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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  September 26, 2018 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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donald trump has done something, he poured water on the circuits. i don't know if it can be repaired. >> oh i don't think so either. thank you.>> thank you. question 80 minute press conference by the president. covered a wide range array of topics including judge kavanaugh, lou dobbs is next. >> good evening everybody. our top stories the radical democrats smear campaign against judge brett kavanaugh. new lows as a third accuser has come forward with salacious allegations. still no evidence, no collaboration and the corroboration no witnesses. >> there actually con artist because they know how quality this man is and they are destroying a man's reputation. it is a big fat condo. they go into a room and i guarantee you they laughed like
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hell. >> among our guest tonight counsel to the present, kellyanne conway joins us to talk about the supreme court confirmation fight.also, president trump says he may delay his planned meeting tomorrow with deputy attorney general, rod rosenstein. to discuss reports that he was wearing a wire, trying to remove the president from office which he has denied. again, saying today that he would prefer, the president would refer to keep rosenstein on the job. house republicans are calling for rosenstein to testify before congress or face impeachment. we will talk about rosenstein 's fate with federal prosecutor, andrew mccarthy and judicial watch chris farrell. and, forget russian metal, it turns out that china meddling is the new thing. and apparently, intends on interfering with the midterm elections. and this that you are looking
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at, is a chinese insert in the pages of the des moines register for crying out loud! >> i don't like it when they attack our farmers. and i don't like it when they put out false messages. beside that, we learned that they are trying to metal in our elections. but we will not let that happen. >> we will talk about the aggressive china posture now that includes propaganda within the united states. we will talk with former white house strategist, doctor sebastian gorka. our top story tonight, president trump holding a press conference at the united nations this afternoon. they are, the president talked about all of the progress he has made at this week's general assembly. indeed, his performance through this week has been impressive. the president once again making a strong defense for his supreme court nominee, judge brett kavanaugh. defending him against the radical democrats in the media smear campaign. >> this is one of the highest
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quality people that i have ever met. and everybody that knows him says the same thing. what they have done to this man, is incredible. this is a big con job. i would like to be in the room with democrats, close the door, you guys are all away outside waiting. and schumer and his buddies are all in their laughing. how they fooled you all. >> fooled them all. perhaps not all. the president is being very generous as many of those members of the national media he talked about are not just being fooled, many of them are in league with schumer and the rest of the radical dems. the president defends judge kavanaugh as one third accuser being by the desperate dems the last minute. we also hearing of a fourth accuser that has put forward an anonymous claim against judge
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kavanaugh. and because it is an anonymous complaint, i've decided that we are not going to deal with the particulars of the accusation. until it becomes something more than an anonymous complaint. certainly, with at least as much evidence and corroboration and evidence as has been put forward by the three accusers to this point. which is in fact, zero. tomorrow, both judge kavanaugh and his accuser, christine blasey ford will appear before the senate judiciary committee. i spoke with kellyanne conway about what to expect from tomorrow's hearing.>> i expect that both ford and kavanaugh will have their say. probably we have heard from each of them what we will hear tomorrow under oath and let's just remember, most of the senators going to the hearing
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have already made up their mind about judge kavanaugh. especially on the democratic side. they made very clear from the get go they were not going for any judicial nominee that president trump put forward. if you do not believe that, look at the way they behaved when neil gorsuch was up for confirmation, the judge that many of them opposed. the fix was already in, in terms of their vote. they say they're searching for the truth. but what they're really doing is what president trump said they are doing. smearing a good man, we are no longer talking about the judicial qualifications. his character and integrity and their standard is to make sure they do not give up the swing vote in the united states supreme court. they should be honest about what this really is. they're upset about merrick garland not been confirmed, upset about leaving the swing vote and hiding behind -- >> this is a smear job. >> that's right, plain and civil. >> and the president, to his great credit said exactly that way.
