tv Kennedy FOX Business July 26, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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kennedy: deputy a.l a.g. -- deputy a.g. rod rosenstein is safe for now, but the fight is not over. he still has to cough up the documents. the push to impeach rosenstein failed. freedom caucus members mark meadows and jim jordan were leading the charge and they claimed they had enough of rosenstein's stall tactics. here is congressman jordan on the ingraham angle. >> when is the last time you saw
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the fbi take a disproven document with no credibility and take it to the court and not tell the court the guy who wrote it had been leaking information to the press and the last one rosenstein signed. kennedy: there is no question rosenstein is stonewalling. this morning house speaker wall ryan said that well he wants the documents on the scandal. and impeaching rosenstein is not the answer. >> it's appropriate to conduct oversight on the executive branch. do i support impeachment of rod rosenstein? no, i do not. kennedy: mark meadows says he'll give the department of justice one last chance to produce these documents or else.
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joining me now, attorney and author of the case against impeaching trump, alan dershowitz is back on the show. >> this is one of the most of foolish republican ploys i have ever seen. trying to impeach rosenstein without alleging he committed any crimes. the democrats will pick up that playbook and use it to try to impeach trump. they say see the republicans believe you don't need a charge of crime to impeach a president. so we'll charge him with malfunction of office. in my case i prove the framers intended for there to be a requirement you prove a crime. and the republicans are throwing that out now and doing what maxine waters is doing. you can impeach somebody for anything you think is impeachable. kennedy: hyperbole is not
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enough. and it doesn't make enough of an argument for something that is impeachment. and there has to be some accountability here. how can you censure or discipline rod rosenstein and get the documents all at the same time. >> very easy. you threaten him with contempt. if he doesn't produce the documents in a timely fashion, you issue a contempt citation and you go to a federal district hotter and the court holds him in contempt. other thing they argue about rosenstein and they are right that rosenstein should be recused from the case. he's a witness. the "new york times" reports mueller is trying to stitch together a case of obstruction of justice. who is the main witness? rosenstein who wrote the memo authorizing the memo.
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-- wrote the memo on comey's firing. impeachment is the bluntest, worst mechanism for achieving these results. kennedy: it should be saved for the most of serious crimes a public official could commit. how much of this boils down to sessions' recuse ago? it seems like that absence has created a space for this chaos. >> i agree. i think president trump is right when he says if sessions had told him he was going to recuse himself he wouldn't have appointed him attorney general. he should have offered his resignation the minute he had to recuse himself. i have to go back to my study and write a book called the case against impeaching rosenstein. you can't just go around using
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impeachment as a method of trying to resolve political issues. it's important to reserve impeachment. it's the ax in the glass box that says use only in case of emergency. richard nixon had to be impeached because he committed so many serious high crimes. kennedy: and was actively covering them up. i want to talk about the michael cohen fiasco. a report today that cone had more recordings that were secretly gathered. matters that could relate to trump and his businesses and with trump himself talking. most of of them are said to be recordings of reporters. this comes after a cohen tape is leaked suggesting cohen turned against his former client,
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president trump. lanny davis, cohen's lawyer, says cohen never intended to make use of the recordings. he recorded the conversations wrat --rather than taking notes. >> i have an op-ed arguing we must find out hot source of the leak is. if we allow confidential communications between a client and lawyer to be leaked, the next thing that happens is your conversations with your doctor, your priest, your minister, they will get leaked. we have to protect the confidentiality of conversations. we have to ask the relevant people under oath are you responsible for leak this information it was leaked after the judge made a finding this is privileged communication.
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nobody should have heard that conversation. i take cone at his word that he did it instead of notes. that's not the season. the season is for it to get out. for anybody ever to hear a lawyer and client and what they discuss in private. reporter: there is an intention it seems to harm his former client. once you put them into the public sphere you cannot retract that. we are not just dealing with a special counsel investigation and new york state investigation and federal investigation. we are dealing with politics. you are dealing with political perception, and that could certainly have air was outcomes. >> the privilege dice signed to protect you against criminal activity, and make sure you are not embarrassed. to make sure in the conversation you hear the president essentially seeking legal advice how to deal with a complicated program.
