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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  October 8, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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e-mail kennedy tomorrow night on the show look at this lineup mollie hemingway bruce sexton and tim carney. three of your favorites. you are my favorites. thank you for watching. see you h tomorrow. have a good night. lou: good evening everybody. welcome to the special edition of lou dobbs tonight. we're moments away from president trump who tonight will swear in justice brett kavanaugh to the supreme court. we'll bring you the entire ceremony as you look there at all of those assembled in the east room of the white house. all of this live as it happens. it is an event 91 long days in the making. >> tonight it is my honor and privilege to announce that i will nominate judge brett kavanaugh to the united states supreme court. [applause]
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lou: the radical democrats immediately attacked the president's nominee with the most heinous charges, most fraudulent charges by even the standards of the radical left in their search and destroy politics of personal destruction. their leader, crying chuck schumer vowed to stop kavanaugh to matter what. >> i will oppose him with everything i've got. lou: and he did. but the radical democrats weren't satisfied to simply oppose kavanaugh. instead they along with their allies and the left wing national media engaged in a smear campaign the likes of which the nation has never before seen. kavanaugh, the highly qualified jurist, husband, father of two daughters, accused of sexual misconduct in high school. and the radical democrats didn't bother to corroborate a single charge before they attacked judge kavanaugh and his family. in a public testimony before congress, kavanaugh defended his name against the baseless
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attacks, vowed he would not be intimidated. through all of the smears, from the radical left, president trump stood strongly by kavanaugh and saturday kavanaugh was finally confirmed by the senate, a vote 50 to 48. the closest ever. and following that vote, kavanaugh sworn in in two ceremonies, by both chief justice john roberts and retired justice anthony kennedy. kavanaugh's mentor and the man who he replaces on the court. the president of the united states is now walking out in the east room to again swear in the 114th justice of the u.s. supreme court. it is quite a night for the president, for the kavanaugh family, and for this extraordinary man who will be sitting on the court from here on. the president of the united states, ladies and gentlemen.
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[applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause]
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>> thank you very much. thank you. members of congress, members of the cabinet, honored guests, and fellow americans, it is my privilege to address you tonight from the east room of the white house. we're gathered together this evening for a truly momentous occasion. i have long been told that the most important decision a president can make is the appointment of a supreme court justice. well, in just a few moments, we will proudly swear in the newest member of the united states supreme court justice brett kavanaugh. [cheers and applause]
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>> joining us for tonight's ceremony is every sitting supreme court justice, chief justice roberts, thank you. justice thomas. thank you. justice ginsberg. thank you. justice breyer. thank you, justice. justice alito. justice sotomayor. thank you. justice kagan. thank you. and justice gorsuch. [applause] >> i would always like to send
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our deep appreciation to scalia, the wife of the late great antonin scalia and also to our white house counsel don mcgahn. thank you, don. [applause] >> we are thrilled to be joined this evening by justice anthony kennedy. justice kennedy, america owes you a profound debt of gratitude for a lifetime of noble service to our nation and i want to thank you very much. [applause] >> very special and treasured guests tonight are justice
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kavanaugh's amazing wife ashley. thank you, ashley. [cheers and applause] >> and their two beautiful daughters, margaret and liza. [cheers and applause] >> and we are also joined by justice kavanaugh's mom and dad, martha and ed. thank you. [applause] >> i would like to begin tonight's proceeding differently than perhaps any other event of such magnitude. on behalf of our nation, i want to apologize to brett and the entire kavanaugh family for the terrible pain and suffering you have been forced to endure.
