet, but first to that story about un accompanied children held at facilities. this has been a problem for years, including since the obama white house and we have an immigration lawyer, he's saying he warned president obama that this could stain his legacy. former bush 43 political affairs director matt schlapp is here to react, that's next.
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liz: back to the immigration fright on capitol hill. now this story, president trump did sign that executive order reversing his policy of separating illegal immigrant parents from the border. the policy will now keep them together but for indefinite periods of time, in administrative detention centers as these families are processed this as new details surfaced about how the democrats dealt with unaccompanied children in the past. it's a problem since the obama administration and even beyond that. though the obama white house never separated families in a criminal process, we have this finding, look at this. immigration lawyer andrew free, he claims he got a stunning eye opening reaction from president obama on a line back in 2015 when he warmed president obama that crying children at the border could be a stain on his legacy. here is the lawyer's tweet.
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in 2015 i shook president obama 's hand, thanked him for daca, asked him reverse course and close the for profit baby jails known as family detention centers. those were opened in texas. what he said shook me to my core according to this lawyer, obama asked him if he was an immigration lawyer and he tweet ed "so when i said yes the president looked back and said i'll tell you what we can't have it's these parents sending their kids here on a dangerous journey and putting their lives at risk ." joining me now american conservative union chair and former bush 43 political director we welcome to the show, matt schlapp. we love having you on matt. >> great to be with you liz. liz: matt the democrats were tough on the border before. your reaction to president obama here? >> yeah, this is the truth is finally coming out. i've been making this point and many others have over the course of the last week that this policy was hammered out in the 1990s. every president since this consent decree has had to
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separate children from adults, children from parents at the border in order to be compliant with the law. this is not a trump policy. this is a policy that trump inherited from president trump, yet there was no human cry, there were no reporters running to the border talking about how the president was "a nazi." the conversation about this whole topic is repugnant and americans deserve better coverage and i appreciate appreciate you handling it in a responsible way. liz: we're just trying to get to the facts so in a criminal proceeding the parents are separated from the children. >> that's right. liz: the trump white house in may said anybody who crosses illegally we'll treat you as criminals and separate. the president has reversed that. what's really interesting, matt to your point, to the scene that about democrats being tough on immigration and border before, listen to harry reid back in 1993 he said this. we're doing almost nothing to encourage these people to go home or even to deter them from coming here in the first place
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and then he parts the country, we actually make it easy to be an illegal alien. your reaction to that? >> yeah, exactly. i mean, you could look at harry reid, you could look at hillary clinton and barack obama, very similar language which is they wanted to discourage people coming to our southern border and some types kids coming under the attention of other adults who they've paid, coyotes we call them, sometimes as a family unit and it's a very dangerous journey the women are abused along the way, some of the women get birth control because they know they'll be raped it's a horrendous humanitarian crisis and to encourage people to take that trip is a disaster and politicians on the other side for me and the democratic party when they're honest they admit and it's a terrible policy and donald trump and to a certain extent barack obama was right to discourage people from making this journey but it's really important, liz to understand that the president hasn't
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changed his policy on separating kids and parents. that policy, the president hasn't changed his policy on zero tolerance on prosecuting these adults who cross illegally he's simply saying we ought to be able to keep the kids with the parents. it's the courts that have told presidents they can't do that. we'll see over the next 20 days if the courts intervene or not. i think they intervene and stop the president's executive order. liz: the bottom line it's illegal to cross the border, period. >> that's right. liz: so go to a port of entry and go to refugee status. >> that's exactly right. liz: it's common sense i just don't get it why both sides don't come together and fix it. they want it fixed. >> they're sick of it but here is the real clear political argument here which is the democrats that are saying that this is a humanitarian crisis and they want to see the president stop the zero tolerance, liz what that means is they're saying if an adult crosses border illegally we should allow them just to come into the country and remain in
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the country and the american people are not going to take that. liz: no that's totally unacceptable, matt come back soon we love having you on. i wish i had more time with you, matt, love you see you soon i hope sir. now, peter fonda apologizing for a vulgar tweet and president trump's 12 year old son but first to the supreme court's sweeping ruling that unended internet retail forever says that states can force online retailers to collect their state sales taxes from internet shoppers in other states, even if that internet retailer does not have a presence in that state we're going to bring in fox news senior judicial analyst , judge andrew napolitano to weigh in on this and more after the break. we started making wine in 1948... [sfx: bottle sounds on conveyor] one bottle at a time. today, we produce nearly 20 million cases a year. chubb has helped us grow for the past 30 years... they helped us prevent equipment problems during harvest
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purchases. now brick-and-mortar retailers taking basically getting a boost after the ruling. look at companies like wal-mart, target, dillard's ending the day in the green, but the online retailers like ebay taking hits from this ruling finishing the day in the red. with me now fox news senior judicial an list judge andrew napolitano. great to have you on judge what's your reaction to the ruling? >> well i would have been with the descent because this ruling changes 100 years and the descent argues that when you're going to make a change this radical that we'll have this great of an economic effect in order to be made by the congress and not by five justices of the supreme court. now, having said that, these taxes are not going to start tomorrow but they will come, because unlike the feds who can print cash, the states cannot, and there is no limit to where they will look for taxes. pretty soon you'll see them taxing sports betting and now you'll see them taxing
