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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 27, 2018 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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weekend. personally who direct messaged me on birthday, love, continued strength, well-wishes, support for gofundme page. david: cohen's attorney lanny davis having trouble keeping up with contradictions. evening edit starts right now. >> they used to call it nafta. we'll call it the united states-mexico trade agreement. we'll get rid of the name nafta. that has a bad connotation because the united states was hurt very badly by nafta. it wasn't from any standpoint that something most people thought was even doable when we started if with you look at it from the beginning many people thought this was something that couldn't happen because of all the difficult factions, all of the difficult sides and the complexity. and we made it much simpler, much better, much better for both countries. liz: markets closing in record territory again as the u.s. and mexico tentatively agree to a
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new trade deal. canada is now scrambling. will trump get a deal with canada. he is saying deal with us or we will tax you. we're on the story. colleagues honoring the life and legacy of senator john mccain on the floor of the senate today. north dakota senator john hoeven will join us. iran, this is a big market story, threatening, saying it has full control of both the persian gulf and the strait of hormuz but does it? what exactly is going on inside of iran? we'll bring you the details. twitter see joe jack dorsey will testify on capitol hill next week. he will say twitter does not shadow ban or censor conservatives. twitter is denying all that. we have a special guest. wait a second, twitter, you censored me for my conservative views. thank you for joining us. thank you for watching. money, politics. we have the debate behind
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tomorrow's headlines. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ liz: welcome to the show. we like to call this the rodney dangerfield bull market. not getting any respect. even though it is hitting new record highs and it is climbing higher in dramatically deep and wide move. look at this! this is about the breadth of the market move. it is stunning. even the large indices, not just s&p 500. the s&p 600 up double digits. not just the russell 2000. the russell 3,000 up double digits year-to-date, all moving higher. august is usually a miserable month. the gains are punishing the bull market hater, the bears, at this pace it could be the best august of. the dow is up 269 points. it is retaking a level not seen earlier this year. u.s. stocks advancing with the
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nasdaq topping eight thousand for the first time. the market rallied over a new trade deal between the u.s. and mexico. nearly two trillion dollars in stock value has been added year-to-date. overseas, markets are down 1.5 trillion in market value year-to-date. with more on the u.s. and mexico striking a deal let's get to edward lawrence live in d.c. reporter: the u.s. announced they have a revised deal between mexico and canada. the president saying he will call it the united states-mexico agreement. the mexican officials, the delegation told me today there is a lot of portions in here are bilateral agreements and could stand without canada. however the mexicans say, there are other agreements need to be in here that canada has to sign on to, that would be trilateral. so far there are proposals to canada. >> as we've said we'll put all of our effort, 24/7 to promote canada continues to be a, a part
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of these agreements and we'll work on these extremely hard. in the event that it comes friday and the ustr submits a letter to congress, that does not preclude the possibility of canada joining in later. it is very important to keep that in mind. reporter: that friday deadline starts the 90-day clock for congress to ratify this agreement, which would then happen right about the end of november. now the canadian spokesman in response to that released this statement saying, quote, given encouraging announcement today of further bilateral progress between the u.s. and mexico, minister free land will travel to washington, d.c., tomorrow, to continue negotiations. we'll sign a nafta good for canada and good for the middle class. canada's signature will be
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required the president is acceptabled to bilateral agreements. technology, medical device, communications technology. >> we used it call it nafta. we'll call it the united states-mexico trade agreement. we'll get rid of the name nafta. that has a bad connotation because the united states was hurt very badly by nafta for many years. now it is a really good deal for both countries. we look very much forward to it. pour port again no mention of canada in that specific statement. the president did go on to say he does want to negotiate with canada, either a trilateral agreement or a bilateral agreement. again the mechanic cans would like to see canada sign on to this however this current agreement can go on without canada if it has to. liz: interesting, stuff, edward. thank you so much. edward, appreciate it. despite the tentative trade agreement and good news still this rodney dangerfield bull market getting no respect.
