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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  September 20, 2018 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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the president at a rally tomorrow for dean heller in las vegas. good night from new york. [♪] kennedy: breaking news. dow jones moments ago reporting that discussions are under way between the judge kavanaugh accuser. there is still no after he agreement tofestify and some issue ofs remain unresolved. the deadline for the accuse tore decide is tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. judge kavanaugh says he'll be there monday. for the last week the political world has been on fire after dr. christine ford came forward with allegations judge kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a party in the 1980s.
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he denies the claim. her attorney says she is willing to talk under the right conditions. she wishes to testify if we can agree on terms which even sure her safety. dr. ford has asked me to let you know she appreciates the various options you suggested. her strong preference continues to be for the senate judiciary committee allows for a full investigation prior to her testimony. democrats are continuing to demand the fbi investigate dr. ford's claims. the committee leadership said quote democrats sat on the allegations for months and did nothing. they still haven't turned over the original letter they
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received from dr. ford. monday staff interviewed judge kavanaugh under penalty of felony. democratic staff could have attended and asked any questions of judge kavanaugh but they declined to participate. fox news chad pergram is always on capitol hill and always has the latest. chad? reporter: republicans on the judiciary committee are willing to give christine blasey ford a wide berth. if there is a hearing monday, it would mirror what happened in 1991 when they had anita hill and clarence thomas. we'll probably hear first from ford like they did from hill, then they would hear from
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kavanaugh. all members of the commit committee would have a round of 5-minute questions. chris coon says it's hard to hold the hearing on monday. the democratic senator from hawaii says this hearing is a railroading. on capitol hill there were graduates from the school that christine blasey ford graduated from. there were a thousand alumnae who signed that letter. one senator is a grad watch that school. and they are urging her to stand in lock step with their fellow
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alumnae from the school saying we believe her. a 51-49 senate. and if any other republican senators were to pale off that -- peel off, that could be a problem for this nomination. kennedy: dow jones reporting the two sides reportedly discussing dr. ford's defendant money. ben shapiro election special sunday at 8:00 p.m. there are not just senators on the judiciary committee eager to hear from dr. ford, but voters. we are curious to see how the court is going to shape up before they cast votes in the mid-terms. what do you make of these developments? >> it's difficult to tell where
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this is going. a lot of the requests being put forward by ford seem unreasonable. we are hearing ford wants to testify after calf knew which makes no -- after kavanaugh which makes no sense. you don't have a trial where the defendant testifies before the accuser. i will be interested to see if it's going to be public or private. republicans seem to be forth coming in allowing dr. ford to testify whichever way they want. kennedy: her attorney said that in their letter, they appreciate that the committee has been reasonable and accommodating to ford's requests. >> what's so frustrate being this, good hearted people on both sides of the aisle would like to know whether it's a lie,
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the truth or misremembering. but because of all the political manipulations particularly around democrats surrounding this issue. it's difficult to get beyond the feeling democrats don't care about establishing guilt or innocence, it's just a club to beat judge kavanaugh and win votes in the 2018 election. kennedy: unfortunately that's how this appears to be shaping up. and today i'm curious about and i know you are in fact a lawyer, what do you think republicans on the senate judiciary committee should do as far as a lawyer potentially questioning dr. ford and maybe having a female defense attorney who can take her story apart a little bit. >> that makes perfect sense to me. we had something similar with
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anita hill and clarence thomas. it doesn't make a lot of sense to have senators who don't know much about the case questioning. you are allowed to face down your accuser. this would not hold in a criminal trial to not be able to face down your accuser. judge kavanaugh's life is either over or he will be on the supreme court. having somebody there who knows brett kavanaugh's story and can represent that story is a just thing to do. apparently ford doesn't want that. you don't want to be asked shard questions, even if you are telling the truth. all of this could have been avoided if dianne feinstein reported this stuff as soon as she heard it and worked with republicans to create a reasonable process. kennedy: and she could have trusted the fbi a little bit
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more. that's what democrats have been claiming to want all along, to reinstill confidence in these institutions. and perhaps maybe conducted their investigation a little bit differently. it doesn't sound like that from their point of view. but i know there are democrats questioning senator feinstein's motives here. if i were dr. ford i would be upset about how all of this played out. this has turned into a worst case scenario as well. >> it's a fiasco. there was dianne feinstein running for senate in 1992, and one of her criticisms was that they handled the anita hill hearings wrong. the vast majority of people
