tv Kennedy FOX Business August 21, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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it will take one signature, donald j. trump. and i got a call, mr. president, when can we meet? we would like to see you. they came and we respectfully working on it. i have great respect for president xi of china. but they have taken advantage of our country for decade. we have rebuilt china. i used to talk about this. i didn't press it initially because i wanted them to help us with north korea and they have. we are doing well with north korea. they have been doing this stuff for 75 years. 3 months. what happened? i can tell you, and i got along very well with kim jong-un.
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good chemistry. but i can tell you, there have been no missile launches. there has been no rocket launches. we got the hostages back. [cheers and applause] and we didn't pay $1.8 billion in cash for the hostages. there has been no nuclear tests. and they say what's taking so long? i said for 40, 50, 0 years, for 25 years you have been work and nobody complained about the fact that president obama was unable to do anything with north korea and he considered it like just read the papers, you will see what he considered it. i have been three months. i have a good relationship with
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chairman kim. we'll see what happens. who knows? can i be honest? who knows? but i haven't taken off the sanctions. we have massive sanctions. i want to take them off quickly, but they have to get rid of the nukes. got to get rid of the nukes. but who knows what's going to happen. maybe lit work out. but i think we have done a good job in a short period of time. remember they said, he's going to get us into a war. you remember, i won't say it because i don't want to insulted chairman kim. but you remember, you remember. elton john. i don't want to insult so i'm not going to mention it. but the make news back there said he is going to get us into
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a war. he's crazy. this guy is crazy. our president is crazy. and then i went to meet the leaders of nato. and they weren't paying their bills. they were delinquent. in real estate, i love real estate, when somebody doesn't pay their rent, you say you have got to pay your rent. i met hem last year. stoltenberg, secretary-general of nato. nobody was paying their bills, he couldn't get any money. last year i said you have got to pay your bills.
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he picked up $44 billion. he told that to the press, they didn't report. $44 billion. and i left recently and we are going to pick up at least another close to $100 billion extra. i said to them, you have got to pay your bills. the united states is paying close to 90% of the cost of protecting europe. and i think that's wonderful. i said to europe, i said folks, nato is better for you than it is for us. what happened is they asked a question. they have small countries, big countries. all these countries, we are supposed to protect them. i said it's very simple. you have got to pay up. you have got to pay your bill. somebody said sir, the president of a country calling me sir.
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that shows respect. i said yes, mr. president. he said would you leave us if we don't pay our bills? they hated my answer. i said i would consider it. you have to pay your bills. what if i said no, i won't leave you, you don't have to pay your bills i i promise we'll always protect you, then they are never going to pay their bills. so i said yes, i will leave you if you don't pay your bills. and you could see the check box coming out for billions of d checkbooks coming out for billions of dollars. i think we'll pick up $100 billion. then they said to fake news, president trump tweeted the their to nation lead -- tweeted the nato nation leaders -- i put
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brackets who have been ripping us off -- treated the nato leaders with tremendous contempt and disrespect. i said no, no, no. they disrespected our country because they weren't paying. now, they are paying. [cheers and applause] how about if we got into a conflict? because a country was attacked. and now we are in world war iii, and we are protecting a country that was attacked and didn't pay its bills. i feel so stupid. we are protecting a country that wasn't paying its bills. so i got them to pay $100 billion. a tremendous amounts of money. they have got to paper. they are paying up. then they made the statement that i showed great disrespect.
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but actually i have a great relationship with all of those people. 28 people. all of them. we have a great relationship. now they respect us. they respect our country again. they didn't respect our country. they respect us again. and you see it with china. china was walking its way down. they are down close to 30% in three months. i want them to do well. i want to be their friend. but we had to do things we had to do. when i came we were heading in a certain direction that would allow china to be bigger than us in a very short period of time. that's not going to happen anymore. can't let that happen. a long winding road. and i have tremendous respect for china.
