tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business September 9, 2018 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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♪ >> lou: good evening, everybody. our top story. after three days of deliberate disruption and disorder by the radical left, the circus that was brett kavanaugh's supreme court confirmation hearing appears to be coming to a merciful end but not without one last gasp of carefully choreographed kay yot by the dimms and their protesting co- conspirators. [yelling] >> lou: and so it went. and went. and went again. we take up the outrageous
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behavior of the supreme court nomination process and those desperate dimms in the senate hearing. congressman max gates among the guests. president trump on the way to montana to throw support behind republican matt rosendale looking to oust john tesser in the senate. the president rallying the base as the left wing media and the allies in the deep state are waging an all-out war against the president. we'll discuss the cowardly efforts to subvert the president. victoria tensing joins us and james freeman of the "wall street journal." nike taking another nose dive making anti-american activist colin kaepernick the fron for all of those shoes they make their spokesman. we have the new devastating evidence of what is a huge backlash against the oh, so, clever marketiers at nike.
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the top story the national nightmare of three day of senate hearing for supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh ending tonight. the hearings have been more about con pronation than confirmation. the dimms and the leftist protesters in concert have done their worst trying to disrupt and delay the hearings. the republicans led by committee chairman chuck grassley have been patient throughout. or too patient for those who watched the poorly prepared of the vicious demeanor of the protesters and the dimm senators alike. now there is not the insignificant challenge of confirming brett kavanaugh. the republicans are confident they have the votes. tonighters president trump is on his way to montana where he will hold a rally in support of matt rosendale who is taking on the incumbent senator who president trump means to defeat. all of this as the national left wing media, fake news, further escalated their
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attacks against the president using as usual unnamed sources in their assault. the assault by protesters and the radical dimm senators in the kavanaugh hearing today was crazy. but the dimms is are making the choices very clear to voters in the midterms. now some 60 days away. the r.n.c.'s new ad. >> thank you! >> please, get up in the face of congress people. >> do you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and create a crowd. >> those republican leaders and president trump don't give a -- [bleep]! >> i don't know why there aren't uprisings all over the
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country. >> lou: 60 days now until the midterms. november 6, 2018. it's all up to you. our first guest tonight to take up the anger, the hate, the desperation of dimms in the kavanaugh hearing and the new call for president trump to declassify and release the carter page fisa application documents is matt gates. he has been at the forefront of the battle expose corruption at the highest level, the justice department, f.b.i. kwongman serves on a number of important committees including the judiciary, budget and the armed services committees. it's good to have you with us. congressman, let's start with the hearings for a justice to sit on the supreme court. the dimms' behavior, i have seen some ugly hearings. this, the democrats look absolutely berserk. >> well, you are absolutely
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right, lou. this really highlights the choice that voters will have in the upcoming election. do we want results or resistance? do we want the move the country forward with more growth of the g.d.p., the higher wages and the people on the courts in the land who will interpret the law rather than trying to make the law from the bench? or do we want just the persistent lunacy we see from the left? i think trump derangement syndrome is get something bad we might have to have medicaid cover it as an ailment. what you saw from corey booker is significant. if people looking for an appointment are to be confirmed don't believe the information will be treated with a semblance of respect they will be left forthcoming in the future. >> lou: i have to say, congressman, corey booker expose who had he is, his qualifications. and the fact that he seems
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utterly lost in the role of a u.s. senator. it was bizarre. >> he is the front end of the waver. you will see more of it. he wants to be president. you have 20 democrats in the senate that wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and say, "good morning, madam president" or "good morning, mr. president." so they will be crazier and crazier to get attention. at the end of the day i think it will help president trump. >> lou: let me turn to that issue. you and 11 other congressmen making it very clear that you want the president to declassify the carter page fisa application documents. the first question is why hasn't it happened until this point? the second is in asking for it to be done by the white house in the next week, do you think it will happen? >> i hope it will happen. we have done all we can do.
