tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business August 20, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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thanks so much for watching "strange inheritance." and remember -- you can't take it with you. [ applause ] ain soon. thank you at home. we been doing well because of you. here is lou. lou: good evening, everybody. president trump taken on the road gallery who appear determined to subvert and destroy his presidency at all costs. the anti-trump forces now under scrutiny themselves for their own corruption and politically motivated attacks against the president. we take up the plot against the president tonight. congressman, andy biggs. also tonight, president trump showing his support for immigration and customs enforcement agents at the men and women who protect our nation faced scorn and persecution. from radical dems with their open border agenda.
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>> any politician who puts criminal aliens before an american citizen should find a new line of work because it's not going to work. it's not going to work. [cheers and applause] any politicians that get up and say that our country was never great, you heard that. i think that is the end of that career. lou: and another radical dems joking about the death of the president. this time a member of congress. why are dems condemning instead of condoning with their silence? where was the caller paul ryan? why is no punishment nor seizure of the congressmen. we take up those stories and more. republican strategist doug wallin and michael goodwin among our guests. all in our top story tonight. president trump pushing back against the deep state effort to undermine his presidency and to influence the upcoming midterms. the president today targeted a special counsel.
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in a tweet he wrote, quote, disgraced and discredited bob mueller and his whole group of angry democrats spent over 30 hours with the white house counsel only with my approval with purposes of transparency. anyone needing that much time when they know there is no russian collusion is just someone looking for trouble. they are enjoying ruining people's lives then refused to look at the real corruption on the democrat side. the lies, firings, deleted e-mails and so much more. mueller angry dems are looking to impact the election. they are a national disgrace. the president also treated this. quote, where is the collision? they made up a phony crime called collusion and when there was no collusion they say there was obstruction. a phony crime that never existed. if you fight back or say anything bad about the witchhunt, they scream obstruction. and speaking of a national
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disgrace, congress now turning its attention towards demoted justice department official, bruce ohr and his association with christopher steel and the anti-trump dossier. lawmakers now focusing on whether to fire deputy attorney general sally yates signed off on ohr's dirty work. congressman john ratcliffe discussed his concern. >> the the real question we need to find out for mr. ohr was jesse a rogue employee acting on a sooner did he have authority from the department of justice and when sally yates aware of what he was doing? lou: or and sally gates. a two out of the gallery that has phased security clearances were recognized -- our next segment will be questioning bruce ohr.
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joining us tonight, republican congressman andrew biggs, house of the judiciary committee and the freedom caucus. congressman, good to see you. now suddenly, ohr and yates are the figures of the hour. let's start with ohr and why does he still have a job? >> well, that is the one that leaves me scratching what little hair i have left. i mean, there is a guy that participated and we will find out a little bit more. what we know publicly, he participated in the creation of this fusion gps dossier which has been totally discredited. you want pollution, looks like he might have been colluding with his wife over this, who's working for fusion gps. there is no reason in the world by this guy should be employed by the united states of america. lou: and sally yates signing off on at least one of the fisa warrant applications. she has been out of the public view ever since she resigned and now suddenly becoming prominent
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once again. >> well yeah, so i will credit for one thing. she kind of tried to keep a low profile and this may be hoping it would go away, but it's all going to come back/enough on her because the question is exact address. what did she know about what bruce ohr was doing? do she sanction would bruce ohr was doing and facilitate and itchy light in the fisa warrant or did she hide information when she signed off on the fisa affidavit? lou: i said that she resigned to president trump firing her because she refused to follow directions of the president of the united states. so where are we headed here? ohr, gave common it seems it is taking us forever. >> it's only been two years. lou: the investigations of congress, and the investigation of special counsel in the investigation first of the sbi.
