tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business September 21, 2018 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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folks, thank you very much. here's lou. lou: good evening, everybody. our top stories radical dems ramping up their orchestrated, political and media smear campaign against judge kavanaugh and their craven desperate last-minute campaign to try to block the senate's confirmation of his supreme court appointment. >> these people in congress right now, in that senate judiciary committee, these white men, old by the way, are not protecting women. they're protecting a man who is probably guilty. >> i understand why a president who has 13 credible sexual assault allegations against him may not want to order somebody
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to investigate a judge he nominated. >> what the republicans are doing is outrageous. they're creating a false choice. they're trying to bully her into testifying on monday. lou: kavanaugh's accuser still unwilling to come forward and tech before the senate. her attorney and the senate dems trying to set conditions and demands outside the judiciary committee's announced timetable and requirements. we take up the latest on the supreme court fight tonight. republican strategist ed rollins with us. also tonight, president trump has finally had it with the cowardly and incompetent feckless gop congressional leadership as paul ryan and mitch mcconnell fail to deliver a responsible budget and still they refuse to fund the president's campaign promise, the build the border wall. president trump demanding republicans get tough and get with his program. >> we have to get the republicans. we'll get things we want. we've started the wall.
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everybody wants the wall. we've spent $3.2 billion on the wall. we've got to get the rest of the funding. we're going to get it. lou: and the department of justice and fbi still have not complied with the president's direct order to declassify documents related to the origins of the russia witch hunt. representative matt gates joins us here tonight to talk about the crisis of leadership at the department of justice, the fbi and the intelligence community. our top story, the campaign of the radical left to try to block the senate confirmation of judge brett kavanaugh. the dems sinking to unprecedented depths of despicable political dirty trick to keep judge kavanaugh off the spngt. supreme court. those efforts reaching a fever pitch today. kavanaugh telling senator grassley he'll be present on mopped for the scheduled hearing before if judiciary committee
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but his accuser is holding out unless her demands are met. senate dems are demanding a new fbi investigation. mike emanuel has our report from washington. >> why isn't judge kavanaugh asking for an fbi investigation if he has nothing to hide? pressure is building with republicans urging professor christine blahcy ford to speak to the judiciary committee regarding judge kavanaugh's nomination on monday. >> i think it's not fair to judge kavanaugh for her not to come forward and testify. both of them need to testify under oath next monday before the judiciary committee. >> foard's attorney e-mailed committee leaders writing quote she wishes to testify provided we can agree on terms that are fair and ensure her safety. a hearing on monday is not possible and the committee's
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insis tan tans it occur then is arbitrary. >> i consider that to be bullying. i consider that to be disregarding. i consider that to be something set up for failure. they would like a he he said/she said scenario. >> 56 people were arrested today protesting outside chairman grazly's office and elsewhere. there are signs of for example between grassley and die than finfeinstein with grazly writine still wants to see ford's letter that feinstein received weeks ago. and judiciary republican staff tweeting today, on monday staff interviewed judge kavanaugh under penalty of felony. democrat staff was invited and could have asked any question of judge kavanaugh. they declined to participate. other republicans say if a hearing doesn't happen, that is
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professor ford's choice. >> number one she shouldn't be criticized. and we shouldn't force her. but the senate has to move forward base odden the information that we have before it. >> clair mccaskill announced on twitter she's a no on kavanaugh and others are unclear at this stage. >> while professor ford's attorney raids concerns about her client's safety, fox has reviewed vulgar and threatening e-mail messages sent to judge kavanaugh and his wife in recent days. they are very graphic. lou: but no investigation sought on their behalf from the fbi. mike emanuel from capitol hill. thank you. the trump economy is booming and showing no signs of slowing despite what some media naysayers have been trying to say about rising trade tensions with china. investors showing absolutely no signs of anxiety concern today
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as both the dow jones industrial average and the s&p 500 closed at a record high. for the dow it's the 100th time dins president trump's election. the s&p closing at a new all-time high as well. and not only -- not the only good news. certainly jobless claims falling to a 49-year low, the third straight week it's been at an almost half century low level. with such strong numbers for the president's economy, what could the dems possibly run on in the midterms. what would it be? joining us tonight, congressman matt gates, member of the how judiciary committee, freedom caucus. great to have you with us. we look at this economy that i just reported on and have been reporting on for all of these months since the president was elected. i don't understand what the democrats have to say about the
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president's leadership and the republican governorship of both the house and the senate. >> well, you know, the democrats keep trying to make the argument that donald trump is incomp tept but we continue to see the fruits of his labor and the work of his administration in coordination with the republican congress. if democrats were to win in the midterms, we would face total chaos, lou. nothing would get done, no budgets passed. all of the special interests would continue to love the gridlock. immigration would continue to be a problem as illegals just came across the border with no consequence. do we really want that? do we want endless impeachment hearings? american people want to continue the progress. here's the problem for republicans. we've got to make new promises. we can't expect people to vote for us based on what we said in the past. we've got to fulfill the trump agenda. lou: you've got a guy in the house -- we've mentioned speaker ryan before haven't we?
