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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  October 9, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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rally. liz: you dead momo and krono and now fomo, fear of missing out. that will do it for the claman countdown. susan: whiplash on wall street. the dow seesawing between positive and negative territory throughout the day, ending down 46 points. 54 points. off session lows. s&p 500 fighting for gains and tech-heavy nasdaq is up slightly after three days of steep declines. i'm susan li in for melissa francis. david: what a seesaw day for the markets. we have a lot to talk about. i'm david asman. this is "after the bell." more on the big market movers first here is what else we're covering for you. breaking news in this hour. just moments from now we'll have comments from the president, the commander-in-chief is about to take off from joint base andrews on his way to iowa for a crucial
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campaign rally tonight. president trump spoke to reporters on the south lawn of the white house moments ago. he may still wrap that up right now. we're going to play back those comments to you as soon as we get them. so we could be breaking in at any point with those remarks. plus a stunning resignation. ambassador nikki haley abruptly extenting down as american ambassador to the u.n., vowing not to run in 2020 ends -- against the president. the big decision who will take her place at the u.n. president could talk about that coming up. new era in the nation's high court. judge brett kavanaugh takes the bench for the first time. wait until you hear the latest plan for democrats to diminish his role as well as every trump nominee on the high court. among our guests, fox news senior judicial analyst, judge andrew napolitano, republican national committee spokesperson
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kayleigh mcenany and former shell president john hofmeister. susan: busy, busy hour and the dow's busy, busy session of the lows, dragged down by shares of 3m, caterpillar and united technologies. ashley, isn't great to have volatility back? >> it is although you need pepto bismol, susan. volatility is down a little bit, 3.20, that settled things a little but still concerns out there about some global growth. as you can see, there it is 3.20 on the 10-year-year-old, down two basis points, but still the market a little spooked. i want to look at tech stocks if we can. you can see the dow there. tech stocks mostly higher after three days of selling. that was encouraging. as you can see, just alphabet google down. they continue to have their problems. now more scrutiny of that google plus data exposure but for the
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most part the tech stocks turning it around. i wanted to mention the airlines. american airlines putting out a warning saying higher fuel costs will eat away at any gains they make in revenues. stock is down 6 1/2%. other airline stocks are down 2% or more today. walmart to buy from hold by deutsche bank. sales are better than expected. also -- susan: get to break news. president trump speaking to reporters on the south lawn. let's listen in. [inaudible] reporter: mr. president, kavanaugh nomination -- >> heading out to iowa where we have a big statement to make on ethanol for our farmers. likewise taking care of our refineries and refiners. they have done a fantastic job.
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we want to get more fuel to the system. it is great for our farmers. it was a promise i made during the campaign. and as you know i keep ply promises. so that is the, we're heading out to iowa to talk-- [inaudible]. yes. reporter: mr. president in terms of who may succeed nikki haley at the united nations, the name dina powell is out there. that would trade one strong woman for another. what are chances that happening? >> that is one person would i consider. we actually have many names. nikki has been great. nikki will work along with us and helping with us -- she will help us with 2020 and nikki is a great friend of mine. we have become real friends. she has done a fantastic job. she will be involved and dina certainly. there are others. i have heard a lot of names. [shouting questions] the people that know, there is
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nothing to do with nepotism but i want to tell you that people that know that ivanka would be dynamite. >> would she take the job, sir? >> i then would be accused nepotism if you believe it, right? reporter: serious consideration? >> i think ivanka could be incredible. but i would be accused nepotism, i'm not sure there is anybody more competent in the world but that is okay. we looking at numerous people. and, it is interesting -- reporter: would you -- reporter: ambassador haley's resignation. there is lot of speculation on timing on the day you should be celebrating the kavanaugh nomination. >> this administration does a lot. another administration after kavanaugh, truly a victory for the people. it is a tricktry, a great justice, which hope he is.
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a lot of people would celebrate. we go back to the business the next day. and you know, nikki and i talked about this a year ago. we ought, she really wanted to work for two years. we finished our big week last week at the u.n. we had tremendous success. and we have 30 days out. nikki will be involved with us for a long time. she will help me also make that final pick. we'll make the final pick. i want to get somebody really good. i think she also brought a new level of prestige to that position. that -- in terms of people wanting it, easier now in a way than it was before. nikki has brought obviously great confidence. she has brought great prestige to that position. [inaudible]. reporter: is the base energized with the kavanaugh victory? >> that is a good question, how do you keep the base energized now that you have the kavanaugh victory.