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there is a back and forth in the end nothing happens. that's exactly the kind of conversation i have had with clients over and over again. you say something and give them advice. but clients aren't going to seek advice if they know their lawyers and ro rob. >rabbis and priests are regarding. -- recording. kennedy: will the president survive this? >> absolutely. he'll survive. he'll serve out his term and it will be up to the american people to decide whether he stays in office and whether the democrats regain control of the house. that's the way the process should work. this idea of having special counsel. if hillary clinton would have
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been elected they would have appointed a special counsel for her as well and i would be defending her. the continues is i would be a hero on martha's vineyard. kennedy: thank you so much for your time. president trump hitting the road to boast about his trade policies. first he visited farmers in iowa. president trump: they were dumping steel all over the country like it was garbage and putting you people out of work. now you are making your own steel. and the united states is taking billions of dollars. and also jobs, and also we are recreating a giant industry. we need steel. we need steel plants. and to see an old big monster plant like this reopening, that
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is an honor. kennedy: the president says the industry is coming back thanks to his 25% steel tariff on nafta, china and the e.u. but not all are sold on these trade policies. will the president's tariffs pan out in the long run? joining me now, former economic advisor robert wolf is here. what is the upside here for those of you who love the free market and supply-side economics. it seems like this government encroachment is problematic long term. what is the up-side? >> tariffs are barriers that get
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passed on to the consumer. with respect to what's going not tariffs and trade, i think we are looking at it the wrong way. we have very little deficit with the e.u. i think we have 10% germany and 5% in italy because we buy beautiful shoes and nice clothes. away from that we have a 51% deficit with china. we should be working with our allies too compete against china. that would have been the pathway. then we should have attacked them on intellectual property. kennedy: the president of the european commission with our president yesterday talking about eliminating tariffs and barriers between the two entities, non-automotive trade, which is fine. but they also talked about
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teaming up to fight china on the intellectual property theft. is that a better way of going by the and creating a strong coalition of free traders? >> yes. at the end of the day, two things. at the end of the day we have very little in tariffs with europe. so it won't impact either side. the big argument is all about auto because that's germany. if we are going to ex you a tee, we can -- auto, we can have our kumbaya moment. kennedy: this game of chic and ultimately it will be a deal for both sides. >> with respect to china, we have to play tough. the way to go is literally to make sure everyone is stronger but for china.
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everyone around china, if we can trade with them in a free and fair way, then they are also going to get strong and we won't depend on china with using their cheap labor and lousy products. kennedy: their lousy products are nice and cheap and people like to buy them because we like to buy things in this country. americans will spend 50% more for product made in america, and i don't think they would. >> there are other places we could buy and sell from if we made them stronger. we don't have the right trading capability around china. kennedy: we are in the middle of a shift. i think it's okay to be sceptical in this moment.
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we don't want a state-run economy. it's riddled with problems. we want our economies to grow, and we want people here to have choices. >> we brought the farm situation upon us ourselves. we have the tariffs that come back and hit us with sorgum and pork. now we have people calling it the bileout. $40 -- the bailout. the bailout is different. then we are pick and choosing winners. are you going to give a bailout to kentucky bower bob and levi jeans. kennedy: i think whatever i like should be bailed out, so all the things you mentioned. why not. coming up, president trump hosting a big meeting tomorrow
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on election security. what does that mean? another powerful republican throwing his sombrero into the ring to become the next house speaker. the panel returns. they are joining me next. it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers.