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it is still feared rather than revered for its accomplishments. guggenheim investment chief said, sell your stocks in august. i see, quote a perfect storm for a recession, cooing liberal pull krugman and larry summers. they both said the same thing. remember when liberals said get out after trump won the election that cost some people so much money. if you listen to bull market haters at msnbc or cnn you would have lost a lot of money. remember when the media predicted dire consequences over this trade fight. let's take a watch. >> the future is looking very grim right now because, you know what? trade wars lead to bad things happening. >> dow futures are down sharply as concerns rise over a potential trade war. >> this move is sending u.s. stock futures plunging. >> does the president not understand how a trade deficit works? >> looks like the beginning of what people said was coming, a trade war. >> wilbur ross said he is
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surpised by market reaction. i would like to make something clear. wilbur ross is lying to the american people. check yourself, mr. navarro. liz: bring in trend macro chief investment officer don luskin. what is your take? >> i just love reading the mia, man. there are two kind of liberal media. there are ones say economy is freight, giving all credit to obama, and ones who say the economy is horrible blaming trump. the amazing thing neither of them are right. liz: you know what is interesting, donald, usually during midterms years the markets drop average of 17%. that has been the case since 1950. we try to stick to the facts. that is not happening this year. we've been hearing also to your point from market moralists who say this is a rigged market because of the fed and government spending and stock buybacks, so what, you're still making money, right in. >> well, sure, you think how devastating it would be to this market if the fed raised
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interest rates and stopped buying bonds. oh, wait. they have been raising interest rates for three years. they stopped buying bonds two years ago. we made all-time highs today. liz: right. >> i guess something fundamental must be, something pretty amazing must be happening here. maybe some of these things that nobody thought would work unpresident trump are actually working. maybe the american people are actually smart enough to elect a president who can do something right. liz: news just crossing. u.s. companies are chipping away at their mountain of debt as earnings continue to rise. that is an interesting headline coming out of the journal. here are democrats ripping into president trump's tax cuts, warning of armageddon. i want donald's take on this after the sound bite. watch. >> the republican tax plan is full of tricks for the middle class and full of treats for wealthiest americans. >> this is middle class tax increase. >> devastating, in my view immoral budget to fast track their moral tax plan to hand
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trillions to the wealthy, while raising taxes on the middle class. taxes will be raised on middle-class families across america. >> wealthy americans, big fat christmas present for you. tiny tim? we're taking your crutch away from you, and all the other kids in this country. liz: your take, donald? >> all of those big, blue state democrats have been relying for generations on the biggest single giveaway in the tax code, which is the deductibility from your federal taxes of your state taxes. and that is what allows states like california and new york, to have the huge high tax rates that they have. trump came in with a meat axe, he simplified the tax code simplifying away the subsidy that red states like texas make to blue states like california. no wonder they're going crazy. liz: i think 90% of americans get a tax cut. government worker pensions are seeing a nice sweet rise through the market going up.
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let's see what is going on with mexico and canada with the trade agreements. canada says it has to sign off on a nafta deal. president says we have bilateral deal with mexico. could the president get a deal separately with canada, what you do i this. >> sure he could. the thing i haven't heard at all today, which is really key, just remember a month ago the president of the european union, jean-claude juncker in the white house, walking after a day with trump, we'll do a u.s.-european trade deal with all tariffs zero. that broke the logjam. that was a month ago. we have europe on our side. mexico on our side. it will be a land rush to do a deal with trump, while there is deal to get done. every deal that gets done makes it easier for the next guy to do a deal. president xi xinping will not have to last face anymore giving
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in to trump because everybody has! liz: the mexico deal is template for the other deals the way i look at night go to the u.s. trade representative website, read the facts. read the text on intellectual property. that is how to do it right. liz: raises auto worker pay in mexico by more than double. let's get to the "new york times" op ed. the times published an opinion piece short on facts but very long on opinion about why the message of socialism is now resonating in the u.s. it was by a brooklyn college professor by the name of cory robin. this professor does not mention the collapse of venezuela, of north korea or the human rights abuses in cuba. this academic wrote quote, socialist argument against capitalism is is not that it makes us poor, it is that it makes us free. when my well-being depends on your whim, when the basic needs of life compels submission to the market, subjugation at work