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we have had that discussion. >> i think you've brought him up a time or two op your show. lou: and the president brought up that feckless leadership in the house. i'm confused why you all have permitted him to sit in the office he resigned. he's doing no one any good. he's blocking the president's wall, as the president pointed out today. one of the cornerstone promises of his presidential campaign. what are the republicans to do? >> well, we are in need of vision. and my colleague, jim jordan laid out that vision several months ago. he said that with this deadline looming we should put the wall funding together with prioritizing our troops and our veterans. we should send that over to the senate and then demand that they take action on it. here what we have is the absence of decision-making and you know my hope is that we continue to make our troops a priority. i hate when gridlock in washington results in the people who are down range fighting for
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our freedoms not getting what they need and trump has always put our troops and veterans first. at least we're taking care of that but we've not been nearly ambitious enough. lou: without his leadership the republicans would have precious lit tollittle to show for theirl of the house and the senate. i want to turn to what we're now witnessing, the congress of the united states sending a letter -- the dems, pelosi, schumer, warner and a fellow by the name of schiff -- let's just put this up. it's really remarkable. if we could put up the first full screen of the dni and the doj agreeing to block white house access. on june 27th, 2018 we wrote to memorialize the verbal assurance, you, that is coats
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and rosenstein, it's just -- and christopher wray, the director of the fbi, the assurance that you provided us that doj and fbi would not provide the white house or any of the president's attorneys with access to sensitive information briefed to a small group of designated members. congressman within i've got to ask you. that looks to me like a confession on paper, overwhelming evidence of a conspiracy to subvert the president of the united states. >> i don't know who the hell these people are telling executive agencies of the federal government not to be responsive to the commander in chief. to the person who leads the executive branch. to the president of the united states. donald trump has obligations under the constitution that can only be met if he has full command and control of the federal government and i think it's outrageous you would have that happen. i think's more troubling now that you could have people at the fbi and the department of
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justice not complying with the president's order to release the information that we've been demanding to have released so that we can get to the bottom of the obama administration's abuses of the fisa process to spy on the trump campaign. lou: isn't it remarkable, the president has ordered the declassification of the documents that you and other congressmen and two committees have sought and now the democrats are saying, my gosh, what an abuse of power. how could you possibly allow the president of the united states to declassify all of these documents, notwithstanding the fact that president obama did precisely the same thing, that is declassify material that had been classified and did so to the cheers of the very same people, including what's his name, schiff, who is now protesting so loudly. this is -- the dems have reached a, i think, an absolutely unprecedented low life level of
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political shaquemry and dirty tricks that they ought to get down and protate themselves and apologize to the american people. >> let's hope that they don't have allies and cococonspirators at the department of justice at the fbi. let's hope that people understand the chart and at the top of the chart is president donald j. trump and he makes these decisions. he's right to make the decision because we've got to know what information was withheld from the fisa court. we're going to find out a lot of stuff they were supposed to be told, they never got told and laws were probably broken. lou: and i think we can all safely say, based on what we already know before looking at the declassified material twhabt there is a level of rancid desperate, toxic, political corruption at the leadership level of both the fbi and the department of justice and the intelligence community under president obama. and now it's just a question of
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producing the evidence, which the president, thank god, has started the process. congressman great to have you with us as always. appreciate it. >> good to see you, lou. thank you. lou: up next, the loony left choosing to convict judge kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. >> we don't know exactly what the charge is and we don't think the democrats have a very good idea of what they're actually doing anyway. one thing we do know, they're trying desperately to block his confirmation and to keep a great talent off of the court. >> they're giving her an option. the option is show up monday or don't show up at all. i consider that to be bullying. >> what is happening with the judiciary committee is really i would call it a railroad job. and it's totally unfair. >> her request that the fbi reopen the background investigation into judge kavanaugh is a completely reasonable request.
