tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business August 16, 2018 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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charles: got to leave it there. lou: good evening, everybody. our top stories, president trump yanking the security clearance of former president obama's cia director, john brennan. and the white house is now actively reviewing the clearances of other politically corrupt obama intelligence officials. those all under review. predictably the dems and the national left-wing media on 0 on obviously believe that fornler intelligence heads should be able to attack a presidential candidate and a president with impunity. >> this is purely donald trump manipulating the conversation. >> the larger issue here, to me, throughout has been infringement
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on first amendment rights >> what we witnessed from the white house podium today was a brazen act of intimidation. >> this is quite clearly designed to send a chilling effect to all of those who would criticize donald trump, who would criticize his administration. >> he knows the russian collusion angle and that's what trump is trying to silence. lou: we'll take up the security clearance issues tonight with attorneys victoria toensing and joe digenova. another round of trump-endorsed candidates scoring big victories in their primary election contests. why rino never trumpers found themselves rejected by the republican voters. and who knew anti-trump pro-establishment tim po lynnty was running again for the gop gubernatorial nomination in minnesota. perhaps too many. fox political analysis ed rollins has the latest on us for the red wave swelling ahead of
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the midterms. and new york's left-wing governor appears to have lost his way in the midst of his reelection campaign. >> we're not going to make america great again. it was never that great. lou: the governor obviously doesn't know his audience. governor cuomo's controversial comments suggesting he's lost his mind and running to the left of himself. but his pr folks quickly trying to clean up his politically explosive mess. all of that and much more straight ahead. the stop story, president trump says the republican party has the team needed for a red wave in november's midterms. president trump celebrating wins last night from among others, his endorsed candidates, stafer from minnesota eighth congressional district and scott walker. and also of know, the minnesota governor lost in his upset bid,
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losing to jeff johnson for the republican nomination to be governor of minnesota. all of this as the cooke political report placed three more house seats held by republicans in the toss-up category. the cooke map has 37 seats, 37 held by republicans as toss-ups in making it appear this is an impending blue wave. but in actuality, republicans backed by the president has been winning throughout the primary season and are poised to do so again in november. republican voters would like to see house majority whip steve scalise apparently succeed paul ryan to be speaker of the house, according to a new poll. scalise receiving 18% support. house freedom caucus cofounder jim jordan receiving 11%. how majority leader kevin mccarthy receiving 9%. joining us now, the top
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strategist, great america pac, former reagan white house political director, fox political analyst, ed rollins great to have you with us. >> thank up. nice to be with you pld you and the president doing very well yesterday. >> the critical thing is we have great candidates. we have to win the races. democrats have shown they can raise money and they have a very diverse group of candidates. and in some cases that's going to energize and in some cases it's going to turn people off. they have money and candidates ever where and we have to go out and win the races and we've got good candidates that can do that. lou: obviously there were very few surprises on the republican side, or the democratic side. it was an interesting set of primaries, don't you think? >> a lot of money spent, particularly in a place like wisconsin, the senate race and other places. there will be sufficient money for all of the competitive races in the future. now we have to win them.
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i keep coming back to that. you get wins out of the primaries, you got to win them in november. lou: the wisconsin race was interesting, kevin nicholson not surviving against the establishment choice there in wisconsin. were you surprise snd. >surprised?>> we supported nicht what it was was scott walker and he's built a very strong organization there in turn for the woman who won the process. and you're going to have two candidates. the key thing is we don't have a single democrat down under. we've got to -- lou: say that again. >> we don't have a single democrat of the 25 that rupp for reelection that we can say are automatically ours. we've got to win these races. there are eight or ten that we've got shots at, three our four good shots at, including baldwin yesterday and we've got to win them. i keep coming back to that.