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i would say just by winning. got to keep winning. we're doing a lot of winning. we're very happy with the usmca, i don't want to use the word nafta because it is a terrible word, a horrible deal for this country but our deal with mexico and canada was fantastic. china wants to make a deal so badly. we'll see where it goes. i don't think they're ready yet personally. reporter: [inaudible] >> probably. i could be, a lot of those were paid protesters, saw that. they are unhappy because they haven't been paid yet. they were paid protesters. that was professional, orchestrated. when you look in the halls of congress you see screaming like that, and it is like one goes, the next goes. these are paid protesters. i don't know that -- [inaudible]. energy on the republican side i
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don't think it has before an greater. maybe 2016 where if you remember the energy was very good. [inaudible]. reporter: two people court justices through the first term. how many more do you think you might get? >> a lot of theories on that. could be three. under one theory it could be four. and then some people say two could happen. you know, i would say, one or two to four. additional. so we'll see. i hope everyone remains healthy. i'm very happy the way it is right now. i put a great man and a great justice on the court. you know, it's a guessing game. what is an honor is that there have been presidents, many presidents that never had a choice and here i am not even two years and we have two and
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they are confirmed. [shouting questions] reporter: meeting with kanye west. he is coming to the white house. he is a terrific guy. he loves what we're doing for african-american jobs for some different things, median income as you see at an all-time high. poverty level at the best rate, meaning the lowest rate so far. kanye is a smart guy. he sees that. and also coming with him he said you mind if i bring jim brown, big jim brown. boy, would he be making a lot of money today, right? i call him unstoppable jim brown and he has been a friend of mine. he has been really with us, because he gets it, he really gets it. he sees that african-american -- by the way hispanic and asian, have never done better in this country. and he likes it. reporter: worried about the way
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china treated secretary pompeo? >> no. they're just trying to get me a message, those messages don't work they don't work. i think they treated him with great respect actually. they had meeting beside just the news conference. i think they treated him with great respect. he had a great meeting with north korea. china, it wasn't so much. i guess he was giving them a message and they were giving him a message to come back to me. reporter: any updates about the saudi journalist? >> no, i don't have anything, i don't any updates. a sad situation. reporter: [inaudible]. >> it was given to me, it was given to me, i want to look at who drew it, which group drew it. i could give you reports that are fabulous, i could give you reports not so good. i will look at it.
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[shouting questions] >> i think it is fantastic. i love it. i think hope, i'm so proud of her. i'm very happy. i'm very happy for you, right? was that announced officially now? reporter: it was, yes. >> i'm very happy for fox. they have a winner. hope is a winner. she has been from the beginning. she was like literally right from first day. that was a small group. and i'm very proud of hope. and fox has themselves somebody who is really great. reporter: mr. president, on ethanol, the petroleum industry proposes idea moving to 15% ethanol year-round. they say it will hurt their industry, what do you say to them? >> i want more industry. i want more energy. i want more, i don't like $74. it is up to $74. if i have to do more, whether it is through ethanol or through another means, that is what i want. i want low prices. so i'm okay with it.
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it is an amazing substance. look at indy cars, they run 100% on ethanol. other certain forms of very modern energy. it is ethanol-based, that meant a lot to me, what it really means we're helping our farmers. we're also going to be helping our refiners. you know that too, because they're both very important groups. but farmers have been so terrific and they produce great products. so i think it will be great. it has no impact 12 months. that was a misnomer. there is no negative impact. in fact those that say you do this the air is cleaner i agree with that. you go 12 months instead of eight, go 12 months the air is actually cleaner. reporter: mr. president -- filed an ethics complaint -- [inaudible] >> who did? reporter: [inaudible]. did that factor in at all? >> i know nothing about it.