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those who stepped forward to serve our country deserve a fair and dignified evaluation, not a campaign of political and personal destruction, based on lies and deception. what happened to the kavanaugh family violates every notion of fairness, decency, and due process. our country, a man or a woman, must always be presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. [applause] >> and with that, i must state that you, sir, under historic scrutiny were proven innocent. thank you. [applause]
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>> margaret and liza, your father is a great man. he's a man of decency, character, kindness and courage who has devoted his life to serving his fellow citizens. and now, from the bench of our nation's highest court, your father will defend the eternal rights and freedoms of all americans. you know that. [applause] >> we are joined tonight by our leader who has never wavered in his support and devotion to the rule of law and to brett kavanaugh's elevation. he's worked very very hard and he truly has done just an incredible and wonderful job for
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the american people, majority leader mitch mcconnell. thank you, mitch. please stand up. [applause] >> i think that's the biggest hand he's ever received. [laughter] >> they don't get it, mitch. you're great. thank you. very much appreciated. i'd like to thank another man whose principaled leadership has earned widespread admiration, chairman of the judiciary committee, senator chuck grassley. thank you, chuck. [applause] >> we are grateful to all of the
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senators on the judiciary committee who fought so hard for this confirmation. senators lindsay graham, john cornyn, orrin hatch, mike lee, ted cruz, ben sasse, jeff flake, mike crapo, thom tillis and john kennedy. [applause] >> thank you also to rob portman, sitting right here. thank you, rob portman. [applause] >> and finally we are indebted to senator susan collins, for her brave and eloquent speech and her declaration that when passions are most inflamed, fairness is most in jeopardy. how true, how true.
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[applause] >> brett kavanaugh is a man of outstanding intellect, a brilliant scholar, and his credentials are unsurpassed. a graduate of both yale college and yale law school, he has taught at harvard, yale, and georgetown. when he's not working or with his family, he's giving back to his community. he spent 26 years in public service, and just like justice gorsuch, he clerked for justice kennedy. for the past 12 years, brett was a judge on the d.c. circuit court of appeals, widely regarded as our nation's second highest court. during his tenure, he authored over 300 opinions, distinguished by their masterful and impartial reasoning. known as a judge's judge, he is a fair-minded, unbiassed, and
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even-handed person. he understands that justice must be divorced from the passions of the day, tethered instead to the enduring foundation of our republic, the constitution. justice kavanaugh fills the place left by anthony kennedy. soon justice kennedy will administer the judicial oath to brett kavanaugh, just as he did last year for justice gorsuch. this will be the first time a supreme court justice has ever sworn in a former clerk to take his seat, a beautiful moment which reminds us that freedom is a tradition passed down from generation to generation. that's a big statement, and i want to thank you for that much. [applause] >> so beautiful.
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[applause] >> margaret and liza's presence tonight reminds us what a historic event, all about your father is all about. it's about what kind of a nation we're going to be and what kind of a country our children will inherit. it is up to each of us and to all americans watching tonight to answer that question. it is up to us to reclaim our heritage of equal and impartial justice. it is up to us to rededicate ourselves to the traditions and wisdom of our founders. and it is up to us to renew the bonds of love, loyalty, and affection that link us all together as one great american family. [applause]
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>> let us pray we are successful in this task, and let us pray that all of america's children will grow up in a country that is fair and just and safe and strong and free, and let us ask god to bless justice kavanaugh and his family as they embark on this incredible journey together. i now invite justice brett kavanaugh to come forward and to take the judicial oath. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> [inaudible]. >> repeat after me. >> i brett m. kavanaugh do solemnly swear. >> i brett m. kavanaugh do solemnly swear. >> that i will administer justice without respect to persons. >> that i will administer justice without respect to persons. >> and do equal right to the poor and to the rich. >> and do equal right to the poor and to the rich. >> and that i will faithfully and impartially. >> and that i will faithfully and impartially. >> -- to perform. >> to perform. >> all the duties incumbent upon me. >> all the duties incumbent upon me. >> as associate justice of the supreme court of the united states. >> as associate justice of the supreme court of the united states. >> under the constitution and laws of the united states. >> under the constitution and laws of the united states. >> so help me god. >> so help me god. [applause]
