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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  August 7, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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-- from new york. kennedy: a huge primary night in states across the u.s. results due to start pouring in any minute. it could be a referendum on the president as well as the left new socialism, so who will come out on top. in a half-hour the polls closed in the special election in ohio. danny o'connor is trying to beat troy balderson in a district that has been republican for 30 years.
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the president backing challenger crisco back in kansas against chris coyler. let's not forget about the push against the socialist agenda offering free stuff with no way to pay for it. if they do well, you can expect democrats will make a major shift leftward. >> it could be an indicator as to which way the country is look. the district was republican for as far back as you can remember. the president saturday went to
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that district and campaigned with troy balderson and he believes balderson that the red wave will come through and he'll be part of it. >> president trump's economic agenda is my number one focus. his economic ajeb today are work than in many, many years. reporter: they are confident balderson will have a good showing among democrats. danny o'connor says he'll be part of a blue wave and voters will go with him. the message we send will be heard in this district and around our country. reporter: there are some other primaries in kansas, michigan,
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missouri, and washington state. the president won all of those states except washington state in the 2016 election. some of the primaries could take the democratic party a little bit farther to the left. kennedy: joining us, for tonight's panel, jessica tarlov, tom shillue, along with republican strategist noelle nikpour. all eyes are on this race in ohio. democrats are very optimistic. this is a very red district.
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it shouldn't be competitive. democrats are comparing it to the pennsylvania victory with conor lamb. >> you have a better candidate than you did in pennsylvania. i find it interesting that you could be kasich and trump endorsed. in the early prior mayys votes danny o'connor pulled in 26% of the votes. but he's not running on medicare for all. he's not saying we should abolish i.c.e. kennedy: he was not endorsed by alexandria ocasio-cortez.
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i think a lot of democrats would be better served if they had the same messages danny o'connor and conor lamb had. >> their supporters are the only ones who are motivated. that's all that matters. goth god bless prime minister, danny o'connor and troy balderson, they don't excite she. but that doesn't matter. trump is president. i think we are living the opposite of the old tip o'neill, all politics is local. all politics is not local anymore. it's trump. the people who hate trump, if they are motivated to come out, your guy will win. if they are not, your guy will win.
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kennedy: the democratic socialists are passionate but not motivated to vote. the president has backed the dark horse. tell me about that race in kansas. this is an immigration hardliner people would like to see. >> he's putting his neck out there on that. you will see what his brand can hold. you will be able to test the trump brand here. kennedy: has the president been better at picking winners the last few primary cycles? >> you have got to admit. a lot of people have a problem with trump's personality, but they don't have a problem his policy. if you look at the financial sector, the markets in the red. you have got, you know, corporations, hiring people, you have got a lot of great things
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on the economic side. even though -- how does that translate and benefit each party. if it's a strong economy, they have a better shot holding their numbers? >> if you have a strong economy, what is the democrat message. it puts the democrat in a bad position to craft a message to be anti-what. >> someone like danny o'connor when asked about the president's troubles and some of his moral failing. he completely dismissed that. he said it's all about bread and butter issues. >> danny o'connor is running in a trump district. it's okay to say i'm glad you have $1,000 back in your pockets, this is how i'm going
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to improve upon that. danny o'connor has to be to a certain extent pro tariff where he is. kris kobach was part of the leaders of that voter fraud mess. the committee said they had not found widespread voter fraud. i feel trump doubled down on him. kennedy: are they pushing pencils trying to look busy? just a bunch of group thinkers. it's the government at its worst. what i want is all of you. you guys are thoughtful, and amazing. we'll see the panel a little bit later.