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you have seen headwinds we face at times from our leadership to trying to conduct the oversight. we need the president to declassify the information so the american people see what was in the application to spy on someone close to president trump, but also what wasn't in that application. they never told a secret court that bruce ohr was functioning as essentially handleer for christopher steele who wrote the dossier. at the same time, christopher steele was a coworker of bruce ohr's wife. you should not be able to buy your way into the justice departmentor intelligence committee with the political cash. we need transparency. if president trump is watching i hope he will be bold and declassify the information. >> lou: congressman, it's hard to keep them out of there when people are willing to spend $12 million like hillary clinton did and the democratic national committee did. in hiring fusion g.p.s. and christopher steele to create
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that phony dossier they used for the fisa applications. i mean that is a lot of money for a smear job. >> well, absolutely. whether you are a republican or a democrat, we never want a circumstance where if you hire the right person's spouse that your opposition research, your political dirt converts to intelligence information. that is the true crime here. >> lou: that is the crime of justice department and judges who basically rubber stamp the application. >> you are right. the judges only know what is before them. there was an obligation to present all the information. not just the information the f.b.i. wanted to present. and they hid the information that was exculpatory and i think would have been helpful in the court's decision. >> lou: yeah, let me turn to, if i may, this tweet by the president today. if we can go to that, please. the president indicating that he may soon declassify. at least that's the way i read
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this tweet. saying, "the deep state and the left and their vehicle, the fake news media, are going crazy. and they don't know what to do. the economy is booming like never before. jobs are at historic highs. soon, two supreme court justices and maybe declassification to find additional corruption. wow!" i should add one thing, if i may pair -- parenthetically. jobless claim fell to a low and the trump economy continues to roll. this is an important moment for the president deciding to declassify that fisa document. will he? >> i sure hope he will. and i think he will. and he should because the american people deserve transparency. the tweet you just pointed to, lou, that is what really encapsulates this presidency. a tremendous amount of progress in the face of headwinds not only from all the democrats but even from some republicans and
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bureaucratic in the media who want to stand in the way of president's success because they don't like the fact he is disrupting the status quo, that he is shaking things up and changing things. you know what? i love it. and the american people love it. that is why we are going to keep the success going. results, not resistance. that is our message in the midterms. i think it will be successful. >> lou: one quick last question. your letter, 19 congressmen, beseeching the president to declassify this document. why wasn't any member of the republican leadership on that letter? >> well, you know, sometimes our leaders like to let the rank and file really germinate the ideas. i will note, lou, on the call for the second special counsel, the majority leader mccarthy and the minority leader steve scalise joined us. so sometimes leadership is not the first in congress but they can join after they see the ground swell of the rank and file members like me.
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>> that is obamaesque. isn't that leading from behind? i didn't mean that, congressman. just kidding. >> i know you didn't. >> lou: thank you. congressman matt gaetz leads from the front. thank you for being with us, congressman. >> thank you, lou. >> lou: up next, cracking the deep state. federal prosecutors are finally taking on fired deputy f.b.i. director andrew mccabe. there he is. we will take that up. what does it mean? that and much more after the break. i'll talk to the former federal prosecutor and renowned attorney victoria tensing. we're coming right back. stay with us. ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪ uhp. i didn't believe it. again. ♪ ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth? ♪ i want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ♪ ooh i'm not hearing the confidence. okay, hold the name your price tool. power of options based on your budget! and! ♪ we'll make heaven a place on earth ♪ yeah! oh, my angels! ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪
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>> lou: well, a grand jury has been summoned in the case against the lying leaking fired deputy director of the f.b.i. andrew mccabe. the "washington post" reporting that federal prosecutors are using the grand jury to investigate whether mccabe purposefully misguided officials over his role in the unauthorized disclosures to the "wall street journal" and other issues as well. joining me now, victoria toensing, the former justice department official. outstanding attorney and following all of these developments as few with her eye and talent.
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first, great to have you here. let's start with this grand jury. this report, reported first in the "washington examiner." your thoughts about the timing and the propriety? >> the timing, let me see. it's about time don't you think? >> lou: i do think. >> how long have we gone? i want to know what else is being done. when jeff sessions came out with a big to-do about bringing in huber the u.s. attorney from utah, the one thing he was supposed to look into was uranium one. my client has never been contacted about that, over eight months ago. they are kind of slow. >> lou: kind of slow. it looks like they are trying to -- the cliché is "run out the clock." the most important and still clichéd stonewalled is what really comes to mind. defying the constitution and the executive branch. specifically, the white house
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and the president also. obviously clear. >> i agree. where is peter strozk? there is a bunch of people that should be in this. danbruce ohr. a lot of people should be before the grand jury. >> lou: is there any reason by the way, why, they shouldn't bring other people before the grand jury, why it should be limited to mccabe given all we know? >> no. what struck me about the story, and i just learned it as i was sitting here was only mccabe? really? >> lou: well, let's turn to if we may, the issue of evidence that peter strozk, lisa page, mccabe, weissmann all knew about bruce ohr and his wife nelly who was working at fusion g.p.s. and they knew about it before, before the fisa applications were even filed. does that strike you as surprising? or can anything surprise any of us after what we have
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witnessed here and the corruption in washington? >> no, lou, it doesn't surprise me at all. it's consistent with what is all coming out bit by bit but very slowly. i want to go to the congressman's call of declassification of fisa. let's be very clear about what happened here. carter page was the target of obama administration wanting to get a leg in to the trump campaign. and that is what it was all about. they used carter page. power was abused and the fisa court was lied to. they used carter page by lying to the fisa court. just real quickly, in 2013, carter page was an asset, an f.b.i. asset and helped the f.b.i. indict a russian spy. when they are applying for the surveillance they make it look like carter page was in cahoots. carter page gave a speech at a russian university in the fall of 2016.