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>> judge kavanaugh has nod asked to have the fbi review these claims. is that the reaction of an innocent person? it is not. lou: i don't know about you but i'm kind of intimidated by the two senators. i think they may be trying to bully us. what do you think sno we'll take it up with ed rollins here when we continue. stay with us. this is john van dine with pactel cellular in los angeles. well, welcome to the demo... (danny dichter) in 1989, a new wireless technology was being tested for the first time ever. it allowed more users to connect at the same time, while on the move. other wireless carriers considered the tech too expensive. but we saw it as the birth of reliability and the backbone of a company we all know as verizon. so we were the first to commit to the cdma system and the first to build our entire network around it. today, once again, we're transforming reliability as we know it, building america's first and only 5g ultra wideband network--
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stooping to new lows using unsubstantiated claims of sexually misconduct, charging brett kavanaugh with some of that. we can't figure out exactly what they're doing. what they are doing is trying to block his confirmation to the highest court in the land. sphwhr an admitted sexually abuser sits in the white house who supported an accused child predator for the senate, then he nominated this man to the u.s. supreme court. lou: is that enough to make your sick? that disgusting severe comes smm a group led by fallon. he served in the obama administration's corrupt department of justice and he's got sleaze all over him. reminder, there's 47 days until
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november 6 elections and the dirty tricks that are already being pulled out by the dems. if that isn't enough to get you to be able to vote, this thing may be over before it begins. there are too many rino leaders in washington who stand for nothing and it's up for the base to stand for this president. we're now joined by ed rollins serving as the political director for president ronald reagan, fox news political amist. good to seanalyst. good to see you. if that ad isn't enough to rile up the base. i don't know what it would take. that is ignorance, low-life disgusting crap. >> and dishonest. lou: dishonest too. >> it has something to do with all of the propaganda that's put out there. i've never seen any hearing like this one. you've taken a reputable man who's had a significant career
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and they've done everything in this hearing to poke, pick -- lou: this is a federal appellate judge on the second highest court in the land. >> for 12 years he's been on that. lou: and he has a record that is absolutely, as president trump has said, unblemished, period. a distinguished career. >> other than the one woman in california, there's never been anybody else in six fbi full-scale checks over the last two dozen years who has ever said anything detrimental about him. lou: she hasn't said it to his face or to the senate judiciary committee yet. and by the way, dianne feinstein has sat on that letter from her for two months, didn't do anything. by the way, the dems are calling for investigations but for two months they didn't -- i mean the dems have plenty of resources. they could have carried out an investigation of their own. they did nothing. and still have done nothing. >> and they won't do anything.