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call now to learn more. kennedy: tomorrow's expected to meet with russia officials to discuss russia's interests force in the mid-terms. russia is going back and forth on where he stand on russian meddling in the 2016 election. the meeting will involve john bolton, mike pompeo and john mattis. will the president take the advice of his intelligence committee after he criticized them last week? author of "dear read " -- dear"
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michael malice. and morgan ortagus. let's talk about russia. you have spent some time there, i understand. i think it president has been a little too trusting on this. what is this meeting? are they going to devic devise ? >> julian assange has been saying they are going to extradite him. if he gets kicked out of the embassy he goes to london. we know he got that wikileaks information to some extent through russia.
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they need specific information in the indictment. whatever people think of mueller, i doubt he'll lie in a court document. this is information the democrats did not want is posed. but it did influence the election. debbie wasserman-schultz lost her job. this is something that trump obviously is take something what seriously, not the his histrionics. >> according to the intelligence communities and dan coats it is still going on. what's happening tomorrow, is what the national security advisor and any administration will convene to discuss election interference. the administration has shown with iran if they want to speak
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on the same beige the same voice, they are quite good at it. the president should appoint a single person to be the voice of the administration. kennedy: there was a person' in charge of the cyber-security and john bolton relieved that person. there should be a cyber-security czar? >> because of what happened with the fbi and the intelligence community, there is a lack of faith in some of our institutions. the most of important thing going into 2018. >> if they don't feel confident will people not vote? >> i think people are concerned right now. they are not happy with the intelligence community. we need to tree store the faith in the intelligence community. there is nothing more integral
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in our democracy than free and fair elections. on top of talking about russia i hope they will talk about the fact that we have 13 states with paperless voting. we have no way to track those votes. kennedy: they deserve their own form. >> but we should be talking about it and bringing awareness to the people. kennedy: it many very easy to fall into platitudes. the race for house speaker just got a little bit more crowd. ohio congressman jim jordan says he intends to run and could set up a fight between conservative factions in the republican party. kevin mccarthy already
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expressed interest and has received an endorsement from paul rino. jordan has been accused of ignoring that ohio state wrestlers were being sexually abused. he has denied the allegations. you want jim jordan to emerge victorious? >> no. it's too premature to run for speaker of the house when the odds are against the republicans. when you are running this early, we'll have time to get tired of you. kennedy: is that like me running for press secretary? >> you have to hold your roles and wait until last moment. i think this shows the politics
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if anything. kennedy: the third-place finisher will get to throw their support among one of the two horses. >> the republicans don't know if they will have control of the house. there is a mid-term election they need to worry about. i think jim jordan is probably trying to deflect from terrible allegations. >> he talked about running for speaker before these allegations came out. there is plenty of democrats who challenged nancy pelosi if they got the house back. but they are not -- what we should be doing -- this is a historically, any republican would lose seats. but mccarthy raised $12 million for his committee. kennedy: i don't know what it is
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about those california politicians, but they are so good at raising money. >> nancy will not be taking over that position if they gain a majority. and i think jim jordan will give kevin mccarthy a run for his money. i'm from ohio, and i think he could give him a run and potentially take over when the republicans can take over in november. conservatives are sick of the same-old same-old in washington and they are feel some of the things he has been saying in terms of re-electing their congressmen who make all the promises to get to washington. >> i think they walked the -- walked the plank for nancy pelosi on obamacare. kennedy: one thing we know about
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before starting, tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. learn all you can... to help protect yourself from another dvt or pe. talk to your doctor about xarelto®. i wok(harmonica interrupts)ld... ...and told people about geico... (harmonica interrupts) how they could save 15% or more by... (harmonica interrupts) just calling or going online to (harmonica interrupts) (sighs and chuckles) sorry, are you gonna... (harmonica interrupts) everytime. geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. kennedy: it used to be only
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paranoid presidents could spy on people. but now we have the fisa warrants. in this galvanized pot of modern politics. competing tribes use ever more convincing arguments of filthy smears. enter carter page. he was questioned by the fbi who grew worried he would be vulnerable to russian paws. they stumbled upon a washed up british spies with questionable credentials who compiled a trump dossier it was paid for with democratic blood money and it was used to go before a fisa judge to spy on carter page.
