tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business June 21, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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"strange inheritance." and remember -- you can't take it with you. [ gunshot ] [ thud ] no bill, but lou dobbs is next. lou: good evening, our top story, president trump using all the powers of his office trying to push for secure borders and senssensible immigration laws, e democrats play obstructionists. >> worse immigration laws in the history of the world, the whole world is laughing at united states they have been for years. lou: we'll take up latest high stakes battle in political conflict over immigration and borders, congressman louie gohmert joining us, judge ja jae
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pirro and republican leadership on capitol hill. hardly leadership. in meltdown, freedom caucus chairman, mark meadows unloading on speaker ryan from the house floor. while establishment leader mitch mcconnell stubbornly resists calls from president to do his job as majority lead and end the 60 vote rule that has allowed the dems to obstruct and stonewall the trump agenda in senate. the dean, ed rollins, with us to talk about the civil war brewing in the republican party. our top story tonight, lame duck speaker paul ryan presiding over allege latest de-- legislative debacle on the hill. the so-called leadership compromise bill that was specially crafted by paul ryan
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himself, has been pulled from the floor. fox news chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel has the latest. >> we need to give the administration the tools they need to stop this problem. it not a new problem. the obama administration wanted a number of changes that are in this bill. >> 193. >> bill not passed. reporter: conservative immigration plan from bob goodlatte failed, fron front republicans and all democrats voting no. no pathway for citizenship for dreamers. texas democrat congresswoman sheila jackson lee said it not fair. >> we depend on them having grown up here, loving this nation, pledging flag. -- >> time has expired. >> a shame.
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reporter: pressure shifts to house republican leadership, negotiated compromise put on hold until tomorrow, based on president trump 4 pillars. >> declare -- would provide a path way to citizenship for dreamers. >> we want to keep families intact and enforce our laws and secure the border, that is what vast majority americans'. reporter: some in middle of immigration fight say that compromise bill is only option now. >> a lot of people in in chamber on both sides more so, on other side of the aisle, have been promising a solution for dreamers for 17 years. with nothing to show for it, this or opportunity to make sure these y2k young im-- young immigrant are treating fairly, a vote against this legislation is a status quo. >> a lack of out reach. >> you all repeat it.
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it is not a compromise. with the devil but not a compromise with the democrats in terms of what they have in the bill. reporter: senate democratic leader downplaying lawmaker ability to pass anything even a narrow pleasure on family separation. >> congress getting it done. not going to solve the problem, unfortunately. because immigration such a content shoes and devicive issue. president has to do it himself. let us hope he does. reporter: schumer tamping down expectations suggest to some republicans that democrats would rather have a campaign us issue than a solution. they are worried that democrats will keep moving the goal post. lou: mike thank you. >> the leadership so-called compromise bill has gone down in flames, another defeat, another debacle for the ryan-lead republicans conference in the
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house. joining to us talk about republican lawmakers failed effort to get a immigration bill to the tblor an floor and passee gohmert. this is -- i would think that everyone in your conference would just about had a belly full of paul ryan, and the known sense he try -- nonsense he trying to sell to president, sometimes successfully and conference. this is typically the result, isn't it? >> well, there is a flaw in your thinking, that is you are thinke thinking, that not something we do a lot of, everything you said makes sense, that is not the way people -- i would have thought people were furious. i go back to the election a couple weeks after november election, and trump won our
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speaker said, was quoted as saying, donald trump was hearing voices that none of the rest of us heard. i brought that up to him, i said, some of us were saying the same things as president trump was saying. and he was look, i was trying to pay him a comment am, that is the problem, you have not been listening to the people that got trump elected. did you not support his idea of a wall, you did -- you supportedded some for some part of omes amnesty, i neo know you are going to support all of the things that got donald trump elected president. he said, look, louie, we're talking of day. that does not answer my question. are you going to help get that wall done? you know get that no amnesty. look we're getting along great,
