tv The Evening Edit FOX Business October 3, 2018 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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come on out! >> come on out, guys! >> you might think what does have to do with the business that work?there is a show called bulls and bears, you can see them leaving the garbage bin. it starts on october 15. that means i leave my co-anchor, on october 15. i do not want to do it but -- it must be done. >> still watch! "the evening edit" starts now. >> how did you get home? i don't remember how to get there? i don't remember. where is the place? i don't remember. >> a campaign rally assault anyone. >> it wasn't anything other than the president stating the facts that were laid out and the prosecutors memo she put forward to the senate. >> there is no time and no place for remark like that. >> there are factual inaccuracies in the testimony. >> want to make it clear to these people around the hall here, harassing them at the airport or going to their homes.
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we will not be intimidated by these people. >> i think doctor ford and judge kavanaugh are victims of the hands of the democrats. i think it is absolutely disgraceful what they've done and exploited this process. exploited doctor ford. they're exploiting all of the women that have come out to make any type of accusation. this is not the process that should have been done. certainly, everyone deserves to be heard but that includes judge kavanaugh. >> we are tracking the news coming to the studio. the fbi is set to send one copy of the supplemental fbi report on supreme court nominee, brett kavanaugh to capitol hill. it could happen any minute. the document may go to the white house and the judiciary committee where it will be kept in a locked safe. all 100 senators also authorized to read their own request. now it center dianne feinstein saying the investigation is not credible without ford and kavanaugh interviews. look at this. this has gone so toxic. senator susan collins and others had to be escorted by capitol police to protect them
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from protesters. we will bring in senator cassidy for the latest. and the dow closing a record high for the second day in a row, the dow inching closer to 27,000. this as jerome powell hails and almost too good to be true u.s. economy. and he says this could stay the four percent through 2020. right in time for the next presidential election. thank you for joining us. thank you forwatching , money, politics, we have the debate behind tomorrow's headlines. i am elizabeth macdonald and "the evening edit" starts right now. elizabeth: to check your 401(k) and pension plans say, the dow closing in on the record high of 64 points. ended the day 26,828. less than 200 points away from 27,000. we are close to earning seasons. when companies tell us how much
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money they made and what they're expected to make. valuable stocks have gone up $9.3 trillion. the fed chair, jerome powell saying america is in a good place. -- a testament to the fact that we remain in extra ordinary times. even liberal comedian praising the president for his new trade bill say the president is delivering on winning. watch. >> one of chomsky promises was that america would win so much, we would all get very tired of winning. this weekend donald trump for the first time, delivered on the winning part. people said it would be better to elect a bully as president. now and mark is literally taking canada's milk money. so i guess it worked! [applause] jokes aside, the
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deal looks like it will help american carmakers and farmers and protect a lot of us-based jobs. elizabeth: turning to the kavanaugh nomination. now hitting a fever pitch. fbi under pressure to finish the investigation at any moment. mitch mcconnell must move to end the debate on kavanaugh 's nomination before midnight eastern time tonight in order to get the confirmation vote moving by this saturday. now sarah feinstein saying that this is not credible without interviewed by ford and kavanaugh. join me now we have a louisiana center, bill cassidy. great to see you. here is the thing, senator. ford's memory, it's about her memory. it is the of any evidence right now against kavanaugh. it looked like inconsistencies do matter because with no corporation can they rely on memory alone? >> of course not, that's why rely on corroboration. republicans are sorry democrats
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have dragged her desire to be confidential in her testimony out in the open. that said, you have to have witnesses. when the four people she says were there say they did not remember it did not happen, obviously, you have to go with that. i think it is ultimately how i will decide. any fair-minded person would decide the same way. elizabeth: let's talk about how poisonous d.c. is right now. a big capitol police presence. battling to keep protesters away from senators going to hearings. look at that. republican susan collins, getting a capital police escort. it looks like this, the heart of this, the president is about to accomplish something not seen since fdr and lyndon johnson. the conservative majority on the supreme court. republicans will dominate all three branches of government. only fdr and lyndon johnson have done that. is that what's at the heart of d.c.? >> it is but i also think tactics are what are important. it is using uncorroborated
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smear campaign to destroy a man who has lived his life by everyone who has said, spoken of him as fbi evaluations, uncorroborated smear campaign and physical and emotional intimidation of anyone that would oppose those supporting the smear campaign. when you see some of the democratic senators or senator and representative, telling the followers to get to the face of republican senators, what kind of behavior do you think they are encouraging? it's a tyranny. it's an attempt to take the democratic process and turn upside down. for people to be up intimidated by force. i will do what's right. elizabeth: the democrats have not been delivering a policy to look like they are trying to debate the president and senate colleagues into words and actions that would inflame their base to go vote.
