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tv   FBN AM  FOX Business  July 17, 2018 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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that's it for us tonight. join us tomorrow, good night from new >> i would tell you present up to was extremely confident in his denial today. drink your president trump returns to the white house after his historic summit with russian president vladimir putin. cheryl: energy stocks weighed on the dow jones industrial yesterday taking 44 points, but oil prices 4%. gerri: jerome powell on capitol hill today. he'll be talking about the economy as well.
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i headed back on earnings from goldman sachs. u.s. stock market futures pit the top 11. s&p 500 down three quarters of a percent. the nasdaq to a .5. cheryl: stocks opened slightly lower as traders are waiting for chairman powell's testimony. the dax in the red. >> stocks in japan up about half a percent while stocks in hong kong falling 1.3%. trying to the stock to be watching here is netflix sinking 15% after disappointing subscriber growth. "fbn:am" starts right now. true 25:01 a.m. in new york. good morning cheryl casone. gerri: i'm gerri willis and for lauren simonetti. so much to choose from.
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so many headlines you can pick one. trade to we are going to talk about netflix in a moment. i select the shows. it took a real beating. backlash from president trump's press conference with russian president vladimir putin. trump is back in washington facing sharp criticism for unloading on the american intelligence community in front of a man accused of trying to hack the u.s. presidential election. gerri: trump tried to lower expectations of what the sitdown could accomplish. but even with diminished expectations, the president still found himself facing a sin on the controversy. our own blake burman report. >> on its way back to the u.s. on air force one from responding to the harsh criticisms he sided with vladimir putin and not the intelligence community. the president writing on twitter, as i said today in many times before, i have great confidence in the intelligence
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people. however, in order to build a brighter future we cannot exclusively focus on the past is the world's two largest nuclear powers we must get along. earlier monday, the president did not categorically endorsed the intelligence community when asked if he sides with them or putin. >> my people came to me. dan coats and some others and they said they think it's russia. i have president putin. he just said it's not russia. i don't see any reason why it would be, but i really do want to see the server. >> the intelligence committee led by the fbi, cia tried to drive up chaos. alongside the president and before the television cameras, putin continued to deny election meddling and give the sport response when asked if he should be trusted. >> to be believed or not they believed, you can trust no one.
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where did you get the idea that president trump trust me or i trust him. he defends the interests of the united states of america and i defend the interests of the russian federation. reporter: john mccain called it one of the most disgraceful performances by an american president in memory. back to you in new york. train to the criticism on capitol hill was bipartisan. trump didn't back down. he defended the sonnet with sean hannity. >> 90% of the nuclear power in the world between these two nations and we had a felony witchhunt deal drive us apart. >> this was the biggest wedge. >> is the thing he told me when he went in. what a shame. he felt it was very hard for me to make a deal. >> in his interview with chris wallace, putin repeatedly did
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the claims that the kremlin has never interfered with the internal affairs of the united states. >> do you really believe that someone acting from the russian territory could have influenced the united states and influenced the choice of millions of americans? gerri: we'll have more, more on this later in the show. trade to a lot more definitely. amid all of this controversy, the president is meeting with gop leaders today to discuss plans for tax reform to point out. the house ways and means committee chairman kevin brady to unveil details of a second tax package sometime in august. >> you are going to see prominence of the middle class tax cuts will be the centerpiece of this and people overlook the growth impact long term. that alone could help create a million and a half new jobs in
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america. true into the tax cuts are set to expire in 2025. gerri: federal reserve chairman jerry powell on capitol hill for two days this week to testify on the economy. this morning's appearance before the senate banking committee comes as concerns raised about the impact of tariffs on economic growth. the report released by the fed last week, officials are monitoring trade and international development as they set interest rates. the central bank to raise rates to more times this year. trade to the united states turning up the heat in the trade dispute with american allies. the trump administration filing lawsuits with the world trade organization against china, the e.u., canada, mexico, turkey after they retaliated on import steel and aluminum. robert leite kiser says the countries that violate wto rules. this comes after china followed a challenge but the wto to the
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tariffs on $200 billion of chinese goods. transfer without a lot of news today. officials from facebook and youtube's parent also been on capitol hill today. companies to be grilled by lawmakers over how they filter their content that appears on platforms. republicans claim facebook, youtube and twitter use politically biased methods to remove content. the companies deny any wrongdoing. cheryl: more news and disappointing days for netflix. following on lower than suspected growth. gerri: tracee carrasco joins us with that another headlines. >> shares of netflix plummeted 15% after falling short of its subscriber addition in the second quarter both here in the u.s. and internationally. netflix added nearly 5.3 million new subscribers during the quarter. more than 1 million short of the
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6.2 million forecast. also fell short of its own revenue forecast. they did beat analyst expectations for net income. netflix trading slightly lower this morning. gerri: to be fair, they never get that number right. it is where the forecast is on track. the business is not that easily predictable. i want to talk about prime day. amazon had a hard time. what happened? >> in the sun got the right start with the glitch. experiencing outages after the sale began both on desktop and mobile. many shoppers were met with photos of dogs, which is amazon's standard error page. amazon treated as a statement saying the issue would be resolved in u.s. customers have ordered more items in the first hour of prime day than last year. you still have until the end of today to shop amazon's deal.
