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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  September 26, 2018 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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conversation with the inmate. he said, they're laughing at us chs z. charles: thank you both. lou: good evening. republicans are demanding answers from deposit any attorney general rod rosenstein about reports he discussed taping the president in the white house and whether he was working with top doj and fbi officials in an effort to remove mr. trump from office. >> i think rod rosenstein needs to be in the witness chair this week in the house judiciary committee, he needs to go under hoat and explaioath and explaine circumstances. lou: mark meadows has been leading the charge on capitol hill trying to force rosenstein to testify or face articles of impeachment. he joins us here tonight.
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also, president trump displaying strength, vision, leadership as he addressed the u.n. general assembly and speaking before the most left-wing social is ik asemiblej anywhere, he' minds world leaders who he is and who he stands for and which nation he represents in all things. >> we reject the ideology of globalism and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism. lou: republican strategist ed rollins among our guests here tonight. he joins us to assess the threats to republican control of the house. what is now a likely strengthening of control in the senate just 42 days until election day. unless democrats want to try to delay that date as well. republicans can't dismiss now the power of the radical left's campaign of threats and intimidation. the dem strategy of thuggery raging on. senator ted cruz and his wife
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the latest targets. >> god bless you. let me wife through. lou: rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel is here tonight to talk about the dems' intimidation offensive open whether the gop has the backbone, guts, people and resource to fight the dems and win in november. so far the dems seem to be following the obama strategy. you remember the obama strategy. no, no, not, not lead from behind. obama famously or infamously said in battling republicans, quote, if they bring a knife to a fight, we bring a gun. well we start tonight with breaking news. the senate judiciary committee chair chuck grassley has set a committee vote date for judge brett kavanaugh. the date and the time friday morning, 9:30. the vote comes a day after both kavanaugh and his accuser christine blasey ford are scheduled to testify before the
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senate. our top story tonight, considerable uncertainty tonight about the future of deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. house republicans are now calling on leadership to bring rosenstein into a house hearing so he can testify under oath about whether he suggested wearing a wire in the white house to record president trump in the apparent hope to have the president removed from office through the 25th amendment. a number of republicans aren't willing to wait much longer to resolve the matter. >> there are articles of impeachment against rod rosenstein that are currently pending. any member of congress can call those up and they have to be dealt with within two days. if our leadership will not put rod voazen stein in that witness chair so the american people can get answers, mark meadows and i are prepared to call up his impeachment and force a vote. lou: no hearing has been set yet but rosenstein is scheduled to
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meet with president trump at the white house this thursday joining us tonight is rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel. great to have you with us. >> great to be here. lou: a lot of good news out there. also some, i'm sure, perplexing news as well. let's start with the good. that is, the republicans having the highest standing in public opinion in seven years. who saw that coming, besides you, of course. >> let's look at the results. people's lives are better because of republican leadership. they've seen republicans come to washington and fight for lower taxes, deregulation, energy, independence, taking on isis, taking on north korea. they have seen republicans be bold in their leadership and democrats have resisted and obstructed and they have done nothing to help the american people. lou: we have commented on this broadcast that this is the lowest that we have ever seen either party go in dirty politics. i mean, this is low life, this
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is ignorant, this is vicious and venomous conduct on the part of the dems. one of my favorite events of this day was to have chuck schumer, the senate minority leader call upon senator mcconnell, the majority leader to apologize for politicizing the process. that is stunning on any level. >> it has been shameful what the democrats have done to judge kavanaugh. first with his hearings, to have 202 arrests, these coordinated protests have 451 interruptions. and to sit on this letter and put it in your back pobt and to politicize these allegations and use it as a weapon against his nomination process, the american people see through it. they're going to have these hearings. judge kavanaugh deserves the right to defend himself. but these allegations, if there's no evidence, if there's no corroboration, you cannot dismantle the lifetime of good work of someone like judge
