tv Kennedy FOX Business September 27, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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the judge deserves great credit as well. because he acted pretty well as a trial lawyer, i think. he point out, it was not simply a lack of corroboration. the names she put forward to support her story, her claim, they were not corroborated, they were reputed. gregg: he used the word refuted. lou: that's why i used it. gregg: i'm not a soft touch but i pulled out a kleenex especially when he talked about his 10-year-old saying her prayers and wanted to say a prayer for dr. ford. that really speaks volumes about what kind of a man and father he is. and probably the very kind of guy we want on the united states supreme court because he's also happens to be a brilliant jurist. lou: i almost had to go to the
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kleenex later when hazy hirono -- when haz maze maizie hirono. when her team in hawaii were sending out fundraising notes 20 minutes into the proceeding. lou: the hypocrisy, and her famous quote, it's not a coast law, it's a court of accountability. >> hirono is not serious because she believes all men in american are responsible for sexual assault. all men should shut up. no, senator hirono should shut the hell up. with that,.
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lou: the radical dimms on the senate judiciary committee carried out their part today. dr. christine blasey ford accused judge kavanaugh of sexual assault. >> i am here today not because i want to be. i'm terrified. i am here because i believe it's my civic duty to tell you what happened to me when brett kavanaugh and i were in high school. i believed he was going to rape me. i tried to yell for help. when i did, bretf put his hand over my mouth to stop me from yelling. this is what terrified me the most of and had the most of impact on my life. it was hard for me to breathe and i thought brett was going to
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accidentally kill me. breath and mark were laughing during the attack. i was too afraid and ashamed to tell anyone these details. >> what ways the strongest memory of the incident. something you cannot forget. >> the laughter. lou: the laughter. joining me now, candace owens, communications director for turning point u.s.a. i have to say, dr. ford was immensely sympathetic. and you can tell she is someone who has been in considerable pain, and perhaps for a long time. judge kavanaugh made it clear he was not the cause of her pain, had nothing to do with her, was not at the event. your thoughts as you watched first dr. ford make her
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accusations before the committee. >> i didn't believe her testimony whatsoever. i do believe she was emotional. i believe she was sincere in her emotional. any individual who placed themselves at the center of a political firestorm and started to understand the enormity of what they were doing would be emotional. i severely doubt her testimony that brett kavanaugh attempted to sexually assault her or rape her. there is no evidence supporting it. she conveniently doesn't remember anything that would allow us to confirm this is true. she doesn't remember the home. strongly denied she was there, including her best friends. someone who just escaped rape wouldn't confide to even your best friend about the fact that
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you had just gotten raped? i don't believe this whatsoever. lou: if we can suspend -- you answered the question as to whether you believe her. is there a part of you that thinks something did happen to her because she did seem not just emotional. but she seemed to be in veal pain in the tell -- in real pain in the telling of the story that is her life at least as she sees it. >> i could possibly believe something painful happened to her in her childhood or teenaged years that disrupted her adult life and is the source of why a few months ago she was wearing a pussy hat marching down the street saying we should resist trump. i believe many of the women who are against trump have had
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something in their lives and they are taking it out on him unfairly. this is a referendum of the 2016 elect and want to get back at him by any means necessary. lou: there is no question whatsoever, whether you have sympathy, ema these with her or reject out of hand her story. there is no doubt the radical dimms have been exploiting her for their own purposes and she has been a useful tool. that six-week under val between learning about her and actually doing something about her accusations represents to me the clearest evidence that the radical dimms on that committee didn't care about her one whit. they wanted to exploit her in a cold and calculated and
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injurious way to judge kavanaugh, assault him at the last possible moment which is no surprise exactly what they did. >> that's exactly what they did. for me as i am watching this and looking at all the facts, did she want to be exploited. her instinct was to first call "the washington post" tipline? that seems bizarre to me. what did you think journalists were going to do once they got that tip. they were going to explore it. you acknowledged you wanted to potentially open up this story to the entire world. i think it's good you are giving her a lot of credit. i give her less credit. i genuinely believe there is so much aimer against this administration, i wouldn't put it past someone to staging this whole thing. lou: i have a lot of trouble
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comprehending the depth and breadth of the trump derangement syndrome. anger toward trump. i think most of of it is fiction. i think in fact a fiction created by the radical dimms who mean to do what they are doing which is to subvert donald trump's presidency, his administration, and block as many of his policies as is possible. by the way, making all the more incredible his achievements, successes, whether it be in foreign policy, economic policy, the man is now an historic president unto himself. and the dimms are becoming further maddened. they are in a cycle of absolute i are rationale and just bald faced partisan politics that is, they don't even care, injurious to the nation and national
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security. >> that's exactly way was going to say. injurious to the nation's reputation. this was a spectacle. it was embarrassing. do you realize we were talking about flatulence and flip tops and beer. i drank in college. lou: i did not drink in college. >> but they are trying to pervert not only relations between men and women which they have done in the past which started with the #metoo movement. as soon as it came out i understood what they were trying to do. they are perverting a high school experience. they are perverting a college experience which is normal like people drinking. i thought he was pledging a fraternity at a certain point. lou: watching senator blumenthal, senator whitehouse.