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president trump says his administration is responsible for the harshest economic punishment iran has ever seen. this morning he tweeted the iran sanctions have officially been cast. they are the most of biting sanctions ever. i'm act for world peace, nothing less. wow. before the sanctions went into place iran's leader says he was ready to make a deal. but national security advisor john bowlston on said the sanctions are already working. >> we believe the sanctions began to have an effect back in may when the president pulled out of the retched iran nuclear deal. any businesses around the world didn't want to risk losing business in the united states in order to continue to do business with iran. the implications are already
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pretty profound. kennedy: a german car company already suspended its business with iran. are the president's hardball tactics working? joining me, a combat veteran, and a man award the purple heart for being wounded in at least two theaters. >> world peace. world peace. kennedy: do you buy the world peace line? >> everybody wants world peace. the effect -- the secondary effect after the sanctions is to get the population of iran into the streets. they have been there for months. ever since they discovered how much of the iran nuclear deal money has been diverted to the mullahs, and they can't hide this any more, not with the interwebs. people have been in the streets
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about water, electricity, food, dicele, gas. kennedy: what you are saying is no different than venezuela. what keeps them there and what will work to make things change for a better iran? >> a revolution. a real revolution. kennedy: how does that happen? the people with the guns are on the side of the mullahs. >> it doesn't happen until segments of the security structure break away. unlike the shaw's military, the mullah's military concentrate the power and guns into the revolutionary guard corps who are awarded a whole bunch of the pie. the regular army, navy and air force don't have the influence and power. this is the difference between the islamic revolution and the shaw. sadly, i would love to sit here
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and tell you, grab a gun, grab 10 more guns, but that's not iran in 2018. this isn't 2009. the average iranian protesters know how to hide their i.p. address and cell phone address. kennedy: can you wage revolution digitally? >> unless it fires a gun you cannot, sadly. kennedy: you and i talked about this many times. the reason we have a second amendment in this country is some make sure everybody has the ability to protect themselves. as you point out here, whoever has the guns has the power. >> that's how it worked for us. i would love too believe in the power of hashtags. but no government secret policeman has ever been hung by a lamppost by a hashtag. the iranian revolution came
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about because of guns. the truth about iran is that political change is not going to come from above. it will come like it did in 1979. it will come from the streets. kennedy: my worry is there are people in the administration who say, we have got guns. why don't we go there with our guns. kennedy: that's not world peace. >> when i was sent in iraq in 2004 there will be were not enough of us. i was in favor of operation more dudes. my dad occupied japan with a whole bunch of dudes. we didn't do that in iraq and because of that we lost a lot of our dudes. the idea of occupying iran four years from now, two years from now, that's a nightmare and i don't think we are ready for it. kennedy: one nice thing about a
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sophisticated population, they realize people make fun of the president. but when peace is the goal and economic freedom is the goal, you tend to make better decisions. will he do what's right with regards to iran in this deal? >> just let the sanctions have their effect. just give it a year, give it two years. do what obama wasn't willing to do. turn the screws. let the pressure build up on the inside. it may not be pretty to us. but the end result is it will be a better country. kennedy: bryan suits, thank you so much, and thank you for sacrificing your limbs and your brains for us. >> it's the easiest tea ward to get. you just stand there. kennedy: president trump is ready to talk to russia. we are talking collusion, conspiracy * and comey as congressman dana rohrabacher.
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he's next. where's frank? it's league night! 'saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico! goin' up the country. bowl without me. frank.' i'm going to get nachos. snack bar's closed. gah! ah, ah ah. ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. where we're changing withs? contemporary make-overs. then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. who has the upper hand now? start winning today. book now at
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kennedy: i have got a live elect alert. look at the race in the ohio special election. democrat danny o'connor versus
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troy balderson. only 1% of the precincts reporting. danny o'connor has a commanding lead. 2 points over troy balderson. we'll keep you updated as the night goes opening. is it a referendum? we'll find out. the showdown between the president and robert mueller isn't over. but there could be a catch. the president's team is expected to respond tomorrow whether they will meet with mueller. judge andrew napolitano the tweet could cause legal trouble for the president. >> if there was an agreement to receive dirt on hillary from the russians, even if the dirt never came, if those who agreed, at
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least one of them took some step in further answer of the agreement, then there is a risk for a crime of conspiracy. kennedy: is mule per only taking that route because there likely was no collusion or conspiracy in here is california republican congressman dana rohrabacher. let's discuss this. what are your feeling about potential per that judge andrew napolitano who knows the president and counseled the president laid out on "fox and friends." >> the public has to understand this is a big nothing. this demonstrates the bogus charge of collusion and the fact is they are talking about a meeting, and i have said this. any politician in washington, d.c., though i have been misquoted about this.
