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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  October 8, 2018 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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>> lou: good evening, everybody. our top stories tonight. radical dimms desperately lashing out at the president, the f.b.i., of course, judge kavanaugh and the senate judiciary committee. as the f.b.i. has found no corroborating witness nor evidence to support sexual abuse claims against the judge. and this is the seventh background investigation of the supreme court nominee. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says it's now time to move to a vote and to end the democratic smear campaign and to confirm judge brett kavanaugh to the supreme court. >> is that what the senate is
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going to be known for? your nomination comes up here and we destroy your reputation? is that what the senate going to participate? above the partisan noise, beyond the shameful spectacle which is an embarrassment to the senate, what will endure are the actual facts. >> lou: the radical left, surprising no one by refusing to, well, accept either facts or reality, continuing its campaign of protest of threats and personal destruction. we take up the supreme court fight tonight. republican congressman louie gohmert joins us as ways and means committee chairman kevin brady. also tonight, new revelations about the link between the f.b.i. surveillance of the trump campaign and the democratic national committee private law firm and its ties to fusion g.p.s., the clinton
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campaign and the phony trump dossier. >> president trump: this is a witch hunt. republicans are seeing it. the democrats know it's a witch hunt, too, but they don't want to admit it because it's not good politics for them. it's a terrible witch hunt and it has hurt our country. >> lou: now the trump white house calling out china for meddling in our mid-term elections and the propaganda campaigns they are conducting in the united states. new reports detailing just how far china is going to spy on u.s. companies. we have the alarming details here tonight. as the kavanaugh confirmation process has now moved into its final stages, a handful of key senators hold the key to his fate. and here as best we can determine is how they are likely to vote. as we just reported, north dakota democrat heidi heitkamp says she will vote no. it appears she is in so much trouble in her campaign for
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re-election she has simply given up hope and apparently doesn't care much about what north dakota voters are thinking. so much so she has called off a debate that had been scheduled for tomorrow. west virginia democrat joe manchin appears positive saying he is looking at kavanaugh. not as his high school or as a college kid but as an adult and his years in professional and public service. senator manchin saying, "i am trying to put the human side to it." and maine republican susan collins appears positive. collins says the investigation, she thinks, seems to be very thorough. and arizona republican jeff flake who has played such a pivotal role in the past week suddenly seeming more positive, saying today he sees, "no additional corroborating information in the f.b.i. report." and alaska republican murkowski's status unclear tonight. she has commented she wants to read the full report and she
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is apparently doing so this evening. president trump warning that china is meddling in these midterm elections and has mounted propaganda campaigns inside the united states, among owe things against his tar -- manage other things against his tariffs of hundreds of billions of dollars exported from china. today vice president mike pence spoke out against the chinese intervention. >> vice president pence: senior officials also tried to influence business leaders to encourage them to condemn our trade action. leveraging the desire to neighbor the operation in china. china threatened to deny business license for a major u.s. corporation. if they refuse to speak out against our administration's policies. beijing now requires american joint ventures that operate in china to establish what they call party organizations within their company. giving the communist party a voice and perhaps a veto in
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hiring an investment decision. the chinese communist party is rewarding or coercing american businesses, movie studios, university, think tank, scholars, journalists and local state and federal officials. and worst of all, china initiated unprecedented effort to influence america public opinion. the 2018 elections and the environment leading into the 2020 presidential elections. to put it bluntly, president trump's leadership is working. and china wants a different american president. >> lou: vice president also noted china persuaded three latin american countries. el salvador, dominican republic, panama to end their relationship with taiwan in favor, of course, communist china. pence's address comes as bloomberg business week is reporting the communist china regime is behind a major
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espionage effort seeking to infiltrate major u.s. companies including amazon and apple. the report is based on an ongoing three-year probe by federal investigators in to super micro, one of the largest suppliers of server motherboards. investigators discovering that operative from the people liberations army have inserted tiny microchips to server hardware in manufacturing process in factories in china. that is just some of the findings of the investigators. chips contain memory, networking capability and processing power for an attack. nearly 30 companies were targeted. nearly 7,000 supermicro servers are in apple's network. that before the company discovered the added chips. joining us tonight a man who is very in tune with the economic issues in every