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>> mr. president, thank you for the great honor of appointing me to serve as a justice of the supreme court. i've seen first-hand your deep appreciation for the vital role
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of the american judiciary. i am grateful for your steadfast, unwavering support throughout this process. and i'm grateful to you and mrs. trump for the exceptional overwhelming courtesy you have extended to my family and me. mr. president, thank you for everything. >> thank you. [applause] >> i'm honored to serve on a supreme court headed by chief justice john roberts. chief justice roberts is a principled independent and inspiring leader for the american judiciary. as a country, we are fortunate to have john roberts as chief justice of the united states. i'm honored to serve alongside
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all of my new colleagues, each of whom i know, and each of whom i greatly admire and deeply respect. all nine of us revere the constitution. article iii of the constitution provides that the judicial power shall be vested in one supreme court. the supreme court is an institution of law. it is not a partisan or political institution. the justices do not sit on opposite sides of an aisle. we do not caucus in separate rooms. the supreme court is a team of nine, and i will always be a team player on the team of nine. [applause] >> as a new justice on the
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supreme court, i understand the responsibility that i bear. some 30 years ago, standing here in the east room with president reagan, anthony kennedy took the oath to be a new justice of the supreme court. justice kennedy became one of the most consequential justices in american history. i served as justice kennedy's law clerk in 1993. to me, justice kennedy is a mentor, a friend, and a hero. on the supreme court, he was a model of civility and collegiality. he fiercely defended the independence of the judiciary and zealously guarded the individual liberties secured by the constitution. he established a legacy of liberty for ourselves and our posterity. i will always be humbled and proud to sit in justice
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kennedy's seat on the supreme court. thank you. [applause] >> i thank the members of the united states senate, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell for his leadership and steady resolve. i thank judiciary committee chairman chuck grassley for his wisdom and fairness. and i give special gratitude to senators rob portman, susan collins, joe manchin, john kyl and lindsay graham. they are a credit to the country and the senate. i will be forever grateful to each of them and to all the senators who carefully considered my nomination. presiding over the final vote in the senate on saturday was vice president pence. i'm grateful to the vice president for his sound advice
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and faithful support. i thank counsel to the president don mcgahn, who was a warrior for fairness and performed his critical duties in the finest traditions of our constitution. [applause] >> i thank all the outstanding people in the white house, the department of justice, and the senate who worked day and night on this nomination. one of a federal judge's most important responsibilities is to hire four new law clerks each year. law clerks are recent law school graduates and they work in the judge's chambers for one year. they are among the best and brightest young lawyers in america. and they become the future leaders of the legal profession. i thank my former law clerks who devoted so much time and energy
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to support me during the confirmation process. [applause] >> inspired by my mom who was a trailblazer for women in law, i've worked hard throughout my career to promote the advancement of women. women still face many barriers in the american workplace, and all of us have a responsibility to address that problem. during my 12 years on the d.c. circuit, a majority of my law clerks were women. and almost all of them went on to clerk at the supreme court. a clerkship on the supreme court is one of the most coveted achievements and credentials in american law. i'm proud that all four of my newly-hired law clerks at the supreme court are women, a first in the history of the supreme court. [applause]
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>> tonight i thank all my friends, so many amazing and fearless friends, from my high school days, college, law school, clerking, the bush white house, including president george w. bush. [applause] >> from the judiciary, teaching, coaching, playing sports, the vibrant, loyal and tight knit catholic community here in the d.c. area, and so many others. ashley and i are grateful for their prayers and for the prayers from the thousands and thousands of people we have heard from throughout america. when i give advice to young people or speak to students, i tell them cherish your friends, look out for your friends, lift up your friends, love your friends.