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everything that amazon and the online retailers got. liz: that's a great point and you know, there's that issue you've been so good on this issue about federal rights and states rights. judge, we know the tax happy high-spending states are going to love this. supreme court justice samuel ali do asked "do you have any doubt other states facing in solvency will want to grab everything they can" and judge you know how state officials they get hypnotized by the potential revenues that came in from the housing bubble, facebook and google ipo's. isn't that an issue here? >> yes now this is how absurd it's going to get. you'll see a state like illinois which is the most cash-strapped state in the union and the one with the greatest debt taxing airplane flights not that land in chicago but that fly over chicago and argue that by not landing in chicago there's an economic effect. that's how absurd this is going to get and that's how deep the
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states will reach and that's how creative the states will become to utilize this supreme court opinion this ill-advised opinion to generate tax revenue and the consumers pay for it. amazon doesn't pay for it in my hypothetical american airlines doesn't pay for it, the consumer s. the people that by the books, goods or services liz: some of the small business guys do work in their own brick-and-mortar stores have said it is unfair but there is an issue here, judge, about taxation without representation. in other words these guys are going to be taxed by guys that don't, they don't elect, they don't vote for, right, judge? >> correct, correct and there will be a tendency there always is whenever there's a new species of tax on the market, for the state to tax its in- state producers at a lesser rate than out of state producers that's called discrimination against interstate commerce. that is expressly prohibited by
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many supreme court opinions. the supreme court opinion today continued to prohibit it but you're going to see states trying to get away with it. they will favor the people that vote for them and contribute to their campaigns and it will tax the daylights out of people that have no representation with them your points a great one. liz: oh, my god pandora's box of taxation judge i can't believe we're at this point. we'll need you to come back on the show to straighten this out thank you so much for coming on. >> i'll see you monday with varney. liz: okay, now to this story look at this. the president trying to drain the swamp big time. the white house unveiling a sweeping plan to modernize and reorganization our federal government. we've got the details you won't believe what the president is trying to do. but first this actor peter fonda apologizing for a vulgar tweet about 12 year old barron trump. hear his backtrack after the break. brighthouse financial allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities...
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a bit of this. why not? your hotel should make it easy to do all the things you do. which is what we do. crowne plaza. we're all business, mostly. liz: okay rhetoric is getting out of hand as we are at the one -year anniversary of the republican baseball shooting that severely wounded congressman steve scalise. extreme rhetoric can lead and has led to real-world dangers. now, this actor peter fonda apologizing for a vulgar tweet. this time about 12 year old barr on trump saying "we should rip barron trump from his mother 's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if his mother will stand up against
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a giant a blank she's married to claiming 90 million people on the streets in the same weekend in the country." the tweet since deleted let's take it up with former bush 43 deputy assistant brad blakeman and fox news contributor. brad, the secret service was alerted about fonda's tweet, your reaction to it? >> well they should be. this is a threat against the son of the president, and it shouldn't stand no matter who says it and especially those people who have a way of getting it out to mass people who might have the same idea or give them an idea. i don't know what's wrong with the fondas but they're not above the law. liz: you know, doug peter fonda, yesterday deleted a tweet also calling for protest against i.c.e. agents families, and basically saying, you know, we should show up at their children 's schools, we should get the addresses of their homes , surround them in protest, find out what schools their kids go to and surround the schools in protest. i mean, we're not saying they're
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doing this because they want to do it. highly disputed. your reaction to that before we get to this sound bite coming up >> this is all abhorent, liz. it's bad for the country, bad politically, bad just as an american, brad's right. this isn't about politics as a democrat i have exactly the same reaction brad is. i mean, basic message to peter fonda? shut up and stop tweeting. liz: stop tweeting boy you're right. last night wounded warrior double amputee johnny jones responded let's take a listen to what sargent jones said. >> well people don't understand is that these i.c.e. agents and border patrol agents are the first attempt at compassion from this country that these people attempting cross the border intercept. the idea that paint these men and women is somehow being evil or trying or taking some kind of satisfaction in crushing people or whatever it may be is
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emotional and it's not founded in reason and quite honestly if you can't separate your raw emotion from reasonable discussion, you've disqualified yourself from this conversation, you need to sit at home and think about what you've donald let the adults have the room. liz: brad your reaction to sargent jones? >> sargent jones is absolutely right. the fondas have a great family history of attacking patriots whether it's people who are sent to war or people who are sent to defend our borders. these people should be respected they should not be degradeed to violence. liz: you know, doug, we have seen heated rhetoric before. >> not in my memory and i go back 40 years, politics and look i don't have a problem disagreeing. brad and i have disagreed for many years and we remain the best of friends because it's never personal. it's only based on the merits of the issue and we believe that we can come together in most
