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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  October 5, 2018 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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minimum wage to $15 an hour nationwide. jeff bezos takes with one hand and bringing back with another. good night from new york. kennedy: the fuse is lit and the powder keg on capitol hill ready to explode. with just a few hours until the first vote on the confirmation of judge kavanaugh, the democrats doing everything they to be block it. but they may be running out of options unless a few key republicans flip at the last minute. there have been protests all over d.c., capitol hill, the supreme court, even the white house, as folks on the left continue to claim kavanaugh is unfit for the supreme court. he's been accused of sexual assault and drinking too much. but senators got their hands on the highly anticipated fbi
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report. and according to those who have seen it claim there is nothing new. and the democrats are throwing a hail mary, claiming, of course, it's incomplete. >> the white house and the republican side of the senate attempted to rush this through, regardless of the facts. it's wrong. it hurts the supreme court and the american people. kennedy: but at least you got a this, chuck. to be rushed through. but republicans are furious saying they are sick and tired of all the stall tactics. >> what i have been dealing with since july 10, the down hill slope that schumer put us on is really dealing with a demolition derby. and they just about destroyed a good person to be on the supreme court. kennedy: republicans still don't have all those votes locked
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down. three senators, flake, collins and murkowski have not yet said whether they are a yea or may. yea -- or a nay. the "wall street journal" published an op-ed written by judge kavanaugh. he says over the past 12 years i have ruled sometimes for the prosecution and sometimes for the criminal defendants, sometimes for workers or sometimes for businesses. i'm not pro-prosecution or pro defense. i'm a pro-law judge. edward lawrence read the whole thing and so much more. he's in washington, d.c. live with the latest. reporter: he also said that some of the things he said last thursday should not have been set. maybe reach out an olive leaf to
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some of the senators on the fence. 302 arrests today and a heated confirmation process for judge kavanaugh. chuck grassley blames democrats. >> this is almost rock bottom. i would like to have the future mending things so we can do things in -- in a collegial wa. reporter: he says the fbi report shows no corroborating evidence that backs up debra ramirez or christine *'s allegations. >> in plain english what i just read is there are hints of misconduct. it's very frustrating that they didn't do a thorough investigation and didn't interview all the relevant
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witnesses. they didn't interview all the corroborating witnesses. i'm actually shocked. reporter: this comes down to three republican votes. flake said he saw no corroborating evidence for the on nations in the report. collins said she felt like the report was thorough. when we wake up tomorrow senators will be voting on the confirmation. but this is a procedural vote to block a filibuster. then the senators and republicans get 30 hours to debate. the high school friend and college friends of kavanaugh wrote letters saying a devil's triangle is not sexual it, a drinking game. it's played like quarter with plea people. it begs the question, do you drink? do you like beer?
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kennedy: i have celiac so i don't drink beer. i used to like beer, but it didn't like me. so did democrats overplay their hand in all of this? moments ago at a rally in minnesota, the president said, you betcha. president trump: all you have to do is looking at the polls the last three or four days, and it shows that their rage-fueled resistance is starting to backfire at a level that nobody has ever seen before. nobody has ever seen it. >> will this whole fiasco give the gop a brett bounce or mobilize democrats instead. chad pergram is on capitol hill. i think he has a cot there.
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reporter: a lot of people are wondering which party does it help, which party does it hurt when you are 32 days from the mid-term elections. heidi heitkamp from north dakota announced she is going to be a no. she slipped back a lot in our fox news poll. she is a no. you also look at joe donnelly from indiana. he didn't surge ahead in our poll but mike braun his republican challenger dropped off. that's a problem for mike braun. but joe donnelly is still sticking to his guns so far. as to whether he's still a no. he said some days ago he'll be a no. i spoke with claire mccaskill a couple days ago, the democrat from missouri. when i talked to mccaskill the other day, she was a hard no.