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you know who else gave a speech at the same russian university? barack obama. but they are using these things to the fisa court to get the surveillance on him. then they unmasked him and leaked it to the press. >> lou: it seems to me like we are watching a narrowing of the window here that was very small to begin with into the events and the people responsible for the toxic atmosphere in both the f.b.i. and the department of justice leadership. but this is not an accident. we are watching some distancing it seems to me from those events and the first effort that looks possible to see declassification of documents is at hand. the president, is there any rational reason on earth that he would resist declassifying
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the fisa dock mens that have already been seen in unredacted form by the intelligence committees. or at least they were given the opportunity to see the documents in the house and senate. >> they feel so strongly they have been declassified you have to give deference to them. here is my message to the president. if you are not on offense, you're on defense. so you better get them out there. >> lou: yeah. >> get the documents out there. >> lou: this is a president who relishes being on the point of the spear. and launching it rather than taking more incoming as he has to put up with every day. victoria, it's always great to see you. thank you so much. >> good to be here, lou. >> lou: victoria toensing. president trump giving a twitter shoutout for the "wall street journal" james freeman for his assessment of the administration's achievement and quoting freeman's appearance on "fox & friends" tweeting this -- "the record is quite remarkably. the president faithfully
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followed the issues he campaigned on in 2016. people should focus on the results and they're extraordinary." james freeman. "wall street journal." which brings to us my point. james freeman is about to join me to talk about the presidential phone call he received after that tweet. stay with us. we'll be right back. all money managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management.
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>> lou: former vice president joe biden -- you remember him? stumping for new jersey congressional candidate mickey sheryl. he slammed what we called raw, naked, nationalism and phony populism saying the single greatest objective is re-establish and broaden the middle class. whoa! that was what they forgot, wasn't it, in the obama administration? to strengthen the middle class and instead of embracing outsourcing, offshoring, this is the same administration
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which long made up the majority of the population falling below 50%. guess what year? 2015. the biden people forget that 44 million people were in food stamps. nearly 3 million more than were on it the past may. maybe it was when biden left office. he forgot that the unemployment rate was 4.8%. now down to 3.9%. biden slamming raw, naked nationalism. is he have a nationalistic fantasy of some kind? which nation would he like us to support more rather than our own? joining us james freeman, assistant editor at the quarterfinal, the fox business contributor and the coauthor of a newly released book "borrowed time: two centuries of book, and busts and
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bailouts." you are the man. first, you are getting a shout out from the president on twitter. >> yes. and a phone call with him. tell us how it went. >> good. i went on the sister network and i talked about to your point what is so exciting for the middle class. >> lou: it's growing. >> the manufactured rebound that president trump promised in 2016 is happening. >> lou: right. >> last month, the best month for manufacturerring in 14 years. >> lou: 14 years. >> productivity in the second quarter, 2.9% now. that is just one quarter. we don't know if we can continue it forever. but that is getting back to old american style post-war growth and productivity and how you get rising wages for middle class. >> lou: 14 years. what is interesting about that, that includes all of the obama administration.
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the radical left winger and a good part of the bush administration. a radical what would you call him? liberal himself? he wasn't a conservative. free traders, weren't they? they were free traders. and it took, and it took a strong president to stand up and say this country is not going to hemorrhage any more. >> the phone call with the president today made the case that the problem was regulation and taxes. >> lou: he med that case -- he made that case? >> i made that case. >> lou: he has been deregulating since he got in there. >> this is what i'm saying and why he called. i tried to make the case to him, the tax cut, deregulation are working. >> lou: yes. >> you have solved the american competitiveness problem. you don't need to mess up the trading relationships. >> lou: oh, i see. so you would like us to have deficits in perpetuity.