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we've got 80-some-odd day to go. the campaign is just beginning. lou: you've got paul ryan who is not trying to win. he's trying to manage a rino rear guard action so that he keeps the rinos in place for the benefit of the chamber of commerce, the business round table, the koch brothers, wall street, you name it. >> you have a very full agenda that trump has put out there and the candidates should be running and talking about tax cuts, immigration reform, those kinds of things. the tendency of -- lou: you mean the achievements of president trump. >> there's always a tendency to run against nancy pelosi or all them all liberals liberals. that doesn't mean a lot to the voters. lou: especially when you've got the socialists out there. >> do you understand what's going on in my district. and there's a great agenda to run on now and they need to run on the agenda. lou: you and person any sanders agree, ed.
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bernie sanders calling republicans intellectually bankrupt for attacking nancy pelosi. you know, republicans are the ones who want her to stay in place. he's being a little intellectually agile here. >> she's very much in his camp. my argument is we have battered her and battered her over the last several elections. we need to make it a positive effort -- lou: you ought to write a check to her campaign. >> i agree with that. the more she's out there, the more detrimental she is. i wouldn't spend one penny running a nancy pelosi campaign. but at the end of the day here, we've got good things to run on and there's a good republican base. lou: what you're saying seems so obvious that it should overwhelm everyone in the republican party we've got record low unemployment, we have an economy that is just blazing ahead, the trump economy. markets are also moving strongly ahead, secure.
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and this manufacturing is resur gentlemanresurresurge ent. why is there an issue about embracing the trump agenda if you're a republican if the house or the senate, i don't care the choice. >> the president has a 50% approval rating right now which is a strong place to began an off-year election. my sense is everything is there, vwe just have to execute. lou: that sounds like a plit school strategist if i've ever heard one. how about grabbing the agenda and beat the hell out of the dems. >> you can do that. nay have no agenda. that's what we need to talk about. lou: i think that may be a strong element in favor of the republicans this time. running to the left -- i mean andrew cuomo running to his left without opposition. >> saying the country has never been a great place. lou: ed rollins good to have you with us. breaking news tonight, the
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securities and exchange commission is formally requesting information from tesla about its so-called plan to go private. and ceo elon musk unverifying claim that he has funding secured. it looks adds thee he did not. tesla's stock is down 2% at the close today, down slightly in after-hour trading. up next, president trump pulling former cia director ooh john brennan's security clearance. we take up the white house decision, victoria toensing and jo digenova joining me after the brea my father passed this truck down to me, that's the same thing i want to do with you. it's an emotional thing to watch your child grow up and especially get behind the wheel. i want to keep you know, stacking up the memories and the miles and the years. he's gonna get mine but i'm gonna get a new one! oh yeah! he's gonna get mine but i'm gonna get a new one! when it's time for your old chevy truck to become their new chevy truck, there's truck month. get 10 or 14 percent below msrp on 2018 silverado pickups
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three week weeks ago that his administration would be reviewing the security clearances of six intelligence officials who have escaped consequences for misdeeds. mr. trump following through with his promise. the list has grown. the trump administration today announcing it is reviewing clearances for the following nine deep state actors, former director of national intelligence james clapper, former fbi director james comey, former cia director michael hayden, former acting attorney general, sally yates, former national security adviser susan rice, fired fbi director andrew
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mccabe and disgraced fbi officials peter strzok and lisa page, bruce orr. one would think that being fired or serve in a previous administration might be enough to automatically end any security clearance, but this club, this exclusive club has maintained a high level of that nasttenacity for their prerogats despite assaults on the president. joining us now victoria toensing, jo degeneral va, the founding partners of the digenova and tin sing law toens. let's start with strzok being fired. the fie fbi has been moved on ad demoted for actions outside the responsibilities of their office