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she is not even in play in this matrix, kennedy. kennedy: i wonder what that does to her race. you would think if murkowski and collins go into the yes column it might make it safe for her which could solidify her support with independent to conservative voters in her state. but i guess not, clare. you know best, girl. >> these votes, especially a vote that's so super charged. i have been around capitol hill a long time. senators don't say i better vote this way because it will help me in my reelection. they really do vote their conscience. if claire mccaskill or sue and collins said i -- or susan collins says i can't vote for this guy, that's how they will cast their ballot. joe manchin is the one democrat
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in play. susan collins and missa miss --a murkowski. you go from 100 senators to 99. 51 republicans to 50. so they need to keep all of those republican senators together just to get to 50 votes, unless they get joe manchin involved here. for a long time we have not thought joe manchin would be the deciding vote unless the republicans could demonstrate they had the votes. with only 99 senators present, you can't have a die. the vice president can only cast a vote if there be a tie. so that those that scenario out the window. here is the timetable. the procedural vote tomorrow.
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we are told steve d air, nes will be there. and 5, 5:30 is when that final confirmation vote would be taken. kennedy: we have been reading today that senators flake and collins said they can't see any corroborating evidence. so you could assume the implication is they are moving into the yes column. if you are the last holdout, do you get something pretty great from the president? is there some benefit to being the last yes? reporter: some people think that's what's going on behind the scenes. that they are trying to extrapolate something from mcconnell and from the administration, trying to get something for their state. but i have got to tell you. susan collins went into the skiff to read the report today. she was in there for two hours and change. when she came out i talked to
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two different republican sources who said we don't have the votes. another one said if she spent that much time in there and still has not announced her position, that made them nervous. i was talking to some people who were jirtery about -- who were jittery about this. lisa murkowski look a labyrinth out of the skiff. several reporters chased her out to her car and she said i have not made a decision yet. the votes aren't there just yet. kennedy: who knows if they will be there by tomorrow or saturday. as the kavanaugh fight continues, senator lindsey graham has had enough. watch. >> so, why don't we dunk him in
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water and see if he floats. maybe you believe he lied about how much he dranki drank in high school, or he threw ice in a bar. that he doesn't have the temperament. he didn't handle being destroyed well. enough already. let's vote. kennedy: he's the biggest tough guy in the senate. can anything be done to heal the partisan divide? let me ask former trump campaign manager, the author of "let trump be trump." and this week, let lindsey be lindsey. corey lewandowski. >> lindsey graham demonstrated why he's a leader in the senate. he chastised his democrat colleagues forward what they are doing to brett kavanaugh. democrats appointed by barack
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obama he voted because they were qualified for the supreme court. what they have done to brett kavanaugh was a seminal moment in the confirmation hearing. what he articulated was felt by the american people for what they did to this man it's a unifying moment for people to stand up and say enough is enough. kennedy: i do think certainly in the latter part of the day on those crazy hearings, that was a turning point for a lot of people. and senator graham expressed what many republicans had been feeling throughout the process. obviously this is no surprise. republicans and democrats come out of that skiff with completely different observations of the fbi report. dianne feinstein said the probe didn't go far enough. it's incomplete investigation. what would far enough be for democrats? >> it will never be far enough.
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they delayed this vote on judge kavanaugh once so the fbi could go into a background check which would be his 7th background check. he has been through 6 background checks. now they are saying it's not enough. it will never be enough. they are saying the investigation is incomplete. it's not incomplete. they just didn't get the evidence the democrats wanted. and wait seems to be, the fbi according to chairman grassley has shown no evidence whatsoever to support the accusations against judge kavanaugh. and that doesn't suit the narrative the democrats have. kennedy: do you think the fbi should have interviewed dr. ford and judge kavanaugh? >> i think they have done a very thorough analysis and what they clearly have found is no information they thought they need to continue on with.
