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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  September 7, 2018 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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substance. melissa: you want american coffee is what they say to me. david: here's for jeri willis what did you think of president obama's speech? >> when you hear how great the economy is doing right now, let's just remember when this recovery started. >> i'm sorry i watched it but i fell asleep. >> i'm glad it's continued. >> i think he's trying to take credit for this incredible thing that's happening to our country. >> when you hear about this economic miracle that's been going on, when the job numbers come out. >> if the democrats got in with their agenda in november of almost two years ago, instead of having 4.2 up, i believe honestly you'd have 4.2 down.
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>> i have to kind of remind him. >> since the great fretion in the 1920s, it was the weakest recovery we've ever had. >> actually those job numbers are the same as they were in 2015, in 2016. >> now this is called not recovery, this is called rocket ship. elizabeth: the final two-month sprint to the midterms. the big fight that broke out today when obama and trump. obama saying you should thank his policies for growth, not trump. well we do a reality check. economist benstei ben stein com. we'll show you how obama is misleading everybody. and obama saying he never threatened to shut down reporters but we bring that fact check too on how obama turned his justice department and the fbi loose trying to silence reporters. and now potential 2020 democrat presidential contender, senator
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elizabeth warren saying that trump should be removed from office via the 25th amendment. that's got mike huckabee fired up. hear what he has to say. bra still's far right presidential front runner at a campaign rally by a socialist attacker. he's in serious condition. thank you for joining us. thank you for watching. money, politics, we've got the debate behind tomorrow's headlines. i'm melissa mcdonald. it starts right now. first your money, the dow down nearly 80 points ending the day at 20,916. the nasdaq falling for the fourth straight day. this is its worst start to september since 2008. we're watching the tech stocks for you. more on your money in a second first, obama unplugged want silent no more on the trump economy. let's look at what the economy has accomplished so far under
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trump. the trongest wage growth since june twine. 2009. and the full unemployment rate, it's way down 7.4%. the tax cuts, look at them. they now have 120 utilities even lowering all sorts of energy bills. more than 720 companies, an example of companies giving the tax cuts back in the form of bonuses and wages. here's obama saying he should be given credit for the good numbers. >> i mention all of this just so when you hear how great this economy is doing right now, let's just remember when this recovery started. i mean, i'm glad it's continued. but when you hear about this economic miracle that's been going on, when the job numbers come out, monthly job numbers and suddenly republicans are
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saying it's a miracle, i have to kind of remind them, actually, those job numbers are the same as they were in 2015 and 2016 and -- anyway. i digress. elizabeth: all right. economist ben stein with me now. does obama deserve the credit? what's your take? >> my take is that the real recovery started under president bush when he turned around with tarp and said he was going to save the banks. mr. obama, god bless his soul, he's simply wrong. the unemployment numbers are not the same as they were in 2015 and 2016. he's plain wrong. you can look that up anywhere you want, on the internet or the labor department website. he's simply wrong about that. it is true that the recovery started a long time ago. the recovery started as soon as the depth of the recession plummeted. but mr. obama never really got us out of this.