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again, no economic policy. is not the issue? >> i agree with that. they want people not to notice because the dow just hit a record high. not to notice the president just renegotiated nafta so even liberal comedians are praising the fellow. and not to notice the tax cut and jobs act build has unemployment at record lows for veterans, women, people of color, etc. if you do not want people to notice how well the economy is doing, they have to distract them with something else. i think this is that something else. >> the democrats, looks like they have all the tactical bets on the fbi. is it conceivable that the fbi will now turn up anything damaging to kavanaugh -- as you said all of the witnesses denied any knowledge of anything remotely like the story. yes, she is a synthetic witness. but all of her witnesses have since fled into the tall grass, sir. >> this will be the seventh fbi clearance, that brett kavanaugh
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is having. maybe the seventh is different from the first six. but most likely, if the fbi was doing his job the previous six, the seventh will be similar. and so, i do think when we get the collection of what are called realty 's, just the facts, not that he is disqualified but a man of high character. elizabeth: it should be pointed out that the democrats only get one week for the fbi supplemental increase, it should be known that the fbi completed their case in the anita hill controversy in two or three days. i want to move on, you may not believe this, you yourself, you were pushed back when you were harassed by an anti-kavanaugh protester . [video]
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>> are you going to support kavanaugh? >> why wouldn't i support kavanaugh? no go. >> are you okay is a person to go ahead -- if this destroyed your life, your son's life. [inaudible] >> a non-uncorroborated charge. answer the question. elizabeth: sir, we are hearing that some of these seemingly organic protests are funded by george soros.
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you think this person comes from that funded group? >> i have heard the same thing. i do not know that. the fact is that in our country, it is not fair to smear somebody. again, uncorroborated. in fact, everyone they claim was there did not happen and then damage that persons career. if this is allowed to happen it will not be the last time. i think this is a concerted effort on the part of the left to intimidate anyone that might be nominated in the future. it is not the first time they've done it. they did it with other trump nominees. elizabeth: how bad is it now, sir? is it worse than ever? >> as i can tell. in my career in the senate, the fourth year i will be six years in the house, this is worse than ever. but it is important for us not to let it happen. elizabeth: senatorcassidy, great to see you sir . >> thank you. elizabeth: now they say the u.s. must lift sanctions on iran. things like humanitarian efforts for medicine and food. mike pompeo now saying the
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united states is 39 years overdue in getting rid of an important treaty called the us in a ran treaty enmity. this fight with iran is ratcheting up. the first round of sanctions were in august. now a second round is due in november.we will stay on that for you. moving on, business headlines, a nearly four-year high, $76 a barrel. despite the crude rise. venezuela is off of the radar and negotiations with china continue. look at this. the white house economic advisor, larry kudlow same trade talks with china could resume as soon as december when policymakers meet for the group of 20 meeting and tesla posting a big surgeon electric car delivery speed the model three being the fifth best selling sedan in the us in the third quarter of the year. and for the first time in electric vehicle outsells all but a handful of toyota and honda cars.
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let's get to the markets and check your money. three major industries in the green today. the dow at a record high, and we are on the floor of the stock exchange with more.>> hey, there. we were able to hang onto some gains on wall street today. economic growth continues to be the story. services numbers were strong but the idea of a strong labor market in the country continues to show itself in the numbers. the payroll company, adp came out with numbers on the right note. it did lead to higher interest rates. we saw that today. in the environment, financials will be well to look at some of the financial stocks. they were all up today. more than the market. with higher rates, compare them to dividends and utilities that you're paying. some higher dividend paying stocks came off to turn lower on the day. it is the kind of day it was paid the dow was up. but we will take it, the s&p fire as well. elizabeth: good to see you.