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turn into amazon still making billions of dollars. the ceo just had a huge milestone. >> amazon jeff bezos now tops $150 billion as he becomes the richest person in modern history. he reached the milestone just as prime day got underway. shares of amazon have risen for eight straight days. monday to close a record $1822.42 per the stock has increased more than 55% this year which has added more than $50 billion to his mouth earth in less than seven months. gerri: he has truly remade the landscape had not just for retail, at the impact economically is astounding. thank you. cheryl: let's dig deeper right now into netflix. luc besson is to, good morning.
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>> good morning, cheryl. cheryl: he addressed with folks on a conference call yesterday the issue of why they despair of forecast. listen to what he said. >> you seen this movie of q2 shortfall in 2162 years ago and we never did find an explanation other than some lumpiness of the business and continue to perform after that. trade to lumpiness in the business. what do you make of that? >> this is a company much like apple that is put out guided and consistently beat it. for reid to save lumpiness than we have it figured out since then with the cause was, i think that is an excuse. here it raises the question that this is a stock priced to perfection not on profits, but on growth and it raises the concern that growth may be waning for netflix. there is no longer a stock that investors can own and chill. you have to have your bird of
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prey now it really be focused on whether this is a serious trend that will start here. tree into to your point, the numbers don't lie. for point for 7 million international customers were short of guidance. 670,000 new customers in the u.s. this is a company that has been focused in particular and international growth. >> i agree with you. not so much that they missed. but this was a huge waste. it was a swing and miss. they were even close to connecting. it is only one quarter. again, let's not underestimate the factor overlooked the fact that netflix still grew subscriber growth 25% year-over-year. revenue set 35% year-over-year. if this continues into the next quarter, it started a trend. the stock is not priced to handle a slowdown in growth.
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cheryl: he did address the issue competition because there are new players and he talks about this. let's see what he said about the competition. >> there's a lot of new and strengthening competition with disney entering the market, hbo getting additional funding. the different french broadcasters coming together. so that is all normal and expected. it is what it is. we're not able to change it and focuses on the best content we've ever done. cheryl: is that enough to convince? >> i think time will tell. i agree with his assessment that competition is expected. streaming is not an either or. you don't buy netflix or ruler. it isn't an proposition . customers and consumers subscribe to multiple ones. really it comes to content. can they continue making the content that attracts more subscribers, which gives them revenue to reinvest more content and keep the cycle.
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cheryl: 10 billion. lou banenese, see you soon. >> thank you, cheryl. gerri: celebrity chef anthony burr gained slams bill and hillary clinton. janice dean tells us how hot. you are watching it "fbn:am." the car replacement we'll replace the full value of your car. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ too hot to work? nah. this is the gator xuv835. with game-changing heat and air,
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it's never too anything for anything.
