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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  September 7, 2018 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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we'll be talk about the deep state and president's bid to have the fisa documents unclassified they say will reveal all. >> president trump furious over the op-ed reportedly -- written by a scene senior trump administration official. he's demanding the paper revile their source. -- paper reveal their source. the paper -- the author claims the president is unfit force of and they are doing everything they can to protect the country.
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the number denying they wrote the op-ed. even ben carson. white press secretary sarah sanders said quote for those of you asking for the identity of the anonymous kowshed. identity is recklessly tarnishing the reputation of thousands of americans who proudly serve our country and work for president trump. stop. if you want to know who this gutless loser is, call the opinion desk of the failing nyt and ask them. the op-ed claims some senior officials have mulled over invoking the 25th amendment to remove the president from office. now massachusetts senator elizabeth warren has jumped on
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that bandwagon saying if senior administration officials think the president is not able to do his job, then they should invoke the 25th amendment. >> spoiler alert. there is a crisis, every day there is a crisis. i talked to corey lewandowski who thinks this may be a ruse. somebody inside the white house at the direction of the president to get the woodward -- >> i don't believe that. this is revealing there is a deep state. you put together the woodward
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book and the great lady, an anonymous op-ed. this is really happening -- kennedy: have some journalistic standards if you are going to publish something like this. the anone mups author referred to an anonymous official in the white house who was outraged where the president reversed himself on an tea anonymous policy. so you had an anonymous person about an anonymous person about an anonymous policy. if this is really going on we should hash it out. kennedy: it's like being in vincent van gogh's art studio. we know what the process is. we know what the outcome is. >> it would be at least more than half. the majority of the senior officers, i think the constitution says, the amendment to the constitution says would
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have to go to the president protem of the senate and say the president cannot perform his duties, basically the cabinet. while there has been these little rumors about it, there has been no serious effort by the cabinet to do this. you have seen many cabinet people like james mattis who say this is not true. kennedy: there are enough people who want to see the end of this president's term. it's exhausting work. it doesn't matter hot president is. >> if elizabeth warren were to get her way and president trump is gone, very much pence becomes president. kennedy: that's the one person she doesn't want to be president. but there is so much delusion here that people think hillary clinton is going to be president. somehow there was a bad call in the u.s. open and the umpire has
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been overthrown, and roger federer -- >> we have this instant replay mentality. it's robert rice hop recently called the annulment. basically it never happened. you would not just by his estimation remove him. you would remove him from office and wipe out the executive orders, the tax cuts, that basically never happened. kennedy: that was in and of itself a symptom of severe psychological condition. there are things that the president does that i don't like. there are a lot of things that he does that are very, very distracting. there are some things in this op-ed that are true. if you just look at the president's record and took his temperament out of it.
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he's also historically not that unpopular. >> when you go back to could someone in the white house leaked this op-ed to distract? another story got overshadows this week, that bob mule per apparently said to the president's legal team, never mind about the interview over russian collusion, you can do it in writing. that is a big deal. it makes it less and less likely he'll be impeached. kennedy: the perjury trap, they don't have enough to -- >> when we are talking about all this other stuff, brett kavanaugh is about to be confirmed to the supreme court. that would be two supreme court justices in a year and a half. crisis as you said at the top.
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great to see you in new york. in the meantime, another shocking day in that kavanaugh con fish nation hearing. it's still going on. but today with new jersey democratic senator cory booker's grandstanding that absolutely stole the show. >> i want to release the email on racial profiling. i understand the penalty is potential out offing from the senate. if senator cornyn believes i violated senate rules, i invite and accept the consequences. >> running for president is no excuse for violating the rules of the senate. no nor deserves to sit in this committee or sit in the senate in my view if they decide to be a law unto themselves and flaunt the rules of the senate and confidentiality.