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circumstances, in most way to solve most problems. liz: do you think, brad, rather that people are basically pushing back on peter fondas of the world saying enough is enough we're not going to listen to you? in other words the moderates inbetween the 40-yard lines that politicians want to get to the moderates out there are tired and people are saying we're just going to ignore you. >> absolutely and whether the attacks come from the far left or the far right, that's not what america is. i agree with doug. we can agree to disagree but we don't have animosity towards each other or our country. that's what's got to stop. we're all americans we're all in this together we only wish the best for our country and that should be everybodies goal and objective. liz: brad and doug stay there we'll have more fun with you after the break you'll tackle another big topic coming up. look at this a supreme court ruling that's going to cost you more when you shop online, states could now force online retailers to collect their sales taxes on shoppers from out of state. even as that online retailer does not have a presence in the
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state. we're going to show you what it means to the bottom line and winners and losers in that one but first the president really pushing hard now to drain the swamp. unveiling a sweeping plan to modernize and reorganization how the federal government is structured. we've got the details, next. what might seem like a small cough to you...
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by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges. how mature of them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance. >> when we got into this one of the things that we learned was that it has been almost 100 years since anybody really reorganized the government at this type of scale. its been since fdr and his new deal where he changed the way the government worked and we haven't changed it very much since then, which means we're almost 20% into the 21st century , but we're still dealing with a government that is from the early 20th century. liz: that's top white house official mick mulvaney explain ing this modernization proposal, a drain the swamp proposal. a common sense proposal to reorganize the u.s. government.
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one of them includes merging the education and labor departments into one agency. that by the way, those two, they've got a combined 19,000 workforce and $80 billion budget combined, it's a lot of money a lot of people. here is the other idea now on the table. privatize the postal service. move several major department of food assistants to health and human services. that would be renamed the health and public welfare department. our political power panel back with us, brad blakeman. doug, the government has gotten too big and way out of control. president obama, he catered to career interests of big government workers, new bureaucracy in health and financial reform, putting that in reverse. what's your reaction to it? >> i'm all for reorganization but the health education and welfare departments were disengaged as a means of making sure we didn't lose sight of people's need needs and people's interests and while i'm all for things like privatizing the post office make them more
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competitive i'm concerned about people and the impact on programs as well as the efficiency of the government. liz: i hear what you're saying. brad, the overreach, the encroachment of the government has gotten so big to doug's point in other areas of the government, it's sort of like congress act the like they're in a permanent and opportunistic state of outrage not common sense the first responders to fix things with our money meaning more swamp it's like their belief if it's not broken fix it until it is and make things bigger. do you think trump gets congress ' support here? >> i hope he does and that should be that in addition to all of the other issues moving into the fall and mid-term elections that republicans have to remain in control because we have a mission to reorganize, the reorganization of government what better guy to do it than a businessman whose an roi guy, return on investment for money assetsed should have a return that's equal if not more beneficial than the risk, and
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here is the thing. i think that every agency should be looked at. the president should ask every cabinet member to make a serious look and report back to him on ways to either modify or reduce or make it more efficient and every agency should be under the order i believe to reduce their operating budget by 10%. i can do that tomorrow in my household. if i can do it the government can do it without as doug pointed out the reduction of necessary services. liz: to brad's point, doug, household runs their own budget but when you have a government working on other people's money it's easy to be patriotic with other people's money, right? >> but it's also very different to run a government and a bureaucracy and deliver services than to run your household and balance your checkbook, so look, i'm all for the theory behind this but i need to see the details before me and most can sign on. liz: you know, brad there's sort of this unelected bureaucracy
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that basically answers to presidents that grow the government. we've got a government union, for example, there are 80 government unions actually. do you think the government unions are going to put up a sti nk about this? >> no doubt, self-preservation but the bureaucracy come and go every four and eight years. congress comes and goes in leadership but yet the bureaucracy stays. no that's not the way it should be. we should be evaluating government and understand that government should only do for the people what we can't do for ourselves that's it and we should be thinking of smarter ways to do business for the american people and we should have a charge that every 10 years we take a look at the executive branch and understand what the services are, whether they're necessary, as mick mulvaney pointed out some of these bureaucracies go back over 100 years without ever being tested as to whether or not their mission is still valid. liz: and there's some federal
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programs looking at y2k problems that was 18 years ago and watch the president do some executive orders and actions here to fix this and i don't know if he could do all the fixes he wants but we love having you on great stuff there. >> thanks so much. liz: supreme court ruling states can now force online retailers to charge and collect their state sales taxes, even if that online retailer does not have a physical presence in their state we're going to show you the winners and losers and what this all means for your bottom line it's coming up stay right there. hi.i just wanted to tell you that chevy won a j.d.power dependability award for its midsize car-the chevy malibu. i forgot. chevy also won a j.d. power dependability award for its light-duty truck the chevy silverado. oh, and since the chevy equinox and traverse also won chevy is the only brand to earn the j.d. power dependability award across cars, trucks and suvs-three years in a row. phew. third time's the charm...