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across the aisle only care whether the accusation is true. they are not as interested in democratic attempts to delay this. kennedy: there is no physical evidence to gather, and from the people we have heard who were at the party, they have no desire to corroborate or testify. i said this the last three nights. we have seen so many sexual harassment cases. and we have seen one accuser come forward and either jostled the memories of past victims or they feel emboldened and not alone and they come out and they basically establish a pattern. we have yet to see that for brett kavanaugh. >> that's right. kennedy: if he did it it's super gross and it's wrong and he should answer for it. if he didn't do it, how does he
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clear his name? >> that is the question. we have seen no corroborating evidence. the first time thus was told to somebody who was the her husband was 30 years later. we have to evidence that anybody was there who can corroborate her memory of the events. and based on that we are willing to say he should lose his seat and the supreme court and probably on the federal court of appeal based on that? one way or another. the senate judiciary committee will vote on a recommendation to confirm whether dr. ford testifies or not. how are senators supposed to decide who to believe. kayleigh mcenany is here, and
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matty duffler is here, and kat timpf. welcome, everyone. this is an show of the highest order. what do you make of what's going on. >> i'm so confused and i don't know what to believe. on the one hand what does she have to gain? her life has been destroyed. she doesn't feel safe. she has people threatening to kill her. normally when we see something like this we see multiple people come out and say he did it to me, too. normally when somebody does something like this they don't do it just once. if you are liberal you want her to be right. you say i believe her. if you are conservative you say
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i want her to be wrong so there is no way she is telling the truth. i think the two sides have been decide on partisanship and it's impossible to know. kennedy: is there any clarity we can gain from the testimony of these two people? it is political trench warfare. people are dug in on opposite sides. >> you laid out with ben what's at stake. the question whether someone is innocent, do we even have senators who care. the real crime is dr. ford is not getting her opportunity to display her side of the case because she had already been used as a political pawn. dianne feinstein sat on her accusation for months and months. how would you feel if you gave it to one of the most of
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powerful people in the country and they decided to hold on to it to a time that's beneficial to them. the progressive twitter saying this is for victims everywhere. it's not. it's for political gain. kennedy: what i'm wondering did dianne feinstein think a letter like this would automatically disqualify brett kavanaugh? >> i don't think that was in dianne feinstein's calculation. she is up against a farther left cad in her state in california. so she has to cater to this rabid left-wing base. for her i think it was political calculation. not only did they wait until the 11th hour. they leaked this woman's name without her permission. democrats had this information,
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she did not want to come forward with it. kennedy: she had reporters on her doorstep and she knew exactly what they were cornering her over. kennedy: i don't think she is lying. i think something happened to her. but we don't know if it's this guy. we have to find a way to prove or disprove it was him. i feel for her. to have a profile this high out of nowhere under these circumstances sucks. you understand why she would ask dianne feinstein for anonymity which she didn't grant her. she is so political she had to use this as a political move. the drama continues in d.c. as long as the economy is booming. should the rest of the country care? we'll have a report on a
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record-breaking day on the stock market. kim jong-un wants another summit with donald trump. but he's not exactly living up to the promises from the first one. should the president tell him to take a hike? that's next. i can't believe it.
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kennedy: the loud biewm just heard is the sound of the economy going through the roof. jobless claims hitting record lows as stocks close at an all-time high. edward lawrence is live in our nation's capital with all the exciting details. reporter: for the 100th time since president trump has been in office the dow jones finished in higher territory. technology stocks led the day. five members of the dow closed at all-time highs, microsoft, nike, american express and visa. the jobless claims hit a 39-year low for the fourth straight week.
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and. >> consumer optimism went through the roof. and business managers ceos optimism went through the roof. the economy is motored by optimism. reporter: democrats are trying to take credit for the boom. presidenthe president obama trio remind people the recovery started on his watch. >> when you hear these folks talking about the economic miracle. just remember when it started. when you hear how great the economy is doing, let's just remember when this recovery started. reporter: the u.s. market indicators are hitting near record or record highs, the chinese market is down 19% this year. kennedy? kennedy: holy cow, edward, i like those odds. we are going up, they are going down.