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we could have a $20 trillion national debt rise to what $30, $40 trillion? we could have additional deficits that will go on forever. we would then watch the middle class continue in the obama-esque withering that we became aneurod to over the course of his fabulous eight years. you and obama are conspiring against president trump, you, too? >> when did i endorse the obama economic program? >> lou: i heard it here when you said you want to go back to his federal trade policies. >> it's bad. if you say there is a failing in the trump performance of enacting the 2016 agenda, it would be failing to do anything about spending. that is a problem. what i was trying to make a point that -- >> lou: you make it sound like it's my fault you didn't make the point. >> what were obama and bush --
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what was the big similarity? regulation. >> lou: disasters. >> by were big cria to to -- creators of regulation. president trump stopped the trend. >> lou: you blinked when i said that bush is a liberal not conservative. >> he grew government a lot. grew regulation a lot. >> lou: and debt a lot. attacked the wrong country. when you get through the administration you wonder what the hell we have been going through for the past 30 years? we have had three of the worst presidents. and the best of the three in my judgment was clinton because at least the economy performed. then you have bush and obama. if we don't have trump we are in -- this country would be an utter disaster. >> i look at the similarities -- >> lou: do you agree? >> -- between trump and reagan. >> lou: you are not going to agree. i'm watching the kavanaugh hearings. yes or no, james? >> trump and reagan both unleashed the america economic
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engine and they had trade deficits. then as now we have trade deficits. >> lou: i'm sorry. reagan and who? >> trump. along with a thriving economy. a trade deficit is not incomp patible -- incompatible with good economy which is what we have now and had in the '80s. >> lou: you're right. go to greater debt and -- >> this is not endorsement of more debt. >> lou: of course it is. you are talking abgetting rid of jobs because we are going to buy all of those imports to the country. thegermens will have the mercantilist policy and trade forever. they will have the giant surpluses and the emerging markets. we will send our blood, our jobs and fortune out to them because we are americans and we can afford to be generous beyond measure. we are squandering wealth in this country. and lives. >> i don't think that is exactly what i said.
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>> lou: on that note of agreement, james freeman, always good to talk to you. >> good to be here. >> lou: up next, the resistance making its way inside the white house. that is what an op-ed and "new york times" by an anonymous, an anonymous author would have the "new york times," would have you believe. wow! that is pretty bad. we'll take up that so-called senior financial in the trump administration. yale professor paul brackman joins us. we will take up a lot of issues with him as we continue here tonight. stay with us. we'll be right back. i can't believe it. that everything sticks to stefon diggs's hands? no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. cool, huh? yeah.
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>> lou: the left wing "new york times" elevating the ideological fervor. that is kind. publishing not just an anonymous quote but an entire anonymous op-ed from an alleged member of the administration who bashed the president. that is not allegedly. that is definitively. this is just the latest escalation in the fourth estate's assault of president trump. no one, no one should take seriously the claim of the author of this anonymous op-ed is truly a senior administration official. president trump addressed the op-ed during a white house event this very afternoon.
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>> president trump: i asked, can you imagine this? we have someone in what i call the failing "new york times" talking about he is part of the resistance within the trump administration. this is what we have to deal with. the dishonest media. you people deal with it as well as i do. but it's really a disgrace. i will say this. nobody has done what this administration has done in terms of getting things passed and getting things through. when you tell me about an anonymous source within the administration, probably who is failing and probably here for all the wrong reasons. the "new york times" is failing. if i weren't here i believe the "new york times" probably woundn't even exist. and some day -- and let me just tell you. some day when i'm not president, hopefully in about six and a half years years from,
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the "new york times" and cnn and all of these phonemy media outlets -- phony media outlets will be out of business. there will be nothing to write and there will be nothing of interest. >> lou: the president is absolutely correct when he suggests that the copy won't be quite as elevated or exciting when he finally leaves the presidency. joining us tonight, paul bracken, a member of the council on foreign relations, he is professor of political science and business at yale university. a great american. it's great to have you here. >> good to be here. >> lou: let's start with the president and this anonymous quote by some worm that ad is is -- that is allegedly part of the administration. your thoughts on where the "new york times" is? >> my thoughts is the "new york times" would have vetted this carefully about who it is. i don't have any doubts about that. my feeling is it's yet another
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example of partisan politics run riot. that is the way i would put it. it's happening everywhere. and it's not good for the democracy. i don't think it's good for u.s. security overseas. it can temp people to think the wrong things, about that we have a weak government. and i was shocked that the individual in question would not resign and put it out there under his own name. >> lou: yeah. i wasn't surprised. anyone who would betray the man they work for, president of the united states, is a delusional, maniacal, self-aggrandizing jerk. i don't see another way to call it. i would think they would stand up clearly among the top officials of the administration. >> this is not like that you work for a big business and you don't agree with the c.e.o. or something like that. >> lou: national security. >> you work for the united states government and you work