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you put the right phrase there, rocket ship, mr. trump did, rocket ship recovery. we've never seen anything like that. in peacetime we've never seen a recovery like this. elizabeth: to your point, let's break down what obama is not telling you. yea, 3.8 million jobs create under trump in the first 20 months versus obama's 4.3 million. here's how obama is misleading everybody. trump is creating high-paying manufacturing jobs, oil and gas jobs, computer engineering jobs. high-paying jobs versus a significant slowdown of those jobs under obama. obama's economy created lower wage jobs in department stores, fast food and service jobs because of ul of the regulation of the four major sectors of the economy stymied growth. your reaction there. >> my reaction is that mr. obama is comparing apples and oranges because of the reason you said and because he's not taking the right timeline. let's take a four-year timeline for mr. obama and then generate a projected timeline under
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mr. trump. the difference is f phenomenal. i don't know why we're having an enormous growth but we are, way beyond anything we've had under mr. obama. is it because of the tax cut, because of derug las vegas, is it just because of the cyclical nature of the recoveries? we don't know for sure. we're having an outstanding recovery under mr. trump and we should have a measure of gratitude. elizabeth: princeton and harvard university economists, ben, they lacked atheylooked at obama's jd one million fewer full-time workers -- in other words there were one million fewer full-time jobs. those people went to part-time or contractual jobs. those guys at princeton and harvard said an astonishing 95% of the jobs that obama added, temporary contractual jobs. an unbelievably high number. >> it's an unbelievably high number. it's interesting because
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princeton and harvard economists do not tend to be that friendly to mr. trump. there's a great economist at yale or princeton, i might have that wrong, really slammed trump all of the time saying he doesn't deserve credit. maybe that's true. but for whatever reason we're having a miraculous recovery and you don't need to look up statistics. walk down any street anywhere. every window and store says hiring, hiring. never seen anything like it. it's a miracle. elizabeth: and they're hiring for 75,000, 80,000 a year, high-paying jobs. here's plump slamming the tax pg the tax cuts as bad. >> on winding regulations, weakening working restrictions, shrinking the safety net. you have come of age during a time of growing inequality, of
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fracturing of economic opportunity. and that growing economic divide compounded other divisions in our country. elizabeth: so he is. >> not true. elizabeth: basically, ben, this is still, critics say, remarkably breathe taking tedious and incompetent basically analysis by president obama here. he's flat out wrong. there are are more than. >> he's flat out wrong. elizabeth: -- benefit increases, at least 120 utilities lowinger their energy bills. tell me why obama is wrong. >> because we'r if you take in t subsidies and transfer payments, the inequality is less than it was under mr. obama. it's a complete myth propagated by the progressive left that we have growing inequality. if you take into account social security, medicare, medicaid, all of these credits that you've got for under government programs, we actually have less in equality than we did -- this
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is an economy that's remarkably strong. elizabeth: and obama continues to be politically divisive. we can all agree on the facts are that you just gave, ben stein. president obama continues to mislead 60% of u.s. households get for in the government benefits into their home than they pay in federal income taxes. let's talk about this. president trump saying that that anonymous "the new york times" op-ed backfired. he said that at a rally in montana last night. watch. >> where you look at the "washington post" or the "the new york times," i can never get a goods story. i mean, you look at that horrible thing that took place today, it's really -- sit subversion? is it treason? the latest act of resistance is the op-ed published in the failing "the new york times." for the same of our national security, the "the new york times" should publish his name at once.
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unelected deep state operatives who defy the voters to push their own secret agendas are truly a threat to democracy itself. i think it's backfired. seriously. people that don't exactly dig us and they don't exactly like me, they're fighting for us. elizabeth: you know the president saying he doesn't want that anonymous writer sitting in on meetings about china and north korea. but ben, is it an overreach, too much for the president to call in the justice department and the attorney general to investigate the anonymous source. let's take a listen to trump here. and this just in, u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley calling out the op-ed write e saying when he challenges the president she does it directly and her anonymous colleague should have done the same. your take? >> it is a security risk.
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if you're going to have a person who will purposely say things that are supposed to be confidential within the government and you're going to make them public, that shows you do not deserve to work for the government in a capacity which requires that queue pass security analysis. this person is a danger to the administration, this person is a danger to the american body politic. this person is a disgrace to the government service. i have been a government civil servant and i must say, we would be considered disgraced and would have been fired immediately if we had done anything like that. elizabeth: but is sicking the justice department on finding out who the anonymous writer is, is that an overreach? >> not at all. this person is a person who probably has a very high security clearance and clearly cannot be trusted with it. a security clearance is a very valuable thing. we don't want this person saying things that are going to give the north koreans or the ie anians or somebody like that some piece of data that's going to enable them to hurt us. elizabeth: what do you think of the "the new york times" running that anonhouse op op-ed?
