tv After the Bell FOX Business September 5, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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to fund border security. democrats want to abolish i.c.e. they want to, i guess by abolishing i.c.e., they don't mind crime flooding into our country. [closing bell rings] at a level like wee never seen before, in the history of our country. republicans want to save american lives and support american law epforcement and that is what we're doing. no matter where i go law enforcement comes up to me, thank you so much, mr. president. they really mean it. i also want to make sure we pass a farm bill which is moving along nicely before the end of the month to help our freight farmers. i strongly -- great farmers. i support the common sense work requirements and food stamps in the farm bill. the farmers would like to get. right now as we speak we're negativing with canada. canada is coming along. we'll see how it all works out. we have to have a fair, i won't call it nafta. we'll be changing the name. we don't want nafta.
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nafta has been very bad for our country. but we'll have a trade bill. i will give you a surprise to the name when it is completed. it may have two, it may have three, but we'll find out pretty soon. i look forward to talking to the leaders. they have been a spectacular group of people. i want to thank all of you, mitch, paul, everybody, you have really been great. we've made a lot of progress. we will make a lot more. the country is doing on an economic basis, on financial basis, probably better than it has ever done before. the markets are up almost 50% since my election victory which is something that in history i don't think anybody would be able to say, even in much longer period they wouldn't be able to say it for the most part but a lot of great things are happening. i think probably one of the stellar achievements is jobs. unemployment is at lowest levels it has ever been. whether you look at african-american unemployment or asian unemployment or hispanic
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unemployment, it is at historic lows. never in the history of the country has been so good. women in, 65 years i always have a little fun with that one, i say 65 years is good but 65 years is not as historic as historic. so we're doing very well in just about every way. we'll let you know about canada. a lot of people are saying how are you doing with canada. we'll let you know. we should know over the next two or three days, maybe even today. but you will be the first to know of the just one other point. the amir just left from kuwait, we talked about the difficulties in the middle east. i will tell you tremendous progress has been made with respect to iran first day i got into office, everybody said iran would take over the middle east. it was just a question of when.
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now they're looking to survive and we made a lot of difference in the middle east. people are being pulled out of various areas of syria. people are being pulled out of areas of yemen because it is very tough right now for iran and when i came in the iran deal was a disaster. ending the iran deal was a great thing for humanity. but we'll see how it all works out. we still have aways to go. iran is a very much different place. we'll see what happens whether or not they want to talk. if they want to talk that's fine and if they don't want to talk that's fine. the final subject is china. we've done very well in our negotiation with china but we're not prepared to make the deal they would like to make. we'll continue to talk to china. i have great respect for president xi. he is really a very special guy but right now we just can't make that deal. in the meantime, we're taking in billions of dollars of taxes
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coming in from china and, with the potential of billions and billions of dollars more taxes coming in. i don't like to see that china's markets have dropped by close to 25% but that is what's happened over the last few months. their markets have gone down. i don't like to see that but i can tell you that the united states has, has picked up about $10 trillion in worth and china would like to be in our position. they would like to be in our position. so we'll see what is going on with respect to that but we're doing very well in our discussions with china. we're doing maybe more importantly very well with respect to china but hopefully that will all work out in the not-too-distant future. okay? thank you very much, everybody. [shouting questions] >> report you're looking to replace secretary mattis? >> he made the nicest quote about me i ever had. in fact mitch has never said
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anything so nice. [laughter]. i think steve scalise has said something just as nice but, no, he just gave me, i think because the book is total piece of fiction and, he was totally, not even misquoted. he never made the statement. he came out with a statement, that honestly, you know, i have heard over the years that general mattis is an intellect and when i read his statement i asked him whether or not this was, not only is it not true i would like to write a statement. i said, thank you very much, that is very nice. he wrote the most beautiful statement. no, i think he is terrific person. he is doing a fantastic job as secretary of defense? >> he will stay in that job? >> yes. we're very happy with him. we're having a lot of victories. we're having victories people don't even know b he is highly respected all over the world. i did appreciate the statement because he didn't have to write the statement and i appreciated the statement of john kelly. and i appreciated the statement of many others.