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and assaulting this president in point of fact. victoria, your thoughts on what we've witnessed at the fbi. >> well, it was well-deserved. there's a thing in the law meaning that it speaks for itself so the patient down doest have to show negligence if the scissors fell in him after the operation. we have strzok's vile expressed texts, we have him declaring he has a plan to stop trump and then lo and behold we have him trying to stop trump by opening up counter intelligence investigation based on this dossier that's been discredited paid for by the democrats. we don't need to go into any angst about his motives. they're right there. lou: joe, the clearance today being revoked for john brennan. do you have any objections or do you think perhaps there should be far more obama officials who
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will have their scur churt secuy clearances lifted? >> an evil man lost what he wasn't entitled to. john brennan was the worst ci airks director in the history of the country. he betrayed his country by means of the plot against president trump which he was the leader of involving comey and yates and others, strzok, page, all of the people at the fbi. and let's remember, lou, everybody that was on the list of nine that you gave should have thai their clearances revo. and i hope that the revocation of brennan's clearance today is a signal that they're starting to move toward the declassification of all of the documents that we want to see to show just how corrupt the obama fbi and doj really were. lou: the chairman of the house intelligence committee devin nunes has called for that
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lifting of the classification of those documents. you're saying that you believe the white house is moving on that request now? >> i believe that very sincerely. i know that this has been under consideration for some time. and the fact that they revoked john brennan's clearance today to me is a sign that they are now moving toward the realization that as a public duty they must declassify all of those documents so that the american people can see exactly the array of evil people who were lined up against this president, both as a candidate and finally after his inauguration. this is the greatest law enforcement intelligence and political scandal in the history of this country and it needs to be fully exposed. >> and they should also declassify all of the fbi texts that were at issue, mccabe's and all of strzok es and also bruce orr. we want to know a lot m more abt
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bruce orr. lou: and now with the firing of strzok and the declassification under way, i'll be amongst those cheering loudly. this administration has the opportunity to be the open and transparent in american history. it also has the opportunity to advance the cause of justice and bring consequence and punishment to evil doers, as you say. to look at mark werner, senator werner, his reaction today -- i would like to read this, share this with the audience if we could put that up. i guess to me this has an eerie memory of an enemy's list, smacks of nick sewnian practices of trying to silence anyone that is willing to criticize the president that puts us again in unchartered territory, said the ill loschair.
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your reaction? >> well, senator werner, senator mark werner, a democrat from virginia is basically an ad les accident. an adolescent. you recall he got a little drunk saying he has all kinds of secrets that if he wanted to he would release and really embarrass the president. that shows you the juvenile mind that sits in his head his performance as an united states senator is an embarrassment to the united states senate and he's brought ill repute upon the senate by his drunken statements at that party. >> he's also got a bad memory. did he forget about the clinton enemy's list? what happened to that and why didn't he mention that? lou: he's nothing if not a swamp creature of convenience. >> indeed. lou: and it's easy for him to perhaps put out of his mind, the rest of us can't, his efforts
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with waldman, the lobbying firm to try to back channel a contact with steele, christopher steele, the former mi6 spy who authored the fake dossier that became this -- well, the tripping point, if you will, for the witch hunted ed a nauseam ad n . it is humorous and delightful to hear him basically seeking from the fraudulent call pretending to be a russian agent, if you will. you know, pictures of the president in compromising positions. i mean to see his temperature and blood pressure rise figuratively speaking. i didn't know adam schiff had it in him. enough about adam schiff for at
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least tonight. victoria, joe, thank you. we appreciate you both. be sure to vote in the poll tonight. do you think it's time to fire and revoke the security clearances of all fbi, department of justice and intelligence agency officials involved in surveillance of the trump campaign and the administration and certainly who empowered the phony russian sha witch hunt? cast your vote on twitter@lou dobbed. follow me on twitter, like me on facebook, fol he me on instagram. up next, closing arguments in the paul manafort trial. greg jarrett will join us here. we'll take that up. much more straight ahead. stay with us.