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senator booker, these people were -- i mean, they were so out of their depth and their league. and i love the way judge kavanaugh effectively just slaughtered them and simply let, if they want to lodge their not exactly intellect in his 16th year of life, so be it. go at it. i love the way he hand it. where .we go from here? we just learned that the republicans have just ended their conference meeting. the senate republicans and they will be voting tomorrow. 9:30. >> wow. lou: it's on. and i have to say, good for them. now is the time. would you agree? >> i absolutely agree. all the democrats wanted out of this. the only reason they kept bringing up an fbi investigation
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is they want to delay this until mid-terms. that's the only reason dianne feinstein held on to this so long. you do not give a spoiled child screaming on the floor what they want. they have been acting like spoiled children. the republicans need to come together and confirm brett kavanaugh. they need to give a strong message to the american people this will not go on. there is a way to handle allegations, and this is not the way. i'm a big supporter, i have to peak out for men, if we don't cut the head off this snake it will go on further. lou: be sure to vote in our poll tonight. the question is this. do you believe judge brett kavanaugh exposed the dimms for the unconscionable smear
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merchants they have become? follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter @loudobbs tonight. the dimms continue their unrelenting push for an fbi investigation against brett kavanaugh. doesn't make sense. does it. >> if you are very confident of your position, and you appear to be, why aren't you also asking the fbi to investigate these claims? >> judge kavanaugh, will you support an fbi investigation right now? >> you could actually just get this or so we can talk to these witnesses and the fbi can do it instead of us. are you willing to ask the white house to authorize the fbi to investigate the claims that have been made against you? lou: not an original question
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among the bunch. all of the time they took up with repetition with a question to which they knew the answers. next we'll be talking with victoria toensing and joe digenova. stay with us. we'll be right back. hey, no big deal. you've got a good record and liberty mutual won't hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges... how mature of them. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪
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lou: president trump and deputy attorney general rod rosenstein talked today and agreed to reschedule their meeting. they were scheduled to meet today to talk about the "new york times" report in which rosenstein reportedly suggested wearing a wire to record the president to lay a foundation to invoke the 25th amendment. president trump said he didn't want to interfere with the kavanaugh hearings and that is the reason for the delay. house judiciary chairman bob goodlatte subpoenaed memoranda belonging to former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe who was fired for lying. this follows the "new york times" report claiming deputy attorney general rosenstein would be doing all the nefarious things including invoking the
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25th amendment. but at least the judiciary committee in the house is moving ahead. joining us tonight, victoria toensing, former federal prosecutor, joe digenova. they are the founding partners of digenova and toensing law firm. victoria, the house judiciary committee now subpoenaing those memoranda belonging to andrew mccabe. is this a march forward or more theatrics in the house? >> it's a march forward because they have the speaker on board saying he supports it. it has got to happen. those documents have to get out so people can see what this whole russia investigation was based on.