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louie, anyway, lou, i go back to that. it appears that we have leadership that was never going to deliver for the president on his promises, god bless trump. lou: why doesn't, you know the president, this is a -- this a once in century president. he is getting things done that others talk about. he has done more in less than a year and a half than any president since fdr, he has even been in office. reporter: >> he is doing it with rockets and arrows fired at him all of the time. i keep tell you, we have a two hour confront tonight. -- conference, i thought we were going in because the goodlatte bill, there were a lot of good things in there with e-verify, and ending chain migration, it
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did the things we wanted. my problem last 30 pages, giving amnesty daca. i have said, let's secure border before we talk about what we do with the people. we're not luring more people in. and the conference seemed to be moramore effort to persuade peoe who could not support the 4 pillars in the bill. and a few people brought up, we got 193 with the goodlatte bill that had that stuff in there why don't we just tweak that to get it passed and get a win. lou: you know the answer to that. tom donohue at chamber of commerce did not want it, business round take dell not want it, koch brothers did not want it. >> you are right. lou: and they are those manages that bill, today. >> they wanted the second bill. lou: tomorrow. >> yeah, and so, i didn't know
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until i just got here to go on with you, they pulled that bill. as of when i lift about 20 minutes ago we were still having a vote tomorrow. lou: is there anyone? any paul ryan won't lie to? i am just talking about went the conference? >> let me tell you. lou: any reason, reason why anyone in republican conference should tolerate him as speaker for another minute. >> well, i can't say that he lied. i mentioned to him this week, he has gotten good with his words are he said this compromise bill addresses all 4 pillars. pillars, he didn't say, it was going to fi fix all 4, he said addressed them. on chain migration, me didn't say this ends it his words that
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i heard were, this puts us on the road to fixing chain migration. i am going we have been on the road for a hundred years, we need to get off the road, fix it. i have to say that is parsing words, but it keeps you from saying, he didn't really lie, we're on the road. lou: like you, i am from texas, you know, nothing keeps me from calling it like it is. the fact that is -- >> you and i both do that it is just a problem. lou: we're overtime, as usual with my long questions and your short answers. >> yeah, but,. lou: we get overtime. >> there so serious, our country existences. lou: answer this, give me your fastest answer, what is so urgent about getting daca dreamers citizenship right now?
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>> i can't -- it is a place take tmistake toaddress it now, if wt today or tomorrow there will be 2 million more people coming through the border in next 6 months, it will be the biggest surge. lou: all there nonsense working with democrats, why don't the republicans have -- i mean, if ryan is sincere and honest on man. why doesn't he tell his rino members to go the out there and campaign for his terms like hell and go out there and ryanments, call for -- ryan wants call forke wide open borders and see how many survive a general election. >> i don't understand why you keep play -- placating the democrats that gives democrats everything they want, but they are not voting for it, they want that issue, they want the issue, they don't want it fixed, they
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would have done it. lou: otherwise they go out and say let's get this done. >> right, you are right. lou: secure border. >> let plea put yo meet put youo be a member of house there is no requirement to be a member of congress, you are up for being nominated. lou: no, sir, i just have too much respect for the judgment of the house to allow them to consider me, but i appreciate that thought. >> i could vote for you. lou: i appreciate it, and by the way. >> thank you, lou. lou: raises question, why isn't your name right out there in that hat? >> about well because whether i 1 out there on a limb to take boehner out, i exposed a lot of people's hypocrisy, many of them have not forgiven me, i knew i was a sashfitial lamb but it was -- a sacrificial lamb but i fell it was the worth it, we still have a problem. lou: right, well, again.