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rick gates, manafort's partner and accused them of fishing for a crime they couldn't prove. they argued that manafort is on trial because of a cobbling information by special counsel robert mueller seeking to destroy, as t.s. ellis said the trump presidency. deliberations set to start tomorrow morning at 9:30. joining us, greg jarrett, author of the number one "the new york times" best seller "the russia hoax, the illicit scheme to clear hillary clinton and flame donald trump ." congratulations again. maintaining the number one position. >> three weeks in a row. lou: and three weeks -- i didn't even have time to say it. the man is hawking books here, i tell you. we're delighted to be a coson cn coconspirator in that.
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it's all over but the deliberation and the verdict. what sense do you make of these decision by the defense not to present a case. >> the media would have you believe they don't have a case, which is completely untrue. really good defense attorneys try to move their client's innocence, or lack of guilt guis the prop are way to say it, through cross-examination, the engine of truth. and quite often -- lou: the engine of truth. >> it is the enjo engine of tru. if you're a good lawyer you ku chip away at the credibility of a witness and impeach his previous statements. and that's what they tried to do. look. they tried to show that rick gates, the star witness for the prosecution, is nothing more than a liar and a con artist an embezzler and a thief. he's the one who managed machine forth's finances and manafort was simply acting without his knowledge.
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lou: and it's taken 12 day to get to this point. i frankly am not sure where we are. give us your best sense. i find it interesting that defense attorney said that the prosecution should be handled by an irs audit. >> right. lou: i'm not sure why there was not. >> well -- lou: then you put that together with the suggestion on the part of the prosecutors as they wrapped up their closing arguments saying this is really a document trial and that rick gates was not the star witness. >> yeah. beats gates got so beat up, so mauled on cross-examination by the skilled foarns for manafort that prosecutors has no choice, they had to say that rick gates isn't the star witness, the documents is the star witness. that was their only out. lou: it's clear. that goes back to 2005. that paul manafort wouldn't have
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been on trial if he had not been the chairman for a few months of the trump campaign for president. >> that's right. but if you're associated with president trump you're at legal risk for jay walking. lou: why isn't t.s. ellis just simply said, you know, get out of here, i was right to begin with. you guys are just working to try to attack the president through manafort. >> he implied early on in a pretrial hearing that that's exactly how he felt about it. but it's very difficult for a judge to actually dismiss a case in advance. they can do it after a verdict is rendered, depending upon. lou: do you think they should? it's clear what they're doing here. they, the prosecution. >> i think the judge should make that decision, probably should. these are civil cases. 90% of them are civil cases for failure to pay taxes or tax evasion and so forth. and even on the rare criminal conviction, you do about a year and three months behind bars.
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mueller wants to put this guy away for 305 years. he'll be dust. lou: that's all he's got to show for a year and a half's work. >> not much. and how many charges or prosecution have been brought for collusion? zero. lou: who wins? >> i would say prosecutors will win some charges. there are 18 counts. they'll probably win on a few of them. lou: anything substantive? >> i can't know. what will be interesting is -- lou: wait a minute. i don't know is unacceptable. you're the big-time attorney. >> it's impossible to know. but the judge has the ability to knock out some of the charges if he's convicted and give him a light sentence. lou: i say that truth, justice and the american way will prevail, greg jarrett. >> all it takes is one juror to hang it up and that's what the defense is trying to do. lou: i got to give sydney powell a lot of credit.
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on this broadcast she made it very clear to the manafort attorneys who should be their strategy. he said it three times. and she was the first i ever heard say exactly that. thank you. great to have you here. we'll see how you fair on those charges. >> thank you. lou: greg jarrett, number one best seller. up next, america and its values under attack. we'll show you the latest ridiculous remarks from governor cuomo. and hillary clinton, you remember her. "the wall street journal's" james freeman joins me here next. next. stay with us. we'll be right back. you're turning onto the street when you barely clip a passing car. minor accident - no big deal, right? wrong. your insurance company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different insurance company. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates
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it blew my humvee up, killed my sergeant. after the explosion, i suffered a closed head injury, um, traumatic brain injury, loss of a limb, burns to 60% of my body. when the doctors told me i reached my plateau, i did not want to hear that because i do not believe i have a plateau. so, i had to prove 'em wrong, which i am doing to this day and i will still do until the end of my days. i've gotten to where i am at because of my family. and, the wounded warrior project has helped me more than i can ever imagine. they have really been there to support me in my endeavors. my number one goal, basically, is to get close to where i was. i am more than ready to work hard to get to that goal. i am living proof to never give up and i will never give up.