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it's like escalators in the night. north korea's supreme leader kim jong-un wants to hold another summit with president trump. that according to the south korean president moon jae-in. president trump yesterday said he was thrilled with the outcome of the meetings between the two korean leaders. but is north korea holding up its end of the bargain. gordon chang is back. what is the real story? have they halted all their operations? >> no, they haven't. since the june 12 summit they continued to produce fissile material enriching uranium and they continued to improve their
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plutonium reactor. that was the reactor they offered to dismantle if we made corresponding measures but they haven't told us what those measures are. it will be a dig ask but they haven't -- big ask but they haven't asked yet. kennedy: if you are asking for certain sites to be closed down and access for inspectors, and north korea wants something specific from the united states. is it good news that the north and south are meeting separately? >> probably a little bit of both, but mostly no. moon jae-in has been violating sanctions trying to put as much money into the coffers of north korea as possible.
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he's not big on business. kennedy: he's kind of a hippie. he's kind of a socialist. his goal is to unify the two koreas. and he's willing to do a lot of it under north korea's terms. he has been persecuting people who don't like north korea. so freedoms in south korea are taking a bit of a hit under moon jae-in. kennedy: we don't want a korean erdogan who starts gobbling up more power and changing the protocol in his country to make sure he has more power for a longer period of time. >> erdogan is a separate case where you have turkey by itself. south korea is part of a korean nation he believes. he says let's unify the
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countries but we'll do it on your terms. kennedy: if i look at one that's economically successful and one where the population is measure any smaller due to examine. i would err on the side of the one running the country better. >> moon is very pro north korean. he has friends from college who were advocating overthrowing the south korean government by north korea. you have a political system south korea very friendly to the north. south koreans who like freedom and democracy and a free market are at risk right now. kennedy: coming up, socialism killed hundreds of millions of people in the last century. is it the reason venezuela is
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failing now? why is socialism become more popular in the u.s.? i will explain why capitalists can retake the spotlight in my monologue next. now your insurance won't replace it outright because of depreciation. if your insurance won't replace your car, what good is it? you'd be better off just taking your money and throwing it right into the harbor. i'm gonna regret that. with new car replacement, if your brand new car gets totaled, liberty mutual will pay the entire value plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ is important to me so father being diagnosed with advanced non-small cell lung cancer made me think of all the things that i wanted to teach my kids. (avo) another tru story with keytruda. (roger) my doctor said i could start on keytruda so i did. with each scan things just got better.
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socialism, why is capitalism on its face. what should have been a fat flab, everyone wants to be liked. it's a basic human impulse. that explains the turn on a dime hypocrisy from people like jim carrey and sean penn. being cool is like heroin for most of of those people. what's cooler than pretending you hate money than giving away someone else's stuff under the guise of fairness. make our yoan money and not being subjected to mob theft that steals opportunity right out from under you. if money weren't cool, socialists would tell jokes for free in soup kitchens. instead they take big deals
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because they have been poor once and they don't want to feel hunger pangs again unless they are starving themselves for their emmy outfits. it starts out with good intentions but robs by design. it's gross and unequal when paranoids in charge bubble at having to share by force. it's a system road in judgment. you are always better than somebody else who has something you want. then when someone wants something from you you naturally become protective and dubious and it all falls apart like it has in the long list of failed socialist states. teachers, economists, entrepreneurs and fingerers have to do a better job of singing the praises of capitalism and
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free market that demonstrate the ability to pull people out of poverty and improve than lengthen their lives. it can be done using a tool every socialist is allergic to, meth. watch. what's cooler social yivment or capitalism? >> capitalism. >> capitalism, of course. kennedy: that is right answer. >> capitalism. kennedy: there are rational people left in the world. >> i voted for trump, capitalism. kennedy: very few people will admit that in new york city. president trump: brave people. >> socialism. kennedy: why?