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we live not as freedom, but in domination. socialists want to end that domination to establish freedom from rule by bottoms and need to smile for the sake of a sale. obligation to sell for the sake of survival. the "times" stock ending the day slightly in the green. your reaction to this, donald? >> how about, aw. the thing great about capitalism it gives everybody incentive to figure out what they can do to serve everybody else, because that is how you make money. you can figure out what can i do for you. if what i want to do for you, what you want me to do for you won't buy it from you. i buy what i want. it is competition, capitalism, that is too much pressure for some people. but what is so beautiful about all this socialism stuff coming out right now, it is all reaction to trump, where the democrats and their media organs like "the new york times" are trying to position candidates who will take as much of an opposite position to trump as
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possible. that means all these young socialists like this ocasio-cortez. well, what a business formula that is. find the thing that worked in the last election and do the opposite claim. people chose trump. liz: something that has not worked around the world. is it your concern that you don't see a pushback against "the new york times" or against the socialists out there talking in the media? you don't see anchors at other media pushing back on this, on them, you know what? why bring to the u.s. something that has failed overseas so miserably? >> elizabeth, with all due respect to you because you are a member of the media, i just want to say -- liz: i don't mind night media is only one millionth of a percent of the real world. you go out on the streets and taxi drivers and pedestrians and people in their hot dog carts and people coming out of the lines at atms, people tonguing every day in the real economy, they are operating whether they know it or not on principles of capitalism, which are principles figuring out what you can do to serve your fellow human being,
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get rewarded for it. stuff they read in the "new york times," i'm amaze anybody even buys it. liz: don, tough words for "the times." come back soon. great to have you on. >> thank you. liz: let's get to your money. all three major indices in the green, the dow up triple digits. let's get to nicole petallides with an update about your money on the floor of the big board. >> as the u.s. and mexico reach an agreement on trade the market moves to the upside. the dow moves higher by 259. the s&p 500, nasdaq, russell all-time highs there. all the sectors with the upside to the exception of utilities. that is defensive play. that is lower. looking at winners on the dow jones industrial average, american express, united, and visa all-time highs there. cisco, the best we've seen, a high since 2,000. hitting highs of their own. tesla, on the other hand sold off but got a late-day gain as tesla with shareholder lawsuits.
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plaintiffs were claiming it fell short of production goals. the judge says it is okay. you're allowed not to proceed with production goals. they through -- threw that one out. >> thank you, nicole. moments ago, senate is honoring senator john mccain. north dakota senator jack heavy hoeven is here. still insisting twitter does not censor conservatives but wait a second. we have an army veteran who is saying you know what, twitter, you are still censoring me. he has proof. iran is claiming it has full control of the persian gulf and the strait of hormuz. this as the state department says it wants to cut out iran oil exports entirely by november. we're bringing in former trump state department senior advisor christian whiton. he is is on fire about this one. stay with us after the break.
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we have grandkids out of state. they love our long visits. not sure about their parents, though. call unitedhealthcare and ask for your free decision guide today. liz: state department officials saying it is aiming to cut iran oil exports. the trump administration wants to cut exports out of iran to zero by the fall but iran now claiming it has full control of both the persian gulf and the strait of hormuz. we're nearly a third of global oil exports travel through. take a check of oil. brent closing up for the day. let's bring in former trump state department senior advisor christian whiton. is military action possible here if they're doing it? >> it is possible but very unlikely. the market is tell you there isn't a lot of risk. this is bluster with iran, they can cause problems with mines
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and this is something is we can compel with. iran is oil refineries are very close to the coast. liz: look inside iran. here is what is going on. unbelievable turmoil. the economy is in collapse. rouhani is facing threats of impeachment according to reports. he is considered a moderate in iran, christian. first time lawmakers are saying get in here before parliament, face our questions over iran's collapsing economy. but, christian, here is the problem, iran's hard-liners could retake control. they have already impeached rouhani's labor and economy minister. do you see this playing out the hard-liners, real hard-line conservatives could take back control of iran? >> i think they can just about anytime they want. this is really a matter of very minor nuance between hard-liners what some call moderates in iran. this is islamist radical government bent on deploying islam and exporting terrorism.