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i love all my friends. [applause] >> i thank my family, my mom, martha, and my dad, ed are here. i'm their only child. my mom was one of maryland's earliest women prosecutors and trial judges. my dad taught me his work ethic and love of sports. they have given me a lifetime of love and i'm forever grateful to them. [applause] my daughters margaret and liza are smart, strong, awesome girls. they're in the middle of fall la crosse, looking forward to the
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up coming basketball season. i thank their teachers for giving them the day off tomorrow so that they can come watch two cases being argued at the supreme court. [applause] >> my wife ashley's a proud west texan, graduate of abilene public high school, university of texas of austin. she's the dedicated town manager of our local community. she's got a deep faith. she's an awesome mom, a great wife. she is a rock. i thank god every day for ashley and my family. [applause]
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>> the senate confirmation process was contentious and emotional. that process is over. my focus now is to be the best justice i can be. i take this office with gratitude and no bitterness. on the supreme court, i will seek to be a force for stability and unity. my goal is to be a great justice, for all americans, and for all of america. i will work very hard to achieve that goal. i was not appointed to serve one party or one interest. but to serve one nation. america's constitution and laws protect every person of every belief and every background. every litigant in the supreme court can be assured that i will listen to their arguments with
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respect and an open mind. every american can be assured that i will be an independent and impartial justice, devoted to equal justice under law. although the senate confirmation process tested me, as it has tested others, it did not change me. my approach to judging remains the same, a good judge must be an umpire, a neutral and impartial decider who favors no litigant or policy. a judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law. a judge must interpret statutes as written, and a judge must interpret the constitution as written, informed by history and tradition and precedent. in the wake of the senate confirmation process, my approach to life also remains the same. i will continue to heed the
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message of matthew 25, i will continue to volunteer to serve the least fortunate among us. i will continue to coach, teach, and tutor. i will continue to strive to be a good friend, colleague, husband, and dad. as in the past, our nation today faces challenges and divisions. but i'm an optimist. i live on the sunrise side of the mountain. i see the day that is coming, not the day that is gone. i'm optimistic about the future of america, and the future of our independent judiciary, the crown jewel of our constitutional republic. as a justice on the supreme court, i will always strive to preserve the constitution of the united states and the american rule of law. thank you all. [applause]
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lou: associate justice brett m. kavanaugh, 114th justice of the u.s. supreme court. he referred to the process that he and his family, the nation just went through, as being at an end. and expressed great optimism about the country, and it was nice to hear this justice thank all of his friends, whom he loves, acknowledge a president who stood with him throughout, unwaveringly, he pointed out. it is -- it's been a marvelous, marvelous ceremony.
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the president acknowledging all of the guests. those guests include anthony kennedy, the former justice whose seat brett kavanaugh is now to sit in. for the first time, a clerk of the supreme court justice taking the very seat, a wonderful moment in fact consecutively two years in a row, one of justice kennedy's clerks assuming the justiceship of the supreme court. joining me tonight, here with me is my good friend ed rollins, the chairman of the great america pac, former reagan white house political director, fox news political analyst and much much more. >> thank you. lou: ed, good to have you here and to watch this remarkable ceremony. a touching moment, a serious and
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profound moment. and an incredible victory for the republican party and this president. >> and this country. this is a superb young man who will be on this court for a long period of time. he has very unique credentials, obviously has greater credentials than anybody who has served in that court. over time people will look at his writings, his decisions and not pay a bit of attention to all the stuff that's gone on the last couple of weeks. lou: i think that's probably a wish too far. i think the republican party -- in fact, i will go beyond that. i hope the republican party never forgets those weeks, and the debasing of the process of confirming a justice to the supreme court. it's been an extraordinary chapter in our history and one that should never have taken place, but the politics of personal destruction make it unforgettable, if not indeed to some unforgivable. >> they could not touch his
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credentials. he's had superb credentials, 12 years on the court. at the end of the day, they've made false charges against him, couldn't prove any of them. i think at the end of the day, he will basically join a very strong and bright court and basically be there for a long period of time and do good stuff. lou: i find it interesting that the president immediately apologized to -- as we were watching the president this evening as he introduced justice kavanaugh now and his family. this is the ceremony that lasted just under a half hour. remarkable, remarkable first in that the president of the united states apologized to justice kavanaugh and his family, for what the radical democrats of this country put him through.