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if somebody comes to them and says i have got some factual information about your opponent and i hope you are the elect. politicians no matter who they are, will say tell me what it is and i'll see if it's real or not. that's what happened with trump. it was in trump towers. once his son went and listened and heard it wasn't what it was presented as, he left. and making a big deal out of this shows what a bogus issue this whole russian issue is. kennedy: does this meet the threshold for receiving anything of value from a foreign government? >> if she had information about something and she didn't have the information. it didn't exist. i'll tell what you did exist is when the russians gave $150
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million to hillary clinton's foundation or $500,000 in bill's pocket. we don't seem to be investigating that. that's ignored by the press. kennedy: that's aside from the steele dossier that was paid for. and this was opposition research procured from a spy. she is not going to be president regardless of the vases full of tears as her supporters cry. should this president stick with robert mueller and discuss obstruction of justice among other things? >> no. what this president should do, if mueller has specific questions in mind, he should answer in writing the questions
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the prosecutor has. we have seen from the prosecutor, they are bending over backward not to see anything that's been done wrong by liberal democrats and the leftists. they are making huge mountains out of little molehills when it comes to the president. we know if the president forgets somebody's name they will claim it's obstruction of justice. kennedy: if the special counsel wants to ask follow-up questions of the president, they will lay a verbal trap for him. if he answers something -- i think that's what his lawyers are trying to do. if he is asked questions and there aren't follow ups, i don't know how you do that. >> these guys are obviously not out to present the truth to the american people and to prosecute people who are guilty of crimes against our system. we have had by this whole bogus
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issue, has exposed to the american people what the president is talking about. deep state. they are talking about these things, these factors that are at play when we have a swamp in washington, d.c. with people who are not loyal to our system. kennedy: we have to pay the bills, congressman. thank you. coming up, just about every social media platform under the sun is giving alex jones the boot. you may not miss this guy. but who gets to decide ways and what isn't hate speech? my monologue is next. me. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does.
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to become their new chevy truck, there's truck month. get 10 or 14 percent below msrp on 2018 silverado pickups when you finance with gm financial. plus, during truck month make no monthly payments for 90 days. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. kennedy: hate speech is the worst. it should be abolished and put in a vacuum packed rocket ship on a one-way ticket to outer space so we never have to hear or see it again. no one should have hurt feeling and no one shukd disrespected because disrespect is bad and hurtful and it's the basis for hate. but what is hate speech and who defines it? for conservative rabble rousers like alex jones, the digital
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group think has oppressed the popular button pusher who has the habit of saying god awful things just to get attention. but youtube, facebook, and spotify are doing their best to scrub the ether. both sides are going tit for tat to ruin people's lives. i have no doubt messed up word turds add up to a dung pile of impulsive. do you want leftists determining your taste? in fact, that serves up new levels of rage, or dare i say
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hate. they are not safeguarding the world from toxic evil-doers. they are attempting to control thought, conversation and society by white washing sharp minds who penetrate the bubbles of people who bought into the notion that it's better to be intellectually safe than challenged. and the world can only tolerate one safe lane of expression. words are not deeds. but oppression and engineering by force are the dirtiest deeds of all. connecticut democratic senator and late night snuggle bug chris murphy seems to think the takedown of alex jones doesn't go far enough.
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the survival of our democracy depend on it. really, chris? almost all of us can agree alex jones can be very vile? but can this send us down a censorship rabbit hole when you have a sitting senator say something like that. steve hilton is here. host of ""the next revolution"." remind me to use the phrase word turd at every opportunity. i loved that. kennedy: there are a lot of people out there we disagree with. there is a lot of stuff on social media that is annoying that anyone can consider hateful and disrespectful. but are these guys going too far
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banning conservatives and libertarians they disagree with? >> i think that you can be critical of the fact they have done it. but what is the alternative? you have heard the word censorship used a lot. these social media sites, the silicon media elites, they are not the government, not yet anyway. so in the end it is their right to do this. and th alternative would be government control of this. kennedy: that's what chris murphy is pushing. that's what you can infer from chris murphy's speech. facebook and apple and youtube and twitter, they have the right to do all of this stuff, they are private companies. but the problem is when people feel like they are not going far enough. do those on the left want the
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trump administration being the arbiter of online taste? >> where you end up thinking and get through all this, the real problem is the total concentration of power in the hand of a few companies so their decisions are an impact on ways said and thought. what you need is more competition. that's the real issue here. the fact you have got the increasing monopolies of thought and expression. that's what we need to think about. how can we create alternatives. many, many alternatives. not just one giant company whose decisions have huge ramifications. kennedy: the idea that people want safety and good feeling is nonsense.