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lou: joe, your reaction to what you saw today. in my judgment he acquitted himself marvelously. >> he came out swinging. it was a marvelous declaration of independence. an assault on the if he their was activities. a shameless display by the democrats. but they don't carry inmore. dr. ford demonstrated to me that she is a very troubled woman. her testimony had the sound of a teenager. she is in her 50s. she has been an emotional wreck for a number of years. and the testimony today showed that she is a very sad person. whatever happened to her, it didn't involve judge kavanaugh and i think he made his case today. by scheduling a vote for tomorrow the republicans have
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shown all 11 republicans will vote for him tomorrow, and i say thank god. >> at last. right before the break you said every democrat was asking the same thing, they didn't have any creativity. that is their modus and ra -- o. every one of them said why are you hiding documents from us. today the mantra was, don't you want an fbi investigation? let me tell what you an fbi investigation is. they would go out and take statements from any witnesses, all four that she named and bring them back to the committee for the committee to review which is just what the majority did in the last couple weeks. it's done. lou: it is done and we appreciate you reminding us. chuck grassley today, i got so tired of him quoting joe biden that you don't know anything if you don't know the fbi
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background investigation doesn't accomplish anything. i just got such a kick out of it. he was insistent because of the mantra issue. think of the time they wasted. if they had original questions and a probing issue they wanted to examine with the judge. they weren't open minded about anything. >> no. hirono, they are fundraising within 20 minutes into the hearing on the backs of the judge. >> this was all about delay. they never had any intention of want a legitimate investigation. if they had, when they got the letter in july they would have gone to chairman grassley and said let's have the fbi and the staff look into this. they were able to do that, but
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it backfired on them. although she was a depressingly sad witness. dr. ford had no corroboration to offer. there is no corroboration for her statement. whatever may have happened to her, and we'll never know wet wear she said was true or not. she clearly believes it, and i think that's part of her very, very sad emotional state and her troubled life. judge kavanaugh today acquitted himself magnificently. and i think he may have saved the senate from itself and he certainly helped the supreme court by being able to do what he did today. >> we have to give a kudo to lindsey graham. >> he was great. lou: do we have that sound bite on graham giving instructions to the radical dimms on the senate committee? if we give them just a minute they will find it. >> those senators decided they
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had enough of rachel mitchell who was very methodical, very low key. but that time was up. it was time to get moving. lou: his statements today -- i mean, i am now one of his biggest fans. let's listen to senator graham as he gives instruction to the dimms and the jaded corrupt mess that the process is has become. >> did you meet with senator dianne feinstein on august 20. >> i did meet with senator feinstein. >> did you know her staff already recommended a lawyer to dr. ford. >> i did not know that. >> did you snow know her and her staff had allegations for over 20 days? >> i did not know that at the time. >> if you want an fbi investigation you could have come to us. what you want to do is destroy this guys life, hold this seat open, and hope you win in 2020.
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you said that. not me. you have got nothing to apologize for. when you see sotomayor and kagan tell hem lindsey said hello because i voted for them. i would never do to them what you have done to this guy. this is the most of unethical sham since i have been in politics. to my republican colleagues, if you vote no, you are legitimizing the most of despicable thing i have seen in my time in politics. you want this seat? i hope you never get it, i hope you are on the supreme court. that's exactly where you should be. and i hope that the american people will see through this charade. and i wish you well. and i intend to vote for you and i hope everybody who is fair-minded will.
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>> wow, wow. lou: isn't that amazing? >> that was exactly what was need for the republicans today. lindsey graham sent a message to all republicans. you either do this or we lose the senate. but we do it for a different reason. because it's the right and just thing to do. what the democrats did to the calf enough family, those two beautiful daughters, his loving wife, how disgraceful and shameless. what a bunch of absolute awful people the democrats on that committee -- that nut from hawaii, hirono, disgraceful, telling american men to shut up. who does she think she is. >> dianne feinstein wants to get re-elected that badly. durbin, hirono, booker. lou: i can help you with the list. >> richard blumenthal. >> berke is the groper from high school. >> utterly shameless people.
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lou: lindsey graham. >> god bless him. what a moment. lou: more moments are ahead with victoria and joe as we continue. we'll examine what seems to be a changed atmospherics around the issues of rod rosenstein, the justice department, and the relationship with the white house. we'll see what victoria and joe can tell us about all that and much more straight ahead. stay with us through the break. we are coming right back. hi, kids! i'm carl and i'm a broker. do you offer $4.95 online equity trades? great question. see, for a full service brokerage like ours, that's tough to do. schwab does it. next question. do you offer a satisfaction guarantee? a what now? a satisfaction guarantee. like schwab does. man: (scoffing) what are you teaching these kids? ask your broker if they offer award-winning full service
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lou: we are back with victoria toensing and joe digenova. i want to go to the issue of the atmospherics. we are now told that the vote in the judiciary committee tomorrow morning, many of the senators are saying they hope to be voting, expect to be voting, but senator chuck grassley asked by our producer chad pergram saying nothing on the vote. he wouldn't commit. he said the meeting is on for 9:30. but the vote seems to be a little wiggle room add. so we'll have to leave it with the senators we talked with thp.
