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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  July 31, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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that's a disgrace. it's a disgrace. but we'll get that supreme court judge, and that's the big one. really important for those who love our military, we have secured a record $700 billion for our military with another $716 billion next year all approved. and this is great news for the uncredible patriots at mcneil air force base, the proud home of the 6th air mobility wing it s. central command and special operations command. we are adding nearly 30,000 new soldier, sailors, airmen and marines. and we secured the largest pay
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raise for our great warriors in a decade. [cheers and applause] i'm also -- i directed the pentagon to begin the process of creating the 6th branch of our military, the space force. building the space force. and we are doing well in north korea. though i think we are doing so well with china that china may be getting in our way. but we'll figure that one out before you can even think about it. but we are doing well in north korea. we have our hostages back. there has been no nuclear testing. there has been no missiles or
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rockets flying over beautiful japan. i think our relationship is very good with chairman kim. we'll see how it works out. but there is nothing like talking. remember when i first took office? it looked like big trouble. the past administration, they thought by far it was their biggest problem. i think it will work out very well. but a lot of good things are happening. no tests. no rockets flying. but we'll see what happens. and our vice president mike pence is going to hawaii to bring back the remains and greet the families of our great heroes who gave hair lives in -- gave their lives in korea. our fallen warriors are finally coming home to lay at rest in american soil.
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[cheers and applause] [crowd chants usa!] president trump: i also withdrew the united states from the horrible one-sided -- $150 billion was spent, $1.8 billion in cash, the iran nuclear deal it's a horror show. i hope it works out well with iran. they are having a lot of difficulty. i have a feeling they will be talking to us pretty soon. and maybe not. that's okay, too. in december i recognized israel's true capital, jerusalem. [cheers and applause]
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and in about five months we opened already the american embassy in jerusalem. and people had that schedule for anywhere from 5 to 10 years, and you all know the story. we took an existing building, we played around with it, renovated it, fixed it up. we used jerusalem stone. one of the finest stones in the world. jerusalem stone. instead of spending $1 billion. the papers were in front of me. sir, would you please approve this. this is for the embassy. i said how much? $1 billion, sir. $1 billion. i immediately called our great ambassador to israel, great lawyer and one of the most of
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successful lawyers in the country before he decided to do what he's doing. i said, david, they want to us pay a billion dollars for the embassy. i don't want to pay a billion dollars. do you have any buildings that we own? we own so much, we don't know what the hell we own. find a building in a great location and call me back. two days later he said, mr. president, sir, we own the biggest site in jerusalem. i can take that building and renovate it for $140,000. [cheers and applause] i said, david, how good is the site? we could never buy a better site. they wanted to buy a site that was so bad it was totally
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inferior to what we already had. we get there first and we have good sites. i said, david, don't make it $140,000. it sound too cheap. make it $400,000. so we saved almost a billion dollars. i could tell you these stories all day long. airplane purchases. and we started working and for $400,000 we actually have a very beautiful american embassy in jerusalem. really beautiful. now, that's one i guarantee no other president doing. could you imagine crooked hillary doing that? can you imagine?
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[crowd chants "lock her up] president trump: in all fairness to her, could you manage anybody else doing that? nobody else will do that. and i could tell you tories about what we saved with purchases of military equipment. general mattis would love to tell you. he couldn't believe it. some of the generals said they have never seen anything like it in the world. i want that $700 billion properly spent. if we can buy twice the number of aircraft or have a lot of money left over, that's what we want. instead of apologizing for america, we are standing up for america. we are standing up for the heroes who protect america and
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we are proudly standing up for our great national anthem. cheer[cheers and applause] [crowd chants usa!] >> with he promise we keep, every record we break, every factory we open, we are restoring american strength and american pride. but to continue this incredible moment of this incredible movement -- and that's what we have. we have a movement. this may be the greatest
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movement in the history of our country. even they will tell you. even they will say that. but to keep it going, we need to elect more republicans. we need more votes. and we need to elect ron desantis as your governor. got to do it. and i'm telling you, i know him well. he's a great, great guy. he'll be an incredible governor. i have no doubt. i don't do these endorsements easily. i don't need to be here, but i happen to love the state. and i don't do them easy. although it seems to have an impact. the other day we endorsed a great gentleman from georgia. he was probably 5 point down. he won the election by 40
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points. he got 70% of the vote to 30%. think that. and many others. they are actually starting to give us credit for this. i don't think there has ever been anything like it. that's why i had to be here to formally endorse ron. you have got to get out and vote. thank you mr. desantis. thank you. beautiful family. get your friend. get your colleagues. get your neighbors and get out and vote in november. you have got to do it. remember we are going to win
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this primary. don't take any chances. and then about give yourself 10, 15 minutes of happiness, then go back to work for november. we have to remember they are putting up -- i know some of the candidate, these are people who don't care about stopping crime and don't care about people pouring into our country when they shouldn't be here. they don't care about stopping drugs from poisoning our youth and pouring or the border. they don't care. your future governor cares. and your current governor cares. rick scott. loyal citizens like you, incredible people from the great state of florida help build this country.