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cuomo shocking even his left-wing supporters as he railed against president trump's make america great again motto. >> we're not going to make america great again. it was never that great. we have not reached greatness. we will reach greatness when every american is fully engaged. lou: unbelievable. the same governor who's shifting his policyings and rhetoric toward the socialist left. he's running left of himself now in his bid to be reelected. his press secretary quickly trying to reverse the mess that
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he created releasing a statement that the governor believes america is great, even though he says it isn't great or not that great or whatever he says hillary clinton today voicing her support for an 11-year-old sixth grader in maryland who took a knee during the pledge of alone jens tweeting, it takes courage to exercise your right to protest injustice especially when you're 11. keep up the good work. joining me now, judge jeanine pirro, host with "justice with judge jeanine" author of the number one best selling book, "liars, leakers and liberals, the case against the anti-trump conspiracy." the hillary clinton comment to an is 1-year-old, not even the age of reason, is, to me, a abominable. >> well i think they say the age of reason is 7. but aside from all of that,
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hillary clinton doesn't know what reason is and that's why she's promoting this 11-year-old who took a knee. look, it is fashionable right now but it is also very damaging for those people to get up like andrew cuomo, hillary clinton, america isn't great, don't respect the flag, don't respect the national anthem. this is despicable. it's a move toward the left, progressism and socialism. keep moving because you're going to move off of the political spectrum in this country. lou: cuomo was basically booed by his own crowd there. >> he did. lou: america was never that great. who is this? >> first of all -- lou: he can barely articulate his thoughts any way. this is one thought he should not have articulated. >> his own father, one of the greatest spokes people in statesman said 30 years ago that america is the greatest country on earth. is he willing to go toe-toto
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with his own father? this is cheap, a willing to sell your soul to get elect pped. i ran against him in 2006 and i lost. i have never criticized him. the guy won fair and square, kinda. lou: by new york standards. >> yes and i've never said a word about him. but this was despicable. lou: it's just awful. it's awful. the message that's emanating from the left. i mean, this is, this is -- these are the luminaries of the left in this country. andrew cuomo? hillary clinton? my god, what does it take, a bernie sanders? and now alexandria ocasio-cortez. what are they doing? >> who he' saying is he won't be great until everyone is fully engaged. what does that mean? lou: he couldn't explain it. >> should you have a diamond
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ring on your finger? what does it mean? lou: it means the same as participate. the rhetoric of the left. >> they want the illegals to participate, they want criminal to participate. they don't care. they just want to get elected. it's wrong. i'm telling you, lou, it's wrong. lou: it's wrong but it's the left. and there it is. judge, great to have you with us. >> good to be with you. lou: judge jeanine pirro, liars, leakers and liberals, number one best seller. saturday night at 9 p.m. be sure to vote no tonight's poll, do you think it's time to fire and revoke the security clearances of those involved in the surveillance of the trump campaign and the phony russian witch hunt. florida public schools returning to school, the state's motto "in god we trust "will be
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in full display in their schools. the that teut part of an education bill signed earlier this year by governor rick scott. each school district is required to display the motto in all of its schools and each building used by the district school board. good for you, florida. up next, democrats distance themselves from, guess who, nancy pelosi. we take up the radical dems pelosi problem with "wall street journal"'s james freeman right after this. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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the republican party is bankrupt intellectually. lou: morally. the list of cliches spewed by the senator go on and on. what he didn't say is how much republicans don't really care what happens with pelosi. in fact most republicans would rather she stay in a position of pre-eminent leadership of the democratic party. joining me now, james freeman, the assistant editor al "the wall street journal," fox business contributor and coauthor of his newly released book "borrowed time. two centuries of booms, busts and bail joits at citi ." great to have you withs. >> thank you. lou: recommend it to you highly. let's start with the left-wing nonsense today. much of it centered in new york. governor cuomo saying the country was never that great. hillary clinton anointing an 11-year-old child for kneeling