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the fbi report on the kavanaugh supplemental inquiry could happen any moment. we will bring headlines when it breaks. at first, the president at the mississippi rally last night defending his nominee, brett kavanaugh. slamming christine blasey ford in my next guest says there's a double standard that when it comes to talking about doctor ford and judge kavanaugh. we will debate this with the rnc spokesperson next. >> the president was stating the fact and frankly facts that were included in the report. everything that judge kavanaugh said has been picked apart. everything second by second of his testimony has been picked apart. yet if anyone says anything about the accusations that have been thrown against him, it is totally off-limits and outrageous. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate helps you. with drivewise.
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so, howell...going? we had a vacation early in our marriage that kinda put us in a hole. go someplace exotic? yeah, bermuda. a hospital in bermuda. a hospital in bermuda. what? what happened? i got a little over-confident on a moped. even with insurance, we had to dip into our 401(k) so it set us back a little bit. sometimes you don't have a choice. but it doesn't mean you can't get back on track. great. yeah, great. i'd like to go back to bermuda. i hear it's nice. yeah, i'd like to see it. no judgment. just guidance. td ameritrade. >> 36 years ago this happened.
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i had one beer. right? i had one beer. well, i think it was -- no, one beer. how did you get home? i do remember. how did you get there? i don't remember. where is the place?i don't remember. how many years ago?i don't know. i don't know! elizabeth: the president getting criticized for that at the mississippi rally last night. he slammed as you saw there, christine blasey ford claims. the president again, getting walloped by republican including susan collins and jeff flake. they are important swing votes in the kavanaugh nomination. also, we reported last week when the president noted that doctor ford the time, he thought was compelling and credible. we should point out sex crimes prosecutor, rachel mitchell that questioned doctor ford at the hearing, but her report quote - doctor ford had no memory of key details of the
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night question. details i could help corroborate her account. perhaps most important, she does not re-member how she got back from the party to her house. critics say, new revelations about doctor ford inconsistencies make her seem less sympathetic than before. let's bring in rnc spokesperson. >> good to see you. >> you have some saying they are appalled at the comments last night mocking ford at a political rally. what is your reaction to that? >> the president was pointing out some questions that he had and i think it is entirely fine. the fact that she could not remember how she got to the party, how she got there left the time, place or year. but she could remember that you only had one beer. elizabeth: the question is that the republicans are saying why bring that up at a political rally to laughter? to find it disturbing. >> was a routine. he was bringing up something
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the media will not bring up in a think it's entirely fair. i think none other than james comey would agree with him who wrote in the new york times op-ed that significant strides, memory, even though 36 years ago tom has little to do with memory because everyone can remember the weather on their wedding day. he pointed to a real problem. they want to call this a stunt they can but it is not that. he's doing something the media will not which is asking the questions. elizabeth: here's the other thing, to your point. we know that doctor ford, this is unfair to pick apart her testimony because victims of sexual assault often have trouble remembering key details. the median turn, seems to be only questioning kavanaugh 's credibility. watch. >> in my view, to the senators for considering the vote, whether or not judge kavanaugh actually lied about his activities and his behavior over the course of his younger days. >> i thought it seemed he was not forthcoming and not telling the truth. >> whether or not he lied in
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the testimony to his broader credibility. >> the credibility of the accuser not so much as about the accountability of kavanaugh appears. elizabeth: that was about his drinking.he did say he liked to drink beer in his testimony. so they're trying to go after kavanaugh right now about his credibility. now let's stay with ford. is it taboo to question someone making sexual assault accusations because here's the thing again, if ford's memory, is the only evidence against kavanaugh, then inconsistencies matter. without any corroboration, senators cannot rely on her in perfect memories alone, no matter how so pathetic a witness she was. >> that's right. and the media is failing at the job here because you just played the soundbites. meanwhile, a letter came out last night, a sworn test money from an ex-boyfriend of ford. to question something she said under oath. she said she never given tips