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my god, at what point do we say there should be some more energy and commerce itself and i complement you and your colleagues who have been at the forefront of the investigative effort. let's be candid. if the american people were the ones taken this long to do anything, we would miss several elections in this country and it's just inexcusable to me that we've got this kind of apathetic leadership. and i am talking about your speaker, paul ryan. >> well, the congressional torpor at the highest levels is absolutely frustrating to me. you know, don't forget we also have an attorney general who has let this thing go on. i couldn't forget if i wanted to. yeah, it has gone on way too long. we are not saying in a criminal investigations of people, so when brendan talks about treason, well how about the
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election? himself briefing harry reid. you know, we are going to find out more about this in brendan's role in this band, you know, he has a very expansive view of what treason may be. he might just be calling the kettle black himself when he does that. lou: if you can realize what he means by treasonous, and he said that it was nothing short of treason. the helsinki statement that the president, which is really mind-boggling when you think about it. and i was trying to say that he didn't mean treasonous. i mean, please, to think he was the head of the cia, he is oafish, he is clumsy beyond imagination with words and i don't think he knows what the hel he's talking about to begin with. >> i want to know if he monetized his security clearance post to the point being. you know, so when he is out of office, did he monetized the end
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i believe it looks like he did after making money hand over fist, offering opinions here and they are and knows. i want to know, did he monetized this? lou: the over 60 former intelligence officials who are supporting him? what in the world with the intelligence apparatus in this country under president obama? those are some of the most -- i mean, it is inevitable. it is out of ignorance and just foolishness on their part. >> does it not speak to the fact the federal government has gotten so big and intelligence apparatus has maybe gotten to independent from the oversight that congress is supposed to have over it? that's what a kind of speaks to me. these people saying he should have his clearance. i tried to understand why anybody has clearance after they leave employment of the secret classified jobs that we have
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peered that shouldn't happen. they shouldn't have it. lou: there is no doubt of that. on this broadcast we have made it very clear that we believe that no one, once they leave the service of the government in any administration should automatically lose their security clearance. full stop until the president of the united states or his department heads decide that person is such an essential value to government and to the administration that they have a security clearance, a new one issued. they just shouldn't be happening. this president has a great opportunity to clean up a good measure of the swamp by getting rid of the security clearances as they write and perk and privilege for political appointees. it is nonsense. it fuels much of the deep state in this country. >> absolutely right. and you are right it is part of
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the swamp. it is the part people don't see. when it is exposed to the american people, they are outraged. they should be outraged. as a member of congress i am outraged. i didn't know all these people had this top classified clearance until this brendan flap. i was shaking my head saying this can't be true. we investigate this and find out all these people have clearance and are they monetizing it, are they getting paid to go out and private industry. are they using this clearance? lou: of course they are. i think within the bounds of reason, you can assume correctly that many of them are doing exactly that. congressman, as always, great to see you. we thank you for being with us. congressman andy biggs. >> thank you, lou. appreciate it. lou: the jury of paul manafort has wrapped up a third day of deliberations. no verdict. they go back to work tomorrow
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morning and the saga continues. up next, president trump's america first agenda. helping the republican national committee build on his fund-raising advantage over the radical dams. >> if the democrats get in, they'll raise your taxes or you have crime all over the place. so why would that be a blue wave? i think it could be a red flag. [cheers and applause] really, i think the red ways. lou: i think that sheer supports the red ways. more on that with the chair donna mcdaniel when we continue right after these messages. right after these messages. stay with
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what is actually pretend, in your judgment, as far as the outcome of these midterm elections? >> well, the media keeps talking about the energy on the left. let me tell you, we see the energy on the right in this fund raising. a lot of it coming from small dollar donors to support president trump. they are fueling support of the rnc, which we are putting directly into our ground game in 28 states with 20,000 field organizers across the country preparing for these midterms. our base is energized, they are donating and realizing what is at stake in these midterms. lou: a lot of folks here you say 28 states and say wait a minute, we've got 50 of those. we are coming up about 22 short. what is the deal? >> we're focusing on states where we have competitive races. first of all third teen senate date, tennessee, nevada and the 10 states president trump one where we have democrats like claire mccaskill and john
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manchin and joe donnelly and jon tester in these democrats that have to struggle to keep their seats. so we are really competitive in the states. florida with bill nelson and how states we have to be competitive in all across the country. we use our data to determine where to compete and that's where we invest because we have to keep these majorities. lou: you are keeping the majority in keeping control of the senate and the house. your mission of where you stand right now in your judgment because looking at the political report and various others cannot we see a highly competitive, closely fought contest right now but just about 80 days out from the election. >> it is going to be competitive. on the senate side will pick up seats. great opportunities like florida, north dakota, indiana, where candidates are leaving on translating their opponents. the house side we know history, lou. the history is against the party that holds the white house. the usually shut about 30 feet.