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during the pledge of allegiance pap the lef.the left seems to hn loony. >> it's quite a pattern here. you want to say it's a gaffe. and you mentioned mr. cuomo's press secretary trying to clean up the mess afterwards. lou: america is great. america is great. >> maybe he'll come out tomorrow saying how much he deeply regrets it. but it's a problem in the democratic party. this is the theme here in the last ten years, a large part of that party's leadership thinking america is not so great, whether it's barack obama questioning american exceptionalism or mr. obama and elizabeth warren with the whole you didn't build that theme basically really attacking the fabric of american -- lou: we had in this country a president who kept apologizing to our allies. >> apology tour. lou: -- enemies alike for america.
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and walking walk in an atmosphere of gloom and doom and negativity that had been con injured by this president who got elected talking about hope and change for crying out loud. >> yeah. and for cuomo i think it's a particular problem now as he thinks about running in 2020. the premise of his candidacy was going to be, i'm not a crazy leftist. i'm more a moderate in the party. lou: chuck that. >> the idea was maybe you're going to appeal to people who don't hate america and that's a little tougher now. lou: it is hard to discern a single figure within the democratic party right now in any pre-eminent role at all who is talking about a vision that is bright and hopeful, that is something that even the most negative of the left, and that s very negative as you know indeed, could latch on to. there's just no sense of the future that any one of these
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candidates or luminaries who want to be candidates is articulating. >> yeah. i think there are moderates within the party who probably could give donald trump a very tough matchup in 2020. but you look at the -- lou: do you have anybody in mind? >> maybe someone like john hickenlooper wrapping up his time as colorado's governor. lou: speaking of left, but the way. you consider hickenlooper moderate? >> we're speaking on a relative basis. lou: i got you. >> i don't think a moderate candidate is likely to get through their nomination process. and for that reason i think trump probably wins again in 2020, not because the whole country loves him but because people realize that the alternative is just not acceptable. lou: what are your thoughts? i mean, suddenly the fake news is really coming together as a group. the boston globe creating this
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cooperative of like-minded left-wingers to have a special day to rail against the president. now i must have missed something because i think they've been railing against the president every day in every way since the day he looked like he was going to be the nominee. >> yeah. i wouldn't call it all fake news. but i think for anyone who -- lou: i'll take down your three exceptions. >> no. for anyone who thinks that the media is kind of this cabal of all having abandoned objective journalism in favor of becoming adversaries of donald trump and thinks they're all working together to stop him, for a group of newspaper to announce on thursday, we're all going to say roughly the same thing is just remark -- lou: they've been doing it throughout. >> this the the other thing. who was unclear on what the boston globe's thinking was
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about donald trump. i'm not sure they had to let us know. lou: they're going to send out a memo that will only go to 300-some-odd newspapers apparently rather than all newspapers. and you can count, i think on both hands the newspapers who actually support the president of the united states right now. >> not many. lou: not an orthodoxy. a high bound orthodoxy. that's what has been created on the left, they have joined with the rinos of, you know, the republican party and conservatives are left pretty much standing alone. >> yeah. i think -- i don't think this is going to be effective. i'm not sure what the strategy was here. i don't think you're going change a lot of minds. lou: not slowing down the death of newspapers. you would think they would see that as -- they must think they're competing with one another rather than calling a truce here for the cabal and they don't understand they're competing with technology, tell
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vision and streaming the web and the digital universe. >> well i think the fundamental problem is they're doing this because they think the mt., in criticizing them, is somehow stifling their first amendment rights. and i think there's a confusion that they think the first amendment says the government isn't allowed to criticize them. and of course that's not what it says at all. he has free speech rights just like they do. and when you look at the record, the bigger threat to the first amendment -- lou: i would much rather hear from the president than them, any one of them any day. >> and he's not investigating the way president obama did and he's not trying to gut the first amendment the way hillary clinton did with the desire to bring back citizens united. lou: it's good to be reminded of the obama administration's pension for spying on journalists. the associated press has forgotten all of that. but.