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every week there is a book coming out, some good, some bad. in all fairness there are good once. i like to take them on when they come out. that is a piece of fiction. [shouting questions] >> press, let's go. make your way out. let's go! >> loss of people -- >> if you look at bob woodward's track record. he had the same problem with obama. excuse me. he had the same problem with president obama. he had a tremendous problem with president bush. every time he wrote a book they were complaining about it. they were complaining about the lack of accuracy. i understand him. that is what he does. i fully understood that before. in the end, i'm very happy with the way it turned out because i think the book has been totally discredited. thank you very much, everybody. [shouting questions] >> press make your way out now. let's go.
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press, make your way out. let's go! >> if it happens, it happens? >> if it happens, it happens. if it is about border security i'm willing to do anything. we have to protect our borders f we don't protect our borders, our country will not be a border. if it is about border security i'm willing to do what has to be done. thank you very much. >> what about the people that -- david: tough job being a cameraman in a scrum like that with the president. actually it is a tougher job to be the usher, the woman trying to get people out, he keeps answering questions? melissa: right. we always say we continue to listen, because you know will say more. he did right there. he addressed the issue of bob woodward's book at length. those questions came after he talked a lot about the economy. about the deal renaming nafta, when he makes a deal with mexico. progress with canada coming in the days to come. he talked about iran as well. saying they have made tremendous
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progress there. general mattis, saying that he was staying in his job. he really toughed on everything. david: unlike washington, business people like to condense everything, rather than bloviate about things. so the president is accustomed to doing that he did i just now. we're glad we could share that with you. melissa: the dow gaining steam in the final moments of trading, ending the day up about 22 points. the s&p 500 in the red. tech taking the biggest hit. nasdaq plummeting triple digits. i'm melissa francis. welcome to the show. david: i'm david asman. this is "after the bell." glad you could join us. first let's bring in the market panel. we have jonathan hoenig, capitalist pig hedge fund, fox news contributor and jonathan petrides, wealth view as eight management. the market is riding through all the storms. how long will that continue? >> david, this is persistence by the market.
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you can't discount where the selling took place. it is big cap stocks. deal with automakers which lead the market higher in the last four or five years. seems like the more jack dorsey talked on capitol helloer tech stocks like test lark like twitter, like facebook fell the whole day. this is reason for concern despite a great showing for the dow jones today. david: it is. we'll talk more about that. but with the exception of nasdaq, a lot did have to do with jack dorsey didn't do himself much favor. the stock of twitter was way down during his talk but john, i'm wondering why the market is riding out the storm with at least other problems? the problems going on with washington and problem with the trade talks, et cetera? >> i think two things. one is tax reform or tax cuts 2.0. that is a good thing for the consumer. david: good point. >> non-tech indices rallied hard. there is sort of talk if the economy slows down, because the global economy is slowing maybe
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that keeps the fed on hold. that pushing stocks higher. david: jonathan, nasdaq, itself, is this a temporary down slide? it climbed up so much. it ended the day at just about 8,000 at that point. is it ready for another leg up or will it continue to go down? >> there are no tops in a bull market is an old saying, david. this nasdaq has overcome everything, election fears, trade fears, fears about more tariffs. what worries me, however, the rapidity, how quickly this gain has come but how narrow it has come. we talked about apple, amazon, two trillion dollar companies. half of amazon's gain has come in just the last year. i'm bullish on the market but i'm fearful the nasdaq is very vulnerable, given how far and fast it has come. melissa: stick around, guys. for today's biggest movers, we go to nicole petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange. nicole, talk to me about that trade. >> we had the back and forth
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action. the dow, as you can see, melissa, finished the green. nasdaq is down 1.1%. social media stocks, we were talking about it. this happens as you have the leaders in social media companies talking to congress. there is worry what is regulation will come. that group certainly weighed on nasdaq. we saw and micron, paypal all weighing on the nasdaq. this particular index really got hit hard. the dow managed to the finish the green. s&p was virtually flat. it was down a quarter of 1%. we had a couple of movers in the health industry. aetna, in fact new all-time high. express scripts turned positive this afternoon on this news and that was, new high as well. so these, the department of justice is nearing approval of these mergers. in fact, so we did have these stocks, this is cvs aetna and cigna express scripts. we'll watch for any news in the next few weeks. we'll watch for that. morgan stanley put out a note positive on apple saying they're