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i have been the most infrastructure and allow just grabbing we've had in history, we are engaging with these voters and the results that are happening in this administration and make sure they do not become complacent and realize how important it is to get out and vote and keep majorities. that's what they are focused on. we won eight out of nine special. democrats have come back and had the image of the mainstream media giving a huge advantage, tons of money coming in and we been able to hold them off. so i feel very good going into these midterms, but it's going to be a challenge up until election day and we have to work as hard as we can and we do not get complacent. lou: everyone is trying to divide the role the president. you and i talked about that. i am delighted that you believe the candidates have to identify with the president and fully support his agenda. i am also, though, seen some
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absinthe, some absenteeism on the campaign trail. i was told speaker paul ryan would be very important shouldering this party in both houses and taking responsibility and helping candidates wherever he can. where in the hell is the speaker? >> i know he's on raising but i will tell you the president is where the energy is in our party. we just thought in a high of 12 race. we were behind an absentee early vote in the pulled the president into that raise on the saturday before the tuesday election, we exceeded our election day turnout because of the energy they bring to the candidate. you know this as well as anybody. voters don't feel the same way about congress that they do about president trump. a lot of our voters was president trump, but they don't feel great about congress. they don't always say i'm going to vote for the republican.
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the president has to get in and make the case that i don't have the majority, this is what is going to happen. when he does that, it wakes up our voters and it is our best tool to winning in these midterms. lou: do i infer correctly from what you are saying it's a pretty good strategy that the speaker of the house and his name out of these midterms? >> you're inferring correctly. he is the best person to energize their base i see it everywhere else. you see it and then record fundraising. when he president trump out. he talks to me like i want to be out six days a week. we would love that. i don't know how many days will be off at more than any past president. lou: if there was some way we could live all his energy, his talent and his communication powers for every one of those republicans it would be wonderful. will work seven days a week, 24 hours a day. >> if there's anyone who can do
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it it is president trump. lou: absolutely. ronna, thank you very much. we wish you great luck. ronna mcdaniel. programming note will have a two-hour special tomorrow night including president trump's rally from charles and, west virginia. ps they are boosting senate hopeful patrick morrissey. it all starts at 7:00 p.m. eastern. what a coincident. that is when we always start every evening. we sure to join us and be sure to vote in our poll tonight if you find it inexcusable that bruce ohr still has a security clearance and hasn't been fired fired by the department of justice for his role in creating a phony trump dossier and working with fusion gps. cast your vote on twitter@lou dobbs. follow me on facebook and instagram@lou dobbs tonight. up next are radical than, unleashing a shocking attack against the president of the united states.
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>> i'm going to tell you one joke. do you know the difference -- [inaudible] lou: we will have the answer for you. it is a sick answer. we'll take it up with ed rollins, michael goodwin and we will explore why there has been no condemnation of hastings language in his attack. language in his attack. right after this break.
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[parrots] i love you, pookie bear!!! get to know geico and see how easy homeowners and renters insurance can be. lou: florida democrat and notorious trump hater out the hastings rallying the crowd of democratic donors in broward county, florida over the weekend calling it a catastrophe if someone saves the president from drowning. >> i will tell you one joke. do you know the difference between a crisis in a catastrophe. [inaudible] in the potomac river and can't swim and a catastrophe is if
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anybody saves him. lou: well, all of this begging the question, where is lame-duck speaker paul ryan? where are the democratic dirty leaders? why aren't they calling for an apology? why isn't speaker taking steps in congress? joining us tonight, ed rollins and political director, great america pac chairman and analyst michael goodwin. pulitzer prize-winning columnist for "the new york post" and fox business contributor. thank you both for being here. why in the world should any city member -- sitting member of congress be permitted to say such things without a house? >> we should never forget that congressman hastings was impeached as a federal judge. lou: i don't forget it all. >> and then decided to run for congress. but he was impeached. he had been impeached for being
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a federal judge had never served in any office. the voters down there sent them back. he's been a bad actor. lou: that is the voters decision. why in the world does the democratic party not be held to account for this? if it were the other way we know. >> the information is i'd be raising with the guy -- raising hell with the guy. lou: where is the speaker? he's not doing any elections. he is, as they think they're correctly inferred in the discussion, with errancy chair, this is not a guy that anybody wants to remind voters is in charge of the house. >> yeah, well, i haven't heard anything about him lately. i think he is just missing. but mr. alcee hastings. maxine waters has talked about violence. i believe they are afraid of the
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crowd. they believe this is the energy of the democratic party. the chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, they will never step in and stop this stuff because then they'll be the next in line to be thrown out because the crowd is that nasty, bad angry. i'm sure it's alcee hastings crowd loved that. i'm sure they love his idea of a joke. lou: is appropriate here? >> absolutely. lou: are republicans going to campaign against this and hold democrats accountable as they say? >> it is unfortunate because this is an outrageous statement and maxine waters hasn't had many statements. lou: as the leader of the democratic -- >> my sense is half the republicans in these races, have the republicans have not yet mentioned donald trump's names in their campaign. lou: half? >> half. lou: well they are idiots.