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>> you wonder why -- i mean, where was the joined editorial about that or about with this network, james rosen. this was a very aggressive effort to go after the press. lou: and eric holder who i understand is musing about whether or not he wants to run for president, as with nancy pelosi. i just want you to know i support that idea vigorously. i don't know about you, james, but i'm one of those. >> i'd like to know what he thinks about the greatness of america. maybe they should all get on the record with the cuomo question. lou: you know, the great thing about the record on all of them, the record will change and it will be revised as they wish if experience is any indicator. i can't wait to see what president trump has to say about that newspaper conference in concert one day. he'll probably think he got a break, only 3 300 of them workig
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against him on one day. >> i think we can say that for sure. lou: james freeman, thanks for being here. the book is "borrowed time." we urge you to buy it, we recommend it to you highly the u.s. treasury increasing pressure on north korea to give up its weapons program today. the treasury adding new sanctions aimed at chinese and russian shipping countries aiding north korea shipping and selling alcohol and tobacco to north korea. a suicide bomber killing at least 48 people toads in the afghan capital of kabul. star getting where the students were studying for university entrance exam. i.c.e. is being blamed for the attack. it comes days after the surprise attacks in the northern part of the country, some 75 miles from kabul. up next, former obama cia chief john brennan has his
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security clearance lifted. we take a look at who else could be losing their clearances right after this break. we'll be right back. my father passed this truck down to me, that's the same thing i want to do with you. it's an emotional thing to watch your child grow up and especially get behind the wheel. i want to keep you know, stacking up the memories and the miles and the years. he's gonna get mine but i'm gonna get a new one! oh yeah! he's gonna get mine but i'm gonna get a new one! when it's time for your old chevy truck to become their new chevy truck, there's truck month. get 10 or 14 percent below msrp on 2018 silverado pickups when you finance with gm financial. plus, during truck month make no monthly payments for 90 days. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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losses. volume on the big board 3.6 billion shares. tesla under fire for ceo elon musk's controversial tweeting and its board of directors. it includes his brother as well as spacex directors. and a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day on the salem radio network. this is where we are today and what we are looking at tomorrow. the trump administration revoking the security clearance of president obama's cia director, john brennan. attorney joe digenova joined us tonight with this blunt assessment. >> this is a glorious moment for the country.
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an evil man has lost something he's not entitled to. john brennan is the worst cia director in the history of this country. lou: governor cuomo * claimed today that america was never that great. hillary clinton praising an 11-year-old girl who took a knee. adamknee. we'll be on verdict watch as deliberations begin in the trial of paul manafort gregg jarrett thinks prosecutors will win on some charges. but all it takes is one juror to make a hung jury. tomorrow conversations with har
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har -- harmeet dhillon and chris farrell. thanks for being with us. good night from new york. >> we've been to boy scouts internationally on the trade area and replayed by the rules of president trump is trying to make sure in the scheme of international trade others play by the rules, too. lauren: china finally playing by the rules. trade talks with the u.s. are back on. the breaking news on the trade for tat. train to more trade for ums to take tests for private and secure funding just secured in an sec investigation. what is next. lauren: u.s. stock market futures get a nice job this morning on news that the u.s.-china trade
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