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and together we are taking back our country, we are returning power to where it belongs, the american people. [cheers and applause] this state was settled by pioneer and visionaries who explored the marshes and raised up cities right on the sea. this state was built by red-blooded american patriots who opened the first naval air station at pensacola and launched the first brave american soaring into the heavens. we stand on the shoulders of generations of proud americans who knew how to work. knew how to fight, and knew how to win. win. and you know, when you elect ron
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desantis as your governor, you see it already, we are winning so much, some people are getting a little tired of wing. right? well, by then it will be another year, two years, then three years. and you will be insisting, governor desantis, please be our president, it's too much winning. we can't stand it. the people of florida. we can't stand it. under previous administrations we never won. we got used to never winning. and he'll come to me in washington in the oval office. the beautiful oval office and he'll say, mr. president, the people of florida are just down right tired of winning. they can't stand it. it's just too much, mr. president. the economy is too good, the jobs are too strong. we are doing too well.
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is there anything -- i would say, ron, i don't care what you say, we are going to keep on winning. we are going to keep on winning. we are going to win so much and the people of florida actually love it, don't they? they love it. remember what i said right at the beginning. we are respected again. and that man is respected and always has been. we'll never give up. we'll never give in, we'll never ever back down. and we'll never ever surrender. because we are americans. and our hearts bleed red, white and blue. we are one people.
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we are one family. and we are one glorious nation under god. and together we'll make america wealthy again. we'll make america strong again. we'll make america safe again. and we will make america great again. thank you, florida. thank you. [♪] lou: one hour and five minutes of an incredible evening's rally in tampa, florida. this president is focused like a laser on the candidates he wants to kin win. i was getting a kick of keeping an eye on other networks as we
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were watching the president speak. they are were talking about trump is campaigning because he's afraid of losing the house. apparently no one noticed in that other network that the president was boosting a gubernatorial and senatorial candidate. not a house candidate. judge jeanine pirro joins me. she is the hostess of. judge napolitano.hostess of "ju" and she is the author of "here is, leakers and liberals."
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lou: it's great to have you here. this president, my gosh, he could not have sounded more assured of what was going to happen on november 6. encouraging the base to get out and vote. the audience loving. i have never seen a rally in which there was not dehere yum in the room. and the cheers for the issues and for the people he chose to mention and highlight and give a shout-out to. extraordinary. a great evening. judge jeanine: by the end of the spiecht's what do we do now? it's not like i'm putting my pajamas on and go to bed. no, we have to cheer. it had nothing to to with the house. ron desantis is a great guy and
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gave a great speech. i'm going to miss him. i believe he's going to be the governor of congress. we'll miss him in congress. he fought tooth and nail to find out what was going on in the fbi and doj. and he's still fighting. lou: we'll see a lot of these rallies across the country. 7 days a week when we get two months out from november 6. and this is a president who thrives on it. for a lot of presidents it would be drudgery. it would be an imposition. to go around the country to build the trump majority in congress. this man loves it. he lives in the moment, and he has a crowd that boosts his spirits. it's a virtuous cycle. this relationship.