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they didn't show up when kavanaugh came up into questioned by republican staffers under oath. they didn't even show up and my sense she won't show up on monday. they'll make whatever requirements so severe that she'll say no, it's too severe, i won't come. if she does that, i think he marches forward. lou: to the two senator that have moved out on point, has ro no and gil gillibrand of new yo, they're talking like they're taking on the world. that is despicable conduct on their part. >> gillibrand is running for president and she'll do as well as the last senator who had that last seat, hillary clinton did, she won't be the nominee, of course. but that's her goal. and it's all candidates. lou: what i mean, why are the republicans pulgt up with this nonsense? they are sitting there listening
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to gillibrand and others talking about bullying. the republicans are the ones trying to -- i feel intimidated by the dems. >> we've given her the opportunity to come forth. she has the opportunity to come forth and make her case. he'she's made these charges to e "washington post." lou: why can she make charges without any evidence, without any proof whatsoever. this doesn't make any sense. >> and the idea that you want the fbi -- lou: shouldn't there be a standard here? you're talking about the senate of the united states. >> i'm not sure of that anymore. there once was a standard and i would promise you in the old days you wouldn't get away with this. the new days with i tha days, tl cowards. you're letting a good man's reputation be terribly diminished. and the owe poin the other poino
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make, no one else has come forth. no one has backed her up. no one said this is a pattern, this is what this guy did all of the time. not one single thing in six full-scale investigations has anybody walked forward -- lou: we're talking about in the last week or so. and still the people who initially did have backed off saying they know nothing. they can't remember. they weren't there. >> right. lou: and the nominee himself says he thinks it's a case of mistaken identity, which is probably a very nice way to say that -- well, to say a lot of things. much has been -- to me, this thing has gone way too far. the dirty nasty tricks that have been leveled. grassley shouldn't give an inch. do you think he'll back off? >> i don't think he'll back off. he's a tough man. he's giving her until monday. if he wants to come testify, fine, if she doesn't, they're going to march forward. lou: it's time to put a stop to
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this nonsense. if you've got evidence, put it forward, let the chips fall where they may. but the innuendo and the plain nastiness has to stop. great to have you. good to see you. a new study from gov predict showing that amazon employees, get ready for this, overwhelmingly support democrats. since 200 2006 90% of the their donations go to. democrats. do the math. this is really quite something. you would never dream that jeff bezos, the founder of amazon would go out and buy the washington post and hit the president seven, eight times a day with that publication. shocking. be sure to vote in the poll. the question, do you believe there's a rational reason for the republicans to put up with
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any more nonsense from the desperate dems and their dirty tricks? cast your vote on twitter @loudobbs. follow me on instagram at lou to bees tonight. coming up, nelly orr, she doesn't want to testify about her background, her relationships, and what she tried to do to subvert the president of the united states. we'll be talking about that next from federal prosecutor sydney powell. she said orr is up to her eyeballs in deep state corruption. we take that up next. stay with us. we'll be right back. hey guys. today we're here to talk about trucks. i love trucks. what the heck is that?! whoa! what truck brand comes from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road? i think it's the chevy. ford. is it ford? nope, it's not ford. i think it's ram.