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the energy, the genius it's incredible what they have done. we can't do it, it's got to be a two-way street. we have only one-way streets. our enemies, our friends, our allies. our allies treat us worse than our enemies. believe it. so it's all change. when we get the trade deals done properly. you know what bothers me? i have people coming to knee, sir, can you get this deal done immediately? >> i say it doesn't look that way. we have to take time. like when you are cooking a chicken. turkey for thanksgiving. my north would say 8 hours. i would say 8 hours? she made the greatest turkey i ever had. it takes time.
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so when they run and say can you do nato right now, can you seen it next week? i like mexico. i like the new leader. i think he'll be terrific. a little different than us. i think i am doing better with him than with the capitalist. but he knows mexico needs the united states. they needed the united states. canada charges us close to 300% tariffs for dairy products going into canada which is essentially saying we don't want your dairy products, this is a wall it's called a an economic wall. i said justin, i don't want to have too much fun with you, justin. you can't do that. justin trudeau. a nice guy. but they have taken advantage of us for so many years that we
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have to take our time. but with that being said, we are on our way with a fair deal, i don't want a good deal, i want a fair deal with mexico. for both of us and you have heard me say it. as an example, when china makes a car, they sell it into the united states. there is 2.5% tariff of which they don't pay. so they pay nothing. but that is. but when we make a car, we sell it into china and there is a 25% tariff, and that's just the beginning. a man was driving down a street in china, and he looked over and there was a chevrolet like camaro, does that make sense? i think it cost $39,000 or $40,000. he's in china, beijing.
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he shouts across, tell me, how much did that car cost in china? the guy looks, $119,000. you understand that, right? it's all taxes and taxes and taxes. we can't do that anymore. can't do it. we are a country with unbelievable potential. we are a country that has been ripped off by everybody. and we are not going to be ripped off anymore. if it takes me a little angst to tell senators and congressmen who do have your heart in their hands in many cases. sometimes i wonder where are they coming from with these suggestions? but we are moving so fast nobody can believe it. and every country wants a make a deal. we are like the big fat piggy
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bank that everybody rants to rob. and we are not -- everything wants to rob. and we are not going to let them rob us anymore. every day we are keeping our promises. we are canceling obama's illegal anti-coal destroying regulations. the so-called clean power plan. doesn't that sound nice? clean power. you know when i ended the paris accord. what is a more beautiful name than the paris accord. let's call it the west virginia accord, maybe i would have signed it. when i entered it, that was going to -- when i ended it, it was going to cost us hundreds of billions of dollars. other countries didn't kick in until many years in the future.
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we kicked in immediately. russia went back many years which was not a clean time in terms of the environment. we all agree we want a clean environment. we want a strong, beautiful, clean environment. x want clean care and crystal clean water. and we have got it. we have the cleanest country on the planet. there is nobody cleaner than us, and it's getting better and better. but i'm getting rid of some of these ridiculous rules and regulations which are killing our companies, our states and our jobs. just today we announced our affordable clean energy proposal to help our coal-fired tour plants and save consumers billions and billions of dollars. we eliminated a record number of job-killing regulations, and
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republicans have passed the biggest tax cuts and reform. reform is very important. but you know what i said. that could mean a tax increase. i said how koiment's been ronald reagan since you got last big tax cut? and they looked at me and said we don't know. a lot of senators came up to see me, and they had the 2018 tax reform. i said what the hell does that mean? are you going to raise taxes? then i found out this is what they have done for 40 years. fax reform. nobody knows what it means. we do have reform in there. but i said nobody knows what it means. i want to put it down. tax cuts. i said what would be your favorite name, mr. president? i said the tax cut cut cut bill. and we almost did it.
