tv The Evening Edit FOX Business September 6, 2018 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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ivanka trump is 12: jare iisted bnn and laaosble writers,. lia:uc wishful thinking. th"evening edit" starts n. thi stuff i junk. >>omeone inhe white hou who is very aaiha our naons bng damed o a il basis >> theachawhe hse is functiong, the facsha 'r aut toet ourecd preou justice. >> one pso in itouse feels its necessary tlo thehile >> if yo a notn a pition, yoha a simar optn - similaptn, thats t leave. >>he economy isrowing i um iso incompetent, hows all ts stu hpeng liz:bo quiet resisnc within administration, not hittinwa street. we heisf tse way,
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th d n wte i and ba how i wl bacire. and iwi not helpemra in dterms. to coory booker, h tried to anta abrtavau hearing that too bkfired. oker knew last night, that cunt he disclosed were ayed forelseas nht. h gndanng for 20 white house r. and wllho y docen heisclos, they dot ou t much. >>nd also debatn nort korealaintushinghead onenin nfl sson kkiff wh ne ad. starringaernk. how tt bkfedoo and whateplins areot doing t help tm w the mierms, what they are doing ic wlacir onhem, thankou f joinings and tching mey pits,e haveheebe, a elizath
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cdonald, tvening et star rht now. >>it all going onn dc, "w york tim" op-ed,avau args, the dow up sghy. septembe 8 dictate what happens for the year. hioral i steers u thre o tear i up, whe nasdaq fellor metho day -- fo thi day, we saw amazon,pp sharesetting hit. an man tmpighting back ha"n ykimes" oed wrer. to wrir of thatp-ed, you a sabotaging t coury whour waly actio, unoffered sources are majority of vces arbout in today's ns, peopleith no names aring rnying -ur nios
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sty,or a impta, cusations is ld toevere consequences, they he reonbl to publicly snd b their words, people have rht to bebl toefdheels. is size a list oenr it housefficia denying they wresontinues to growt congressman. ishe firstai lady rht >> of course shesig. typical charact asssinati, dirclin t 25 ameme argument that mrids o otr sef aisle madbo mohs ago. u know i shows,hoer, if annectll wte this and wasot a fricate pce. someo reallyro ts, th he se g complexf highest lels of doj a fbi wh a going to prottsro
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donald trump, thats tt god mpx atoes n seem t work. z:eas n kwn on "new rkim,"he ud word confirmed. anng does it p n yk time bra ais o tabloid fe? be supposedoelve whatev theyut out? n theyreik oth per market stand nsper at-this-int. i thi tyre not trust worth any me. atshy people a fei nepapers. its because they d tngs li ts,nd enhoht wa an op-ed the i n basis for it, nay anyone can cck or rpond thi i is li
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proving a negativ wh tt happeour credibity goes down. i thinkhaority of "new rkim" taken aur f rse. li to b reveal,he b g gp gotcha cory boor made it seem li he waselsed secreap brett kavau e-mailshe w inting itikeid i i fiancef satul. >> i'moi t reas eail about racl pfing i understandha palty ces with potti o oin fromusngf t na, am reasingt to expose number o the-mails ar bng whheld from the public. veotng to to with niol cuty.