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hemisphere. congressman louie gohmert. a member of the house judiciary committee. the republican study committee, the house freedom caucus. congressman, it's great as always to see you. the pence china speech, i happen to think is extraordinarily important. and for most americans it seems to me revelatory. what do you think? >> i think you are exactly right. it's been amazing to me to hear some of the pseudo-media, the alt-left media. sometimes people call it the "main stream." it's alt-left. they have been demeaning vice president pence for a good speech, an important speech. and sending message to the chinese. and don't forget, lou, that it's not only the trade but it's also what vice president was pointing out. it was the chinese that we know is -- i thought it would
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be the blockbuster report after i questioned peter strozk about it. but they hacked hillary clinton's private server. they were getting every e-mail. it wasn't russia. it was china. and they were getting every e-mail that she sent or received through her private server. these are people that have not treated us fairly. they have been the worst abuser of patents and copyrights. whatever direction you want to go. human rights. there is problems there. but especially on trade. blackburn and i met with one of the copyright people and when we finally talked to an honest one they said, "yeah, we have a problem enforcing u.s. copyrights." we did seize a whole bunch of goods. what did you do with them? "well, the government sells them when they seize them from the black market." but anyway, it's outrageous what is going on and i am
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thrilled that president trump and mice -- and mike pence are calling things the way they are. which obama never would do. >> lou: he would not. he was not alone. neither would george w. bush. neither would bill clinton. this is a different kind of president. >> that is right. >> lou: he means business. when he takes on an issue he is usually the first person to talk about it. straightforwardly and move to action. >> isn't that refreshing, though? >> lou: sorry? >> isn't that refreshing? i find it quite refreshing. >> lou: i think the entire country finds it refreshing with a few marginal desperate dimms. we will leave it at that. >> there you go. >> lou: let's turn to the developments today in washington. judge kavanaugh in the minds of most people we have heard today think that he will be confirmed. but by a very narrow margin. your thinking?
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>> well, i think you could substitute for the vote up or down on kavanaugh just substitute the question. have you any decency? if you vote yes, then yes you do. if you vote no on kavanaugh, then the answer is no. i just can't imagine anybody treating a respected -- they didn't treat anybody like this. not ginsberg, sotomayor. there were all kind of places to go. but they treated them with respect, despite the political differences. and now it's destroy anybody with whom you disagree. this is where we have gone. and frankly, lou, it's been pretty successful for them. so naturally, they will be here. >> lou: when you say "we've gone," i don't believe it's we. >> no, it isn't. you are right. >> lou: it's the left. >> it is the left. >> lou: the democrats who radicalized. the recent survey showing half
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of millennial democrats believe in either democratic socialism or socialism itself. >> unbelievable. >> lou: this is a generation going in a different direction. the young man who was arrested in sheila jackson lee's office for doxxing u.s. senators. and we now learn today threatening to release health data of some children of u.s. senators. i mean this is -- >> unbelievable. they know no bounds when it comes to decency. >> lou: are we going to prosecute when they do this? >> i hope so. >> lou: this has to end. it has to end here or it is going to go to places we can't change. >> we have to have major changes in the f.b.i. or they are not going to. they lied to jeff sessions about the pakistani -- >> lou: well, they played the whole department for fools. >> yeah. >> lou: by the way, it appears that way but let's not
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forget. the democratic party has been politically corrupt now for 20 years. at the same time, their connections to the democratic party and the democratic national committee, democratic administrations are documented. and will be more so before we're through. >> they might as well raise the forearm and raise their hands and yell "heil soros" is the way they are headed. but there are enough americans that say we need decency and we need to follow the constitution. we need to stop this destructive policy that they have been on. look at kavanaugh. people criticize to how he reacted. >> lou: that is theatrics. pure viciousness. >> if he had come in and said, "i'm not guilty, i didn't do any of this" and no emotion they would have been after him he didn't have any emotion. he wasn't going to win either
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way. power of personal destruction. >> lou: they weren't there to interhave the pan for a job. they were there to destroy him and his family. congress management gohmert, great to -- congressman louie gohmert. >> appreciate you. cut to the chase. >> lou: we try. radical dimms moving the goal post complaining about the f.b.i.'s seventh -- seventh -- background investigation of judge kavanaugh. we take that up and more. congressman kevin brady, chairman of the house ways meends committee joins us next. about every 3 minutes, someone in america is diagnosed with a