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>> they'll do anything to hurt trump. elizabeth: hang on. "the wall street journal" sayinr interrupting. "the wall street journal" saying that the "the new york times" should not have run that anonymous op-ed at all. it was wrong to do that. what is your take on running an anonymous op-ed? >> should not do it at all, especially an anonymous op-ed by a person who has a security clearance within the government. if i was an anonymous op-ed by somebody out in the middle of podunkville, saying it might be anonymous, didn't want his neighbors to know what he was doing, that's one thing. but this person has a federal security clearance, should not have it, is not a trust worthy person within violating all sorts of laws procedures and should be prosecuted. elizabeth: your take on elizabeth warren saying invoke the 25th amendment to impeach trump. >> she's defending companies
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accused of dumping toxic waste and she presents herself as an environmentalist. i wouldn't trust her as far as i can throw her. i saw her at washington airport a few years ago carrying her own luggage without a porter or valet and i give her credit for that. elizabeth: mcconnell says booker may face scrutiny from the ethics committee for violating a rule during yesterday's supreme court hearing. confirmation hearing on brett kavanaugh. >> i'm going to release the e e-mails about racial profiling. and i understand the penalty comes with potential ousting from the senate. and if senator cornyn believes i is have violated senate rules, i openly invite and accept the consequences. this is about the closest ill probably ever have in my life to an i am spartacus moment.
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elizabeth: that racial profiling document was already approved for release. and cory booker evidently knew that, ben. judge kavanaugh at that time under george with w. bush was talking about the argument of that at the time of 29/11 attacks. let's back up. he's accused of releasing 28 documents that were confidential. what's your reaction to this? >> it's not a spartacus moment, it's i'm running for president. it's a moment of raw ambition. he's not going to get punished or put in jail or hung in a cross. he's going to be advancing himself within the democratic party as a possible candidate for president. it was the farthest thing from an unselfish moment. elizabeth: great to see you. come back soon. we love having you on. >> love being on. elizabeth: terrific. okay. let's move on to some business headlines. amazon ceo and founder jeff bay
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dosbezos, look at this, network, 168 bil billion dollars. jeff bezos himself is worth more than netflix or three teslas. the pentagon investing $2 billion into artificial intelligence hoping to accelerate two decades of progress into five years. equifax, remember that breach, they found that the fire walls have so weak that attackers could hack into systems around the world thousands of times without any detection. putting the personal information of more than 145 million americans at risk. hackers came and go as they pleased. let's get a check of the markets. thee major indices are down. >> we saw the dow jones industrial average finish down 79 points. all three of the major averages are lower. a better than expected jobs report with 201,000 jobs
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created. and the unemployment rate of 3.8% near the 1959 low and an an impressive wage growth, 2.9% year over year. here are the mover on the dow, american exreases gain, technologies came under pressure. tesla the big loser, concerns about elon musk, his interview with roguen, smoking weed, departures of a couple of executives. this is a looser for the quarter down over 23%. and a quick peek at the social media stocks on the down side for the week but today finished mixed. back to you. elizabeth: next former president obama going after president trump today for attacks on the media. tonight katrina pearson is here saying it is president obama who was the greatest defender in attacks on journalists threatening to lock them up. tesla's ceo elon musk getting high with a puff on a marijuana tobacco joint. tesla's stocks getting ripped today.
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so we'll take that story on. in the jobs announcement, 6,000 new mining jobs added. now over 104,000 mining jobs created since the election. we're bringing in, look who's here, west virginia col coal mi. he's here to say i told you so after the break. stay there. we're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.
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"all sites are green." all of which helps you do more than your customers thought possible. comcast business. beyond fast. other countries, they love their coal. over here we haven't treated it with the respect it deserves. we're going to fight for you like i promised i would in the campaign. and you were very good to me and i'm going to be even better to you, i promise you that. we are going to put our coal
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miners back to work. elizabeth: ook. 1204 mining jobs created since the election, 6,000 mining jobs created last month. those heavy duty industrial high paying jobs, 412,000 manufacturing jobs on the president watch. on his watch. you might remember my next guest, a former coal mine or. she confronted hillary clinton when she said she planned to put a lot of coal miners out of work. near's thahere's that exchange. >> the comments we're going to put a lot of coal miners out of jobs. these are the kind of people that you're affecting. this is my family. and my hope is in god, that's my future. i just want to know how you can say you're going to put a lot of coal miners out of jobs and then come in here and tell us how you're going to be our friend. because those people out there don't see you as a friend. >> i know that, bo.