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we have caused this internal turmoil. trump flipped the script, on the march, spreading terrorist islam where it is worried about its own survival. liz: new developments in the terror compound case in new mexico. the suspects allegedly planned to attack grady hospital as well as teachers, schools and bank. this is according to new evidence. here is what is going on. a handwritten document, entitled, phases of a terrorist attack, talking about attacking quote, corrupt institutions including hospitals like ant atlanta's grady memorial. it joked about dying in jihad. officials found an underground stash of weapons and ammunition. what is your take on the judge basically saying you can go with minimal security bonds? what is your take on this, christian? >> it is shocking. you have a left-wing judge, a liberal judge, letting someone go. incidentally we have not charged
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with violent jihad they are suspected of planning. they are charged with child abuse, thankfully held on detainer from georgia on kidnapping charges. at least the man involved in this training would be training is still in jail, contrary to what the new mexico judge would have done. we still have a jihad problem a jihadist problem in america. we've been luckier than europe on this thankfully trump changed this as well with less political correctness. the threat still exists. liz: critics are saying of the judge, they felt the judge, the judge's statement about the prosecution being anti-muslim, that is how the statements were interpreted, that that was wrong to make those statements on this case. what is your take on what the judge said? >> if we think that political correctness will protect us from violent jihad and that we feed to do what this judge says, which is to basically pretend what we see it? actually there, we should look at europe as an example what happens to this. we need to be very serious about the threat from political islam, radical islam, american muslim
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communities regretly aren't that moderate, aren't that secular. this is the problem. liz: christian, thanks for coming in. >> thank you, liz. liz: moments ago the senate honoring senator john mccain. republican north dakota senator john hoeven is here to remember senator mccain's legacy after the break. stay there.
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>> i can truly say that the time we spent authoring and passing immigration reform were some of the proudest days in politics for me and the rest of the "gang of eight." in no small part because the success was shared with one great leader, one great legislative leader, john mccain. >> it is our honor as americans to say of the late great, john sidney mccain iii, what we pray he already heard from his
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creator, well-done good and faithful servant. well-done. you fought the good fight, you finished the race, you kept the faith, and you never gave up the ship. liz: that was senator mitch mcconnell and senator chuck schumer leading the senate as they honored arizona senator john mccain. he passed away on saturday. president trump signing the proclamation to fly the flag at half-staff until the day of his interment. authorizing military transportation and honors at his service. asking vice president pence to address at the ceremony for senator mccain at capitol on friday. we have north dakota senator john hoeven. great to see you, senator. >> great to be with you, elizabeth. liz: proud american to the very end. both sides of the political aisle in mourning, what is your reaction? >> certainly sad.
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we're going to miss him. truly an icon. somebody obviously not only known across america but really around the world as somebody who believed in american exceptionalism, somebody who served, was a prisoner of war and somebody for who for his entire life advocated for our men and women in uniform. liz: he also pushed back on intolerance as well. senator mccain wrote a poignant farewell message to his fellow americans before he passed away. it was read earlier today, by his long-time political ally, campaign manager, rick davis. let's listen. >> if you bear with me, these are john's final words, the family asked we present these to you today. i often observed i am the luckiest person on earth. i feel that way even now as i prepare for the end of my life. i have loved my life, all of it. i have had experiences, adventures, friendships, enough for 10 satisfying lives.
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and i am so thankful. liz: american heroes are few and far between. americans want heroes, right. >> oh absolutely, and as you listen to that, think about the fact this is somebody who spent six years in the hanoi hilton. ejected from his plane in come balt. he lands in a lake. he is almost beaten to death. they drag him in the prison. he was obviously in horrible pain. he could have come home sooner because his father was an admiral, his grandfather had been an admiral. the north vietnamese he said you could go home. no, i'm not going home until all of the p.o.w.s go home. so when you think about some of the things that he has had to deal with, to overcome. listen to him talk about a great life, the greatness of america, it is pretty amazing. >> here is senator jeff flake on the floor speaking about mccain as an american hero.