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gerri: welcome back. look back. let's get you back. look at jakarta but it's happening now. check in u.s. theaters. the dow will be up 12. s&p 500 and the nasdaq both down. alabama republicans of course and representatives martha roby a runoff primary. critical president trump when her challenger, former representative is a true supporter of president trend. the judges temporarily halted the deportation of the united families. the aclu requested the delay so thin as good a decide to go back home and try to claim asylum. senate judiciary chairman chuck grassley briefing on the administration's efforts to reunite within 2500 children with their families in a meeting
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with the july 26th deadline. the story we tell you about. anthony bourdain's interview with based within a month after he took his own life. in his interview calmly sank the clintons claiming bill clinton over accusations over misconduct. he also railed against the couple for dismantling and destroying the lives of women trying to speak out. that is what is happening now. cheryl: what is happening right now with summer heat. it is continuing to scorch the country. gerri: i guess no surprise. it is mid july. janice dean is back and she's here with the forecasting for us. good morning. reporter: good morning, ladies. feeling like summertime with the humidity along the east coast. oppressive as the word of the day. 78 in new york, but again with the humidity it feels even more brought back.
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the cold front will push away this afternoon and give us potential for stronger storms. the past 24 hours as he headed towards the mid-atlantic in the northeast to come in the northeast to consider for a double come through giving us potential for very heavy rain. some cooler temperatures will cut the humidity but also give this threat for severe storms. large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes this afternoon through this evening. just be aware of this into your local forecast. tmx across the south very hot today, especially with the humidity comes the people are advised to stay indoors to the drink lots of water, lots of air conditioning. your forecast very stonelike across most of the countries. cheryl: it was tied at 2:00 this morning. great to see you back in the saddle. thanks for coming in. appreciate it. coming up, elon musk goes on a twitter rant. this sent the stock lower.
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as he finally gone too far? by popping retail sales numbers propping up the growth forecast in the economy in overdrive. let's look at stocks this morning. future is looking little mates. the tao of 12, s&p 500 down one. nasdaq down a .5. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪ this scientist doesn't believe in luck. she believes in research. it can take more than 10 years to develop a single medication. and only 1 in 10,000 ever make it to market. but what if ai could find connections faster. to help this researcher discover new treatments. that's why she's working with watson. it's a smart way to find new hope, which really can't wait.
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comcast business outmaneuver. gerri: again buster report. evidence of a strong economy to raise their estimates for second-quarter gross domestic product, but also overheating. hedge fund manager joins us now.
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i've got to tell you, it blew me right away. six by 6% over last june. they even revised may and now people up and down wall street are revising their gdp expectations. some of them over 5%, which would be like a 15 year high. do you agree? and the economy grow that fast? a lot of people say no. >> this economy is roaring. no matter what you think of the president, no matter what you think is in politics, there's no way around it. whether it be retail sales, unemployment is 17 year low, paychecks increasing come to spending also increasing, inflationary than eating out at bars and restaurants. all of these are signs of an extremely strong economy. where do we go from here? gerri: that the question. let me interrupt you with a
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question. not to stop your excitement. i wanted to read about my friend. verizon for consumers or three quarters of gdp. all about us when it comes to the economy. inflation beginning to outpace wages. "the wall street journal" had a story on this last week. they are losing ground against inflation and we are also at the same time see people consumer debt popping out. lending tree shows we are already in terms of consumer debt and by the way it is not mortgaged. it's credit card debt but chilly in about 2008 levels. can consumers hang in there? >> that is a real fear. have we forgotten the lessons of pre-2008? as you said, a lot of those lessons into those lessons seem to have been lost because investors and americans are remembering what it was like when the bottom fell off and they had all of that credit card debt.
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that is real fear. inflation is low. we haven't seen inflation for the better part of 30 plus years as that continues to rage. train to let me give you a question. on this inflation, my friend. jerome powell, humphrey hawkins come are they going to raise more than twice as you're going faster, higher, sooner? >> all eyes will be on jerome powell. first time doing his humphrey hawkins testimony. lucy was about inflation. the president tonight is the jerome powell a republican is very friendly with the president. we are watching closely to see what he says about inflation, what he says about trade and given the fact netflix will be down 15% come that the market will be wild today despite what the future show. gerri: they need to learn how to forecast good they could solve themselves a lot of problems.
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thank you so much. gerri: a lot more coming up this in this early hour. amazon expected to rake in billions of dollars in sales for prime day, which is still going on by the way. how much of the event is actually expected to bring in. and how tesla ceo elon musk finally gone too far. the stock sinking after a cave rescuer in a twitter rant. looking at pictures on your tuesday, a mixed bag at the top nine in the premarket come s&p down one and a quarter, nasdaq down one and three quarters. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪
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(vo) progress is in the pursuit. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during summer of audi sales event.