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kavanaugh. lou: that's what the democrats have done. and the president is right. senator chuck grassley has simply not been up to the job. he's mer mitte permitted the deo run all over him. and judge kavanaugh, the great shame. this instant reflex on the part of republicans who are, in my opinion, rino republicans, they don't really stand for much in the way of conservatism, they don't stand for much as republicans and certainly not constitutional republicans if they permit this kind of conduct when they are the majority party, when that are in control of the senate, the house, and they permit the democrats to run in this ignorant fashion. >> well, mitch mcconnell said he's going to get and up or down vote. and talking to our base, judge kavanaugh needs to get a vote. now the hearing is scheduled for friday. which is the right thing. lou: if i may interject because i neglected to point out, the
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strongest speech i've heard from senator mcconnell in his lifetime. >> he gave a great speech. lou: it was a great speech. it was heartfelt, nag passionatd to the point. and i want to commend him for standing with the president, standing with judge kavanaugh, a remarkable speech. >> and calling out this evil smear campaign against judge kavanaugh saying we're getting an up or down vote. i've heard that across the country as i have been traveling. i've had calls inundating me. we want to make sure we gets a vote. we want to make sure our senators do that. and to have this hearing now scheduled for friday and then not to cave to the fbi investigation that the democrats are trying to use. we know they're trying to delay, delay, delay. lou: there's only one person who could cave and that would be the president of the united states because he sh th is the only onh the power to order an investigation and that investigation would be simply a background check. one of the other analogs in history is justice clarence thomas. the fbi ultimately carried out
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an investigation of anita hill's claims and found nothing to corroborate. >> and kavanaugh had six investigations. he's had sition. six. it's going to come down to these two individuals under oath. opeand let's not forget, the cor stone of our legal system is the presumption of innocence. that is not be thrown away. the democrats want to throw it out the door. lou: senator hirono who said too the american people, judge kavanaugh has no right ight o oa rudges opresumption of innocenc. this is the ignorance that the republican party is contending against and yet there's discussion that the republican party will lose seats in the house, will lose seats in the senate. this in the backdrop of unprecedented achievements by president trump, what he has done for the economy, for markets, in foreign policy, the united states military is now
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being built up by this president. and by the way, if he had not been elected, this -- none of this would be happening. >> we would be going down the road to lower wages again, less jobs coming back, low gdp. i mean we're in such a great track for the country and the american people are smarter than the mainstream media and the democrats give them credit for. they see through it. lou: what do you think about the president's remarks the day before the general assembly standing for patriotism, not globalism. stood up and said america first and you all better get used to it. i'm pair phrasin paraphrasing tr part. >> it was great. he said this many tames. i expect you to stand up for your country and i'm going to stand up for my country and the people in my country and i'm going to look at deals and make sure they benefit americans that's what e with want our president to do. lou: absolutely. and i bet you any amount of money, as long as it's $5 to
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$10, i bet there are so many americans who are stunned to hear a president for it to slewedly register that there's a president standing up for america not apologizing for america but extolling the virtuinvirtues of the american d backing up everything he says, everything he promises with real action and real achievement. >> he doesn't blink. he knows that there's power through strength and he's strengthening our military, he's being decisive, he's restored us as a global leader and he's put america first. lou: so is that the reason that you've started to remove the rinos program at the republican national committee? what are we going to do with these people in this party, this grand old party. >> right now i want every republican elected. okay, lou? i now you and i have differences this but i need the republicans returned in the senate because we've got to keep the majorities and everything is at stake. they're going to listen to the
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voters and see why they support the president. you feel it, you go to the rally and you know there's a feve ferr there. lou: so much exposure in the house. some estimates are huge, as you well know, the number of seats that could be lost right now. but we're 42 days away from the election. have you got the horgs power ho, have you got the street smarts in the rnc and the congressional committees to actually drive to a win in november? for the country that means winning for the president and bringing home control of the house, control of the senate thrrchlts' a narrative out there that they want everyone to be discouraged, every republican to think the house is lost. that is not true. the rnc has the best ground game in place, 20,000 field organizers, raised over $250 million to turn out the vote.