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and you know, i don't how to explain it other than what i said was totally out of context from what i meant. because i have been talking about helping coal country for a very long time. elizabeth: unclear how that was taken out of context. now you heard his voice break with emotion. he's a big family guy. that west virginia coal miner is here with me now. great to see you, bop. >> thanks for having us on, liz. it's always a pleasure. elizabeth: same here. what are taye saying about the mining jobs being created. these are high-paying jobs. >> absolutely. and you know, here it's a great deal for us, everyone is excited to be able to either have some security in the job that they were able to keep during the obama administration or they're excited to be going back to work like myself. i recently started working for a coal company in a warehouse.
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it's great to know that we have a president who has our industrr back. elizabeth: can you keep coal mines jobs and keep them clean green jobs? because the democrats, if they take back power, they still want to get rid of the dirty coal mines jobs. can you make them clean green jobs? >> absolutely. technology advances every day. and our industry has come leaps and bounds from where it was before the obama administration, as far as how clean the energy is. it's going to continue to get cleaner. we have some of the greatest mines in the technological industry that are working every day to make sure that we can have a future in this industry and that our children are going to have a bet esh place to live afterward as well. elizabeth: you just mentioned president obama. i would like your take on president obama taking credit for the latest jobs numbers. do you think, do your guys and the people you hang out with, do you think president obama
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deserves credit here? >> i think it's safe to say that close to two years into this administration i think you can quit giving credit to obama for anything. no offense to him. i want to respect the office that he is our former president. but i believe that a savvy businessman like donald trump is the person that's really helped this economy grow. elizabeth: let's get to joe manchin. he's up for election in november. a lot of mining jobs in that state. what's your take on how he is planning to vote for brett kavanaugh to the supreme court. what's your reaction to that? >> it's his only comans of winninchance ofwinning this sta. i ran in the republican primary in the senate race because people are fed up with senator manchin. the whole reason that hillary clinton was in williamson is because he was backing her and it wasn't because of the people of the state. he was backing the person that had the d next to their name and
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that was her. and you know, he'll probably get the support of the umwa. at this point i believe that if the anti-christ ran on the democratic ticket they would back that person. but honestly, most of the people that i know that are nonunion are not fooled with joe manchin and they're tired of him and you're going to see that in november. elizabeth: great to see you. come back soon. we love having you on. next up, former president obama going after president trump today for calling certain media the enemy of the people. coming up, katrina pearson is here. she says it was president obama who was the worst in going after reporters. and we've got the name of the "weuwashington post" editor that agrees with katrina. thousands ofrunners set to kick off a race for the cure this weekend. our own gerrie willis is a
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survivor. she's asking for your help. that's next. g nasal congestion, which most pills don't. it helps block six key inflammatory substances.
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elizabeth: well thousands of runners are set to kick off the susan g. coman race for a breast cancer cure this weekend in new york. the race will take place on sunday. now for one fox business anchor, the cause is personal. our own gerri willis was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer in 2016. but her courage and integrity is focus for all to see. gerrie battled back. she's leading the fight against breast cancer, a hero to a lot of women who have this hideous disease. gerrie will be raising awareness at this race this weekend. >> you're making me cry with the intro. do you realize that? it just hits you so hard emotionally when you've been down this path and you contact with all of these women, there will be 10,000 at the race on sunday. and there are what they call survivors there. they are also thrivers. these are women who have breast cancer that spread to other parts of their body.