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we just had him. do we have a sound bite, gang? >> john mccain himself, i would imagine he would have choice and colorful language in response to the outpouring of love and tribute since he has left us. we know like all of us the senator was not perfect. in fact if you're an interested in a inventory of his failings, mccain himself was most eager to provide it. liz: mccain in the farewell speech had a sentiment from the 2008 concession speech. let's watch that. >> i wish godspeed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president. i call on all americans, as i have often in this campaign, to not despair of our present difficulties, but to believe always in the promise and greatness of america. because nothing is inevitable here. americans never quit.
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we never surrender. we never hide from history. we make history. [applause] liz: the senator said that right at the height of the financial collapse. what is your take on that? >> i think we lost our audio. liz: we've lost the audio. so those, americans and people around the world are learning from senator john mccain. senator john hoeven. thank you so much. don't miss neil cavuto's interview with former president jimmy carter, tomorrow 12 noon here on the fox business network. this story for you. we want to stay with senator john mccain. it is passing of a true american patriot. he dedicated his life to serving the country in combat in the u.s. navy. senator john mccain passed away saturday. he was 81.
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>> given the events of today, likelihood of impeachment not saying high necessarily, but certainly went up. >> impeachment. >> impeachment. >> impeachment. >> impeachment. >> president is clearly guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. he should resign his office or be impeached. >> today the trump presidency took a giant step toward impeachment. >> impeach trump. >> impeachment. >> impeachment. >> impeachment. liz: a lot of talk in the media about president trump possibly being impeached but top democrats warning that move may actually hurt democrats in the
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midterm election. this as u.s. stocks extended their push into record territory. let's take it up with trump 2020 campaign senior advisor katrina pierson. great to see you. let's put on your hat as you are, you watched elections in the past. what is your analysis on running on impeachment? has this worked in prior elections? >> well, no. actually it has not worked. in fact it actually hurts the people that are pushing for impeachment. people would argue it's a different climate today with all of the vitriol and chaos surrounds the trump administration apparently from the media. apparently the media thinks it is a great idea. nancy pelosi, steny hoyer, chuck schumer, none of them want to run on impeachment mainly because there is not impeachable defense going on here. they don't want to run on the president's agenda they are going to fail. why the media is obsessed with
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going after this president just doesn't make any sense to me but the democrat party today is in disarray. there is a vacuum of leadership. they don't know who they are or what they stand for. are they liberals, democrats, progressives or socialists? all they can do is run a negative campaign against the president a and donors, big donors are pushing this impeachment of president trump and the democrats are now stuck having to figure out how to play this moving forward. liz: tom steyer, liberal tom steyer may run for the presidency. he put a lot of money in. pushing for impeachment of the president. americans out there are seeing, they're saying essentially wait a second, this is about issues that happened before the president became president. you know, the idea of russia conspiracy charges not brought yet. add to list of democrats, dick durbin, elizabeth warren saying do not run on impeach mane. that is not a priority for the
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party. are we still going to see a push for impeachment going into the midterms? >> i think we will. tom steyer is funding a heavily impeached pac campaign. he wants the media to push this he wants the democrat party to push this but it will truly be a failure. the fact is if nancy pelosi and her colleagues in the democrat leadership truly thought the president have commit ad high crime they would run on impeachment. in fact he didn't and they're not. liz: they have to prove that he used campaign funds to pay off the two women, right? >> they have changed the goalpost. first it was collusion. then it was obstructs. now it is campaign finance. it is ridiculous. the people do not care about this. liz: watch this panel reaction on msnbc when a liberal guest predicted a trump victory in 2020, watch. >> give you last word. going to serve out his full term. >> i think he wins in to 20. >> what? >> i think, i think our country
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is in very bad situation. >> we're in a bad state. >> on that frightening note. liz: frightening note. we try to report the news on policy and what is going out there in the economy and markets. all levels of policy. what is happening here with the liberal media when they do panels like that. what is going on over there. >> they're blinded by trump derangement syndrome. the reason why their guest predicted a 2020 re-election because of events like today. today president trump kept another promise to the american people and is renegotiating nafta with or without the participants involved. this is a big win for working class americans in this country. it is something the president committed himself to. with 95% of negative media just like you just showed, he still kept his commitment to put america first and in his administration is moving forward. >> republican backers and president's supporters say you know what? we don't like all of his tweets. we don't like how he behaves and
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things he says but he is getting things done. katrina, here is harvard law professor alan dershowitz telling fox this morning, this crackdown on president trump, it may possibly dissuade other businessmen from running in the future. let's watch this i would like your reaction. >> the biggest crime you can commit in america today is associated with donald trump. if you're associated with donald trump they will manafort you, they will cohen you, they will do all of these things to you, they will look hard and they're going to search and they're going to stretch. maybe they will find something, maybe they won't. is anybody really caesar's wife, above all reproach? businessmen will be deterred from running for office because they know it will result in kind of a legal colonoscopy. they usually do it with the mafia. it is the al capone approach. if we can't get him on grounds we would really like to get him on, let's go after him on taxes, let's go after him on business. it is targeting people.