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i know nothing about it. i know nikki. this is one of the most honest human beings you ever see. i haven't heard about it. reporter: south carolina, sir? >> say it. >> would you like to see her the next senator from south carolina? >> depend who she is running against. you have two really good ones right there, right now i don't see her doing that no? reporter: [inaudible] >> lindsey a terrific guy. certainly i would. i think he is really happy. tell you what, lindsay stepped up over last two or three weeks. i tout -- thought it was fantastic. lindsey is a popular guy. tim is popular guy. lindsey is not -- reporter: [inaudible] >> he is somebody that never asked me that question. he is happy where he is. he stepped it up.
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he is doing great. reporter: [inaudible] >> oh, yeah, 100%? that's right. i didn't know her. i mean she supported somebody over me in the primary. turned out very well for me. she respected it. after that we got along as you would say very well. she helped me in the election. once i won the primaries. we've been really good friends and compatriots. we've done a great job together. you know the united nations is at, i think really new level of respect. we worked together. we had a tremendous week last week. so, no, nikki wants to work with us and also to keep it going she wants to work, i guess she said today a few times to a few of you she wants to work on the 2020 election with us. reporter: [inaudible]. >> i think they were. i think they were. reporter: [inaudible] >> i'm not going to say who i mean. i'm just telling you have forces saying things that were evil.
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they were, they were bad people. and he is a very, very fine man and what was said about him should never have been said. reporter: [inaudible]. >> i know many, i know fellow americans that are evil. i know, are you saying we shouldn't say a fellow american is evil? i've known some fellow americans that are pretty evil. reporter: [inaudible]. >> i like to see low interest rates. the fed is doing what they think is necessary. i don't like what they're doing, because we vin nation really checked and we have a lot of good things happening. so i will say this, we're normalizing money and that's good. but i think we don't have to go as fast. i want to be able to pay off debt. also, very importantly i think that the numbers we're producing are record-setting.
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i adopt want to slow it down even a little bit especially when you don't have the problem of inflation. and you don't see that inflation coming back. now at some point it will, you go up. i just don't think it is necessary to go as fast. reporter: [inaudible] >> i have not spoken to him about that. i like to stay uninvolved with that. i have not spoken. how are you? [inaudible] he is very talented. no, i haven't. only because i know you people, what would you do if i said that, right? what would they do? jared or ivanka, how do you feel about ivanka? i think cnn would support her. reporter: [inaudible]. >> two very competent people. reporter: [inaudible]. >> well i guess he is going before congress. we had a very good talk yesterday. he is going before congress. we'll see how it all works out. meantime, as you know senator richard burr came out recently
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said theres was no collusion. he saw no collusion after what, a year-and-a-half. and devin nunez as you know, very smart people, he came out, there is no collusion. there is no collusion. so that is all i care about. reporter: [inaudible]. >> we'll start getting together. reporter: [inaudible] [inaudible] >> come with me. david: we're just trying to get the last little squeeze out of this impromptu press conference. of course this is a president who unlike any other made these moments last. he has been criticized by the media for not giving enough press conferences, official press conferences. i'm joined here by susan li in studio. the fact he has done more press
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conferences on white house lawn, in this case he is on his way to iowa for a major speech on ethanol. he really covered the waterfront. give that man 15 minutes he will cover the entire world, every problem that the president is dealing with. susan: go over topics he covered. off the top he was asked who will replace nikki haley as u.n. ambassador. he will replace her in twoor three weeks. names thrown around. dina powell, and goldman sachs and former administration official. ivanka trump. if he named her people would critize him for nepotism. federal reserve. david: these shots are live now. what you saw before on the white house lawn was of course tape. he was on his way to the helicopter which was taking him to joint base andrews. that now is a live shot of air force one on its way to council bluffs, iowa, where he makes a speech, trying to bring
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farmers on board to the republican cause by essentially giving more subsidies indirect way to ethanol. in fact he mentioned something, i wasn't aware, indy cars have used ethanol. susan: since '85. david: the real key talking about was nikki haley. something that surprised everybody was her announcement she resigned as ambassador not united nations. big question, why she resigned and two, who might replace her. fox business's blake burman live at the white house with latest on that. hi, blake. reporter: dave, we got clues from president trump on the south lawn. president said dina powell is under consideration to replace nikki haley as united states ambassador to the united nations. powell is someone well-known within the white house. she served in the administration, for about a year. left earlier this year as depthty national security advisor. president also saying that ivanka trump probably will not
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get the job, not because she isn't competent. he said maybe there isn't anyone more competent to hold that position. instead the president expressed concerns that she might fall subject to anti-nepotism rules and laws. that is probably one of the reasons why he won't go down that road. in any event nikki haley publicly announced her resignation. she wrote a letter to the president on october 3rd, saying as much. haley said she was a governor six months, six years rather, in the state of south carolina. held the post at the united nations for two years. she felt it was time to move on. >> it was a blessing to go into the u.n. with body armor every day and defend america and i will always do that i will never truly step aside from fighting for our country. but i will tell you that i think it is time. reporter: haley will remain the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. through the remainder of 2018.