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they wear special t-shirts. you can give them a hug. when all of these women get into the same place, the energy and the excitement, it's just overwhelming emotionally. elizabeth: bring the viewer back to when, that moment when you first heard your diagnosis. because it's something like one in eight women will be hit with this terrible disease. what was your feeling when you first heard the news. what did you think? >> i didn't believe it. couldn't accept it. weeks went by where i was going through the motions, i was doing everything the doctors were telling me to do. and then you start to realize what's real he going on with your life. you're facing, you know, a potential death sentence. elizabeth: it's scary and lonely, right? >> it's very lonely. that's one thing i say to women. you know, look, if you're scared of getting a mammogram, if you've been diagnosed, don't be alone. have somebody go with you to the mammogram, find something to go with you to your treatments. it's essential. you need people around you because you cannot face this alone.
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elizabeth: and you went through this for nine months, right? >> it does get lonely and you have to work against that. it wasn't until -- i've told you this story. i was sitting in a chemo chair trying to get a chemo treatment and my veins were classin colla. and i had one nurse come in try to get it in. another. i think they pricked me five times. elizabeth: what you have to go through and endure. >> to tell you the story of what happened here. i got more and more information. my shoulders went up to my ears and then it suddenly occurred to me, this is going to be the best day of treatment or the worst day but it's entirely on your shoulders. you have to participate. you have to be part of the cure. you're in it. elizabeth: so you took ownership of it. >> and that was the turn around for me. i stopped feeling sad, i stopped feeling disconnected. i was now driving the truck. i was part of the solution. and that was a big turn around. and you can do that too if you're in this situation today. elizabeth: gerri, what can people do if they want to give
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to your team? >> first of all, if you want to come out sunday with us, 9 a.m. in central park if you're in the new york area. but if you're not, go to comennyc. org/fox. you can donate and be part of us, with be us. that number of how much money we've raised, we've now raised 31,000 dollars. be a part of our team. give. give to the url you see right there. elizabeth: i think your glasses are kind of nicer than mine. they're really trendy. look at you gerri willis. if you want to donate like to the comennyc. org/fox and lace up fo your shoes for the race on sunday if you're in new york. great to see you. former president obama went after president trump today for the attacks on the media. my next guest says it's president obama who was the greatest offender spying on journalists, threatening to lock them up and president trump is
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going after fake news. trump 2020 senior adviser katrina pearson joins me next. stay there. r my best even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem.
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it shouldn't be democratic or republican to say that redon't threaten the freedom of the press. because they say things the or publish stories we don't like. i complain plenty about fox news but you never heard me threaten to shut them down.
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or call he enemies of the people. elizabeth: well he did try to sick the fcc on fox news. we're going to show you what else former president obama did not discuss when he went after president trump today for attacks on the media. president trump has repeatedly said he's attacking fake news. also the generalized attacks on the media, though, president trump has been criticized for beinnot being accurate in what s saying. this is what president obama did not tell you. his administration try to suppress the media, tried to file criminal charges against journalists, cracked down on whistle-blowers more than three prior presidents combined, also sending subpoenas to reporters forcing them to reveal their confidential informants. let's take up up with katrina pierson. the republican supporters find him difficult to say, many saying he needs to dial it back.
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let's stick on this subject a minute. which president was worse when it comes to attacks on journalists? >> absolutely it's president obama. you know, you have to be considered an alternative universe to listen to that speech today as if his two terms in office didn't even exist. like you mentioned in the outset, he did a number of things to reporters, like spying on them, james rosen being one of them. and also the other things that he said specifically about the trump administration. but he does have some situation nal awareness, liz, considering that he clearly understand that his term in office, both of them, created a lot of cause for the symptoms that we're seeing. elizabeth: you know, president trump is being criticized for sounding autocratic for verbalizing repeated attacks on the media. but to your point, james rice and the "the new york times" and also len downey, a watergate editor at the "washington post" said obama was the most aggressive against reporters,
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len saying he was the worst since the nixon administration because he tried to use a physical apparatus of the federal government to go after journalists. we haven't seen president trump do that yet. >> no, we haven't. and that's the beauty of a president trump is he tells you exactly what he thinks and how he feels. he doesn't go behind the scenes and work with agencies to try to do things, not just against journalists. we're talking about the american people. the obama administration abused the power to the point of using agencies like the atf, the doj and irs and even osha in some case to go after christian groups, conservatives and journalists. elizabeth: democrat senator elizabeth warren saying it's time to invoke the 25th amendment and remo president ret trump from office, citing warnings from a trump senior official who evidently wrote that anonymous "the new york times" op-ed. here's mike buc huckabee. she's saying that idea is quote ridiculous. watch.