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>> lou: breaking news tonight. it may have major implications for the confirmation of judge brett kavanaugh. republican senator steve danes of montana says he will not be available saturday at any point to vote on the kavanaugh confirmation. who he strongly supports. because he is walking his daughter down the aisle. his office says he will not miss the wedding. his status sunday is unclear. so is the prospect for judge kavanaugh with his absence. we are also awaiting the arrival of president trump in rochester, minnesota. thousands of people are streaming right now in to the
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arena that you see there. 5,200-seat capacity. the mayor, civic center where the president will be giving his address. he will be marking the third political rally this week standing alongside a republican woman seeking the u.s. senate. this time, aimed at lifting karen housley over dimm senator tiena smith. president trump also expected to support republican jim haggadorn's congressional bid. and tonight more evidence -- we will be covering that rally throughout. and bring whatever it happening to you. more evidence of political bias in silicon valley. a new report by gov predict finds the overwhelming majority of apple employees political contributions go to
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democrats. i don't think you are probably surprised. 2014-2019, most went to democrats and $1.8 million went to hillary clinton's 2016 campaign. the republican with the most donations top rhino paul ryan. living large in silicon valley. tonight congressman kevin brady. he is the chairman of the hows ways and means committee. i always say the powerful ways and means committee because that it is. mr. chairman, good to have you with us. i would like to start with what is happening right now in trade. this president is moving, it's just extraordinary what he has done. moving canada and mexico in to line. he and the european union. the man is accomplishing more on trade than most of us
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thought possible. >> yeah. lou, no doubt. this is big news on all the fronts that you mention. i think having a modern 21st century agreement between the u.s., canada and mexico can really be a big win for the american workers because it's a level playing field for local businesses and the farmers as well. so we are in -- i have been looking closely at it. we just got it late sunday night. so everyone is digging into it as you imagine. but boy, it looks like really solid, solid economic wins. the president made it clear from day one he wanted a modern agreement that drove jobs to the united states. raise paid checks here in america. and beyond just buying america we wanted to sell america as well. to canada and mexico. so, the focus as you know has been on more jobs here in the united states. and every one of the provisions seems to point that direction. >> it looks like you are
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winning and winning some more. let's turn to winning and the politics of winning. right now is it your sense that judge kavanaugh will be confirmed or not? >> i believe he will. i know it comes down to a couple of votes there but he is a qualified jurist and he belongs on the supreme court. he will be a fair constitutionalist. i'm just sick by what he and his family has had to endure in the process. but i think at the end of the day, he will be on the bench where frankly he deserves to be. >> lou: where he deserves to be. and where does the republican conference deserve to be come november 7, the day after the election? will there be as many republicans as there are now? >> it will be difficult to be
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at the record level we have been at so we expect to lose some seats but i predict the republicans will hold the house. we have candidates reflecting the value of their district. they are fighting hard. and these are the people who delivered a new economy for the families and businesses that rebuilt the military for first time in 15 years to get the red tape off the back of thes local job traders -- back of the local job traders. the senate put together the fair judges that all americans wanted. we have a record to won on the democrats. >> lou: is your conference running in full support of the president of the united states? >> yes. yes. absolutely. i can only speak for the house. >> lou: i think your projection will probably be very accurate. what concerns me is when i hear a some of people try to separate and walk the fence, if you know what i mean.
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instead of support the president. >> i think members represent the districts. sometimes you have disagreement with this president. you do all of them. but in the house we have seen the members who have gone all in on tax reform, all in on rebuilding the military. border security. all the key economic issues. so at the end of the day i expect we'll surprise some pundits. >> lou: these pundits have quite a record under president trump. surprise away, congressman. it's always great to see you. thank you for being with us. congressman kevin brady. >> thank you, lou. >> lou: up next, senator lindsey graham booed by the radical left because he defended judge kavanaugh. but he had a perfect response, i think. >> i'm the first person to say i want to hear from dr. ford. i thought she was handled respectfully. i thought kavanaugh was treated like crap.