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it's going to be bare knuckles. everyone needs to feel the urgency. our base through the kavanaugh ridiculousness that's been happening -- lou: if that doesn't excite voters. >> it's energizing them. lou: to look another the ignorancat the ignoranceand this that would carry out that strategy and tactics would prevail on any level is abhorrent to everything this nation stands for. >> we cannot take anything for granted and every candidate, i'm calling them, you better run like you're behind, make it local, you've got to talk to every voter about the accomplishments that are happening in washington and you have to talk about what's at stake. lou: and you better stand with the president. >> you have to stand with the president and nancy pelosi will raise your taxes and destroy this comeback and you got to get out there and work and we're going to be right there beside you. lou: ronna mcdaniel, doing a great job. >> thank you. lou: getting the republican party moving in the direction it
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should. >> thank you so much. thanks for having me. lou: by the way, thanks for showing some of these republican leaders how to lead. up next, president trump once again advocating for putting the interest of america, how about that, america first. >> we will not be held hostage to old dogmas, discredited ideologies and so-called experts who have been proven wrong time and time again we will not allow our workers to be victimized, our countries to be cheated and our wealth to be plundering and transferred. we will never surrender america's sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable global bureaucracy. lou: for the first time a president of the united states to the assembled global burr rocky. bureaucracy. we're take that up and much more.
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congressman mark meadows to join us next. stay with us. stay with us. hey guys. today we're here to talk about trucks. stay with us. i love trucks. what the heck is that?! whoa! what truck brand comes from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road? i think it's the chevy. ford. is it ford? nope, it's not ford. i think it's ram. is it ram? not ram. that's a chevy! it's chevy! that's right. from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road. gorgeous. chevy hit it out of the ballpark with these. figuring it out... not that fun... and like my dad, you might want medicare supplement insurance, too. uh oh, more research. no big thing. not with this website. unitedhealthcare insurance company created to help make your decision easier.. with answers to important questions about aarp medicare supplement insurance plans, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company.
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their disgusting lack of standards and ethics on display, verbally assaulting and actually driving republican senator ted cruz and his wife out of the
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d.c. restaurant all because of his support for judge brett kavanaugh. >> god bless you. lou: amazing. that shameless attack on cruz and his wife. comes after a call from dem leader maxine water to shame, to harass anyone who supports the trump agenda. >> if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you tell them they're not welcome. lou: you know, to me it's embarrassing that americans sitting in that restaurant didn't do anything to shut that down, that the owner didn't. i guess that acquiesce support
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in this case for the thuggery of the defendant which is worsening, it seems, by the day. it's important to remind you there are now 42 days remaining until the midterm elections. and if dems receive one ounce of power as a result of this, this will only worsen and be proved helpful to the cause of the left. a new gallop poll shows they need a lot of held. the gallop poll shows for the first time in years a growing number of americans now favor the republican party over the left-wing dems sheag headings io these midterms. 45% favor the republican party now compare to 44% who support the dems. that's a seven-year high. it is amazing. it's almost a 10-point reversal from where it was a few years ago. 49% of middle class voters in this country now favor republicans. 49%.