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>> yes! >> you are saying and the idea that there is some hearing that is going to be revelatory, it is pure hogwash. >> but also, i want to say something else.let's go back to the beginning. the idea that this man, judge kavanaugh, has undergone six thorough fbi that's in his career including the past summer in pursuit of the supreme court nomination. and none of this was ever revealed. date rape in the suburbs, no one ever said anything at the time. there was not a culture in the mid-1980s protecting people around date rape and this woman at least, the third accuser was an adult, going to 10 parties over two years, witnessing this allegedly and say nothing about it? going to the next party. all of that has become relevant because people are not being honest about why they want to stop judge kavanaugh from taking the seat. >> people come forward, the people, without any of the most important evidentiary on
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issues, none of it corroborated, no evidence whatsoever. not even the most basic particulars in nearly all cases. >> this will be the first man i've ever heard of that do these things allegedly when he was a teenager and then stopped when he became a powerful, male adult on the second highest court with -- >> until he is and corroboration, evidence, it is pure speculation and i think it plays the game of the left. >> we said -- >> in my opinion and i would like your view on this, it is an extraordinarily terrific political analyst, and strategist. the democrats, the far left in the country, the radical left, which may be the party of the democrats now, have just handed the republicans issues to drive through to november 6. that should result in victories for the republicans in the senate and the house. what do you think?
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>> that's a good argument. i looked at public polling today suggesting that the republican-based voter is much more motivated now than they were even a couple of months ago. as many of the members who are not articulating why the tax cuts or the deregulation or peace around the globe is a good thing with a message, certainly have something here because the left had totally politicized a non-politician, had a bunch of politicians -- >> you are being very kind. >> i am raising money for 2020. -- >> this is the politics of destruction. >> it is. personal destruction. remember, there is a man sitting here.he has a wife, two young daughters. those folks can look in the eye and say they have been honest and truthful about this -- >> they're not worried about being honest and truthful. >> i like the joe biden clip. did you see that? >> i sure did. >> the fbi never made a
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conclusion. >> i do not want to review the clip with you anytime for any reason. it just is not worth -- >> if he runs for president the third time unsuccessfully, can we do it then? >> i will not even consider the possibility. thank you so much. >> you got it, thank you. >> kellyanne conway. the national media today showing absolutely no respect for the office of the president. incessant streams of interruption in the late afternoon news conference. none of course, which are connected to anything substantive and repetitious, repetitious, repetitious. >> if you do not mind after i'm finished if one of our female colleagues could go after me that would be great. it would be great if a female reporter could ask a question about the issue. if you do not mind -- >> i would not mind that at all.
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number i don't mind at all. look at the character. >> you have raised doubts about the accusers. >> i don't think people are reluctant to come forward. they will have a chance to speak. >> are questions for you to follow up on some answers i did not quite hear from you if you would allow me a couple of questions? >> you did not let me ask my question. >> you been asking a question for 10 minutes. please sit down. why do you say that? fake news. by the way i think you do a very good job but i did not say that. >> the president is beyond presidential. the man demonstrated class, patience, and i have to say certainly doing nothing to deserve such a generous treatment on part of the president. up next, president trump indicates he may delay tomorrow's scheduled meeting with deputy attorney general, rod rosenstein. >> ima -- i may call rod
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tonight. i don't want to do anything that gets in the way of this very important supreme court -- i do not want this competing and hurting the decision one way or the other. >> we will take that up and much more with judicial watch, chris farrell. he joins us right after this quick break. stay with us, we will be right back.