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spending over a billion dollars on content. this will take on netflix. netflix had a big drop, down 6%. apple finished to the downside. they also put 245-dollar price target on apple. last but not least, you might like this, harley-davidson, electric vehicles, electric motorcycles to be precise. they will put out some in 2019. more in 2020. the kids will have it easy. they are hiring in silicon valley to make this happen. melissa: nicole, thank you. david: we have breaking news. an unusual positive about it "new york times." blake burman is at the white house. we heard sort of illusions to this by what the president was saying but go ahead, blake. reporter: this one popped within the last few minutes, david. this is an op set posted in "the new york times." the big question right now is, who is this from? who exactly wrote its, because "the new york times" says that they posted this from anonymous person who identified him or
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herself as a senior administration official. and the headline, from this op ed is quote, i am part of the resistance inside of the trump administration. now, the basis, really the op-ed boils down essentially to it senior administration official saying there are folks at that level, at the senior level, within, within the trump administration who are concerned about this president and are concerned about the direction of it presidency. quoting at one point from this op-ed from anonymous senior administration official in the "new york times" of president trump, quote, the dilemma which he, meaning the president does not fully grasp is that many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations. this person also goes on to claim, quote, given the instability many witnessed, there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th amendment which would start a complex process for
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removing the president but no one wanted to precipitate a constitutional crisis. so we will do what we can to steer the administration in the right direction until one way or another, it is over. david, i do want to point out, this is posted as i mentioned as someone who claims to be, at least through the "times" is senior administration official. we don't know, a, who this person is, but also, b, if this is a person who works within this building here, or is an administration official somewhere within washington. could be say, a senior administration official at the department of interior, department of commerce, treasury department, you name it. they're spread all over washington. either way it's a story that is not a great headline for this president and for this white house at this hour, as someone at the very high levels within this administration says not only do they have concerns but others do as well, and they
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are trying to essentially thwart this presidency or at least get it back on track as they see it. david: again we have to emphasize, can't emphasize enough, the "times" was honest about it, this is anonymous source. we have no idea hoyt is until they make themselves known. reporter: no clue. david: we don't know how high they go. reporter: david, at one point in in op-ed, this anonymous senior administration official says, quotes, another person who terp talking to recently, so would think maybe someone here in washington says, i said that the other day, or i said that the other day, maybe they could connect the dots here and sort of figure out who this is, but until then we don't know. david: if it is real. we know that the president is going to doubt the reality of this entire op-ed. blake, thank you very much. here to discuss more with us is fred barnes, he is "weekly standard" executive editor and fox news contributor. let me just read to you one little quote from this we already heard a little from
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blake. >> okay. david: the concern is not what mr. trump has done to the presidency but rather what we as a nation allowed him to do to us. we have sunk low with him and allowed our discourse to be stripped of civility. now that, that could be john mccain or jeff flake. i mean it sounds like a lot of what we have heard from republican never-trumpers, the republican critics of trump. we know that because the administration consists of hundreds of people, there are undoubtedly are some in there who are just sort of the people who could do the job, because they're not there they like mr. trump. they are are there because they can do the job for mr. trump. with are your thoughts about all this? >> look, i think that sounds credible. i think there are people like that that are actually senior administration officials and they can be bureaucrats. they have pretty high-ranking, some of the ones that have been exposed in the investigation of the fbi and justice department
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and in their efforts to investigate the trump campaign. they can be there. and they are there. they have been largely unsuccessful. i mean you have had this tremendous tax cut. you have had all the judges confirmed. one on the supreme court. one about to be on the supreme court. you have all this deregulation. so a lot has happened but there are certainly are people, whether this is legitimate or not, the thing in the "new york times," there are people there who do want to undermined the trump administration. they blame him for everything. and, he deserves the blame for some things including the dialogue in the country but, boy, democrats are chipped in, have jumped in on that. just watch the cavanagh hearings, you see that -- kavanaugh. david: as a lifetime journalist inside the beltway you know how various people are described. when someone is described as a senior official in the trump