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justice kavanaugh i thought was brilliant throughout in his remarks. >> he was brilliant through his remarks and his career. the key thing here is the lack of civility that the democrats expressed towards this court and towards this man, was unheard of in my -- and i've never seen it before. but this was even more vicious. they could not touch his credentials. and so they had these falsehoods. and i don't -- lou: in no way does that mean that's a rationalization for what was the viciousness and the scurriless attacks taken against now justice kavanaugh and his family. this is the low of the low. and i personally can find no way in the world in which anyone who values the values and the traditions and basic decency and honesty could ever forget what
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the left, the radical left -- >> i don't think we can. i think the key thing here, though, for him and for the country, we need to move forward. lou: we're going to move forward. the guy you are looking at right there on camera is making sure this country moves forward. this is a remarkable leader, in his choice of these two justices, in his ability to galvanize the nation with confidence and to be -- to thrill to the idea of the nation's future. he has had the most remarkable record of any president since franklin roosevelt in the course of his first, what sit, 21 months -- what is it, 21 months in office. >> there will be many legacies, but the court i think will be his greatest legacy, both who he's put on and will put on, in addition to everything else. lou: we have been talking about the apology that president trump
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extended to the kavanaugh family. here is the president this evening doing just that. >> on behalf of our nation, i want to apologize to brett and the entire kavanaugh family for the terrible pain and suffering you have been forced to endure. those who step forward to serve our country deserve a fair and dignified evaluation, not a campaign of political and personal destruction based on lies and deception. what happened to the kavanaugh family violates every notion of fairness, decency, and due process. our country, a man or a woman, must always be presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. [applause]
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>> and with that i must state that you, sir, under historic scrutiny were proven innocent. thank you. [applause] lou: the president offering no suggestion of bitterness on his part toward the radicals of the democratic party, who sit on the judiciary committee and who lead the democratic party. it was a night of graciousness and magnanimity that this president extended to all. it is -- it is, it seems to me, a moment in which i think people should acknowledge an inflection point has been actually passed by this president. you don't hear anyone ask this president to be presidential. you don't ask anyone asking this president to do what he promised because he's doing more than he
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promised. you don't hear anyone in any way suggesting that he has been playing too much golf, not attending to business, not working harder than everyone else in the city of washington, because he does work harder than anyone in the city of washington and he is creating concrete specific extraordinary broad deep profound results on behalf of the american people. >> what he said in those two paragraphs at the end there about qualifications and the right for people to have fair hearings and you're innocent until proven guilty is probably as meaningful as anybody ever said about any president. the reality here is this president every single day moves the ball forward, makes the promises -- he keeps them, and i think the key thing is he never once wavered in this battle. lou: there are a lot of keys in what you said, and i tell you what, it is remarkable that we have a president who has so many
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key characteristics in his nature. and so much that he seems to delight, revel in doing and creating. that must have something to do with being a builder as opposed to -- i don't say it about who didn't build that. i will wait until right after this quick break. stay with us. up next the radical democrats, yes, they are the radical democrats. it's getting so maybe we shouldn't call them radical democrats because radical seems to be a relevant descriptor of the entire party. we will take that up. we'll take up the new supreme court justice brett kavanaugh and what we can expect. stay with us. we're coming right back. - i get headaches.
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more than i can ever imagine. they have really been there to support me in my endeavors. my number one goal, basically, is to get close to where i was. i am more than ready to work hard to get to that goal. i am living proof to never give up and i will never give up.