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the president wants to name a successor soon, potentially within the next two or three weeks. >> i think it has become maybe a more glamorous position than it was a few years ago. i wonder why but it is. she made it a very glamorous position. she made it more important, more importantly more important position. so we have, i can almost say many people that want to do it and they're very good people. reporter: david, ivanka trump probably not under consideration. dina powell the president saying is under consideration. one other name i'm told to keep eye on, ric grenell, the current u.s. ambassador to germany. known within the halls of united nations. he was a spokes perp -- spokesperson for four different u.n. ambassadors. david: funny talking about nikki haley was glamming up the position. reporter: i think a lot of people want it.
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susan: nikki haley brought a new level of prestige to the position. lincoln bloomfield, former u.n. secretary of state political affairs and stinson chairman. glad to have you. front-runners to replace nikki haley, what do you think? >> it's a speculation game, isn't it? there is a lot of names out there. i feel sorry for most of them. i feel ambassador haley is a successful communicator. she grabbed a lot of sound bites. war and peace issues but tied it to morality of civilians being affected by conflict but she has done it in a very compelling way and in a way very few people have been able to do in this position. susan: does this feel sudden to you? people feel caught off-guard. if she wanted to take time off six months ago, why weren't we given a heads up?
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>> that is great speculation. that triggers a lot of speculation as well. i'm somebody who to know things. i don't know why. the letter was dated okay 3rd. that was six days ago. i think we'll know a lot more in a month or two. she is someone seen as having a bright future in the republican party with conservative credentials which will appeal to the republicans. so i would be surprised, even if she goes in the private sector she will still be calling into the white house i expect. she will be individualsable. i think she has got a future. susan: that is the consensus and campaign for president trump. what about 2024? >> you answered my question. this is someone who is younger. she is a woman. she is a successful political figure with great resume' for her age, a daughter of american immigrants and great success
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story. she is a great communicator. she really strongly pleaded america's case. people on the other side of the aisle have a different ideology but i think most americans would say nikki haley has worked really hard to advance american interests and to speak for the united states with a moral voice. it wouldn't surprise me if she has a bright political future down the road. susan: one quick question, if you had to pick who the next u.n. ambassador would be, who is your bet on? >> that is really hard. i heard scenario about if there is change in attorney general and senator graham moves over, that opens up the senate seat. nikki haley said she didn't want to take any political position. i heard ric grenell the ambassador. he is well-known to john bolton, who was ambassador in new york. i don't know, dina powell has a great reputation. at that would certainly be a strong candidate from everything i know. so i would watch that, i would watch dina powell closely as
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well. susan: we'll find out in two to three weeks. thank you, mr. ambassador bloomfield. david: a lot of money on dina powell. susan: ric grenell. david: he has done so much as ambassador to germany. a lot of people think we need him there. susan: interests from john bolton and mike pompeo, secretary of state. david: day one on the job for supreme court justice brett kavanaugh as he took his seat on the high court for the very first time. a working day for the justice. judge andrew napolitano, fox news senior judicial analyst on new plans by democrats to try to diminish kavanaugh's role on the court. that is coming next. introducing add on advantage,
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susan: making his debut, justice brett kavanaugh takes a seat on the bench for the very first time today as protests continued outside of the court. edward lawrence outside the supreme court as well, with the very latest.