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>> thank you, lou. lou: i am flattered by youring is and your thoughts that implies. i like them. >> i like the way you think. lou: right back at you. appreciate it. >> thank you. lou: louie gohmert, congressman from texas. >> up next, lawmaker threatening more subpoena to stop department of justice stonewalling over documents demanded by the congress in its oversight role related to out of control russia witch-hunt. i know, no evidence. what are they doing? we take did up with judicial watch president tom -- here next, where are we headed, we'll be right back. [ doorbell rings ] janice, mom told me you bought a house. okay. [ buttons clicking ]
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before congress. joining us tonight, judicial wash president tom fenton, you have to be feeling pretty good to know congressman meadows said there will be subpoenas? >> it a positive step forward. it has been over a year of obstruction and stonewalling by this justice department. they have been attacking congressional oversight. there credible stories out there. lou: i would have a basket full if i want speaker ryan, if i were running one of the intelligence committees, i would have a basket full of subpoenas for rod rosenstein. this is outrageous, what happened. it has taken, i want to congratulate mark meadows, he put his face right in front of the speaker, and told him he had it. i just, i have to tell you, i applaud it. meadows a man of high integrity
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and principle to put up with speaker without respond for this long. all i can say, is congratulations to folks of north carolina he represents. this is the stuff you want to see more of in congress. >> you know, it shows, you need leadership not just from leadership, congress to be effective you nod need folks lie pledo meadows who represent the interest of american people. it is the backbenchers in the house, that have been driving there. nunes, credited with taking lead here. i tell you, it is despite leader shin in thleadership in the houy of this getting done. it is the unremitting pressure of pled meadows, jordan, and
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desantos. desantos,. >desantos. lou: and matt gates, there is a general view if unex pressinged. that something has to be done here, and they cannot come together. they have a sell out to all of the business interest to the establishment to the globalist elites on the parts of their speaker, they are going to the midterms with this guy it appears right now, if they don't have the guts to get rid of him, they are consigning themselves to the abyss electoraly. >> there is a big crowd in washington d.c., political elite of both party who want mass amnesty, they will take it go way they can get it. lou: the hell with it. >> i have a simple take on this. the best immigration reform is to enforce the law on the books. it will stop glow flows of famiy
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coming north, you can pressure mexplemexico to stop it from happening. you take care of those already here within the law. lou: let ple let me say this. i understand what you are saying here is the basic fundamental logic that is requisite. you cannot reform, change oral terror enforce immigration law, if you do not control the border. it is that straight forward. ipso facto control the damn border. right? >> that is right. if i -r7 wer were president, i d deploy military to the border immediately. he would be protecting the american people and also the illegal aliens who are being trafficked through the border region that wide open. lou: time to let the mexican
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government know they are bringing thousands of unaccompanied min minors from tr southern border, and escort to northern border with this country, dumping those young people on our doorstep, creating havoc. and 60 billion dollar worth of irlinillegal drugs, that are cog across that border. from mexico every year. to think that there is a discussion going on on capitol hill, these fools are trying to represent the chamber of commerce interest. it is sickening to watch these gutless frauds even disgus the issues that -- discuss the issues. >> it is going to get worse. the view from the south is that there is chaos in the united states congress is pushing to
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undermine the rule of law, the media is pushing to undermine the lou wil rule of law, that translates, we have to get across border, take advantage because they will never hold us with these circumstances. and president needs to stand fast, and enforce the rule of law, it is why he was pit in office, and it is fundamental to protects u.s. and its sovereignty. lou: this president has already created a legacy, a historic president remember h he is only person with anything to lose in not abiding by his promises to the american people and his base to his voters. because no one expects any of those other folks on capitol hill to keep a single promise they investor made. i doubt they even remember what they promised their voters, with a few exceptions. tom -- >> there is a opportunity to get
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a quick small bill. that will allow family to be detained together. uphold rule of law, while taking care of children who are needlessly put in harm's way by parents and amnesty crowd, if republican leadership would take a hola hold of it and move it forward. lou: i would say that is so remeet. >> we need to demand access, it is a nightmare, this is not condition. lou: this stuff piecemeal, the fact is that until we have the guts to defend our own border, courage and principle and committed am of the values of this nation and to the integrity of the consititution republic, and our society, we're lost. it is that straight forward. tom fenton great to have you with us, we have troubles aboiling on 41 burner righ fron.
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>> thank you. >> vote in the poll, should speaker ryan tell truth for once, and urge his rino members to campaign for wide open borders and amnesty for illegal immigrants? does he have the guts. >> could he be that honest? that not really the question. just answer, have ryan tell his rithereino members, golly, it we a lighter load without them, wouldn't it. >> social media stars and loyal trump supporters diamond and silk, joining you monday 7 p.m., eastern, don't miss there are -t chat tour in rancho mirage california, july 21. >> that is coming up. >> so far, mitch mcconnell has
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lou: the so-called leadership compromise immigration bill has been pulled from the floor it was delayed until tomorrow and now has been pulled all together. the earlier so-called conservative goodlatte bill failed to pass by 25 votes in the margin. neither piece of legislation would have had much chance of passing the senate because of the 60-vote rule majority leader mitch mcconnell refuses to eliminate without rational explanation and without judgment.