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administration, presumably, "the new york times" did a little investigation, at least to see whether that is true, but how many people might that describe? >> oh, hundreds, hundreds. could be, described that way. and others can lie about it. so, look, why are people and not just conservatives up in arms about the so-called administrative state? that's the bureaucrats, all these agencies. it is crawling with them. a lot have been there a long time. they have gotten promotions. their pay is pretty good. their retirement is good. people who work in jobs outside of there, who don't get off at 5:00, don't get great pensions, resent them. that is not why they're a problem. they're a problem that was actually, those who watched the kavanaugh hearings should have listened to senator sasse of nebraska, where he said look, the reason they have so much power is because we let them have power. congress passes laws, says you
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fill in the blanks and they are big blanks. david: finally this op-ed comes at same time as the book by bob woodward the president was editorializing himself saying it was totally fiction. like a lot of bob woodward's books, it relies almost entirely on anonymous sources. again, i mean, you know, he has got a track record. it is to the all bad, it is not all good but he has a track record but still the idea of sourcing, totally, almost exclusively on anonymous sources, one would think has reached the point, the breaking point in journalism, has it not? >> well, i guess it has with me too. i've done some of that. i haven't written any books that way. david: i used to -- i used to edit a column at "wall street journal." i demanded all the writers have at least 75% of what they said on the record quotes, that could only use one quarter of your
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quotes as non-sourced quotes. i think some kind of standard maybe, to have an article entirely by an unnamed source, just, as journalism doesn't seem right. >> well, it doesn't seem right and it doesn't work. one of the things when you have a quote attributed to somebody by name, people tend to believe it. when you have some quote attributed to senior white house official, people roll their eyes. david: fred barnes, "weekly standard." good to see you. thank you for changing subjects with the breaking news. melissa. melissa: here is one of the quotes in there. americans should know there are adults in the room. we fully recognize what is happening, we're trying to do what is right even when donald trump won't. this is the idea, taking over, when something good happens because of the resistance behind the scenes so that president trump can't take credit for it. it is the people in the room who are doing the right thing behind the scenes in spite of him. that is the narrative that is coming in from never-trumpers i think on the right seems like.
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david: the suggestion that this is a senior official of cabinet level i think, we can be pretty safe to dismiss that suggestion, which has been made in certain quarters, that this might be mattis or somebody at the highest level of the white house. we'll wait to see how this works out. again the president no doubt will take aim at "the new york times" coming up. melissa: when do you let an op ed without a name attached to it? david: i have never seen it done at all. melissa: whirlwind of events at white house. president meeting with leaders discussing a host of issues, to avoid a looming government shut down. he will meet with sheriffs from around the country. we'll take you there live. david: chaos from the kavanaugh hearings continues and interruptions from protesters and heated exchanges. failed attempt by democrat chuck schumer to stop the hearing all together. we'll explain that. melissa: house republicans are demanding answers from twitter ceo jack dorsey what they're
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so you wake up ready to put your pedal to the metal. it's the final days where all beds are on sale. the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is now only $899. plus, 24-month financing on all beds. ends sunday. sleep number proven quality sleep melissa: tech executives grilled on capitol hill, social media stocks taking a hit as jack dorsey and sheryl sandberg faced tough quote by lawmakers about political bias and their companies failure to stop election meddling. fox business's adam shapiro is live on capitol hill with the latest. adam. reporter: there were two hearings. the first this morning was centered on more intelligence issues as the intelligence committee in the senate pointed out, the russians are still trying to influence the midterm elections using fake bots and social accounts on facebook and
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twitter. those two platforms as well as others say they have ramped up efforts to stop that kind of duplicitous activity. here is what ceo from facebook, sheryl sandberg, said about efforts to stop them. >> the threat we face is not new. america has always confronted attacks from determined, belle funded opponents -- well-funded opponents who want to undermine our democracy. what is new, is the tactics they are using. to stay ahead we all need to work together. everyone here today knows this is an arms race. reporter: now, also at that hearing was jack dorsey. doors is is here from twitter at a hearing with the hearing with the house energy committee where he is being asked questions specifically whether twitter uses its platform to censor conservative political opinion but democrats on the committee are saying this is a kinard a big show for nothing. take a listen to an exchange between one congressman and