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lou: a resurfaced video of nancy pelosi from more than a year ago has inadvertently exposed in the minds of many the radical democrats plan and strategy to try to destroy justice kavanaugh. in this video from june 22 of last year, pelosi explains in considerable detail on c-span during her weekly review how to
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falsely smear somebody. >> called a wrap up smear. you smear somebody with falsehoods and all the rest and then you merchandise it and then you write it and they will say see it is reported in the press that this, this and this so they have that validation that the press reported the smear and then it's called a wrap up smear. i'm going to merchandise the press's report on smear that we made. it's a tactic, and it's self-evident. lou: self-evident. ed rollins is still with us. ed, let me turn to you first and foremost to ask does all of that somehow seem strangely familiar to you given the events of the past 90 days? >> absolutely, and i think to a certain extent the american public ought to look at that former speaker and a woman who wants to be speaker again and that's the tactic the democrats want to use, personal assassination of people who are extremely qualified. they will use it in their campaigns, and they will use it in anything else, and i think
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that she should be rejected overwhelmingly and her party should be rejected overwhelmingly. lou: we've got about 30 days here, less, to the midterms. we're going to see how that test goes. i want to go to the event tonight in the east room at the white house. as the president praised this man, who went through absolute hell, he and his family, to win confirmation. here's the president on justice kavanaugh. >> for the last 12 years, brett was a judge on the d.c. circuit court of appeals, widely regarded as our nation's second highest court. during his tenure, he authored over 300 opinions, distinguished by their masterful and impartial reasoning. known as a judge's judge, he is is a fair-minded, unbiassed, and
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even handed person. he understands that justice must be divorced from the passions of the day, tethered instead to the enduring foundation of our republic, the constitution. lou: the constitution. and justice kavanaugh pledging to interpret law based on that constitution and not go beyond it. it was a wonderful evening because this president also acknowledging the role of the speaker, the majority leader -- excuse me -- of the senate mitch mcconnell. he acknowledged the chairman of the senate judiciary committee, chuck grassley, and he acknowledged by quoting susan collins, the senator's remark that when passions are most inflamed, that is when fairness is in greatest jeopardy. ed rollins, those people played pivotal singular roles in moving this confirmation for justice
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kavanaugh. your thoughts first about mitch mcconnell. >> mitch mcconnell was a stalwart throughout all this. he kept it going forward. he never lost faith. when everybody else was having some serious doubts about it, he had no doubts. he kept saying i have the votes. he kept assuring the white house he had the votes, and he kept his members in line, and i think it was an extraordinary effort and going to be one of his great legacies, these two last court pi -- court appointments. lou: mitch mcconnell has not been always a supporter, a friend of president trump. he has pretended to be i think it's perhaps some would say unfair of me to suggest a friend, but not stepping out for trump economics, for his foreign policy, for the man himself. this is a difference maker, it seems to me, because this president chose in judge kavanaugh, justice kavanaugh now, a man who was supported by
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the establishment republican party as well as all of the trump supporters, the conservatives in the country. he chose strategically very well, even as he chose a man who is absolutely perfect for the job. >> that court and the circuit court in d.c. is probably the most watched court in america by lawyers and fellow judges across the country as sort of the training ground for the supreme court, second highest court in the land, and the fact that this man has served in that court for 12 years and is viewed as one of the most serious judges in the country, even though mcconnell initially said to the president maybe you can get someone who would be easier to get through, president didn't waver and mcconnell didn't waver once the appointment made. lou: mcconnell didn't waver, but chuck grassley he seemed to at times extend the process. it was excruciating as we waited for one democratic senator after
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another. these radical democrats on that judiciary, none more to me vicious than -- well, it's hard to pick the most. but i would have to say the most relentless in her attacks mazie hirono the senator from hawaii. do we have some of the sound of this woman attacking this man, viciously and throughout? i'm sorry, i couldn't hear you. okay. we do not have that. we will have it here in a moment. your thoughts on senator hirono? >> well her comment of stand up and shut up told you everything you needed to know. my hope we never have to watch her again. she's not a player in the senate. she's player obviously of one of three or four that were the most noisy and most unfair in that judicial hearing. three or four people running for president on that group and they used this as to try and move
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forward. but i think they hurt themselves immensely. lou: i think they tore themselves apart. i think they shredded themselves. i mentioned senator hirono. just a few of her recent remarks to tide you through any thought of perhaps hirono for president. >> and she is under absolutely no obligation to participate in a smearing of her and her family. guess who is perpetuating all of these kinds of action? it is the men in the country. i want to say to the men in this country just shut up and step up. why isn't judge kavanaugh asking for an fbi investigation if he has nothing to hide. you all should continue to press that point. when you and my colleagues on the other side accuse us of ambushing you with false charges, i think we all have to remember dr. ford's testimony