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they said they expect, they hope to be voting at 9:30 tomorrow morning. the chairman of the committee not so definitive. thank you for staying with us through the commercial break. victoria, the atmosphere seemed on changing around rosenstein and the president and the department of justice. that is simply intuitive on my part. but it has a different feel to it. and am i imagining things? >> no, but you have good intuition. you are seeing it play out where the president is in charge so he doesn't need to do anything right away. he can wait until after the mid terms and do away with jeff anded rosenstein. so why cause more turmoil now? you have got to have kavanaugh confirmed. let's not let anything get in
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the way of that? the pits smart enough to know that's going to happen. lou: the principle problem as you say, november 6. but there is also the issue of those fisa court warrant applications and transparency and openness and resolving this endless witch hunt against the president and his administration. >> i don't any there is any doubt what the president is doing now with regard to asking the inspector general of the justice department to expedite the declassification of the documents, he's trying to look presidential. he's trying to stop the criticisms of him. he knows he can declassify the documents any time he wants. he says he's heard from the aussies and the brits. he's demonstrating flexibility. he's trying to show them he's
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being a good friend. but he knows and the brits and the aussies know we already know who all the spies were who were operating illegally in australia and the u.k. to get fake information back into the united states intelligence system. he's trying to calm things down, and he's toying with rod rosenstein. he's making it look like he's fantastic, i can work with him. lou: the president would never do such a thing. >> when the election is over, rosenstein is toast. he would never have romney over for dinner to talk about being secretary of state. lou: long memories. to me this is all the more fascinating. because the president taking up the issue of rosenstein in a news conference that went for an hour 20 minutes in which he schooled the press and they didn't realize it as they were
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being schooled. that's how talent short they are. the extraordinary accomplishments is the president is managing leading the nation, taking care of foreign policy, meeting with he'l el-sisi. and i love the idea, the president of the united states to the general assembly, the most of left-wing socialist directed assemblage in the world said we are americans and we are about sovereignty and patriotism. you will have to catch up on that globalism. >> he's accomplished more in almost two years -- less than two years than almost any president in recent memory. he's also becoming better at
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becoming machiavellian. he's almost brennan-like. it was a tour de force. he's machiavellian and it's wonderful to see. lou: he's interesting, people who do not want to give this man credit for his successes and vision. but i notice there is a group of people who just will not creed e to this president that he's bright than they are. i'm talking about capitol hill, the senate and the house. many within his own party. they won't acknowledge he's a hell of a lot smarter than they
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are. >> they don't know how to deal with that personality. they are used to people being on script all the time. yesterday the president said people made false allegations about me. they are not used to it. nikki haley said he was like a superstar, they were all coming up wanting their photo taken. >> he's not a politician and it shows. lou: a reminder to vote in our poll tonight. do you believe brett kavanaugh exposed the dems for the smear merchants they have become? judge kavanaugh sharing the significance of the cleanse he has kept for the past 38 years. >> i my dad started keep details cleanse of his life in 1978.
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he did so as a calendar and diary. christmastime he would tell us old stories. old milestones. old weddings. old events from his calendared. in 1980 i started keeping calendars of my own. for me all so it's a calendar and a diary. i kept such cleanse and diaries for the last 38 years. mine are not as good as my dad's. and when i was a kid, the calendars are about what you would expect from a kid. some goofy parts, some embarrassing parts. lou: and important contemporaneous evidence of the judge's innocence. we'll have much more on the life of judge kavanaugh. pastor robert jeffress joins us with his perspective. -♪ he's got legs of lumber and arms of steel ♪
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here is a sample of we had to say. >> i swear under oath before the senate and the nation, before my family and god, i am innocent of this charge. i love coaching more than anything i have ever done in my whole life. thanks to what some of you on this side of the committee unleashed, i may never be able to coach again. just after i took the bench in 2006 there was a major "new york times" story about the low numbers of women law clerks at the supreme court and federal appeals courts. i took notice and i took action. a majority of my 48 law clerk over the last 12 years have been women. the other night ashley and my daughter eliza said their prayers. and eliza, all of 10 years old said to ashley, we should pray
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for the woman. a lot of wisdom from a 10-year-old. lou: joining us tonight is rob effort jeffress. he's pastor of the first baptist church of dallas. he's author of the new book "choosing the extraordinary life." great to have you with us, pastor. 10-year-old eliza praying for dr. ford. an amazing moment. >> she didn't couple with that on her own without great training from her mom and dad. you couldn't watch this without feeling empathy for judge kavanaugh and the hell he's going through and sympathy for dr. ford and the pain she is going through. the democrats are trying to destroy the very foundation, not only of our american legal system, but of all of human
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civilization since the days of moses. that is the presumption of innocence. that was part of the mosaic law 3,000 years ago. once we take that presumption away from the accused and gift to the accuser we'll have chaos. lou: we have judges like judge kavanaugh who will be, i believe, serving the nation on the highest courts. and he and that court will make a big difference in defending western civilization first. america always first. always. lou: i feel so much better after watching judge kavanaugh stand up for himself, his family and the country. i think it was one of the most of shameless left wing senate
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seats. even he looks like he had enough shame to hold his head down when he was challenges. >> today's hearings are a stark reminder of why we can never allow the left to be in charge of anything ever again. both in the mid-terms. today is going to energize the base to get out. lou: i wonder to what degree this will also energize the left. i have to believe that not republicans, not just conservatives will be energized. i have to believe there are democrats out there who are absolutely sick to their stomach that their party has produced a group of people like those who sit on that judiciary committee who would exploit dr. ford's pain and instead of caring for her, bury her for six weeks without other -- forget empathy.