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we almost did it but in all fairness in this case we call it the tax cut and jobs bill. but you know what? we have done great reform. it's the biggest tax cut in the history of our country, and you people are benefiting by it. you are benefiting. companies are benefiting, and those companies are the ones providing all of the jobs. we are setting record on jobs. we are protecting also so important for west virginia and a lot of states. we are protecting again religious liberty. and we are also standing up to social media censor zip. -- censorship. that's the new thing. i wrote rather have fake news like cnn -- it's true -- than
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have anybody including liberals, socialists, anything, to have anybody stopped and get censored. we have to live with it. there are too' sources. every one of us is like a newspaper. you have twitter, facebook. but everyone you can't have censorship. you can't pick one person and say we don't like what he's been saying, he's out. we'll live with fake news. i hate to say it, but we have no choice because that's by far the better alternative. you can't have people saying censorship. it could turn around. it could be them next. we believe in the right of americans to speak their minds. we repeal the core of obamacare. i told you. individual mandate. because we want to give critically ill patients.
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we have to give them axis. we have to -- we have to give them access. we want to give them the right to try. they have been trying to get this for 40 years. they couldn't get it. a person is terminally ill. they are really sick. i know people, they have money, they travel all over the world to try and find a cure. if they don't have money, they die. we have the greatest scientists in the world. that's why china and so many people, countries, they are trying to steal our technology. we can't let that happen. we have so many people that want to be able to give -- it's like hope, right to try. it's a right to try. so a person is term nally ill, and we have a great new drug but it will take two to three years to have it approved. but the tests are looking good.
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this person is very sick. and this person is going to be dead in 90 days. and we couldn't get that drug for that person no matter who you are. i said wait a minute, what the story with it? there were a lot of complications. the insurance companies had problems. a lot of people didn't want them in the stats. i said what's going on? we'll take the right to try, and we went through with the help of corey and your great wonderful -- you are a coal lover, huh, shelley? soon to be with the help of patrick. he'll get a lot of things. we got it approved. so now if we have a great drug that hasn't been approved and somebody has a certain illness, they are going to be able to able to try. some of the drugs we have in the
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pipeline are amazing. it will work for a lot of people. and it will give them hope. it will give them hope. we just secured $6 billion to fight the opioid epidemic. in west virginia that's a big deal, right? that's a big deal. we confirmed a record number of circuit court judges it's a record. it's going bigger and bigger. we have a lot of them in the line if schumer would get them approved. we confirmed the great neil gorsuch to the supreme court of the united states, and justice kavanaugh is doing great. looks like -- very tough -- central casting. how do you vote against him. but the democrats may find a
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way. $700 billion for our military this year. and billion with a b. our military will be stronger and bigger and better and more sophisticated than it's ever been. ever. and hopefully we'll never have to use it. we have a lot of good fighters out here. i know some of them, i see some of them. one thing about a fighter, the stronger your military, the better chance you have of never having to use it. we don't want to use it. we don't want to use it. and all of that equipment is being built right here in the u.s.a. we make the greatest fighter jets in the world. we make the greatest ships in the world. we make the greatest missiles and rockets.
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at my direction the pentagon is working hard to create the 6th branch of the american armed forces. the space force. i am very excited. we need it. that's the new frontier. i'm not just talking about sending rockets to the moon. i'm talking about militarily. that's where it's at. thanks to the leadership of u.n. ambassador nikki haley we reduced the united nations spending by $1.3 billion, saving up s. taxpayers $350 billion. but nobody wants to write it. we just passed a landmark va accountability law. that's where people who don't treat our vets properly, we look
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at them and say you are fired, get the hell out. 45 years they have been trying to pass this. 45 years they tried to pass it. we also passed veterans choice so if our veterans can't get the care they need, they have the right to see a private doctor. they don't have to wait in line for three weeks, four weeks, 8 weeks, two months. withdrew the united states from the horrible iran deal. and this month we reimpose tough sanctions on iran's nuclear program and on iran. i also recognize the capital of israel and opened the american embassy in jerusalem. and i understand now what
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happened. er president, many, many presidents, they said we are going to do it. we are going to move our embassy to jerusalem. it will be the capital of israel. we'll do it. we are going to do it. but then they don't do it. politicians. they don't do it. so i said i'm going to do it during the campaign. i said it right here in west virginia. and i now understand why many, many presidents before me said they were going to do it and didn't do it. because i was inundated with calls from foreign leaders. every country, don't do it, don't do it, please don't do it, don't do it. actually what i did, i was five days off, i stopped take calls. i said i'll call you back next week. it's much easier. i said i didn't know you were
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calling for that reason. so i approved it. and it should have been done years ago. and if there is ever going to be peace with the palestinians, it was a good thing to have done. because we took it off the table. every time there were peace talks they never got passed. jerusalem becoming the capital. i said let's take it off the table. in the negotiation, israel will have to pay a higher price. but i took it off the table. they could never get by. you understand that, corey, you both understand that. shelley. they could never get past the fact of jerusalem becoming the capital. now it's off the table. there is nothing to negotiate. but they will get something very good because it's their turn next. i heard that's the toughest deal all deals.