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to anyone he's actually watched her do that. there were several other things he pointed out. meanwhile, abc, nbc, cbs, all ignored the letter. the only show that looked into it was megyn kelly. that is it on broadcast news. they will not ask the hard questions.they're not doing the job. spoon you see the goalpost moving. it is not that jesus he's accused of sexual assault. now that he perjured himself and lied under oath. your take on that? >> yes, that's right as mitch mcconnell said i can almost hear the goalpost moving. they will continue to delay, delay, delay. that's why mr. mcconnell and republicans are being firm on this it is time to get to vote will not allow the left to change the metric by which judge kavanaugh will be judged. elizabeth: kayleigh mcenany, great to see you. come back soon. >> thank you. elizabeth: michael avenatti out with another signed statement from another kavanaugh accuser. this one is anonymous for this after julie swetnick now appears to be backing away from
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her statements. coming up, the latest claims. but first, a big catfight in silicon valley. [video] billionaire tim cook is taking a another shot at google and facebook. for profiting off of your personal information. he is saying in china, we are keeping your user data and china's user data private. the catfight, next. >> we did not take a broad enough view of our responsibility and that was a big mistake. it was my mistake. and i'm sorry. i started facebook, i run it and i'm responsible for what happens here. benjamin franklin captured lightning in a bottle. over 260 years later as the nation's leader in energy storage we're ensuring americans have the energy they need, whenever they need it
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elizabeth: wow! this is a big catfight breaking on silicon valley could apple ceo tim cook, again, taking another shot at google and facebook. effectively saying that apple got to the $1 trillion market value by focusing on your privacy. even now, claiming that as china user data will be secure. away from the prying eyes of communist china per tim cook seeming to highlight how facebook is not about your privacy but it's about selling your user data to advertisers and google is not about privacy. it is about developing a censored search engine for communist china. who could also use that to track its own citizens. now, remember when tim cook took the shot at billionaire, mark zuckerberg earlier this year? watch. >> the truth is, we can make a ton of money if we monetized our customer. if our customer was our prod, we can make a ton of money. we elected not to do that.
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>> we care about the user experience. and we're not going to traffic in your personal life. i think it is an invasion of privacy. i think privacy to us, is a human right. it is a civil liberty. elizabeth: this is a big deal for these stocks. apple also facebook and google all ended the day in the green. let's bring in a cybersecurity expert, good to see you! he is saying that google and facebook did not care about your privacy. go ahead. >> eva silicon valley smacked down for sure! and listen, facebook, twitter, all the social media platforms, google included, really start out as advertising companies. they've traffic and user data. but apple has continually said, we will protect user privacy,
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privacy is the utmost importance. previously, you could say a couple of years ago that apple was a hardware company only peers of the real cannot traffic data. now in the past couple of years, we see apple pay, apple music. now they started to collect more of the data. they're saying we are using encryption and not trafficking in it. still not selling it to advertisers. but i like your reaction to mark zuckerberg.remember in 2009, he said facebook would never sell user data without consent. watch. >> to own the facebook content. the person that puts it there or you? >> the person putting the content on facebook always owns the information. that's right such an information thing. and people feel ownership over it. this is their information, they own it. they want to share it with only a few people. >> to be clear you're not going to sell or share any of the information on facebook? >> we are not going to share peoples information. except for the people that they have asked for it to be shared.
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elizabeth: all right. well, that did not happen. you know, you watch mark zuckerberg and it can be infuriating to people because it's like this word cloud and he expects you know by words or facts or my opinions, just believe them. what is your take on what he just said there? >> was baby zuckerberg. he has dealt with this on privacy. as part of the problem. the terms of service guide all of these privacy issues and facebookand all of the related applications , right now there is no united federal privacy law to protect consumers. elizabeth: the other thing, facebook and what's app, should we believe tim cook? because he said recently about the work in china that quote - in most cases for us, meaning the user and the center, most cases you will own the key for encryption. meaning that most cases it will be secure. what is he talking about most cases? what is qualifying here?