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and her courage. confirmation battle may be over, but the -- [inaudible] -- is definitely not over. this is what happens, you know, because when you look at white supremacists and all of that, this is what's coming forth in our country. there's a tremendous divisiveness in our country, but this is the kind of activism that occurs and people make their own decisions. if they violate the law, then they have to account for that lou: wow. >> she's further left than pelosi and maybe it's because she's from hawaii which is further left than california, but she's the most outrageous person in all of this and there were some real outrageous people. lou: richard blumenthal -- >> the man who testified that he fought vietnam but never got beyond the marching grounds during the war, falsified his record when he was running and basically -- lou: he really stepped forward
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in this. he wanted to be on the point of the sphere as the democrats carried out justice kavanaugh, the politics of search and destroy. the democrats have become the party that embodies the politics of personal destruction and it really began -- and people want to forget this -- but it really began with the clintons. and i think that justice kavanaugh did us all a favor to remind us of the legacy of the clintons. >> and equally as important, he fought back. as i have said to you many times on this show, republicans don't know how to fight anymore. lou: i don't think so, ed. i have to interrupt you there. people aren't paying attention to the way president trump fights. the republicans -- by the way, the way we watched the republicans of the senate fight. this is a group of republicans this president is teaching how to win. >> absolutely. lou: and how to fight. >> next month we better fight
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pretty hard. everything's at stake. everything's at stake. lou: it's to me this is the inflection point that's passed is that this president now is in full -- he's holding full sway over the republican party. he is talking about republicans. he is leading republicans. he talks about we republicans. there was a time until about i would say somewhere -- just roughly putting a time on it, i would say it was sometime around the 1st of september that things started turning for the president where he was in charge of both -- not just in name but actually in charge of the republican party and he brought republicans in to -- no longer just trump supporters, no longer just conservatives, he now is the absolute head in a very real
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way the head of the republican party. >> as he should be and is, and it was hard-fought to get there, but it is now his, and he will basically drive the agenda just as he has driven the agenda of the nation. equally important he stood up to the dictators around the world and held tough and i think to a certain extent there's nothing you can sit back and say that he hasn't shown strength. lou: you know, it's funny. he talked about on the campaign trail and he reminds us every once in a while, i'm going to win so much you're going get tired of winning. i don't know anyone who is tired of winning. as a matter of fact, i see a lot of people who are starting to love winning. but it is -- this president is doing something else. he's almost making me feel sorry for president xi, putin, it is just not really a fair fight. he is taking on the most powerful leaders of the most powerful countries in the world, whether it's iran, whether it's
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china, russia, the -- and it's just extraordinary to watch what he's doing in terms of domestic policy, economic policy, foreign policy, maybe create a space force, just for, you know, just to keep a note on the pad, my god, the man is tireless and he always gets it done. >> and most important, he's driving this economy to new record highs and low unemployment to new record lows. lou: ed rollins, as always great to have you here. >> thank you very much. lou: thank you very much. ed rollins. up next, we take up all of the attacks from the radical dems with washington times charlie hurt. he joins me here next. stay with us as we continue our
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not days. plus, allstate can pay your claim in minutes. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? lou: radicalize democratic party just conditio can't seem to comt they have lost, they loste elections, and public regard, and public trust z as a result of their heinous attacks on justice kavanaugh. and so much he stood for. and that we're expecting him to defend as we ascends to the court. president trump has bested them, every single time, once again, placing his second supreme court justice on to the high court. judge kavanaugh's confirmation is a low moment for the senate,
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for the court, for the country. >> he is going to be on the supreme court with a huge taint and a big ast risk after his name. >> i think there are good reasons to have doubts about now justice kavanaugh's candor to committee and fitness to serve. >> i don't believe that justice kavanaugh is in the mainstream of judicial thought. >> let's speak the truth, it was a sham, it was a denial of justice for the women of this country. >> i will oppose him with everything i got. lou: oh, yes, he did and so did all dems you heard, none speaking truth. joining us it charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor, fox business contributor, charlie, great to have you here, i thought it was a moment in white house in east room


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