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while only 44% support the dems. joining me now, the man who filed articles of impeachment against deputy attorney general rod ros rosenstein after the congress was stonewalled in request for documents on the mueller witch hunt, the russia probe as some like to still call it. three-term congress, chairman of the house freedom caucus, congressman mark meadows with us. great to have you here. rod rosenstein now the subject of an immense speculation as well as curiosity and has become the focus of all that is going on in a justice department that is obviously just simply off the rails. what do you expect to happen -- first of all let's acknowledge that the president is going to meet with him on thursday. what do you expect the president will do or rosenstein might do. what will be the result of that meeting? >> well, obviously, it's up to
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the president to decide what's going to happen. but i can tell you this, that deputy attorney general rod rosenstein actually did resign over the weekend, or at least communicated that. and i think the prudent thing for the president to do is accept that resignation on thursday. he was not going to be fired. i think everybody needs their day to court. in fact that's what we're advocating here on capitol hill. we believe that rod rosenstein needs to come before congress under oath and tell the american people what he did or did not do, because he hasn't really denied it. and anytime that you have the second highest official in the department of justice suggesting that they should wear a wire and tape the president of the united states, it's not only wrong, but it has national security implications as well. so i think the time is now for rod rosenstein to be held accountable. lou: and i want to be very clear
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in my understanding and the audience of this broadcast in understanding what you're understanding. do you believe the president should accept rosenstein's resignation, as you said it was tendered. are you saying that if he does again resign that should be accepted? >> no. i think he ought to accept the one that he actually conveyed on saturday. now he may be having second thoughts and all of that, and my understanding is that not only will he be talking to the president but that he probably has talked to the president already. but really it's about restoring trust. and what we do know is there are a number of documents that indicate that there are real problems at the fbi and doj. and to find out that rod rosenstein was commun communicag these kinds of things, whether he was joking or not, you just don't to that. and it is emblematic of the
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problems that we know exist and it's time to be part of the cleanup crew. and rod could do that best by resigning and allowing someone else to take his place. lou: as you well know and to your great frustration, jeff sessions remains attorney general. you've called for his removal as well. what is the president to do? he is confounded with a man who obviously has disappointed him immensely in his failure to live up to even elementary requirements of that very important job. and now rosenstein. what should the president look forward as a view of the justice department with the removal, whether it's by his own hand or the president's, of rosenstein and with sessions still there? >> well, i think the big part of that, as you know, my frustration has been over the
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inability for congress to get documents. lou: right. >> the president took a good step on initiating the process for declassification. i think he needs to continue with that. conversations with those that are working through those documents indicate -- there are a number of documents they could release to the american people that have nothing to do with national security. let me give you one example, lou. lou: sure. >> we've got bruce ohr's 302s, the which for those who are viewing tonight, the 302s are kind of a synopsis of an interview that he might have done. well bruce ohr wasn't part of the russia investigation. we had that. rod rosenstein has testified to that. so he was not part of the russia investigation and those interviews are with two people that do not have security clearances. glen simpson and christopher steele. so there's no way that those documents could be classified. in fact we've seen many of the notes. we feel like they would be very illuminating and truthfully will
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show some of the inappropriate behavior that thaz happened at t the fbi and the doj. lou: when you say they couldn't be classified, we've seen many documents that shouldn't be classified but were at the hand of the department of justice or the fbi. when you say there are immense problems there, they reach, it seems, across far more than just simply the executive levels of the fbi or the department of justice. >> they do. lou: there seems to be wide spread political corruption to deal with her. >> well, i mean, and listen, the vast majority of our fbi and law enforcement folks at doj, they hold an incredibly high standard for themselves and i hold them in very high regard. we do know that there was a group of people and -- and when we talk about this not being classified, many of the interviews were done at the may flower hotel, at pete's coffee
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shop in chinatown. there is no way it was a secure environment. why not allow the american people -- our enemies probably have it. why not let the american people vit. lou: i have got to ask you this. the president making a decision, you referred to the declassification, to postpone, delay to our allies and not release the reports as he originally intended. in the minds of some, it looks as though he's putting the preferences of questionable allies who may well be part of any conspiracy against him that emanated from the fbi or the justice department, putting their preferences ahead of the public's right to know. >> well i think he has been for transparency from day one. one of people that has actually communicated that to him was the very same guy that said he was going to tape the president
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privately, rod rosenstein. so where's the credibility factor there. i think that's why we have to have someone that the president can trust so that when they give him advice he can take it. he is for transparency. i think at the end of the day we'll see the documents. lou: all right. congressman mark meadows, great to see you. thank you. >> great to see you, lou. thanks. lou: up next, victoria toensing and joe digenova share their thoughts on rosenstein and his future in a corrupt department of justice. up next, president trump playing iran directly on target warning of severe consequences if they defy the united states. >> we cannot allow or regime to chance death to america and that threatens israel with annihilation. topo says the means to deliver a nuclear war head to any city on earth. we ask all nation to isolate iran's regime as long as its
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aggression continues. lou: much more on the president's speech and the very clear message for the rest of the world. ed rollins joins me here next. stay with us. stay with us. we're coming right back. this is john, and i'm with pactel cellular in los angeles. well, welcome to the demo... (danny dichter) in 1989, a new wireless technology was being tested for the first time ever. it allowed more users to connect at the same time while on the move. other wireless carriers considered the tech too expensive, but we saw it as the birth of reliability and the backbone of a company we all know as verizon. so we were the first to commit to the cdma system and the first to build our entire network around it. today, once again, we're transforming reliability as we know it, building america's first and only 5g ultra wideband network-- with unprecedented capacity, enabling faster speeds and the lowest latency anyone has ever experienced on a wireless network.