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judge jeanine: the energy goes back and forth. the man -- the book you were just mentioning. donald trump is a force of nature. i have never seen anything like him. he can size people up in a second. he can go into a den of lions, come out with his suit and tie straight and the lion's head to put on the library wall. lou: mcconnell and ryan should be nervous after hearing your metaphor. they apparently don't like his wall. judge jeanine: in the omnibus bill this $1.6 billion for the wall. in the small print it's not for the wall, it's for border security. lou: you will get me the next
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time. judge jeanine: they are rinos, republicans in name only. they don't support the president. they have done everything they can with embarrassing him with obamacare. lou: "here is, leakers and liberals." congratulations. number one. judge jeanine: what is more significant is the american people are winning. you listen to this president and what he's done for us and it's absolutely stunning. he's the most of incredible president we have had in memory for me. i think he'll go past some of our favorites in history. lou: my memory is even longer than yours because i am much older than you. this president is historic already. what he has accomplished and what he has done hasn't been done since the era of fdr. for the left not to acknowledge it. for the left-wing national media
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not accept it and acknowledge it is terrible. today jamie dimon, the head of jpmorgan chase giving the president credit for accelerating economic growth through the tax cuts, through deregulation. then i got a kick out of him. jamie dimon for a while was copying president trump. i think he was thinking of running for president at one point. i think he's been cured of that. but he said just as president trump had, the fed is a worrisome thing. his reasons for being worried about the fed are quite different. he was worried about the unwinding of quantitative easing. the president is worried about rising interest rates slowing down the country. the country is wake up. there is a man amongst us who is
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smart as hell and tough as hell and he's delivering on his campaign promises. we had a shrinking middle class, and the world is respecting america again. judge jeanine: think about two years ago. with all the things happening in the country, you wonder if someone is going to come down the street with a butcher knife and yelling allahu akbar. now we don't think about it anymore. he allowed the generals to do what they do best. the man never sleeps. and a great american and makes us all proud. lou: you make us proud. you are number one. number one. liars, leakers and liberals on the "new york times" best sellers list. congratulations. an awesome achievement.
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and a terrific book. be sure to watch. she has been thriving at everything she does. "justice with judge jeanine" on the fox news channel. coming up next. facebook shutting down 32 fake pages and accounts they can't say is russian. but there are some democrats who figured out it's russian right away. where were our spy agencies and intelligence agents. how could this just happen. what's going on with those smart intelligence agencies. all involved in an influence to -- in an effort to influence the election. james kallstrom joins me next. we'll take up the deep state as well. stay with us. what?! -welcome. -[ gasps ] a bigger room?!
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lou: the president, that rally in tampa firing everybody up. at the same time the deep state, the radical dems are driving in he way they can to subvert this administration, the trump white house, the presidency of donald j. trump. meanwhile the trial of the president's former campaign manager. he was that for five months. it's under way. manafort the first person to be charged in the special counsel's investigation in collusion with russia. the first witness took the stand. democratic political consultant, he was the architect of bernie sanders campaign, but he worked with paul manafort on campaigns in ukraine. he apparently has a turned and
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twisted view of things. manafort is facing banking activities going back to 2004, nothing to do with collusion with russia. facebook uncovered a sophisticated effort to influence, it says, american politics. though the social media giant said they didn't know who was behind the effort, senator mark warner, the ranking democrat and chair of the senate intelligence committee. he says today's disclosure is further evidence that the kremlin continues to exploit platforms like facebook to sow division and spread disinformation. joining us, james kallstrom, the former assistant director of the fbi. >> 27 years. good years. lou: your service was a
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different time, the fbi a different organization. >> ronald reagan. now we have donald trump. lou: they stand as pillars of the an pantheon of president. the deep state, the radical dems are going after him like dogs. and the republican party leadership, the ryan owes, mcconnell and -- the rinos, mcconnell and ryan don't stand with him. >> they are so weak. if i had my side arm i would have to hold my hand down not to shoot the dell vision out when i see ryan talking. the which he has no support for this president. look at what he has done for
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this economy, for the lower class, middle class, all classes of people. lowest unemployment rates. we we see strzok more. he wants to hold on to all his clearances and ability to classify and unclassify so he can churn up the whole conspiracy over there while he's work for bob mueller. lou: to have him near the special counsel in any capacity is stunning to begin with, the fact that mueller dismissed him without even considering the reasons that he had done so, the texts he's look at that basically scream subversion of a presidency, and not one question from the special counsel of peter strzok. >> her in told anybody either. lou: he forgot to mention that.
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>> he takes a 14-year-old case apparently they couldn't make a case 14 years ago. so they send -- they go in the middle of the night and serve search warrants to his family. just the way they treated this guy. he's in solitary confinement. it's an outrage the way they dealt with it. lou: they carefully selected the juries and the venues. which is understandably what you would want to do if you are a prosecutor or defense attorney. but so obviously biased and completely outside of the bounds of just fundamental common sense and decency. >> our justice of laws has to treat everybody the same from the chairman of the bank to the drug dealer. what they have done in the way they searched donald trump's lawyer, the way that was
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handled. lou: there is no discussion amongst the american bar association and the attorneys. they are like hyenas attacking carcasses, instead of elevating the standards and conduct of investigators. >> no discussion of grand juries. the intelligence committee in the house did a great job. it's the one shining light. but until we can see what's in those affidavits. the original ones and the regulations, the regulations say you get the order, and you are proclaiming there is some sort of a crime going on or counter-intelligence investigation. you have to show after the first period of time what if it's 90
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days or whatever. you have to show some sign of progress. you have to document that to just continue the great -- the fact you are intercepting something. with you we find out what's in these after gaifts, it will be a big day in a lot of people are going to feel the heat of the law. lou: he comes out, still self-righteous and still so compromised and i think personally so corrupt. >> a total lack of common sense. the guy is an educated moron. look what he did to the fbi. no leadership, no discipline, nothing. lou: you get the last word. where does this end?