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kennedy: the entire dramatic rant was nothing but a bunch of baloney. corey's so-called confidential documents were cleared for release last night. so the whole thing was only for the cameras. he even called it his part discuss moment. it was a fartucus moment. so, cory booker did not violate the rules of the senate but he pretended he did. >> there is so much to unpack here. when we first saw him having this interchange with senator cornyn. he was a supreme court justice in texas. those two were really going back and forth. even after that senator booker left the room, one of our
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producers caught up with him. cory booker made multiple statements about bring it on, come after me. then we learned not long after that, he knew all along, according to the chairman of the senate committee, senator chuck grassley said it was around 4:00 in the morning they notified them those documents were free for public release. so hours before he had this showdown he knew the documents were cleared. i asked his staff multiple times when he knew and they would not give me a time. kennedy: it's too gimmicky. he wants to be president so badly he's willing to pull out all the stops. people are so over the
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historyon d the history onyxes, they see through it. these are not senators hoping to play out the next few years. this really means something. unfortunately because of cory booker's little side show. we are distracted from asking some more pressing critical questions of this nominee. >> there has been a lot of that. even questioning by senator kamala harris. they sit beside each other in the hearing room both with allegedly 2020 ambitions. many times as judge kavanaugh tried to answer, if she wasn't getting what she wanted or thought he wasn't going to answer with a question or no,
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she would immediately cut him off and say on to the next thing. senator grassley said to the nominee, you need to answer a lot of these questions. so we are all aware that, you know, across the dais there is a lot of posturing going on. we got severalled ifing emails from the senators during the hearing. i know you are surprised by that. kennedy: i can't believe there are so many blowhards in one room. you can always rely on congress to fail to deliver in a critical moment. it always goes back to the grandstanding. and it's very exhausting. how would you rate judge kavanaugh's performance on the third day? >> i talked to gop senators who
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worked with him, make it personal going after his family, they said they wanted it to be so much worse than what he actually would face here. they think he has been calm, cool and collected and that he has maybe taken some nicks and answered for documents from his years in the bush white house. but nothing that issued a blow on him. congressmen murkowski and collins who are pro-choice will be critical. kennedy: shannon bream, we'll see you tonight at 11:00 p.m. democrats didn't go easily. they pressed on roe versus wade
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and the russia investigation. joining me on my party panel, kmele foster is here along with right turn strategy president and lgbt for trump founder chris baron. and tom shillue. welcome, everyone. i feel like they are focusing pretty narrowly folks like mr. sasse. what he tries to do is have a conversation about how government works perhaps for the benefit of viewers at home. what really sells in these circumstances is the circuit. it is the sensational things that are happening. right now there is more out of
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the moment. it's going about as well as it can go relative to the way these things usually progress. kavanaugh, i can't be sure what kind of jurist he would be. but he seems to be competent, collected and a good legal mind. kennedy: in spite of some of the questionable 4th amendment opinions he has written, he could be a constitutionalist. will cory booker's stunt work? >> it might in the democratic primary. apparently he and kamala harris think it's going to be very effective. i think it's a great moment for republicans. we are going to get a conservative confirmed to the supreme court. and we are letting potential democratic wanna bees. i -- wannabes.
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kennedy: cory booker as one -- >> every time cory booker, he's trying to be how can i be more dramatic. he's at the point where you have gone as far as you can go. kennedy: you are at the point where you feel it's a skit. i said the last few nights. you think this is bad. the next one is going to be insane. if this president has another appointment to the supreme court, i cannot imagine a whom he will pick and b what the reaction will be from democrats. but even the movie, spartacus, mr. booker you can't announce you are having a spartacus moment. other people have to do it. they were like no, he's the only
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spartacus. kennedy: they released all the stuff, there was nothing secret or confidential. >> it's like running for president doesn't repair you for being president. this process bears no resemblance to the work he's going to be doing on the supreme court. the fact that he can get through this and appear to be calm, who cares. kennedy: did you ever watch the navy seals shows on the discovery channel in they are not really going to be sitting in their under wear at 5:00 in the morning on a beach. but if they can get through it they get to be navy seals. and that's not even a lifetime appointment. once a seal, always a seal. unless you are an o oorks -- une
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an orca. what's going not rest of america? steve hilton joins me after the break. but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management.
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kennedy: president trump was sent to washington to drain the swamp but he's causing it to have a meltdown instead. it's a little clogged. with the palace intrigue of bob ward washed's book, it has caused them to lose all connection to real life struggles of men and women in this country. the emphasis of style over substance played right into the president's hand in 2016. here to explain what might happen in 2020 is the author of "positive populism." he's also the host of "the next revolution" on the fox news channel, steve hilton. steve: that was a long list of things you had to read for the introduction.