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visit pyongyang again to restart denuclearization talks. moon will be delivering a personal message from kim to the president next week. they're going to meet at the u.n. general assembly while the president and moon are both in new york. nellie ohr who worked for the firm behind the discredited, fraudulent anti-trump dossier has refused a number of requests to appear before the how you judiciary and oversight committees, refusing to give a deposition. it was ohr's department of justice husband, bruce ohr who became the back channel for passing along information on the dossier and more from christopher steele directly to the fbi. the fbi's former top lawyer, general counsel james baker also refusing to appear before the committees, the judiciary committee in particular says it will compel their testimony if
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it proves necessary. joining us tonight, former federal prosecutor sydney powell, the author of the book "license to lie" available to paper back. it can be preordered wherever books are sold. all about the corruption in the u.s. justice department. i want to start, sydney, with first of all, this memo, and the degree to this which letter from half of the gang of four, the democratic half to the rod rosenstein at justice and christopher wray, the directer of the fbi and dan coats, the dni, it says this at one point, on june 27th, 2018 we wrote to memorialize the verbal asheurntion you provided us that doj and fbi would not provide the white house or any of the president's attorneys with access to sensitive information briefed to a small group of designated members including, i presume, the so-called gang of
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eight. now, let's start right there. that looks like not only collusion, it looks like subversion and a conspiracy against the president of the united states which christopher wray, dan coats and rod rosenstein signed on to. what do you think? >> i think the democrats just have more heub rous hubris thann the capitol building itself. they want to abolish article two of the constitution which vests in the executive all of the power to declassify whatever he wants to declassify and get whatever information he wants to get. which is what he is doing. and nellie ohr is -- go ahead. lou: let me go to the point. that is written evidence of subverting the president of the united states, si is it not? >> it is. clearly they're trying to keep
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information from him that he certainly needs to know. lou: what else could this president or any president in that situation do but demand that those three leaders of those agencies and departments be fired -- fire them straightaway. and the democrats, i don't understand why they wouldn't be pick up by -- who are these people and why should they be tolerated with that kind of conduct? >> well, those democrats in particular might not have exactly accurately stated what their understanding was with the members of the doj and fbi. lou: rosenstein and coats deny it, wouldn't you? >> it would be interesting to hear what they have to say about it. and if i were the president i would have the information on my desk by noon on friday or fire all three of them. this business of slow-walking the information he's already ordered them to produce is absurd. lou: we're hearing sara carter on this broadcast telling us
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that it's fairly clear that the fbi and the department of justice intend to redact, despite the president's direct order not to redact the texts amongst all of the key players at the justice department and the fbi, they're going to redact material that they may turn over to the president next week. meanwhile, we understand that all of that information, the texts unredacted, the application for the fisa court warrant, for surveillance all are readily to be delivered to the president in their current form, that there is no problem with methods and sources. your reaction. >> well there shouldn't any problem trying to protect methods and sources here because they are corrupt. that's part of the problem with the entire fisa scenario and the abuses that the doj and fbi have engaged in here. the sources and methods are part of the corruption.
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so there better not be any protected in these documents and there's in reason why they can't have them on the president's desk by noon on monday one unredacted. lou: and sydney, i want to turn to the kavanaugh hearings and the desperate low-life attempts by the democrats to derail his confirmation your thoughts about chairman grassley, the chair of the judiciary committee giving this accuser until 10 a.m. tomorrow to decide whether or not she will be before the committee monday and whether or not she'll provide by tomorrow at 10 a.m. the testimony that she will give. your thoughts, your reaction. >> senator grassley has gone out of his way to try to accommodate ms. ford. however h she wanted to be accommodated to get the evidence that the committee needs by monday, if in fact she has any evidence at all other than her statement. they've offered to go to