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for the constitution. and if you really don't agree with it, you shouldn't be in there. and you have special obligations that are far larger than people who work at most kind of organizations. >> lou: yeah. this would also be a call, this would also be a call to the deep state whether it's in the f.b.i. we have seen the corruption that is rampant and the leadership, the department of justice. all of those people should be walking out the door. because they are appalling in their disloyalty. the ignorance of the conduct. the political corruption with which they have stained that department and that agency. >> well, the way i would put it is that we have made it much easier to impeach the next president, whoever it is after this one. >> lou: right. >> we are lowering the bar here and we are going to suffer for the sense of both parties but especially in resent times. -- in recent times. this is not good for the
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strength of the country. a lot of other things going well on the economic front and the foreign policy front. >> lou: this president, his successes to this point in time, in his administration are unprecedented in the modern era. am i correct? >> you are correct. the one that gets me is the charge that he is drawn to authoritarian governments like russia and china, which belies the fact that he has launched the largest nuclear buildup that is going to add thousands of hydrogen bombs aimed at russia and china. i do not see this as coddling the russians. >> lou: nor do i. >> and the russians do not see it that way. i was talking to the officials in russia and they are absolutely stunned at the thought that we believe that they could hack the u.s. election and make a difference. they can't do anything right in their own country. they are stunned to think that
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we think they affected the election. >> lou: folks should have an insight in the russian government by the historical facts. that is, in 1991, with the collapse of soviet union and marxist lennonism. the country is suffering not just because of the sanctions. although they are a tremendous burden. but because the country has yet to embrace markets and achieve its potential. >> they are backward technologically. there is no silicon valley. they tried to start it several times. the ruble is collapsing. what people talk about in russian, it wasn't hacking the election or trump. they are upset because the ruble has gone down so much they can't take vacations on the riviera this year. that is what the russians i spoke are really upset about. >> lou: they are upset about that and they are interested in reclaiming at least full
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power in the atlantic. the united states now creating the countervailing atlantic fleet to the force that already the russians put in the atlantic. >> we have done a lot in the last few years. we have very interesting military technologies and there are now nato bah stall -- battalion in the three baltic countries. they would have to kill nato troops to come in and invade. that gets them in a ballgame they don't want to get into. >> lou: the reason they are there in large measure is the baltics are without question historically, they have had enough of russian invasion. >> that is an understatement. they do not like the russians. >> lou: well, we like you. we are delighted that you have taken time to join us. i hope you will be back with us soon. >> thank you. >> lou: thank you, professor. appreciate it. paul bracken. coming up, chuck todd is upset with the president, too. the president calling out the national left wing media for
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>> lou: "meet the press" host chuck todd says it's time for the press to start fighting back against what he calls a campaign of dellification. in an op-ed for the atlanta he states rush limbaugh, fox hosts are exploiting the fears as he puts it of older white people. well, he says it's time for the press to fight back. my concern is centered around the likes of todd who told us not to miswork on friday because he said he had a strong suspicion than the robert mueller witch hunt would be delivering a bombshell last friday. i had so much faith in chuck todd's political analysis, i want you to know, i took friday off. the nfl sounding off on nike's new ad campaign featuring colin kaepernick. in a state they say this --" "the social justice issues that colin and other professional athletes have raised deserve our attention and action. hard-hitting stuff from the nfl. could any of us possibly be
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disappointed? this is after they supplied the team uniforms and the five-year deal was worth $1 billion. so this is a big one. nike launching the controversial ad campaign featuring nfl quarterback colin kaepernick. tomorrow nike will run the ad on the nfl season opener. but the social justice warriors newly self-proclaimed at nike have something of a spotty history when it comes to social justice and the american worker. nike it turns out -- are you ready -- has 127 footware factories in 15 countries. but vietnam, china and indonesia manufacturer 94% of the nike footwear. they have 363 apparel factories and they are in 37 countries and make 52% of nike apparel in china, vietnam, and
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thailand. not ohio. not oklahoma. not in oregon, by the way. let's don't forget. nike is the same company that put a new york company out of business and shifted t-shirt printing and production from a factory in new york to honduras three years ago. that resulted in the loss of 85 american jobs. 1,700 laid off last year. so much for social warrior footwear company. or worrying at the margin about american workers. odd with what they are claiming and what they are actually doing. nike, raising our consciousness. up next, social media giants twitter and facebook answering questionses why they silence conservative voices and admit to dropping, well, to failing to detect or act on russian election meddling.