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mr. dorsey. >> just for the record, since you've been singled out as a social media platform before this committee, twitter undertook no behavior to selectively censor conservative republicans or conservative voices on your platform, is that correct? >> correct. >> good. so let the record reflect that. that is the whole reason supposedly we're here, because house leader kevin mccarthy wrote our chairman a letter and said, hey, this is going on and we think your committee should investigate it and it's a load of crap. reporter: just a quick correction. i referred to sheryl sandberg as ceo, co off, chief operating officer at facebook. back to you. melissa: adam, thank you, we'll have more with the power panel coming up in a bit. david: taking extra precautions, expanding across the globe. uber rolling out the very latest on its plan for an ipo. fox business exclusive interview with uber's ceo coming next. >> lifting ourselves and are
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david: ride-sharing company, ubers now in more than 400 cities in the world upending transportation all over the globe. susan li spoke to uber's ceo exclusively after the one-year anniversary of his tenure. susan, good get. >> they're introducing safety measures in new york city midtown manhattan event after a string of incidents involving passengers and riders. at the want to make sure you get to point a and point b safely for both riders and passengers. interesting new safety measures, between ride check-ins, taking longer than expected, you stopped off somewhere, they will make sure you're okay. as you mentioned, david, this is one year since commoditying in.
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we asked him about being a new ceo. >> we have stated new cultural norms, celebrating differences, making bold bets. we're begin this journey. we're one year in. we want everyone at the company to be singing off the same tune. i think we're far ahead of where we were but the work is never done. >> never done, that's right. especially a year after stepping into the big roll. 2019, they're still sticking to their time line of april. >> i think investors line up behind us lyft? >> you are guarantying a 2019
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ipo. >> you can't guarranty anything. >> lyft trying to plan an ipo in march of 2019. maybe get ahead of uber. uber is looking to back half of 2019. whoever goes first, they may pick up a lot of ipo cash on the sideline. david: catch more of susan's exclusive interview in an hour on "the evening edit" on fox business. melissa: president trump's non-stop afternoon. the president is about to sit down with sheriffs from across the country. just moments ago, the president wrapped up an meeting with top republican lawmakers. all the breaking headlines that you need to know next. well, with your finances that is. we had nothing to do with that tie. voya. helping you to and through retirement.
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melissa: sparks keep flying. day two of judge brett kavanaugh's confirmation hearing way as the he faces grilling from senators on both sides of the aisle. president trump weighing in, saying democrats are quote, grassping at straws because kavanaugh is a good nominee. edward lawrence is live on capitol hill port more protests and disruptions. they are yelling about the possible decision judge brett kavanaugh could make with roe vs. wade or would he be a puppet for donald trump if the president got into legal trouble. kavanaugh told the committee he respects the precedent of the law that has already been set.
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>> my personal beliefs are not relevant how i decide cases. the role to insure preps dense in the stability of the law which is critically important. it is also to insure predictability of the law. people who order their affairs around judicial decisions need to know that the law is predictable. reporter: kavanaugh was asked about the time working for george w. bush in the white house. specifically whether he knew about the enhanced interrogation techniques that was developed under the bush white house while he was working there. he said he was not read into that program. that democrats wanted to know if kavanaugh would be the deciding vote to overturn roe vs. wade. >> as a judge, it is important precedent of the supreme court. i understand the significant e significance of the jurisprudence of issue. i always understand, i try to hear of the real world effects?
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>> with all the heavy questioning there were light moments both for republicans and democrats. also kavanaugh's wife. >> good dad. good judge. >> good husband. >> i think he is getting it. >> good husband. [laughter] >> you have to have a case, you just can't, what are you doing for lunch? let's overrule roe v. wade. it doesn't work that way. >> i didn't mean to hit a sensitive area. between 2001, i'm new here. >> and senator patrick leahy has been on this committee and been through 19 nominations for supreme court justice. he has been in the senate for 44 years. but, senator chuck grassley, you can see the delays, and interruptions have been gotten to. melissa: edward, thank you.