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[booing] yeah, well boo yourself. >> lou: "boo yourself." we have more after the break. we have more after the break. tucker carlson hey guys. today we're here to talk about trucks. we have more after the break. tucker carlson i love trucks. what the heck is that?! whoa! what truck brand comes from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road? i think it's the chevy. ford. is it ford? nope, it's not ford. i think it's ram. is it ram? not ram. that's a chevy! it's chevy! that's right. from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road. gorgeous. chevy hit it out of the ballpark with these.
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cuz, um, i thought that was what i needed to do. we got our orders to go overseas and i went to baghdad, iraq. we were transporting a bomb sniffing dog to the polling stations. we rolled over two anti-tank mines, it blew my humvee up, killed my sergeant. after the explosion, i suffered a closed head injury, um, traumatic brain injury, loss of a limb,
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burns to 60% of my body. when the doctors told me i reached my plateau, i did not want to hear that because i do not believe i have a plateau. so, i had to prove 'em wrong, which i am doing to this day and i will still do until the end of my days. i've gotten to where i am at because of my family. and, the wounded warrior project has helped me more than i can ever imagine. they have really been there to support me in my endeavors. my number one goal, basically, is to get close to where i was. i am more than ready to work hard to get to that goal. i am living proof to never give up and i will never give up.
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>> lou: in a letter released last night, an ex-boyfriend of chrstine blasey ford contradicted a number of things she testified to last week as being true. among the claims a friend helped prepare for the polygram test. and he said there was not a fear of flying. and she never expressed fear of closed quarters. and chuck grassley called on ford's legal counsel to please, turn over the evidence referenced in the testimony and they have yet to provide
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to the senate. grassley wrote in part --" "your continued withholding of material evidence despite multiple requests is unacceptable as the senate exercises its constitutional responsibility of advise and consent for the judicial nomination. the testimony hinges on evidence to which dr. ford repeatedly referred. some of which has been provided to a nationally circulated newspaper. but which you have refused to provide to the august u.s. senate." i added a couple of words. joining us is tucker carlson, the host of "i -- i like the name of the show "tucker carlson tonight." and the author of the new book "ship of fools." there we go. i knew we could catch up. it's available everywhere. we recommend it to you highly. it's great to see you. congratulations on the book. >> thank you very much. >> lou: as you, well, you
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examine with a razor-sharp knife the corpus of the body politic. the elites don't come out too well in either party. >> no. >> lou: i'm stunned to think you are not just a blind partisan pursuing the -- >> partisan? i have been in d.c. for 35 years. i have plenty of contempt to go around. truck gets elected. he gets elected despite everyone's predictions. he gets elected because the country is mad about major decisions washington has made. this happens. i get it. what is amazing to me, nobody pauses and says did i do something wrong that the country is mad at me? can i learn from this? no. it's russia. trump is arace. fine! were you part of this? the decision you made about the economy, culture, the foreign policy? people hated those decisions and you never owned up to that. >> lou: the fools of the dimms don't understand that
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trump is neither right nor left. this is a man who came. >> exactly. >> lou: he came from the center. >> exactly. >> he thinks pragmatically and he acts pragmatically. he is pursuing the national interest. he is first and foremost an american and goshing whether anyone on the left wants to admit this because it's inconvenient to the own interest and he is goshing to the center of the country with great traditional values in his sights. >> it's not complicated. >> lou: one thing about your show, you and your show, which i love because you put on the line contest of wits. yours and well the half wits of the left who have the courage or the foolishness to show up to engage you. >> i believe, i am liberal in true sense. i think we should talk about things. that is about trump. people want us to defend our own borders.
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okay. >> lou: novel concept. >> nobody wants to have that debate. shut up, racist. that is when you know they are lying when they call you names. >> lou: i love part of the debate because there is so little of the debate from the left that is honest. now we find out, we have been talking about 11 million illegal immigrants in this country for 20 years. m.i.t., harvard, the folks did a study and they figured out it could be 30 million. novel idea. >> at least 22 million. unbelievable. >> lou: take a look at one of my favorite moments. tucker and i worked together for a hundred years. at least. few decades. at another network. i would like you to see a conversation between brian stelter and -- i mean, i just can't imagine. ted koepell. cnn didn't like how it came out.