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>> i don't really want to say. kennedy: who has the more fertile political mind, alexandria ocasio-cortez or kim kardashian. >> the first. kennedy: kim has more pull. social i. or capitalism? >> totally neutral. kennedy: what's your link? >> i'm canadian. show me a fence and i will sit on it. kennedy: that's very canadian. capitalism or socialism? i tried. she was saying capitalism what? why on earth would anybody ever pick socialism when given a choice between the two. expwhrieng to hash it up, ned ryun and jehmu greene, welcome
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to you both. jehmu, i will start with you. what is so wrong with capitalism? >> nothing is wrong with capitalism. i think kennedy maybe you were asking the wrong question. instead of capital versus socialism, couldn't it be a both and equation in the reality is there are great parts of america infused with socialism. our military, road, infrastructure. the entire new deal that helped build the middle class in this country. the weekend. come on, now, who doesn't love a weekend. who brought that into the american system. kennedy: lazy people, and in europe they have a month long weekend called august. that's why their productivity lags behind the united states. ned, it's interesting. people like jehmu make the
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point, we can have capitalism with nice parts but that's not necessarily socialism, is it? >> no, it's not. the reason we are having confusion i think our education system completely tried our young people will what socialism is all about. socialism actually ends up being about submission. i think we have got to go back into our education system and start teaching real such is, history and economics. this is how real economics actually work. i have to tell you, i wrote a piece called in search of americanism 6 years ago. we need to start talking about who we are as a people. how we got to this point. it wasn't chance. it was intentional choice. i think we should go back and teach about our foirnlsd and
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founding documents. you know what they got right? they were optimistic realists who understood human nature. even more importantly imperfect human beings should never be trusted with consolidated power. what socialists and progressives get wrongs, they think human nature is basically good and power should be consolidated. kennedy: i think people who want total control think less of human beings and of human nature. i think they have a very negative outlook. >> i think you are right. last point and i will shut up here. the self-loathing. kennedy: we are going to run out of time. jehmu, go. >> i couldn't agree more that we need better history and better civics in our country and that is the point i was getting at. when you look at when socialism
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has been growth brought into our country, it resulted in things that are good. and the education -- kennedy: i don't see what -- i disagree with that. you hate the roads you drive on? kennedy: i think it roads should be privatized. if you look at entitlement program, they are what is going to bankrupt this country. thanks, fdr. >> social security lifted elderly people out of poverty. social security is not something we should be getting rid of. medicare is not something we should be getting rid of, we should be expanding it. kennedy: by the way -- >> trying to rewrite history that is startling. kennedy: social security does not lift the elderly out of
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poverty. it keeps older people impoverished because they don't get to use that capital to use that money and create wealth for their retirement it's actually a very cruel system. >> kennedy, you are exactly right. those who have come into this system, we'll say we are going to fulfill our obligations to you. but i want to take my money and make it grow and be in charge of it and do my own investing. i'm look at social security going, dear god. >> there is a reason you are out of lock step with your generation. there is a reason young people are embracing these ideas. kennedy: they have been coddled and everything has been done for them and they feel entitled.
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[all talk at once] kennedy: don't fear the reaper. i need more cow bells. thank you very much.
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kennedy: donald trump versus robert mueller, it's the super bowl. the meeting still might happen. with regards to the meeting, abc news reports the president's former lawyer michael cohen participated in the multiple interviews with special counsel and is cooperating with a new york state probe into the inner workings of the trump family charity. who's getting the gatorade bath when the clock runs out. the panel is back. kayleigh, i will start with you. obviously the morning joe crowd
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wants to read this as all very bad news for the president. is this all doom and gloom? no, not in the slightest. we were told michael cohen holds the key to taking down the president, nothing came from that. the same with paul manafort, nothing. millions of pages have been reviewed. dozens of witnesses. nothing will come this but an indictment of the democrats for leading this charge. kennedy: do you share her enthusiasm? i realize she is a spokeswoman for the republican national committee. >> what matters is the timing of things. 45 days before the mid-terms, they see this at the silver bullet. the question is whether mueller
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has anything to announce prior to the election or after the election. kennedy: according to the reports we got today the president is more likely to testify after the mid-terms. all of these big announcements we have seen over months and months. so to that extent, hopefully the republicans can run on their vision of the country. and the president gets to exonerate himself. and we can move on as a country. that's the best case scenario. kennedy: do people want to move on or do they love this drama. can you imagine if you didn't have to wait an entire week when you were a kid for the next episode of hannah montana. >> i'm not that young. for me it was full house. if i took a bath on time got to
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watch "full house." it depends which side you are on. every single thing they said will lead to impeachment. the silver built, he'll be done. i don't understand why they want to impeach trump so bad if they will just get pence who is a million times for conservative than mike pence. i think people on the right have been ignoring it and i don't think anything will come of this. kennedy: we talk about the record highs for the dow and s & p and record low jobless claims. how does that factor in against the mueller investigation. >> our polling indicates issues are what will drive the election. it's not enough to say the economy is good. kennedy: there is a level of apathy with republican voters.