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devin nunes who has been fighting his beefed up the fisa laws. his hypocrisy has been inexcusable regarding selective outrage about fisa powers. so what should we do now? instead of arguing over the details of misused courts that spy on enemies and act surprised agencies would use circular logic. maybe it many time to put on big boy pants and take responsibility and scrap the whole damn system. and that's a memo. fisa became law 40 years ago and this is the first time the public has been able to see one
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of these warrants applications. given the outrage, is it time we take another look at how our surveillance state operates? bill mcgurn just wrote a piece entitled "abolish the fisa court." >> i can't take credit for the idea. the idea was originally proposed by robert bourke when he was a professor at yale and they were considering the fisa bill. he points out the problem of this of introducing judges who descroanlts this power under the constitution, basically will water down the responsibility. if i were the attorney general and i put my name on a warrant for you. i might think twice how that will look before congress. four judges signed off on this.
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what does that mean? it obviously doesn't mean too much. kennedy: there is very little oversight once the applications are grants. >> because it's a judge. if your name were on it, spying on an american is supposed to be a big bar. now the incentive is let's throw a lot of stuff out there and see what sticks to the wall. that was the essence of the bourke complaint. kennedy: that's what we are running into in every facet of this story. the lack of account built. when we think we know something, we hit a dead end because nothing will come from that's knowledge. congress had a chance to curtail
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section 702 but in january they decided to give more surveillance power to the fbi and the characteristics a. >> i think it needs to be vested in the executive branch and the executive branch needs to be held accountablew by congress. kennedy: if we get rid of the fisa courts which is what you are saying we should do. what replaces it? >> an attorney general who puts his name on it and has to answer for it if congress calls him up. i think people would be more careful about what they applied for. look at this. it didn't list the opposition campaign's role in this. it has convoluted language about source one investigating this, and they speculate it was for dirt. why didn't they say candidate
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2's campaign and party commissioned someone to dig up dirt on candidate one. that would have been a straightforward way to say it. kennedy: the circular logic saying yahoo news was given to them by christopher steele. >> here is the most of egregious part. when you get information about someone spying, it's like if you were investigating the mob. the person who will come with intelligence is probably not an altar boy. he's probably a criminal himself. but then the fbi's joins if someone made three allegations about you, you met with ex-russians. but then the fbi's job is to go there and verify those. kennedy: come back, keep
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writing. people aren't only outraged about government snooping. they don't want private companies doing it either. neighbor's stock dropped 19 per- 19% in stock market history. even mark zuckerberg loves $50 billion. so did zuckerberg have it coming? jonathon hoenig joins me now. >> this was eye popping. you have never seen companies the size of facebook, down 20%. zuckerberg went down four notches in the forbes billionaires list.
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this was a big move. i was even more surprised the broader market was higher today. even if you don't own facebook particularly one on it in some retirement fund. i was surprised the broader market wasn't down bigger. kennedy: has facebook been operating under a bubble and this was a long time coming? or is this an event that compounded in short order. >> this is a growth company that isn't growing as fast as it has. that's one of the things that knocks the stocks down. the company reported its slowest growth rate. the facebook service is slowing. part of that is due to the cambridge a analytic problem. over the last three years it's
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up 100%. kennedy: is this a good time to bite? >> this is innovation. it depend on your time horizon. the big fear in the market is what they call fame stocks, the high-tech stocks that led the market. if they can't get off the mat. we have seen netflix start to fall. if they can't get off the mat, it's time to take money out of the broader market. kennedy: i want everybody to make money. thank you very much. holy smokes, a major milestone for legalizing pot. shares are soaring in value. forget facebook. the ceo explains how you can get
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rich by investing in the green. that's next. ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪ uhp. i didn't believe it. again. ♪ ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth? ♪ i want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ♪ ooh i'm not hearing the confidence. okay, hold the name your price tool. power of options based on your budget! and! ♪ we'll make heaven a place on earth ♪ yeah! oh, my angels! ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪ [ sobs quietly ]
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now listed on the nasdaq with the ticker name tlry. that's a key step for investors who might never have considered investing in the industry. tilray's executive ask chairman, brendan kennedy. welcome to the show. so let's talk about the historic nature of this offering. >> we met win vestors and they were looking for a company to ipo on a major u.s. exchange to be regulated by the sec.