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if there was anything, the professionals at the fbi would have continued the investigation. they would make sure it was thorough and accurate. so the fact they submitted this report to the white house and it's been turned over to the u.s. senate tells me the fbi is confident in the information they have found or have not found in this investigation. kennedy: will jeff flake and chris coons ever be friend again? >> i think jeff flake will ultimately vote for judge kavanaugh. and i do believe senators collins and murkowski with also vote for him. what this has done to the detriment of the democrats, this has completely unified the republican party. those who were complacent three or four weeks ago understand what's at stake. if judge kavanaugh loses and
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he's voted down by the u.s. senate, that's a precursor of impeachment proceedings against president trump. kennedy: if they do seriously talk about impeachment, that's a unifying factor for democrats and republicans. i think it does the same thing to both sides. when everyone is agitated and activated, everyone goes and votes. then it is a tossup. if you could sit down with judge kavanaugh because you are a political strategist because you have worked on brand and image polishing. what would you tell him about how to move on. it seems liked the kind of thing that would haunt him for decades. >> you have to think about the way the judge raised his family. when the judge gave his opening statement and mentioned how this 10-year-old daughter was praying for dr. ford. that was a very moving, very
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emotional part. regardless of whether he's confirmed as a supreme court justice, he has to make sure his family stays strong throughout this. i have been through not what he's been through, but the slings and arrows i can take. but what it does to your family is much more difficult than what i think he has seen, the unfounded attacks and the questions of his character his family will have to deal with forever. you look at his record of coaching the girls' basketball team and feeding the homeless. kennedy: corey lewandowski, thanks so much. we have much more on the kavanaugh controversy including the dangerous tactics of the left and the ugly role politics is flying this. mike pence just revealed which country is the biggest threat to the united states. marc lotter is here to weigh in
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and grade the speech next.
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kennedy: by now we all know russia has been doing egg they can to fuss with our democracy. but according to vice president mike pence pales in comparison
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to what china is doing, and he says it's because of the president's tough stance on trade. >> to put it bluntly, president trump's leadership is working, and china wants a different american president. china is meddling in america's democracy. as president trump said just last week, we have in his words found china has been attempting to interfere in our upcoming mid-term elections. kennedy: the chinese foreign ministry claims that those words are unwarranted accusations. but the vice president says china's bad deeds also include the theft of american technology which we all know is real. bloomberg reports chinese hackers installed tiny micro chips in the servers of big tech company servers to steal those
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secrets. marc lotter is back. aren't we naive to think russia is the only country that has been meddling? >> absolutely. as you saw from the vice president today. china -- for too long america has sat around and talked about the bad actions of china. slapped them on the wrist and looked the other way. the president is going to confront china whether it's on the high seas, in the area of cyber-security or elections security or tampering with our economy. that's what you saw in stark terms today. kennedy: this sort of state sponsored tech espionage is unacceptable. american companies like amazon and apple say we have found no evidence of this. apple says they did not go to the fbi with evidence of these microchips, and they are tiny things the size of a half a grain of rice. do you buy that story from
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apple? >> that's covering their own you know whats. whether they want to admit it or not. china has the technology, the means and interest to do everything they can to compromise our technology services because that's how they are obtaining a lot of that selling so they can turn it around and use it to harm our economy. kennedy: they don't want to wait 20 more years to catch up. unfortunately a lot of american companies are acquiescing and giving over this intellectual property because they want access to that massive market. what's the big difference between russia and china? >> when it comes to election integrity we have not seen any kind of hacking into election systems or probing election systems like we saw during the 201 campaign. you all -- during the 2016
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campaign. and you saw fake accounts through russian trolls. china is much more overt. they placed an insert into the des moines register that made it look like news articles attacking the president's trade policies. very targeted politically because of what iowa represents. kennedy: why is vice president pence the bad cop? why is he being the most of vocal about this? >> the president mentioned it a week ago. i can't get into the specifics why today's event was done by the vice president. obviously the president is in minnesota. the vice president had been planning to speak at the hudson institute for a while. but make no mistake, the vice president's speech today was basically providing voice to the
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president's policies and at the president's direction of how we are going to handle this. kennedy: i think you are seeing the same thing from national security advisor john bolton with regard to iran and the international court of justice. the president is taking a multi-tiered approach to foreign policy. normally he likes to work solo in these realms. we'll see what effect it has. democrats kicking and screaming, scratching and clawing because they are not getting their way. and the sore losers on the left are reaching pathetic new lows when it comes to whining. my monologue and panel reactions my monologue and panel reactions next. hi, kids! i'm carl and i'm a broker. do you offer $4.95 online equity trades? great question. see, for a full service brokerage like ours, that's tough to do. schwab does it. next question.