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absolute blithering idiots. they are buying the chambers on how to campaign and secondly they are idiots because they are aligning themselves with paul ryan who was a no-show in intellect and political capacity and yes, in terms his political acumen. let's turn to your column, noting that "the new york times" is the political, i love this expression, bell cow, for the literal media. >> countryfolk on your side. lou: i am proudly a country boy. i've got a sense of it. return to the sanders, fairness and meaningful balance. are you dreaming? [laughter] >> will look, i don't think it's going to happen, but a lot of things could happen to make it better. i think "the new york times," for example, could be more rigorous about getting opinion out of the news stories.
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i think that was easy to do. lou: my god coming or in a generous mood. >> hope springs eternal. they did it -- they change direction suddenly as i read the column. two years ago was when this started, when they opened the floodgates in their own paper and everybody else followed suit because they are the bell cow. i think if they simply -- lou: a lot of people right now are asking, what did they do two years ago because they have been vicious and venomous in their attacks on the president and the republican party, this administration, often ignoring just simple things like facts, the lowest unemployment rate in history for minorities. the strongest economic growth in years. an expanding middle class. it goes on and on and on. >> yes, but two years ago.
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lou: where is paul krugman, the clever genius economist who said it would be a disaster. i mean -- >> he is still saying that. the interesting thing to me is 350 newspapers led by "the boston globe" ran editorials, condemning -- condemning trump and talking about freedom of the press. not one single major network, not one single tv show has talked about the impact that they had. it had no impact. lou: right. the same thing they've been saying. >> that is my point. to a certain extent, what we should have done, meaning as republicans, we should've had a real cancellation policy. anybody who basically were an editorial cancel. >> the editorial page out of the "miami herald" was on fox news. she said they were not aiming this at the trump supporters because they are too far gone. imagine that.
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lou: who cares what "the new york times" says about anything. who cares what the "miami herald" says about anything. they haven't imprint of their ideological position that has been there for so long. it is pure bias and it is pure propaganda. >> i can give you a high-minded answer if you like. i think what they are doing is damaging support for free press. i think that this partisanship, this overt nastiness towards this president, but republicans in general, but especially donald trump. i think what is he doing, i cite in the column one number. 70% of 4000 respondents in an axiom is super monkey pole. lou: that is one funny -- >> 70% think that the mainstream
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media produces false, fake and misleading news knowingly. lou: but use a dataset that is the problem. the problem is the media. the great righteous thing you are talking about is a public awareness of the reality of what they are doing day after day and that is delivering crap into the public arena. >> it's going to be very hard to support that crappy media at some point. >> the president set of fake news the vast majority of americans don't believe the news. lou: that's a remarkable development. and i think we need to add correctly. again, thank god for this president. appreciate it. ed rollins, michael goodwin. up next, president trump calling out the last radical push to abolish immigration and customs enforcement and doing it the
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right way. >> we are building the wall, step-by-step and it is not easy because we have a little opposition. i guess they just don't mind crime. they don't mind crime. it is pretty sad. lou: we take that up and more. federal prosecutor sidney pollack joins us here next. and by the way, what does it mean? a jury still the liberating in the manafort trial. is that good or the ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪ uhp. i didn't believe it. again. ♪ ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth? ♪ i want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ♪ ooh i'm not hearing the confidence. okay, hold the name your price tool. power of options based on your budget! and! ♪ we'll make heaven a place on earth ♪ yeah! oh, my angels! ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪ [ sobs quietly ]
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lou: president carter's national security adviser, john bolton, says it's not just russia who can be meddling with the 2018th election. china, iran, north korea may be trying to hack the midterms. authorities still haven't found the masterminds behind three of the biggest attacks in recent years. criminals who carried out the cyberattacks come as stealing the data of millions of users. equifax, uber and yahoo!. if our government can't determine who hacked those companies. we are talking hundreds of millions of customers. how can they tell us who is trying to crack our electoral system and if they can, why haven't they? joining us now, former federal prosecutor and author of the book, license to lie, sidney powell. great to have you with us. >> thank you, lou. lou: let's start with the idea