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that's called peace between israel and the palestinians. they say that's the toughest all deals. let's see what happens. instead of apologizing -- that's what we are doing, we are winning -- instead apologizing for america we are standing up for america and standing up for the heroes who defend our country. [cheers and applause] but to continue this incredible success we must elect more republicans, we must elect patrick morrissey we need him. we need patrick. so get your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers, your family members. get the people that love our country and get out to vote. we need his vote so badly. we need his energy. this guy has energy. loyal citizens like you helped
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build this country. together we are taking back our country, returning power to where it belongs to the american people. from morgantown to madison to charleston, this great state was settled by tough pioneer men and strong pioneer women who tamed the wilderness to build a better life for themselves and their incredible american families. they didn't have a lot of money, but they had grit and they had faith and they loved each other. and i'll tell you what. they were smart. they are smart. we are the smart ones, remember. i say it all the time. you hear the elite. they are not elite. we are elite. you are smarter than they are, you have more money than they are. you have better jobs than they
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do? you are the elite. let them have the word elite. you are the super elite. i always hate when they say, well, the elite decided not to go to something i'm doing. the elites. i say, well, i have a lot more money than they do. i have a' better education than they have. i'm smarter than they are. i have many much more beautiful homes than they do. i have a better apartment at the top of fifth avenue. why the hell are they the elite. tell me. because you are the elite. just remember that. you are the elite. they are not the elite. aren't you insulted when they say elite. you are the elite, they are not the elite.
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your people and the people that preceded you in west virginia were the carpenters and coal miners and farmers and factory workers. but think all had one -- but they all had one thing in common. they loved their families, they loved their country, and they loved their god. [cheers and applause] we stand on the shoulders of generations of american patriots who knew how to fight, and they knew how to win. we are winning again. we are winning again. just like them we are going to keepen fighting and we are going to keep on winning, and we are going to win for our nation, our children, our families, and we are going to win for our continued freedom.
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i joke that i will have patrick morrissey coming to me soon. he'll be your senator. and he'll say, mr. president, the people of west virginia can't stand winning so much. they haven't won in decades and now your winning with coal, you are winning with everything. he's going to say, patrick is going to say, mr. president, please, they don't want to win so much. they can't stand it. please, you are winning too much for west virginia. please stop winning. i am going to say, patrick, i'm sorry. i don't care what the hell the people of west virginia want, we are going to keep on winning anyway because i believe that's what they want. right? that's what they want.
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because the people of west virginia never give up, they never give in, and they never back down. because we are americans, and our hearts bleed red, white and blue. [cheers and applause] we are one people. one family. and one glorious nation under god. [cheers and applause] and together we'll make america wealthy again. that's happening. that's happening a lot faster than the fake news ever said it could happen. we'll make america strong again. we'll make america safe again. and we'll make america great
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again! thank you, west virginia. thank you. [♪] lou: 1 hours 19 minutes. it was a lovefest between the president of the united states and the good people of charleston in the arena with him. he covered just about every subject imaginable and certainly all the subjects those folks were seated to hear. that's about restoring coal. moving this economy forward. restoring possible pert. restore -- restoring prosperity. they loved the part about the elites not being as elite as they in the eyes of this president. it's against a long time since we had a president who understood the people should control and govern the nation. it's just a remarkable performance. we haven't missed one of them.