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david: we'll hear again from president trump right after he stops his meeting with, about 40 or 50 sheriffs from around the country. you can see some of them arrayed there. the president is meeting with them to talk about local security issues. he will hopefully say something to the press right after that is over. jeff bezos is feeling the burn inside bernie sanders's latest attack against amazon, coming up. ♪ it helps block six key inflammatory substances. most pills block one. flonase sensimist.
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melissa: senator bernie sanders taking aim at amazon and jeff bezos with a new bill taxing big companies. the vermont socialist says are exporting federal benefits, are extorting federal benefits from employees. hillary vaughn at the l.a. bureau with details on this one. hillary? reporter: just as jeff bezos
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become as megadonor heading into the midterm election, with a bipartisan super-pac, bernie sanders names a bill after bezos, targeting the amazon founder, the world's richest man over low pay for employees. the stop bezos bill stands for the stop bad employers by zeroing out subsidies act. if passed the legislation would tax companies with 500 workers or more, the amount their low-wage workers receive in federal benefits. the goal to stop taxpayers from making up the difference according to senator sanders. jeff bezos recently getting into the business of politics. he gave $10 million to a super-pac that helps veterans get elected. the political organization, called the honor fund is only a year old and backs both democrat and republican vets running for house seats. the goal is for a coalition of house members they say are willing to work across the aisle. right now the honor fund is backing 19 democrats, 14
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republicans. they don't scream for political positions but asks veterans to agree to a three-point pledge. meet with someone from another party once a month and sponsor legislation with opposing party member once a year. they try to clean up political campaigns to get congress to fight back against dirty ads. part of the pledge to reject, try to remove any campaign ads that attack the character of their opponents or lie about their opponents as well. melissa: wow, interesting stuff, hillary. thank you. jeff bezos, he is getting hit from both sides though. david: indeed from donald trump and bernie sanders. not much light between the two. melissa: no. david: by the way we are awaiting the president. he will hopefully saying something about the op-ed in the "new york times." melissa: i bet he will. david: anonymous op ed supposedly written by a senior official from the trump administration very critical of donald trump. melissa: yeah, talking about the
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resistance within the administration, saying quote, they are the adults in the room. interesting stuff. david: we'll hear more about that coming up. big tech under the microscope. top executives from facebook and twitter making their case on capitol hill, trying to convince lawmakers that their social media platforms are not politically biased. is it enough? or will the government ultimately step in. to rent a movie?
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house lawmakers over claims that social media company is biased against conservatives just hours after the senate intel committee drilled him and facebook's sheryl sandberg on foreign election meddling. here is lance ulanoff, tech expert and dan gainor, media research center vice president. good to see you both. dan, dorsey says he doesn't discriminate against viewpoints. do you have any evidence that he is wrong? >> of course we have evidence that he is wrong. we have examples of advertising discrimination. just ask live action people. leila rose tweeting out during the hearing, they have not been allowed to advertise. we've seen twitter, this whole idea of algorithms, if you take this out of this debate here, you would find every liberal, every major tech publication, algorithms can be biased. why is it so difficult when you hear countless examples of conservatives complaining they're being discriminated against on the accounts.
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candace owens retweets identical verse sarah jeong dues, she gets suspended briefly. we know this is happening. he says it is not, lance, another place where algorithms are used, political used with google but google wasn't at that meeting. why not? >> yeah, well they didn't want to send their top person. they basically wanted to send a lieutenant and, that was rejected. so google made the choice, which probably wasn't a great idea, not showing up, because the best way to defend yourself, against misinformation is to offer the information in person. and sandberg, sheryl sandberg and jack dorsey spent hours if front of the senate committee and then jack is right now still in front of the house committee. they're doing a great job just explaining. by the way i wouldn't discount algorithms. your other guest makes it sound al gore rifles, a little bit of salt you put in there. no the algorithm is deeply programmed thing and jack talked about peer review and internal
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peer review on biases. it is honestly that is just not how twitter works. it is kind of complicated. >> wait a second. david: hold on, dan, on the other hand al gore rifles a lot of people who -- algorithms, people use google for research notice there have been changes in the algorithms. google admitted it, more so than the other two, that in fact when they do now is place the mainstream media publications first, maybe not the best or most relevant to the search request, but it is a preference for mainstream media to come first. >> it's a preference for, it is a preference for actual news. so the thing is -- david: again, that is question how you define news these days. >> think about what you're saying because if you think about when they're trying to prioritize just somebody i saw something happening on the street, as opposed to fox news saying this happened, you want to prioritize fox news because fox is a news agency.