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california to sit withther in her own home to hear what she has to say. they've offered to let her testify publicly or privately. they've bent over backwards to try to give her an opportunity to share whatever she wants to share with the committee as comfortably and privately as possible. if senator feinstein had any interest in the wale fare of thiwelfare of thiswoman, this ce out of the public view in the past two months in the process of interviewing judge kavanaugh and conducting the hearings. all of the investigation could have taken place earlier instead of throwing it out in public at the last minute in an obviously transparent attempt to derail the nomination and stall past the midterms. we're out of words, lou, to describe how bad their behavior is. i mean, we're just out of words. lou: you're right. enough is said. these are the most contemptible
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tactics ever employed in this process and we've seen awfully dirty politics played in the nomination process and confirmation process for the supreme court. this is a new low for a man who is deserving of far better treatment and certainly gratitude from the country for serving. sid sni powell, great to have you with us. thanks so much. >> thanks, lou. lou: up next, more on the fbi, the department of justice's defines of a presidential direct order to declassify russia-related documents and texts. we'll talk about this for the next -- well, for the rest of the show. we'll talk with two of the best legal minds in the country, victoria te sinvictoria toensino victoria te sinvictoria toensino digenova join us h i joined the army after 911,
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cuz, um, i thought that was what i needed to do. we got our orders to go overseas and i went to baghdad, iraq. we were transporting a bomb sniffing dog to the polling stations. we rolled over two anti-tank mines, it blew my humvee up, killed my sergeant. after the explosion, i suffered a closed head injury, um, traumatic brain injury, loss of a limb,
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burns to 60% of my body. when the doctors told me i reached my plateau, i did not want to hear that because i do not believe i have a plateau. so, i had to prove 'em wrong, which i am doing to this day and i will still do until the end of my days. i've gotten to where i am at because of my family. and, the wounded warrior project has helped me more than i can ever imagine. they have really been there to support me in my endeavors. my number one goal, basically, is to get close to where i was. i am more than ready to work hard to get to that goal. i am living proof to never give up and i will never give up. (♪light musical cords) to never give up
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the justice department and the fbi reportedly are ignoring the president's order for the immediate unredacted declassification of fisa documentdocuments and deep stat, the documents expected to be released open delivered to the white house counsel we are now told as early as next week with redactions. joining us tonight to assess, to analyze all of this, two of the, as i said earlier, finest legal
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minds in the country, victoria toensing, tomorrower deputy attorney general for the criminal justice department, former federal prosecutor, joe digenova, the founding partners of digenova and toensing law firm. let me start that the fbi and the justice department have no intention of turning anything over unredacted. >> we don't know that yet. lou: that's what's being reported. >> joe said earlier that if wray and dan coats and people have some problems with what we're going to discloses, then come over to the white house and let's have a discussion and i'm sure the president will listen to whatever their concerns are. so there seems to be a process there that they should be taking care of maybe tonight, tomorrow morning. lou: one would think.
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this sounds amicable expect for onexcept forup one thing. this is a direct order from the president of the united states. >> i anticipate that the president will get what he wants, subject to the advice that he gets from some people around him, like jay second cue low. there's no doubt that the president has the constitution authority to order anything to be declassified. he like anybody else is responsible about protecting sources and methods. but we know already from the previously declassified documents from the fbi and the department of justice that the only thing that has been redacted is embarrassing information to the bureau and the department of justice under the obama administration. so it is likely that what rosenstein and wray are trying to do is to keep more embarrassing information out of the public domain and they will not succeed. >> let me make a point. because a lot of these things that we've seen dribble out are these e-mails between the two lovers. right?
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now, nothing in there could have been classified because you can't put classified information on texts with your phone. so why -- i don't know why rosenstein has staken so long to get all of those e-mails, texts, love messages, whatever they are out to the public. lou: by the way, i haven't read a single text out of the 50,000 or so that have been produced, at least for the oig to this point, i haven't seen a single text between lisa page and peter strzok that even makes a reference to a love affair, to a dinner, to anything other than, frankly, direct subversion of the president of the united states and participation in a resistance to this president while he was campaigning as well. have you seen such a text? because i certainly haven't. >> no.