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i think this was the president at his very, very best. i have said that before. but this time was really true. joining me now, sebastian gorka, former strategist to president trump and author of the new book coming out october 9, "why we fight, recovering america's will to win." and defense southern rebecca riddle back with us. your comments object the president's performance. >> i thought he was so connected to the people. i think he clearly speaks in regular language about the progress we are making as a nation. the progress to bring jobs back here which insures people and hope in the future for people. west virginia has higher than the national average on unemployment. these people are suffering down there. the opioid crisis hit them very hard, there are no jobs and he's
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trying to bring jobs back to that state and our country as a whole. lou: as rebecca points out, seth, 32,000 jobs lost in west virginia under president obama. this president creating jobs. creating also a future for the people of west virginia. they have all taken i think as their birthright, that's energy and colas being a mainstay of u.s. energy policy and power. >> you are right, lou. this speech, one of his longer ones, really ran the gamut of topics from china to nato and what have you. but at the end of the day he had that bumper sticker moment about november. he said it's about jobs and national security. we see the news about the
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illegal immigrants who killed that beautiful 18-year-old girl. but you are absolutely correct. these are the people in that stadium as many americans did, these are the jobs we'll never see coming back to america. the stunning thing is it's happened in the last year and a half. and again it's not just producing for the american people it's about that authenticity. your guest hit it there. this is as man no matter how many apartments he has or how many golf courses he tones or how rich he is, i instantly connects with that audience, and that's truly remarkable. lou: the trump wave, he called it the red wave rather than the blue wave so many people on the left are fantasizing about. i don't think i have ever seen,
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and i have covered a lot of presidents. i have never seen a president connect with a roomful of people the way this president does. obama as a campaigner was terrific. but no one rights to the level of this man in laying out in plain, straightforward language and powerful language exactly what he means. this is a president, if you can't stand the truth, don't pay attention to what this president is saying. he means what he's saying, he's saying what he means. and he doesn't dress it up. he means for the american people to have power restored to them. and that has to cheer every american. because what we are watching from this society now and as we have watched this journey the last three or four decade, the american people have been cheated first at the margin,
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then substantially of their birthright which is the power of the government to decide who will be governing them. the president means what he's saying on that issue. he's empowering the constitution and democracy. he's allowing the people to come back into their own. he's giving people opportunities where there weren't opportunities. opportunities as he said those opportunities were given to china, they were give be to other countries. rather than look at america and saying what can we do to keep jobs here. what can we do to keep the economic growth happening here. why hand it over and create an equal situation with tariffs. why are there are tariffs for our goods to go out and their goods to come in. he explains we need to keep the
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money here. lou: it many powerful when he speaks about tariffs. presidents don't talk about tariffs. they don't believe in tariffs. they believed in this anti-intellectual support for something. it's a supercilious as the term "free trade." there is nothing free by the. trade implies reciprocity that hasn't existed. he talks about what car manufacturers deal with and he's right. he used the example of a chevrolet being shipped to china. the tariffs and taxes and barriers that have been put up by the chinese. there is nothing free about free trade. but the business round table, the chamber of commerce and wall street and the u.s.
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multi-nationals and our good friends the koch brothers would have you believe free trade is exhilarating and pap requirement for prosperity even though it stripped this country, has been largely responsible for stripping this country of our prosperity over the course of the last four decades. >> in doing so and discussing these issues other presidents wouldn't discuss, he does it in a way that any american can appreciate. he said, you go to berlin and you won't see a chevy camaro. i spent 30-plus years of my life in europe. there is a reason there aren't american cars on the continent. because the e.u. has a quadruple tariff on our products. these are the people who are supposed to be closest to us. our nato allies? our friends in the e.u.? this is the revenge of common sense.