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>> no. >> the ratings are up, what does it mean? >> it means you can't do without trump. you would be lost without trump. >> you know that is not true. >> cnn's ratings would be in the toilet without donald trump. >> lou: they are in the toilet with him, too, but they would be deeper in the toilet. >> why not admit it. that kid is supposed to be the on-air ethnist of the channel and telling a lie so stupid that the audience laughs at him for telling it. the ratings are up about trump. i don't know if it's shameful about that. i worked at cnn when the impeachment happened. it was up in the impeachment. i don't think it's a bad thing. he lies about everything and they expect us to believe it so tells us everything about the tunnelness of the ruling class i think. >> lou: i don't know if you have seen it, a terrific piece. ted koppel our old boss and friend ted turner. >> yes. >> a moving, sad talk as ted
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koppel said two old geezers sitting out in montana looking into the sun and the sunset, it seems. it was a touching moment. nice to see. >> whatever you think of ted turner's politics he was a smart guy, visionary guy. i don't think he would have put up with this. we would have said to the kid who are you, exactly? why are you lying so obviously? leave. >> lou: ted would haven't put up with it too long. but he put up with a lot. >> he did! saw it firsthand. >> lou: anyway, tucker, we are delighted to have you with us on the show. >> thanks a million. >> lou: does kavanaugh get confirmed in your view? >> i think he has to. i think the republicans understand their voters like kavanaugh much more than they like them. better get this guy confirmed. >> lou: perfectly said. up next, president trump takes on the lying left wing media. the president passionately defending brett kavanaugh. all of that and more with judge jeanine pirro when we
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>> lou: joining us now judge jeanine pirro. the host of "justice with judge jeanine" and author of the "new york times" best-seller, best-sellers, best-seller "liars, leakers and the case against the trump conspiracy." it's a best seller. great book it is. buy it right away if you haven't already. >> thank you. >> lou: great to see you. >> great to be seen.
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>> lou: i have nothing to say. the fact of the matter is that this is the darndest time in my lifetime looking at a president who is doing everything he can for the country and unprecedented terms successful for the country, for all americans. high nowhereties, you name -- minorities. you name it. the military is being rebuilt. going as good as anybody could have hoped or prayed. here, the left wing media tearing him to pieces. deep state is trying to cut his heart out. and the left is just unrelenting. i just can't stand it. >> they are unrelenting, lou -- i'm glad you feel the same way i do. sometimes i exhaust myself with my exasperation with all of this. but the thing that is just -- look, i ran for office five times. i get politics.
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i don't get this politics because the guy has done everything right. you are right. what is shocking to me and goes right to my core is this whole concept that the defendant is presumed guilty. that the burden of proof is on the accused. >> lou: he is too accomplished too, smart, too much the epitome of the american dream. american exceptionalism. number one at his class in yale. extraordinary young man. >> but we have to destroy him. if you don't destroy him then you -- >> lou: the left. >> that is their philosophy. that is their theory of justice that the presumption of innocence -- the guilty is on the part of the defendant. we cannot do that. but what they are doing is they are changing the whole paradigm. this is a very dangerous time. it's just come -- confounding. you can't figure out where they are coming from. this is rules of the radicals.