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kennedy: as this whole shouty kavanaugh chapter comes to a close, be prepared for a massive nonstop tantrum from the left since their tacky tactics haven't worked. maxine water threw kerosene on the campfire when she said this in june. >> if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, a department store, a gasoline station. you get up and you create a crowd and push back on them, and you tell them they are not
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welcome anymore anywhere. kennedy: how is that for civil discourse. cory booker who put the sen in senator backed her up telling supporters to go to the hill and get in the face of some congress people. if anybody got up in booker's clowney grill he would fold like a bad hand of poker. shouting, harassing, tackling. we have seen it all, and none of it makes you brave or right. but liked tolars on a sugar high. they feel emboldened to make a call to action. the thwarted feel obligated to act like total a-holes. it's off-putting fake m ma mach.
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if maxine were shouted down she would call for a swift guillotine for her oppressors. is it the coping tool of the left or a relic. because every loser feels the need to somebody in their poo pants instead of moving on productively to the next damn thing. that's the memo. earlier today a former democratic aide appeared in court for what is now known as doxxing. according to the feds, jackson kosko published the phone numbers and email addresses of mike lee, lindsey graham and
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orrin hatch. the panel is here to discuss. reason mall seen editor at large. capri cafaro, and jimmy failla. matt, i will start with you. just when you think it can't get worse because the tenor during the 2016 presidential election was so noisy. then when steve scalise was almost gunned down. he was almost assassinated. then you had leaders from both sides and both chambers saying we have to knock this off. but now with the kavanaugh confirmation looming it's getting louder and worser. >> remember there when there were tea party rallies, and
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asking questions about why are you pushing obamacare down our throats. the media had a freak-out about the brown shirting up at constituent meetings. they were holding rallies among themselves. they weren't threatening anybody. we have had congress people shot at, we have had private people shot at. back in the late 60s and early 70s, the left went there then, too. they started breaking stuff and hijacking stuff. kennedy: watch footage from the 1970 democratic convention in chicago. >> did they get what they want? no, they got richard nixon. the country when see see people violating private property and hurting people, they say i don't want any part of that. >> as the resident democrat what frosts my cookies about this
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whole thing is exactly what you were saying. when democrats or the super extreme part of the party go out and hunt people down, ted cruz at an italian restaurant, the right, we gift republicans and right to point to to say you guys are nuts. that backfires on us. people in my neck of the woods in northeast ohio regular democrats are discredited. kennedy: that's why a lot of those people voted for donald trump. it's not because they are republicans. but because they wanted something different. all these shouty people and progressives. who want to put people in convenient boxes, they turned off working class voters to want their lives to be better. they want to save their own money and they believe in the united states of america. >> it's intellectually lazy when
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you box people like this. amy schumer got arrested. she is so brave. >> there was a time when being a protester was it meant something. you might get beat up or hit. now they are taking selfies. they go up to the k07, can you arrest me now. can you use the hugo filter when you take the photo and post this online. they were giving people wristbands today. obama would be moderate in the republican party. it's bananas. they say if you hate something long enough you become it. everything they is spowsed the country to come if trump got
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elected is happening with you but not because of trump. kennedy: last week "usa today" ran an op-ed saying the confirmation hearing of judge kavanaugh shows the divide between men and women. 73% of republican women believe kavanaugh over ford. is this more left versus right and men versus women? and is identity politics doomed to fail? what's next, a full-on gender war? and no one agreeing on anything politically. >> all of it is crap, frankly, kennedy. anybody who thinks one group women, african-americans, latinos, all vote one way as a