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house, paul ryan, once again, demonstrating his immense courage and committed principled leadership. telling reporters today, are you ready? that the deputy attorney general rods rosenstein should be left in the hands of the president. what a surprise! >> he's meeting with the president tomorrow so i think we should not step in the way of that. we should let the president work it out with rod rosenstein. i would say this. if you're going to stop the credibility of rod rosenstein against andy mccabe who was fired for lying i'll go with rod rosenstein. >> speaker ryan's comments well, upsetting a lot of the folks in the house republican conference. his colleagues looking to impeach rosenstein, if he fails to publicly testify about a new
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york times report that said he wanted to secretly tape the president, or a wire as he offered, perhaps rhetorically. we will find out. congressman mark meadows, other freedom caucus congressman currently meeting with republican leaders about how to handle rosenstein. earlier today, meadows said this quote - we will not allow speaker ryan to punt to the white house on rosenstein. we will have an answer one way or another. today. joining us now, chris farrell, director investigations for judicial watch. great to have you with us. the president making it very clear, his preference is to keep rosenstein right where he is. even though there is great speculation, for days had surrounded rosenstein 's future per the president clearing that
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up at least in terms of his current preference.and suggesting that he would like to delay the meeting because of the very important confirmation hearing tomorrow. for judge kavanaugh. your reaction? >> if mr. rosenstein honey on her whatsoever, any ethical or moral compass, he would have enough honesty to address this and realize he must resign. he is so conflicted, he is so disqualified based upon his conduct. again, any honor or ethics he would realize that, he would realize that he is actually an impediment to justice being carried out. and he would resign. perhaps, the president is affording him that opportunity over the next two days. >> and again, congressman meadows saying this. we will not allow the speaker to punt to the white house. rosenstein will have an answer one way or another. in your reaction to congressman
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meadows position and of course, the speakers pointing out the obvious that it is the presidents decision. >> speaker ryan has once again, disgraced himself with this lackluster performance. lack of leadership. not even acknowledging the constitutional obligation and duty of congress to conduct oversight of exactly this sort of misconduct that rosenstein is up to his eyeballs in. and mr. meadows is correct! look, they demand accountability. he needs to get in, meaning rosenstein, needs to get in front of them, under oath and explain and clarify the reporting period that evidently was serious enough for andy mccabe to write reports on. >> right. i think we had to say that going to the issue of the leadership, we cannot even call it that. the presence of the speaker of the house through all of this,
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it is through the courage and the energies of half a dozen folks. congressman devin nunes, house intelligence community. congressman jordan, congressman meadows, matt gates and a handful of others. that we know anything about what is going on. the speaker has been absent, derelict throughout, efforts to carry the constitution responsibility over these intelligence and doj. >> worse than that, the speaker has guilty knowledge of all of this. and he is just as bad in my opinion as mr. rosenstein because he is sitting on top of corrupt criminal activity. he is suppressing and obstructing the freedom caucus members who want to get the
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information out. >> who is suppressing that? >> speaker of the house. he is guilty knowledge of all of this stuff. >> i just want to make sure everyone understood clearly. >> loud and clear.>> let's turn to, if we may, the judiciary committee chairman. announcing plans tosubpoena memos , not doing it but talking about it. and getting ready to do it. it is the same, to me, just ignorant nonsense that we have watched out of oversight. out of judiciary throughout this period allowing delay after delay after delay without any accountability, without recourse. >> the good news is through court process, through litigation, judicial watch will uncover the records long before anyone sees them. >> that is good news. and also bad news. the bad news is that the people constitutionally, assigned the authority to carry out that oversight and have failed miserably because some of the
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worst leadership imaginable in this congress. it is just terrifying to think about. >> i do not understand how it can even be an open question. why didn't they act one week ago when the news broke? >> yeah. i wish i could answer that one. i wish we had answers to that question. let's turn to one more aspect, that is the kavanaugh hearing. the president today making it clear that this is just so upsetting. that a man of judge kavanaugh 's character, distinguished service to the nation, can be smeared, and just dragged through the mud. his family, him, with this idea that there is a presumption that the democrats are carrying forward of guilty until proved innocent and it is up to the judge to demonstrate his
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innocence rather than corroborate or provide evidence that there is any substance to the complaints that have been put against them. >> the president nailed it and was crystal clear it is exactly right. in his assessment what's going on. we have seen an abuse of process here that you know, it may be frustrating and a circus but it is actually extremely dangerous. it is corrosive to the constitution and all of these reckless claims, there is a great word for it. cowardly. no one uses the word anymore but cowardly -- >> there was no reason. >> false swearing to destroy someone's -- >> even the good guys in washington. sometimes it works together the language, talking about an abuse of -- process. and now coward. you know what this is?
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this is political corruption at the highest levels of the justice department, the fbi, as you well know. and that is such that these parties cannot come together and deal with that honestly and to the benefit of the american people. >> the left is turning this into a hybrid between stalin and the french revolution. it is the worst. >> and the corruption is pure and complete. chris farrell, thank you for being here. good to see you. >> thank you.>> be sure to vote in our poll today. you believe the white house reporters are using briefings and news conferences to grandstand rather than pose original questions and seek substantive answers from the president?cast your vote on twitter. follow me on twitter @lou dobbs
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tonight. for prosecutor andrew mccarthy gives us his analysis of tomorrow's meeting between president trump, rod rosenstein and what is happening in that so-called hearing. up next, real election meddling. not russia, communist china this time. trying to undermine the presidents trade policies. and taking out a four-page propaganda insert in the des moines register, for crying out loud! we come back doctor sebastian gorka joins me. stay with us. brad's about to find out if his denture can cope with... a steak. luckily for him, he uses super poligrip.