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this is about creating havoc and turning the constitution upside down. every woman, for them to say if you don't believe kathryn ford or whatever her name is then you hate women. this is backwards. >> lou: it is backwards. the entire left wing ideology is preverse. it's a sham. they are trying to create a socialist state. i mean if you really like socialism check out europe. check out venezuela. as the president has pointed out. there is no contest here intellectually. the only reason that the democrats have any, any base whatsoever is a constituency of grievance, group and identity politics that frankly does not add up to an idea. to a philosophy. and to an ideology in this
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country. we are americans. we are a melting pot. and we produce americans who create and sustain and benefit from the american dream. it's that simple. >> it is that simple. but i think in every scenario that you can lay out, there is always some confrontational, some pushback. we are seeing for the first time in our history, socialists elected at the local level. bernie sanders was almost a candidate for president and he is a socialist. >> lou: but he is something of a poodle. he is more of a -- i don't know, sort of a mascot for the radical dimms. >> don't insult my poodles. i love my poodles. i have two. >> lou: i know you do. as you do not want one person to be an avatar for an entire gender, i do not want my
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disparaging remark of bernie sanders and his hello acceptance -- hallow acceptance by being ripped off by the clinton in the democratic nomination to be an offense against your poodles or anyone else. >> well, thank you very much. in the end, my concern is for a system of justice. the constitution, our system of justice. >> lou: my concern is for the soul of this country. my concern is that we have a media that accepts this nonsense. they know everything there. >> why? who are they? you tell me. you're smart. who are they? why do they buy it? why do they tell us it's a lie? mo are the people? >> lou: the national left wing media? >> yeah. who are they? >> lou: they don't talk about corporate masters. they don't talk about at&t when they talk about fake news or comcast -- nbc news or msnbc. they don't talk about cbs. they don't talk about the red stone family and the owners of the national entertainment.
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this is corporateism gone mad. they are unleashing the hounds of hell in the form of so-called former journalists who are now running nothing but propaganda operations and in this case, against this president, the republican party conservatives trashes divisional -- conservatives, traditional americans. minorities who are benefiting from the trump economy. it doesn't stop with the fools who run the enterprises we call the media companies. it doesn't stop there. it goes to the c.e.o.s and the boards of the companies that own them. >> i think also, what you have here are people, minorities who absolutely believe in trump. but they are selling a tale they can't. here is my concern. we better get people registered to vote. new voters because this is where they will do it. >> lou: if the republicans don't have the sense to have a ground operation to have a digital operation that pushes
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this president, pushes the republican party and american ideals now with this outrage that is the kavanaugh confirmation that is being attacked by the radical left, then they don't deserve power. great to see you as always. >> great to see you. very exercised. [laughter] >> lou: nothing like a calm conversation between the judge and old lou, right? >> good to see you, lou. >> lou: great to see you. thanks. be sure to watch "justice with judge
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>> lou: former president barack obama putting his name behind -- are you ready -- 260 radical dimms in the midterms. his extensive list includes self-described socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez of new york. andrew gillum in florida. reminder in his eight years of president, obama presided over the democratic party loss of 63 seats in the house, ten in the senate, as well as a loss of 12 governorships, losing more than 1,000 democrats in his mere eight years in office. if you needed more proof of just how desperate the dimms are, they are providing it rolling out failed
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presidential candidate hillary clinton now to push their radical agenda. those are cheers you hear from republicans. >> imagine being able to hold this administration accountable and actually make progress when it comes to affordable healthcare, the rights of immigrants and refugees, the urgent challenge of climate change. and yes, i could go on and on. >> lou: as she so often does. as promised, it would be a blessing for the republican party as it seems the dimms still don't get why president trump is in office. and not hillary clinton. up next, president trump's patriotism stands tall over the hey guys. today we're here to talk about trucks. i love trucks. what the heck is that?! whoa! what truck brand comes from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road? i think it's the chevy. ford. is it ford? nope, it's not ford.
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i think it's ram. is it ram? not ram. that's a chevy! it's chevy! that's right. from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road. gorgeous. chevy hit it out of the ballpark with these. [message notification] earthquake? [message notification] next thursday? i can't do thursday, but i can do friday. [arguing over each other] narrator: disasters don't plan ahead. you can. talk to your loved ones about how you're going to be ready in an emergency.
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when you think of miami you think of,you know,rich,glamour but 5 miles away from the beach there's people who have never seen a beach. i was confused why somebody was in this situation especially in america. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh so when i started joshua's heart foundation it was a key thing to be able to engage youth in the foundation. to help them participate. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh i think passing on the torch and lighting a new flame in another person to do good is probably the point of the bigger missions i have. ♪music:aha,aha,aha so we are each making a bigger difference.