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nning for psint io cu f violati theules of sainna o cfidencialitity that we'rrivy t iope tha senator willecsir h desi, serv senoreserves to sit ohi cmittee,n m view i tyeceo behe law on t theelves. liz: look atame b pridt bush record representi. clear the dumts las nigh aerenoroor stf asked, we were surprise ea aut senat booker's hiorons we already td him he cou uhe documents puic. we have said yeso every reesade. so, senator bkerne they we clearhe mee impede
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s breaking senatules, the e-ils are notondeial, is he justutng o a show to be electd >> aolel inwool for hi t say,'m running emdo rk of being ouste fr this bod hy mkel. i ting toamign. and have you peoe to lefay he is ararude b wt heeay i iranro- pro vy te or. and en dumts i don'tee at the big sry was. li sy on this treritics say thatoor andemocrats yio bkudge kanaugh this racial profing dat kavanaughro,hite house officis aboutroam
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protecti again terror, a nt bor 91 sayg,eople who for some usef race o naonal ogi doot nd to ape withntimueion, buthe people such a ynd i whav ecte security measures that a racneutral ne t gpp andrale now. whatoo beforeully efctive race-neutralysms developed and implement. d't knohy bke d is. ofing was going on tt ti,vehe democratser saying that pfingor teorts. >> absolutely,t tells me, yb he can't cpren wha said, judgeavau said,
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ok we want to geto re nera technues,nd ppti race neutritnd ey are trying t fpt o s hd. iss kd oad cad -- view that shds yr intri. saying d w really' tgoo go run for president >> todayarked most iornt mont in presidentru's tradiste wh china. cod involve u.s.lain taffn all goodsoming to u.,here doest end? >> biehahina wil ve t blink fst pell wre we will get t sooner ratherha ler is san agemt, i belie sn has alroblem, tyan feed
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ei o peoe,he can't colenohoyanso feed thei people, theav to come ba t the tle ihi they willee cin back, and ihi w should let emome back a resolve i li w have story o nth re cinupboeeking t denuke. this suaon affects nth korea, conessman come bk on. >> thank you. li t bins hdles poal workers pushi t - siti aack oomnsatio and benefits f wke,nd i twitter announcgtsecio to b conservativ rados alex jes ty have been quicked offwier th aer ceouc twitter testified yteay about conserti csohiha caused ttter shares toal
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conservavetonolike i eier cbs board i negotiation fhe o mnv t leave he m wk o wh 100 million ineveran. anheing the markets nicole petallides onhe forf the se with les rert: stockedinhe m. do wh a gn o1, s&p a nasdaq down, nasdaqownlmost 1ercenteoi. social miatocks gettingit hard, twitter down2.5% f t ek facebk. and how about chipmakers? talkedboicn, lowering the pricearget. with wk forecast. qck pk a teslaha
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ueezedut a site gain. -- sght gn, it manag t ha a smallin today. back t you. li cin up nike contveial colinaepernick dutonhtt nicff opener. >> nthorn leader m jo-un said h doesn to declearizeyndf president trump's fiterm. >> andirst mor protestor res, on dhr of vaugeang ned rn hes fedp a adto go, stayhe. it ey tnkhaall
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t while some push high coisonnvtment odts,fier investm. some advisers have hidden d yed fees. fish iesen neroes. d whfromou whether youoay en s d yedwe onot, fisher investments fee e ruur d whfroso we do betteroay en s d whenouo tt. ybthat's whyos of our clits come free e ruur d whfother money narsroafishers d whenouo tt. clrlbetter money management. d wthen y mhtave aarsroafishers dcondion calledryou.? biotène is clinal pve soothanmoturize a dry moh. pl, fshens breath.e a dry moh. otne immediate and lo lti y mouth sytorelief. the ti'sarst ni-linreferral servi.