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election. they do not want me, or us, to win because i am the first president ever to challenge china on trade. >> president trump pointed to this, the chinese government backed insert, four pages work. it ran in sunday's des moines register. i guess they got paid a pretty penny for the propaganda. it is meddling but it is also well, free enterprise i guess! sort of sorry form of it. this is the evidence the chinese interviewers at present referred to. the present tweeting this. john is actually placing propaganda ads in the des moines register and other papers. made to look like news. and by the way, shame on the news organizations for letting it look so much like news. and doing so without making it clear, what it is. the president saying further,
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we are beating the chinese on trade, opening markets and farmers will make a fortune when this battle is over. the four-page insert, bought by a chinese government run media company called the china daily. he came out just one day before president trump ordered new tariffs on $200 billion of chinese exports to the united states. president trump wrapping up his press conference this evening by calling tomorrow's hearing for judge brett kavanaugh, and the woman accusing him of sexual misconduct, quote - a very big moment for our country. the president could not be more correct. and, president trump reiterated that judge kavanaugh is entitled to presumption of innocence. what a concept. >> is very dangerous. in our country. and it is being perpetrated by some very evil people. some of them are democrats, i
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must say. because some of them no that this is just a game that they are playing. it is a con game. we talking about the united states supreme court. this can go on forever. i can pick five other people. at a certain point people will say, no thank you. this is beyond supreme court. there is nothing beyond supreme court this is beyond supreme court. this is everything to do with our country. what was i hurt? innocent until proven guilty. i have heard this for so long. it is a beautiful phrase. in this case, you are guilty until proven innocent. i think that is a very, very dangerous standard for our country. >> a very dangerous standard but the president pointing out, it is the standard of the radical democrats and the left in this country as they try to just obliterate this
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distinguished jurist and extraordinary american, judge brett kavanaugh. join us and is sebastian gorka a fox business national security analyst, former strategist to president trump. author of this printable coming out october 9. that is how new the book is. why we fight, recovering america's will to win. available for preorder now. good to have you with us. i want to start first with the presidents -- he was in north korea and they required the tutoring. he is a very patient man. today he was generous beyond compare. putting up with ignorance, putting up with rudeness and putting up with a press corps that interrupted him ceaselessly and ignorantly. your reaction? >> i completely agree with you, he has the patience of job.
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i listened to the press conference for just the rank unprofessionalism. the idea that you're at the united nations, he has given a most pro-american speech in the hub of globalism that we have heard for decades. and they just want to talk about this smear campaign against judge kavanaugh and try and throw mud on the president as well. and he just you know, he stood there, he took the stupid questions. you know -- >> the repetitious questions. >> and the repetitious questions. i could not do it. he seems up to the task. >> by the way, that is it the remarkable thing. he is in his element and he handled -- you know, you remember during the early parts of the campaign, they would say the president campaigning for the present, candidate, donald trump, isn't presidential.
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think about these white house press corps reporters. do they understand they are in the white house? that they are not, they are hardly presidential. they are certainly not respectful. and it is the kind of ignorance that -- but i want to turn to first, north korea. and the fact that kim jong-un is making -- mike pompeo will be going to pyongyang. to carry on further meetings. and the president has the data take time to explain to some of his critics. i mean, critics? they are supposed to be journalists in the white house press corps. he has given up absolutely nothing.not a cent! this is the same press corps that just sat there and gobbled up the stuff that obama throughout on the surface and they, like guppies, rose to it. the fact is he's given up nothing. absolutely nothing!except as he pointed out, his time.