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we're in a busy first day. reporter: a very busy first day, susan. just after 10:00 this morning justice kavanaugh took his seat, the chief justice welcomed him to the court and introduced him as newest justice for the supreme court. striking what didn't happen inside. there were no interruptions. no protesters inside interrupting the proceedings. the officers inside alerted media, folks in there, this is federal offense to disrupt a court proceeding of this level. now outside though there were about two dozen protesters chanting and holding signs. nothing like we saw over the weekend. 20 minutes into the first debate kavanaugh asked his first question. this case was about what the definition of violent offense is. kavanaugh wanted to know if a tap on the shoulder constituted a violent offense. in a moment of lefty, justice sotomayor turned to justice gorsuch and pinched him to his surprise, asked him if that was
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violent offense under the law of state of florida. kavanaugh ended up asking four questions in total during his time for the first case. democrats upset kavanaugh was on the bench. in fact the president responding to comments that hillary clinton made yesterday, talking about the swearing-in ceremony as just political. >> i guess that is why she lost. she doesn't get it. she never did. i knew that a long time ago. hillary never got it. that is why she lost. anything else? reporter: kavanaugh's family was at the swearing-in ceremony. here to hear the first case, his wife and daughters, gave a look at them to walk in as he took his seat. back to you. susan: edward, thank you very much. david: here to comment, judge andrew napolitano. liberals lost big time on kavanaugh. they put a lot of eggs in the
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basket to preventing him from taking that seat. there are strategies preventing him being powerful, one of the strategies, packing the supreme court. if and when they get in power, increase the number of justices on the supreme court from nine to 10 or 12, to diminish the power of the individual justice picked by trump. >> only an experience like that once in the modern era. it was the left involved in its efforts -- fdr,. >> to pack the supreme court. it became so unpopular. proposed it at time when he had huge majorities supreme court, he washed his hands of it, claimed it was somebody else's proposal. david: there would have to be a political revolution, even stronger than that which fdr had to make this happen? >> i would think to make it happen politically but legally it could happen with a majority vote in the house and majority vote in the senate. david: that's all? >> and president's signature. the number of supreme court
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justices is not fixed in the constitution. it was originally six. it was five. then it went up to seven. it has been nine for 100 years. david: one thing that would be more difficult to do is impeach justice kavanaugh. >> yes. david: explain how that impeachment would happen. why people like jerry nadler are stuck on idea of doing it? >> you would have to talk to congressman nadler why he is stuck on doing it. david: jerry nadler, if the democrats win house ever congress he would become head of judiciary committee. >> yes, where all impeachment proceedings would originate. i suggest he is probably saying this because polls are at thing them their left-wing base wants to hear it but impeachment would have to be based on, same as impeachment of president, treason, bribery, other high crime or misdemeanor. ordinarily impeachment is cop fined to behavior in office but there is authority that says behavior that gets you into office could be the subject of an impeachment.
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majority vote in the house. 2/3 in the senate. simply not going to happen. david: to give democrats their due, it is true that for the first time in my lifetime anyway we have, we could have more justices in the supreme court who rather than picked by a supermajority in the senate, have been picked by a simple majority, in some cases simplest majority, 50 votes. is there a problem with that? supreme court is to be more broad-based in their acceptance, no? >> before republicans and democrats did it together, harry reid did some of it, mitch mcconnell did some of it. before the filibuster rule for judges and justice, supreme court justices had to have 60 vote consensus. they tended to have broader support. these attacks on the court are very dangerous. the court does not have army to enforce its will. it is will depends on intellectual legitimacy and acceptance in the american legal judicial communities and public
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at large. these efforts to undermine it will undermine almost everything it does. david: very quickly, very quickly. the senate will probably remain republican. look at races, the way the math is. but there is a chance, if democrats take over the senate, is it conceivable that we would not have any justices on the supreme court or federal judges approved by the senate for two years? >> i'm sorry to say yes. i'm sorry mitch mcconnell the republican leader started this with so-called garland rule which they refused to consider president obama's nominee of perfectly qualified supreme court justice, merrick garland. they wouldn't even hold hearings or take a vote. this is payback. david: harry reid started that whole process of getting rid of the filibuster rule. >> you could say this started with bork and thomas, then it was garr lan and kavanaugh. david: a lot of game to go around. >> a ping-pong ball. the court suffers in interim.