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lou: president trump and his administration sending very clear warnings to iran at the u.n. general assembly today. >> cannot allow the world's leading sponsor of terrorism toptoto says the planet's most dangerous weapons. the u.s. has launched a campaign to deny the regime the funds it needs to advance its bloody agenda. >> if you cross us, our allies or our partners, you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, yes, there will indeed be hell to
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pay. [applause] lou: the president's top national security adviser john bolton there. joining me now, top strategist, great america pac and former reagan white house political director, fox news political analyst, ed rollins. great to have you with us. >> thank you. lou: i got a wick ou a kick oute president. i love what he said to the assembled globalists there. saying basically, y'all have a fine time with your globalism but we're americans and you're going to have to deal with that. >> you know, the reality is that it's a powerful message, a message that needs to be made over and over again because they don't realize it. we have the strongest economy in the world, the strongest econom- lou: i mean, they laughed when he said thi how strong the econy was. this is 190-some-odd countries, nearly all of which are on their heels economically. some of them on their knees. >> not a one of them that
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wouldn't swap places with us in a heartbeat for your economy. our economy is strong, our military is strong. lou: what kind of people. >> they come to new york, get in a crowd of like-minded people and think it's fun to come here -- lou: here's what the president did say, at which i thought was pretty compelling. it must have driven many of those countries nuts. we will never surrender american sovereignty to an unelected global bureaucracy. that means you folks. i love it. i love it! >> and then he came back, you know, and he narrowed out the most significant threat in the world, iran, and said you're never going to do to us what they did to us once when they captured the embassy. i don't care what deals the last administration did, i'm cutting no deals with you and you better be a good neighbor. lou: talking with ronna
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mcdaniel earlier in the broadcast. >> great chairwoman. lou: and this is an election, we're hearing a lot of stuff about how many seats are going to be lost by the republicans in the house, maybe even the senate. i looked pretty closely at the numbers today and you see four in the house that could go either way. but the fact is, the republicans are in very good shape for what are called toss-sups. the republican is leading in three out of the four races. >> these are our seats, seats we've won over and over and over again. some of the incumbents are not running for reelection but they're good republican seats. we need to fight for them. she gave great counsel. she's been a great chair pern. she's a great spokesperson. lou: we're not talking about replacing ronna mcdaniel. she's great. what we're talking about is a senate and a house campaign committee that i don't see any energy emanating from whatsoever. >> well the senate we can pick
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up two or three seats, maybe four, and the house we can hold and we just need to fight hard. if we rolled over six weeks ago and had the same leadership that they had, donald trump would have been losing. we're goir going to go on and wn this one, i think. lou: i thick the idea that the president will be in every jurisdiction in the country, i hope. the results would be, i think, very positive for the republicans. >> just need to get our vote out. lou: ed says, go vote. thaingts for beinthanks for bei. be sure to vote in our poll tonight. do you think the dems' dirty trick ands low-life politics of personal destruction will motivate republican to vote in massive numbers? it's just the question of the hour. cast your vote on twitter @loudobbs. still ahead, victoria toensing, jo digenova on the future of rod rosenstein and the future of the country.