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to this philosophy that we have been buying into for more than 25 years it doesn't matter. you could offshore all of these jobs wrong. you get to the point where you are vulnerable and beholden on others. the president unlike that cheesy plastic reset button hillary gave the kremlin. hillary clinton is pressing. president trump is saying if you do things that undermine us and the american workers we'll take action. and that's what trump is doing. lou: absolutely. president trump take up the mueller witch hunt tonight and has some questions for the special counsel. president trump: fake news and the russian witch hunt. we have a whole big combination. where is the collusion? you know, they are still looking
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for collusion. where is the collusion? lou: joining me now, john jordan. he serves on the hudson institute. and sidney powell. thanks for staying with us, rebecca. rebecca rose woodland. let me start with you, john. the president's speech. this is not so much a conservative speech as it is a revolutionary speech. he's talking about big concepts and big actions that he's already talked about and taken himself which is remarkable. because we are talking about a president who hasn't even completed half of his first term. and he's talking about a future he sees so clearly because it's a bright future for all americans in his vision. >> we see a president unlike any other. one that isn't steeped in
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practical politics as we all understood it in the media age. you have a rawness and authenticity that connects with people on a visceral level. especially people in the parts of the country who have been hurting because of not free trade, unfair trade. lou: sydney, good to see you. your thoughts on the president's handling if you will of that crowd in west virginia. he looked like a man who was born there, reside there and has known those folks his entire life. he does. he genuinely loves people. that's one of the big things that makes him stand out so much. he truly loves and cares for this country and the people in it regardless of their current circumstances. he's real. he gets down to the point. he has got common sense and he's the real deal.
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lou: the president today talking about it's very sad that paul manafort has been dragged into court. it was a sincere gesture on his part and statement. yet i heard the u.s. attorney in the case of paul manafort talking about this just really showing that laws work, that we are a nation of laws. i'm sitting there watching that and i'm watching michael cohen being dragged into the federal courthouse to do a plea deal. and they are both there because they were associated with president trump. and judge t.s. ellis, the manafort trial judge said at the very outset that the only reason manafort was on trial is because the special counsel wants to drag down the president of the united states.
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i think today was pure raw power unleashed in the jew dish air yea without question. >> it was nothing regarding russian collusion in either of these situations. we had a guilty verdict on tax fraud and a plea deal on tax problems. nothing had to do with russia, the collusion. i don't really know how that fits within the scope of why and what the special prosecutor was and is doing. lou: sidney, your thoughts? >> it burns me up they went after manafort and cohen. if they worked for hillary clinton neither one of them would have been touched at all. it's only because they helped donald trump and helped him succeed to become president that they were targeted.
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podesta should have been indicted on the same things if not more things than manafort if there was a reasonable standard. but it isn't. they are targeting anyone related to the president. >> i think today we saw the beginning of the oxygen deprivation of the liberal narrative with regard to the mueller investigation. today mueller lost a lot of leverage with paul manafort. specifically the conviction on 8 counts carries a sentence for a 8-year-old that's almost a life sentence. the judge has to sentence him based on federal sentencing guidelines as well as his own discretion. paul manafort's only chance of seeing daylight again is with a presidential pardon. lou: legally there is the prospect that the judge in this case could have decided to throw everything out and say this is
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unwarranted prosecution and was not substantiated by the facts irrespective of what the jury had found. that appear appears to have lapa possibility. >> he can enter a judgment of acquittal after the verdict came in. there is still briefing and legal arguments to be made on those issues. the evidence might be insufficient as a matter of law to sustain the particular counts on which he was convicted. i would expect significantly nation over that. he may throw those counts out or all of them. >> i think the point being made is very serious. if he does not acquit, there is no reason for manafort to have anything to do with the special counsel because he will just ask for a presidential pardon. i think that was a great point. the reality is he didn't in the
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beginning and he's not going to now cooperate in any way. there is nothing to cooperate about. lou: the issue of implication. i have seen some of the left wing networks spewing away that this is a direct implication of the president, particularly because of the guilty finding on campaign finance plea with michael cohen. how does that work? i thought there was no such charge available for the president. >> you are right. with regard to mr. cohen. his allegation or statement in court that he did so at the direction of the president is problematic for two reasons. he said the president didn't know by the and didn't direct it. he changed his story so many times. he has ever reason to cooperate because that was part of the
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plea deal. fun it is true. if paying somebody for their silence as long as tax laws are complied with isn't a criminal act. you can do that as a private citizen. the prosecution with a deeply troubled with iters in would have to prove that an otherwise illegal act was done because of the campaign where the president could see you this is to protect my marriage and reputation. a legal act because just's in proximity to a campaign is a tenuous argument for the prosecution to make, especially with a deeply troubled witness. lou: and a deeply troubled judiciary that seems to be the handmaiden of the ideological interest of the country's left and democratic party. we look at the mission statements. it's the may 17 rosenstein memorandum with the scope memo.