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remedy, unanimous decisions out supreme court. count it. you will start to see a lot. just a prediction. i think i know where their heads are. david: we have videotape. we'll hold it. andy napolitano. susan: back to the markets. papa john's surging closing up nearly 9%, following "wall street journal" report that activist hedge fund trian capital headed by nelson peltz considering taking over the company. this is months after its founder john schnatter made racist remarks during a conference call. we'll follow the story and bring you any updates when you see it. david: florida in a state of emergency right now. we have a live update on the hurricane officials are saying could be the most destructive to hit the panhandle in decade. he said he wasn't going to let our farmers down. now he is following through. what big change president trump is making for the agricultural industry in america. former shell president john hofmeister joining us in a
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moment. >> make our farmers great again, right? [cheers and applause] make our farmers great again. ♪ the mercedes-benz of tomorrow
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information of about half a million users according to a new report from reuters. fox business's hillary vaughn is here with the very latest. this is getting more serious, hillary. reporter: david that's right. attorneys general in new york and connecticut looking into a bug that exposed personal information for nearly half a million google plus users but this bug is also catching the eye of congress. just moments ago senator mark warner blasting the company for choosing to keep both users and lawmakers in the dark about this data breach saying he was frustrated that google decided not to send any senior executives to testify last month in front of the senate intel committee, something that twitter and facebook decided to do. he says the fact that they did that while hiding this breach that affected potentially half a million google plus users is quote, outrageous, saying that there is serious questions how google has handled this, and calls into question whether the current enforcement model such
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to the task of consumer protections and he says congress needs to step up, ramp up its regulation in this space, not good news for google but at the same time google is also researching its users that political biases are personal and not influencing the platform after one of their employees who worked on the design team raged at republicans on twitter. the employee he called conservatives slimy, evil, treasonous, saying their souls will burn in hell. angry tweet triggered by justice brett kavanaugh's confirmation in the supreme court is getting a lot of backlash. the google employee eventually delated takes were his personal opinions and he probably should have been more eloquent and less condemning of the gop. google is shutting down this tweet and saying that offering this one sentence response saying quote, when employees in their personal capacity has no bearing on the way we build and
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operate our products but the tweet is adding to controversy the company already faced about political biases by employees within the company and whether or not those are unfairly influencing the platform. now a source familiar with how the company is handling all of this tells me if any of these comments in the tweets had been said at work or directed towards google employees, they would consider it harrassment. they would treat it as a threat against conservatives and they say that they wouldn't allow it but they say these are personal views and they believe their employees have a right to express those personal views outside of work. david? david: even talked about exactly how those souls would be burning in hell. this was pretty awful stuff. hillary, thank you very much. of course google says, no, it doesn't affect our product at all. susan: but company policy, if you imagine a bank official tweeted something like that under regulatory scrutiny? i would assume he would be fired. david: it actually goes beyond elon musk which says a lot.
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susan: good way to put it. good comparison. talk about the monster storm. yes it is hurricane season. a monster storm is heading toward florida, expected to collide with the coast as a category 3 hurricane. mandatory evacuations are underway and people are racing against the clock. with when and where will it make landfall? we're tracking the path of the storm. that comes your way next. ♪
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there. maybe next update it will climb to a category 3 storm. that won't be it. winds will get higher. plenty of areas under hurricane watches. everything back here, tropical storm advisories. red areas where conditions are the worst. stretching from pensacola, panama city, apalachicola, florida big bend, a lot of areas dealing with a lot of big issues. one of those is the winds that arrive overnight. jumps up to a category 3 with those winds, perhaps 125 miles an hour. very strong winds. you notice those early tomorrow morning. landfall probably around lunchtime or the early around. still little bit of time for that to change. we're targeting 1:00 as a time we see this moving onshore. eventually running across the carolinas, an area where they obviously don't need more rain. won't get heaviest rain. impact is farther south. will get more rain for areas they have seen plenty of rain recently. here is the center of circulation. there is the timer. takes you to 1:00 p.m. tomorrow.