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i apologize. kennedy: you are spot-on when you talk about people in this country being out of touch. there is something insular about washington, d.c. they are impressed with ivy league schools and education and protecting the bubble where they dwell. people are having a hard time finding the work they would love to do. >> the people they are supposed to represent. one of the causes of that. they are doing so well, the people at the top who basically have driven an agenda i describe in my book as elitism. whether republicans or democrats, it feels like the same people are in power. they have driven forward an agenda that's great for them. they work in the knowledge economy, people with global jobs. they have had an amazing time the last few decade. they are the ones who run
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washington. they are so infuriated by the fact that someone was put there by donald trump by the rest of the country who has been left out of all of that to change things and they can't stand it. all they can focus on is donald trump isn't doing things the way they would like it to be done. kennedy: or the way it's always been done. there is this protocol, unspoken evidence, and they don't like someone is violating that. for a lot of people they think it's pretty entertaining. there is a line in the "new york times" op-ed piece that i think is condescending saying there are adults in the room. anyone who voted for him knew going in, it's saying voters are children and you don't know well enough to take care of yourself. therefore we have to make better
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decisions for you. steve: what is stun being the whole thing. for the last nearly two years we have been lectured by them about how trump is subverting democracy, undermining democratic norms. everybody is subverting democracy. what could be more subverting democracy directly contradict and try found mine -- not just behavior they don't like, it's specific policies he ran on likening the bad trade deals. you may not agree the trade deals are bad. but he said that very clearly in the campaign. you have gary cohn running around taking things off his desk to stop him delivering his promises. the reason people have been fed up with politics is politicians for years, now they are trying
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to block him from doing what he was elected to do. kennedy: how does the president move forward and what does he internalize from this episode? steve: he has to focus on the promises he already made. i think he shouldn't get distracted by all this rubbish. kennedy: i think that's why he has the kind of rallies he's having tonight. you will see part of that here on the fox business network. this is what he promised, this is what he's delivering. steve: way want to say just quickly. my book is a list of ideas for him to deliver some of those promises. on some of the areas -- kennedy: a lot of people talk about the problems but they don't offer solutions. that's what positive populism does. steve: brilliant slogan, not much has happened.
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kennedy: steve hilton, good to see you here. a group of house republicans frustrated with the doj. i will explain why the president should listen to them, please. my monologue is next. you're headed down the highway when the guy in front slams on his brakes out of nowhere. you do, too, but not in time. hey, no big deal. you've got a good record and liberty mutual won't hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges... how mature of them. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ jardiance asked: when it comes to managing your type 2 diabetes, what matters to you? you got a1c, heart, diet, and exercise.
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kennedy: the president had a frustrating few days between the bob woodward book and the anonymous "new york times" op-ed. long-term ramifications could be enormously positive. today the president tweeted the deep state, and their vehicle the fake news media are going crazy and they don't know what to do. declassification to find the digital corruption. he's being encouraged to declassify by a dozen lawmakers who want him to let loose the fisa warrant application. they want the warrant and also a dozen 302s, those are fbi memos for bruce ohr about his
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dealings with christopher steele. if he does, this is something future presidents will have to follow. opacity is the deep state's shield. let us see whether or not it burns our eyeballs. release the memos, mr. president. it is time, and that's the memo. [♪] house freedom caucus chairman, mark meadows * urging the president to show the memos. >> we are kawrling on you to encourage those around you to release the documents within the next week. kennedy: yes.