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so there is a reason -- >> that would be wonderful if the recent study. that would really be wonderful if the recent study were actually talking about reference fox news. in fact fox, links to fox appeared almost not at all in this study. this wasn't a conservative study. this was done by researchers came up with the top five links that were consistently -- david: wait, wait. one at a time. one at a time. let dan finish. you go ahead, lance. >> top five that appeared repeatedly in this study, 49% of the links, the top five were all liberal outlets. cnn, "politico," huff post, "new york times" and "washington post." he remainder of the top 14 were also -- >> what about that, dan? a lot of the publications that are mainstream happen to have a liberal tint? >> i mean, look i'm not going to get into how these news organization slant or don't slant the news but you have to understand that twitter is a lot
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of programing and what, everybody sees something slightly different. your twitter feed doesn't look the same as someone else's twitter feed. doesn't look the same as mine. all of those signals come into it are one of the reasons that sometimes you will see different views of the same news story because you maybe prioritized. when you see at the top of twitter, you know, you see it like a feed, maybe i see the mets at the top. why? i'm a mets fan. other people don't see that. r there any mets fans out there? david: there are. >> you have to understand, you have to understand that it is more complicated than that. it is not a bunch of editors, human editors -- david: at same time, programing originates with individuals and individuals do have personal preferences and it's hard to keep them out, those preferences, entirely, right, dan? >> people are policy. jack dorsey, mark zuckerberg, both admitted that their staffs are very liberal. we're supposed to accept that
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this black box algorithm that is based on, you know, jack dorsey is now talking about healthy conversation, shared facts all sorts of things we have to guess what they mean. david: we have a whole lot of fact this is hour. because of that i'm going to have to cut it short. we didn't even talk about when there will be any kind of regulation which scares the heck out of me, regulating speech but we're going to have you both back to talk about that i hope. thank you very of. good to see you both. melissa: seems like there is a market opening there, to solve that problem? david: i'll say. melissa: president trump set to meet with sheriffs across the country any moment from the white house. you bet reporters ask him about the anonymous op-ed in "the new york times" written by a senior administration official. the latest details on that next. the fact is, there are over ninety-six
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hundred roads named "park" in the u.s. it's america's most popular street name. but allstate agents know that's where the similarity stops. if you're on park street in reno, nevada, the high winds of the washoe zephyr could damage your siding. and that's very different than living on park ave in sheboygan, wisconsin, where ice dams could cause water damage. but no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local allstate agents knows yours. now that you know the truth, are you in good hands? melissa: president trump said to speak at any moment, he is expected to get asked about stunning breaking news, new york
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time publishing an op-ed by an anonymous person said they are senior white house official that slams the president's white house as a two-track presidency. i am part of the resistance inside of trump administration. author wrote allege the actions by white house officials are not popular resistance of the left, but says, they are quote the adults in the room, when there are good things that happen within the administration it a result of them trying to keep things on track that happen quote, inspite of the president. david: we have gone from stars stories to articles written by anonymous authors, so far afield of what journalism should be. even for an editorial page. melissa: you take an opinion,
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you are supposed to own the opinion, that people can judge who you are putting that forward and what your agenda might be. if you don't know what it is, you don't know what their agenda might be. david: the "evening edit" starts right now. liz: staying on breaking news. rare news by "new york times" to publish an op-ed by a yet senior official -- a quote, senior official in the white house. people choosing to put country first. and they have discussed invoking 25 amendment to remove the president, we have reaction from kayleigh mcenany from the rnc coming up. we're awaiting the president from a meeting. big tech taken to the wood shed on capitol hill. justice department now looking into claims
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