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seeing center of circulation climb up on to the coast. that could be landfall for tomorrow. winds won't be bad at that point. winds you initially see through the overnight hours, hitting hard again by lunchtime tomorrow. david as this moves through the area, it will hit and keep moving. storm surge, wind, rain is an issue. it will not hover like we saw with florence a couple weeks ago. david: i don't mean to sandbag you, around high tide it will hit? >> you sandbagged me. david: we'll talk to you next month. adam klotz, thank you very much. >> following through on a campaign promise. promises made, promised kept. what moves is president trump making to keep our farmers happy? details coming next. ♪ ron! something's going on at schwab. oh really? thank you clients?
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susan: keeping his promise to america's farmers, president trump is on his way to iowa and he is expected to revise fuel guidelines and announce a hike in the ethanol limit in gasoline. the president is speaking to reporters before taking off for the hawkeye state just earlier this hour. >> we're taking care of our refineries and our refiners and they have done a fantastic job but we want to get more fuel into the system. this is a great thing. a great for our farmers. a promise i made to the campaign. as you know i keep my promises. susan: here to react, john hoffmeister, founder of citizens for responsible energy, former ceo of the shell oil company. promises made, promises kept,
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year-round sales of e15, ethanol grade gasoline. people don't think it will move the needle because it isn't sold at pumps right now. >> it is incremental move. it will not happen immediately. it will take time. there may be challenges to it, but it's a promise that is being kept. it is good for consumers. in the long run anything we do that break the back of opec price something good for american consumers. i've been in favor of more ethanol for a long time made from natural gas. i think more ethanol in the system, less imported oil and we can say good-bye to opec at some point. susan: the adoption of ethanol-based gasoline has been slow. i'm wondering do you really think it will impact the oil industry all that much? >> not in this round. 5% addition is really an incremental move, relative to the vast, vast volumes we're
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refining in this country. keep in mind we're exporting. of the gasoline and diesel we're producing today, because we have so much more crude oil than we used to. so it is not going to be a big impact on oil. susan: sign of times changing. u.s. is the largest exporter of oil globally. does this help u.s. farmers? >> it will, more solid base for selling corn. corn is always commodity priced item just like oil. if you have more demand for the corn, that is better for farmer. that's what they do, they grow concern are corn. natural gas is good source for ethanol as well. >> helping midwest republicans in crucial swing states as well. do you think this, the optics help them in the midterm vote? >> well, i think from a political standpoint it certainly won't hurt.
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it can help, yes. with the noise around the system on tariffs and issues with china, which has huge, huge, power and whether they're able to purchase, whether companies in china are able to purchase american goods or not, because of the authoritarian nature of the state, i think that this is a way of providing more volume for american farmers, in face of tariffs and potential chinese cutoffs is very good idea. both politically and as well as commercially. susan: always greatful for your time, thank you very much. >> thank you. david: good man. did you ever feel like your technology was listening to you? susan: yes. david: now it could actually be watching you as well. susan: oh, great. david: frightening details coming next. ♪
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>> i've got my eye on you, facebook just unveiling its new smart speaker, for video calls, allowing the device to follow you, with a wide lens, as you move around the room. doesn't that sound so enticing? the speaker is raising major privacy concerns though, not surprising especially following facebook's recent data breach the social media company, david as you know, has been attempting ease concerns. david: but they haven't done much they say "facebook doesn't listen to you" or keep the contents of your portal video calls, your portal conversations stay between you and the people you're calling. if you believe that i've got here is the one that gets me. there was a wall street journal piece today about how this woman had alexa going in her living room and she was crying and alexa spoke to her and said don't worry, it's going to be okay. >> susan: artificial
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intelligence. david: weird somebody program med that into it or maybe they are learning on the job, alexa is but i don't want them to be watching me either. susan: not in my home, no no no david: evening edit starts right now. have a great night. >> look at what has happened in two years, with the united states on foreign policy. now, the united states is respected, countries may not like what we do, but they respect what we do. they know that if we say we're going to do something we follow it through and the president proved that whether it was the chemical weapons in syria, whether it was nato saying that other countries have to pay their share, whether it's the trade deals which has been amazing. they get that the president means business, and they follow through with that. the u.s. is strong again and the u.s. is strong in a way that should make all americans very proud. >> liz: well nikki haley resigns as u.n. ambassador. the media going haywire


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