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up next, tom fitton on the dems' smear campaign on judge kavanaugh. we're coming lootin
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lou: president trump today blasts the quote con game being played by the dems own the kavanaugh confirmation. >> the second accuser has nothing. the second accuser doesn't even know -- she thinks maybe it could have been him, maybe not.
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she admits she was drunk. he admits time lapses. lou: joining us tonight, judicial watch president tom fitton. great to have you here. the president says it's a con game. to me that seems like a very generous term for what the democrats have been doing. your thoughts? >> i've called it a filibuster experience. i don't know anything about these two women. let's presume they think what happened happened. but there's not enough to disrupt the confirmation proceeding the way they've didn't disrupted and the republicans are finally taking the right steps. they scheduled an opportunity for the woman to talk on thursday and they're going to vote, by all reports, on friday. lou: 9:30 a.m. you know, the push by congressman meadows and congressman gates, articles of impeachment if rod rosenstein doesn't appear. what do you think of the idea and would you support it?
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>> i don't know if you need articles of impeachment to get a senior justice department official to appear before congress. lou: i got to be honest. you've been watching it like i have. you know how easy it to get a document out of there. the congress is extraordinarily frustrated by the failure of the justice department. tom, you know this, to deliver documents. they have been ignored, stonewalled. >> that's the real problem. i see the "the new york times" story about rosenstein's conspiracy with the fbi the overthrow the trump presidency. that includes appointing the mueller special counsel, that includes, as has been discussed, withholding documents that this can show the truth about what's been going on. so the president has got a choice to make on thursday -- well, it's coming up soon. and i don't think he can stand by with the status quo. either he has to remove
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rosenstein or in the least take him out of the equation in the soans f having the ig investigate everything he's been doing and that means he can't have his fingerprints on making decisions on document requests or on monitoring the mueller investigation, which needs to be shut down. because that's as much a symptom of the coup as anything else. lou: meadows say that the president should accept the resignation proffered by the deputy attorney general on saturday. do you agree? >> yeah unless the president thinks that rosenstein was innocent in the meeting. and i don't buy that. he's confirmed that the meeting took place, he's confirmed that he was joking about wire-tapping the president. he was confirmed -- he didn't deny talking about the 25th amendment. he said he didn't advocate it but certainly it came up. and one of the things that came out of this effort to overthrow trump during the meeting with
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mccabe was the appointment of the special counsel targeting trump, an appointment based on all accounts that rosenstein was mad that his name was dragged into the decision to fire comey. lou: rosenstein seems to be upset about a host of things, nearly all of these things of his own creation. let's turn to the issue of documents, transparency, openness and honoring the president's pledge to fulfill the public's right to know what's going on with the fisa court. we're told that those documents will explain all and in advance of the midterm elections, it would seem to be in the national interest swems the presidents to make certain those documents are in the hands of the american people. >> well, the president said he's going to try to move this along quickly. he's not going to wait forever. and he should really follow up almost on a weekly basis with the ig, having the records that the ig reviewed to get some
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access to the information. the department officialance the fbi officials telling him not to release the information are compromised and conflicted. and both agencies shouldn't be allowed to figure out what document to release about their own corruption. talking about the fox guarding the hen house. lou: that's right. and these allies who came before the president to slow down the release of the documents, they may well be perpetrators, coconspirators in the conspiracy against this president. we just don't know. >> allies who are probably targeting the president at the time of then-candidate trump by all accounts. and of course they don't want their shady dealings with the obama administration to come out. lou: and their dealings, we suspect -- well, i won't tell you what we suspect because that would be giving it all away too early.