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indifference. and exploit her. >> this point out the hypocrisy of the democrats that we see on full display. they say we are so concerned about the abuse of women. they don't care about the abuse of women. they didn't about dr. ford, using her. you know what their number one objection is of judge kavanaugh? he might restrict in some way the murder of 700,000 females he year in the womb through abortion. that is hypocrisy to say you care about the abuse of women but you don't care about the murder of women. that's hypocrisy. lou: and he acknowledged that roe versus wade is settled law. this is their idea of a threat? it's a manufactured threat. if this is their idea of what they are defending. but you and i both know this is
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about something far more simpler and raw. it's about power. and if they are going to continue to redistribute wealth in this country to the tax system, the welfare system. if they are going to continue to demand more of the taxpayer and the working man and women of this country, the middle class and small business. they have to have power. otherwise the president has already shown all of that doesn't -- it's immaterial, it's irrelevant if you growth economy at 4.2% which is what we have grown this economy at. this president's policies resulted in a market that has exploded. and jobs. unemployment rates for minorities in this country are at historic lows. the middle class is growing
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again. household net worth for hispanics is expanding. why would anyone change a vote from republican to democrat under this president. >> it doesn't make any logical sense. there is a battle going on not just between republicans and democrats it's a battle between good and evil and light and darkness. the real power is in the judiciary. president trump understands that. and that is why he's replacing the judiciary not just at the supreme court level but the federal appellate level. he'll have a lasting impact on this country for 30-40 years because of what he's doing to remake the judiciary. lou: and as you point out in that context we just received word from senate majority leader mitch mcconnell that there will indeed not only be a meeting of
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the judiciary committee tomorrow morning at 9:30, the senate majority leader letting us know there will be a vote on the nomination of judge kavanaugh tomorrow morning. so here we go. >> let's be praying. >> and remind all of those republicans who is president and what their conscience should dictate. pastor robert jeffress. good to see you. great to see you. good luck with the book. much more on the senate's plan to vote and finally confirm judge brett kavanaugh. stick with us. we'll be right back. geico has over 75 years of great savings and service. with such a long history, it's easy to trust geico! thank you todd. it's not just easy. it's-being-a-master-of-hypnotism easy. hey, i got your text- sleep!
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committee will be voting at 9:30 tomorrow morning could on wall street today stocks move higher that i would 55 points the s&p update the nasdaq gained 52. volume on the big ward 3000000000 shares for the second quarter gdp 4.2% the highest growth rate since 2014 and a reminder listened to my reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. this is where we are as of today and what we are looking at tomorrow. supreme court nominee judge an app blasting the confirmation process. called it a national disgrace and a cut delay the political hit but he is refusing to back down. >> i will not be intimidated in withdrawing from this process. when you are coordinated and well-funded effort to destroy my good name and destroy my family will not drive me out. he may defeat me in the final vote but you'll never get me to quit, never. lou: never and president trump
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standing with judge much reading this tonight. judge kavanaugh showed america exactly why i nominated him. his testimony was powerful, honest and riveting. democrats search and destroy strategy is disgraceful and this process has been a total sham and an effort to delay obstruct and resist the senate must vote. the book begins tomorrow morning as i said. that's the plan. senate majority leader mcconnell thanked the committee will vote on the nomination at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow morning. and our quote speaking of judge kavanaugh and president trump but my "this evening from mark king, jr. who said quote feels that measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience with but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy. that's it for us tonight. thank you for being with us. judicial watch with jordan chang
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among our guest tomorrow. we hope you'll join us and we thank you for being with us throughout the past two hours. thanks so much. good night from new york. breaking news now after an absolutely stunning day on capitol hill i am sure you are watching senate majority leader mitch mcconnell months ago saying the judiciary committee will vote tomorrow after today's dramatic grilling of supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh and the woman who has accused him of sexual assault. several gop lawmakers are calling one of the greatest shams in political history. all started this morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern time when lawmakers began questioning dr. christine blasey ford. she claims judge brett kavanaugh drunkenly attacked her at a high school party in 1982. watch. >> dr. ford with what degree of certainty do you
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