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these are the stakes. if nancy pelosi takes over. things are reversed. it will reverse everything. so that's what needs to be said. not just the economy is good. democrats will take that away from you. >> democrats are struggling going into the mid terms. they have their next crisis they are trying to convince the american people is a big deal. americans aren't paying attention. they don't care what mueller is doing day and day. mueller has somebody else he's going to interview. americans care about feeding their families and they are better than they were. and they feel better off. that's why they get to vote responsible how they feel. >> some people just look, they are look to for what's going to be the next thing to impeach
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trump and they actually believe it every time no matter how many times they heard that before and it hasn't been the case. kennedy: texas congressman al green says we should impeach trump because he makes the country feel bad. >> that's not a thing. kennedy: someone you don't like, you can't just take them out. >> impeachable on the ground of i don't like you. i never heard that. kennedy: thank you so much. what a fun night. good to see you all. "topical storm" is next. - [narrator] at athene, we think it's time for the financial world to stop acting the same old way. in today's complex world, you need a partner that is driven to provide you with better solutions
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[♪] kennedy: o canada. michael moore told reporters he's going to move to canada if this new film leads to trouble. we usually wouldn't cover something so silly on a business channel but it sent tim horton stocks through the roof. vladimir putin is practicing for his next presidential debate. oh, no. oh, no. now in the interest of full
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disclosure putin isn't really going to shoot is opponent. he's going to shoot his opponent's supporters. hillary clinton thought she had a get out the vote plan, but all she got out of it was hot sauce it's a nasty spell. but it's not the biggest collapse of her life. topic number two. americans have been through an awful lot this week with hurricanes and supreme court controversies. but finally there is some good news. kiss just announced they are getting ready to retire. causing viewers to ask, who are those old then makeup, mommy. are they doing a sequel.
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no, but i can see why they think that because gene simmons is definitely a clown. they will embark on the end of the world tour. knock on their van and give a thumbs up. topic number three. the hollywood reporter says bob iger is the most of' powerful man in hollywood, coming in second is samantha bee. i am only kidding. she is a woman and a pretty one. you have to choose between getting a colonoscopy and watching her show. iger had the top spot. ronan farrow also made the cut because the writers didn't want him to air their dirty laundry.
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this one, the aliens get deported by president trump. unlike samantha bee, the only time they hit both sides is when they are kissing nancy pelosi's tookus. the only thing samantha bee has totally destroyed is people's opinion of female comedians. i'm turning into rudy giuliani. you are right. topic number four. let's go down to duluth, georgia where police seized $15,000 worth of ecstasy pills. people say one pill will get you so high you think you are the ceo of tells la. they were concerned the drug dealers were selling them to
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kids. kids don't go out at night because they are playing fortnight. that's fortnight currency. the dealer is hnd behind bars. never accept an invitation to play fortnight with vladimir putin. ecstasy doesn't make him happy. it makes him jittery. like a feral cat. overy says i hate her clothes. pike brings the hate with kennedy, what happened? you used to be cool and now you are pathetic. damian tweets, gary johnson?
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i thought were intelligence. tell me it's not true. you voted for him? i can't believe that. am i policing the joke? tell me you are joking. zip it. boom rang closes it out. what are you, 8 years old? ♪
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it allowed more users to connect at the same time, while on the move. other wireless carriers considered the tech too expensive. but we saw it as the birth of reliability and the backbone of a company we all know as verizon. so we were the first to commit to the cdma system and the first to build our entire network around it. today, once again, we're transforming reliability as we know it, building america's first and only 5g ultra wideband network-- with unprecedented capacity, enabling faster speeds and the lowest latency anyone has ever experienced on a wireless network. which is crucial, because we'll all be relying on it more than ever. (man, over phone) it's really quite impressive, what you all have put together here, to, uh, to show the quality of the system.
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but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. kennedy: breaking news on the kavanaugh accuser.
9:00 pm
two sources tell fox her team has asked for a few things. kavanaugh must go first. he cannot in the room. only senators may ask questions, and no lawyers can ask anything. keep it right here for all of your needs. good night. >> even the most hated man in america... [gunshot ] >> [groans] >>lee oswald has been shot! >> ...gets his name on a headstone. >> the stone clearly shows oswald's date of birth and death. >> but how did it become their strange inheritance? >> i thought, "what on earth was a tombstone doing under my mother's house?" >> only after it's stolen, recovered, hidden, found, fought over, and more. >> we're going to take it back to texas, back home to the good ol' boys where it can have a lone star beer and make a lot of noise. >> you really wanted it back, dave. why? >> maybe they messed with the wrong tombstone owner.


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