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president trump has absolutely begged mcconnell to do the right thing but mcconnell refuses. the president asked, what is the purpose of the house doing good immigration bills when you need 9 votes by democrats in the senate and the dems are only looking to obstruct. republicans must get rid of the stupid filibuster rule. it is killing you. joining us to assess this. former reagan white house political director ed rollins. is the president right about the 60-vote rule? ed: absolutely. even if we hold the senate it will be by a few seats next time. and it will be the same sort of drill. it ought to be by majority rule. the senate stops everybody
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that's passes in the house. if you want to get things done -- lou: do you know what motivates mcconnell? ed: he has been the leader forking a long time. democrats or republicans, you get to move an agenda. if you fail to move an agenda you will get voted out of office. lou: if the democrats win the senate by a sizable margin tell get rid of that damn rule. ed: if they are sitting there with 51, 52e2 or 53 votes and nt bat an eyelash by the. you tell me why the republicans are putting up with a speaker that doesn't seem to understand how to count votes or str have t
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have any concern about what he says to the united states. you puts a bow around it and calls it an immigration bill when it's the work product of the business round table and koch brothers. ed: this is the group of worst vote counters i have ever seen. the healthcare, the same kind of drill. the option of two bills. the second bill they can't even get the votes up tomorrow. it's dead. and the reality at this point in time. let's move on and do other things that are meaningful. the daca vote is not going to happen this session. lou: straightforward. the president promised a wall.
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put your hands figuratively speaking around paul ryan's neck and deliver on my promise. you've got thousands of people sprinting for the borders. lou: why in the world not go to the voters in the polls in this mid-term election saying we are republicans, we support this president and we want the wall and we want to control immigration. ed: members would be foolish not to do that. h.r.1 should be the wall. lou: ed rollins. thank you. we want to express your condolences to the family and friends of long-time fox news contributor, pulitzer prize winner charles krauthammer. he'll always be remembered for
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illegal immigration and open borders. county rsh a number of years ago i see chuck schumer and hillary clinton, we must have borders. if people penetrate our borders we must get them out of our country. now they are open border people. it's a big con job. lou: the host of "justice with judge jeanine." she is also the author of the book, "leakers, liars, and liberals." lot's start with this farce in the house. ryan has done it again. the republican conference continues to support him. i can't begin to make sense of that decision. judge jeanine: we have the house, the senate, we have the
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oval. one of the things i said on my show, republicans, if you can't get the job done, get out of the way. i started on paul ryan way back in healthcare. nobody could see it and everybody was supposed to vote on it. he had 7 years to fix that one up. that's why i said the guy has got to go. he's a lame duck leader. he can't get anything done in the house. we have the majority in the house. what's going on? lou: it becomes more urgent when you realize there is nothing in the house leadership, the president is talking about working with dems, and mcconnell, i have no idea what he's doing. but they are all assuming they are going to have to work with dems instead of run on their agenda. the trump agenda won for him.
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it's a remarkable and historic performance of the first years inch he has been in office. why not run on the trump agenda and kick the dimms' tails? judge jeanine: you are so right. we know they are about obstruction and resistance flips nothing you will get them to cross over on. so the president says to the democrats, you would think, i'm going to keep families together. i know the president, this is a president who believes in families. he loves his children. i believe in his heart this was something he wanted to do. but now he does it and this one is going to sue them, that one is going sue them. if you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't come here with your kids. lou: 10,000 of the 12,000 minors
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who have come into this country. they are being shipped here by parents who were just turning them over to the cartels, the human smugglers, the sex traffickers. it's appalling and no one is asking the question. if i see one more tear in the eye of some phoney on the left-wing networks. it's nauseating. why aren't they saying the nasty awful things about the government of mexico which is making that 2,000 journey possible rather than against president trump? judge jeanine: because it is an innate hatred of anything this man does. i won't repeat it. because we all know that. this is the most of successful presidential administration we have seen in the first year and a half. but what this president needs to do is get the republicans behind
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him. and the public loves the president. did you see him last night in minnesota? it was crazy. i believe he's going to win the mid-terms. any republican -- he should get out of the way. lou: another historic aspect of this presidency, is that he's kept his promises. as his campaign says, promises made and promises kept. if he keeps his promises on the wall, on border security, on immigration, if you will roll on with that message and avoid like the dike's any suggestion or hint of amnesty, i think the house will add seats. if they get locked up on amnesty, they will lose 50 seats
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in my opinion. >> amnesty is something the hard right is hard on. they do not want amnesty. but the president said look, i'll give 1.8 mill of these bac- of these daca dreamers. the omnibus, only 1.billion for the bored, none of it can be used for the concrete wall. lou: the american people have to understand that $1.6 biwas for border security. technology. and he took paul ryan took out funding for immigration and customs enforcement internally to the united states. it was a major to hell with you on the part of ryan.