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that suddenly our government knows what it's doing when it comes to cybersecurity, that they never responded, never retaliated for the attacks on opm, the heart of the federal government personnel database. they have never reacted as far as we know to so many attacks on utilities, corporate america and never identified definitively who carried out those attacks. >> well lou, the reason they might not have identified the opm problem is because mrs. clinton was in office during that time as i recall and was traveling around the world with her insecure blackberry and e-mail account. so it is entirely possible that the russians and chinese have access to all kinds of government databases and information through her unsecure server. i think that would explain a lot. lou:.may well explain it. it does not explain why this
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country has decided to give president obama -- i mean, to the country has decided to give president obama a pass. in a retaliation for meddling in the 2016 election. the retaliation whatsoever or holding accountable any official of the democratic national committee or the hillary clinton campaign who were obviously conspiring to keep away evidence and the forensic evidence as to who had penetrated those dnc servers. >> exactly. that still needs to be done and i think it is very important for the rule of law that it be done. i don't see how we can have any confidence in our criminal justice system until everybody not to be involved in that is held to account some way. lou: i don't know how we can have any accountability in our intelligence agencies that those asic frameworks, that is the raw around this country that is secure, our databases, our
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network systems, our files. how could we have confidence? we have the intelligence community under president obama conspiring to subvert the president of the united dates as he campaigned for that office. we have those agencies, many of them, working against this president, his election and his administration. and yet, we seem to think it is okay to have congressional committees, the fbi and special counsel continuing to investigate for two years without finding anything when presumably all one should have to do is turn to the nsa, to the cia, to the national director of intelligence and say what happened and what did you do about it? >> exactly. lou: not one person in congress have asked the question as far as i know. that the fundamental question. >> it should be much more simple than they are making it out to
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be. unfortunately, nobody has any respect for congressional oversight and unfortunately the highest echelon of the fbi, dea -- not the dea, the doj and the cia were involved in parts of the collusion in the cover-up and indeed started the entire thing. so i think unless we have a separate second council, special counsel appointed to investigate the department of justice, the cia and the fbi, we will not get anywhere with it inserting a result the american people can have any confidence in. lou: sidney powell, thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you, lou. my pleasure. lou: up next, president trump can't stop winning on the campaign trail. i mean, he's going to west virginia tomorrow. we will talk with morrissey here next. he's got to be feeling pretty good, don't you think i should mark pretty impressive record the president has.
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we will be talking with him ♪ you shouldn't be rushed into booking a hotel. with expedia's add-on advantage, booking a flight unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. add-on advantage. only when you book with expedia. add-on advantage. you could start your search at the all-new that might help. show me the carfax? now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. show me used minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search and get free carfax reports at the all-new heartburn and gas? ♪ now fight both fast new tums chewy bites with gas relief all in one relief of heartburn and gas ♪ ♪ tum tum tum tums new tums chewy bites with gas relief
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the president throwing his support behind patrick morrissey and his bid to unseat joe manchin in the senate will carry the president's remarks in full and have reaction upwards into row. joining me now commend the men of the hour himself, west virginia attorney general, republican senate candidate, patrick morrissey. patrick, good to have you with us. how are you feeling tonight? what does the race look like? >> i'll tell you we are feeling very good. it is always exciting when the president of the united states comes to visit your state. i can tell you, president trump will be a real difference maker in the senate race. he enjoys very high approval ratings. he has been able to accomplish a great deal in his short term in office and i think he knows i'm going to be the conservative fighter that west virginia is looking for and will be able to help out the trump jobs agenda. he also knows that joe manchin has been coddling up to all the radical liberals, supporting hillary, barack obama.