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monolith are wrong. my own party thinking that of course women are going to vote democrat for reproductive rights, we don't all vote the same. we do have a brain. and i think that this is more about basically everybody retreating back into their camps. if you were fired up on the left, you are really fired up. the people in the middle men and women are basically disgust and start tuning out. kennedy: you don't hear a lot of libertarian voices right now. you don't hear rand paul talking about issues he might still have with judge kavanaugh's record on the 4th amendment. but i think libertarians are sitting back waiting for the chaos to die down because they want to see if he's confirmed, how he actually opines as a justice. >> we just passed like an $852 billion spending bill and nobody
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paid attention. i think that's where a lot of people are going with this. libertarians have a natural tendency, some are cool with donald trump. others are opposing the nomination for their own reasons. but a lot of libertarians, when see they see this happen. everyone gets riled up. the worst thing can happen is if your offspring mayorives someone -- marries someone from the wrong political party. a lot of libertarians look at this and say i need this to be over. i'm starting to get upset. we look at things in shades of gray. and this is not a time when anyone is rewarding gray. kennedy: it's black, it's white, it's so entrenched. the only way we get past it is
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when they do start, if he is confirmed. it's still an f. there could be few curveballs. >> i think in the end both sides will be swayed by the fact this could be the greatest confirmation party ever. >> can i do it with the devil's triangle. i love that people are still clarifying what that is. >> have you ever had a moment when you are fighting with someone. at some point the fight breaks because you realize how insane it was. kennedy: you can't remember what you were fighting about in the first place. >> she ran into the living room and threw a judo kick at me. we thought it was so hilarious. but we thought it was so funny.
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we held each other laughing to the point of obscenity. i was he moaght. but that's who we are. when you are analyzing things, skis, we are all being children. we need to stop now and move forward. no more judo kicks, america. kennedy: there is only one blackout drunk on the supreme court, that's ruth bader ginsburg. thank you also much. it's great to see you guys. bernie sanders badgers more companies to raise the minimum wage. amazon workers just got that $15 bump are getting hosed. jonathon hoenig says the left should be careful what they wish for next. where's gary? 'saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico.
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to look again and learn more. together, we can stop cancer before it starts. kennedy: welcome back. bernie sanders parades amazon today for raising their minimum wage to $15 per hour, now's setting his sights on the fast food industry. but some amazon workers are taking the fight back to bernie. the pay raise could end up costing them money. in exchange for the raise they could lose their stock options
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and monthly bonuses. is the bernie economy all smoke and mirrors? joining me, jonathan hoenig. also the editor of a new tax book of americanism. the politics of ayn rand. >> i'm enjoying the show tonight, great to be with you. kennedy: thursdays are always a special evening on the kennedalia show. let's talk about the pain of basic economics. even a big company like amazon wants to save money. when they give some they will take it back elsewhere. >> they pick a wage like you pick a flavor of ice cream. but for businessmen and women, it's not arbitrary.
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wages aren't based on emotion. they are based on supply and demand. some jobs aren't worth $15 an hour. the net result of the minimum wage is fewer jobs, destruction of jobs it's not my estimate. it's what the labor department said when the first minimum wage as you instituted. >> we said it a million times on this show. it ends up hurting the people who need those jobs the most of. now they are the last ones to get them. that's what happens because amazon i'm sure they could afford a lot. but they also owe something to their shareholders. i think it's dangerous for bernie sanders to set his sights on places like mcdonald's. they are not going to offer anne a proliferation of $15 jobs, they are going to offer robots.