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>> and not all in you. i think part of the poem he qualified that statement quite a bit and also saying our servers are all over the world and you own the keys to your data. but china is a very different market and there is a reason facebook and some of these other applications are not there full force debt. elizabeth: leeza garber, great to see you. thank you for coming in. >> thank you. elizabeth: and christine blasey ford ex-boyfriend saying that she lied and some testimony. we have a reaction to all of this and much more. but first, liberal antitrust attorney, michael avenatti. he's out with another signed statement from another kavanaugh accuser. this person is anonymous. this after that his client julie swetnick, now seeming to back away from her initial claim. that is next. >> within the next 48 hours, we will release additional details relating to the allegations relating to brett kavanaugh. we will also disclose her name publicly.
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this could be about less than a $2 billion deal. the market basically, shareholder value is going down the last three years. christine blasey ford ex-boyfriend now saying that her testimony was misleading. that she, remembered ford said she never advised anyone about how to do a polygraph? the ex-boyfriend saying quote - i witnessed doctor ford help -- prepare for a potential polygraph exam peer doctor ford expand in detail what to expect, how polygraph work. and helped mclean become familiar and less nervous about the exam peer doctor ford was able to help because of her background in psychology. but again, that is now a doctor ford testified last week. >> have you ever had discussions with anyone beside your attorneys, on how to take a polygraph? >> never. >> i don't just mean countermeasures, but i mean just any sort of tips or
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anything like that? >> no. >> have ever given tips or advice to somebody who was looking to take a polygraph test? >> never. elizabeth: okay, here's what else is going on. doctor ford 's friend, former fbi agent monica mclean now say the ex-boyfriend 's statement is wrong.that christine blasey ford never help to prepare for a lie detector test. she is the mclean in the statement. let's take it up with a former federal prosecutor, is this a problem for ford? this is a real circus hall of mirrors. we have fallen into the looking glass on this one. >> you are not kidding! we have he said, she said on top of he said, she said. we're getting to a point where it is almost impossible. i think both camps will just retreat into who they believe. whether you believe judge kavanaugh or doctor ford. the rest will be white noise. this goes to the heart of
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things though how this process has been so mismanaged.this evidence if it was ever to come up, should have come up months ago.had this been handled properly by the democrats on the senate judiciary committee. instead, they chose to sit on this. it dropped on the 11th hour. now we have the spectacle that we are seeing unfold currently. we have to wrap this up, in a respectful, quick, thorough way. otherwise this will continue. elizabeth: youpoint out an irony , cold taken the accusation, democrats sat on the allegations for months. now they want investigation in the 11th hour. let's move on to this. inside trump attorney, michael avenatti emerged with fresh new anonymous allegations against kavanaugh. and growing questions of the credibility of his other client, julie swetnick. michael avenatti is tweeting out a sworn statement from this anonymous accuser. reading quote - during the is 81, 82, i witnessed firsthand,
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brett kavanaugh together of the quote - spike the project house parties i attend with quaaludes and alcohol. i understood this was being done for the purpose for girls to be more likely to engage in sex acts and less likely to say no. what are we supposed to believe? an unnamed anonymous woman? it is a credible source when julie swetnick is being seemingly to backtrack on initial claims? >> is a serious allegations being put forth in the most unserious way possible. right? if there is any credence to criminal allegations against someone, they should be walked in the montgomery county police station and a police report should be filed. they should be provided to the senate and then the senate should be allowed to consider them and decide if there's any credibility. to tweet out anonymous allegations, that are being clearly dribbled out on the 11th hour again, this is right on cue. this will continue to happen unless this process is wrapped up. elizabeth: that is the point. you make an important point. why not go to the police?