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♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh that's it! just giving back and producing love for everybody. >> lou: despite a marquee matchup last night between the baltimore ravens and the pittsburgh steelers ratings for "sunday night football" fell 10% from the previous week. the nfl's national game on cbs d national game of this young nfl season. joining us tonight former nfl player for the new york jets and the oakland raiders burgess owens author of the new book "why i stand from freedom to killing fields of socialism." it's great to have you with us. thank you so much. >> how are you doing, lou? what is happening, my friend? >> lou: to you, it's just
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great to have you here. i want to turn first to the game last night. the ratings for the nfl, no one should start organizing a benefit for the nfl but my goodness. this is getting worse and worse. >> i didn't see the game and i haven't seen a game for go years. when it comes down to it, we have to understand it. this is on purposement we have an organization in the past was very patriotic. we remember al davis. we are now dealing with the globalists. there are the republican and the democratic globalists over patriotism and profit. then the worst of the two are the leftist globalist who care about the socialist agenda over patriotism. we have an organization that cares more about the international reach than they care about the american brand and the american, the nfl fan. these guys have already put in place 80 countries. they want to put 200 like the
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soccer league has. it's all about tv revenue. they could careless about how full the stadiums are. they get their money and they share profits on the tv revenue. if they do it in a global fashion, they will be just like the soccer league with 200 countries tying in. no brand, no country brand but a global brand. that is what they are in the process of doing as they demean our flag and culture to be accepted in other places like china and france and other countries that are not so pro american. >> lou: as you put it, and i have heard no one -- thank you for the insight. because, frankly, i hadn't considered that. i suspect that a lot of folks are just for the first time kind of wrapping their heads around globalism, its impact on the nfl. of course, that is cumbersome. we have seen it with the recent movie about neil armstrong and his, you know, walking for the first time on the face of the moon. great patriotic american.
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he was an amazing pilot. decorated. he was just an amazing fellow. and the american flag isn't front and center. the reality is, you are right. the american flag becomes an avatar for something that could maybe depress their global expansion at the nfl. >> well, lou, follow the money. we have a commissioner who just signed a contract for $40 million per year. only 10% of that $40 million is guaranteed. the other is based on his sentence. they have been dropping 20%, 13% this last couple of years. but yet, and they will get capped out at $13 billion in the united states. they project $27 billion in the next nine years globally. so no, they don't care about america. they don't care about the american fan who put them in the place they are now. they are globalists. globalists care more about their pocketbooks and profits. the best thing we can do
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obviously not showing up is a good thing but we need to stop supporting the sponsors. tv revenue gets them where they are. they share it equally. if we can hit them hard enough, so that we hit them before they get the global things in place, maybe they will fire the commissioner and get somebody who cares about the country and about this brand and not trying to destroy it. >> lou: well, that is, that is a lot to consider. let me ask you this. do you believe that there is within the nfl, itself -- i'm talking not the management. we know what the management is and the owners now. there is no more joke about what they are. but for the players. it seems to me and i hope -- well, give me your judgment. is there enough patriotism among the players to stand up for the things their fans care most about? first, the country. and respect for it. >> well, this is why i'm glad we have a president who drew a
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line in sand. what we are seeing on the field, lou, 20 years of the marxist, socialist and atheists teaching the kids not to respect the flag or say a prayer, or respect women or anything else. if you think of the did growing up for -- if you think of this, growing up for 20 years antipolice, anti-american, they stand up and believe that. it doesn't matter if they have $20 million or $1 in the pocketbook. they believe it. they have not talked about collectively pulling the funds to start the businesses. how the guys educate the kids, the black kids that the left is not educating. we do this within our own community if we understand what is we are up against. this by the way, americans do best when we know where to fight. we are from a fight. our judea christian values against socialist and we can stand up to win this fight. we need to start winning the
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midterm. we need to push our american way further. not let the left do their deal. >> lou: they are sure trying. you are absolutely right. thank you for being with us. great to see you. >> thank you, lou. >> lou: thank you for being this election is about safety, and it's also about prosperity. >> president trump taking a victory is lap forgettingbred kavanaugh on the supreme court how will this controversy play out at the ballot box next month? >> the ma rkts s&p, nasdaq all down on friday and down for the week. the nasdaq will lose as yieldinn tenure treasury hits a 7-year high. >> as for today bond market schoazed for clusm pus day holiday but the stock market is open, and trading to the downside dow futures down 117 points that's just about half of one percent. nays dak futures down as well. >> european stocks opening lower right now and down


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