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and this president needs to reciprocate to mr. ryan. judge jeanine: maybe they ought to have a leader now. he should be out. lou: today we learned mark meadows definitively is not going to run for speaker, clearing the path for congressman jim jordan. judge jeanine: we love jim jordan. this guy knows how to fight. i'm all for that one. >> good to have you with us. be sure to watch her with justice with judge ye jeanine. should speaker ryan tell the truth and urge his rino members to campaign for amnesty and illegal immigrants he loves to suggest so much? up next.
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other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. lou: joining us, christopher bedford, and harmheet dillon. congresswoman for the state of california. let's start with you and the republican party. can you explain how paul ryan is still in office screwing things up royally for the republicans in his congress? >> i have to agree with a lot of comments of some of your guests in your show. you called a lot of the members gutless wonders. it's more than gutless. they turned their backs on the promises they made to the american voters. when you have a lame duck leader
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and people are look to the next thing. it's not just the speaker. it's the republicans retiring and looking at their next onas lobbyists. that's one of the problems in washington, the swamp effect. lou: this is an extraordinary time for the republicans. they have the house, they have the senate, they have the white house, and the president is working with the dimms to create a legislative miracle somehow to solve border security and illegal immigration that require sos how cooperation with the dimms. why should he be put in that position when his party controls government? >> he's in a pretty difficult position. because the democrats aren't come together table trying to do
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honest brokerage. they aren't trying to figure out what's going on at the border. the reason they haven't tried to solve it until now is political points. this is not the republican party paul ryan signed up to lead. he wanted a party that accepted all the children of the world who could live here in his utopia without social security. paul ryan has pushed for a false choice for the house because he doesn't want to take the high road on immigration and ending the visa lottery. president trump doesn't have an ally in the house of representatives. lou: harhmeet, we have five months remaining before the
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mid-term election. you have the business round table, wall street, pressing this thing to campaign on tax cuts. and the his torics successes of this president and his agenda it's clear this president succeed and will succeed with support of republicans. and it will be a disaster for those rinos who remain and campaign and tax cuts. sort of a bloodless issue. >> i can't agree with you more. the president got elected on the strength of the immigration issue and america first along other things. that's not what the people inside the boldway care about. that's not what the people inside the beltway care about. and you have got a senate playing with 18th century
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rules and talking about a time when people were gentlemen and ladies to each other. those days are long past. i would like to see more leadership and attitude the president has brought to our leaders in congress. lou: there is no excuse for mcconnell, is there? he is maintaining that 60-vote rule of some sort of extra cuous legions to some concept of the institution that is first of all apparently from his point of view inhable and perceptible. >> he has an overblown reputation of being a senate genius. the senate genius he gets credit for is block barack obama and showing guts on nominating his own supreme court justice. he's not playing hardball the way harry reid played hardball
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with the republican party. you can see that by his allowing the senate to break after a half week of work and not getting to the judges he's supposed to. lou: chuck schumer has inordinate authority and power in the minority. certainly more than perhaps the majority leader does in his own party. >> it's kind of the way the senate has worked. the question is will the democrats respect the 60-vote threshold? i'm sceptical of that. >> i agree. consequences of this are being seen in many ways. we have the blue-slip rule preventing circuit judges from getting confirmed from liberal senators block. some of the key appointments
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have not been killed because of inaction in the senate. our president can't get his agenda passed under the circumstances. lou: join us no bill, but lou dobbs is next. lou: good evening, our top story, president trump using all the powers of his office trying to push for secure borders and senssensible immigration laws, e democrats play obstructionists. >> worse immigration laws in the history of the world, the whole world is laughing at united states they have been for years. lou: we'll take up latest high stakes battle in political conflict over immigration and borders, congressman louie go
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