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if they can target president trump, they can target you, they can target anyone. that's the problem. liz: so that, what alan dershowitz is also saying, katrina, the southern district of new york, the prosecutors there, the new york state attorney general want to go after the trump organization. what is your take on all of that? >> well i think based upon what we see in the public that is exactly what it appears like, and alan dershowitz is right but you know it is not just businessmen. it is anyone that doesn't agree with the political establishment here. and unless you can afford to fight the government and all of their resources, it will likely dissuade but we're still waiting on the outcome. liz: one second, if the mueller probe finds that in the trump organization there are real estate deals involving shell companies, russians, that is an issue, right? >> i guess it just depends what they find. we haven't seen anything like that yet. i do believe the outcome will determine what does and does not deter those in the future. liz: that would be activities
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happened prior to the president winning the election. >> absolutely. liz: katrina pierson. great to see you. >> great to be here. liz: twitter ceo jack dorsey admits twitter bias is left-leaning, but saying twitter does not censor conservatives. coming up we have a army veteran who says wait a minute, twitter you are censoring me. he has proof. tiger woods put a reporter back on his heels when the reporter recently asked questions trying to get tiger woods to criticize president trump. hear what tiger said to the reporter, we'll debate it next up. stay right there.
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(vo) go national. go like a pro. see what i did there? >> he is the president of the united states. you have to respect the office and no matter who is in the office. you may like, dislike, personality or the politics but we all must respect offices.
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>> do you have anything more broadly about the discourse of racial issues? >> no. i just finished 72 holes. really hungry. liz: that was tiger woods responding to a reporters on sunday. asking questions about president trump. tiger woods instead urging people to respect the office of the presidency. the president responding quote, the fake news media worked hard to get tiger woods to say something he didn't want to say. tiger would not play that game. he is very smart. more importantly he is playing great golf again. take it up with the political panel. daily signals kelcy harkness and danielle mclove lynn. kelcy, while will we have next, political questions at u.s. open? >> good for tiger woods not taking the bait for the gotcha question for the reporter. reality americans dent want to politics when they turn on their sports. tiger woods was exactly right to stay out of it, keep politics
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off the golf course. at the end of the day he is right. he finished 72 holes of golf. the man needs a burger. liz: danielle, politics in tennis. espn let go jemele hill. can we have something go from politics. >> we have free speech rights. liz: people are tired of it. >> some people do. liz: 24/7 politics. wait a minute do you want 20 four seven politics? >> i live in 24/7 politics. you can turn on the tv. some people just want to watch sports. >> i appreciate it and understand it. just because you're playing sport doesn't mean you don't get to have a opinion. liz: i understand. >> you have to respect the office of president. completely agree with kelsey. liz: amazon passing on cost of powering massive data centers and warehouses to consumers.
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here is what is going on. tax payers in ohio and virginia now have to pay higher electric utilities bill to cover amazon's electric bills. amazon's stock in the green. it is up for the month. kelsey, so i mean amazon's extension cord runs into taxpayer wallets in these states? what is your take, kelsey? >> this is very concerning report from bloomberg. it did a great job. needs to be looked into further by congress. i hope both sides of the aisle can see something wrong here when we have a billion, soon to be a trillion dollar company profiting off the back of middle and low income americans. liz: here is the thing, danielle. amazon not only getting state tax breaks, but according to this report, apparently amazon negotiates with local utilities in these states to lower its tax bills. and, amazon won't reveal the rate increases for consumers. this is not good for amazon. does not look good.