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>> i have great confidence in the intelligence people, but i tell you president putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today. cheryl: president trump returns to the white house in a storm of criticism after his dark summit with vladimir putin. gerri: energy stocks weigh aftermarkets slumped 4%. the dow up 44 points. cheryl: jerome powell on capitol hill today talking about the economy and other things geared also hearing from goldman sachs. futures mixed type it the dow 12 come s&p down one. gerri: stocks up slightly lower as traders await chairman powell's testimony in front of congress right now. the ftse 100 update from the cac cac -- at 17. cheryl: stocks in japan up half a percent. hong kong falling 1.3%.
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>> has tesla ceo elon musk finally gone too far. stock sinking after a cave rescuer in a twitter rant. "fbn:am" continues right now. cheryl: 5:31 a.m. in new york. tuesday july 17th. i'm cheryl casone. gerri: and gerri willis and for lauren simonetti. i'm just glad it's not for 31:00. cheryl: after president trump wraps up the high-stakes summit in finland yesterday, we are here for that. he tried to reassure americans the u.s. would have a better relationship with russia. many within trump's own party would fire back at the president's performance. adviser to newt gingrich treated president trump must clarify his statements in helsinki on our intelligence system and written
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as the most serious mistake of his presidency and must be corrected immediately. senator lindsey graham is optimistic ahead of the meeting treated this opportunity by president trump to hold bush accountable for 2016 meddling and deliver a strong warning regarding future elections. president trump will be seen by russia as a sign of weakness and pray far more problems than it solves. senator john mccain treated today's press conference in helsinki was one of the most disgraceful performances by an american president in memory. let's bring in democratic republican strategist and pollster justin ballin. just didn't come it to you first on this. his own party he's got critics left and right coming out. newt gingrich of all people went after him. is this deserved? >> he's getting a lot of backlash from folks who have always been staunchly anti-russia in america and certainly are not fond of
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autocrat or republicans, but i think outside of the washington bubble, i think largely americans, i know largely americans just really don't care much about russia. anytime the spikes in one way or another. it subsides really quickly among american voters. i don't think. safety and security. they are people accused of meddling in our democracy. someone attacked someone's intelligence service. >> more or less. he had great confidence in president burton's denial, but
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agree with intelligence services. this is one of the places where the american people as well as many of the pundits who watch the 2016 race. they were concerned about trump standing in the world stage. as of today. and he would go his own way. they wanted him to come out strongly and he did the opposite. they want to redo the street from ex-cia chief john brennan who was attacked by the president. donald trump's press conference performance in helsinki with the threshold of misdemeanors is
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nothing short of treasonous. not only were his comments in the silicon he's still in the pocket of putin. republican patriots, where are you? listen to her president trump said tucker carlson about the issue. >> a lot of a lot of things happen under his watch. i think is a very bad person. i also think when you watch peter stzrok inlay set page and call me in mccabe who's got some pity the problems i assume, you look at the deception and lies, these are people in my opinion are bad people and they are being exposed for what they are. cheryl: he spoke with tucker overnight. but you make of the rebuke of john brennan. >> the polls that come out of that out of that for me is the intense personal nature of it. this is something the president
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has done regularly. that covers an entire institution and entire umbrella organization the follow up to three seems to be contradict himself and suggest that i think it's more personal than institutional. cheryl: that's a lot of firing, that's for sure. the question for you, do expect more administration officials come intelligence officials to quit after what happened yesterday? >> that's a great question. for the last several months if not the last year using the president undercut his own intelligence community under officials who have waded on matters of national security. i do imagine morale will continue to be an issue. we've seen from leaders of the fbi and other places that have
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weighed in and said rall is an issue. cheryl: is certainly hard then. thank you for weigh in on this. we appreciate it. gerri: despite cleaning up over the past year, cooper is back under investigation. cheryl: tracee carrasco is that. >> bluebird being investigated by the u.s. equal employment opportunity commission after a complaint about gender inequity. investigators have been interviewing former and current employees as well as gather documents from officials in getting information related to the hiring practices. pay disparity in other gender related matters. cheryl: not even public and troubles continue forever. troubles for tesla especially after retreat from elon musk. >> elon musk latest tweet may have gone too far three british cave exploring dismissed to help
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rescue the boys soccer team trapped in the cave as a public relations stunt. the explorer was a and a treat on sunday. this is what he said. sorry, you really did ask for it. it is true. he has been duly did all of these trees. tesla is trading lower in the premarket. fascinating that the stock to the head of all the things he's said and done on twitter, that is what they respond to. can you believe it. truth or famous breweries complain the help of artificial intelligence. >> one of the largest brewers in the world using artificial intelligence to make it even better by using advanced centers and analytics to predict
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flavorsome or quickly. their goal is to create a catalog of players for each sample bohol brewers be more efficient when researching case combination, which in turn will speed up the process, help you get to drinkers, maybe a little faster after the. cheryl: thank you very much. we've got a lot more coming up. a lob a bomb crashes through the roof. we'll have details and more pictures of this. amazon prime day was so popular it overwhelmed the website. still generated billions of dollars in sales. how much the company and jeff bezos may be raking in. s&p in the red by three quarters of a point. nasdaq down eight and a quarter. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪ greatness of an suv?