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for the past five years, i've spoken withuned ofamies for and visiteseor-care, communitiearndheoury d i've goto ll you,d ofamies e bett tn ev. these ys there are amazing enie likexerci rmsd imngoo, puicaf, rsanbiros, d bo us your oions like the aiss ala f m. thesarlol,xpert virs that will partner with you to find the perft ac thesarloandermethrit vel of car that will partner with you full-timeemy re senioriving svebe bette, toca today.tdve. ple r m thright choi. getheree comcast business built the ti' largest gig-speed neor then went bend
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protesrs after wchg thi wi kal hri a cy boer theyoo arour i thinkhe thought t were gog tto audio. th lts having aelow i dawn o themitonfirmation of kavanaugh,hey wl le ei forite vicle, the supremeou b whichhe hav grn the adminisativeta an don anndrodhe l the leslativprocess. liz: tres n indicatione wodvertur gayarage,e witrt toonitio somethin hpe wn y put onhatlack re for le, y adrenhe cstutn. reblan senatorai tt ngresss tola, w he
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notee ptesik this. said cgrs punted l mangork to supremeou, an cntee scotu a pe legislato >> rean these heangs d't wo,otecausef na trump, not because ofnyin in last 20 mon,he nfmaoneang have not rk for 31 yrsn ari, thysri is fro facte have a funmental misunderstandi o t re of eupme cou in amerin life. judgeavanaughoe n hat me and cldren, he dsot luftft dirty waternd stingy a. no, oking at h recd it seemso me, h dlis are giat tt are too lazynd too rk aversion --verse do our actualob >> yr tak >>he point ianoak
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z, tnk wh seone like kavanaughutnhe supme ur y wlee a return to constitutional oer, i which the lle bnches do what eyre supseto d legislaterah actuall gislating and supremeou t leglang this has bom aup legiate bnch, which fode ner intended. , ey wldik more orinis, heo say out rov. we,m deeply pro le, i amnder n aowing at the supreme court would overturn an iue le tt. tnk they would wtor next gnmination, if you think tss craz wait until rh de gibu pse away o steps do, this tmp ps in amy gaet ttshen they wld ket up. z: it willeor drama i dc, to storyf anomo "w
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rk times"p-. seor officlel tt tre ar dozens me likim wit edmisation,ed your taken this you areoncerned aboutnonymous uleed gornnt officials. weav toeptnew york times" say iad to conrm who thendividual of the, i pes that they did n kw, it was ne a recognizable indivialo tm,hasur ad of tt. >> have to tellou smel behavior b"nork times," they decided to dro all pretendsnd be opposition part tsshameful too an si oed. anyus oedi he to tellouimot aually convinced it is someo iwhite house,he are a lot of oba hold oer that aret senio leve ion trusthe "ne york tim"o tell mho ts rson is,here actuay in white hse.
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th tnk they kwetr than pele like me who ved f dold trumpheno betr enilon who p dald umin thehi hse we p him there for aeasons, throu thonitutiolross he is duly ect psidentf itedtas, tsern is a se iulnt cowd, my inia rcted is tss trees analystonnist- treasonnist, thii deicable i will say, i highligs point at l oeople nee to undersnd, evy tim republandmistrationom in peoehod ueran a ofarious political aoiee at vario department aren daily knife fhtith rmen federovernment plees who are oo last eeplin administration, th d't kw toee ste mmish or gerenron apar this probay ef most
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reous exale of this, but reminding pplf dayn every departmentn rublica administraon,ederal gornntmpye fiin fightoo an nai >> tnkou, ned ryan. >>ha you. li all rhtie act bt reynds pasd awayells fox wse died fromarac re, burt wasno f starrinitilike smoky and tant and theonst yard, burt reylds,ea at 82. cks. we protected youmoney thenndweeg ott it today. like alerting you toerinrdctiy
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it aeway at llfargo. but it's a l like r rs da is is frank. sup! th is frank's favorite recor is is frank's g. d iss frank's reco shop.ecor franknnsortherso, but w s ua limid liabilit. d iss frank's reco shop.ecor at's that mean nosouc soe rn to his friend at lalzoom nosouc p!hehooked me . helpewi h llc, contracts,nd some other stuf nosouc at part of rning p!heha business. helpewi h llc, fnk can focus on thbeat.tuf yohear that? helpewi h llc, and th is whe fe mes ga fnthis is frans co sp.t.tuf
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says that continueo work on kpi nth kea mmte t igreement. pridtesndingayg, kim jo-u onoh kea, proclaims unwaverinaith i pridt trumpthkou chairmanim wllet it dongt. togeer. l'sake it u whormer s.rm sciors jim hans. declriti is it goingo pp. >> we don kw but fact tt kim jonunsayg i out lo i significa,ll pple ying nth will ner aee to ir neverake any sps, they have takenromubanve eps, things got a lite b offra, presenru pulled a trip. adhrts to chinese, a
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toh stance, have lea t,av lea tt 'rlookinor z: he wants t be an econoc owlayer, nor kea arhe going to connu t hi weaponry under gund. >> they can het,t isot that big a place, we wch ery ua inch of ttoury thereoayhe wil build ytngr henyin to werpoi about them t powerpoint about being a pyer, th movie styleraer that presiden truhod kim in singapor had aot of gleaming skyscrer a tin that mit lk pretty gd, if you want t b anctualeader, brg tha t it,ather than the other option thats toha misle to turn you to smoking rubble ttooks pretty
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good. liz:e a stang on "new yk tis" oed storyi a afrai the vwere getting sic o b wre syingn ithis isha is goingn. clmso be aartf inside. jim, howoe tt aec t s.tainn t world wn peop in wldee a op- li that. >> tnk everyone ithor knows that "nework times tto should be allheew the resistance wants uso prt. nobody belve tha n yk neork times isteintell- tellin tthbo tmp. enear in worldavo de wh tru aintrion they dealitou psol p,ndohn bolton, a me pompeo, aats. unoookingig down t barrel ofveryons gs at th, er i no sck in trp mistti. mot worri aut that.