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>> how does elizabeth warren ever teach law at harvard which f she is this off of the rails when it comes to invoking the 25th amendment. the democrats, i know they think they're mr. smith goes to washington. their acting like mr. magoo goes to washington. elizabeth: senator warren is a potential 202 presidential contender. what effect will invoking the 25th amendment idea have on voters in the midterms now two months away? >> well, look, i can't even take something like this seriously, liz. you're talking about something that would have to include the vice president of the united states. and i'm sorry, but mike pence is not going to help elizabeth warren or anybody else on the left achieve their goals. it's just not going to happen. this actually 'em boldens trump supporters what we have now, especially with the cowards who have come out inside the administration saying they're doing exactly what the democrats want them to do, to thwart the agenda, it 'em
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boldens the voterses out there. one thing people don't like is for those who think they're higher than above all, literally having a god-like complex to subvert the will of the people. this is the united states. elizabeth warren, the democrats and the deep state are now going to remove president trump without a fight. and that means our voters will be out in november. elizabeth: good to see you next up, tesla's ceo elon musk puffs on a joint, marijuana mixed with tobacco and more executives leave. we've got the back story on what's going on at tesla after the break. stay there. >> is that a joint? or is it a cigar. >> no. >> okay. >> it's marijuana inside of a tobacco. >> so it's pot? >> i think i tried one once. >> come on, man. >> you probably can't because of the stockholders, right? fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely.
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. i try to convince people to slow down, slow down ai to regulate the ai. this was futile. i tried for years. nobody listens. >> this seems like a scene in a movie [bleep]. you're freaking me out. nobody listened. no one. >> we're about to release the software that will enable you to turn it on and it will drive from highway onramp to highway access, do lane changes, overtake cars. go from one ber schain interchae next. if you go through several highway interchanges, overtake other cars, hook into the nav system. it's legal, right? >> total legal. >> do people get upset with you if you do certain things. is that to ba coor nairn in tobn
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there. >> it's all it is. >> the combination of tobacco and marijuana is wonderful. elizabeth: well tesla's stock basically lost billions in market value today on that video, the podcast there, elon musk smoking marijuana mixed with tobacco on a podcast out of l.a. pod is legalized in california. tesla's shares though really takes hits today. also in the news, tesla's chief accounting officer resigned after one month on the job. human resources chief also resigned today. that's three dozen executives leaving over the last two years, leaving rich stock option packages on the table. tesla down 6% today. here are the problems. corporate bonds collapsing tesla is having a hard time paying slyers. let's bring in our panel. kirk, your take or musk smoking pot here. he's also drinking whiskey in
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the podcast. >> okay. this is not making me confident. i am a tesla shareholder, liz. and to see the ceo firing up a joint on camera, it does not fill me with confidence. tesla is a great product. that's why i bought it. the cars are magnificent. he seems to be wanting to send the whole endeavor up in smek. elizabeth: our own charlie of fox business reporting that the u.s. air force hads begun to look into elon musk's pot smoking. here's the issue, eric. spacex is a government contractor. you can't smoke pot and use marijuana for people with government security clearances and contracts there. what's your take on that? >> well, he may have an issue there on a legal matter. but you know, this is a leader who is irreverent. he's a genius. he certainly thinks differently than most people. it's baked into his dna to do
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these kinds of things. and i think most investors have kind of made piec peace with it. and some like kirk are going to have to make that decision as to whether they want to roll the dice. tesla, i think is very close to actually being in great shape being profitable sometime next year. i think this certainly gets a lot of media attention but i'm not sure how meaningful it is in the big picture given who he ear talking about. he's unique. and the board is not going to do anything. thethey're not going to cut the musk head off of the tesla unicorn. it's not going to happen. elizabeth: he owns a fifth of the company stock. final point, kirk. mercedes and audi, other big luxury car makers are making electric cars on their own. are you worried that they could ramp up and retool their existing factories to make electric cars and take op tesla? >> i think they may fill the
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space if tesla is not there. i'm worried about a loaded ceo. he's got to get his stuff together, liz. there's a lot of people depending on him. elizabeth: you're going to be right back with me after the break next case, protest or not, nfl ratings dropped another 8% last night versus 2017 opener. we're going to get into that story. explain why after the break. stay there.