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we're going to show how it's affecting the markets and your pocketbook. taking a hit online retailers like wayfair, ebay, etsy over stock finishing in the red, department stores like target, nordstrom, jc penney, kohl's, dillard's are in the green, helps them. shopping center reits also trading higher the shopping mall guys let's bring in the panel, gary b. smith, look whose here, melissa armo. gary b., what's your reaction? >> well, i think people are getting way too excited that these brick-and-mortar retailers are going to come back and make a resurgence. i don't think that's ever been the problem or at least hasn't been the problem since basically the dawn of the internet. i think it's all about convenience on the flip side, this is obviously another big government land grab where they hope to increase their coffers. they don't care about consumers. they only care about increasing their budgets. president trump said oh, this is a win for consumers.
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still scratching my head trying to figure out how. liz: what do you think melissa? >> i think these states are really desperate to collect more money in their coffers. like i'm from pennsylvania live in new york now but last year in 2017, 43,000 notices were sent out for people who filed their returns to try to deny deductions. the state is desperate to collect taxes and now it's a record number for the state of pennsylvania. these states are hurting, new york even, even all the taxes we pay so what's going to happen they keep spending instead of taking control of the budgets which is what these states should do who are in debt and need money coming in now they say oh, we'll get this tax money in. truth be told we should have all been painted anyway to be fair the brick-and-mortar and online people should have been paying the same but ultimately consumer s will pay more i'm not happy about it as a shopper. liz: gary b., what if you're an internet retailer with a presence in high-tax state like california and new york? what do you do? >> well if you're big enough like amazon and selling your own
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goods you're already paying the taxes, amazon is and they're not paying taxes in general for the third party goods they sell, so if you're a smaller online retailer, you're going to, you better make some entrance to amazon to be bought out because you're really going to suffer just the paperwork alone in trying to figure out how to pay these taxes which by the way is obviously not in the supreme court's ruling. it's going to be burden some so like healthcare all over again where the small guy can't figure out how to do it and eventually goes out of business. liz: you may want to buy stock in h. and r. block, i'm kidding but to gary b.'s point melissa there are 10,000 separate taxes jurisdictions across the country that's what the little guy has to deal with, right? >> i'm surprised trump supported this passing because he's been looking out for the little guy so as far as small businesses just like gary said this isn't good for the little guy. liz: how is it going to affect our wallet and pocketbook? >> as far as people's shopping
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habits i don't think they will change. in other words if you love to shop online in your phone, you'll continue to do that and just pay the tax because it's a convenience you're paying for the convenience. you might buy one less item because of the tax of the cost of it but you're not going to stop shopping online. people aren't going to stop using amazon it's going to affect the smaller businesses just like gary was saying and that's the problem. i don't think consumer spending is going to go down as a result of this. people spend what they spend. liz: what do you think gary b.? >> i agree. let's just say it's $100 item from amazon and it goes up $6 so now it's $106. i'll tell you what as an amazon prime customer which more and more of us are i'd still spend the extra $6 not to have to get in the car and go to the shopping center and do all that stuff. it's still worth it to me. liz: gary b. and melissa we love having you on. >> thanks. liz: we'll be right back after the break with more. don't go away.
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liz: we'll be staying on the breaking news on the compromise immigration bill. jack-packed news -- jam-packed news hour again. charles: i'm charles payne. immigration legislation will have to wait notice day as republicans are postponing the vote until tomorrow. this as president trump is asking his administration to find ways to reunite families separated at the border and pass immigration reform. president trump: the lawmakers have to do something. our country cannot continue to
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