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>> i don't know what's going to happen with the attorney general. the deputy attorney general need to be not the deputy attorney general. somebody need to impanel a grand jury. these are the most of outrageous crimes conducted in the country in my history. lou: coming up next. new details about the mueller witch hunt. what judicial watch dug up on disgraced fbi agent, peter strzok. interrupts) ...and told people about geico... (harmonica interrupts) how they could save 15% or more by... (harmonica interrupts) just calling or going online to (harmonica interrupts) (sighs and chuckles) sorry, are you gonna... (harmonica interrupts) everytime.
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geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. that's the same things i want to do with you. it's an emotional thing to watch your child grow up and especially get behind the wheel. i want to keep you know, stacking up the memories and the miles and the years. he's gonna get mine -but i'm gonna get a new one. -oh yeah when it's time for your old chevy truck to become their new chevy truck, there's truck month. get 18% of msrp cash back on all silverado 1500 crew cab lt pickups when you finance with gm financial. that's $9,000 on this silverado. plus, during truck month make no monthly payments for 90 days. i have to tell you something incredible. capital one has partnered with to give venture cardholders 10 miles on every dollar they spend at thousands of hotels. all you have to do is pay with this at 10 miles per dollar? that is incredible. brrrrr! i have the chills. because you're so excited? because ice... is cold. and because of all those miles. obviously.
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what's in your wallet?
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lou: judicial watch uncovered new emails from peter rock. strzok insists he retain his fbi security clearance before moving to mueller's team. he said a deputy assistant director of the counter-intelligence division. joining us now, chris farrell, the director investigation and research for judicial watch. thanks for being here. great work. i don't even know what to say. the people who are named in this scandal who are transparently corrupt have the audacity to ask
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for continuing security clearances even as they are moved to the special counsel? i don't understand this, the culture, the reasons they understand they can get away with this nonsense. >> they had to advance the conspiracy. they are in the middle of a project trying to destroy president trump. so strzok needed to keep all his horse power just moving the evident to a new venue. and he's emphatic to keep his ability to declassify information is specifically mentioned in the effect of the emails. the reason why? so he can leak it. this is all part of an information campaign. this is the stop trump gang. we have it in their text messages and emails. the fbi bend over backwards. changes procedure and process. creates a floating assistant
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director position so that strzok can keep his hands in the game and be able to have the same authority and power while he's detailed over to the special counsel's office. this is abuse of power, abuse of procedure. it's criminal. and i think the emphasis on his authority to declassify information is quite telling. if you want to look for leaks, we already know there is a problem with comey, mccabe and strzok, and the manipulation of information, that's where you need to look. lou: the problem is the special counsel is the one doing the looking. no one has apparently the energy or the vision to carry out an investigation from congress that will directly go after exactly what you are saying. it's a peculiar time. we know all these documents, the
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fisa warrants, the scope memo. james kallstrom said to say hello to you. you know, there is a note here from jim on criminal contempt, false statements. the lying and the court denying civil rights of trump, et al. those are some of the notes he has taken on what is going on here yet we don't have anyone in congress, not even devin nunes who has been the hero in this in congress, not even he has had the ability to go after these issues and i don't know how we get to them any more.
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justice is a corrupt and i think incompetent institution. as we discussed, the fbi is beyond repair. >> mueller needs to be able to articulate the criminal predicate for his investigation. no one can tell you what crime trump and his administration purportedly committed. you can tell you strzok abused the process. so that leveraging and using one's law enforcement power to try to steer an election to target and go after a candidate for the presidency is the most of outrageous abuse of law enforcement and intelligence powerswire we have ever seen. now this whole effort to go after manafort, i have no sympathy for manafort.