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he wanted to take a little didn't direction it appears. so this was constructed. i have this in front of me. just so there is no doubt. this is what passes for public information. the black marks are redactions by the justice department. i mean, the public's right to know in this has been defied throughout. and the political witch hunt as the president called it, that term seems to be sidney absolutely appropriate. >> totally, lou. mr. cohen's plea today in particular says nothing as to the president even though he is claiming at this point that the president knew about the payments. when a client hires an attorney, they presume the attorney is going to do things lawfully aside from the fact election law is such a specialty of the law there are sixes of law firms
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devoted to its nuances. that mr. cohen made that payment has nothing do with the president even if he knew he was going to make it. lou: i have to believe mr. cohen's head is reeling. he had his office, his hotel room ransacked by federal agents acting on the behest of the special counsel. he probably, foolish attorney, thought that he had a special relationship with his client, in this case the president of the united states, that's been crushed and set aside. does that hang over anyone else's judgment of color what has been happening in this investigation politically? >> the investigation is a witch hunt and this man has agreed and said i had to do what was best for my family first because he was facing years and years in jail.
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so it's almost as if you are put on the pressure is on you. i have to say something, i have to do something or i will be in jail forever. >> the norms of legal conduct have clearly gone out the window. this is nothing more and nothing less than a silent coup by those in the justice department to rid themselves of this troublesome man at all costs and the costs to the american people is going to be extraordinary. lou: i think watching this rally in charleston, west virginia should remind everyone and all the rallies he held and the fact he was elected by 63 million people. this is not a matter that would be easily orchestrated by the deep state, the dimms and the rinos and political establishment of this country. i think as the saying goes, this will not be something that
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resolves quietly should they persist. thanks for being here. we appreciate it. thank you. in odder news the former ita for debbie wasserman-schultz, the former chair of the democratic national committee, avoiding prison time for his crimes. a federal judge sentencing awan to three months. bank fraud in the manafort case took five years. awan transferred money from the congressional credit union to pakistan before he tried to flee the country. no charges filed on the accusation he ran a spy ring inside the united states congress and stole data and files. odd, don't you think? luke, great to have you with us. were you as surprised as
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everyone else at this -- this sort of slap on the wrist for awan? >> i don't think anyone was surprised. but it was a you are veal experience to be in d.c. -- it was a surreal court seeing annex hillary clinton attorney arguing why this guy shouldn't face any consequences was trump is deranged and incoherent. and republicans don't have a shred of decency. this speech before the judge was a giant rant excoriating republicans. at the end of it, the judge love it. she said you guys agreed to pay a fine, you don't need to pay the fine, i'm going to waive that. then you have jeff sessions' prosecutor sitting right there and it was like there was no one
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on the other side of the table. it was like being in communist chinaup is down and black is white. imran awan cried in court and there was a reason he did that. the inspector general of the house found he hacked congress, the house auditor found he cooked the books with congress. the doj did nothing. the capital this found a server mysteriously disappeared after the case got to the d sorks j. now you have them giving a slap on the wrist on bank fraud. they say the reason he did that is he was building a charity over in pakistan. immediately after getting caught in the house of representatives he urgently needed to withdraw this money from his bank account and wire to it pakistan. he's mother teresa. they trotted out this comical
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notion that can be easily debunked and the prosecutors did nothing. there are 20 people in pakistan who filed police reports who said what he was really doing over in pakistan was committing this major multi million dollar fraud building this whole town with his dad. and they turn it into this charity. when the prosecutors just eat the thing up, even though the proof, the police reports and lawsuits are readily available. the media paint it as a conspiracy theory. even if the emperor has no clothes you can't second guess it. the charity he was creating was a women's shelter when four women filed police reports against him and said he h he end
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them. lou: that's quite a wrap-up of what was an extraordinary day. thanks so much. voters head together polls tonight in alaska and which. president trump endorsing which senator john barrasso as well as foster friess. >> a blue wave in november means open borders which means massive crime. a red wave means safety and strength. lou: someone ready to ride the red wave, the current candidate for the u.s. senate in the state of massachusetts.