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right? i mean, that is a question that has to be answered. why, michael avenatti, aren't your clients going to the police? why christine blasey ford, aren't you going to the police? instead, your notifying lawyers who like the spotlight and the "washington post" first. right? i mean isn't that the question that needs to be asked and answered? >> it is a legitimate question peer doctor ford her reasons why she did not come forward. i will respect that. she given estimation. it is not the case with mr. menotti 's clients pay their alleging systemic gang rapes across a period of time with allegedly multiple witnesses and multiple victims. elizabeth: but forgive me, got jeff flake to say that we need another fbi one week investigation. you know what i mean? michael avenatti clients now backtracking, got jeff flake to delay it one week. right? >> look, there are two motives here. right? delay and taint. they have gone the delay, they
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will continue to try and get the delay. if michael avenatti does not get what he wants he was in the process was tainted and therefore, none of it should be believed. elizabeth: joe, good to see you come back soon. >> thank you, good to be here. elizabeth: break out the trumpets. less than two weeks time, "the evening edit" will be moving one hour later. we will be all about the breaking news on your money and politics at 6:00. we will bring you up-to-the-minute information and sharp, smart, sophisticated debate. we hope you'll join us weeknights at 6 pm. a new aclu t.v. ad comparing judge kavanaugh to bill clinton and bill cosby. coming up, we have the fiery debate. first, newsflash, hillary clinton still things half of americans are racist and islamophobic and deplorable. that is next to request part of the reasons left the campaign is that she doesn't recognize the 60+ million people that voted for donald trump for president because most of the
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islamophobic, you name it. elizabeth: you all rumor the big campaign, those hillary clinton in the deplorable moment. apparently, she's not changed her approach to trying to change hearts and minds of those that don't agree with her. with personal test donald trump and his supporters without details and evidence. instead of talking policy differences.>> he has been racist, he has been sexist, he has been islamophobic. he has been anti-lgbtq, there
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is a long list. he has a view of america that is incredibly constricted. and he talks to that america. he talks to them all the time. and if by no means, the majority as we know but it is a very hard-core, who are responded to him and supporting him for a variety of reasons. whatever they might be, economic reasons, supreme court reasons or some of these other more troubling biases and prejudices. elizabeth: okay, a reminder, nearly 53 million people voted for president trump in the last election. there was with a 46 percent of all voters. let's bring in the political panel. the daily signal kelsey and democrat strategist, danielle mclachlan.what is your take, kelsey, on these points i haley just made? >> yes excuse me for not taking hillary clinton seriously when
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she decides who is racist, sexist and bigots in the country because she's a woman it tells conservative women that they are sexist and anti-women. simply because they have the audacity to decide who they want to vote for. but i think more poorly, this just is not a winning strategy for democrats and ironically, 11th democrats realize that. but hillary clinton appears to still want to take in her speaking so it doesn't seem like she's going anywhere anytime soon. elizabeth: what you think danielle? >> donald trump accuses -- elizabeth: forgive me we are not talking about the present right now we are talking but hillary clinton. what is your take on what she said? >> i think you have to be careful when you attack and i think she should stick to that but she is right, but the president has said has been islamophobic. he has been lgbt -- elizabeth: what is the evidence? >> that he wants to prevent every muslim from coming into
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the country. elizabeth: he did not say that. >> the first muslim band. elizabeth: he did instead he said the samepolicies that obama had. >> he said he is going to ban every single muslim . elizabeth: okay.we have to move on. joe biden has potential 2020 candidate says -- kelsey, can democrats run on trumped voters as losers in the next election? >> i think absolutely not and i think it was a very unfortunate comment by joe biden because he's actually a politician although i disagree with him policy wise, who is willing and capable of reaching across the aisle. and his friends across the aisle. i think he was speaking to a very left wing audience when he made the comment. and i think if you ever attempt to run for public office again it will come back and haunt him. elizabeth: here's another liberal making headlines. socialist congressional candidate, ocasio-cortez alleging supreme court nominee, brett kavanaugh, lied to congress.