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the whole evident to go after him is to squeeze him so he'll say something about the meeting with the russian attorney and donald, jr. and the rest of the people. lou: if we go meeting by meeting we are really in trouble. >> the meeting with the russian attorney. she met with fusion gps before and after the meeting. in the intelligence world that's called dispatch and reof cover are you. she was a targeted asset of fusion gps and the clinton campaign to generate a crisis. lou: fusion gps has just been corralled by the russian oligarch who charged them with other things including defaming him and his companies. it takes a russian oligarch to use the court system to get to one of the obvious central
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actors, and that is fusion gps. >> mr. mueller, if you are looking for conspiracy, go back to fusion gps and the hillary clinton campaign. lou: one last quick question. we see now that comey has been told to preserve his records. he's going to be ordered back to congress. is there anything to that? is it a moment or just another non-event? >> the more comey talks the better. he's in a position now where he contradicted himself repeatedly. let's keep jim comey talking. the indictment will write itself. lou: chris farrell thanks for helping those folks out with all that you do. and hopefully those indictments will be written soon. it will have a lot more names and the former fired fbi
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director james comey. up next, president trump rallying voters in florida. as he touted the return of american strength and pride. president trump: most of importantly, america is being respected again. we are respected again. lou: we'll have the thoughts of dr. sebastian gorka and sydney powell, former federal prosecutor. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands?
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lou: if you are wondering what i'm doing here at this time of night, it's because president trump was in tampa, florida where he slammed the dimms and their idea of getting illegal immigrants to vote. >> we believe only american citizens should vote in american elections. which is why the time has come for voter i.d. like everything else. voter i.d. lou: president trump's comments
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coming on the heels of the city of san francisco permitting illegal immigrants to vote in school board elections. joining us, dr. sebastian gorka, former strategist to president trump. and the author of the new book "why we fight." also sydney powell. and it's grade to have you with us. this idea of voter i.d. as the president said, obviously the folks in the rally in tampa loved it. it's such common sense that you would have to have identification, real identification to vote. but not in america, 018. -- 2018. >> i think it's crucial we insure we don't have voter fraud. that's got to be shut down. we worry about foreigners
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influential our election and we want to let foreigners who are illegally in the country do it? it makes some no sense whatsoever. national voter i.d. and national identification is appropriate. lou: ron desantis, leading candidate for the republican gubernatorial election. he's saying e-verify and good schools and we are off to a better condition in the state of florida and in america. >> lou, this is the dirty little secret for the last 20-25 years in american politics. everyone knows why the democrats are pro illegal immigration. this has nothing to do with humanitarian desires to assist people. if it had anything to do with that, they would have accepted the president's daca offer three months ago. this business the fact they
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don't have a platform, socialism as a concept means you are going to run out of somebody else's money sooner or later. so they have to stop the ballot boxes. how do they do that? they do that with not having you need to show identification and making illegal immigrants their new base. the president is absolutely right. remember when he pulled us out of the paris climate accord? he said i was elected to be the president of the citizens of pittsburgh, not mexico or el salvador. lou: that would be a shock to the koch brothers. we'll take up why republicans are pushing for open borders, some of them. and why they are pushing for more illegal immigrants to cross those open borders. we'll be right back with sid and dr. gorka. how do you win at business? stay at la quinta.
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lou: we are back with dr. sebastian gorka and former prosecutor sydney powell. where do you think robert mueller is going we hear it's time to wrap it up. and others saying he'll continue this jihad he's on in perpetuity for political purposes, namely,
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to unseat a president. >> i'm afraid the second group is right. i don't see it ending anytime soon. i think he's the insurance policy peter strzok talked about. or an important part of it. i think it reason the fbi and the doj hid the emails on mr. wiener's laptop is because it's incriminating of any number of high-level people in the administration. it could even include robert mueller. he was fbi director at the time she was secretary of state and involved in the ou uranium one business. lou: your thoughts, dr. gorka? >> i think robert mueller is a man obsessed. he reminds me of the kgb who
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said show me the man and i will find you a crime. manafort may have committed crimes 12 years ago when he worked for the ukraine. irrelevant to the trump 2016 campaign. lou: let's turn now to a couple things. north korea we find out according to the latest imaging, satellite imaging, that north korea appears to be advancing its missile program. very quickly, dr. gorka, your thoughts on whether this is a setback or anticipated in what will be a long process as secretary pompeo put it. >> i think after three generations of leadership you can't just flick a switch and change the way that regime behaves. but the rocket engine side is dismantling and they canceled
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the anti-american parade. those are good signals, but it will take time. lou: thanks so much. that's it for us tonight. thank you for being with us. good night from new york. see you tomorrow. [♪] kennedy: president trump wrapping up a big rally in tampa, florida where he spoke on behalf of gubernatorial candidate ran desantis. he boasted about the economy and low unemployment numbers, taking shots at the fake news media and democrats. edward lawrence is at the white house awaiting the president's return. he's here with details. what's going on? >> we were waiting for a campaign rally to promote ron desantis. we got a little bit of everything. the president told voters to


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