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where do we go from here? >> i think that's right. the right somebodyo to be respect is important and so collective. it has been totally politicized. the pompous gem drats jumping up and down like this. if it were in the other direction they would be defending it. but this problem will get worse and worse and worse if we allow these platforms to monopolize more and more of our conversations. kennedy: listen to steve hilton and watch his show sunday on the fox news channel. identity politics is a toxic ideology destroying the nation. kamala harris, the california senator is embracing it and going after her critics. >> the truth is, we shouldn't just be thanking women of color for electing progressive
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leaders. we should be electing women of color as those leaders. i'm aware some people would say that way just said is plain quote identity politics. but i have a problem, guys, with that phrase identity politics. that phrase is used to divide and it is used to distract. kennedy: i have no idea why she thinks tribalism is so positive. it isn't. qua what are the issues that are so important to americans across the country. especially blue collar voters in the midwest who are work their asses off in d.c. joining me is charlie leduff. >> american coney island.
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cleanest place in town. what do you make of identity politics. and more importantly the people you talk to and work with who are frustrated. what do they make of it? >> i go all over this country. so, senator, what have you got for us besides voting for somebody by their skin color which you are entitled to do. remember identity politics, women are the majority. hillary clinton didn't get elected. it doesn't work. there is something for all of us. it's simple it's bread. we want bread. whether it's pull per nickel or -- whether it's white bread or brown bread, and if you can't deliver that you are done. she is talking about black women in that speech working for doug jones in alabama.
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it was missed that doug jones won because he put the clan in prison 35 years after they blew up the church and killed four girls in 1963. it's not identity politics, it's do we identify with each other. pick your tribal issue. the country is too big. the parties are too big. fractionalizing it is not going to work and everybody knows it. kennedy: if you are going to be the next president of the united states, you have to house more than that. you have to have a message that resonates, and you have to build on the economic success that we are seeing now, and you have to let people know, your wages are stagnant because of this problem. i'm going to solve it and therefore hopefully get the government out of the way and allow people to do better. but you can't do that when you
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are too busy shoving people into various ghettos and corners. >> nobody is listening. nobody is listening. it's not a big movement. it's a piece of a movement. maybe the democratic party starts to break apart like the republican party did. the rift and elite and working class. maybe there is a wing of progressives that break off and start their own party. kennedy: i would love to see that. i would love to see an authentic representation of this country than the stupid two-party system. charlie leduff come see us. >> you keep saying that but i never get a ticket out there. kennedy: check your mailbox. the special election in ohio, it could be a major bellwether for
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the mid terms. the race has tightened considerably. we are at 10%. you see danny o'connor has a 14% leased. he's fighting troy balderson, the republican, who has the backing of governor john kasich as well as the president of the united states who held arousing rally earlier this week. coming up, west hollywood's moral center of the universe voted to remove trump's star from the walk of fame. should we get out the jackhammer? when are they coming for bill cosby's star? we are talking hollywood hypocrisy. that's next. and muscle pain. only aleve targets tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve back & muscle. all day strong. all day long.
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something incredible. capital one has partnered with to give venture cardholders 10 miles on every dollar they spend at thousands of hotels. all you have to do is pay with this at 10 miles per dollar? that is incredible. brrrrr! i have the chills. because you're so excited? because ice... is cold. and because of all those miles. obviously. what's in your wallet?
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kennedy: attacking president trump's star on the hollywood walk of fame has become this summer's ice bucket challenge. the city council voted to remove the president's star because of what they call his disturbing treatment of women and other actions that don't meet the values of west hollywood, the regional, state, fan country. outstanding people like kevin spacey who is accused of pray
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rrg on underaged actors, or bill clinton. happens hollywood and west hollywood lost their collective minds? the party panel is back. tom, i will start with you. it doesn't mean this star is getting removed. this is really just west hollywood making a suggestion to the l.a. city council. the hollywood walk of fame is not anyone's. >> somebody will remove it eventually. they should leave it there, and they should keep replacing it and allow people to keep destroying it. people want to december detroit. so auction off the destruction of it. it's a shovel ready job. you destroy it. it's like a jobs app.