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cheryl: jerome powell's testimony the futures mixed. s&p is down half a point. accusing the airline of downplaying the seriousness of an emergency landing on friday. passengers had to wear oxygen
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masks. writers receive medical attention as a precaution. the moment a lob a bomb comes crashing down on a tourist boat in hawaii caught on tape. scary moment. 23 people were hurt on the boat. the lava bomb punctured it holds in the roof of the boat. she suffered a fractured femur. a woman riding her bike past a barrier and then she falls into a gap in a wisconsin bridge. good samaritans helped pull the woman appeared she had to be treated for injuries to her face. not a backward when it happened. >> amazon prime day stumbling out of the gate in data scooping
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out bargain shoppers were met with this. a sorry page showing your dog for an hour into the event. amazon suffered an outage that frustrated a lot of customers that many took to twitter. dear amazon, arriaga makes them prime day because i can't buy anything other than afraid she could be allowed another cute puppies and if i bring another dog homemade fiancée will murder me. despite the outage, the first day upon day registered more sales in the first hour of last year. tech editor, i've got to tell you, that was a big thing yesterday. they couldn't get what they wanted when they wanted it. expecting to report 4 billion in sales for amazon. will this impact the number and what caused this anyway? >> i have seemed like everyone also not cute dogs to last me until the next prime day after
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yesterday's outage. as far as what caused it, but the extreme interest, so much traffic that amazon could handle it because they own and operate the cloud computing platform. until the forensic command were caused i'm not sure. media companies have a lot of commerce revenue. you couldn't go anywhere without seeing a link to the best deals. trained three just everywhere. promoting stuff across the board. they are hoping to do much better than last year. bigger than black friday, the driven cybermonday.
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let's talk about what they hope to get out of there. the big metric will be membership. >> subscription revenue is the prime day is all about. in terms of how to measure success, how many people are buying into those prime memberships. many are for other services. it costs $120 a year. the outset by $20. they can upload cost of prime. they need to sell music deals, audible, canada ltd. gerri: prime members spend so much more than people who visit the site. per members spend $1400 a year.
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whole foods getting deals on whole foods as well. do you think it'll help the grocery store chain? >> it's all about the other way around, making whole foods work for amazon prime. whole foods is going to help fuel the success of generating more vets description revenue, but until they figure out how to go the other way with recurring revenue, it's always about prime. cheryl: 100 million prime numbers out there. that sounds like a big money to me. thanks for coming on. good to see you. gerri: from shopping the sport. bringing down the house with the epic home run derby.
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here's a question. how rich is the nfl? one publicly traded team gives us a peek into those numbers. take a look at jerome powell on the hill today. right now the dow was up 15 and the premarket s&p down half a point. nasdaq down seven points five. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪ it's too hot to work... it's too hot to work... we work. too far to fish? too hard to hunt? too wet to keep going? nah. this is the gator xuv835. with game-changing heat and a/c, three-wide seating and our quietest cab for a comfortable ride, it's never too anything for anything. nothing runs like a deere. ♪ ♪
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>> welcome back to "fbn:am." major league baseball game being held at the nationals park in d.c. and it airs on fox tonight. gerri: garrett max back with the highlights that happen in washington d.c. welcome back, sir. >> good morning.