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>> i totally agree with kelsey. whether state, federal, this corporate welfare takes money out of hands of every day taxpayers. into behemoth of of amazon. foxconn. wisconsin taxpayers paying $200,000 jobs for foxconn to come in. liz: we're talking about electric bills going up. >> sure, all corporate welfare. liz: that is different ballgame. >> i agree there is so much opacity is bigger problem. liz: kelsey, final word. >> i think there is a lack of transparency in regards to amazon what is actually going on in this. sounds like some sort of a scheme. they need to be open, take a lesson from what facebook learned in their lack of transparency and telling us are you creating backdoor deals making americans power bills go up? because that's a big deal. liz: kelsey, danielle, thank you so much for coming in. appreciate it. next up, twitter chief jack dorsey is admitting twitter is
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left-leaning and biases but he maintains twitter doesn't shadow ban conservatives. our next guest says, hold on a second. you, twitter, are censoring me. army veteran jim hanson says that is what is going on with him. he will speak out after the break. stick with us. ♪ls l congestion, which most pills don't. it helps block six key inflammatory substances. most pills block one. flonase sensimist. most pills block one. ♪ ♪ our new, hot, fresh breakfast will get you the readiest. (buzzer sound) holiday inn express. be the readiest.
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>> doing something according to political ideology or viewpoints. and we are not. period. we need to constantly show we are not adding our own bias which i fully admit is left, more left-leaning. liz: that's jack dorsey, ceo of twitter. he is saying yes, the company is left-leaning like a lot of companies in silicon valley. remember facebook's mark zuckerberg also said the same, that silicon valley is
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left-leaning. he did that in testimony before congress. take a check of stock in twitter. it is up almost 5%. we're bringing in conservative veteran former u.s. special forces jim hanson. what did twitter do with you? what do you say about twitter? >> well, it is not just me. they implemented what they called a quality filter that allow as liberal mob to attack conservative accounts, using some of the tools twitter built them, including these mass block lists where the liberals have gathered hundreds of thousands of conservative accounts. twitter built them a tool, with one push of a button they can block those accounts, twitter counts that as a black market against the account. they use it as heckler's veto. it affects republican politicians, their accounts are not being seen as much as their democrats opponents. at some level, twitter is call counting problems with users and
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potential government agencies is,. liz: you were shadow band, twitter and used your account, your account did not come up in a search, is that it? into many cost up at a lower level. i have a verified account. i have a certain number of follow letters. when this quality filter ban was applied to this account. number of people who see my tweets brocked by more than half. number of tweets, followed me to .1 of what it was. they're limiting amount of reach my account has. thousands of other conservatives. that is not a way to do business especially jack is saying that's not what they're doing. ceo has to tell the truth. liz: is twitter reaching out to you? do you have communication with twitter. we have a couple meetings with them. saying we didn't intend to do that we didn't build a tool that does that like he just said. the problem if that is what your tool does, if that is the actual outcome, then you're responsible to your shareholders,
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responsible to your users, responsible to fix that, stop saying you have a content neutral platform if you don't and at this point they don't. all we want is a level playing field. right now twitter is not giving us that. liz: we have this story, someone threatened nra's dana loesch with murder. here is the threat. the only way these people learn if it affects them directly. this came up in a tweet. dana loesch has to have her children murdered before they understand. i guess that needs to happen. that came up in a tweet. how is that okay to come up like that. >> that is not. at that is another example where the left-wing bias jack admitted to shows itself. when someone like that happens, dana reported that, no action was taken. if that had been a conservative threatening obama's kids i guaranty you black helicopters would have swooped them up. liz: jack, thank you for your service to our country. we'll be back. stay right there.
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6:00 pm
liz: you woapt want to miss neil cavuto's interview with jimmy carter. charles payne is here now with "making money." charles: good edge. the markets soaring after president trump announces -- he's calling the new united states-mexico agreement. but he's certainly saying he's ending nafta because u.s. was hurt very badly by that deal. president trump keeping campaign promises. one of the biggest deals he made was on trade. even by the end of this week, canada. the president says all of these negotiations are intended to help the american worker. president trump: this is something that's very special for our manufacturers and


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