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liz: bk to north korea. china tariffs kickin tay chinaarfsow does tt nnection tnohor story. >> cnas oy thingha epnorth koreaflt. putting pressuren tmak it impossieorim t think ey are bl him o the chese are mh ls liky t veim thesce hatch he nes, and leaim toay things lik yh i guess iill t rid o my nukes. liz: jim thank you. tnk y. z: senator lindseyraham said atneyo times" op-ed amounttootng calling it a bunch of nonns aik jt do it ad with kaepernick,parking protests d burnings of ne products. i to aironhturg n ener,e take it uex and
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metastat breast caers lele, t'm le t. mbdoesn'ta a dayof a nth will ani eamy mbc wit w everyday verzeni e ly one of its ndthat can be t. fact,erzenio is cd & iibitor r stnopaus wen thr+her2- mbc, approve with hmol erapy, as everyday treaen r rentss disse veenio + an is proven to help women ha significalyore time without disee ogressn, anmo tn halff mesaw their tumors shrink vs an ai dirh icoon, y be sever anmacae hyation or infection. fo tinveenio, llour door if you ve ve cll or other signs of infecti. rzioay cause low white blood ce cnt whicmacae ris infeion that can leatoea. rious liver prle c our syto may include tiredss, loss of apti, stomh in
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and bleedingr uing moreasy an normal. blood clots th can lead dthave al occurred. talk to youroctor right aw if you note pain or swelling in your ar or legs, shortness of breh,he pn ridreathing or heart rate. tell your doctorf you are egnt, brstfeeding, pn to becompregna. comm se fes cle us, infections, w d and itbld cells and platels, decreaseapti, adhe abminal in, tiredns, vomiting, anhathinni olo. 'm relentless. anmyoctor d i choose treaty c thernio. reness. k your doctor abou everyd vzeo.
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season openern n. >> president tmp weiin in kefl nike gtiilled with angerndoytts, i woerf ne had a idea it ul be ts way. as farsfli ndtar to wah. alysil uil they standor e flag. eckingflatg dn 8%n 2016. 9% in01 blamedn thingsikncrease internet streaming lk of rqeatp, and ahem otest,ew nikdhows athlesveomg all sorts of physicalhallenge, so ds kaerckrence distraction fm that? to weighn, few spos rertth i t thi, goodig orsdowed by cammer nk. i --aernk. >> i watched it, i was digng it for untilbo theinal 1
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second when he srt toalk, i fnd myselfonri, hid ty ju seorn this activist former athle,ntye a commeral he rds about hletesveomingnforle od to aie athleti greatns, don't know where kaerck fit into itlso thought itas rip off of pl commercial 20 yrsgo ll the czy ones. liz:e have eaglesndalcons, an kneer >> ty both have playe that kneel. t am loong forward t pogaomnts theyil tell reporters comeve le tell you why iook a knee tig and what d this weo help tord t cause, ie nt t
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toelvet i sincere weee o hear it. liz: fdingndnfctiontion inwa ys,aying that ne do n ce aboutigshe careboelng ses >> i d'thi ty ce about llg rhts, they -- i think theyar aboutelling shoes. an ii am a sreld, i n' carebo anythg, this bins disn, anyone sangha nike cares abo civil rights, youan arg th, as ahahoer le e move. li h ss that millennl like ahe protest, andhi is bigrohart forik they don'tar >> weanuess speakoha isoi o iunitedtas, t kw best,he say ts addargeted t 117eaol we know kemographic a
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dilwsooking at5 to 54, male sehat i numberne spendiemou giving u everytngor 1 t 17-year-olds, the sacrifice line, that i sacrifice,s everhing. at greatine, i justhi it isyhero guy it es no cnectio z:oueel theyho hni cinaepernk. y. liz: he dsot fit, tse her people he rll riske a lot >>riffin whne hand h stts for seahawks, all stories the com ce for -- cmercial are faasc. liz: authatas he saifed >>o is not i nfl, becausee is not good enougho in the l. hes a quarterback an,ho offense nes to be built aroundim. heoach g fed general