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we've got to wait for a little more evidence. totom fitton, thanks for being with us. appreciate it. up next, obstructionist dems launching an all-out offensive to delay the upcoming hearing for judge kavanaugh. we take up the dem smear campaign and oh, yes, rod rosenstein and all of those allies who don't want the american public to know what they've been up to. victoria toensing and jo digenova join us here
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victoria ting sin, former deputy assistant attorney general for the doj, former federal prosecutor, joe digenova, the found pg partners of digenova and toensing law firm. you'll have to explain how the billing got straightened out. victoria, kavanaugh, the smear campaign against him, what in the world is going on? what should the republicans do in response to the dem tactics? >> oh, well they've got to be strong. they have to show the democrats that they're going to stay together and they are not going to be distracted by this.
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they already have been putting off the confirmation vote out of the committee. so now it's time for them to say we're not going to reward bad behavior. you've noticed, i'm sure, lou, that all of the democrats have come out saying we believe her, we believe her and the republicans are saying we're going to sit and listen to what she has to say. i mean, what ady co a dichotomye difference these two groups are treating this concept. it's shameful on the part of the democrats and the p ares have to show them they're not going to take it. lou: i think you're right. joe, i just wonder now, we're not even assured that christine blasey ford will show up because the republicans have hired -- the committee has hired a female prosecutor with considerable experience in sex crimes to represent the committee and to carry out the examination. >> the audacity of the democrats
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and dr. ford to demand that the senate judiciary committee rules be changed to satisfy her wants and needs. how ridiculous. this is an example of why this has been a charade from the beginning. let me make it very clear. i do not believe that anything ever happened. i believe that this has all been made up. i do not believe dr. ford. i hope she comes in and testifies under oath and you know what, she doesn't want to come in and testify under oath. neither do the other so-call accusers. they've all refused to give statements under oath. i wonder why that is. it's because they're lying. >> let me point out something, lou. last week what did we hear from the democrats. oh my gosh, this is terrible. these white men are going to be questioning this poor little damsel, this is terrible, all of these white men.
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they go out and get a woman and now we hear, it's terrible, we're going to have a woman question. what do you want? >> the democrats are shameless. they'll do anything at any time to derail this. this has all been about delay, delay, delay. and temporarily they won. but they're going to lose. there will be a hearing on thursday, i bet she doesn't show up, vote on friday and he will be confirmed in the senate. lou: we're going to continue. next we're going to examine what's going on with the house and the senate and their, well, their slush fund to take care of little things like sexual harassment claims, that sort of thing. not much publicity about that, is there? we'll have more. we're talking with victoria and joe right after the quick tbreak. tbreak. stay wit racing isn't the only thing on my mind. and with godaddy, i'm making my ideas real. when i created my business, i needed a way to showcase it. ( ♪ )
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lou: we are back with victoria toensing and joe digenova. i want to ask you this. rosenstein, should he be fired, pass mark meadows said, his resignation saturday be accepted by the president? victoria? >> the president should not fire him. he should not do didley squat before the election.
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do not fire him before that. the day after the election, yes. lou: timing is -- is everything in this. two allies who prevailed upon the president not to release the fisa warrant applications. i decided to accommodate them and thereby created a delay in putting the information before the american people, joe, your thoughts? >> i think the president was trying to be polite. but i think the documents will be declassified. the names of the people in there are not legitimate source and methods any longer. the fbi and the cia leaked the name of stephen halper and joseph lassoud. all of them were involved in a
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conspiracy to deprive carter page of his civil rights. their names have been revealed by the intelligence community. >> the media mentioned their names. this tase joke. he'll eventually let it all out. he's trying to be nice and act like the president of the united states. >> the corrupt "washington post" described the president deciding to alease this information as an abuse of presidential power. is this the same "washington post" that decried the release of information during the nixon administration? >> yes. lou: thank you for staying through the commercial break. that's it for us.
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andrew mccarthy and chris farrell among our guests tomorrow. thank you. good night from new york. see you


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