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lou: has he been doing not? >> he has. he has in fact. if you look at the issues that matter, joe manchin might try to carve out a reputation as a moderate, but he is never going to give a vote to the president unless it's already locked in. so whether you look at the trump tax cuts, joe voted no. that's actually very harmful in west virginia because we really benefit tremendously from those tax cuts. doubling of the standard deduction. think about it. it is west virginia. this really benefit us a lot. lowering of the raids. the creation of these opportunity zones. so many really positive things for our state and joe said no. joe has been on the wrong side of the second amendment issues. he has supported land parenthood and i think this president knows who is going to get a strong ally in the u.s. senate. this is the one place the president can come in, make a big difference. we are going to win this race
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and how president trump because he's doing so many good things in d.c. lou: he is doing great things and i think he'll help you quite a bit as well. let's take a look at the cold facts when we talk about west virginia. this is something many people across the country aren't aware of. in west virginia there is acute awareness of this. the second-largest state whole production. 79 million tons. coal mines 123 of them. over the years, over the years under president obama, coal jobs lost because of his anti-coal policies 35,200 jobs. that is from the bureau of labor statistics. it is truly stunning stuff and this president has been building jobs and building opportunity again for coal miners and for the coal industry and the people of west virginia. i don't see how manchin can overcome that. >> well, luke, if you look at
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the facts, what happened, joe manchin supported barack obama and hillary clinton. lou: what i am asking -- >> for coal miners out of work. lou: how does he overcome that? >> well, it is funny stuff. as voters look at the contrast between joe manchin who was with hillary after she said she was going to put coal miners out of work. look at my background. i am the guy who led the whole national coalition to take out the obama power plant and we won an historic victory at the u.s. supreme court over the obama administration. we served as the bridge to get to the trump administration. obviously, the president has been doing great things helping out coal in our energy resources. west virginia is a big energy state. joe manchin let us down when he supported hillary and barack obama and i don't and he has a good answer for that and the rest of his record because he has still been more willing to
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support chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, hillary than hard-working west virginians. he certainly is no fan of the trump administration because he never gives his boat when it's needed. lou: it was kind of cute there for a while when he would try to saddle up to the president and try to convey the idea that he was going to, you know, join him in the contract to make america great again. he blew that. are you going to support the president in every aspect of his agenda to make america great again, patrick? >> well, i am a very strong advocate behind this president and i will say why. lou: purchase answer my question. are you going to support? >> yes, absolutely. we are going to be absolutely rock solid strong and that is the way we need to be. here is why, lou. lou: we are out of time. i know you'll do a terrific here to just wanted to hear you say it because a lot of candidates out there are trying to make up
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their minds whether they will run with him or not run with him. >> in west virginia, we are with the president. lou: indeed you are. thanks for being with us. patrick morrissey, come back. more hollywood hypocrisy. "the new york times" report claiming asia argento who publicly accused harvey weinstein of sexual assault, secretly paid $780,000 according to a "new york times" report to a young male actor who accused her of sexual assault him in a hotel when he was 17. meanwhile, the ceo of cbs, les would be a good receive a $200 golden parachute if he's forced to leave the network because of misconduct allegations against him. 19 former winners at the miss america pageant are calling for this c. 00 when the chairwoman as well as former fox anchor gretchen carlson to step down over claims of bullying and they're also calling for the entire miss america board to
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resign for the same reason. at next, president trump calling on attorney general jeff sessions to fire bruce ohr from the justice department. we take up his likely future right after the break. the fact is, there are over ninety-six hundred roads named "park" in the u.s. it's america's most popular street name. but allstate agents know that's where the similarity stops. if you're on park street in reno, nevada, the high winds of the washoe zephyr could damage your siding. and that's very different than living on park ave in sheboygan, wisconsin, where ice dams could cause water damage. but no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local allstate agents knows yours. now that you know the truth, are you in good hands? stay at la quinta. where we're changing with stylish make-overs. then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. bravo, tall meeting man. start winning today. book now at
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than a jetliner. you may not have enough capital for this aircraft. this 747, the price tag is $20 million. you get 10 bath roops, a number of lounges, a bedroom suite, an enormous dining room that doubles as a board room. this is where we are today and what we are looking at for tomorrow. bruce ohr hanging on to his security clearance. congressman andy biggs says bruce ohr and his employment status will be the topic. he was apparently -- it looks like he might have been colluding with his wife over this who was work for fusion gps. there is no reason in the world
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why this guy should be employed by the united states of america. lou: the republican national committee raising a record $14 million. $207 million raised so far in the 018 election cycle. reasoninga says republicans will pick up seats in the senate. with the dow poised to come out of correction tesht * the dow hitting its highest level since january 2006. join us tomorrow for a two-hour special, president trump's rally in west virginia. thanks for joining us, and good night from newaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaia.
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thank you at home. we been doing well because of you. here is lou. lou: good evening, everybody. president trump taken on the road gallery who appear determined to subvert and destroy his presidency at all costs. the anti-trump forces now under scrutiny themselves for their own corruption and politically motivated attacks against the president. we take up the plot against the president tonight. congressman, andy biggs. also tonight, president trump showing his support for immigration and customs enforcement agents at the men and women who protect our nation faced scorn and persecution. from radical dems with their
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