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7 days. is there any down side to more transparency? in won word, hell no. the panel is here to discuss. the panel is tom shillue, chris baron and tom shillue. i would love to see what bruce ohr was saying to christopher steele and about christopher steele. it seems that the people from the freedom caucus have a pretty good idea of what's in them. democrats created this fantasy, the russia collusion thing that is completely and totally based on faulty original intel, and they have hitched their wagon to it, and i would love nothing more than for them to be embarrassed to have it revealed exactly what happened. this is a great precedence. i can't believe we have gotten
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to the point in this country where the liberals are telling us we should be trusting the fbi and the cia without any question. they are always the good guys. we only have decades of experience that says that's not the case. kennedy: people that talk about the deep state they say are crazy, nutty weirdoes. but whenever you have the department of justice and the fbi withholding information it lends credence to that. >> transparency, we should see more of it with respect to the fisa courts. what is bizarre about all of this, it's not just the folks in the freedom caucus, the president almost certainly knows. and the president could have declassified these things a long time ago. while i do believe most of of the russian collusion narrative is almost certainly nonsense, i
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don't know if there is anything particularly exculpatory, there is a great massive scandal. what i suspect is what we have always known about the fisa courts. it's pretty much rubber stamped. this situation is probably not much different than that. not that there is a vast massive scandal that the deep state is work won the president. '. kennedy: i want to bring tom in here. >> the deep state, they are writing editorials for the "new york times." it's out in the open. anything -- i don't need any more convincing. the only reason this would be underwhelming, the unredacted fisa documents. we already know that there were people working against the
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president. kennedy: we know there is something weird going on and there are a bunch of people who know about the weirdness and they are protecting something. and we don't know what that is. the trump administration getting serious about cracking down on social media. and it all has to do with claims of bias against conservatives. there are concerns the tech companies are stifling the exchange of free ideas opening their platforms. senators on both sides of the aisle talked about regulating them to the faces of jack dorsey and sheryl sandberg. should the government step in or should they cool their guns. tech companies will always be 12 steps ahead of the government.
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>>it is a dumb idea. absolutely everyone kind of agrees this dumb idea. by everyone, i mean republicans, democrats and even big tech companies. so you have got the trump administration saying we need to look into this. jeff sessions talking with attorneys general. you have people saying facebook is a wholly owned subsidiary of vladimir putin. and you have got the tech companies saying they are in favor of regulation at this point. i think the stand-up moment for me. the most of telling is when sheryl sandberg said something to the effect, we are not against regulation. >> that's her winking to lawmakers. they want to help write these
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laws. that's what unions have done for decade, millennia. >> they want to write laws that are favorable to them, that don't really hurt them, that are toothless, but hurt their competitors more. this is about a big incumbent want to go maintain its position in the marketplace. it's dangerous to be in this situation where everybody agrees, let's regulate. let's treat facebook, twitter as a public utility. the speech on them is private. i think there is a problematic idea that we see in both parties. basically social media is kind of a public utility and should be regulated like a public utility. kennedy: consumers don't want that. do you think there is any correlation between the hearings yesterday and the scolding dorsey and sanders got from
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lawmakers and lawrence jones being banned from twitter today? >> i think there is a vague connection. all of these things are happening at the same time for a reason. it's bus social media platforms represent a new way of thinking about speech. and that makes people anxious. and when people get anxious, the government wants to step in. in this case it's speech. speech is a private personal individual kind of express, and what we see so much -- what we see with all these hearings and coming from these tech companies, they think speech is a public good and should be regulated. kennedy: suderman, i think you are great. >> i like your sessions
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impression. you do a good alabama. kennedy: thank you. he lived hard and played hard and survived to tell about it. actor gary busey with some thoughts on the president. geico has over 75 years of great savings and service. with such a long history, it's easy to trust geico! thank you todd. it's not just easy. it's-being-a-master-of-hypnotism easy. hey, i got your text- sleep! doug, when i snap my fingers you're going to clean my gutters. ooh i should clean your gutters! great idea. it's not just easy. it's geico easy. todd, you will go make me a frittata.
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kennedy: my next guest says he's not just a hollywood survivor, actor gary busey has faced his disasters, addiction, divorce, a motorcycle that nearly killed him and his terrifying battle with cancer. he released a memoir that shows how a person can survive all that and still find the silver lining. "the busey bible," the one and only is here. i have been a friend of yours for some time. >> i saw you on tv and said i would like to have a talk with that girl. basic instructions before leaving earth spells bible. kennedy: you found god in your
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travails and through the insane cocaine addictions and writing bounced checks, how did that happen? >> that's where i was at that time mentally. when you grow, you learn the scales of living. that's what i do now. i love to give with love. when you are 74 years old, which i am, you get to a place in your life where you learn other people's feelings are more important than yours. it's a great thing to give that to people. they know you love them without saying it. kennedy: who are you closest to, keanu reeves or patrick swasey. >> i was sitting on a bench and i felt an energy and it was the face of patrick swasey with a spiritual trail behind him. and behind him was the face of
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my father. they came down to tell me they love me. i have tboant other side twice. it's a beautiful place. you have love, protection and trust like you never felt. you can't feel it like it is over there on earth. that's the way it is. earth is the boot camp and you have to make the right choices to get there. but even if you make it wrong choices you can adjust it by making you a right choice. kennedy: you were on the apprentice twice. you said you knew when the president was going to run that he was going to win. others who met him said the same thing about him. what is it about him that gives you that certainty. >> it's not a certainty. it's a feeling you have. i don't talk about politics. i'm not in it. the parties are parties. but they don't have fun.