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and has an opportunity for peace and that group of so-called experts in the room, they are the ones who are talking about the fear of war, i mean, they were doing their best fear mongering and the president was calling kim jong-un little "rocket man". where are we now? >> can i just go back to the issue of the press conference? if you were among -- quickly about one minute left. >> you just landed from planet mars, every single question they asked was negative and critical. as if this man was their enemy. as opposed to the president elected by the 60 million people. with regards to north korea, yes, they said we are going to go to war. it has disappeared from the headlines.not only that, not only has not given anything, he got hostages back free and got the back the remains of gi's
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without one red cent. compared to the to president obama. >> dr. gorka, thank you for being with us. and the president on china directly today. how about that? we are coming right back. when we do, george -- will be in you've got a good record and liberty mutual won't hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges... how mature of them. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ ♪ as moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don't want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real.
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produced the fraudulent antidrug steele dossier. a new report finds that he contributed to the so-called democracy integrity project. founded by former staffer to dianne feinstein by the lipid organization paid fusion gps as a contractor to continue its investigation into russian meddling in the 2016 election. of course, that included further payments for the fraudulent dossier and the work of former mi agent, christopher steele. join us former u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york, national review contributing editor, good to have you with us, andy. this is amazing. i just want to point out
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something. we have three accusers. that are going to be at the hearing tomorrow. and by the way, i want to comment you on a terrific piece that you wrote for national review online. in which you judge and put this into context if it were a trial. and i want to get to that. but now, we have a fourth accuser according to senator gardner. republican colorado. who has received an anonymous letter, making charges against judge kavanaugh. i am not about to repeat anything in an anonymous letter. i think it is important for people to know that this has come in, it has been sent by the senate to the judiciary committee and shared by the committee to both democrats and republicans. this is the level of these last-minute assaults on the
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character of judge kavanaugh, this attack on him and his family. your reaction? >> i think yet again, we have anonymous, uncorroborated, unverified allegations which have come up as an abuse of the process. i think we need to keep remembering that the first of these allegations was known to senator feinstein six or seven weeks ago. they intentionally sat on it, notwithstanding that this man, kavanaugh, who is as you say, about as qualified a nominee for the supreme court as ever. has come up in the united states. he gave 31 hours of testimony. with these issues, uncorroborated, unverified allegations have been brought up in the normal course of the process. he would have been asked about them when he testified. he would've answered and we would have had a vote by now. but as i have been saying from
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beginning, the more delay you have, the more delay you will have. as we see, the longer this goes on, the more uncorroborated stuff comes out of the woodwork. >> it is amusing, if you will. at least partly so. that suddenly doctor porter will be there testifying despite the fact that she did not get her way about a dozen or what areconsidered to be absolutely , absurd requests to take over the process and run it. it, this is -- i don't know how we got here but the president today, it seemed to me andy, said exactly right.this is become, because of the dirty tricks, the smear campaign on the left, the democratic party in its entirety, it has become, you have to prove you are innocent. otherwise you are outside the process in washington d.c.. and
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how the left gets away with this and how the republicans let them get away with this is astonishing. >> i think the problem is that as far as politics are concerned, they have been defined down. i made an observation about a week ago in a column that when bob bork in 1987, i think when he was borked, they said that as that is a guess but what actually happened in nearly 30 years, that it was simply the beginning and that is actually more than 30 years now. the republicans have actually gotten worse. >> we have a fighter in our president. we have, and i love to complement senator mcconnell. he stood up on monday in defense of judge kavanaugh. very quickly, we are out of time as usual. what you think happens tomorrow? >> well, i give doctor ford
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credit. i did not think there was going to be a hearing. she is evidently going to testify so let's hear what she has to say for herself.>> all right, andy mccarthy, great to have you with us. thank you so much. appreciate it. the president calling out the radical democrats hell-bent on taking down the supreme court nominee, kavanaugh.>> they destroyed a man's reputation. they want to destroy even more and they know it is a big, fat con job. and they go into a room and i guarantee you, they laughed like hell at what they have pulled off on you, and on the public. they laughed like hell. >> referring to white house press corps. we take that up and much more after the break. charlie hurt joins us. stay with us. -welcome. -[ gasps ] a bigger room?! -how many of you use car insurance? -oh. -well, what if i showed you this?