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>> mcdonald's is a good example. 40% of mcdonald's executives started flipping burgers. they started at the bottom. you said bernie is going after mcdonald's. everyone seems to go after the president. bernie sanders. the europeans. kennedy: if they deliver my package the same day i will cancel. "topical storm" is next. be right hererererer
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kennedy: kanye west made headlines by jumping on a desk and ranting that we need to leave elon musk alone. one art major said it's like nothing he has ever seen before, like a job offer. make me a coffee, boys. this is the "topical storm." we begin in australia where a shopping mall is opening a drive-thru. they rammed their way in and robbed the place after hours. police are calling it the most
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of dangerous thing to happen in australia. robbery is a major offense. if they are found guilty they will be forced to watch moore cop. and also "crocodile dundee." the mall has since reopened and business is booming. apparently they just had a big door buster sale. we got that joke off the clearance rack. topic number two. florida police observed a driver who appeared to be intoxicated. from the looks of things he was mowing them down. this fella was allegedly drunk farming. but just when you thought it couldn't get any more florida it turns out the tractor was stolen. what is it with people in that state. there must be something in the
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mess. he gave cobbs a fake i.d., causing him to run for it and get tased. police arrested him at the scene and the tractor taker claimed he got drunk because his girlfriend dumped him. apparently she wrote him a john deere letter. the people's pant suit is coming to broadway. stumbling all over gotham. hillary clinton will be the subject of a new play called hillary and clinton. sources say it's the first play in history where each audience member will have their own private server. the play is set to take place during the 2008 democratic primaries.
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the ticket sales are expected to be through the roof. there is one ceiling hillary breaks. this is big news for bill who returns to broadway for the first time since flash dancers. first she smashed blackberries, then she smashed doors. she'll stop at nothing to get elected. she'll probably become russian. topic number four. the son of imprisoned hip hop producer suge knight claims tupac shakur is alive and living in malaysia. he was a rapper who sings i get around which is stormy daniels' theme song. most of people believe he was killed in 1996. but two instagram photos appear
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to show tupac. if you play california backwards, anyone who thinks tupac is living in malaysia is completely insane. is he going to fake his own death? i think he would be hiding out in cuba with elvis. topic number 5. a new study found that hugs can make people happier when they are having a bad day. i am pretty sure they meant drugs. but let's hear from some people who need both. this is viewer mail. bruce writes, your stupidity is breathtaking. bruce, i will give you asthma *, you thankful twit. you sucked in 1991 and
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apparently nothing has changed. go away. jeff closes it out with, did we see red and blue streaks in your hair for rangers opening night? we'll be right back.k.k.k.k. hey guys. today we're here to talk about trucks. i love trucks. what the heck is that?! whoa! what truck brand comes from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road? i think it's the chevy. ford. is it ford? nope, it's not ford. i think it's ram. is it ram? not ram. that's a chevy! it's chevy! that's right. from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road. gorgeous. chevy hit it out of the ballpark with these.
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when you think of miami you think of,you know,rich,glamour but 5 miles away from the beach there's people who have never seen a beach. i was confused why somebody was in this situation especially in america. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh so when i started joshua's heart foundation it was a key thing to be able to engage youth in the foundation. to help them participate. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh
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i think passing on the torch and lighting a new flame in another person to do good is probably the point of the bigger missions i have. ♪music:aha,aha,aha so we are each making a bigger difference. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh that's it! just giving back and producing love for everybody. you. kennedy: thank you so much for watching the best however your day and the best day of your week. you can follow me on twitter and
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instagram. email tomorrow fbn all d (announcer) the following is a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. it was a time of outlaws, superstars, classic duets, and so many all-time classics... ♪ here you come again (country music) ♪ just when i've begun to get myself together ♪ ♪ (announcer) it was the '70s, when we heard some of the biggest and best country music of all time. ♪ easy lovin' ♪ ♪ so sexy lookin'


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