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manager got fired, colin got a shot, 1 and 11,e turd down bs t be a bkp, he didn't --as nai hs t pyn l, if hesacrificing evything, what is tha if h evytngro playing pro football, i don tnkt is, think he made that decisn before h kneed this is a am. z:ntesng. not thatreat o pyer. >>easev bteha second truaerck z:o na tmp jr. sri his own vsifiked, imef h fathe rlacing li kpeic >> we're sin a this,ome funny os. onha i lees isith pat tian face, he did srice erythi, he retirro job in nfl,fter 91,o go fight trosm and was killed inriendly fe, inow his wife, widowidot want him to be pitiz, t it iornt
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that message getcross,f younger generationhinks that th meansacfing everything, i sllon kw atol srificed, if wre murky in ourefition ofha crice is, we c loo foar ta furouerer generation notavguch rtud i colinaepernick is who you are looki u to, att heo, h tooknee, aiwh, dot know he just took a ke. liz: tnkouom bk soo >> tnkou z: "wa see jrn" reporting federal psetors expri newhaes aga harvey weite. lookg at whether n weinstn committedra in an alleged effort to s beenisilt hs acsers. liz: preside tmp tniis cus to midterm electioio >> and satorimy gm call
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e'ext. ♪ as moms, wse o ks t to the worl. anwe don wt something like meningitis b ttg tir way ningococcal group b disease, or mintib,s ale meningitis b bexso is a vaccine toelp prenmengis b in 10-25 year ds even if ningitis b uomn, th'sot chanc we're lling to take. niit bs fferent fromhe meningitis mostee were pbay vaccat ait enouer we're geinthwo out agnsmeningitis b. our teens argeinbeer we're geinthwo obexso ou not bgiven. are pain, dns or hardns retion after a previous se stoms t iecon site; muscle pain; fatigu hdae;ausea; d joint pain. xsero ma. tell youhealthrepreson it or if yoha reid y otr meniit. ask ur healthcare professialn as
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i gngoud the pridtyhe resul, i le what he is dng with jges, wh h d wh mity,nd th taxes, that mte iny rln my worldhen "n york times"pes ne o us sten, it stf sn ashe ice of the lt. z: replin sat lds grahamaying that neork time anonymou oed announceso liz zero, liz peek is joining m now. >>hi is politicalabotage, weavota wh premi is not nearl -ru m not have putn the adminisatn.
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there a soan holdve, i imin ts an obamaolve who en h wants a difrent bn ear, ppleay how ul york for trumpll th time, hsa iid not wo f tru,oo a what i did. ihi this isescae f neyo tes to publishhi piece anyus, an echoi of charges thater i bob woward's book. umaihe isutn the campaign til pusng candidates,e i effti,e gets peoplen office,e is wierihihaemra are scaredo he him out tre wh bter thing than try to le knossenis cdili. liz: tnonymous op-ed gives it aabidee
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>> the n ykimes is sh decline, it use to b a find paper. thad a publiero met enand, i can't thi what he ishiing. z: lan dis was anonymous source t. and aepate sry here is t questio ds someone whoas a grievan le that, doheha a duty instead esnndept a reouehior they think th sersonal tongress, li you said could they a using this op- as seor of insurance polic f tir caer ty canesn, ty wille hed o. we hav seen, the are o every ne show,xcept thi one, thkfly w get a b auen, the i a fute f op sing trible things about dona trumpy gue,s
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thathi i seone, see --y the w senior oicl? that could b tee lers down. z:neyo tim" ha had to confm whoe w, n someone yo kw right awa d john dea he i bng coared tbu jn dean p his name ont. liz: a grof workerst wle food want to uniiz a copy of message to wke tt wa cleivyoi tir ncnso azo leadersp. yo te. >> it ierting, who oday people quite wel thr averageag is above dustry arage, ihi ts a way to gt amazo unions heee conspuously il i tms oenrang amazon a rndg up unionizaonn azo wke.