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a special time. washington nationals all-star break harper in the finals last night. what this father ron pitching from abrasive nine runs over 10 pages to come back from each team and win at 1918. this wasn't only for my family, but the cook in the guy who works out front and the people who work up stairs. as for the whole city of d.c. the home and told you when you move the mlb all-star midsummer classic. third year in a row chris filled the red sox starting pitcher. second straight year and the winner of this game no longer determines home-field advantage in the world series. how rich is the nfl? because the green bay packers are a public company, we learned their 2017 financials and look at these numbers. nfl bottomland 201717 revenue sharing tool $8 billion splitting among nfl teams.
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255 million per. the packers aren't in local revenue and made a record $455 million last year. the catalyst is despite an increased value of television deals. this happened during the world cup finals sunday. protesters ran onto the field and interrupted the great pace of play. they have been sentenced to 15 days in jail. the world's most out spoken players who average to point to points per game in college says this. [inaudible] he says he could've beaten lebron james back in its heyday. definitely, come on. >> you can catch sports reports on fox news headline sirius xm
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channel 115. cheryl: a lot more coming up. oil prices falling 4% yesterday under pressure this morning. "fbn:am" continues. you're trying to lower your very high triglycerides with a healthy diet... and exercise. and maybe even, unproven fish oil supplements. not all omega-3s are clinically proven or the same. discover prescription omega-3 vascepa. the one that's this pure... and fda approved. look. vascepa looks different... because it is different. it's pure epa. vascepa, along with diet, is clinically proven to lower very high triglycerides by 33% in adults, without raising bad cholesterol. that's pure power. proven to work. vascepa is not right for everyone. do not take vascepa if you are allergic to icosapent ethyl or any inactive ingredient in vascepa.
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cheryl: oil prices under pressure this morning after tumbling 4% yesterday. managing director of t.j. america joins us now from london. good morning. >> good morning. how are you? is that in the rearview mirror, going the other way? >> we are between 65 and 75. we keep getting in the upper echelon of folks start talking about 80 bucks a barrel. terrace, global slowdown starts to worry at that level. that makes them scared number one. we talk about opec and obviously it is a big time to be driving the states and when we start to see gas at $3 a gallon, but also was breaking the pin. those three things i think >> the oil price back down and we are going to stick with that. cheryl: i paid $70 to fill my tank the other day. some economists are looking for gross domestic product coming up
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5% am watching today that the federal reserve chairman appears before congress. what do you think will happen? will he get more? >> for those folks that think will get 5% gdp, we better get 5% gdp. talking about how red-hot the u.s. economy is. we are doing much better than we were over the last administration, yes. but the 4% unemployment rate, we should be doing a lot better. we have a leak in our system somewhere. 5% would be crazy. 4% would be less crazy, but we'll settle between two and three because we don't have all of our engines on the right cylinders. cheryl: i love that you say we even though you've left us from london. scott shellady, thank you. gerri: thank you, scott. time for maria barta roma. morning safari starts right now.
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>> good morning, everybody. thank you for joining us. i maria bartiromo. tuesday, july 17th. bank earnings in focus today. goldman sachs report in the next hour. ceo lloyd blake fine officially a ceo. jay powell has headed to capitol hill today the testimony coming in concerns over trade policy and its effect on the colony. checking features right now hovering around the flat line up 13 points right now. s&p 500 and nasdaq down fractionally. take a look at yesterday's performance. the dow jones industrial average up 45 points. the nasdaq lower the session. nasdaq with a quarter of a percent yesterday. markets are edging higher. ft 100 up a fraction. dax is well in germany up just 10 points.
6:00 am
asia overnight mixed performance as well. nikkei average up half a percent. the former was hong kong. the hang seng index down one and a quarter%. amazon prime day well underway but it did get off to a rough start. outages preventing customers from making purchases. the fallout in the biggest sales day of the year. we will take a look. wal-mart and microsoft are teaming up on a new car dealer microsoft ceo telling me in an exclusive interview when the partnership is so crucial. >> everything that she think about, whether it's the retail outlet or hospital stadium, your home or work place is increasingly computing is embedded in the real world. wal-mart is a good example because if you think about wal-mart, they have an amazing age when it comes to anything around offline commerce. increasing momentum


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