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i didn't think about that. but you know, i would have been upset if joe sends me an e-mail and doesn't say love at the end. i'm a little upset. >> i think what's clear is that people involved in the counter intelligence business lead strange private lives. but we do know that those have been kept from the public eye out of quote respect for the privacy of strzok and page. and let me just say this. i don't give a hoot about the privacy of strzok and page. lou: i don't either, joe. but let me raise this for your consideration as we take a break. and that is, the obvious explanation for the huge numbers of texts, we're talking tens of thousands of them, between these two is that they were lovers. the problem is there's no evidence that they were lovers. and secondly, we're talking about 80 texts a day in which they conspire against the president and the presidential
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campaign. >> yes. lou: we eedwe'd like to considen further where the justice department and the fbi right now are in light of this new letter from half of the gang of eight that seems to suggest that there is a conspiracy against the president to withhold sensitive investigation, quote ub quote, from him, from his counselors and advisers. i'd like to take that up here next as we continue with victoria and joe right after these quick messages. we're coming right back. you don't want to miss you're headed down the highway when the guy in front slams on his brakes out of nowhere. you do, too, but not in time. hey, no big deal. you've got a good record and liberty mutual won't hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges... how mature of them. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates
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2009 executive order signed by president obama, which expedited the declassification of classified materials to the public, but now his corrupt attorney general says president trump doesn't have the authority to declassify important fisa related documents that could well implicate president obama and yes, his attorney general as well. eric holder. that's right. eric holder tweeting this, quote, this is an especially dangerous abuse of power by this president, referring to president trump when he was working for obama it was quite a
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different story, saying he places his self interest above the national security interest of the country. oh my goodness. eric holder, the only cabinet secretary to ever be cited for contempt. we're back with victori victoria toensing and joe digenova. happy to have you stay with us to go through this heavy lifting turning to your reaction to the part of hypocrisy by eric holder and the entire left of this country. >> eric holder sounds like the corrupt "washington post" which called that declassification order an abuse of presidential power and decried the fact that these things were going to be made public. this is the same "washington post" that liked to uncover everything about watergate. >> the problem that eric holder has is that he was part of a
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. . and his lawyers in the white house has absolutely seen the unreda unredacted versions of the fisa documents and some of the text messages. the president know what is he's ordering to be revealed. what he's doing is, he said, now that i know what you guys are covering up, i want this stuff issued to the public. lou: right. >> it is now that the doj and fbi are coming back saying, mr. president, we know you know what's in there, we'd like to not discloses that. that's where we are now. lou: and where we are right now, we are sitting now at that very -- the tipping point, the incipient point of what will either be revelation and openness and franc transparencyd
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honoring the public's right to know in this great republic or we'll be frustrated again. and that's what makes me so angry when i think of the deputy justice leaders, the intelligence community under president obama, the fbi, i mean mean, this is ru pull nant pug t corruption. >> and up with of the best parts of what's going to happen as a result of this, it's going to be shown that john brennon and james clapper were -- they were the point of the arrow on disclosing information that they knew was false that would tarnish carter page who is going to be a very rich man when this is over, and to tarnish the sitting president of the united states. brennon and clapper betrayed this country, betrayed their oath of office and were the tip of the spear on trying to undermine the constitution of the united states.
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how dare they suggest that this president is doing that. he's doing the opposite. president trump is saving the constitution by revealing how corrupt the fbi and the doj under obama and the intelligence community were under obama. >> and what i fear the most is that the mainstream media is going to ignore it. and there will only be a few of us around that are really talking about the story. lou: i think. >> let's face it, most of us have been talking about this for months. lou: i understand your fear. i think that the public, once they know what has transpired, this will spread like a wildfire, if you will. victoria toensing good to have you with us, joe digenova, appreciate you both. up next, new information in the battle for judge kavanaugh's supreme court confirmation. but before we go, a reminder that september is childhood cancer awareness month. we urge you to donate whatever you can to the number of organizations who work
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diligently to provide funding to fight this disease. we're coming right back with much more. stay with us. racing isn't the only thing on my mind. and with godaddy, i'm making my ideas real. with godaddy, you can get a website to sell online. and it will look good. i made my own way. now it's time to make yours. ♪ working just like it should
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almost a half century. here is what we are look at for tomorrow. dimms pushing the intelligence community to defy the president's direct order to declassify documents. congressman matt g earks ts. >> i don't know who the hell these people think they are telling the intelligence community not to be responsive to the commander-in-chief. he has responsibilities under the constitution that can only be met if he had full command and control of the government. lou: no agreement has been reached yet with judge kavanaugh's accuser. judge kavanaugh said he'll be there. we'll be talk with diamond and silk among our guests tomorrow. the president at a rally
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tomorrow for dean heller in las vegas. good night from new york. >> we have not hit a high. it's not even christmas. i think we will continue higher. cheryl: possibly higher today the dow and s&p shrug off trade worries. lauren: s&p 50 gaining 22 yesterday. cheryl: here we look, another strong kick tiewf market, the dow up 64, nasdaq up 16 and a half. lauren: three quarters of percent gain across the board in london, f
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