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ken report amazing thing about it. you can't believe how many movies you have been in. in the movies when they say cut, you get to get and wipe off the blood and go out to eat. life is coming back. the word death stands for don't expect a tragedy here because you don't die. you go to a different place. kennedy: why do you come back if it's so fun. >> i was told about it angels to who spoke to me that what i was doing was good. but my responsibility to mankind, i had to look for help in the spiritual realm. the voice said continue with us or continue your destiny. you don't think or feel, but i
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was back in life. the book has all these stories. they are not acronumbers. they are buseyisms. like hope, heavenly offerings prevail eternally. i have got to give you one more. nuts. never understand estimate the spirit. kennedy: that's beautiful. extreme close-up. give me two. okay. when we were dating, we used to get excited about things like concert tickets or a new snowboard. matt: whoo! whoo! jen: but that all changed when we bought a house. matt: voilà! jen: matt started turning into his dad.
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kennedy: a new jersey man was arrested after threatening to blow up disney world. prosecutors say he's facing 20 years in prison or 10 if he gets a fast pass. topic number one. tonight on capitol hill they had so many protesters they are now auctioning off spots.
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they tried to interrupt the testimony of jack dorsey. but she got shut down faster than an info wars account. brown drowned her out to the delight of the crowd. the demonstrator was escorted out of the hearing. she'll go where all protesters go, to a nike ad. well done, sister. she still has a better throwing arm than kaepernick. you wrecked the niners. lake tahoe, california is one of the nicest places you will ever see. but their tourism has hit a bit after bear market. not only did he destroy the carpet. he tore apart the wall and smashed a table.
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the cops were called, but by the time they showed up the bear ran over the hills and far away and the homeowner was day and confused printing his black dog in the rain. i will quit the zepplin puns. kfc has good news for expectant moms with student loan debt. they are giving away $11,000 in free tuition for the first mom who named her baby harland after colonel harland sanders. he'll get beat up in school for the rest of his life. but at least you won't be paying off his student loans for the rest of yours. it would have been the colonel's 128th birthday. the $11,000 is a nod to his 11
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different spices. if you are naming your kid harland, that's a bridge too far. there are other ways to save money by buying baby items in d.c. >> [speak as auctioneer] kennedy: topic number 4, very mature. we don't usually get too serious in the "topical storm." today we lost a legend. burt reynolds is dead at 82. he was best known for smoky and the bandit. but he also starred in "boogie
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nights." he was such a renegade he actually turned down the roles of han solo and james bond. legend has it he started more stunts than anyone except cory booker. so raise a glass and write a mustache for burt. they don't make them like that any more, cheers and rest in peace. topic number five. in a week that's been highlighted by hecklers on cap til. it's only right we hear from our peanut gallery we call viewer mail. would you stop calling the president kind of weird. look into the mirror not nose. try to get after lou dobbs. you are an arrogant sad sack libertarian.
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kennedy: i was adjusting my glasses so i could see you
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better. thank you for being with me tonight. follow me on facebook and twitter and instagram. twitter and instagram. and email me at (announcer) you work hard to give your children something to build on. i was always trying to think "how am i gonna get her through college?" i wanna have a mechanism in place to make sure that my daughters are well taken care of. i hope to leave my children with something to help them get set up. (announcer) don't let it get eaten away by unexpected fees and legal expenses. my husband did not have a will and everything went away. when my father passed away, he did not have a will or a trust. we're not as prepared as i had hoped we would be. (announcer) every year, tens of thousands of people lose what's rightfully theirs because the right paperwork is not in order.


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