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watch. what is your reaction to that? >> if he did like to congress it is perjury in a nutshell you should get a lifetime appointment to the supreme court or anywhere else. elizabeth: do you think that she should dump on the bandwagon way after the fact? danielle? >> she has a view, she is in the public eye. she is coming up for election. elizabeth: she did not elaborate on what statement she considered to be lies. >> will find out i'm hoping in the next day or two if it relates to the fbi. but if he did lie, about stupid high school drinking is still a lie. i think it should not be. elizabeth: final words, kelsey? >> she was incapable of explain her basis for accusing him of committing perjury and i think she's just really partaking in this irresponsible slandering of brett kavanaugh and his family. it's unfair and we might come to learn after the investigation that somebody else committed perjury instead. elizabeth: kelsey, danielle, thank you for coming in. appreciate it. and a new t.v. ad comparing judge kavanaugh to
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bill clinton and bill cosby. the next guest wonders, went to the aclu stop defending civil liberties and become another arm of the dnc? we bring in a former special assistant to the president, marc lotter. he is fired up about this. stay there. >> i thought she was handled respectfully. i thought kavanaugh was treated like crap. yeah. "boo yourself". i don't like this whole thing. i think we can do better. change is hard. try to keep an open mind. come on, dad. this is for me, son? principal. we can help you plan for that.
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over the weekend that it would take the unusual step of proposing judge kavanaugh nomination to the supreme court, the aclu now sending million dollars comparing to kavanaugh to bill clinton and bill cosby. marc lotter joins you now. great to see you. the aclu defends civil liberties. doesn't it harm civil liberties to condemn someone without evidence or a trial? >> yes, clearly they have thrown the justice system they now believe civil liberties are, you are guilty until proven innocent. which is just completely backwards but this underscores what many conservatives have thought for a very long time. the aclu is actually nothing more than the legal department of the dnc. they should change your name, to the american civil liberalism unit. elizabeth: you think they're just another arm of the dnc? >> i do and here's the other thing. what if this is actually ultimately, their goal.
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because it took up this million dollar ad, once justice kavanaugh gets confirmed and sits on the bench, will they demand that he recuse himself from any case that they argue in front of the court? saying since we attacked him he will be biased against us and make it -- this is the level of treachery i would not put past these people. elizabeth: that's an interesting take. now this, first it was award-winning t.v. journalist jeff greenfield calling out cnn for endless antitrust panels and not doing reporting here now famous journalist ted koppel, battling cnn brian stelter saying that cnn ratings would be quote - in the toilet without president trump. watch. >> the ratings are up, it means that you can't do without donald trump. you would be lost without donald trump. cnn 's ratings would be in the toilet without donald trump. >> you know that's not true. elizabeth: what is your take on this? you know, with ted koppel and
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also, the mounting criticism of cnn here? >> respectfully, as a former journalist, i have a lot of respect for ted koppel. but i will disagree with him he cnn ratings are already in the toilet even with president trump. i just look at some of the most recent ratings. they're getting beaten regularly by reruns of spongebob squarepants. they have a real issue. when ted turner also questioned their balance, you have got jeff greenfield and ted koppel, something has got to change that cnn or they will continue to bottom out. elizabeth: here's a question, two respected journalists, do they bashing journalists make a trend? >> ted turner, the founder cnn was on cbs earlier in the past few days saying, he questions the balance of cnn and really, is kind of questioning where they are headed. he founded the network 40 years ago. elizabeth: great to see you, marc lotter, come back soon! >> thank you. elizabeth: we will be right back. stay right there.
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liz: federal prosecutors in utah taking william collide allen the third on custody on probable cause in the ricin case. here is what's going on. letters sus expected of containing dead whrir poison were sent to the white house and pentagon. officials say they believe a separate letter found yesterday at senator cruz's campaign office in houston is not related. this is a big, big story. we'll stay on that. and we are moving to a brand-new time. starting october 15, you can watch us at 6:00 p.m. eastern time. that's one hour later. we'll stay on the breaking news, on your money and politics. it's all about to be about live breaking news. we are going to try to bring you smart, sharp sophisticated
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debate. it starts october 15 right here on the fox business network. it's been a pleasure. we are bringing the news to you tonight. charles payne is here now with "making money." charles: the markets higher on surging economic numbers. the dow with is 15-year all-time high. 230,000 jobs were added. that's the highest hiring rate since early 2000. another indicator of the booming economy that -- service 2/3, the larger part of our economy, much larger than manufacturing.
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