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thisor o aacooray i li tt is point, gce ios fierc and song. bernie sanrsoe nike az. >> se. at comes -- you knowort of en distrut, ve you ,0roryorrs tt io is up and running. they wen aer walmart agreively,ri t -- agessively, tried toarnish the bnd, i don't tnk ts will work either. liz: liz peekre tseyou. >> thank y. li mte just9 daywa l about psperity verso polatyf the presint, ll expla after the break, ayhe. th i'tusanmongay
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this is moving dayith thbe inomwi eernce d millions of fiototto helpoutay connected. thiand this is moving d wh reabe up andunng in te. show mderang shows. this is ayg nntewi iny to make movi... show simp. syawesome. st cneedhi y move wi t best wifixperiee and twho appotmt nds. click, caloris ste da
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u. factacry secto with stngt growthn 1 yrs bringi in polic per panel. maear and mison, trump 20 advisyoa memr with ,ecord7% oma business ners report havin job opings too that hog numb osmall business tt need wke. >> is ierti, the econom news in so man reec ioo t economy is rong. te talk with voter acrs midwest, south, there is aot of agent aie bau hlt care costsreoing up, think there a senhaecom is good, vots a age, in a
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la week,ay we nd accotality in congrs, ings ara there. liz: mis. >> i d'tnof shes taino same vere talk thhem,he a thrled with the econo aonuses eyeceived, and hapbo taxut a gssha o inhe uappy abo with heth car thatoness did tepeal a repce obamace,hexpte them to do tt ey wil hold cgrs cotable, the a hpy wit prident. z: if trump suppoer nce sitteon ve republican, get rdy to be lea democrats, ty would engul in a worldf conde sensetion. yo c ksrowthnd prosperity gd-e. >> ion think thats te.
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i woulday -- first tarfs are hurting people inidst. >> m pnt to y i if moatake backonol ty are notbo gwinghe econombuitsboutaing presiden tmp >> i don't thi tt i true. li reay? tts the messa theyre running on. liz: g aad >> tnk ttemra can walk and chew g at samime, we canontinu t promo economic gross andol pridentrump andorption of hisdministration cotable. pmi y, vots inwi stricts, they believehat too. liz: g aad. >> ion't tst docts to ewunetlonealnd cw it theyon have strong message, the don't have strong leerip that will show i neff annomb. op a sick of docrats, dheessage how much they
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hate trumpers wt ty can f america pple. li mariee were talng about wroblem withemocra adership i tre tell me if i mchacr what yo sai replinsaverm litsnhe cmiees, they ha a turn wit republican new leadership comes u and ecicie pty in is n rm lit foremrat with o guaronituenti stinp a comers >> light. reblan party has de a tt job of buildg bench, stat house gernor nsion, they he steor gring, a nurturing new ads, my ptyas not done at, we're in a dp hole, tha is why youee neweaders, not from o guard. z:utheheave oldir ciis big geren message, im telling youf bernieanrs can'tet it stight o wtocialism, he
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ould n tell e wld how he is going t tn the u.s. economy. ur tak >> we lookt socialism, n very f, venezuela, notoo it would brie ri us to htoc lows, thecomyou tank. we cldever goo a soalti model, i ricous that peoe running democrati atrmay saying they want sociisc economy. liz: we'lle gh bk stay right there. ther mastering somh? y cle thed active safety syst i class, standa? cause when you wanto create an entelnefein the ffen between exllce and mastery,
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