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sperry laid out eight problems as he referred to them, in christine ford's allegation against judge kavanaugh. he wrote this. ford cannot recall details of what she says is one of the most dramatic events of her
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life. she told no one what happened at the time. four people she identified at the party not acknowledging of the party peter immediate family did not sign a letter of support for a dozen relatives. ford tried to reach out from high school friends and college to help her remember what they could not. doctor ford is a democrat and anti-trump marcher. notes from her therapist in 2012 do not mention kavanaugh. finally, doctor ford said she was upset that president trump won in 2016. because kavanaugh was on the supreme court list. but he was not added to the list until november 2017. joining us tonight, charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor, fox business contributor. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> i think paul sperry laid out the parameters of a gaping issue that frankly, afflicts all three of the accusers who have come forward. what do you think?
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>> yet, without a doubt. i mean all the discrepancies and i think, just in the last 24 hours, since the story went up, there been even more discrepancies that have come out in terms of who is in the room, who was not in the room, who was at the party, who was not at the party. it is just mind-boggling and the idea that we are now talking about anonymous accusations from anonymous people that even the reporters covering the story do not know who the accusers are. and they're actually running the stories about it? i think it reveals just how disgusting and terrifying really, the situation is. i think it's important to remember, one thing. i keep -- there is no doubt in my mind that they witnessed some things are been through things that were traumatizing. i do not doubt that for a second. but the fact that the democrats in the senate are behaving the way that they are behaving is
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what is so disgusting. and i've come to realize that you know, mission accomplished for them. this is exactly what they wanted to get done. all they wanted to do was destroy this guys reputation, smear him in some sort of rapist, and if they managed to keep him from getting on the court, it will just sort of be you know, icing on the cake for them. they want to destroy the man and they want it to be a message to anybody else that donald trump puts forth for anything. we will destroy you. >> and the president today, correctly identified the issue you are talking about. and talked about what it will do to future candidates and for nomination to the supreme court. or any court! and to the president's credit, he is standing up tall and strong and in support of judge kavanaugh and his family. and you can see, it just tears him up. that the democrats have done this to a man that he considers to be, he says without a
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blemish in his life! a family that is terrific. you know, it is just, it is stunning that the politics of destruction have been permitted. and i have to say to you, i blame, in large measure, the republican leadership in the senate and in particular, chuck grassley. for allowing this to happen and not sitting much higher standards for what will be considered by the committee and i just will not hear their excuses any longer. this is about how to run a government and to follow the constitution of the united states and the president is right again when he says that the dim's are destroying innocent until proven guilty. >> any other republican in the white house would have fled. they would've crumbled like a cheap suit. >> the paul ryan imitation.
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>> lena donald trump is a guy who believes in fighting. he fights, and the worst, the harder the terrain, the harder the battle, the more he wants to fight. and i think that is, i think is a good thing. >> it is a great thing! >> and i think he is teaching other republicans you know what actually? all of the noise, courage -- >> courage is contained -- contagious. >> you know, you can actually win a fight. i think it is the big message, the big lesson that we learn from this. >> all right, charles, always good to have you with us. >> thank you. >> up next, president trump close tomorrow's hearing on capitol hill on an important cultural moment for the country. much more on that and more right after the break . we will be right back. ♪
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lou: all of the turmoil, all of the drama, whether at the united nations or capitol hill. on wall street stocks sort of yawned. the dow jones industrials down 107 points. s & p down step. the nasdaq lost 17. the volume on the big board pick up. the fed raised interest rates by a quarter% today. -- a quarter percent. a remind tore listen to my
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report coast to coast on the salem radio network. president trump conducting virtuoso performance, blasting the shameless smear campaign orchestrated by the dems. president trump: when you look at it all. it's not going to change tonight democrats' minds. they are obstructionists. they are actually con artists, because they know how quality this man is. i think people will see that in the mid-terms. lou: the senate judiciary hearing will take place tomorrow. president trump may ask deputy attorney general rod rosenstein to delay their planned meeting for tomorrow to avoid competing
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with the kavanaugh hearing. president trump said he would prefer not to fire rosenstein as of right now. that's it for us. thanks for being with us. two hours of full coverage of the kavanaugh hearing tomorrow. good night from new york. kennedy: breaking news right now in an absolute hurricane of breaking news. supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh now has a fourth accuser. it's 1998 where judge kavanaugh allegedly assaulted a woman while drunk. the president was asked about the previous three accusers. watch. >> do you think these women, all three of them are liars.


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