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it's great to have you with us. i don't know how much of the president's rally you got to hear. it was a stem winder as they say. he didn't miss a single issue or single beat. as he rallied the people of charleston and west virginia. >> talking about the economic prosperity happening here in massachusetts as well, though no democrats in my state, especially elizabeth warren would knowledge it. we have unemployment 3.3%. we brought in a billion in unanticipated revenue from wage increased and businesses coming in here. it will be a blue undertow in november. lou: elizabeth warren a tough candidate to run against. what is your strategy to beat
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her. >> she has a history of doing nothing for our state. people in massachusetts are aware she has done nothing. they know my track record of cutting taxes. repealing a gas tax and we need a voice at the table in washington. she is the voice of resistance for the entire country. it's not working for my state and it's not work for the country either. lou: you just received the endorsement of the "boston herald." campaigning against warren, how will you differentiate yourself and how powerfully can you and how starkly can you contrast yourself. you are in the people's republic of massachusetts. how much latitude does that give you. >> people don't agree with her policy.
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she is for open borders. she believes in sanctuary cities and sanctuary states. she wants to abolish ice. she also recently as i think everybody is aware, called the entire criminal justice system racist from front to back including law enforcement. that's insulting to everybody involved. and paints a picture of people putting their lives on the line every day. it's wrong, it's divisive and that's what elizabeth wash has always been about. trying to divide us for her own personal gain. lou: attacking immigration and customs enforcement as many democrats have done in this election cycle. it's stunning. particularly and tragically on this very same day that an illegal immigrant in kansas
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charged with the death of mollie a tragedy strikes again and immigration and customs enforcement i can imagine might any american irrespective of party would call for the end of i.c.e.. >> well lou the other thing is somebody from cambridge the same city she lives in who is a supporter of hers a week ago was arrested for making a bounty, 500-dollar bounty for someone who shoots and i.c.e. officer. that's a dangerous for rhetoric is to law enforcement. >> just deal we appreciate you being with us tonight. we wish you luck in your fight and elizabeth warren i think as they say a worthy opponent for you. i'm sure you are up to the task and will prevail. good to talk to you. >> thank you lou. lou: thank you very much.
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also the trump campaign state manager for the trump campaign. that's it for for us. join us here tomorrow michelle malkin among our guests. good night from new york. kennedy: president trump wrapping up a major rally in west virginia. we'll have full coverage on that in moments but let's get back to washington d.c. end here new york explosive developments in the mueller investigation. first president comes aamer campaign chief paul manafort today found guilty on eight charges of bank and tax fraud. he will be sentenced later this month. he's looking at decades in prison potential and in new york the presence former personal attorney michael cohen pleading guilty to campaign finance violations claiming he helped the president arranged us money -- hush money payments to stormy daniels. the present legal team said
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