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amid a storm of controversy surrounding the nfl, nike and collin kaepernick overcame the except tif. not one player was seen kneeling during last night's opener. all know eagles player michael bennett sat on the bench during
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it nfl ratings are down 8% very vus a 2017 opener. about 20 million viewers last night. one of the lowest season openers ever. the game was played past midnight. there's an increase in streaming online as well. let's get back to the panel. are you surprised by the ratings drop? >> no. this is a league that is run by elites that have no respect for patriotic americans. they've disrespected the flag, they've disrespected the anthem. now after, i think, conservatives and patriotic americans have sent their message strongly by shutting off television and not showing up at games, they're now trying to correct things. but then they go on support nike's ad, which is, i think, frankly again another attack on conservatives and patriotic americans. it's a bizarre. who is running the show over
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there. they don't make sense. they've taken a brand and decimated that brand. elizabeth: what do you think, kirk? i hear what you're saying. it looks like a rerun of the arguments weapon wenarguments wt year. it's settled. everybody can agree that yes, go ahead and protest, protest what you like. but just don't do it in front of the flag. i mean people die for that flag. >> that's right. >> well, you know, liz, i'm not going to be disaren'ted. millions of americans aren't going to be disrespected. we made very clear if you do this to the flag, if you do this to the national anthem, it disrespects us at the most core level. and they sit and they kind of said, okay, and i'm going to keep doing it. which tells us they have nothing but contempt for us. so here's how this works out. because it's unacceptable, liz, meaning we won't accept it. i'm not watching your football. i'm not watching your movie where you hide saluting the flag on the moon. i'm not playing your game and millions of americans feel
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exactly the same way. elizabeth: eric, we a act to what kirk just said. >> look, i agree this is consistent with what i feel. and i think kirk is right. and frankly, i think it still will get worse. you've got so many outraged patriotinpatriotic americans tht the nfl as just, yo you know, offending the core principles of what they believe and then you've got nike, frankly, that's doing something very similar where their phrase "just do it" means we don't care about conservatives. and frankly i think the boycott, i think it's un-american not to boycott. elizabeth: you know to eric's point, kirk, missouri's college of the ozarks announced they will remove all nike athletic uniforms due to that collin kaepernick campaign. kirk, nike stock is holding up, up 29% year the date and it looks like the online sales for
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nike are up 31% over a four-day period. what's your take on all of that? >> look, they're going to get some people rallying to support them and people like me are going to say, you know, if you decide you're going to get in my face and insult me, i'm going to have nothing to do with you. if nike thinks that's a great brand strategy to alienate the half of americans who built this country, defend the country, feed and fuel this country, make this country work, go for it. go for it, guys. but we weren't playing. we're done. good luck to you. elizabeth: thank you so much. have a good weekend, guys. >> you too h. elizabeth: we're going to be right back. stay right there. the wonderful thing about polident is the fact that it's
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liz: stay tuned tonight to catch maria bartiromo's interview with wayne gretzky. also kraft heinz ceo bernardo
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hees at 8:00 p.m. eastern time right here on the fox business network. thank you for watching. charles payne now "making money." charles: markets ended the taylor. but there were several great narratives. but the big news of course, the employment report. wages soaring. the unemployment remains at an 18-year low. we saw payrolls up $201,000 boosted by hiring in construction. professional and business services. president trump touting those numbers at a rally in fargo, north


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