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they were look to hedge investments in pharmaceutical companies and alcohol companies threatened by the emerging global cannabis industry. we followed up on those meetings, and met with nasdaq and were able to thrift through -- list through an i.p.o. last thursday. kennedy: i have seen the future, and i understand generationally this may be very different for younger consumers than it is for some golden americans who think people mostly just smoke pot and it smells like skunks and it makes people rob old ladies. but you say the majority of consumers in the next few years will be partaking in edibles. >> we have seen smoking plummet the last 8 years. more and more people are looking
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for a beverage that is calorie free or low calorie that doesn't create a hangover the next day. they are looking for a mint, an edible. fewer and fewer people are smoking. kennedy: how can your ipo influence washington and particularly attorney general jeff sessions and the president and congress to reschedule marijuana so we can have a flourishing market like they are going to in canada. they are going to do more testing and they are going to take advantage of the green rush. what is the direct correlation between your offering and government policy? >> our product is available in 10 countries own five continents. canada obviously will be the first g7 nation to go with
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recreational cannabis. they legalized but haven't had the first sale. what flaptd u.s., about 65% of americans believe it should be legal. most of of congress is from a place where cannabis is legal in some format. kennedy: can my friend and i get rich off your stock? >> i think if you are looking to replace some of your investments in pharma and alcohol, cannabis is a good place to put those investments. kennedy: well said. "topical storm" is next. fruits and veggies are essential to your health,
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the pool is blown away. don't worry, there weren't any kid in the pool. i am sorry to be joking about the loves an inflatable pool. our producer paul usually sleeps in one. we told him it was a water bed. we jer were just told it's not inflatable, it's a plastic one. topic number two. the police in clear water, florida have as good a reputation as any police department in the country, but that's about to change because a traffic cop is accused of foul play. the top block of the intersection so the mama duck
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and her ducklings could cross. it's so sweet. somebody step on the duck. motorists were enraged. by the was nice to see a florida mom do something with her kid while she dances at the trip club. the video is historic for two reasons. it's the most of shared video in the history of the police department's facebook page. and it's the only time in history anybody has intentionally typed the word "duck." the oklahoma city zoo is one of the hottest attractions in the center stage. it's only about to get more popular after they let in a customer who brought their own lion.
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oh, buddy, look, it's a big lion. it's easily the cutest video of the. you can see the lioness is a big fan of the disney movies. the zoo did not have a name for the female lion, but they named her hillary after she failed to break the glass ceiling. when she got home that night she decided to relax in the pool. that's not relaxing. no, that's a felony. there went the pool right in the lumber yard. topic number four.
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let's head out to colorado where legalized weed is so popular even the roads are getting the munchies. this woman was heading to work when the road decided to eat her car. police believe the sinkhole results from a lot of rain in the area. the driver was unhurt in the accident because rescuers got stuck in traffic and the way to the scene. what were we talking about? topic number five. thirsty thursday. we find out if we got an early start at the bar. this is viewer mail. brian kicks it off. how much longer are you going to
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9:00 pm
kennedy: thank you so much for watching the best hour of your day. it is thursday night. and i'm feeling right. babies... >> she would get them to do the craziest things. >> ...becomes a celebrity herself. >> people knew her by name. she was a pin-up. >> there were definitely stories of skiing with the kennedys, definitely a lavish lifestyle for sure. >> what was her secret? >> isn't she adorable? >> what a winner shot. >> is it still gold today? >> is this collection potentially worth six figures, seven figures? [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ] ♪ >> i'm jamie colby, and today i'm in littleton, colorado. it's a suburb of denver that,
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