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>> russia used social media as part of -- and i quote, "catch henceive and multi-facetted campaign to interfere in u.s. elections and those of our allies." we were too slow to spot this and too slow to act. >> lou: mind-numbing don't you think? we take it up after the break. with folks who are, their minds are alive. diamond and silk. electric and coming up next. stay with us. we'll be right back. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth...
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fisher investments. clearly better money management. >> lou: well, i can't wait to talk with diamond and silk about what is going on in washington and social media. as congress, well, in some cases they are hinting they may want to regulate social media. big tech. twitter c.e.o. jack dorsey among those on capitol hill today talking about his company's silencing of conservative voices and his it was leaving a little to be desired. >> we don't consider political view points, perspectives or party affiliation in any of our policies or enforcement decisions. >> the allegation that we make, the republicans, is that you are discriminatory against us. against the republicans. >> we agree that the result was not impartial. that is why we corrected it and we fixed it. >> so you do agree there were
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more republicans than democrats? >> i didn't say that but i do agree -- >> well, you can't have it both ways, sir. >> we don't always have the best methods to determine who is a republican and who is a democrat. >> well, usually, it's known because we run as republicans or democrats. that is not hard to identify. >> lou: dorsey not impressing us certainly on this broadcast. investors weren't too impressed either. twit're stock -- twitter's stock falling more than 6% today. dorsey is going to have to up his game. we'll see how that goes from here. joining us now social media superstars, president trump supporters, diamond and silk. great to have you here on a day in which social media was, well, in the court of public opinion on capitol hill. what did you make of dorsey and his comments and sandberg from facebook, her comments on
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the day, diamond? >> well, you know what? here is the deal. you have the same people that go up there to capitol hill and they just chat and they just talk and they get nothing done. they say nothing that will take and appease the american people, especially conservatives that are censured on their platform. to think you can influence what we talk about on social media is dictatorship and tyranny and it has got to stop. >> lou: you are exactly right. because it is, this is soviet stuff. talking about whether facebook or twitter, whatever platform it might be, they decide what can be said? they decide what will be an acceptable expression? they become the arbiters of taste and judgment and appropriate speech? go to hell! >> absolutely. >> you got that right. then they want to sit back and talk about russia is the one
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influencing the election. it's these platforms. twitter, facebook, youtube, google. the social media platforms that are the ones this is fluenceing the e -- is influencing the election. i don't speak russian. i speak english. if anyone said anything to me in russia i wouldn't know what they are talking about. the social media platforms are influencing the election by censuring the conservative voice. >> lou: it turns out the first collusion may have been on facebook with the russians. they didn't react. they didn't bring in authorities from our intelligence agencies. twitter, you know, i couldn't understand what dorsey was even trying to say. he wanted to be the guy who decides whether or not conservatives have a voice but then he said he couldn't tell which was which and it got ambiguous for hill. could you straighten him out
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on that? >> he is not the arbitrator of truth. >> that is right. >> to think he can influence us, he is not the school of speech. this is free speech we are talking about being stifled. conservative free speech. what think did, the pretext of this here is the algorithms they put in place to silence conservative voices. if you say the word "trump" you are silenced. if you say anything patriotic or anything about god you are silenced. if you are a conservative you are be silenced on the social media platforms because they want to act like they are the arbitrators of truth. but they're liars and thieves. >> that is right. >> lou: it's great to have you here. we thank you. i want to apologize for swearing. my wife will chastise me strongly after the broadcast i'm sure. forgive me. we are delighted to see you. all the best. >> thank you for having us. >> lou: be sure to check out diamond and silk chitchat tour. the next stop is october 7 in marietta, georgia.
12:00 am
thank you for being with us tonight. see you tomorrow. and good night from new york. a paid presentation from meaningful beauty by cindy crawford. (female announcer) with special appearances from some of your tv favorites sharing their number one skin saving secrets. (male announcer) plus, a stunning before and after story from today's special guest, lori loughlin. (female announcer) at age 52, the star of full house and much more says her skin seems to be looking not older but younger thanks to friend and supermodel cindy crawford. (lori) i really do feel like my skin has been restored and i've traveled back in time. (male announcer) could it be the fountain of youth we've been waiting for? stay tuned to find out.
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