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kennedy: 2016 the commission said anyone who has a star on the walk of fame, that many permanent. this is not something that is indian giving. >> destruction -- god -- it's destruction of property. it's bad to do. we all know that. also, president trump, to be honest, i'm sure a lot of people will be upset. he wasn't convicted of a crime. we have bill cosby. >> i do think it's interesting to bring up the bill cosby issue. what they were saying isn't just this is a president wee hate. they were saying it's because of his mistreatment of women. if you go through the hollywood walk of fame * there are more
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than kevin spacey. it's an interesting question to ponder. but i don't think they will do anything with it. they won't do a full look at everyone there. absolutely not. i think that is unfair. if you are going to talk about civil awards, and statues -- civil war statues. kennedy: he's so great he has golf courses named after him. kennedy: most presidents have to wait until they are fas -- untie posthumously honored. >> the memes going on are pretty
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sensational. did you seat woman who works for him? kennedy: we'll talk about it during the break. you guys are fantastic. what a glorious night. ♪ -morning. -morning. -what do we got? -keep an eye on that branch. might get windy. have a good shift. fire pit. last use -- 0600. i'd stay close. morning. ♪ get ready to switch. protected by flo. should say, "protected by alan and jamie." -right? -should it? when you bundle home and auto... run, alan! get more than just savings. you get 'round-the-clock protection. where we're changing withs? contemporary make-overs. then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab.
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kennedy: facebook is testing a dating app that allows you to choose from five different genders. most of dating apps will only allow you to get lied to by one gender at a time. topic number one. we begin in top hat canada where the health insurance is free, but the car insurance is going up. sorry about your ride. look at that. amazingly, everyone involved was fine. the driver of the other car gave a heck of a valedictorian speech. the wild wreck, a minor fender-bender. they are calling this the
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wildest thing to happen in canada since tim horton's brought back their breakfast burrito. canada isn't the only foreign country making headlines. in new jersey keith urban, the guy who sings blue ain't your color found out green isn't his color. check this out. urban was at a new jersey wawa late last friday flight. he didn't have enough money. he wanted to buy some goods. the woman behind him offered to pay because she thought he was homeless. she said he looked like keith urban. he told her he was, but she didn't believe him. you are banls bodyguard had to confirm his identity. chierp, keith, i get mistaken
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for homeless men all the time. on ward. topic number three. a new survey find that 7-eleven coffee will give you have the best bang for your buck. it provides 129 milligrams of caffeine per dollar. that's five more milligrams than starbucks and it's 48 cents cheaper. which you can put toward a toquito because you deserve the finer things in life. one continue donuts has the lowest amount of caffeine. by the has the best cup to panhandle with. the woman was praised for her
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generosity, but nicole kidman married this homeless man. topic number four. always got to look at the shoes. there is a group of researchers in massachusetts who don't need coffee in the morning. they have another vice that has a bite to it. these guys were studying the ocean when they almost wound up leaping with the fishes. yep, a great white shark jumps up and nearly bites the guy's feet off. the shark said i'm not going to waste all my weight watchers points. the stock was down 5% after its
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membership numbers are lower than expected. if history is any indicator, they will gain it back and then some by the fall. topic number five. let's head down to arkansas to meet a man who likes rock concerts so much, he'll take a plane just to get there. he allegedly tried to steal an american eagle twin engine jet and flight to an out of state rap show. a witness claims it was lil' wayne. he's definitely in trouble. police say scott has zero flying experience. but he figured, hey, man, if spirit airlines can do it, can't be too hard. he was charged with commercial theft. but his lawyer wants the case dismissed because he only stole the plane after running into car
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trouble. apparently there was a typo on the way there. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? i can do more to lower my a1c. and i can do it with what's already within me. because my body can still make its own insulin. and once-weekly trulicity activates my body to release it. trulicity is not insulin. it comes in a once-weekly, truly easy-to-use pen. it works 24/7. trulicity is an injection to improve blood sugar in adults
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with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. don't use it as the first medicine to treat diabetes or if you have type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take trulicity if you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, you're allergic to trulicity, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your low blood sugar risk. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and decreased appetite. these can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. i choose once-weekly trulicity to activate my within. if you need help lowering your a1c, ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity.
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coyler is leading kris kobach, the president's choice. thanks for watching the show tonight. see you tomorrow night. good-bye. hat is it about the coe that has captured america? >> you have lamborghinis, and you got ferraris, but the american sports car has always been the corvette. >> it's the dream that keeps a soldier going... >> do you think that helped him get through very difficult times at war? >> absolutely. >> ...the decision that vexes his heir... >> it was the most difficult thing i've ever done in my life. >> ...the ultimate for vette collectors... >> it was an urban legend that there was this impeccably original, pristinely kept 1967 corvette. >> we got three, four... >> ...and a mystery on wheels. >> something is fishy


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